From [email protected] Fri Feb 24 19:11:04 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Johan Berteloot)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.genealogy.computing,alt.genealogy,soc.genealogy.misc
Subject: RFD: soc.genealogy.benelux
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 24 Feb 1995 18:49:56 -0500
Organization: Central Computing Services
Lines: 128
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6335 news.groups:136563 soc.genealogy.computing:2284 alt.genealogy:16292 soc.genealogy.misc:4161

                        REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)

List Name:     soc.genealogy.benelux
Status:        not moderated
Proponent:     Johan Berteloot ([email protected])
Distribution:  world
Global:        Y
Gateways:      to a mailing list, [email protected]
RFD posted to: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.genealogy.computing,
Cc to:         [email protected]

NOTE:     This is not a Call for Votes. Do not try to vote now.
          Followups set to news.groups, please honour. See the
          "Procedure" section, below, for details.


  soc.genealogy.benelux is for genealogy and family history
  discussion among people researching ancestors, family members, or
  others who have a genealogical connection to any people in any
  part of the Benelux countries (Belgium, The Netherlands and

  The group is open to anyone with an interest in genealogy in any
  of the populations in or from this area, including, but not
  limited to: people who live, lived, or may have lived there;
  emigrants; immigrants; colonists; residents of former colonies;
  and their descendants.

  The scope of the group reflects language, history, migrations,
  and the realities of researching public records and genealogical
  data archives, and includes questions of local customs and
  history, or of regional or national history which affected the
  lives of these people and which are difficult to research in the
  present. Posts are expected to be mostly in English, but may be
  written in any language. Dutch, French and German are spoken in
  different parts of the region, and posts in those languages are
  anticipated and will be welcome. Posters who wish a translation
  of a post into another language may ask in the group for help.

  The focus of the group is on people, researched for genealogical
  purposes.  Postings on topics unrelated to genealogy are not welcome.


  The soc.genealogy.* (s.g.*) hierarchy of newsgroups includes
  groups, which are intended to provide a focus for genealogy
  research that centers around a country or region of origin, a
  language, or an ethnic group. The German, French and Jewish
  groups which were part of the original reorganization have been
  quite successful, and there has been considerable interest shown
  in adding another group to cover the Benelux countries.

  Many Usenet genealogists are researching family or ancestors from
  some part of the Benelux countries. There is much in common between
  genealogy of these countries, especially regarding public records and
  research archives. Because of the commonality of research
  interests it seems reasonable to conduct discussions in one

Mailing List and Gateways:

  The group will be gated to a mailing list for genealogists who do
  not have access to Usenet. The gate will be two-way, so that all
  messages posted on either side will appear on both sides.


  The content of the postings shall be archived in the future and
  made researchable via FTP-mail or other such means.

Supporters of this Proposal

  This proposal is being supported by the following people.
  If you need to contact any of us personally, we are:

  Proponent:     [email protected] (Johan Berteloot)

  In Belgium:    [email protected] (Johan Berteloot)
  In the Netherlands: [email protected] (Marc Gabriels)
  In USA: [email protected] (Wally Janssen)
  In Canada: [email protected] (Martin Timmerman)
  In South Africa: [email protected] (Wilhelm AG Nel)

Distribution of RFD:

  The complete official messages as RFD, CFV and vote results will
  be posted to these required or affected newsgroups:

  and to interested newsgroups and mailing lists:
       alt.genealogy,[email protected]

  A short "pointer" message will be send to other groups whose
  readers may be interested.
       soc.genealogy.misc, soc.genealogy.jewish,
       soc.genealogy.german, soc.genealogy.methods,
       soc.genealogy.french, soc.history.moderated
       soc.culture.netherlands, soc.culture.belgium,
       soc.culture.french, soc.culture.german, nlnet.misc

Procedure - Discussion - Votings - Followup

  Interested parties are encouraged to comment on this proposal in
  news.groups.  Please post your comments *only* in news.groups.
  After 21 days, if there appears to be a strong consensus in favor of
  this proposal as it is written here, a CFV will be posted, which
  will initiate the voting process; otherwise, discussion will
  continue until a more refined proposal can be prepared.

  Again, please do *not* vote now.  The voting process has not begun,
  and your votes will be DISCARDED if you attempt to do so.

