Newsgroups: rec.arts.animation
From: [email protected] (Will Bell)
Subject: [rec.arts.animation] Frequently Asked Questions v. 29
Summary: Contains Q&A for new users of this newsgroup. Pls read before posting.
Keywords: animation faq
Reply-To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 08:22:36 GMT
Sender: [email protected]

Archive-name: animation-faq
Version: 29  1996/03/05

  *** REC.ARTS.ANIMATION Frequently asked questions ***

+ A "+" in column 1 indicates new information updated between
+ 1995/12/15 and 1996/03/05.  Also, the 1.x numbering scheme
+ has been dropped, since I can't ever foresee changing the
+ document substantially enough to get to version 2.


  1.  Introduction
  2.  Questions:
      Q1.  Where can I get a copy of the movie *Heavy Metal* on VHS?
      Q2.  But I just went to a ComicCon and a vendor had copies with ...
      Q3.  I will surely die if I don't get (MyFaveCartoon) on VHS!  Where ...
      Q3a. I heard about this place called the Whole Toon Catalog....
      Q4.  Any other mail order vendors I need to know about?
      Q5.  I'm into anime (Japanese Animation).  Why no anime posts?
      Q6.  Any other toon newsgroups I need to know about?
      Q7.  Where can I get the soundtrack from *The Last Unicorn*?
      Q8.  What are the lyrics to (MyFaveCartoon'sThemeSong)?
      Q9.  What cartoons are on *The Golden Age of Looney Tunes*?
      Q10  Does anyone have a gif of (MyFaveAnimatedScene?)
      Q11. What about those of us who are really interested in the actual
           creating of animation?  Drawing, etc?
      Q12. Are there any magazines, etc. dealing with Animation?
      Q13. What's the deal with editing on Tex Avery video collections?
      Q14. Any good books on Animation / Cartoons?
  3.  Misc. information sources
      S1.  FTP site for Local 839 IATSE (Animators' Union)
  4.  Frequently Discussed Topics that tend to go nowhere
  5.  Acknowledgements & Distribution rights


  Rec.arts.animation is a relatively high-volume newsgroup which is intended
  to discuss animation of any kind.  No subjects are taboo, but discussion
  tends to focus on cartoons of all sorts -- how they are made, how good they
  are, how BAD they are :-), and any other toon-related issues.

  As with any other newsgroup, there are several questions that come up
  repeatedly.  This document attempts to provide authoritative answers
  to some of these FAQ's.

  If you have a suggestion, complaint, or any other comment, please MAIL
  it to me at [email protected].  This file is posted automatically by
  machine, and I sometimes fall behind in my newsreading.  There is a
  good chance I will not see your comments if you post them.  So please
  email me instead.  It may take me some time to incorporate your comments
  into this file.  All comments are saved and WILL be included at some point
  in the future as my time allows.

  This FAQ, as well as many other FAQ's appearing on the net, is posted to
  news.answers.  You can ftp FAQ's mentioned in this document from  If you do not have ftp, send a message to
  "[email protected]" with the word "help" in the body.  The server
  will send you instructions on retrieving the files via email.

  This FAQ is posted about every 15 days.  You may also request it via
  email (give me several days to respond).


  Q1.  Where can I get a copy of the movie *Heavy Metal* on VHS?

  A1.  Heavy Metal (the movie) is not licensed on video cassette in the US.
       From the horse's mouth:

          "We are constantly asked where one can buy the video of *Heavy
          Metal: The Film.*  You can't.  It's not available.  At the time
          the movie was made the film company, Columbia Pictures, didn't
          obtain the rights to the music.  It's been a long, arduous endeavor,
          but we are working on it, and hopefully we'll have some good news
          about a possible video in the future."

                                          Julie Simmons-Lynch
                                          Heavy Metal magazine
                                          Summer 1988 issue

       The US Pay Cable channel Cinemax shows Heavy Metal approximately every
       8 months.  The most recent reported showing was in November 1992.
       (It may have aired since then, but has not been reported to the
       newsgroup.)  Ted Turner has acquired rights to it;  a butchered
       version of it is shown occasionally on TNT and/or TBS.

