From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:41:24 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Brian Tao)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.apple2,comp.sys.apple2.gno
Subject: RFD: comp.sys.apple2 reorganization
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 29 Mar 1993 19:31:23 -0500
Organization: R-node Public Access Unix - 1 416 249 5366
Lines: 182
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3404 news.groups:68762 comp.sys.apple2:54839 comp.sys.apple2.gno:1245


   OFFICIAL REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION - comp.sys.apple2 reorganization

Submitted by:    Brian Tao ([email protected])
Date submitted:  Mar 29 1993


    This is an official Request For Discussion concerning the
reorganization of the comp.sys.apple2 Usenet newsgroup (referred to
now as "csa2"); specifically, the creation of four new subgroups under
the current csa2 hierarchy:

csa2.comm         Discussions related to Apple II data communications
csa2.marketplace  Buying/selling/trading of Apple II-related equipment
csa2.programmer   Discussions related to Apple II programming
csa2.usergroup    Discussions related to running an Apple II user group

    All four proposed newsgroups will be UNMODERATED.  Charters for
each newsgroup are posted below in this article.

    Comp.sys.apple2 currently acts as a "catch-all" newsgroup for
Apple II-related discussions.  As such, it may reach over 100 new
articles per day with several dozen threads active at once.  In
preliminary discussions on csa2, many readers have expressed the
desire to see a few broad-interest newsgroups created under the csa2
hierarchy so that 1) message traffic on the main newsgroup is reduced,
and 2) Apple II users who are interested in a particular aspect of the
computer will not have to sift through irrelevant news articles.

    General topics relating to the entire 8-bit Apple II family and
the 16-bit Apple IIGS personal computer should be posted to the
original csa2 newsgroup.  Because of the intent of this proposal
(i.e., to divide Apple II-related discussions into more manageable
groups), cross-posting to several csa2.* groups is not encouraged. 
However, if you're not sure where to post, then use csa2!

    Please note than this proposal does not include the removal or
renaming of comp.sys.apple2 itself.  Csa2 will remain as the top-level
newsgroup in this hierarchy.

    Although not in strict accordance with the procedure described in
the "Guidelines For Usenet Group Creation" document, it was felt that
a single RFD and a single ensuing CFV (with individual votes on a
per-group basis) would be more desirable.  See the "comp.sys.mac
reorganization" RFD posted by Chuq Von Rospach ([email protected]) on Feb
19 1990 for a good example of a multiple-group RFD.

    The RFD period will commence when this article appears on
news.announce.newgroups (cross-posted to news.groups, comp.sys.apple2
and comp.sys.apple2.gno) and will end 28 days hence.  At that point, a
Call For Votes (CFV) may follow.  Follow-ups concerning this proposal
will be directed to news.groups.  All consenting and dissenting
opinion should be posted publicly on news.groups and may be cross-
posted to comp.sys.apple2 only.  Do not e-mail comments to me, or post
only in the csa2 newsgroup (and neglecting news.groups).  Discussion
on the four charters and the structure or wording of this proposal
will be entertained.

=== CHARTER:  comp.sys.apple2.comm (unmoderated)

    The original proposal called for the "comp.sys.apple2.bbs"
newsgroup.  The new name is offered here as a more accurate
alternative.  Topics suitable for discussion in csa2.comm include (but
are not limited to):

 1. Telecommunications software (ProTERM, ANSITerm, ZLink, TIC, etc.)
 2. Bulletin board software (METAL/FutureVision, ProLine, Warp Six,
      GBBS Pro, Prime, etc.)
 3. Online services (GEnie, CompuServe, America Online, etc.)
 4. Telecommunications hardware (high-speed modems, building cables,
      selecting a serial card, etc.)
 5. Networking (AppleShare, LocalTalk, Ethertalk, CAP, etc.)
 6. Cross-platform connectivity (IBM-to-Apple, Apple-to-Macintosh,
      Apple-to-UNIX via UUCP, etc.)

    This proposal also calls for the merging of the "a2bbs" mailing
list, currently maintained by Doug Granzow on the ProLine BBS network
system.  Creation of csa2.comm will expand the distribution of this
popular mailing list (over 100 readers) to the Usenet domain.

=== CHARTER: comp.sys.apple2.marketplace (unmoderated)

    A very active segment of any comp.sys.* newsgroup is the
discussions related to the buying and selling of used computers,
peripherals, old software, etc. between private individuals. 
Currently, all messages of this type are posted to csa2 or one of the groups.  Csa2.marketplace proposes to focus all Apple II-
related "for sale" or "wanted" postings and their discussion in one
newsgroup.  Commercial listings are inappropriate for csa2.marketplace,
as per Usenet guidelines.

=== CHARTER: comp.sys.apple2.programmer (unmoderated)

    This is the 2nd RFD for the creation of csa2.programmer.  The
original RFD was submitted by Richard Muise ([email protected];
address may not be current) on Jul 8 1992.  The current charter is
based on Richard's original proposal.

    Csa2.programmer will be a newsgroup for the discussion of
programming techniques, reference information and hardware pertaining
to the entire Apple II family.  Topics that can be covered include
(but are not limited to):

 1. Programming the Apple II in any compiled or interpreted language
      (C, Pascal, BASIC, assembly, Forth, HyperTalk, etc.)
 2. Source code fragments that may be of interest to the Apple II
      programming community
 3. Specific programming and operating systems (Merlin 16+, ORCA
      shell environment, HyperC, GS/OS desktop programming, etc.)
 4. Information pertaining to the Apple II hardware architecture
      (softswitch locations, addressing the Ensoniq sound chip,
      accessing slots, using DMA, etc.)

    Paragraph (2) does not advocate the posting of complete source
code to csa2.programmer.  Comp.sources.apple2 exists for such a
purpose.  However, small fragments of code illustrating a particular
algorithm or a reader's problem are allowed.

    Discussions relating to Procyon's GNO/ME multitasking programming
environment, normally falling under Paragraph (3), are usually of a
very specific nature.  They should generally be limited to the
comp.sys.apple2.gno newsgroup, with cross-posting to csa2.programmer
if a wider audience will benefit.

    Paragraph (4) does not include general hardware questions
(installation, repair, upgrades, best hardware product to buy, etc.) 
Articles of this nature should be posted to csa2 or csa2.marketplace
as appropriate.

    This proposal also suggests the merging of the HyperC-L mailing
list, currently maintained by Steve Craft ([email protected])
at  Hyper-C is a freeware C compiler designed for
the 8-bit Apple II family.

