From [email protected] Tue Nov 24 18:45:29 1998
From: [email protected]
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.british,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.cornish,,uk.misc
Subject: RFD: soc.culture.england
Followup-To: news.groups
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Approved: [email protected]
Archive-Name: soc.culture.england
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 02:35:06 GMT
Lines: 135
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10711 news.groups:301601 soc.culture.british:380534 soc.culture.europe:157953 soc.culture.cornish:3766

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
                unmoderated group soc.culture.england

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of
soc.culture.england. This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot
vote at this time. Procedural details are below.

Newsgroup lines:
soc.culture.england	England and English culture.

RATIONALE: soc.culture.england

England is perhaps the largest country in the world without a
soc.culture. newsgroup devoted to it. About 45 million people live in
England and there are also many millions of people world-wide of English
descent or with an interest in England or English culture. There is
sufficient demand for a forum to discuss specifically English topics
as evidenced by the fact that there is already a sucessful
group soc.culture.cornish dealing with that part of England. Currently
English wide topics are discussed in soc.culture.british. The creation
of soc.culture.england would allow soc.culture.british to focus on
genuine Britain wide issues.

Many new Usenet users are at a loss when they fail to find a group with
English or England in the title. This group's name will act as a
signpost for these people. Furthermore, soc.culture.england will also
allow soc.culture.british to cover genuinely Britain wide issues,
currently that group covers both British wide and English specific

The culture of England is unique. The English are a British people who
have been influenced by a number of different cultures and who in turn
have played a major role in influencing many other cultures in the

The motivation for the creation of a soc.culture.england newsgroup is
not political. The new newsgroup will serve the distinct needs of the
English people in the same way as newsgroups serving other countries of
the Britain Isles (soc.culture.welsh, soc.culture.scottish, already cater for those countries - the creation of
soc.culture.england simply provides the same forum and opportunity for
England and English culture which Scotland, Wales and Ireland already

CHARTER: soc.culture.england

The soc.culture.england newsgroup will be open to discussion of all
subjects specifically referring to England or English culture. This
newsgroup will be created for reasons including, but not restricted to,
the following:

* To encourage understanding and discussion of England and English
culture, in the many ways people wish to define it.

* To act as a source of information for people of English origin
worldwide and for people planning a visit to England.

* To act as a resource for English people who wish to use the Internet
and for people who wish to encourage the development of the Internet
in England.

* To provide a forum for the development and promotion of English
culture, history, traditions, politics and economy.

The following exceptions should be noted:

* Matters referring to issues affecting Britain as a whole should be
posted to soc.culture.british

* Matters specifically referring to Cornwall or Cornish may have a
more appropriate forum in soc.culture.cornish.

* Matters referring to genealogy may have a more appropriate forum in

* Matters concerning English language movements in countries other
than England (e.g. movements to establish legal status) should not
be posted to soc.culture.england, and may have a more appropriate
forum in newsgroup(s) dealing with the country in question.
Other matters concerning use of the English language may have a
more appropriate forum in alt.english.usage.


Advertising is forbidden, with these exceptions:
Suppliers of goods and services connected with English culture or
based in England may post, not more than once every 3 months, a
brief pointer to their website or invitation to request details.
The subject line should begin "ADVERT: ", except for job vacancy
adverts, when it should begin "JOB: "

Binaries and Formatting:

The posting of encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files,
etc.) to soc.culture.england is forbidden, except for cryptographic
signatures (e.g. PGP). Such material belongs on a web or ftp site,
for which a URL may be posted. Posts must be in plaintext or Rot13,
not HTML or other encoded forms.


Posts to the group are expected to be considerate of other
readers. Personal abuse, flames, and obscenities are *not*



This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes.  In this phase
of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups
should be raised and resolved.  The discussion period will continue
for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this
proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For
Votes (CFV) will be posted by a neutral vote taker.  Please do not
attempt to vote until this happens.

All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.

This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation
guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How
to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal".  Please refer to these
documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any
questions about the process.


This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups:

news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, soc.culture.british,
soc.culture.europe, soc.culture.cornish,, uk.misc

Proponent: Craig Cockburn 

From [email protected] Wed Jan 20 18:15:30 1999
From: [email protected]
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.british,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.cornish,,uk.misc
Subject: 2nd RFD: soc.culture.english moderated
Followup-To: news.groups
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Approved: [email protected]
Archive-Name: soc.culture.english
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 02:03:21 GMT
Lines: 149
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10830 news.groups:303905 soc.culture.british:390067 soc.culture.europe:162316 soc.culture.cornish:3884

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
                 moderated group soc.culture.english

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of
soc.culture.english (moderated). This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you
cannot vote at this time. Procedural details are below.