+      A correspondent reports that the video of Heavy Metal can be rented
+      from Le Video, 1231 and 1239 9th Avenue, San Francisco, Ca 94122,
+      tel.  (415) 566-3606.

  Q2.  But I just went to a ComicCon and a vendor had copies with color covers
       and everything!

  A2.  The movie is widely bootlegged.  Some vendors dress them up to make
       look official, but the fact remains that they are bootlegs.

  Q3.  I will surely die if I don't get (MyFaveCartoon) on VHS!  Where can I
       buy it?

       If it's a Warners or MGM cartoon, there's a very large chance it's
       been released on VHS.  Check mass merchandisers such as K-Mart and
       Wal-Mart, and also check places like Suncoast Motion Pictures (a
       store that sells only videos).  Suncoast usually has a very good
       selection of toons.

  Q3a. I heard about this place called the Whole Toon Catalog that was
       supposed to have the world's best selection of toons on video?

  A3a. Sadly, as of December 1995, the Whole Toon Catalog is out of business.

  Q4.  Any other mail order vendors I need to know about?

  A4.  Warner Bros Catalog -- sells Looney Tunes material as well as
       promotional materials for their current movies and TV shows.
       The merchandise is usually overpriced and unexceptional.  (IMHO)
                  Warner Bros. Catalog
                  PO Box 60048
                  Tampa FL  33660-0048
                  (800) 223-6524
       Most of the merchandise available in the catalog is also available at
       the Warner Bros.  Studio Stores.  These are not nearly as widespread
       as the Disney stores, though their numbers are growing rapidly.  The
       800 number above should be able to tell you the WBSS nearest to your

       Disney Catalog --
                  The Disney Catalog
                  PO Box 28144
                  Shawnee Mission KS  66201-9144
                  (800) 237-5751
       (any others?)

  Q5.  I'm into anime (Japanese Animation).  Why don't I ever see any anime
       posts here?

  A5.  They are all in rec.arts.anime, which has its own FAQ.  The
       maintainer of that FAQ has volunteered to answer queries, etc.,
       outside of r.a.anime.  Email to [email protected].

  Q6.  Any other toon newsgroups I need to know about?

  A6.  Here are a few and what they focus on :

       alt.animation.warner-bros -- Warner Bros. cartoons (old and new) -- Fox-TV Cartoon "Animaniacs" (*)
+ -- Fox-TV Cartoon "Eek the cat"
+ -- the 100% CGI Saturday morning cartoon. -- Fox-TV Cartoon "Tiny Toon Adventures" (*) -- Looser discussion of toons. --  Syndicated cartoons in
          "The Disney Afternoon" (Goof Troop, Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck,
          Tale Spin) and DuckTales (and others?) -- Nickelodeon cartoon "The Ren & Stimpy Show" (*) -- a lesser-distributed newsgroup.
       rec.arts.disney.animation -- Any and all things Disney, tends to focus
          more on the animated feature films (*) -- Fox-TV Cartoon "The Simpsons" (*) -- technical details of computer animation -- MTV show "Liquid Television"
+      rec.arts.comics.other-media -- animated versions of comic books

       (*) Indicates the group has its own FAQ which you can ftp from (/pub/usenet)

       Discussion about the Disney Afternoon also takes place on a mailing
       list as well as the newsgroup listed above.  All of the "true fans"
       are on the mailing list. :-)  The most ground-breaking news from the
       list is posted to the newsgroup.  Send mail to
       [email protected] to be placed on this mailing list.

  Q7.  Where can I get the soundtrack from *The Last Unicorn*?

  A7.  The soundtrack exists, but is not released in the US.  Here's the
       pertinent info.
          "Das Letzte Einhorn"
          released by Virgin Records (in then West Germany, I believe)
          copyright 1982,  CD # 610 388-222
          running time: 38 min.