=== CHARTER: comp.sys.apple2.usergroup (unmoderated)

    The user group is perhaps the most important resource for any
computer user, more so for the Apple II family than for many other
platforms.  With dwindling visible Apple II support from Apple, Inc.
and a scarcity of large third-party companies supporting the Apple II,
the user group becomes an invaluable asset for both novices and
veterans alike.

    The charter for this group comes from the NAUGSAW promotional
literature, an Apple User Group convention held annually in
different cities across North America:

  "Sessions will focus on helping User Groups effectively
   serve members and communities. They will identify common
   challenges, brainstorm new concepts, and discuss how best
   to meet those needs. Topics will include forming a group,
   obtaining non-profit status, affiliating with other groups,
   setting up a BBS system, publishing newsletters, volunteer
   management, case histories, fund raising, and more."

    The creation of csa2.usergroup will unite Apple II user groups
>from around the world.  It will serve as a forum for the exchange of
ideas, as well as discussion of common problems inherent in running an
Apple II user group.  Representatives of user groups with Internet
access can draw upon the collective knowledge and experience of others
on csa2.usergroup.  Other comp.sys.* hierarchies may want to consider
adding a similar subgroup if csa2.usergroup proves to be successful.
Brian Tao:: [email protected] (University of Toronto)
::::::::::: [email protected] (r-Node BBS, 416-249-5366, FREE!)

From [email protected] Thu Apr 22 11:40:10 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Brian Tao)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.apple2,comp.sys.apple2.gno,alt.bbs.metal,alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2
Subject: CFV: comp.sys.apple2 reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Date: 21 Apr 1993 22:35:25 -0400
Organization: MuGS Research and Development Facility
Lines: 79
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3492 news.groups:70383 comp.sys.apple2:56580 comp.sys.apple2.gno:1371 alt.bbs.metal:196 alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2:392

       OFFICIAL CALL FOR VOTES - comp.sys.apple2 reorganization

Submitted by:    Brian Tao 
Date submitted:  Apr 20 1993

    This is the official Call For Votes for the comp.sys.apple2 (csa2)
reorganization proposal.  Discussion concerning this proposal will no
longer be entertained.  The vote will decide if the following four
groups will be created:

csa2.comm         Discussions related to Apple II data communications
csa2.marketplace  Buying/selling/trading of Apple II-related equipment
csa2.programmer   Discussions related to Apple II programming
csa2.usergroups   Discussions related to running an Apple II user group

    Please note that this has nothing to do with the informal discussion
on renaming the alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2 newsgroup.  An RFD for that
proposal may be submitted at a later date.

    To cast your vote, mail in the ballot included at the end of this
article to .  Note that this is NOT the same as
the originating address.  The easiest way is to auto-reply via e-mail
to this article.  Double-check the "To:" header to make sure it is
being sent to the vote-taking address.  Some software may not preserve
the "Reply-To:" header in news articles.  When auto-replying, please
delete everything above the line marked "<<< begin >>>" and mail in
just the ballot. This is not crucial, but it will prevent the ballot
box from blowing up.  :)

    If for some reason you cannot use the voting ballot, you may
e-mail [email protected] a message containing your votes in an
unambiguous and explicit manner.  Something like "I vote yes for
csa2.programmer" is acceptable, as long as you do it once for each of
the four newsgroups.  "I vote yes for all the groups" is NOT
acceptable, nor is "I'll vote yes for csa2.marketplace if it is
moderated".  The time for discussion on the proposal is over.  Please
vote only on the final submitted charters.

    Two example votes are included in the ballot.  To vote, insert the
words "yes" or "no" on the left side of the appropriate line.  If you
wish to abstain from voting on a particular newsgroup, simply leave
the left side blank.  Capitalization does not matter, nor does white-
space or quote characters inserted by the news software.  Please use
only the words "yes" or "no" to prevent ambiguity.  DO NOT ALTER
ANYTHING ELSE ON THE BALLOT!  Votes will be processed by machine and
hand-checked afterwards.

    If you mail in more than one ballot, only the most recent ballot
will be tallied.  You must MAIL the ballot to . 
Votes mailed to me or posted to a newsgroup will not be counted.  When
your ballot is received, you will receive a computer-generated reply
telling you how it thinks you voted.  Please verify the results and
mail in a correction ONLY if neccesary.

    The voting period will last from April 22 through May 22, UTC (30 days). 
Ballots received outside of this voting period will not be counted.
Mass vote ACK's and additional CFV's will be posted roughly weekly to
news.announce.newgroups, news.groups and comp.sys.apple2.  Once again,
please verify that your name appears on the ACK list if you have sent
in a ballot.  Please do not hesistate to contact me if you have any
problems casting your vote (mail to [email protected]).

--- <<< begin >>> ----------------------------------------------------
=== Official comp.sys.apple2 reorganization ballot [CSA2R-6502]
=== Mail to 

~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


--- <<< end >>> ------------------------------------------------------

From [email protected] Fri Apr 30 17:29:58 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Brian Tao)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.apple2
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.sys.apple2 reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Date: 29 Apr 1993 17:44:23 -0400
Organization: MuGS Research and Development Facility
Lines: 292
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3529 news.groups:71148 comp.sys.apple2:57202


        SECOND CALL FOR VOTES - comp.sys.apple2 reorganization

Submitted by:    Brian Tao 
Date submitted:  Apr 28 1993

    This is the second Call For Votes for the comp.sys.apple2 (csa2)
reorganization proposal.  Discussion concerning this proposal will no
longer be entertained.  The vote will decide if the following four
groups will be created:

csa2.comm         Discussions related to Apple II data communications
csa2.marketplace  Buying/selling/trading of Apple II-related equipment
csa2.programmer   Discussions related to Apple II programming
csa2.usergroups   Discussions related to running an Apple II user group

    Please note that this has nothing to do with the informal discussion
on renaming the alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2 newsgroup.  An RFD for that
proposal may be submitted at a later date.

    To cast your vote, mail in the ballot included at the end of this
article to .  Note that this is NOT the same as
the originating address.  The easiest way is to auto-reply via e-mail
to this article.  Double-check the "To:" header to make sure it is
being sent to the vote-taking address.  Some software may not preserve
the "Reply-To:" header in news articles.  When auto-replying, please
delete everything above the line marked "<<< begin >>>" and mail in
just the ballot.  This is not crucial, but it will prevent the ballot
box from blowing up.  :)

    If for some reason you cannot use the voting ballot, you may
e-mail a message to  containing your votes in an
unambiguous and explicit manner.  Something like "I vote yes for
csa2.programmer" is acceptable, as long as you do it once for each of
the four newsgroups.  "I vote yes for all the groups" is NOT
acceptable, nor is "I'll vote yes for csa2.marketplace if it is
moderated".  The time for discussion on the proposal is over.  Please
vote only on the final submitted charters.

