From [email protected] Wed Jan 20 22:59:35 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mike Levis)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.os2.misc,comp.os.os2.programmer,comp.os.os2.networking,,comp.os.msdos.misc,comp.os.msdos.desqview
Subject: RFD: comp.os.os2.{announce,ver1x,beta}
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 20 Jan 1993 19:20:40 -0500
Organization: University of Texas at San Antonio
Lines: 73
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3158 news.groups:64753 comp.os.os2.misc:47292 comp.os.os2.programmer:9431 comp.os.os2.networking:2838 comp.os.msdos.misc:10871 comp.os.msdos.desqview:5111


	This is a Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of three OS/2
	(1)  comp.os.os2.ver1x      (unmoderated)
	(2)  comp.os.os2.beta       (unmoderated)
	(3)  comp.os.os2.announce   (moderated)


	OS/2 1.x (that is, versions of OS/2 up to 1.3) is a 16-bit operating
	system designed for the Intel 286 processor.  It supports running
	one DOS application, and multiple OS/2 1.x applications simultaneously
	(IBM is still supporting OS/2 1.x).

	OS/2 2.x (that is, versions of OS/2 since 2.0) is a 32-bit operating
	system designed for the Intel 386SX and higher processors.  It
	supports running multiple DOS, Windows, OS/2 1.x, and OS/2 2.x
	applications simultaneously.

	IBM has allowed testers of various OS/2 2.x betas to discuss their
	opinions and feature requests for the betas in public, with no "non-
	disclosure agreements."  In addition, IBM has and is giving out betas
	of OS/2 2.1 for free (either on CD-ROM for a US$15 shipping fee, or
	from ftp sites such as and
	with no charge, read comp.os.os2.misc for details) to anyone who wants

	In addition, IBM will start beta testing of OS/2 3.0 Mach in late
	1993 or 1994.  This operating system is based on the Mach microkernel,
	will support multiple processors, and will run on a variety of
	hardware architectures.  It will also run DOS, Windows, 32-bit OS/2,
	and AIX (IBM's version of UNIX) applications.

	So, in effect, there are 3 distinct classes of OS/2 now available:
	OS/2 1.x, OS/2 2.x, and various betas of upcoming versions.

Proposed Charters:

	comp.os.os2.ver1x (unmoderated) will allow users of OS/2 1.x to
	discuss all types of issues regarding OS/2 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

	comp.os.os2.beta (unmoderated) will allow beta testers to discuss
	bugs, features, suggestions, and availability of beta versions of
	OS/2, including both OS/2 2.x and OS/2 3.x Mach.  In addition, this
	newsgroup will also be used for discussing desired features for
	future beta releases, especially when a beta version is not an active
	topic of discussion.

	comp.os.os2.announce (moderated by Dave Tholen, e-mail address of
	[email protected]) will carry news and announcements
	related to OS/2:
	(1)  FAQ Lists
	(2)  new applications
	(3)  new releases of OS/2 and accessories, including beta
	(4)  CSD announcements
	(5)  summaries of APARs opened
	(6)  OS/2 Worldwide BBS List
	(7)  Miscellaneous material


	This RFD was issued on January 19, and will last for 30 days.  If
	this RFD is approved, a CFV will be issued on February 19, and
	the voting period will end at 11:59 pm (CST), March 12.
--:--~  (OS|  Mike Levis
S/2)  .--:-|  [email protected]
 (OS/2)--~ |  Unofficial OS/2 Spokesmodel

From [email protected] Tue Feb 23 23:39:33 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mike Levis)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.os2.misc,comp.os.os2.programmer,comp.os.os2.networking,,comp.os.msdos.misc,comp.os.msdos.desqview
Subject: CFV: comp.os.os2.{announce,ver1x,beta}
Followup-To: poster
Date: 23 Feb 1993 14:33:58 -0500
Organization: University of Texas at San Antonio
Lines: 174
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3271 news.groups:67294 comp.os.os2.misc:51941 comp.os.os2.programmer:10538 comp.os.os2.networking:3483 comp.os.msdos.misc:11576 comp.os.msdos.desqview:5471


	This is a Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation of three OS/2
	(1)  comp.os.os2.ver1x      (unmoderated)
	(2)  comp.os.os2.beta       (unmoderated)
	(3)  comp.os.os2.announce   (moderated)

	This document contains:
	*  the background showing the need for these newsgroups
	*  the proposed charters for these newsgroups
	*  voting instructions
	*  a voting ballot
	*  some example ballots
	*  the voting rules
	*  the voting schedule


	OS/2 1.x (that is, versions of OS/2 up to 1.3) is a 16-bit operating
	system designed for the Intel 286 processor.  It supports running
	one DOS application, and multiple OS/2 1.x applications simultaneously
	(IBM is still supporting OS/2 1.x).

	OS/2 2.x (that is, versions of OS/2 since 2.0) is a 32-bit operating
	system designed for the Intel 386SX and higher processors.  It
	supports running multiple DOS, Windows, OS/2 1.x, and OS/2 2.x
	applications simultaneously.

	IBM has allowed testers of various OS/2 2.x betas to discuss their
	opinions and feature requests for the betas in public, with no "non-
	disclosure agreements."  In addition, IBM has and is giving out betas
	of OS/2 2.1 for free (either on CD-ROM for a US$15 shipping fee, or
	from ftp sites such as and
	with no charge, read comp.os.os2.misc for details) to anyone who wants

	In addition, IBM will start beta testing of OS/2 3.0 Mach in late
	1993 or 1994.  This operating system is based on the Mach microkernel,
	will support multiple processors, and will run on a variety of
	hardware architectures.  It will also run DOS, Windows, 32-bit OS/2,
	and AIX (IBM's version of UNIX) applications.

	So, in effect, there are 3 distinct classes of OS/2 now available:
	OS/2 1.x, OS/2 2.x, and various betas of upcoming versions.

Proposed Charters:

	comp.os.os2.ver1x (unmoderated) will allow users of OS/2 1.x to
	discuss all types of issues regarding OS/2 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

	comp.os.os2.beta (unmoderated) will allow beta testers to discuss
	bugs, features, suggestions, and availability of beta versions of
	OS/2, including both OS/2 2.x and OS/2 3.x Mach.  In addition, this
	newsgroup will also be used for discussing desired features for
	future beta releases, especially when a beta version is not an active
	topic of discussion.

	comp.os.os2.announce (moderated by Dave Tholen, e-mail address of
	[email protected]) will carry news and announcements
	related to OS/2:
	(1)  FAQ Lists
	(2)  new applications
	(3)  new releases of OS/2 and accessories, including beta
	(4)  CSD announcements
	(5)  summaries of APARs opened
	(6)  OS/2 Worldwide BBS List
	(7)  Miscellaneous material

How to Vote:

	To cast your vote, fill out the ballot below and email it to me.
	Many newsreaders will allow e-mail to be sent by replying to this
	post.  Be sure send only the ballot, and edit out the rest of this

	1)  Cut out the ballot below.

	2)  Type in your vote for each proposed newsgroup:

	    If you favor the charter as proposed, put a "yes" after its name.
	    If you oppose the charter as proposed, put a "no" after its name.
	    To abstain, leave a blank.

	3)  Type in your last name (i.e. your family name), a comma, and
	    your first name (i.e. your personal name).

	4)  Mail your ballot to [email protected] before 11:59:59 pm
	    (CST), March 20, 1993.  Remember, you should send only the
	    ballot -- trim this post, please!


----------------Cut here----------------Cut here----------------Cut here----

        a)         comp.os.os2.ver1x:
        b)          comp.os.os2.beta:
        c)      comp.os.os2.announce:

        d)  voter's last, first name:

        e-mail ballot to [email protected] by March 20

----Cut here----------------Cut here----------------Cut here----------------

Example Ballot #1:

	a)         comp.os.os2.ver1x: yes
	b)          comp.os.os2.beta:
	c)      comp.os.os2.announce: no

	d)  voter's last, first name: Smith, John

	In this example, John Smith favors the creation of comp.os.os2.ver1x,
	opposes the creation of comp.os.os2.announce, and does not have a
	view on the creation of comp.os.os2.beta.

Example Ballot #2:

	a)         comp.os.os2.ver1x: yes
	b)          comp.os.os2.beta: yes
	c)      comp.os.os2.announce: yes

	d)  voter's last, first name: Doe, Jane

	In this example, Jane Doe favors the creation of all the proposed
	newsgroup charters.

Voting Rules:

	* One vote per person.  If you vote more than once, only the most
	  recent vote will be counted.