CHANGES from previous RFD:

Change status from unmoderated to moderated
Change newsgroup name from soc.culture.england to soc.culture.english

Newsgroup lines:
soc.culture.english	England and English culture. (Moderated)

RATIONALE: soc.culture.english

England is perhaps the largest country in the world without a
soc.culture. newsgroup devoted to it. About 45 million people live in
England and there are also many millions of people world-wide of English
descent or with an interest in England or English culture. There is
sufficient demand for a forum to discuss specifically English topics
as evidenced by the fact that there is already a sucessful
group soc.culture.cornish dealing with that part of England. Currently
English wide topics are discussed in soc.culture.british. The creation
of soc.culture.english would allow soc.culture.british to focus on
genuine Britain wide issues.

Many new Usenet users are at a loss when they fail to find a group with
English or England in the title. This group's name will act as a
signpost for these people. Furthermore, soc.culture.english will also
allow soc.culture.british to cover genuinely Britain wide issues,
currently that group covers both British wide and English specific

The culture of England is unique. The English are a British people who
have been influenced by a number of different cultures and who in turn
have played a major role in influencing many other cultures in the

The motivation for the creation of a soc.culture.english newsgroup is
not political. The new newsgroup will serve the distinct needs of the
English people in the same way as newsgroups serving other countries of
the Britain Isles (soc.culture.welsh, soc.culture.scottish, already cater for those countries - the creation of
soc.culture.english simply provides the same forum and opportunity for
England and English culture which Scotland, Wales and Ireland already

CHARTER: soc.culture.english

The soc.culture.english newsgroup will be open to discussion of all
subjects specifically referring to England or English culture. This
newsgroup will be created for reasons including, but not restricted to,
the following:

* To encourage understanding and discussion of England and English
culture, in the many ways people wish to define it.

* To act as a source of information for people of English origin
worldwide and for people planning a visit to England.

* To act as a resource for English people who wish to use the Internet
and for people who wish to encourage the development of the Internet
in England.

* To provide a forum for the development and promotion of English
culture, history, traditions, politics and economy.

The following exceptions should be noted:

* Matters referring to issues affecting Britain as a whole should be
posted to soc.culture.british

* Matters specifically referring to Cornwall or Cornish may have a
more appropriate forum in soc.culture.cornish.

* Matters referring to genealogy may have a more appropriate forum in

* Matters concerning English language movements in countries other
than England (e.g. movements to establish legal status) should not
be posted to soc.culture.english, and may have a more appropriate
forum in newsgroup(s) dealing with the country in question.
Other matters concerning use of the English language may have a
more appropriate forum in alt.english.usage.


Advertising is forbidden, with these exceptions:
Suppliers of goods and services connected with English culture or
based in England may post, not more than once every 3 months, a
brief pointer to their website or invitation to request details.
The subject line should begin "ADVERT: ", except for job vacancy
adverts, when it should begin "JOB: "

Binaries and Formatting:

The posting of encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files,
etc.) to soc.culture.english is forbidden, except for cryptographic
signatures (e.g. PGP). Such material belongs on a web or ftp site,
for which a URL may be posted. Posts must be in plaintext or Rot13,
not HTML or other encoded forms.


Posts to the group are expected to be considerate of other
readers. Personal abuse, flames, and obscenities are *not*

The moderation policy for soc.culture.english will be to only allow
posts which conform to the above charter.


MODERATOR INFO: soc.culture.english

Moderator: Peter H.M. Brooks 



This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes.  In this phase
of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups
should be raised and resolved.  The discussion period will continue
for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this
proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For
Votes (CFV) will be posted by a neutral vote taker.  Please do not
attempt to vote until this happens.

All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.

This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation
guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How
to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal".  Please refer to these
documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any
questions about the process.