    Two example votes are included in the ballot.  To vote, insert the
words "yes" or "no" on the left side of the appropriate line.  If you
wish to abstain from voting on a particular newsgroup, simply leave
the left side blank.  Capitalization does not matter, nor does white-
space or quote characters inserted by the news software.  Please use
only the words "yes" or "no" to prevent ambiguity.  PLEASE DO NOT
by machine and hand-checked afterwards.

    If you mail in more than one ballot, only the most recent ballot
will be tallied.  You must MAIL the ballot to . 
Votes mailed to me or posted to a newsgroup will not be counted.  When
your ballot is received, you will receive a computer-generated reply
telling you how it thinks you voted.  Please verify the results and
mail in a correction ONLY if neccesary.

    A final mass ACK and CFV will be posted to news.groups,
news.announce.newgroups and comp.sys.apple2 ten days after this one.
Once again, please verify that your name appears on the ACK list if
you have sent in a ballot.  The voting period will close May 22 at
11:59 EST.  Ballots received after this date will not be counted.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problems casting
your vote (mail to [email protected]).

--- <<< begin >>> ----------------------------------------------------
=== Official comp.sys.apple2 reorganization ballot [CSA2-6502:2]
=== Mail to 

~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


--- <<< end >>> ------------------------------------------------------

   This article contains a mass acknowledgement of all votes received
for the comp.sys.apple2 reorganization proposal as of 12:00 PM (EST)
on April 28, 1993.  If you have submitted your vote for this proposal
already, please verify that your name is on this list.  If not, please
send a note to  alerting me to the problem.  The
voting period will close May 22 at 11:59 PM EST.

   This mass ACK list was prepared and sorted alphabetically by Ron
Dippold's UseVote 1.0 software.  Anyone running a CFV (especially a
multi-vote CFV), should give UseVote a try.  It *really* makes things
much easier!


Comp.sys.apple2 reorganization Mass ACK [189 votes]

[email protected] (Brian Tao)
[email protected] (Andrew Guillaume)
[email protected] (Marc Sira)
[email protected] (Ron)
[email protected] (Amrit Chauhan)
[email protected] (Michel Bois)
[email protected] (Bruce R. Sinclair)
[email protected] (A. Guiles)
[email protected] (Jennifer Peters)
[email protected] (Austin Phelps)
[email protected] (Matt Ostanik)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Walter Polkosnik)
[email protected] (Jawaid Bazyar)
[email protected] (Benjamin Doherty)
[email protected] (Brian Clark)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bill Schanks)
[email protected] (Bill Long, Sysop)
[email protected] (Bill McGonigle)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bryan Ogawa)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Joshua Thompson)
[email protected] (Bev Woolf - Sysop)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Yves Cheneval)
[email protected] (Christopher Davis)
[email protected]
[email protected] (C Matthew Curtin)
[email protected] (Steven H. Lichter)
[email protected] ("Curtis M. Compton")
[email protected] (Dale Smith)
[email protected] (Greg Boehnlein)
[email protected] (David E A Wilson)
[email protected] (Dan Brown)
[email protected] (David Green)
[email protected] (David Empson)
[email protected] (Derek Taubert)
[email protected] (Doug Granzow)
[email protected] (Dave Kopin)
[email protected] (Douglas Myers)
[email protected] (Daniel Zimmerman)
[email protected] (Norby)
[email protected] (Steve Drees)
[email protected] (Edward Floden)
[email protected] (Elliot A)
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
[email protected] (Andy McFadden)
[email protected] (Larry Wink)
[email protected] (L. Fein)
feline!gray (Kelly Gray)
[email protected] (Fred Gise)
[email protected] (Frank M. Lin)
[email protected] (Joseph Frost)
[email protected] (Derek L Bastille)
[email protected] (Evan J Day)
[email protected] (Gary Hayman)
[email protected] (Reade Glyn Devin)
[email protected] (Greg DaCosta)
[email protected] (Gregory Ross Thompson)
[email protected] (Dave Grenda)
[email protected] (Daniel L Grillo)
[email protected] (Grover Thomas)
[email protected] (Gary Snow)
[email protected] (gt2011a SIMMS,WILLIAM SHELDON)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nothing to hide)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jeff Hartkopf)
[email protected] (Harold Byron Bouma)
[email protected] (Kevin Henigan)
[email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dallas Hockley)
[email protected] (Helen Trillian Rose)
[email protected] (The Doctor)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ian Schmidt)
[email protected] (Jason Perez)
[email protected] (James L Brookes)
[email protected] (James Zajkowski)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jeanne Chappell)
[email protected] (Jeffrey T Berntsen)
[email protected] (Jeff Holcomb)
[email protected] (Jerry Bolduc)
[email protected] (Jason Gibb)
[email protected] (Jerry Guy)
[email protected] (Jimmy Shaw)
[email protected] (James David Wong)
[email protected] (Joel Kinker)
[email protected] (Jonathan L Cooper)
[email protected] (John Mire)
[email protected]
[email protected] (John Moore)
[email protected] (Joe Oliver)
[email protected] (John Farris)
[email protected] (John Sparkman)
[email protected] (John Yancho)
[email protected] (Jonathan Fether)
[email protected] (JP Haid)
[email protected] (Jason Simmons)
[email protected]
[email protected] (John Wolverton)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Matthias Kapffer)
[email protected] (Kent Dickey)
[email protected] ("Kitzman,Dennis W")
[email protected] (Kristian Kennaway)
[email protected] (Usurper!)
[email protected] (Rob Knauerhase)
[email protected] (Lawrance A. Schneider)
[email protected] (Larry Colton)
[email protected] (Gerry Swetsky)
[email protected] (Elizabeth Mire)
[email protected] (laurent Pontailler)
[email protected] (Larry W. Virden)
[email protected] (Joseph Palamar)
[email protected] (Matt Deatherage)
[email protected] (Mike McGovern)
[email protected] (Morgan Davis)
[email protected] (Mark de Jong)
[email protected] (Mark Holtz)
[email protected] (Mike Palamar)
[email protected] (Mike Ungerman)
[email protected] ("Damon Rand, Canterbury Uni, NZ")
[email protected] (Mark Lensenmayer)
[email protected] (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS)
[email protected] (Morgan DiGesualdo)
[email protected] (Stephen Moriarty)
[email protected] (Michael Shecket)
[email protected] (micah shane johnson)
[email protected] (Wayne Gretzky)
[email protected] (Jim Murphy)
[email protected] (Nathan Mates)
[email protected] (Christopher Neufeld)
[email protected] (Nick Phillips)
[email protected] (Otto Heuer #3)
[email protected] (Stephen Harker)
[email protected] (Marek Kozubal)
[email protected] (Dale B. LaFountain)
[email protected] (Patrick Sonnek)
[email protected] (Matthew Ghio)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ron Dippold)
[email protected] (Steve Reeves)
[email protected] (Robert Hood)
[email protected] (Richard A Simm)
[email protected] (Richard Duncan)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Robert McCabe)
[email protected] (Ron Wilson)
[email protected] (Robert Ward)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alessandro Rubini)
[email protected] (Richard Wifall)
[email protected] (Samantha Digesualdo)
[email protected] (Sam Pemberton - Sys Admin)
[email protected] (Sean Dockery)
[email protected] (Roy Schmaus)
[email protected] (Paul Schultz)
[email protected] (Stephen Buggie)
[email protected] (Marc Moorcroft)
[email protected] (Mitchell Spector)
[email protected] (Counse Broders)
[email protected] (Steve Rogers)
[email protected] (Steven T Chiang)
[email protected] (Steve George)
[email protected] (System Administrator)
[email protected] (Shane M Zatezalo)
[email protected] (Dave Slotter)
[email protected] ("Seth D. Kadesh")
[email protected] (Curt Dox)
[email protected] (Todd P. Whitesel)
[email protected] ("Lee Towe")
[email protected] (Dave Tribby)
[email protected] (Tye Botting, SysAdmin)
[email protected]
[email protected] ("Everybody knows!....")
[email protected] (tuu)
[email protected] (Phillip Vandry)
[email protected] (Vet Woolf)
[email protected] (Walter B. Hoye II)
[email protected] (William Hall)
[email protected] (Scott Gentry)
[email protected] (Wulf Hofbauer)
[email protected] (Zachariah Cameron)
Brian Tao:: [email protected] (r-Node BBS, 416-249-5366, FREE!)
::::::::::: [email protected] (University of Toronto)