+       A correspondent has suggested German Music Express as a possible
+       source. 'telnet' and follow the prompts.

  Q8.  What are the lyrics to (MyFaveCartoon'sThemeSong)?

  A8.  I have lyrics for Disney Afternoon and some Jay Ward cartoons.  Mail me
       requests.  I am trying to build up a repository of lyrics and then
       stash them at some ftp site.  Contributions gratefully accepted!

  Q9.  What cartoons are on *The Golden Age of Looney Tunes*?  How about the
       other tapes?  Any other laserdiscs?

  A9.  I have a list which includes all the data for the current MGM/UA and
       Warner VHS tapes and laser discs.  Due to space considerations, it is
       not included here.  To obtain this list by email, send mail to
       [email protected] with a subject of "SENDME lt.lis".

  Q10. Does anyone have a gif of (MyFaveAnimatedScene?)

+ A10. Most sites that used to offer images, now no longer do so due
+      to copyright issues.  Check  In
+      the interest of keeping myself totally free from legal burden,
+      I no longer maintain a list of sites.

  Q11. What about those of us who are really interested in the actual
       creating of animation?  Drawing, etc?

  A11. The address for the animator's mailing list is
       [email protected]; sending e-mail with a subject of
       "subscribe" will automatically join you to it.

  Q12. Are there any magazines, etc. dealing with animation?

  A12. A list follows, which is surely not all-inclusive.  Thanks to
       Emru Townsend for the info.

       A-Ni-Me, Neo-Tokyo Enterprises/Mike Tatsugawa
       2425 B Channing Way, Suite 310, Berkeley, CA 74704
       $15.00 (includes tax, shipping & handling), published annually
       Anime Magazine

       Animaster, The Goodwill Network/Massimo Iorillo
       P.O. Box 3244, 1499 Yverdon, Switzerland, Europe
       Anime magazine

+      Animation Magazine,
       5889 Kanan Road, #317, Agoura Hills, CA 91301; tel: (800) 996-TOONS

       Animato, the Animation Fan's Magazine
       17 Spruce St. Springfield, MA 01105
       Quarterly animation magazine; $12/four issues; tel: (413) 731-7928

       13 Ringway Road Part Street, St. Albans, Herts, AL2 2RE, England
       Animation magazine

       Anime UK
       70 Mortimer Street, London, England W1N 7DF, tel: +44 (0)71 637 2588
       Japanese animation magazine

       Big Reel, P.O. Box 1050, Dubuque, IA 52004
       Subscription: $25 for 12 monthly issues; tel: (800) 334-7165
       Magazine for film collectors

       fps, PO Box 355, Station H, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 2L1
       Small-press animation magazine, contact [email protected]

       In Toon!, PO Box 217, Gracie Station, New York, NY 10028
       A magazine for collectors of original animation art; $18/year

       Toon Magazine, Black Bear Press, 2828 Cochran St. Suite #152,
            Simi Valley, CA  93065
       Contains episode descriptions and summaries for current and older
       cartoon series (American and anime).  Also contains articles on
       selected series as well as pictures of some of the individual voice
       actors.  Individual issues are available for $7.95 newsstand; the
       magazine is published quarterly.

  Q13. What's the deal with editing on Tex Avery video collections?

+ A13. Michael W. Denney provides the following info:

       The first pressing of the Complete Tex Avery set contains two edited
       cartoons.  This was a mistake by MGM/Turner and the second pressing
       is supposed to be correct.  I wouldn't recommend buying a copy
       without first verifying it is the unedited version.  In "Droopy's
       Good Deed" look for the exploding hat, if the man continues counting
       out the money in black-face with a southern accent you have the
       unedited version.