This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups:

news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, soc.culture.british,
soc.culture.europe, soc.culture.cornish,, uk.misc

Proponent: Craig Cockburn 
Proponent: Peter H.M. Brooks 

From [email protected] Thu Mar  4 16:16:03 1999
From: Jim Davis 
Reply-To: [email protected]
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.british,soc.culture.cornish,soc.culture.europe,,soc.culture.scottish,soc.culture.welsh,uk.misc,
Subject: CFV: soc.culture.english moderated
Followup-To: poster
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (counting votes so you don't have to)
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 27 Mar 1999 00:00:00 GMT
Archive-Name: soc.culture.english
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 00:02:36 GMT
Lines: 182
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10909 news.groups:306836 soc.culture.british:403546 soc.culture.cornish:4120 soc.culture.europe:166969 soc.culture.scottish:92878 soc.culture.welsh:35348

                     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                 moderated group soc.culture.english

Newsgroups line:
soc.culture.english	England and English culture. (Moderated)

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 26 Mar 1999.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponents.

Proponent: Craig Cockburn 
Proponent: Peter H.M. Brooks 
Votetaker: Jim Davis 

RATIONALE: soc.culture.english

England is perhaps the largest country in the world without a
soc.culture. newsgroup devoted to it. About 45 million people live in
England and there are also many millions of people world-wide of English
descent or with an interest in England or English culture. There is
sufficient demand for a forum to discuss specifically English topics
as evidenced by the fact that there is already a successful
group soc.culture.cornish dealing with that part of England. Currently
English wide topics are discussed in soc.culture.british. The creation
of soc.culture.english would allow soc.culture.british to focus on
genuine Britain wide issues.

Many new Usenet users are at a loss when they fail to find a group with
English or England in the title. This group's name will act as a
signpost for these people. Furthermore, soc.culture.english will also
allow soc.culture.british to cover genuinely Britain wide issues,
currently that group covers both British wide and English specific

The culture of England is unique. The English are a British people who
have been influenced by a number of different cultures and who in turn
have played a major role in influencing many other cultures in the

The motivation for the creation of a soc.culture.english newsgroup is
not political. The new newsgroup will serve the distinct needs of the
English people in the same way as newsgroups serving other countries of
the Britain Isles (soc.culture.welsh, soc.culture.scottish, already cater for those countries - the creation of
soc.culture.english simply provides the same forum and opportunity for
England and English culture which Scotland, Wales and Ireland already

CHARTER: soc.culture.english

The soc.culture.english newsgroup will be open to discussion of all
subjects specifically referring to England or English culture. This
newsgroup will be created for reasons including, but not restricted to,
the following:

* To encourage understanding and discussion of England and English
culture, in the many ways people wish to define it.

* To act as a source of information for people of English origin
worldwide and for people planning a visit to England.

* To act as a resource for English people who wish to use the Internet
and for people who wish to encourage the development of the Internet
in England.

* To provide a forum for the development and promotion of English
culture, history, traditions, politics and economy.

The following exceptions should be noted:

* Matters referring to issues affecting Britain as a whole should be
posted to soc.culture.british

* Matters specifically referring to Cornwall or Cornish may have a
more appropriate forum in soc.culture.cornish.

* Matters referring to genealogy may have a more appropriate forum in

* Matters concerning English language movements in countries other
than England (e.g. movements to establish legal status) should not
be posted to soc.culture.english, and may have a more appropriate
forum in newsgroup(s) dealing with the country in question.
Other matters concerning use of the English language may have a
more appropriate forum in alt.usage.english.


Advertising is forbidden, with these exceptions:
Suppliers of goods and services connected with English culture or
based in England may post, not more than once every 3 months, a
brief pointer to their website or invitation to request details.
The subject line should begin "ADVERT: ", except for job vacancy
adverts, when it should begin "JOB: "

Binaries and Formatting:

The posting of encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files,
etc.) to soc.culture.english is forbidden, except for cryptographic
signatures (e.g. PGP). Such material belongs on a web or FTP site,
for which a URL may be posted. Posts must be in plaintext or Rot13,
not HTML or other encoded forms.


Posts to the group are expected to be considerate of other
readers. Personal abuse, flames, and obscenities will not be

The moderation policy for soc.culture.english will be to only allow
posts which conform to the above charter.


MODERATOR INFO: soc.culture.english

Moderator: "Peter H.M. Brooks" 
Administrative contact address: [email protected]
Article submission address: [email protected]



Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and
after the "-=-=-=-" lines.  Don't worry about the spacing of the
columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.  And
please don't send the entire CFV back!