  For more information on the newsgroup creation process, see the
  documents entitled "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and
  "Usenet Newsgroup Creation Companion" by David Lawrence
  , posted regularly to news.groups,
  news.announce.newusers, and news.answers, and available for ftp at in /pub/usenet/news.groups.
Johan Berteloot                     [email protected]
UFSIA CCS Antwerp                   [email protected]
PC- & Network Division              [email protected]
Novell Supervisor                   +32 3 220 48 25

From [email protected] Mon May  8 18:45:40 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Michael Handler)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.genealogy.computing,alt.genealogy
Subject: CFV: soc.genealogy.benelux
Followup-To: poster
Date: 8 May 1995 12:54:36 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 156
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 30 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected] (Michael Handler Voting Alias)
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6791 news.groups:148335 soc.genealogy.computing:4496 alt.genealogy:22193

                          FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                   unmoderated group soc.genealogy.benelux

Newsgroups line:
soc.genealogy.benelux	Genealogy in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 29 May 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting
questions only contact Michael Handler . For
questions about the proposed group contact Johan Berteloot

This Call For Votes (CFV) has been crossposted to the following newsgroups:
news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, soc.genealogy.computing,

After this Call For Votes (CFV) appears in , it
will be sent to the following mailing lists:
* [email protected]
  Subscribe at [email protected]
* [email protected]
  Subscribe at [email protected]


The only official sources of this CFV are:
* The copy which was crossposted to 
* Any copies which were sent to mailing lists by the votetaker (and *only*
  the votetaker)
* One received from the votetaker's automated mailserver

To obtain a copy of the CFV from the votetaker's mailserver:
* Send email to  with

  Subject: send genealogy cfv

  This is an automated function, so it does not matter what
  your message body contains, as long as the Subject: line is exactly as
  described above.

IMPORTANT: If you give anyone copies of the CFV, the copies must be whole
and unmodified. Distributing pre-filled in ballots or modified copies of
this CFV is considered voting fraud. If this occurs on a large scale or
causes voting problems or irregularities, the vote may be canceled.

When in doubt, ask the votetaker.


  soc.genealogy.benelux is for genealogy and family history
  discussion among people researching ancestors, family members, or
  others who have a genealogical connection to any people in any
  part of the Benelux countries (Belgium, The Netherlands and

  The group is open to anyone with an interest in genealogy in any
  of the populations in or from this area, including, but not
  limited to: people who live, lived, or may have lived there;
  emigrants; immigrants; colonists; residents of former colonies;
  and their descendants.

  The scope of the group reflects language, history, migrations,
  and the realities of researching public records and genealogical
  data archives, and includes questions of local customs and
  history, or of regional or national history which affected the
  lives of these people and which are difficult to research in the
  present. Posts are expected to be mostly in English, but may be
  written in any language. Dutch, French and German are spoken in
  different parts of the region, and posts in those languages are
  anticipated and will be welcome. Posters who wish a translation
  of a post into another language may ask in the group for help.

  The focus of the group is on people, researched for genealogical
  purposes.  Postings on topics unrelated to genealogy are not welcome.


  The soc.genealogy.* (s.g.*) hierarchy of newsgroups includes
  groups, which are intended to provide a focus for genealogy
  research that centers around a country or region of origin, a
  language, or an ethnic group. The German, French and Jewish
  groups which were part of the original reorganization have been
  quite successful, and there has been considerable interest shown
  in adding another group to cover the Benelux countries.

  Many Usenet genealogists are researching family or ancestors from
  some part of the Benelux countries. There is much in common between
  genealogy of these countries, especially regarding public records and
  research archives. Because of the commonality of research
  interests it seems reasonable to conduct discussions in one

  The mailing list created only last February has shown substantial interest
  from researchers around the world. With the broad access of researchers
  to Usenet this potential can only grow and encourage researchers to
  exchange information with common interest in the same area. The low
  countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) have been very
  prosperous and its inhabitants have descendants everywhere now.


  The group will be gated to a mailing list for genealogists who do
  not have access to Usenet. The gate will be two-way, so that all
  messages posted on either side will appear on both sides.

  The name of the mailing list is [email protected]


One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Attempts at
ballot box stuffing or vote fraud will not be treated lightly.

*** IMPORTANT: _Addresses_ and _votes_ of all voters will be published in
the final voting results list. UVV voting on Usenet is not done by secret
ballot. ***

Send email to: 
Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain ONE (and only ONE) of the following

      I vote YES on soc.genealogy.benelux
      I vote NO on soc.genealogy.benelux
      I vote ABSTAIN on soc.genealogy.benelux
      I CANCEL my vote on soc.genealogy.benelux

If you vote ABSTAIN, your vote will be registered and will be shown in
the final results posting, but it will not affect the outcome of the vote.
It is intended as a form of symbolic protest, nothing more.

If you CANCEL your vote, all records of your vote will be purged from the
active results file, and your name and address will not be listed in the
final results posting.

ABSTAIN and CANCEL are nearly the same thing -- the only difference is
that with ABSTAIN, your name and address are still listed in the
final listing.

If you later change your mind you may vote again. Only your last valid
vote will count and will be published in the final results posting.