+      Further information from MGM/UA home video:
+      "Unfortunately, it doesn't look as if the uncensored versions will
+      see the light of day.  There are no plans from Turner, despite
+      several consumer petitions, to re-release these cartoons in their
+      full length.  The rumor [ that a second unedited pressing of the box
+      set was or will be made ] is untrue."
+      So, the edits are there but there is nothing anyone can do about
+      them.  Incidentally, the letter I received from MGM/UA makes it sound
+      as if they don't *quite* know what they are talking about and I
+      wonder whether they are getting these edits confused with the new ban
+      on "Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips".  Regardless their answer is a pretty
+      definite negative.

  Q14. Any good books on Animation / Cartoons?

  A14. For Disney books, I refer you to part 03 of Tom Tanida's excellent
       FAQ for rec.arts.disney (see above for instructions on how to get
       this list).

       Whole Toon has a large list of animation books available, including
       many Disney books and several non-Disney books.  Some suggestions
       from the net:

       Adamson, Joe; "Tex Avery: King of Cartoons"; printed in 1975;
          A biography of Tex Avery. It has a filmography listing credits
          with a short description and rating of each cartoon. There is
          an interview with Tex Avery and a fair number  of black and
          white stills for films, character sheets.

       Beck, Jerry and Will Friedwald; "Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies" 1988;
          Ultimate reference of Warner Brothers cartoons.  Chronological
          filmography of releases with synopsis and full credits.

       Giannalberto Bendazzi; CARTOONS , One hundred years of cinema
          animation; Publisher:  JOHN LIBBEY & CO.  LTD 13 Smiths Yard,
          Summerly Street, London SW18 4HR, England, Orders:  +44 279 417134.

       Blanc, Mel; "That's not All, Folks";
          Mel Blanc's biography (I guess, I've not read it.)

       Brion, Patrick; "Tom & Jerry: The Definitive Guide to their Animated
          Adventures"; New York, Harmony Books, 1990.  A translation of the
          1987 French edition.  An extremely thorough and beautiful
          treatment of the Tom and Jerry series from 1940 to 1967.  Includes
          complete production information on each film, including music
          used, animators, etc.  Very large and gorgeous--lots of color
          pictures.  [Ed.  Note:  If you are a Tom & Jerry fan, you must own
          this book.  It is a very well-done production.  I found it at a
          used bookstore for $10 -- lists for $40!  Or, PSB suggests this
          source:  Edward R. Hamilton, Bookseller, Falls Village, CT
          06031-5000--he doesn't do phone orders, so write for a catalog.]

       John Canemaker, Felix: "The Twisted Tale of the World's Most Famous Cat"
          Chronicles the rise of Felix during the silent era, his fall and
          rise again as a television star.  Lots of great art, a
          bibliography and short filmography.  New York, Pantheon Books,

       Carbarga, Leslie; "The Fleischer Story" 1988;
          A chronicle of the rise and fall of the Fleischer brothers, the
          pioneering animators responsible for Betty Boop, Koko the Clown,
          Popeye among others.  Contains a complete filmography.

       Donald Crafton; "Before Mickey: The Animated Film 1898-1928";
          Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 1982.  The definitive scholarly work
          on the early animated film.  Lots of illustrations and a
          bibliography.  The book ends where most begins--with Walt Disney's
          work.  Great of pre-film entertainments, Emile Cohl, Winsor McCay,
          Bray's invention of the cel technique, Paul Terry's Aesop's
          Fables, Fleischer's Out of the Ink-well series, Felix the Cat.
          Crafton's writing is extremely readable considering his amazing

      Freberg, Stan; "It Only Hurts When I Laugh"; 1994; Times Books.
          Deals mainly with his involvement with cartoons but does have
          stuff about his work in radio and advertising.

       Jones, Chuck; "Chuck Amuck --- The Life and Times of an Animated
          Cartoonist"; 1990; An autobiography of Chuck Jones.  It has a fair
          number of sketches, stories etc about the Warner Brother studios.
          Includes a filmography.