	* Votes must be mailed to me by the person voting.  Proxy voting,
	  forwarding, posting votes to a newsgroup, etc. will not be counted.

	* Do not ask how the votes are going.  The status of the votings
	  will be revealed only after the poll closes.

	* I will acknowledge votes by Mass Acknowlegement (ACK).  I will
	  post this document twice (see Schedule below).

	* If you need help for using your editor, using e-mail, how
	  voting works in general, etc. then ask an expert at your site.
	  Also see the ``How To Create a New Newsgroup'' article which is
	  posted to news.answers on a regular basis.

	* If you need any clarifications on voting procedures for this
	  CFV, send me e-mail at [email protected].


	The voting will begin as soon as the news.announce.newgroups
	moderator posts this CFV.  Since you are reading this, vote now!

        I plan to post two repeats of this call for votes, with an
        acknowledgment of those who have voted.

	The voting deadline is 11:59:59 pm (CST), March 20, 1993.  Votes
	received after that time will not count.  I will post the voting
	results and tally shortly after that date.
--:--~  (OS|  Mike Levis                     Unoffical OS/2 Spokesmodel
S/2)  .--:-|
--:--(OS/2)|  [email protected]   ->          votes for this CFV
 (OS/2)--~ |  [email protected]  -> clarifications for this CFV

From [email protected] Wed Mar 10 21:08:10 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mike Levis)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.os2.misc,comp.os.os2.programmer,comp.os.os2.networking,,comp.os.msdos.misc,comp.os.msdos.desqview
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.os.os2.{announce,ver1x,beta}
Followup-To: poster
Date: 3 Mar 1993 23:52:51 -0500
Organization: University of Texas at San Antonio
Lines: 372
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3321 news.groups:67536 comp.os.os2.misc:53204 comp.os.os2.programmer:10885 comp.os.os2.networking:3584 comp.os.msdos.misc:11786 comp.os.msdos.desqview:5572


	This is a Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation of three OS/2
	(1)  comp.os.os2.ver1x      (unmoderated)
	(2)  comp.os.os2.beta       (unmoderated)
	(3)  comp.os.os2.announce   (moderated)

	This document contains:
	*  the background showing the need for these newsgroups
	*  the proposed charters for these newsgroups
	*  voting instructions
	*  a voting ballot
	*  some example ballots
	*  the voting rules
	*  the voting schedule
	*  the Mass Acknowledgement


	OS/2 1.x (that is, versions of OS/2 up to 1.3) is a 16-bit operating
	system designed for the Intel 286 processor.  It supports running
	one DOS application, and multiple OS/2 1.x applications simultaneously
	(IBM is still supporting OS/2 1.x).

	OS/2 2.x (that is, versions of OS/2 since 2.0) is a 32-bit operating
	system designed for the Intel 386SX and higher processors.  It
	supports running multiple DOS, Windows, OS/2 1.x, and OS/2 2.x
	applications simultaneously.

	IBM has allowed testers of various OS/2 2.x betas to discuss their
	opinions and feature requests for the betas in public, with no "non-
	disclosure agreements."  In addition, IBM has and is giving out betas
	of OS/2 2.1 for free (either on CD-ROM for a US$15 shipping fee, or
	from ftp sites such as and
	with no charge, read comp.os.os2.misc for details) to anyone who wants

	In addition, IBM will start beta testing of OS/2 3.0 Mach in late
	1993 or 1994.  This operating system is based on the Mach microkernel,
	will support multiple processors, and will run on a variety of
	hardware architectures.  It will also run DOS, Windows, 32-bit OS/2,
	and AIX (IBM's version of UNIX) applications.

	So, in effect, there are 3 distinct classes of OS/2 now available:
	OS/2 1.x, OS/2 2.x, and various betas of upcoming versions.

Proposed Charters:

	comp.os.os2.ver1x (unmoderated) will allow users of OS/2 1.x to
	discuss all types of issues regarding OS/2 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

	comp.os.os2.beta (unmoderated) will allow beta testers to discuss
	bugs, features, suggestions, and availability of beta versions of
	OS/2, including both OS/2 2.x and OS/2 3.x Mach.  In addition, this
	newsgroup will also be used for discussing desired features for
	future beta releases, especially when a beta version is not an active
	topic of discussion.

	comp.os.os2.announce (moderated by Dave Tholen, e-mail address of
	[email protected]) will carry news and announcements
	related to OS/2:
	(1)  FAQ Lists
	(2)  new applications
	(3)  new releases of OS/2 and accessories, including beta
	(4)  CSD announcements
	(5)  summaries of APARs opened
	(6)  OS/2 Worldwide BBS List
	(7)  Miscellaneous material

How to Vote:

	To cast your vote, fill out the ballot below and email it to me.
	Many newsreaders will allow e-mail to be sent by replying to this
	post.  Be sure send only the ballot, and edit out the rest of this

	1)  Cut out the ballot below.

	2)  Type in your vote for each proposed newsgroup:

	    If you favor the charter as proposed, put a "yes" after its name.
	    If you oppose the charter as proposed, put a "no" after its name.
	    To abstain, leave a blank.

	3)  Type in your last name (i.e. your family name), a comma, and
	    your first name (i.e. your personal name).

	4)  Mail your ballot to [email protected] before 11:59:59 pm
	    (CST), March 20, 1993.  Remember, you should send only the
	    ballot -- trim this post, please!


----------------Cut here----------------Cut here----------------Cut here----

        a)         comp.os.os2.ver1x:
        b)          comp.os.os2.beta:
        c)      comp.os.os2.announce:

        d)  voter's last, first name:

        e-mail ballot to [email protected] by March 20

----Cut here----------------Cut here----------------Cut here----------------

Example Ballot #1:

	a)         comp.os.os2.ver1x: yes
	b)          comp.os.os2.beta:
	c)      comp.os.os2.announce: no

	d)  voter's last, first name: Smith, John

	In this example, John Smith favors the creation of comp.os.os2.ver1x,
	opposes the creation of comp.os.os2.announce, and does not have a
	view on the creation of comp.os.os2.beta.

Example Ballot #2:

	a)         comp.os.os2.ver1x: yes
	b)          comp.os.os2.beta: yes
	c)      comp.os.os2.announce: yes

	d)  voter's last, first name: Doe, Jane

	In this example, Jane Doe favors the creation of all the proposed
	newsgroup charters.

Voting Rules:

	* One vote per person.  If you vote more than once, only the most
	  recent vote will be counted.

	* Votes must be mailed to me by the person voting.  Proxy voting,
	  forwarding, posting votes to a newsgroup, etc. will not be counted.

	* Do not ask how the votes are going.  The status of the votings
	  will be revealed only after the poll closes.

	* I will acknowledge votes by Mass Acknowlegement (ACK).  I will
	  post this document twice (see Schedule below).

	* If you need help for using your editor, using e-mail, how
	  voting works in general, etc. then ask an expert at your site.
	  Also see the ``How To Create a New Newsgroup'' article which is
	  posted to news.answers on a regular basis.

	* If you need any clarifications on voting procedures for this
	  CFV, send me e-mail at [email protected].


	The voting will begin as soon as the news.announce.newgroups
	moderator posts this CFV.  Since you are reading this, vote now!

        I plan to post two repeats of this call for votes, with an
        acknowledgment of those who have voted.

	The voting deadline is 11:59:59 pm (CST), March 20, 1993.  Votes
	received after that time will not count.  I will post the voting
	results and tally shortly after that date.

Mass Acknowledgement:

	Here is the list of people who have already sent in their
	ballots as of Feb 28 12:21am (CST).