Mark the ballot and then mail it to: [email protected]

Examples of how to properly indicate your vote:

[ YES     ]
[ NO      ]
[ ABSTAIN ]  example.abstention
[ CANCEL  ]  example.cancellation

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
soc.culture.english Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:

  Your Vote  Newsgroup
[         ]  soc.culture.english
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to
Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at


Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One vote per person, one account
per voter.  Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.
Anonymous, forwarded or proxy votes are not valid.  Votes mailed by
WWW/HTML/CGI forms are considered to be anonymous votes.

Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may
mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an
acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker
about the problem.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote
is registered correctly.  Duplicate votes are resolved in favor of
the most recent valid vote.  Addresses and votes of all voters will
be published in the final voting results post.

The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of
persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from
disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute
this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted
to news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked or otherwise
edited copies of this CFV is generally considered to be vote fraud.
When in doubt, ask the votetaker.

This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Jun 10 1997).
PQ datestamp: 980322

Jim Davis        | "Plaaay NICE!!"
[email protected] |   -- Bubbles

From [email protected] Sun Mar 14 15:45:03 1999
From: Jim Davis 
Reply-To: [email protected]
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.british,soc.culture.cornish,soc.culture.europe,,soc.culture.scottish,soc.culture.welsh,uk.misc,
Subject: 2nd CFV: soc.culture.english moderated
Followup-To: poster
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Supersedes: <[email protected]>
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (counting votes so you don't have to)
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 27 Mar 1999 00:00:00 GMT
Archive-Name: soc.culture.english
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 23:33:46 GMT
Lines: 186
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10923 news.groups:307717 soc.culture.british:406819 soc.culture.cornish:4229 soc.culture.europe:168669 soc.culture.scottish:94034 soc.culture.welsh:35745

                      LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                 moderated group soc.culture.english

Newsgroups line:
soc.culture.english	England and English culture. (Moderated)

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 26 Mar 1999.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponents.

Proponent: Craig Cockburn 
Proponent: Peter H.M. Brooks 
Votetaker: Jim Davis 

RATIONALE: soc.culture.english

England is perhaps the largest country in the world without a
soc.culture. newsgroup devoted to it. About 45 million people live in
England and there are also many millions of people world-wide of English
descent or with an interest in England or English culture. There is
sufficient demand for a forum to discuss specifically English topics
as evidenced by the fact that there is already a successful
group soc.culture.cornish dealing with that part of England. Currently
English wide topics are discussed in soc.culture.british. The creation
of soc.culture.english would allow soc.culture.british to focus on
genuine Britain wide issues.

Many new Usenet users are at a loss when they fail to find a group with
English or England in the title. This group's name will act as a
signpost for these people. Furthermore, soc.culture.english will also
allow soc.culture.british to cover genuinely Britain wide issues,
currently that group covers both British wide and English specific

The culture of England is unique. The English are a British people who
have been influenced by a number of different cultures and who in turn
have played a major role in influencing many other cultures in the

The motivation for the creation of a soc.culture.english newsgroup is
not political. The new newsgroup will serve the distinct needs of the
English people in the same way as newsgroups serving other countries of
the Britain Isles (soc.culture.welsh, soc.culture.scottish, already cater for those countries - the creation of
soc.culture.english simply provides the same forum and opportunity for
England and English culture which Scotland, Wales and Ireland already

CHARTER: soc.culture.english

The soc.culture.english newsgroup will be open to discussion of all
subjects specifically referring to England or English culture. This
newsgroup will be created for reasons including, but not restricted to,
the following:

* To encourage understanding and discussion of England and English
culture, in the many ways people wish to define it.

* To act as a source of information for people of English origin
worldwide and for people planning a visit to England.

* To act as a resource for English people who wish to use the Internet
and for people who wish to encourage the development of the Internet
in England.

* To provide a forum for the development and promotion of English
culture, history, traditions, politics and economy.

The following exceptions should be noted:

* Matters referring to issues affecting Britain as a whole should be
posted to soc.culture.british

* Matters specifically referring to Cornwall or Cornish may have a
more appropriate forum in soc.culture.cornish.

* Matters referring to genealogy may have a more appropriate forum in

* Matters concerning English language movements in countries other
than England (e.g. movements to establish legal status) should not
be posted to soc.culture.english, and may have a more appropriate
forum in newsgroup(s) dealing with the country in question.
Other matters concerning use of the English language may have a
more appropriate forum in alt.usage.english.