       Lenburg, Jeff; "Encyclopedia of Animated Cartoons" 1991; The most
          comprehensive reference for theatrical cartoons and feature films,
          and television, listing individual episode titles.  Entries
          include creators, directors, studios, voices, plot summaries and
          other trivia.

       Maltin, Leonard; "Of Mice and Magic:  A History of American
          Animated Cartoons"; 1987; A history of the major american
          animation studios, focusing up until the 1960's studios.  Detailed
          filmography.  Good overall history of the US animation houses.
          Considered THE history of American Animation

       Schneider, Steve; "That's All Folks" 1988; Detailed history of the
          Warner Brothers cartooning.  Chapters focus on individual
          characters and a complete chronological filmography is included.
          Lavishly illustrated.

       Sennett, Ted; "The Art of Hanna-Barbara" 1989;
          Coffee Table book thoroughly chronicles characters and series
          created by Hanna Barbara.  Lavishly illustrated with publicity
          stills and production art.  No filmography or episode titles.

       Solomon, Charles; "Enchanted Drawings: The HiStory of Animation" 1989;
          Huge art book, looks at the field chronologically as opposed to
          focusing on certain studios.  Incredible assortment of drawings
          and cels.  Expensive.

       Thomas, Frank and Ollie Johnston; "Disney Animation: The Illusion of
          Life";  "Good for the animator and non-animator alike."  575pp.


  S1.  Local 839 IATSE FTP site  (following info provided by them)

       The Motion Picture Screen Cartoonists and Affiliated Optical Electronic
       and Graphic Arts, Local 839 IATSE is pleased to announce the availability
       by anonymous FTP of information files about our organization.

       Ftp to and check out the directory /pub/mpsc839.
       Information available includes the collective bargaining agreement
       between Local 839 and most animation concerns in SoCal;  the
       complete schedule of the American Animation Institute, an educational
       program administered by Local 839; excerpts of recent back issues of
       THE PEG-BOARD, Local 839's monthly newsletter;  and more.

       For further information, email [email protected].  Jeff Massie
       is the human behind this alias.


  "Below are a list of topics that when brought up frequently start heated
  flame wars.  When discussing them, please remember that they are a matter
  of personal opinion and not some absolute set of value judgements that
  everyone should subscribe to -- after all it is the diversity that makes
  Usenet the interesting place it is.  When flame wars get out of hand, the
  moderate parties often drop out or unsubcribe to the group as a result."

  *  US Animation vs. Japanese Animation (anime)
  *  Tiny Toons are/aren't ripoffs of Looney Tunes
  *  "(MyFaveCartoon) is the best cartoon in existence.  Flame me."
  *  "(YourFaveCartoon) is a piece of .  Flame me."


  *** ACKS

  The following people contributed to this document:
          Roger P. Ang ([email protected])
          Priscilla Stearns Barlow 
          Enrique Conty ([email protected])
+         Michael W. Denney ([email protected])
+         Bob Edwards 
          J. J. Kwashnak ([email protected])
          Tad Morgan ([email protected])
+         Cliff Nesteroff 
          Tony Palombella ([email protected])
          Vince Taluskie ([email protected])
          Emru Townsend 
          Dana Uehara ([email protected])


  This document may be distributed freely throughout the net so long
  as all identifying information and this disclaimer appears intact.

  This document, or any derivative works thereof, may not be sold or
  redistributed for profit in any way without express permission of the
  editor.   If you are compiling a CD-ROM and desire to include this FAQ,
  please consult the editor to negotiate appropriate permissions and
  releases.  Normally I will require stipulations on header formats and a
  free copy of the end product if appropriate.

  This document represents the collective effort of many USENET animation
  fans.  We appreciate your honoring of this policy.

  *** NOTICE

  If you are reading this off of a CD-ROM, you should be aware that the
  vendor of your CD-ROM has not asked for permission to use this FAQ;  if
  they had I would have supplied them with a version missing this
  paragraph.  I strongly encourage you to avoid vendors who shamelessly
  milk the net without even asking first.
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