From [email protected] Tue May 11 08:43:44 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (TAO  BRIAN T)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.apple2,comp.sys.apple2.gno,alt.bbs.metal,alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2
Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.sys.apple2 reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Date: 10 May 1993 13:59:16 -0400
Organization: MuGS Research and Development Facility
Lines: 363
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3575 news.groups:71760 comp.sys.apple2:57920 comp.sys.apple2.gno:1436 alt.bbs.metal:206 alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2:427


   THIRD AND FINAL CALL FOR VOTES - comp.sys.apple2 reorganization

Submitted by:    Brian Tao 
Date submitted:  May 8 1993

    This is the third and final Call For Votes for the comp.sys.apple2
(csa2) reorganization proposal.  Discussion concerning this proposal
will no longer be entertained.  The vote will decide if the following
four groups will be created:

csa2.comm         Discussions related to Apple II data communications
csa2.marketplace  Buying/selling/trading of Apple II-related equipment
csa2.programmer   Discussions related to Apple II programming
csa2.usergroups   Discussions related to running an Apple II user group

    Please note that this has nothing to do with the informal discussion
on renaming the alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2 newsgroup.  An RFD for that
proposal may be submitted at a later date.

    To cast your vote, mail in the ballot included at the end of this
article to .  Note that this is NOT the same as
the originating address.  The easiest way is to auto-reply via e-mail
to this article.  Double-check the "To:" header to make sure it is
being sent to the vote-taking address.  Some software may not preserve
the "Reply-To:" header in news articles.  When auto-replying, please
delete everything above the line marked "<<< begin >>>" and mail in
just the ballot.  This is not crucial, but it will prevent the ballot
box from blowing up.  :)

    If for some reason you cannot use the voting ballot, you may
e-mail a message to  containing your votes in an
unambiguous and explicit manner.  Something like "I vote yes for
csa2.programmer" is acceptable, as long as you do it once for each of
the four newsgroups.  "I vote yes for all the groups" is NOT
acceptable, nor is "I'll vote yes for csa2.marketplace if it is
moderated".  The time for discussion on the proposal is over.  Please
vote only on the final submitted charters.

    Two example votes are included in the ballot.  To vote, insert the
words "yes" or "no" on the left side of the appropriate line.  If you
wish to abstain from voting on a particular newsgroup, simply leave
the left side blank.  Capitalization does not matter, nor does white-
space or quote characters inserted by the news software.  Please use
only the words "yes" or "no" to prevent ambiguity.  PLEASE DO NOT
by machine and hand-checked afterwards.

    If you mail in more than one ballot, only the most recent ballot
will be tallied.  You must MAIL the ballot to . 
Votes mailed to me or posted to a newsgroup will not be counted.  When
your ballot is received, you will receive a computer-generated reply
telling you how it thinks you voted.  Please verify the results and
mail in a correction ONLY if neccesary.

    This is the final Call For Votes and Mass Vote Acknowledgement.
Once again, please verify that your name appears on the ACK list if
you have sent in a ballot.  The voting period will close May 22 at
11:59 EST.  Ballots received after this date will not be counted.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problems casting
your vote (mail to [email protected]).

*** Please note that I will not have net access from May 8 to May 15. 
*** Votes may still be submitted (they will be stored until I return),
*** but the individual e-mail acknowledgements will not be mailed out
*** until the final week of the CFV.

--- <<< begin >>> ----------------------------------------------------
=== Official comp.sys.apple2 reorganization ballot [CSA2-6502:3]
=== Mail to 

~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


--- <<< end >>> ------------------------------------------------------

   This article contains a mass acknowledgement of all votes received
for the comp.sys.apple2 reorganization proposal as of 12:00 PM (EST)
on May 7, 1993.  If you have submitted your vote for this proposal
already, please verify that your name is on this list.  If not, please
send a note to  alerting me to the problem.  The
voting period will close May 22 at 11:59 PM EST.

   This mass ACK list was prepared and sorted alphabetically by Ron
Dippold's UseVote 1.0 software.  Anyone running a CFV (especially a
multi-vote CFV), should give UseVote a try.  It *really* makes things
much easier!