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal
acknowledgement by mail -- if you do not receive one within several days,
try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered

After the final results are posted to , there
will then be a five-day period during which the published vote list may be
corrected and any irregularities addressed.
                           Michael Handler 
                           Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV)
                           Running UseVote 3.0

From [email protected] Thu May 25 18:46:49 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Michael Handler)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.genealogy.computing,alt.genealogy
Subject: 2nd CFV: soc.genealogy.benelux
Followup-To: poster
Date: 23 May 1995 16:04:13 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 161
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 30 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]> 
Reply-To: [email protected] (Michael Handler Voting Alias)
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6894 news.groups:150958 soc.genealogy.computing:4808 alt.genealogy:23447

                          LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                   unmoderated group soc.genealogy.benelux

Newsgroups line:
soc.genealogy.benelux	Genealogy in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 29 May 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting
questions only contact Michael Handler . For
questions about the proposed group contact Johan Berteloot

This Call For Votes (CFV) has been crossposted to the following newsgroups:
news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, soc.genealogy.computing,

After this Call For Votes (CFV) appears in , it
will be sent to the following mailing lists:
* [email protected]
  Subscribe at [email protected]
* [email protected]
  Subscribe at [email protected]


The only official sources of this CFV are:
* The copy which was crossposted to 
* Any copies which were sent to mailing lists by the votetaker (and *only*
  the votetaker)
* One received from the votetaker's automated mailserver

To obtain a copy of the CFV from the votetaker's mailserver:
* Send email to  with

  Subject: send genealogy cfv

  This is an automated function, so it does not matter what
  your message body contains, as long as the Subject: line is exactly as
  described above.

IMPORTANT: If you give anyone copies of the CFV, the copies must be whole
and unmodified. Distributing pre-filled in ballots or modified copies of
this CFV is considered voting fraud. If this occurs on a large scale or
causes voting problems or irregularities, the vote may be canceled.

When in doubt, ask the votetaker.


  soc.genealogy.benelux is for genealogy and family history
  discussion among people researching ancestors, family members, or
  others who have a genealogical connection to any people in any
  part of the Benelux countries (Belgium, The Netherlands and

  The group is open to anyone with an interest in genealogy in any
  of the populations in or from this area, including, but not
  limited to: people who live, lived, or may have lived there;
  emigrants; immigrants; colonists; residents of former colonies;
  and their descendants.

  The scope of the group reflects language, history, migrations,
  and the realities of researching public records and genealogical
  data archives, and includes questions of local customs and
  history, or of regional or national history which affected the
  lives of these people and which are difficult to research in the
  present. Posts are expected to be mostly in English, but may be
  written in any language. Dutch, French and German are spoken in
  different parts of the region, and posts in those languages are
  anticipated and will be welcome. Posters who wish a translation
  of a post into another language may ask in the group for help.

  The focus of the group is on people, researched for genealogical
  purposes.  Postings on topics unrelated to genealogy are not welcome.


  The soc.genealogy.* (s.g.*) hierarchy of newsgroups includes
  groups, which are intended to provide a focus for genealogy
  research that centers around a country or region of origin, a
  language, or an ethnic group. The German, French and Jewish
  groups which were part of the original reorganization have been
  quite successful, and there has been considerable interest shown
  in adding another group to cover the Benelux countries.

  Many Usenet genealogists are researching family or ancestors from
  some part of the Benelux countries. There is much in common between
  genealogy of these countries, especially regarding public records and
  research archives. Because of the commonality of research
  interests it seems reasonable to conduct discussions in one

  The mailing list created only last February has shown substantial interest
  from researchers around the world. With the broad access of researchers
  to Usenet this potential can only grow and encourage researchers to
  exchange information with common interest in the same area. The low
  countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) have been very
  prosperous and its inhabitants have descendants everywhere now.


  The group will be gated to a mailing list for genealogists who do
  not have access to Usenet. The gate will be two-way, so that all
  messages posted on either side will appear on both sides.

  The name of the mailing list is [email protected]


One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Attempts at
ballot box stuffing or vote fraud will not be treated lightly.

*** IMPORTANT: _Addresses_ and _votes_ of all voters will be published in
the final voting results list. UVV voting on Usenet is not done by secret
ballot. ***

Send email to: 
Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain ONE (and only ONE) of the following

      I vote YES on soc.genealogy.benelux
      I vote NO on soc.genealogy.benelux
      I vote ABSTAIN on soc.genealogy.benelux
      I CANCEL my vote on soc.genealogy.benelux

If you vote ABSTAIN, your vote will be registered and will be shown in
the final results posting, but it will not affect the outcome of the vote.
It is intended as a form of symbolic protest, nothing more.

If you CANCEL your vote, all records of your vote will be purged from the
active results file, and your name and address will not be listed in the
final results posting.

ABSTAIN and CANCEL are nearly the same thing -- the only difference is
that with ABSTAIN, your name and address are still listed in the
final listing.

If you later change your mind you may vote again. Only your last valid
vote will count and will be published in the final results posting.

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal
acknowledgement by mail -- if you do not receive one within several days,
try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered

After the final results are posted to , there
will then be a five-day period during which the published vote list may be
corrected and any irregularities addressed.

soc.genealogy.benelux Bounce List - No need to revote
[email protected]                                                      AnnRoyal
[email protected]                                         Deirdre W Wheeler
                           Michael Handler 
                           Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV)
                           Running UseVote 3.0

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