From [email protected] Tue Feb 18 00:32:43 1992
Flags: 000000000201
Newsgroups: news.groups,news.announce.newgroups,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.china,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.sri-lanka,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.religion.islam
From: [email protected] (Eric Deering)
Subject: CALL FOR DISCUSSION: soc.culture.african.american
Followup-To: news.groups
Summary: Creating a new newsgroup: soc.culture.african.american
Reply-To: [email protected] (Eric Deering)
Organization: Oracle Corporation, Belmont, CA
References: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 90 01:42:07 GMT
Keywords: posted

This is a formal CALL FOR DISCUSSION about the creation of an unmoderated
group to discuss issues and events of concern to African Americans, as well as
people of African descent residing in the general vicinity of United States
(i.e. U.S., Canada, the Carribean, etc...). The proposed name of this group 
will be Soc.culture.african.american, and it will be a forum of discussion for 
topics usually attributed to the regular soc.culture groups (i.e. sports, 
music, politics, business, the media, history, the Arts, the sciences, 

Because of the great diversity of African descendents in the Americas, it is 
difficult to create a newsgroup that is all things to all people. The primary
focus of this group will be towards those descendents of the African diaspora
living in the United States and countries adjoining the United States 
(i.e. Canada and the Carribean islands). It is hoped that someday 
other newsgroups of a similar nature will be spun off from this one.

So far, there has been a lot of interest in creating this group, via local 
discussion on soc.culture.african and various emailings.

Right now, the group is to be unmoderated unless someone would like to act 
as a moderator. Unfortunately, I cannot commit myself to the task, but if 
someone is willing, and people want a moderated group, please volunteer.

As per the guidelines, discussion will last at least 2 weeks, the discussion
being held on news.groups, NOT soc.culture.african. Please post ALL 
future comments to news.groups and not to me. Discussion will begin 
today, Monday, March 12, and will end on Tuesday, March 27 at midnight. 
Afterwards, a call for votes will be made by me. Thanks!


1) This shall be an unmoderated newsgroup to discusses issues and events
   of interest to people of African descent residing in the general vicinity
   of the United States of America, which would encompass the United States,
   Canada, and the islands of the Carribean.

2) Anyone can post to this newsgroup.

3) Articles posted to this group should be of interest to the readers 
   of the newsgroup. Topics of interest would be the following:

   - politics, new/old legislation, politicians;
   - culture, history, philosophy, ideology, geography;
   - educational issues;
   - business related issues;
   - societies, traditions, customs;
   - literature, poetry, art, music, folklore;
   - languages, books;
   - science, technology;
   - food, cookery;
   - the media, popular entertainment, television, cinema 
   - local events, news, programs, economy;
   - communities abroad, problems, needs; and
   - *things* normally discussed in the "soc.culture" newsgroups.

3) This newsgroup is NOT to be used to bash people from different ethnic 
   groups. Flames and the like should be avoided.

4) Articles related to other ethnic groups are welcome and encouraged, so 
   long as the discussion does not get inflammatory (see 3) above).
Eric Deering
[email protected]

From [email protected] Tue Feb 18 00:39:30 1992
Flags: 000000000201
Newsgroups: soc.culture.african,soc.culture.misc,news.announce.newgroups
From: [email protected] (Eric Deering)
Subject: CALL FOR VOTES: soc.culture.african-american
Summary: CALL FOR VOTES: soc.culture.african-american
Reply-To: [email protected] (Eric Deering)
Organization: Oracle Corporation, Belmont, CA
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 90 20:10:32 GMT
Keywords: posted

Well, the time has come. This is a formal CALL FOR VOTES for the 
creation of an unmoderated group to discuss issues and events of concern 
to African Americans, as well as people of African descent residing in 
the general vicinity of United States (i.e. U.S., Canada, the Carribean, 
etc...). The name of this group will be Soc.culture.african-american, having
the below stated charter.

The voting period will start today, Tuesday March 27, and will end on 
April 16 at midnight. Votes received after this time will NOT be counted.
Mail all votes to me: [email protected]. DO NOT POST YOUR VOTES!!!

If you have sent me votes before today, March 27, please resend them. 
Only votes made during the voting period are allowed. A listing of all 
voters will be posted by me at the end of the voting period to 
news.announce.newgroups showing the voting results.


Here are some of the standard voting guidelines:

1) ONLY votes MAILED to the vote-taker will count. Votes posted to the net
   for any reason (including inability to get mail to the vote-taker) and 
   proxy votes (such as having a mailing list maintainer claim a vote for 
   each member of the list) may not be counted.

2) Votes may not be transferred to other, similar proposals. A vote shall
   count only for the EXACT proposal that it is a response to. In particular,
   a vote for or against a newsgroup under one name shall NOT be counted as
   a vote for or against a newsgroup with a different name or charter,
   a different moderated/unmoderated status or (if moderated) a different
   moderator or set of moderators.

3) Votes MUST be explicit; they should be of the form "I vote for the
   group as proposed" or "I vote against the group
   as proposed". The wording doesn't have to be exact, it just needs to
   be unambiguous. In particular, statements of the form "I would vote
   for this group if..." should be considered comments only and not
   counted as votes.
*For more information, read "How to Create a New Newsgroup" under news.groups*

Come one, come all! Let the voting begin!

Eric Deering



1) This shall be an unmoderated newsgroup to discusses issues and events
   of interest to people of African descent residing in the general vicinity
   of the United States of America, which would encompass the United States,
   Canada, and the islands of the Carribean.

2) Anyone can post to this newsgroup.

3) Articles posted to this group should be of interest to the readers 
   of the newsgroup. Topics of interest would be the following:

   - politics, new/old legislation, politicians;
   - culture, history, philosophy, ideology, geography;
   - educational issues;
   - business related issues;
   - societies, traditions, customs;
   - literature, poetry, art, music, folklore;
   - languages, books;
   - science, technology;
   - food, cookery;
   - the media, popular entertainment, television, cinema 
   - local events, news, programs, economy;
   - communities abroad, problems, needs; and
   - *things* normally discussed in the "soc.culture" newsgroups.

3) This newsgroup is NOT to be used to bash people from different ethnic 
   groups. Flames and the like should be avoided.

4) Articles related to other ethnic groups are welcome and encouraged, so 
   long as the discussion does not get inflammatory (see 3) above).
Eric Deering
[email protected]

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