*** Please note that I will not have net access from May 8 to May 15. 
*** Votes may still be submitted (they will be stored until I return),
*** but the individual e-mail acknowledgements will not be mailed out
*** until the final week of the CFV.


comp.sys.apple2 reorganization Mass Ack [254 votes]

[email protected] ("John M. Stoll")
[email protected] (Brian Tao)
[email protected] (Andrew Guillaume)
[email protected] (Marc Sira)
[email protected] (Ron)
[email protected] (Amrit Chauhan)
[email protected] (Michel Bois)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bruce R. Sinclair)
[email protected] (A. Guiles)
[email protected] (Jennifer Peters)
[email protected] (Al Belyea)
[email protected] (Austin Phelps)
[email protected] (Anthony_Bruce MORTON)
[email protected] (Anthony Bean)
[email protected] (Matt Ostanik)
[email protected] (Nathaniel Trost)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Walter Polkosnik)
[email protected] (Jawaid Bazyar)
[email protected] (Benjamin Doherty)
[email protected] (Brian Clark)
[email protected] (Basil Johnson)
[email protected] (Soenke Behrens)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bill Schanks)
[email protected] (Bill Long, Sysop)
[email protected] (Bill McGonigle)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bryan Ogawa)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bill Bridson)
[email protected] (Brian Scully)
[email protected] (Joshua Thompson)
[email protected] (Bev Woolf - Sysop)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Chris Baird)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Yves Cheneval)
[email protected] (Gunn, C Stephen)
[email protected] (Christopher Davis)
[email protected]
[email protected] (C Matthew Curtin)
[email protected] (Steven H. Lichter)
[email protected] ("Curtis M. Compton")
[email protected] (Tero Sand)
[email protected] (Dale Smith)
[email protected] (Greg Boehnlein)
[email protected] (David E A Wilson)
[email protected] (Dan Brown)
[email protected] (David Green)
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Empson)
[email protected] (Derek Taubert)
[email protected] (Doug Granzow)
[email protected] (Dave Kopin)
[email protected] (Douglas Myers)
[email protected] (Douglas Myers)
[email protected] (Daniel Zimmerman)
[email protected] (Donald Franklin)
[email protected] (Norby)
[email protected] (Steve Drees)
[email protected] (Edward Floden)
[email protected] (Erik Knopp)
[email protected] (Elliot A)
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
[email protected] (Andy McFadden)
[email protected] (Larry Wink)
[email protected] (L. Fein)
feline!gray (Kelly Gray)
[email protected] (Fred Gise)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Lawrence S Lee)
[email protected] (Frank M. Lin)
[email protected] (Fred William Peterson)
[email protected] (Joseph Frost)
[email protected] (Derek L Bastille)
[email protected] (Evan J Day)
[email protected] (Hardcore Alaskan)
[email protected] (Gary Hayman)
[email protected] (DESROCHERS GARY FREDERIC)
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
[email protected] (Glenn S. Goldstein)
[email protected] (Reade Glyn Devin)
[email protected] (Kent Radek)
[email protected] (Greg DaCosta)
[email protected] (Gregory Ross Thompson)
[email protected] (Dave Grenda)
[email protected] (Daniel L Grillo)
[email protected] (Grover Thomas)
[email protected] (Gary Snow)
[email protected] (gt2011a SIMMS,WILLIAM SHELDON)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nothing to hide)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jeff Hartkopf)
[email protected] (Harold Byron Bouma)
[email protected] (Thomas Picray)
[email protected] (Kevin Henigan)
[email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dallas Hockley)
[email protected] (Helen Trillian Rose)
[email protected] (The Doctor)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ian Schmidt)
[email protected] (Jason Perez)
[email protected]
[email protected] (James L Brookes)
[email protected] (James Zajkowski)
[email protected] (Jason Hanson)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jeanne Chappell)
[email protected] (Jeffrey T Berntsen)
[email protected] (Jeff Holcomb)
[email protected] (Jack Mortimer - K31)
[email protected] (Jerry Bolduc)
[email protected] (John A. Fritz)
[email protected] (Jason Gibb)
[email protected] (Jerry Guy)
[email protected] (Jimmy Shaw)
[email protected] (James David Wong)
[email protected] (Joel Kinker)
[email protected] (Jonathan L Cooper)
[email protected] ("Joseph T. Lee")
[email protected] (John Mire)
[email protected]
[email protected] (John Moore)
[email protected] (Joseph Frank Shidle)
[email protected] (Joe Oliver)
[email protected] (John Farris)
[email protected] (John Sparkman)
[email protected] (John Townsend)
[email protected] (John Yancho)
[email protected] (Jonathan Fether)
[email protected] (JP Haid)
[email protected] (Jason Simmons)
[email protected]
[email protected] (John Wolverton)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Matthias Kapffer)
[email protected] (Kent Dickey)
[email protected] ("Kitzman,Dennis W")
[email protected] (Kristian Kennaway)
[email protected] (Usurper!)
[email protected] (Guillaume Patte)
[email protected] (Rob Knauerhase)
[email protected] (Not A Random Name)
[email protected] (Lawrance A. Schneider)
[email protected] (Larry Colton)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Gerry Swetsky)
[email protected] (Elizabeth Mire)
[email protected] (laurent Pontailler)
[email protected] (Larry Powell)
[email protected] (Lunatic Johnathan Bruce E'Sex)
[email protected] (Larry W. Virden)
[email protected] (Michael Tiernan)
[email protected] (Joseph Palamar)
[email protected] (Matt Deatherage)
[email protected] (Mike McGovern)
[email protected] (mary coulter)
[email protected] (Morgan Davis)
[email protected] (Mark de Jong)
[email protected] (Mark Holtz)
[email protected] (Mike Palamar)
[email protected] (Mike Ungerman)
[email protected] ("Damon Rand, Canterbury Uni, NZ")
[email protected] (Murray Nesbitt)
[email protected] (Mark Lensenmayer)
[email protected] (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS)
[email protected] (Morgan DiGesualdo)
[email protected] (Stephen Moriarty)
[email protected] (Nick Sayer)
[email protected] (Michael Shecket)
[email protected] (micah shane johnson)
[email protected] (Wayne Gretzky)
[email protected] (Jim Murphy)
[email protected] (Nathan Mates)
[email protected] (Christopher Neufeld)
[email protected] (Nick Phillips)
[email protected] (Otto Heuer #3)
[email protected] (Bill Owens)
[email protected] (Stephen Harker)
[email protected] (Russ Woodroofe)
[email protected] (Marek Kozubal)
[email protected] (Dale B. LaFountain)
[email protected] (Patrick Sonnek)
[email protected] (Paul Hirose)
[email protected] (Matthew Ghio)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ron Dippold)
[email protected] (Steve Reeves)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Robert Hill)
[email protected] (Robert Hood)
[email protected] (Richard A Simm)
[email protected] (Richard Duncan)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Rick Diffley)
[email protected] (Rick Kennedy)
[email protected] (Robert McCabe)
[email protected] (Ron Wilson)
[email protected] (Robert Ward)
[email protected]
[email protected] (The Super User)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alessandro Rubini)
[email protected] (Richard Wifall)
[email protected] (Samantha Digesualdo)
[email protected] (Sam Pemberton - Sys Admin)
[email protected] (Sam Pemberton - Sys Admin)
[email protected] (Sean Dockery)
[email protected] (Roy Schmaus)
[email protected] (Paul Schultz)
[email protected] (Scot Salmon)
[email protected] (Stephen Buggie)
[email protected] (Seth L Theriault)
[email protected] (Marc Moorcroft)
[email protected] (Steven E Nash)
[email protected] (Mitchell Spector)
[email protected] (Counse Broders)
[email protected] (Steve Rogers)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steven T Chiang)
[email protected] (Steve George)
[email protected] (System Administrator)
[email protected] (Shane M Zatezalo)
[email protected] (Dave Slotter)
[email protected] ("Seth D. Kadesh")
[email protected] (Thomas D.Gasser)
[email protected] (Curt Dox)
[email protected] (Todd P. Whitesel)
[email protected] ("Lee Towe")
[email protected] (Dave Tribby)
[email protected] (Tim Savage)
[email protected] (Tye Botting, SysAdmin)
[email protected]
[email protected] ("Everybody knows!....")
[email protected] (tuu)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ki Bon Riki)
[email protected] (Phillip Vandry)
[email protected] (Vet Woolf)
[email protected] (Walter B. Hoye II)
[email protected] (Heath Wilkinson)
[email protected] (William Hall)
[email protected] (Scott Gentry)
[email protected] (Wulf Hofbauer)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Zachariah Cameron)

