Newsgroups Now Offers 50 Simultaneous Connections

50connections Newsgroups recently upgraded its services again which now allow access to a total of 50 simultaneous connections. The connection upgrade now allows for faster connections and overall speed when accessing any of the 107,000 newsgroups the USENET access provider carries.
The increase in simultaneous connections is now more than double as Newsgroups offers an additional 30 connections to its previous 20 simultaneous connection limit. The increase in simultaneous connections will now allow Newsgroup members to access newsgroups easier and faster than ever. By increasing the number of connections, users will have to wait less when accessing multiple articles from any of the thousands of newsgroups that Newsgroups carry.
Recently, Newsgroups also announced an increase in article retention that has grown past the 500 day mark. With this new increase in retention, which allows older articles to be retrieved, having an increase to 50 simultaneous connections couldn’t have come at a better time.
The increase to 50 simultaneous connections affects both US and EU customers. The Newsgroups member’s area blog offers additional information and advice on how to set up a newsreader to increase the number of connections it allows.
All of these upgrades are included with a Newsgroups membership and do not incur any additional charges for any of these upgrades. Newsgroups prides itself on providing premium features and services as a trusted name as a USENET access provider. The latest round of upgrades and features from Newsgroups are part of the continuing process of delivering premium features and services as a trusted USENET access provider.

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