Andrews, David  !bilver!dandrews
Asselin, Andre            [email protected]
atwood, mark              [email protected]
Badroodien, Goolam        [email protected]
Baechler, Cedric          [email protected]
Bartels, Matthew          [email protected]
Bell, Douglas             [email protected]
benz, david               [email protected]
Bodnar, John              [email protected]
Booth, Ian                [email protected]
Bowers, Neil              [email protected]
Boyce, John               [email protected]
Brors, Dieter             [email protected]
Bros, Andrew              [email protected]
Brown, Bill               [email protected]
Browne, David             [email protected]
Brucker, Ken              [email protected]
Bullock, Conrad           [email protected]
Bussert, Tod              [email protected]
Caldwell, Christopher     [email protected]
Caliaro, Aurelio          [email protected]
calvert, john             [email protected]
Carlson, Bill             [email protected]
CARR, DAVID               [email protected]
Catlin, Brian             [email protected]
Chandonia, John-Marc      [email protected]
Charlap, David            [email protected]
Chen, Ted                 [email protected]
Chouinard, Leo            [email protected]
Ciesielski, Boleslaw      [email protected]
Clement, Bruce            [email protected]
Cline, Ernest             [email protected]
Close, Paul               [email protected]
cummins, john             [email protected]
Danielsson, Mats          [email protected]
Davis, Brian              [email protected]
De Bonte, Peter           [email protected]
Driscoll, James           mcdhup!src4src!olias!maus
Drye, Stephen             [email protected]
Duffy, Patrick            [email protected]
Duncan, John              [email protected]
Dunham, Craig             [email protected]
Erkkila , Paul            [email protected]
Erzberger, Martin         [email protected]
Es, van E.R.              [email protected]
Farid, Farzad             FARID%[email protected]
Fernandes, Chris          [email protected]
Feustel, Edward           [email protected]
Fischer, Roman            [email protected]
Fischer, Stefan           [email protected]
Fleuren, Rik              [email protected]
Forsberg, Peter           [email protected]
Francis, Tim              [email protected]
Friedrich, Jochen         [email protected]
Friis, Torben             [email protected]
Garcia, Diego             [email protected]
Gearhart, Jesse           [email protected]
Gershon, Ethan            [email protected]
Girardi, Norbert          [email protected]
Gnassi, John              [email protected]
Goggin, Dave              dt4%[email protected]
Goldman, Adrian           [email protected]
Goldman, Adrian           [email protected]
Gomme, Paul               [email protected]
Goyal, Mohit              [email protected]
Graham, Glen              [email protected]
Graham, Sean              [email protected]
Grant, Jason              [email protected]
Green, Anthony            [email protected]
Grupenhoff, Mike          [email protected]
GULCU Ceki                [email protected]
Haapanen, Tom             [email protected]
Hacker; Jonathan          [email protected]
Hargrave, BJ              [email protected]
Hassa, George             [email protected]
Haun, Daniel              [email protected]
Hayman, Tim               [email protected]
Heederik, Robbert         [email protected]
Hellerhoff, Torsten       [email protected]
Hethmon, Paul             [email protected]
Hilmer, Andrew            [email protected]
Hodgen, Wayne             [email protected]
Huang, Chin               [email protected]
Huang, Ping               [email protected]
Jensen, Colin             [email protected]
Johnson, Richard          [email protected]
Jordak, Jerry             [email protected]
Jorgensen, Finn           [email protected]
Justice, James            [email protected]
Kashket, Michael          [email protected]
Kassarjian, Steven        [email protected]
Kellner, Andreas          [email protected]
Kiehl, Horst              [email protected]
Kiesow,Sven               [email protected]
Kim, Sangjoon             [email protected]
Kitchin, Bruce            [email protected]
Knudsen,Morten            [email protected]
Lacy, Stephen             [email protected]
Lagasse, Gary             [email protected]
Landstreet, Peter         [email protected]
Landy, Brian              [email protected]
Lau, Frankie              lau%[email protected]
Leiber, Michael           [email protected]
Leitner, Thomas           [email protected]
Lempriere, Mike           [email protected]
Lerbrekk, Olav            [email protected]
Lilley, Thomas            [email protected]
Lin, Yue-Herng            [email protected]
Linville, John W.         [email protected]
Lygre, Eirik              [email protected]
Mangum, Gene              [email protected]
Mayer, Gunther            [email protected]
Maynard, Jay              [email protected]
McGaugh, Ken              [email protected]
MENDELSOHN, ANDREW        [email protected]
Michael Glenn             [email protected]
Miesfeld, Mark            [email protected]
Miller, Richard           [email protected]
Misztal, Ignacy           [email protected]
Monsuez, Bruno            [email protected]
Mooney, Dave              [email protected]
Moorcroft, Marc           [email protected]
Mullins, Don              [email protected]
Murrin, John              [email protected]
Nareid, Helge             [email protected]
Nguyen, David             dnguyen@sv017
O'Rourke, Sean            [email protected]
Olson, Eric               [email protected]
Olsson, Magnus            [email protected]
Opheys, Thomas            [email protected]
Owens, Bill               [email protected]
Parks, Dwayne             [email protected]
Patel, Semir              [email protected]
Pebly, Bob                [email protected]
Phillips, Michael!atldbs!mgphl
Polo, Luca                [email protected]
Poschade, Friedhelm       [email protected]
Powell, Stephen           [email protected]
Puryear, Barry            [email protected]
Quinn, Michael            [email protected]
Ravichandran, Arunachalam [email protected]
Reisert, Jim              [email protected]
Required, Not             [email protected]
Reynolds, Robert          [email protected]
Richard, Golden           [email protected]
Robertson, James F.       [email protected]
Rogulski, Michel          [email protected]
Ruppel, Markus            [email protected]
Salzenberg, Chip          [email protected]
Sampson, Sven             [email protected]
Schepers, Peter           [email protected]
Schimke, Nathan           [email protected]
Shaker, Kamal             [email protected]
Sheka, Karthik            [email protected]
Sipples, Timothy F.       [email protected]
Skinner, James            [email protected]
Smith, Eliot              [email protected]
Sorensen, Tom             [email protected]
Sparapani, Rodney         [email protected]
Steffan, Mike   !pareto!steffan
Stirling, Ian             [email protected]
Streeter, Carl            [email protected]
Strohschein, Ralph        [email protected]
Sward, David              [email protected]
Sykes, Jonathan           [email protected]
Tessem, Rolfe             [email protected]
Tremain, Jim              [email protected]
Troy, Jerome    !dvss!jtroy
True, Tom                 [email protected]
Tsen, Maoee               [email protected]
van der Lek, Petja        [email protected]
van Woerkom, Marc         [email protected]
Veeraraghavan, Venkatesh  [email protected]
Walker, Robin             [email protected]
Wamsley, Chris            [email protected]
wantosch, rainer          [email protected]
Warsta, Ville             [email protected]
Weber-Fahr, Christoph     [email protected]
White, Joe                [email protected]
Widman, James             [email protected]
Wiegand, Robert [email protected]
Wiersema, Brian           [email protected]
Withagen, Willem Jan      [email protected]
Wittkoetter, Erland       [email protected]
Woodbury, Gregory         [email protected]
Worthington, Stephen      [email protected]
Wright, Bruce             [email protected]
Yau, Hun                  [email protected]
Zawodny, Jeremy           [email protected]
Zou, Nan                  [email protected]
--:--~  (OS|  Mike Levis                     Unoffical OS/2 Spokesmodel
S/2)  .--:-|
--:--(OS/2)|  [email protected]   ->          votes for this CFV
 (OS/2)--~ |  [email protected]  -> clarifications for this CFV

From [email protected] Thu Mar 11 14:16:28 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mike Levis)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.os2.misc,comp.os.os2.programmer,comp.os.os2.networking,,comp.os.msdos.misc,comp.os.msdos.desqview
Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.os.os2.{announce,ver1x,beta}
Followup-To: poster
Date: 11 Mar 1993 12:56:02 -0500
Organization: University of Texas at San Antonio
Lines: 529
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3352 news.groups:67926 comp.os.os2.misc:54070 comp.os.os2.programmer:11160 comp.os.os2.networking:3703 comp.os.msdos.misc:11981 comp.os.msdos.desqview:5668


	This is the third and final Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation
	of three OS/2 newsgroups:
	(1)  comp.os.os2.ver1x      (unmoderated)
	(2)  comp.os.os2.beta       (unmoderated)
	(3)  comp.os.os2.announce   (moderated)

	This document contains:
	*  the background showing the need for these newsgroups
	*  the proposed charters for these newsgroups
	*  voting instructions
	*  a voting ballot
	*  some example ballots
	*  the voting rules
	*  the voting schedule
	*  the Mass Acknowledgement


	OS/2 1.x (that is, versions of OS/2 up to 1.3) is a 16-bit operating
	system designed for the Intel 286 processor.  It supports running
	one DOS application, and multiple OS/2 1.x applications simultaneously
	(IBM is still supporting OS/2 1.x).

	OS/2 2.x (that is, versions of OS/2 since 2.0) is a 32-bit operating
	system designed for the Intel 386SX and higher processors.  It
	supports running multiple DOS, Windows, OS/2 1.x, and OS/2 2.x
	applications simultaneously.

	IBM has allowed testers of various OS/2 2.x betas to discuss their
	opinions and feature requests for the betas in public, with no "non-
	disclosure agreements."  In addition, IBM has and is giving out betas
	of OS/2 2.1 for free (either on CD-ROM for a US$15 shipping fee, or
	from ftp sites such as and
	with no charge, read comp.os.os2.misc for details) to anyone who wants

	In addition, IBM will start beta testing of OS/2 3.0 Mach in late
	1993 or 1994.  This operating system is based on the Mach microkernel,
	will support multiple processors, and will run on a variety of
	hardware architectures.  It will also run DOS, Windows, 32-bit OS/2,
	and AIX (IBM's version of UNIX) applications.