From [email protected] Fri May 28 18:14:37 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Brian T Tao)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.apple2,comp.sys.apple2.gno,alt.bbs.metal,alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2
Subject: RESULT: comp.sys.apple2 reorganization passes
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 28 May 1993 16:12:08 -0400
Organization: MuGS Research and Development Facility
Lines: 373
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3640 news.groups:73003 comp.sys.apple2:58918 comp.sys.apple2.gno:1498 alt.bbs.metal:249 alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2:435

           RESULTS - comp.sys.apple2 reorganization passes

Submitted by:    Brian Tao 
Date submitted:  May 23 1993

    Voting on the comp.sys.apple2 (csa2) reorganization is now CLOSED.
Please do not send any more votes -- they will be discarded.  Thanks
to all who participated in the discussion and voting.

    A total of 303 valid votes were received (not including 8
duplicate votes which were discarded).  Proposals for the creation of
four new unmoderated newsgroups have all passed (YES votes exceed NO
votes by 100 or more, and over two-thirds of the votes are YES).  YES
and NO votes may not always add up to 303 because of abstentions:

comp.sys.apple2 reorganization results - 303 votes

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 259   38 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.sys.apple2.comm
 266   33 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.sys.apple2.marketplace
 266   34 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.sys.apple2.programmer
 236   56 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.sys.apple2.usergroups

csa2.comm         Discussions related to Apple II data communications
csa2.marketplace  Buying/selling/trading of Apple II-related equipment
csa2.programmer   Discussions related to Apple II programming
csa2.usergroups   Discussions related to running an Apple II user group

    According to the "Guidelines" posting, there will be a five-day
waiting period after this notice appears on news.announce.newgroups in
which any serious concerns or corrections to the results list should
be brought to my attention.  If no major objections are made against
the results of the vote or the voting procedure, newgroup control
messages will be sent out by the moderator of news.announce.newgroups,
David Lawrence.

    Of note:  an above-average proportion of ProLine BBS users
participated in the vote (74 votes, or about one-quarter).  ProLine is
an Apple II-based network that carries Internet e-mail and Usenet
news.  Users of these systems have traditionally been "lurkers" on
Usenet -- reading but rarely posting.  My thanks to the sysops of
various ProLine systems for making the RFD and CFV's easily accessible
to their users and encouraging them to vote.  BTW, for anyone who has
money riding on this, pro-cajun wins with the most votes at 15.  :)

    I should also mention Ron Dippold, the author of the UseVote vote-
taking software which made the usually mundane task of running a CFV
trivial.  It processes the voting account's mailbox, scans for votes,
interprets the ballot, adds the results to the database and checks for
duplicate votes.  It also generates voting ballots, personal vote
acknowledgments, mass ACK listings, tally results and final voting
results.  Did I miss anything, Ron?  ;-)  I've compiled it on seven
different architectures, from my Apple IIGS using ORCA/C and GNO, to a
386/33 with Linux/gcc, to a Sparcstation 10 running SunOS 4.13 and
gcc.   Anyone who wants to run a CFV (especially a multi-vote CFV)
should take a look at his software.  Truly a fantastic time-saver.

    The list of voters and their votes follows.  'Y' means yes, 'N'
means no and a '-' means an abstention.  Column 1 contains the votes
for csa2.comm, 2 is csa2.marketplace, 3 is csa2.marketplace and 4 is
csa2.usergroups.  Again, thanks to all who voted.