Advertising is forbidden, with these exceptions:
Suppliers of goods and services connected with English culture or
based in England may post, not more than once every 3 months, a
brief pointer to their website or invitation to request details.
The subject line should begin "ADVERT: ", except for job vacancy
adverts, when it should begin "JOB: "

Binaries and Formatting:

The posting of encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files,
etc.) to soc.culture.english is forbidden, except for cryptographic
signatures (e.g. PGP). Such material belongs on a web or FTP site,
for which a URL may be posted. Posts must be in plaintext or Rot13,
not HTML or other encoded forms.


Posts to the group are expected to be considerate of other
readers. Personal abuse, flames, and obscenities will not be

The moderation policy for soc.culture.english will be to only allow
posts which conform to the above charter.


MODERATOR INFO: soc.culture.english

Moderator: "Peter H.M. Brooks" 
Administrative contact address: [email protected]
Article submission address: [email protected]



Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and
after the "-=-=-=-" lines.  Don't worry about the spacing of the
columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.  And
please don't send the entire CFV back!

Mark the ballot and then mail it to: [email protected]

Examples of how to properly indicate your vote:

[ YES     ]
[ NO      ]
[ ABSTAIN ]  example.abstention
[ CANCEL  ]  example.cancellation

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
soc.culture.english Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:

  Your Vote  Newsgroup
[         ]  soc.culture.english
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to
Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at


Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One vote per person, one account
per voter.  Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.
Anonymous, forwarded or proxy votes are not valid.  Votes mailed by
WWW/HTML/CGI forms are considered to be anonymous votes.

Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may
mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an
acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker
about the problem.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote
is registered correctly.  Duplicate votes are resolved in favor of
the most recent valid vote.  Addresses and votes of all voters will
be published in the final voting results post.

The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of
persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from
disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute
this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted
to news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked or otherwise
edited copies of this CFV is generally considered to be vote fraud.
When in doubt, ask the votetaker.

This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Jun 10 1997).
PQ datestamp: 980322

soc.culture.english Bounce List - No need to revote
[email protected]                                   John Sullivan
[email protected]                           Dave Murphy

Jim Davis        | "Plaaay NICE!!"
[email protected] |   -- Bubbles

From [email protected] Fri Mar 26 16:44:53 1999
From: Jim Davis 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.british,soc.culture.cornish,soc.culture.europe,,soc.culture.scottish,soc.culture.welsh,uk.misc,
Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.english moderated fails 77:87
Followup-To: news.groups
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Supersedes: <[email protected]>
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (counting votes so you don't have to)
Approved: [email protected]
Archive-Name: soc.culture.english
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 00:32:54 GMT
Lines: 314
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10958 news.groups:310344 soc.culture.british:410300 soc.culture.cornish:4281 soc.culture.europe:171330 soc.culture.scottish:95252 soc.culture.welsh:36222

           moderated group soc.culture.english fails 77:87

There were 77 YES votes and 87 NO votes, for a total of 164 valid votes.
There were 2 abstains.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.
Unless serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the group may
not be voted on again for six months.

Newsgroups line:
soc.culture.english	England and English culture. (Moderated)

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about the
proposed group should be directed to the proponents.

Proponent: Craig Cockburn 
Proponent: Peter H.M. Brooks 
Votetaker: Jim Davis 

RATIONALE: soc.culture.english

England is perhaps the largest country in the world without a
soc.culture. newsgroup devoted to it. About 45 million people live in
England and there are also many millions of people world-wide of English
descent or with an interest in England or English culture. There is
sufficient demand for a forum to discuss specifically English topics
as evidenced by the fact that there is already a successful
group soc.culture.cornish dealing with that part of England. Currently
English wide topics are discussed in soc.culture.british. The creation
of soc.culture.english would allow soc.culture.british to focus on
genuine Britain wide issues.

Many new Usenet users are at a loss when they fail to find a group with
English or England in the title. This group's name will act as a
signpost for these people. Furthermore, soc.culture.english will also
allow soc.culture.british to cover genuinely Britain wide issues,
currently that group covers both British wide and English specific

The culture of England is unique. The English are a British people who
have been influenced by a number of different cultures and who in turn
have played a major role in influencing many other cultures in the

The motivation for the creation of a soc.culture.english newsgroup is
not political. The new newsgroup will serve the distinct needs of the
English people in the same way as newsgroups serving other countries of
the Britain Isles (soc.culture.welsh, soc.culture.scottish, already cater for those countries - the creation of
soc.culture.english simply provides the same forum and opportunity for
England and English culture which Scotland, Wales and Ireland already

CHARTER: soc.culture.english

The soc.culture.english newsgroup will be open to discussion of all
subjects specifically referring to England or English culture. This
newsgroup will be created for reasons including, but not restricted to,
the following:

* To encourage understanding and discussion of England and English
culture, in the many ways people wish to define it.