	So, in effect, there are 3 distinct classes of OS/2 now available:
	OS/2 1.x, OS/2 2.x, and various betas of upcoming versions.

Proposed Charters:

	comp.os.os2.ver1x (unmoderated) will allow users of OS/2 1.x to
	discuss all types of issues regarding OS/2 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

	comp.os.os2.beta (unmoderated) will allow beta testers to discuss
	bugs, features, suggestions, and availability of beta versions of
	OS/2, including both OS/2 2.x and OS/2 3.x Mach.  In addition, this
	newsgroup will also be used for discussing desired features for
	future beta releases, especially when a beta version is not an active
	topic of discussion.

	comp.os.os2.announce (moderated by Dave Tholen, e-mail address of
	[email protected]) will carry news and announcements
	related to OS/2:
	(1)  FAQ Lists
	(2)  new applications
	(3)  new releases of OS/2 and accessories, including beta
	(4)  CSD announcements
	(5)  summaries of APARs opened
	(6)  OS/2 Worldwide BBS List
	(7)  Miscellaneous material

How to Vote:

	To cast your vote, fill out the ballot below and email it to me.
	Many newsreaders will allow e-mail to be sent by replying to this
	post.  Be sure send only the ballot, and edit out the rest of this

	1)  Cut out the ballot below.

	2)  Type in your vote for each proposed newsgroup:

	    If you favor the charter as proposed, put a "yes" after its name.
	    If you oppose the charter as proposed, put a "no" after its name.
	    To abstain, leave a blank.

	3)  Type in your last name (i.e. your family name), a comma, and
	    your first name (i.e. your personal name).

	4)  Mail your ballot to [email protected] before 11:59:59 pm
	    (CST), March 20, 1993.  Remember, you should send only the
	    ballot -- trim this post, please!


----------------Cut here----------------Cut here----------------Cut here----

        a)         comp.os.os2.ver1x:
        b)          comp.os.os2.beta:
        c)      comp.os.os2.announce:

        d)  voter's last, first name:

        e-mail ballot to [email protected] by March 20

----Cut here----------------Cut here----------------Cut here----------------

Example Ballot #1:

	a)         comp.os.os2.ver1x: yes
	b)          comp.os.os2.beta:
	c)      comp.os.os2.announce: no

	d)  voter's last, first name: Smith, John

	In this example, John Smith favors the creation of comp.os.os2.ver1x,
	opposes the creation of comp.os.os2.announce, and does not have a
	view on the creation of comp.os.os2.beta.

Example Ballot #2:

	a)         comp.os.os2.ver1x: yes
	b)          comp.os.os2.beta: yes
	c)      comp.os.os2.announce: yes

	d)  voter's last, first name: Doe, Jane

	In this example, Jane Doe favors the creation of all the proposed
	newsgroup charters.

Voting Rules:

	* One vote per person.  If you vote more than once, only the most
	  recent vote will be counted.

	* Votes must be mailed to me by the person voting.  Proxy voting,
	  forwarding, posting votes to a newsgroup, etc. will not be counted.

	* Do not ask how the votes are going.  The status of the votings
	  will be revealed only after the poll closes.

	* I will acknowledge votes by Mass Acknowlegement (ACK).  I will
	  post this document twice (see Schedule below).

	* If you need help for using your editor, using e-mail, how
	  voting works in general, etc. then ask an expert at your site.
	  Also see the ``How To Create a New Newsgroup'' article which is
	  posted to news.answers on a regular basis.

	* If you need any clarifications on voting procedures for this
	  CFV, send me e-mail at [email protected].


	The voting period began when the news.announce.newgroups moderator
	posted this CFV.

	This is the 3rd and final CFV.  If you have not voted yet, vote

	The voting deadline is 11:59:59 pm (CST), March 20, 1993.  Votes
	received after that time will not count.  I will post the voting
	results and tally shortly after that date.

Mass Acknowledgement:

	Here is the list of people who have already sent in their
	ballots as of March 11 12:53am (CST).