comp.sys.apple2 reorganization Final Vote Ack                           1234
[email protected] ("John M. Stoll")                             YYYY
[email protected] (John Goggan)                               YYYY
[email protected] (Brian Tao)                              YYYY
[email protected] (Andrew Guillaume)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Marc Sira)                                   YYY-
[email protected] (Ron)                                           YYYN
[email protected] (Amrit Chauhan)                     YYYN
[email protected] (Michel Bois)                                 YYYY
[email protected]                                                       YYYY
[email protected]                                                        YYYY
[email protected] (Bruce R. Sinclair)                              NNNN
[email protected] (A. Guiles)                                     YYYY
[email protected] (Jennifer Peters)                                     YYYY
[email protected]                                            NNNN
[email protected] (Al Belyea)                                              YYYY
[email protected] (Austin Phelps)               YYYY
[email protected] (Anthony_Bruce MORTON)                             YYYY
[email protected] (Andrew)                                      YYYY
[email protected] (Anthony Bean)                                     YYNN
[email protected] (Matt Ostanik)                              YYYY
[email protected] (Albert Willis)                                         YYYY
[email protected] (Brian Wells)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Nathaniel Trost)                           YYYY
[email protected]                                YYYN
[email protected] (Walter Polkosnik)                                     NYYN
[email protected] (Jawaid Bazyar)                                          YYYY
[email protected] (Benjamin Doherty)                             YYYY
[email protected] (Brian Clark)                                  YYYN
[email protected] (Basil Johnson)                               YYYY
[email protected] (Soenke Behrens)                     YYYN
[email protected]                                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Bill Schanks)                               YYYY
[email protected] (Bill Long, Sysop)                          YYYY
[email protected] (Bill McGonigle)                              YYYY
[email protected] (William Fry)                                YYYY
[email protected]                                                      Y-Y-
[email protected] (Brian Johnson)                            NNNN
[email protected] (Bryan Ogawa)                            YYYY
[email protected] (Ruth White)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Abe Bren)                                       YYYY
[email protected]                                                     YYYY
[email protected]                                                       YYYY
[email protected] (Bill Bridson)                                 NNYN
[email protected] (Bruno Melton)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Brian Scully)                            YYYY
[email protected] (Joshua Thompson)                              YYYY
[email protected] (Bev Woolf - Sysop)                            YYYY
[email protected]                                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Chris Baird)                                YYYN
[email protected]                                           YYYY
[email protected]                                         YYYY
[email protected] (FLIP)                                             YYYY
[email protected]                                                    YYYY
[email protected] (Yves Cheneval)                                NNNN
[email protected] (Chip Rosenthal)                               -N--
[email protected] (Gunn, C Stephen)                            YYYY
[email protected] (Christopher Davis)                                         YYYY
[email protected]                                          NNNN
[email protected] (C Matthew Curtin)                              YYYY
[email protected] (Steven H. Lichter)                         YYYY
[email protected] ("Curtis M. Compton")                          YYYY
[email protected] (Glenn W. Hoffman)                            YYYY
[email protected] (Tero Sand)                                      YYYY
[email protected] (Christopher Ward)                                      NNNN
[email protected] (Dale Smith)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Greg Boehnlein)                          YYYY
[email protected] (David E A Wilson)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Dan Brown)                                      YYYY
[email protected] (David Green)                                YYYY
[email protected]                                                    NYNY
[email protected] (Dean Mulig)                                     YYYY
[email protected] (David Empson)                              YYYY
[email protected] (Derek Taubert)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Doug Granzow)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Dave Kopin)                                     YYYY
[email protected] (Daniel Demaggio)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Douglas Myers)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Daniel Zimmerman)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Donald Franklin)                          YYYY
[email protected] (Norby)                                          YYYY
[email protected] (Steve Drees)                                    YYYY
[email protected] (Edward Floden)                                  YYYY
[email protected] ("Eric J. Olson")                                N-NN
[email protected] (Erik Knopp)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Elliot A)                                      YYYY
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)                                  NNNN
[email protected] (Andy McFadden)                           NYYN
[email protected] (Larry Wink)                                  NNNN
[email protected] (L. Fein)                                         YYYY
feline!gray (Kelly Gray)                                                YYYY
[email protected] (Fred Gise)                                     YYYY
[email protected]                                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Lawrence S Lee)                             YYYY
[email protected] (Frank M. Lin)                                         YYYY
[email protected] (Michael Foegelle)                          YYYY
[email protected] (Fred William Peterson)                             NNNN
[email protected] (Joseph Frost)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Derek L Bastille)                    YYYY
[email protected] (Evan J Day)                          YYYN
[email protected] (Hardcore Alaskan)                               YNYN
[email protected] (Gary Hayman)                                YYYY
[email protected] (DESROCHERS GARY FREDERIC)            YYYY
[email protected]                                          YYYY
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)                           YNYN
[email protected] (Glenn S. Goldstein)                                  YYYN
[email protected] (Reade Glyn Devin)                            YYYY
[email protected] (Kent Radek)                                       YYYY
[email protected] (Greg DaCosta)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Gregory Ross Thompson)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Dave Grenda)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Daniel L Grillo)                                       NNNN
[email protected] (Grover Thomas)                                 NYYN
[email protected] (Gary Snow)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (gt2011a SIMMS,WILLIAM SHELDON)                YYYY
[email protected] (Paul Guertin)                                -YY-
[email protected]                                                        YYYY
[email protected] (Nothing to hide)                             YYYY
[email protected]                 YYYY
[email protected] (Jeff Hartkopf)                              YYYY
[email protected] (Harold Byron Bouma)                  YYYY
[email protected] (Thomas Picray)                                       YYYY
[email protected] (Kevin Henigan)                               YYYN
[email protected] (Jones-evans Dwayne C)                       YYYN
[email protected] (Herbert M Petro)                               NNNN
[email protected]                                          YYYY
[email protected] (Dallas Hockley)                               YYYY
[email protected] (Helen Trillian Rose)                                     YYYY
[email protected] (Clint Bailey)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Mike Vandenberg)                        YYYY
[email protected] (The Doctor)                                           YYYY
[email protected]                                                   NNNN
[email protected] (Ian Schmidt)                                        YYYY
[email protected] (Jason Perez)                                   NNNN
[email protected]                                              YYYY
[email protected] (James L Brookes)                              YYYY
[email protected] (James Zajkowski)                            YYYY
[email protected] (Jason Hanson)                                NNNN
[email protected] (Jayce)                                        YYYY
[email protected] (Joel Berger)                                     YYYY
[email protected]                                                    YYYY
[email protected]                                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Jeff Browaty)                                      YYYY
[email protected] (Jeanne Chappell)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Jeff Jungblut)                               YYYY
[email protected] (Jeffrey T Berntsen)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Jeff Holcomb)                                          YYYY
[email protected] (Jack Mortimer - K31)                       YYYY
[email protected] (Jerry Bolduc)                                   YYYY
[email protected] (John A. Fritz)                                    YYYY
[email protected] (John De Armond)                                          NNNN
[email protected] (Jason Gibb)                                             YYYN
[email protected] (Jerry Guy)                                    YYYY