* To act as a source of information for people of English origin
worldwide and for people planning a visit to England.

* To act as a resource for English people who wish to use the Internet
and for people who wish to encourage the development of the Internet
in England.

* To provide a forum for the development and promotion of English
culture, history, traditions, politics and economy.

The following exceptions should be noted:

* Matters referring to issues affecting Britain as a whole should be
posted to soc.culture.british

* Matters specifically referring to Cornwall or Cornish may have a
more appropriate forum in soc.culture.cornish.

* Matters referring to genealogy may have a more appropriate forum in

* Matters concerning English language movements in countries other
than England (e.g. movements to establish legal status) should not
be posted to soc.culture.english, and may have a more appropriate
forum in newsgroup(s) dealing with the country in question.
Other matters concerning use of the English language may have a
more appropriate forum in alt.usage.english.


Advertising is forbidden, with these exceptions:
Suppliers of goods and services connected with English culture or
based in England may post, not more than once every 3 months, a
brief pointer to their website or invitation to request details.
The subject line should begin "ADVERT: ", except for job vacancy
adverts, when it should begin "JOB: "

Binaries and Formatting:

The posting of encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files,
etc.) to soc.culture.english is forbidden, except for cryptographic
signatures (e.g. PGP). Such material belongs on a web or FTP site,
for which a URL may be posted. Posts must be in plaintext or Rot13,
not HTML or other encoded forms.


Posts to the group are expected to be considerate of other
readers. Personal abuse, flames, and obscenities will not be

The moderation policy for soc.culture.english will be to only allow
posts which conform to the above charter.


MODERATOR INFO: soc.culture.english

Moderator: "Peter H.M. Brooks" 
Administrative contact address: [email protected]
Article submission address: [email protected]


soc.culture.english Final Vote Ack

Email addresses are posted only to help verify the results.  Do not use
these email addresses as a mailing list!

Voted Yes
alex``                                               Alex Allan
andyrobts``                                           Andy Roberts
AshleyB``                                            Ashley Yakeley
baird``                                                 Baird Stafford
bdonald``                                        Bill Donald
boud``                                          Boudewijn Rempt
bovairs``                                                 Susan Bovair
Charlie.Armstrong``                                   Charlie Armstrong
chris.dennis``                                       Chris Dennis
churchyh``                                  Henry Churchyard
claude``                                                 Claude
colin``                                               colin charles
craig``                                         Craig Cockburn
curtin``                                            Chris Curtin
dany.steyaert``                                           Dany Steyaert
david``                                          David John
david``                              david allison
dc``                                                David W. Crawford
deidre``                                               Kim F. Holec
dickj``                                                Dick Jackson
dinkipix``                               Angela Touchstone
dlmatt``                                       David L. Matthews
duncan``                                      Duncan Dewar
epotter``                                          david potter
escowles``                                            Esme Cowles
evansjon``                                       Jonathan Evans
fogazzid``                                              Daniele Fogazzi
frajm``                                            Frank R.A.J. Maloney
healdd``                                               David Heald
i.barnett``                                              Ian Barnett
ian.stewart``                                        Ian Stewart
Ian``                                       Ian G. Lambton
jeb27``                                        James Broughton
jim.silverton``                                       James Silverton
jkwill``                                               J K Will
jlynch``                                            John Lynch
jmalina``                                                Jo Ann Malina
ke6isf``                                     Dennis Carr
kimdv``                                                   Kim DeVaughn
koschei``                                     iain campbell truskett
laidback``                          Dave Murphy
lindseyv``                                       Lindsey C. Vickers
livesey``                                            Jon Livesey
lyn``                                     Lyn David Thomas
mack``                                                  John Mack
mandrews``                             Mike Andrews
mcdonald``                                               Randy McDonald
Mike``                                Michael Kippax
mkermode`` Mark Kermode mlockerby`` Mark Lockerby naddy`` Christian Weisgerber nat`` Nat Makarevitch nic`` Nick Watson
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