                          [email protected]
Aiyagari, Sanjay          [email protected]
Alcorn, Justin            [email protected]
Andrew  Henry             [email protected]
Andrews, David  !bilver!dandrews
Anvin, Peter              [email protected]
Arien, Peter              LAAAA43%[email protected]
Asher, Robert             [email protected]
Asselin, Andre            [email protected]
atwood, mark              [email protected]
Aurand, Tom               [email protected]
Badenes, Goncal           [email protected]
Badroodien, Goolam        [email protected]
Baechler, Cedric          [email protected]
barman, scott             [email protected]
Barnfather, Paul          [email protected]
Bartels, Matthew          [email protected]
Batson, Bob               [email protected]
Beck, Mikel               [email protected]
Bedersdorfer, Jochen      [email protected]
Bell, Douglas             [email protected]
Benningfield, Robert!aurs01!aurw7a!benningf
Bentz, Greg               [email protected]
benz, david               [email protected]
Blackman, Ed              [email protected]
Bloch, Michael            [email protected]
Bodnar, John              [email protected]
Booth, Ian                [email protected]
boresch, stefan           [email protected]
Boschma, Wilfried         [email protected]
BOULTON, Gareth           [email protected]
Bowers, Neil              [email protected]
Boyce, John               [email protected]
Brongersma, Sjuck         [email protected]
Brors, Dieter             [email protected]
Bros, Andrew              [email protected]
Brown, Bill               [email protected]
Browne, David             [email protected]
Brucker, Ken              [email protected]
Bullock, Conrad           [email protected]
Burnett, Shaun            [email protected]
Burns, John               [email protected]
Bussert, Tod              [email protected]
Button, Brian             bab%[email protected]
Caldwell, Christopher     [email protected]
Caliaro, Aurelio          [email protected]
calvert, john             [email protected]
Cambria, Michael C.       [email protected]
Carlson, Bill             [email protected]
CARR, DAVID               [email protected]
Castles, Robert           [email protected]
Catlin, Brian             [email protected]
Chalek, Carl              [email protected]
Champion, Evan            [email protected]
Chandonia, John-Marc      [email protected]
Charlap, David            [email protected]
Chen, Ted                 [email protected]
Chouinard, Leo            [email protected]
Christian, Jason          [email protected]
Chua, HakLien             [email protected]
Ciesielski, Boleslaw      [email protected]
Clement, Bruce            [email protected]
Clemente, Marc F.         [email protected]
Cline, Ernest             [email protected]
Close, Paul               [email protected]
Cotner, Carl              [email protected]
Cottrell, Charles         [email protected]
Coulman, Randy            [email protected]
cummins, john             [email protected]
Danielsson, Mats          [email protected]
Daugherty, Allen          ALLEN%[email protected]
Davis, Brian              [email protected]
Davison, Andrew           [email protected]
De Bonte, Peter           [email protected]
Driscoll, James           [email protected]
Drye, Stephen             [email protected]
Dubbs, Bruce              [email protected]
Duffy, Patrick            [email protected]
Duncan, John              [email protected]
Dunham, Craig             [email protected]
Dunsmuir, Al              [email protected]
Eckstein, Knut            [email protected]
Ellerbrock, Richard       [email protected]
Elliott, David            [email protected]
Erkkila , Paul            [email protected]
Erzberger, Martin         [email protected]
Es, van E.R.              [email protected]
Farid, Farzad             FARID%[email protected]
Fengstad, Grant           [email protected]
Fernandes, Chris          [email protected]
Feustel, Edward           [email protected]
Fischer, Roman            [email protected]
Fischer, Stefan           [email protected]
Fleuren, Rik              [email protected]
Fluhr, Eric               [email protected]
Forsberg, Peter           [email protected]
Forster, Peter            [email protected]
Fox, Ira                  [email protected]
Francis, Tim              [email protected]
Franklin, Greg            [email protected]
Franzki, Wolfgang         [email protected]
Friedrich, Jochen         [email protected]
Friis, Torben             [email protected]
Gammon, Robert            [email protected]
Garcia, Diego             [email protected]
Gartler, Hermann          [email protected]
Garzik, Jeff              [email protected]
Gearhart, Jesse           [email protected]
Gershman, Mark            [email protected]
Gershon, Ethan            [email protected]
Gibbons, Ian              [email protected]
Girardi, Norbert          [email protected]
Gnassi, John              [email protected]
Goggin, Dave              dt4%[email protected]
Goldman, Adrian           [email protected]
Gomme, Paul               [email protected]
Goyal, Mohit              [email protected]
Graham, Glen              [email protected]
Graham, Sean              [email protected]
Grant, Jason              [email protected]
Green, Anthony            [email protected]
Green, Daniel             [email protected]
Grupenhoff, Mike          [email protected]
GULCU Ceki                [email protected]
Gunderson, Paul           [email protected]
Haan, Henk de             [email protected]
Haapanen, Tom             [email protected]
Hacker; Jonathan          [email protected]
Hafting, Helge            [email protected]
Hagen, Andrew             ANDREWH%[email protected]
Haggerty, Michael         [email protected]
Hargrave, BJ              [email protected]
Hassa, George             [email protected]
Hatchell, Andrew          [email protected]
Haun, Daniel              [email protected]
Hayman, Tim               [email protected]
Heederik, Robbert         [email protected]
Hellerhoff, Torsten       [email protected]
Hellman, Johan            [email protected]
Henriksen, Gerald         [email protected]
Herbison, B.J.            [email protected]
Hethmon, Paul             [email protected]
Hildebrandt, Scot         [email protected]
Hilmer, Andrew            [email protected]
Hodge, Bob                ASTRO::[email protected]
Hodgen, Wayne             [email protected]
Hof, Markus               [email protected]
Holsman, Ian              [email protected]
Hopkins, John             [email protected]
Hoppenbrouwers, Jeroen    [email protected]
Howard, Robert            [email protected]
Huang, Chin               [email protected]
Huang, Ping               [email protected]
Hutmacher, Paul           [email protected]
Jansen, Lew               [email protected]
Janzen, Paul              [email protected]
Jensen, Colin             [email protected]
Johnson, Lee              [email protected]
Johnson, Richard          [email protected]
Jordak, Jerry             [email protected]
Jorgensen, Finn           [email protected]
Justice, James            [email protected]
Kaltefleiter, Roland      [email protected]
Kashket, Michael          [email protected]
Kassarjian, Steven        [email protected]
Katz, Jonathan            [email protected]
Keegan, Gordon            [email protected]
Kellner, Andreas          [email protected]
Kiehl, Horst              [email protected]
Kiesow,Sven               [email protected]
Kim, Sangjoon             [email protected]
King, Paul                [email protected]
King, Steve               [email protected]
Kitchin, Bruce            [email protected]
Kleijhorst, Anja          [email protected]
Kloecker, Ernst           [email protected]
Knudsen,Morten            [email protected]
Koch, Horst               [email protected]
Kone, Bob                 [email protected]
Kovarski, Mark            [email protected]
Kvamme, Fredrik           [email protected]
Lacy, Stephen             [email protected]
Lagasse, Gary             [email protected]
Lambert, Michael          [email protected]
Landauer, Michael         [email protected]
landis, hale              [email protected]
Landstreet, Peter         [email protected]
Landy, Brian              [email protected]
Lau, Frankie              lau%[email protected]
Lebel, David              [email protected]
Lebius, Henning           [email protected]
Leiber, Michael           [email protected]
Leitner, Thomas           [email protected]
Lempriere, Mike           [email protected]
Lentin, Kevin             [email protected]
Lerbrekk, Olav            [email protected]
Lilley, Thomas            [email protected]
Lin, Yue-Herng            [email protected]
Linville, John W.         [email protected]
LOWEY,KEVIN               [email protected]
Lu, Kevin                 [email protected]
Lygre, Eirik              [email protected]
Mangum, Gene              [email protected]
Martin, Johannes          [email protected]
Mashao, Daniel            [email protected]
Mathewson, Brian          [email protected]
Maxwell, Scott            [email protected]
Mayer, Gunther            [email protected]
Maynard, Jay              [email protected]
McGaugh, Ken              [email protected]
McGuire, Ed               [email protected]
McMillan, Andrew          [email protected]
Mehl, James               [email protected]
MENDELSOHN, ANDREW        [email protected]
meyer, jeff               [email protected]
Michael Glenn             [email protected]
Miesfeld, Mark            [email protected]
Miller, Michael           [email protected]
Miller, Richard           [email protected]
Milligan, Sean            [email protected]
Misztal, Ignacy           [email protected]
Monsuez, Bruno            [email protected]
Mooney, Dave              [email protected]
Moorcroft, Marc           [email protected]
Moraes, Francis           [email protected]
morbach, guy              [email protected]
Morrison, John Paul       [email protected]
Mouawad Naji              [email protected]
Mullins, Don              [email protected]
Murrin, John              [email protected]
Nareid, Helge             [email protected]
Nguyen, David             dnguyen@sv017
Nguyen, Hung              [email protected]
Notarus, Mark             [email protected]
O'Rourke, Sean            [email protected]
Olson, Eric               [email protected]
Olsson, Magnus            [email protected]
Opheys, Thomas            [email protected]
OReilly, Mike             [email protected]
Owens, Bill               [email protected]
Parks, Dwayne             [email protected]
Parry, Tom                [email protected]
Patel, Semir              [email protected]
Pebly, Bob                [email protected]
Phaniraj, V.              [email protected]
Phillips, Michael!atldbs!mgphl
Polo, Luca                [email protected]
Poschade, Friedhelm       [email protected]
Powell, Stephen           [email protected]
Provensal, Jerome         uunet.UU.NET!iac!jerome
Puryear, Barry            [email protected]
Quinn, Michael            [email protected]
Quirt, Alan               [email protected]
Ratterree, Gary           [email protected]
Ravichandran, Arunachalam [email protected]
Reisert, Jim              [email protected]
Required, Not             [email protected]
Reynolds, Robert          [email protected]
Richard, Golden           [email protected]
Richards, Ted             [email protected]
Robertson, James F.       [email protected]
Robinson, Paul            [email protected]
Roeder, Michael           [email protected]
Rogers, Steve             [email protected]
Rogulski, Michel          [email protected]
Rogut, Robert.            [email protected]
Rommel, Kai Uwe           [email protected]
rosenthal, chip           [email protected]
Ruppel, Markus            [email protected]
Ryan, Sean                [email protected]
Salomon, Larry            [email protected]
Salzenberg, Chip          [email protected]
Sampson, Sven             [email protected]
Santin, Massimo           [email protected]
scalzott, todd            [email protected]
Schepers, Peter           [email protected]
Schimke, Nathan           [email protected]
Schlenter, Craig          [email protected]
schock, roland            [email protected]
Serls, Dave               [email protected]
Shaker, Kamal             [email protected]
Shannon, Jason            [email protected]
Sheka, Karthik            [email protected]
Shepherd, David           [email protected]
Shurr, Larry A.           [email protected]
Sickel. Morten            [email protected]
Sipples, Timothy F.       [email protected]
Skinner, James            [email protected]
Skinner, Joseph           [email protected]
Skovenborg, Esben         [email protected]
Smith, Eliot              [email protected]
Sneath, Tim               [email protected]
Song, James               [email protected]
Sorensen, Tom             [email protected]
Sparapani, Rodney         [email protected]
Spensley, Colin           [email protected]
Stanton, Richard          [email protected]
Steffan, Mike   !pareto!steffan
Stirling, Ian             [email protected]
Streeter, Carl            [email protected]
Strohschein, Ralph        [email protected]
Sward, David              [email protected]
Sykes, Jonathan           [email protected]
Teague, Keith             [email protected]
Tessem, Rolfe             [email protected]
Thav, Eric                [email protected]
Thiagarajan, Raja         [email protected]
Todd, Allen               [email protected]
Toniolo, Emanuele         [email protected]
Tremain, Jim              [email protected]
Trier, Stephen            [email protected]
Troch, Rod                [email protected]
Troy, Jerome    !dvss!jtroy
True, Tom                 [email protected]
Tsen, Maoee               [email protected]
Turanski, Andreas         [email protected]
Tweedale, Steve           [email protected]
Urlwin, Jeff              [email protected]
van der Lek, Petja        [email protected]
Van Iwaarden, Ronald      [email protected]
van Woerkom, Marc         [email protected]
Varma, Samir              [email protected]
Veeraraghavan, Venkatesh  [email protected]
Veldhuyzen, Eric          [email protected]
Volpers, Markus           [email protected]
Waage, Espen              [email protected]
Walker, Robin             [email protected]
Wamsley, Chris            [email protected]
wantosch, rainer          [email protected]
Warriner, Mike            [email protected]
Warsta, Ville             [email protected]
Weber-Fahr, Christoph     [email protected]
weyrich, orville!weyrich!orville
White, Joe                [email protected]
Widman, James             [email protected]
Wiegand, Robert [email protected]
Wiersema, Brian           [email protected]
Withagen, Willem Jan      [email protected]
Wittkoetter, Erland       [email protected]
Woodbury, Gregory         [email protected]
Worthington, Stephen      [email protected]
Wright, Bruce             [email protected]
Wuysang, Agus Budy        [email protected]
Yau, Hunyue               [email protected]
Young, David M.           [email protected]
Zawodny, Jeremy           [email protected]
Zou, Nan                  [email protected]
--:--~  (OS|  Mike Levis                     Unoffical OS/2 Spokesmodel
S/2)  .--:-|
--:--(OS/2)|  [email protected]   ->          votes for this CFV
 (OS/2)--~ |  [email protected]  -> clarifications for this CFV