[email protected] (Jimmy Shaw)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (James David Wong)                              YYYY
[email protected] (Joel Kinker)                                   YYYY
[email protected] (Jonathan L Cooper)                        YYYY
[email protected] ("Joseph T. Lee")                               YYYY
[email protected] (John Mire)                                     YYYY
[email protected]                                              YYYN
[email protected] (John Moore)                                     YYYY
[email protected] (Joseph Frank Shidle)                          YYYY
[email protected] (Joe Oliver)                                       YYYY
[email protected] (John Farris)                                    YYYY
[email protected] (John Sparkman)                             YYYY
[email protected] (John Townsend)                                      YYYY
[email protected] (John Yancho)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Jonathan Fether)                                        YYYY
[email protected] (JP Haid)                                        YYYY
[email protected] (James Vincent Schultz)                            YNNN
[email protected] (Jason Simmons)                                YYYY
[email protected]                                                YYYY
[email protected] (John Wolverton)                             YYYY
[email protected]                                                           YYYY
[email protected] (Matthias Kapffer)           YYYY
[email protected] (Kent Dickey)                                   YYYY
[email protected] (Kim Brennan)                                YYYN
[email protected] ("Kitzman,Dennis W")                                YYYY
[email protected] (Kristian Kennaway)                           YYYY
[email protected] (Usurper!)                                            YYYY
[email protected] (Guillaume Patte)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Rob Knauerhase)                                     YYYY
[email protected] (Not A Random Name)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Kris)                                         YYYY
[email protected] (Lawrance A. Schneider)                  YYYY
[email protected] (Larry Colton)                              YYYN
[email protected]                                                      NNNN
[email protected] (Gerry Swetsky)                                  NNNN
[email protected] (Elizabeth Mire)                                YYYY
[email protected] (laurent Pontailler)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Larry Powell)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Lunatic Johnathan Bruce E'Sex)                      YYYY
[email protected]                                              YYYY
[email protected] (Larry W. Virden)                                       YYYY
[email protected] (Michael Tiernan)                        YYYY
[email protected] (Joseph Palamar)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Matt Deatherage)                                       --Y-
[email protected] (Max Heffler)                                            YYYY
[email protected] (Mike McGovern)                               YYYY
[email protected] (mary coulter)                                     YYYY
[email protected] (Morgan Davis)                                   YYYY
[email protected] (Mark de Jong)                           YYYY
[email protected] (Tim Meekins)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Mark Sauder)                                          YYYY
[email protected] (Mark Holtz)                                          NNNN
[email protected] (Mike Lempriere)                                      YYYY
[email protected] (Mike Palamar)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Mike Ungerman)                                 YYYY
[email protected] ("Damon Rand, Canterbury Uni, NZ")         YYYY
[email protected] (Murray Nesbitt)                                        NNNN
[email protected] (Mark Lensenmayer)                         -YYY
[email protected] (David McFarling)                          YYYY
[email protected] (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS)                                 NNNN
[email protected] (Morgan DiGesualdo)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Stephen Moriarty)                                   YYYY
[email protected] (Nick Sayer)                                      NNNN
[email protected] (Michael Shecket)                              YYYY
[email protected] (micah shane johnson)                   YYYY
[email protected] (Wayne Gretzky)                       YYYY
[email protected] (Jim Murphy)                                            YYYY
[email protected] (Nathan Mates)                                   YYYY
[email protected] (Christopher Neufeld)                YYYY
[email protected] (Nick Phillips)                             YYYY
[email protected] (Otto Heuer #3)                              YYY-
[email protected] (Bill Owens)                       NNNN
[email protected] (Paul Browneng)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Stephen Harker)                          YYYY
[email protected] (Russ Woodroofe)                                   YYYY
[email protected] (Kent Keltner)                                       NYYY
[email protected] (Marek Kozubal)                          YYYY
[email protected] (Dale B. LaFountain)                           YYYY
[email protected] (Patrick Sonnek)                          YYYY
[email protected] (Paul Hirose)                         NYNN
[email protected] (Matthew Ghio)                                          YYY-
[email protected]                                               YYYY
[email protected] (Ron Dippold)                                     YYYY
[email protected] (Steve Reeves)                              -YY-
[email protected] (Andrew Berg)                         ----
[email protected]                                             YYYN
[email protected] (Robert Hill)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Robert Hood)                                   YYYY
[email protected] (Richard A Simm)                                        NNNN
[email protected] (Richard Duncan)                                YYYY
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)                        YNYN
[email protected] (Rick Diffley)                         YYYY
[email protected] (Rick Kennedy)                                    YYYY
[email protected] (Robert McCabe)                                     YYYY
[email protected] (Ron Wilson)                                         YYYY
[email protected] (Robert Ward)                                YYYY
[email protected]                                                YYY-
[email protected] (The Super User)                                     YYYY
[email protected]                                                        YYYY
[email protected] (Alessandro Rubini)                              YYYY
[email protected] (Richard Wifall)                                       YYYY
[email protected] (Samantha Digesualdo)                            YYYY
[email protected] (Sam Pemberton - Sys Admin)                     YYYY
[email protected] (Sean Dockery)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Roy Schmaus)                                    YYYY
[email protected] (Paul Schultz)                                           YYYY
[email protected] (Scot Salmon)                                           YYYY
[email protected] (Stephen Buggie)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Scott Alfter)                           YYYY
[email protected] (Seth L Theriault)                            YYYY
[email protected] (Marc Moorcroft)                                 NNNN
[email protected] (Steven E Nash)                         YYYY
[email protected] (Steven Nelson)                            NYNY
[email protected] (Mitchell Spector)                            YYYY
[email protected] (Counse Broders)                             YYYY
[email protected] (Steve Rogers)                                      NNNN
[email protected] (Steve)                                      YYYY
[email protected]                                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Steven T Chiang)                           YYYY
[email protected] (Steve George)                           YYYY
[email protected] (System Administrator)                         YYYY
[email protected] (Shane M Zatezalo)                   YYYY
[email protected] (Dave Slotter)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Travis E Sitzlar)                         YYYY
[email protected] ("Seth D. Kadesh")                                        YYYY
[email protected] (Thomas D.Gasser)                              NNNN
[email protected] (Curt Dox)                            YYYY
[email protected] (Todd P. Whitesel)                               YYYY
[email protected] ("Lee Towe")                                           YYYY
[email protected] (Trent Corney)                               YYYY
[email protected] (Dave Tribby)                                 YYYY
[email protected] (Tim Savage)                                       YYYY
[email protected] (Tye Botting, SysAdmin)                           NYYN
[email protected]                                                 YYYY
[email protected] ("Everybody knows!....")                  YYYY
[email protected] (tuu)                                                 YYYY
[email protected]                                                    YY-Y
[email protected] (Ki Bon Riki)                                    YYYY
[email protected] (Phillip Vandry)                                         YYY-
[email protected] (Vet Woolf)                                    YYYY
[email protected] (Walter B. Hoye II)                           YYYY
[email protected] (Kevin Welch)                                  YYYY
[email protected] (Heath Wilkinson)                                     YYYY
[email protected] (Dave Huang)                                      YYYY
[email protected] (William Hall)                                       YYYY
[email protected] (Scott Gentry)                          NYNN
[email protected] (Wulf Hofbauer)                        YYYY
[email protected]                                     YYYY
[email protected]                                              YYYN
[email protected] (Zachariah Cameron)                         YYYY
[email protected] ("Daniel Zirin")                                 NNNN
Brian Tao:: [email protected] (r-Node BBS, 416-249-5366, FREE!)
::::::::::: [email protected] (University of Toronto)

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