From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:40:28 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mike Levis)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.os2.misc,comp.os.os2.programmer,comp.os.os2.networking,,comp.os.msdos.misc,comp.os.msdos.desqview
Subject: RESULT: comp.os.os2.{announce,ver1x,beta} pass {311:74,408:29,428:18}
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 26 Mar 1993 11:08:03 -0500
Organization: University of Texas at San Antonio
Lines: 567
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3386 news.groups:68545 comp.os.os2.misc:55855 comp.os.os2.programmer:11780 comp.os.os2.networking:3918 comp.os.msdos.misc:12372 comp.os.msdos.desqview:5813


	This is the RESULTS document for the creation of three OS/2
	(1)  comp.os.os2.ver1x      (unmoderated) passes 311:74
	(2)  comp.os.os2.beta       (unmoderated) passes 408:29
	(3)  comp.os.os2.announce   (moderated)   passes 428:18

	This document contains:
	*  the results of the voting
	*  the charters of the newsgroups
	*  the voting schedule
	*  the voter list

Voting Results:

	| NEWSGROUP NAME       | YES NO  ABS | TOT | Y-N Y/(Y+N) |
	| -------------------- | --- --- --- | --- | --- ------- |
	| comp.os.os2.ver1x    | 311 074 066 | 451 | 237 80.779% |
	| comp.os.os2.beta     | 408 029 014 | 451 | 379 93.364% |
	| comp.os.os2.announce | 428 018 005 | 451 | 410 95.964% |

		* YES shows the number of YES votes
		* NO shows the number of NO votes
		* ABS shows the number of abstains
		* TOT shows the total number of votes (YES+NO+ABS)
		* Y-N shows the margin of YES minus NO votes
		* Y/(Y+N) shows the percentage of YES votes to NO votes

	In order for any newsgroup to be created, both of these two
	conditions must be met:
	(a)  the number of YES votes must exceed the number of NO votes
	     by at least 100 (i.e. YES >= NO + 100, or YES - NO >= 100).
	(b)  the number of YES votes must be at least twice the number
	     of NO votes (i.e. YES >= 2 * NO, or YES - NO >= NO).

	In other words, a newsgroup passes if the following formula is true:
	YES - NO >= max (100, NO), where max() returns the highest number
	given to it.

	(1)  comp.os.os2.ver1x worksheet:
		YES - NO >= max (100, NO)
	        311 - 74 >= max (100, 74)
	        237      >= 100
	     therefore comp.os.os2.ver1x passes

	(2)  comp.os.os2.beta worksheet:
		YES - NO >= max (100, NO)
	        408 - 29 >= max (100, 29)
	        379      >= 100
	     therefore comp.os.os2.beta passes

	(3)  comp.os.os2.announce worksheet:
		YES - NO >= max (100, NO)
	        428 - 18 >= max (100, 18)
	        410      >= 100
	     therefore comp.os.os2.announce passes

Proposed Charters:

	comp.os.os2.ver1x (unmoderated) will allow users of OS/2 1.x to
	discuss all types of issues regarding OS/2 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

	comp.os.os2.beta (unmoderated) will allow beta testers to discuss
	bugs, features, suggestions, and availability of beta versions of
	OS/2, including both OS/2 2.x and OS/2 3.x Mach.  In addition, this
	newsgroup will also be used for discussing desired features for
	future beta releases, especially when a beta version is not an active
	topic of discussion.

	comp.os.os2.announce (moderated by Dave Tholen, e-mail address of
	[email protected]) will carry news and announcements
	related to OS/2:
	(1)  FAQ Lists
	(2)  new applications
	(3)  new releases of OS/2 and accessories, including beta
	(4)  CSD announcements
	(5)  summaries of APARs opened
	(6)  OS/2 Worldwide BBS List
	(7)  Miscellaneous material


	The voting period began when the news.announce.newgroups moderator
	posted the CFV.  It ended at 11:59:59pm (CST), on March 20, 1993.
	Votes received since then are not to be counted.

	As soon as this RESULTS document is posted by David C. Lawrence
	(the news.announce.newgroups moderator), there will be a five day
	waiting period for the net to correct any errors in the voter
	list or the voting procedure.  When this waiting period is over,
	the news.announce.newgroups moderator will send the newgroup

Voter List:

	Here is the list of people who have voted and how they voted.
	After each voter's name and e-mail address are their votes for
	comp.os.os2.ver1x, comp.os.os2.beta, and comp.os.os2.announce,
	where 'Y' = YES, 'N' = NO, and '-' = abstain.

                          [email protected]                  - Y Y
Aiyagari, Sanjay          [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Alcorn, Justin            [email protected]                    - Y Y
Andreasen, Tommy          [email protected]                                Y Y Y
Andrew  Henry             [email protected]                     - Y Y
Andrews, David  !bilver!dandrews           - Y Y
Anvin, Peter              [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Arien, Peter              LAAAA43%[email protected]   Y Y Y
Arnesen, Inge             [email protected]                             N Y Y
Asher, Robert             [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Asselin, Andre            [email protected]                               Y Y Y
atwood, mark              [email protected]                 Y Y Y
Aurand, Tom               [email protected]                Y Y Y
Backman, Larry            [email protected]                             Y Y Y
Badenes, Goncal           [email protected]                              Y Y Y
Badroodien, Goolam        [email protected]                      N Y Y
Baechler, Cedric          [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Barfoot, David:           [email protected]                            Y Y Y
barman, scott             [email protected]                                N N Y
Barnfather, Paul          [email protected]                         - Y Y
Bartels, Matthew          [email protected]                Y Y Y
Bassin, David             [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Batson, Bob               [email protected]                 N Y Y
Beadles, Jeff             [email protected]                           N N N
Beal, Kenneth             [email protected]               Y Y Y
Beck, Mikel               [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Bedersdorfer, Jochen      [email protected]                        N Y Y
Bell, Douglas             [email protected]                             N Y Y
Benningfield, Robert!aurs01!aurw7a!benningf           N N N
Bentz, Greg               [email protected]                            Y Y Y
benz, david               [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Blackman, Ed              [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Bloch, Michael            [email protected]                          - - Y
Bodnar, John              [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Booth, Ian                [email protected]                       - Y Y
boresch, stefan           [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Boschma, Wilfried         [email protected]                    Y Y Y
BOULTON, Gareth           [email protected]               N Y Y
Bowers, Neil              [email protected]                    N N N
Boyce, John               [email protected]                       N Y Y
Breiner, Steve            [email protected]             Y Y Y
Brongersma, Sjuck         [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Brors, Dieter             [email protected]                                     - Y Y
Bros, Andrew              [email protected]                      N Y Y
Brown, Bill               [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Browne, David             [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Brucker, Ken              [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Bryant, Gregory           [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Bullock, Conrad           [email protected]                 Y Y Y
Burnett, Shaun            [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Burns, John               [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Bussert, Tod              [email protected]            Y Y Y
Button, Brian             bab%[email protected]                   Y Y Y
Caldwell, Christopher     [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Caliaro, Aurelio          [email protected]               Y Y Y
calvert, john             [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Cambria, Michael C.       [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Carlson, Bill             [email protected]                  N Y Y
CARR, DAVID               [email protected]                        N N N
Castles, Robert           [email protected]             Y Y Y
Catlin, Brian             [email protected]           N N Y
Chalek, Carl              [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Chalk, Geoffrey           [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Champion, Evan            [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Chan, Shih-Ping           [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Chandonia, John-Marc      [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Charlap, David            [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Chen, Ted                 [email protected]                               Y Y Y
Chouinard, Leo            [email protected]                             N N Y
Christian, Jason          [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Chua, HakLien             [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Ciesielski, Boleslaw      [email protected]                          N Y Y
Clement, Bruce            [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Clemente, Marc F.         [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Cline, Ernest             [email protected]               N N Y
Close, Paul               [email protected]                        - Y Y
Compton, Curtis           [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Cotner, Carl              [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Cottrell, Charles         [email protected]           Y Y Y
Coulman, Randy            [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Crosby, Albert            [email protected]                       Y N Y
cummins, john             [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Daether, Michael          [email protected]             - Y Y
Danielsson, Mats          [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Daugherty, Allen          ALLEN%[email protected]           Y Y Y
Davis, Brian              [email protected]                Y Y Y
Davison, Andrew           [email protected]               Y Y Y
De Bonte, Peter           [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Della, Marcos             [email protected]                        Y Y -
Desmond, Wayne            [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Driscoll, James           [email protected]                         N N Y
Drye, Stephen             [email protected]           Y Y Y
Dubbs, Bruce              [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Duffy, Patrick            [email protected]                     N Y Y
Dufour, Arnaud            [email protected]                Y Y Y
Duncan, John              [email protected]                        Y Y N
Dunham, Craig             [email protected]                               Y Y Y
Dunsmuir, Al              [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Dusitsin, Krid            [email protected]                          - Y Y
Eckstein, Knut            [email protected]           - Y Y
Ellerbrock, Richard       [email protected]        Y Y Y
Elliott, David            [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Erkkila , Paul            [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Erzberger, Martin         [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Es, van E.R.              [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Falbo, F. Robert          [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Farid, Farzad             FARID%[email protected]      - Y Y
Fengstad, Grant           [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Fernandes, Chris          [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Feustel, Edward           [email protected]                             Y Y Y
Fischer, Roman            [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Fischer, Stefan           [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Fleuren, Rik              [email protected]                               Y Y Y
Fluhr, Eric               [email protected]                     - Y Y
Forsberg, Peter           [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Forster, Peter            [email protected]              Y Y Y
Fox, Ira                  [email protected]                             Y Y Y
Francis, Tim              [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Franklin, Greg            [email protected]                 N N Y
Franzki, Wolfgang         [email protected]         Y Y Y
Friedrich, Jochen         [email protected]                               Y Y Y
Friis, Torben             [email protected]                           Y Y Y
FUCHS, Gernot             [email protected]                    - Y Y
Gale, Rob                 [email protected]                             Y Y Y
Gammon, Robert            [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Garcia, Diego             [email protected]                      N Y Y
Gartler, Hermann          [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Garzik, Jeff              [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Gearhart, Jesse           [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Geraghty, Ed              [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Gershman, Mark            [email protected]                       Y - Y
Gershon, Ethan            [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Gibbons, Ian              [email protected]                   N Y Y
Giller, David             [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Girardi, Norbert          [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Gnassi, John              [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Goggin, Dave              dt4%[email protected]                          Y Y Y
Goldman, Adrian           [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Gomme, Paul               [email protected]                                 N Y Y
Goyal, Mohit              [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Graham, Glen              [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Graham, Sean              [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Grant, Jason              [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Green, Anthony            [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Green, Daniel             [email protected]                      N Y Y
Greenfield, Larry         [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Greve, Thomas             [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Grupenhoff, Mike          [email protected]                          Y Y Y
GULCU Ceki                [email protected]                             - Y Y
Gunderson, Paul           [email protected]                       - Y Y
Guo, Youren               [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Haan, Henk de             [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Haapanen, Tom             [email protected]                               N - Y
Hacker; Jonathan          [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Hafting, Helge            [email protected]                         - Y Y
Hagen, Andrew             ANDREWH%[email protected]         Y Y Y
Haggerty, Michael         [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Halem, Daniel             [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Hargrave, BJ              [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Hassa, George             [email protected]                               Y Y Y
Hatchell, Andrew          [email protected]              - Y Y
Haun, Daniel              [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Hayman, Tim               [email protected]                                 Y Y Y
Heederik, Robbert         [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Hellerhoff, Torsten       [email protected]               Y N N
Hellman, Johan            [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Henriksen, Gerald         [email protected]                             N Y Y
Herbison, B.J.            [email protected]                 Y Y Y
Hethmon, Paul             [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Hildabolt, Ken            [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Hildebrandt, Scot         [email protected]                        N Y Y
Hilmer, Andrew            [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Hodge, Bob                ASTRO::[email protected]                    N N N
Hodgen, Wayne             [email protected]             - - Y
Hof, Markus               [email protected]                            N Y Y
hollasch, steve           [email protected]                             N N -
Holsman, Ian              [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Homrighausen, Joaquim     [email protected]                                   Y Y Y
Hopkins, John             [email protected]                   N Y Y
Hoppenbrouwers, Jeroen    [email protected]                                - Y Y
Howard, Robert            [email protected]                - Y Y
Hsieh, William            [email protected]                N Y Y
Huang, Chin               [email protected]                       N N Y
Huang, Ping               [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Huber, Joe                [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Humphreys,David           [email protected]             - Y Y
Huth, Mark                [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Hutmacher, Paul           [email protected]                             N Y Y
Jacobs, Steven            [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Jansen, Lew               [email protected]                           N Y Y
Janzen, Paul              [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Jaspan, Barry             [email protected]                              Y Y Y
Jensen, Colin             [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Jesup, Randell            [email protected]               N Y Y
Johnson, Lee              [email protected]                     - Y Y
Johnson, Richard          [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Jordak, Jerry             [email protected]                             N Y Y
Jorgensen, Finn           [email protected]                      - Y Y
Justice, James            [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Kaltefleiter, Roland      [email protected]           N N N
Kardaras, George          [email protected]                      - - Y
Kashket, Michael          [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Kassarjian, Steven        [email protected]                   Y N Y
Katz, Jonathan            [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Katzer, Scott             [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Keegan, Gordon            [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Kellner, Andreas          [email protected]                      - - Y
Kiehl, Horst              [email protected]              Y Y Y
Kiesow,Sven               [email protected]             Y Y Y
Kim, Sangjoon             [email protected]               Y Y Y
King, Paul                [email protected]                             - Y Y
King, Steve               [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Kitchin, Bruce            [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Kleijhorst, Anja          [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Kloecker, Ernst           [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Knudsen,Morten            [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Koch, Horst               [email protected]              Y Y Y
Kone, Bob                 [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Korpela, Eric             [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Kovarski, Mark            [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Kretzschmar, Peter        [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Kudielka, Klaus           [email protected]                  - Y Y
Kvamme, Fredrik           [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Kvien, Oddgeir            [email protected]                        - Y Y
Laakso, Antti             [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Lacey, Ronald             [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Lachac, Gerry             [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Lacy, Stephen             [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Lagasse, Gary             [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Lambert, Michael          [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Landauer, Michael         [email protected]                    N Y Y
landis, hale              [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Landstreet, Peter         [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Landy, Brian              [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Lau, Frankie              lau%[email protected]             Y Y Y
Lau, Stephen              [email protected]                               N N N
Lebel, David              [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Lebius, Henning           [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Lee, James E.             [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Leeuwen van, Sander       [email protected]                            - Y Y
Lehtonen, Jari            [email protected]                              Y Y Y
Leiber, Michael           [email protected]                     N Y Y
Leitner, Thomas           [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Lempriere, Mike           [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Lentin, Kevin             [email protected]                Y Y Y
Lerbrekk, Olav            [email protected]                              Y Y Y
Leung, Johnnie            [email protected]                        Y - Y
Lilley, Thomas            [email protected]                - Y Y
Lin, Yue-Herng            [email protected]                         N Y Y
Linville, John W.         [email protected]                       Y Y Y
LOWEY,KEVIN               [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Lu, George                [email protected]                              Y Y Y
Lu, Kevin                 [email protected]                N N N
Lumos, Steve              [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Lygre, Eirik              [email protected]                              N Y Y
Mahoney, Mike             [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Mangum, Gene              [email protected]                      Y Y Y
marcino, paul             [email protected]                  N Y Y
Marois, Jean              [email protected]                       Y Y Y
marshall, robert          [email protected]               N Y Y
Martin, Johannes          [email protected]               Y Y Y
Mashao, Daniel            [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Mathewson, Brian          [email protected]                       - Y Y
Maxwell, Scott            [email protected]                   - Y Y
Mayer, Gunther            [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Maynard, Jay              [email protected]                       Y Y Y
McBroom, Robert           [email protected]                       Y Y Y
McCredie, Miles           [email protected]             Y Y Y
McCurley, E. Robert       [email protected]                            Y Y Y
McGaugh, Ken              [email protected]                     - Y Y
McGuire, Ed               [email protected]                    N N N
McKernan, E.J.            [email protected]                       Y Y Y
McMillan, Andrew          [email protected]           Y Y Y
Mehl, James               [email protected]                        - Y Y
MENDELSOHN, ANDREW        [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Meyer, Fred               [email protected]                       - Y Y
meyer, jeff               [email protected]                        N N N
Michael Glenn             [email protected]                        - Y Y
Miesfeld, Mark            [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Miller, Michael           [email protected]                    N Y Y
Miller, Richard           [email protected]                 Y Y Y
Milligan, Sean            [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Misztal, Ignacy           [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Monfils, Aaron            [email protected]                        - Y Y
Monsuez, Bruno            [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Mooney, Dave              [email protected]                             Y Y Y
Moorcroft, Marc           [email protected]                       N N N
Moore, Nathan             [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Moraes, Francis           [email protected]                          Y Y Y
morbach, guy              [email protected]                           Y Y -
Morrison, John Paul       [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Mottonen, Teemu           [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Mouawad Naji              [email protected]                   - Y Y
Mullins, Don              [email protected]                    - Y Y
Murrin, John              [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Nadler, Cliff             [email protected]                         - Y Y
Nareid, Helge             [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Nguyen, David             dnguyen@sv017                                - Y Y
Nguyen, Hung              [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Normant, Francois         [email protected]                 Y Y Y
Notarus, Mark             [email protected]                             - Y Y
O'Connor, Bryan           [email protected]                     Y Y Y
O'Neel, Bruce             [email protected]                   Y Y Y
O'Rourke, Sean            [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Olson, Eric               [email protected]                       N N N
Olsson, Magnus            [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Opheys, Thomas            [email protected]                Y Y Y
OReilly, Mike             [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Owens, Bill               [email protected]           N N N
Papirov, Igor             [email protected]                    - Y Y
Parks, Dwayne             [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Parry, Tom                [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Patel, Semir              [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Pavani, Franco            [email protected]                      - Y Y
Pearson, Nick             [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Pebly, Bob                [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Pham Hai                  [email protected]                             - Y Y
Phaniraj, V.              [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Phillips, Michael!atldbs!mgphl                     Y Y Y
Pietrek, Georg            [email protected]    Y Y Y
Polo, Luca                [email protected]                      - Y Y
Porter, Kenneth           [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Poschade, Friedhelm       [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Powell, Stephen           [email protected]                  - - Y
Provensal, Jerome         uunet.UU.NET!iac!jerome                      Y Y Y
Puryear, Barry            [email protected]                          - - Y
Quinn, Michael            [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Quirt, Alan               [email protected]                                - Y Y
Radloff, Knut             [email protected]                           Y Y Y
raju,murali               [email protected]                             Y Y Y
Rappoport, Moshe          [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Ratterree, Gary           [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Ravichandran, Arunachalam [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Reisert, Jim              [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Required, Not             [email protected]                             N N N
Reynolds, John            [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Reynolds, Robert          [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Richard, Golden           [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Richards, Ted             [email protected]                               Y Y Y
Robertson, James F.       [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Robinson, Paul            [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Roeder, Michael           [email protected]                         N Y Y
Roesner, Helmut           [email protected]            Y Y Y
Rogers, Steve             [email protected]                          N N N
Rogulski, Michel          [email protected]           Y Y Y
Rogut, Robert.            [email protected]          - Y Y
Rommel, Kai Uwe           [email protected]             Y Y Y
rosenthal, chip           [email protected]                     N N -
Ruff, Alan                [email protected]                     - - Y
Ruppel, Markus            [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Ryan, Sean                [email protected]                       N N Y
Salomon, Larry            [email protected]                             Y Y Y
Salzenberg, Chip          [email protected]                                 Y Y Y
Sampson, Sven             [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Santin, Massimo           [email protected]                    N - Y
scalzott, todd            [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Schepers, Peter           [email protected]               Y Y Y
Schimke, Nathan           [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Schlenter, Craig          [email protected]                   - Y Y
Schmidt, James R.         [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Schmitz, Joachim          [email protected]             Y Y Y
schock, roland            [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Sebestyen, Joseph         [email protected]                     - Y Y
Serls, Dave               [email protected]                     N Y Y
Seymour, Jim              [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Shaker, Kamal             [email protected]              Y Y Y
Shannon, Jason            [email protected]                               Y Y Y
Sheka, Karthik            [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Shepherd, David           [email protected]                              Y Y Y
Shurr, Larry A.           [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Sickel. Morten            [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Sims, Rob                 [email protected]                                  Y Y Y
Sipples, Timothy F.       [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Sisson, David             [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Skinner, James            [email protected]                     N Y Y
Skinner, Joseph           [email protected]                    - Y Y
Skovenborg, Esben         [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Smith, Eliot              [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Sneath, Tim               [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Song, James               [email protected]                             Y Y Y
Sorensen, Tom             [email protected]                     N Y Y
Sparapani, Rodney         [email protected]                               Y Y Y
Spensley, Colin           [email protected]                     - Y Y
Sriram, N                 [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Stanton, Richard          [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Steffan, Mike   !pareto!steffan              - Y Y
Stenberg, Markus          [email protected]              Y Y Y
Stirling, Ian             [email protected]                             Y Y Y
Streeter, Carl            [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Strohschein, Ralph        [email protected]                   Y Y Y
Sum, Joey                 [email protected]                          N Y Y
Sward, David              [email protected]                               N Y Y
Sykes, Jonathan           [email protected]                        Y Y Y
taksar, maxime            [email protected]                             N - -
Teague, Keith             [email protected]                      - Y Y
Tennis, Richard           [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Tessem, Rolfe             [email protected]                                Y Y Y
Thav, Eric                [email protected]                     N Y Y
Thiagarajan, Raja         [email protected]              Y Y Y
Todd, Allen               [email protected]              Y Y Y
Toniolo, Emanuele         [email protected]                  N Y Y
Torremans, Engelbert      etorrem%[email protected]                    Y Y Y
Tremain, Jim              [email protected]             Y Y Y
Trier, Stephen            [email protected]                      N N N
Troch, Rod                [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Troy, Jerome    !dvss!jtroy                          Y Y Y
True, Tom                 [email protected]                    Y Y Y
Tsen, Maoee               [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Turanski, Andreas         [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Tweedale, Steve           [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Tweedie, Stephen          [email protected]                             Y Y Y
Tyers, Bruce              [email protected]                        - Y Y
Urlwin, Jeff              [email protected]               Y Y Y
Utter, William            [email protected]                       Y Y Y
van den Hout, Koos        [email protected]                       Y Y Y
van der Lek, Petja        [email protected]                  Y Y Y
van der Wal, Kees         [email protected]                N Y Y
Van Iwaarden, Ronald      [email protected]          Y Y Y
van Woerkom, Marc         [email protected]                 - Y Y
Varma, Samir              [email protected]                   N Y Y
Veeraraghavan, Venkatesh  [email protected]                        Y Y Y
Veldhuyzen, Eric          [email protected]                       Y Y Y
Vohwinkel David A.        [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Volpers, Markus           [email protected]                 Y Y Y
Waage, Espen              [email protected]                           N Y Y
Walker, Robin             [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Wallace, Jack             [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Wampler, Jim              [email protected]                           Y Y Y
Wamsley, Chris            [email protected]                   Y Y Y
wantosch, rainer          [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Warriner, Mike            [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Warsta, Ville             [email protected]                  Y Y Y
Watson, Brett             [email protected]                      Y Y Y
Weber-Fahr, Christoph     [email protected]                         Y Y Y
weyrich, orville!weyrich!orville                 Y Y Y
White, Joe                [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Widman, James             [email protected]                   - Y Y
Wiegand, Robert [email protected]   - Y Y
Wiersema, Brian           [email protected]                          Y Y Y
Wildner, Sascha           [email protected]                     Y Y Y
Withagen, Willem Jan      [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Wittkoetter, Erland       [email protected]          - - Y
Woodbury, Gregory         [email protected]                      - - Y
Worthington, Stephen      [email protected]        Y Y Y
Wright, Bruce             [email protected]                                Y Y Y
Wujastyk, Dominik         [email protected]                            Y Y Y
Wuysang, Agus Budy        [email protected]               N Y Y
Yau, Hunyue               [email protected]                         Y Y Y
Young, David M.           [email protected]                            - Y Y
Zawodny, Jeremy           [email protected]                        N Y Y
Zou, Nan                  [email protected]                         N Y Y
--:--~  (OS|  Mike Levis
S/2)  .--:-|  [email protected]
--:--(OS/2)|  Unofficial OS/2 Spokesmodel
 (OS/2)--~ |  comp.os.os2.thanks_tfs  ;-)