From [email protected] Mon Sep 27 10:31:45 1993
Flags: 000000000201
Path: lear
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: can you help me? 
Date: Sun,  3 Feb 91 21:31:47 PST
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,soc.culture.british,soc.culture.french
Followup-to: news.groups
Keywords: posted

I propose creation of the group SOC.CULTURE.CANADA.  This group would
be similar to the other soc.culture._____ groups.  The group would be
unmoderated.  Postings would be allowed in either english or french.

I hope that readers of can.general or can.francais which are
newsgroups available only in Canada, would occasionally post articles
of interest to the rest of the world.

Earl Smith
[email protected]

From [email protected] Mon Sep 27 12:22:41 1993
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:909 news.groups:22254 soc.culture.british:9079 soc.culture.australian:1483 soc.culture.french:3292
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.british,soc.culture.australian,soc.culture.french
Path: rpi!tale
From: [email protected] (Smith Earl Laird)
Subject: CFV:  soc.culture.canada
Followup-To: news.groups
Keywords: canada
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Date: 28 Feb 91 04:52:38 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 18

This is the first official call for votes for soc.culture.canada.
This group will be basically the same as the other soc.culture.groups,
with the proviso that it will not be can.politics :-)
The group will be unmoderated.  Postings will be in either English or French.

To vote for this group, send email to 
	[email protected]

To vote against this group, send email to
	[email protected]

Put a simple "yes" or  or "no" or  in your message.
Voting will last until 25 March, 1991.

If you have any comments or questions, please write me in English or

Earl Smith

From [email protected] Wed Apr  5 19:33:34 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:965 news.groups:23264 soc.culture.french:3738 soc.culture.british:9757 soc.culture.australian:1648
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.british,soc.culture.australian
Path: rpi!tale
From: [email protected] (Smith Earl Laird)
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:  soc.culture.canada
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected]
Date: 20 Mar 91 04:15:51 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 198

This is the second call for votes and first vote acknowledgement
for soc.culture.canada.  This group will be unmoderated, and basically
the same as the other soc.culture.groups.  Postings are in either
English or French.

To vote yes for this newsgroup, send email to
	[email protected]

To vote no against this newsgroup, send email to
	[email protected]

Voting will be through 25 March, 1991.

If you have any comments in the meantime, please write me.
Earl Smith
[email protected]

Porter group 
[email protected] (Olivier Jean Lourdel)
Craig Cockburn  26-Feb-1991 1736 
"(Marc Riese)" 
"(Shawn Koppenhoefer)" 
"(Alain Brossard EPFL-SIC/SII)" 
"(Ken Warkentyne)" 
"(Ghassan Semaan)" 
[email protected] (Niclas H. Lewis)
Rob Aitken 
[email protected] (Terry Maton)
Robert Craig Harman 
[email protected] (Massimo Marchi)
[email protected] (Catherine Middleton)
[email protected] (Bret Robinson)
Gary L Dare 
Craig Cockburn  26-Feb-1991 2350 
close%[email protected] (Diane Barlow Close)
[email protected] (Joe Dellinger)
SEYWERD%[email protected]
[email protected] (Barry Friedman)
"David H. West" 
pdc%[email protected] (Paul Close)
[email protected]
RJP group <[email protected]>
V110QLVF%[email protected]
V106LR4H%[email protected]
[email protected] (John Jensen)
[email protected] (Andy Fyfe)
Ken Dykes 
[email protected] (Mark Irwin)
Eugenia Distefano 
Bruno Di Stefano 
[email protected] (Ed Vielmetti)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Carl Orthlieb)
[email protected] (Chris Metcalf)
[email protected] (John F Haugh II)
[email protected] (Frederic Giacometti)
"Kate M. Gregory" 
Michael Ryan 
Francois Normant 
Alan B. Clegg 
Nantel Bergeron 
David Kuijt 
Darren Meister 
[email protected] (Martin Czigler)
[email protected]
Adam Deutsch 
[email protected] (Jay Lark)
[email protected] (Mary Margaret Schuck)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Benoit  de la Filolie)
[email protected] (John O'Leary)
William Rucklidge 
jt%[email protected] (James T. Carpenter)
[email protected] (Craig E. Ward)
[email protected] (Rick Morneau)
cognos!thor!cmorley (Chris Morley)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dave Gillett)
[email protected] (Roger Leroux)
Duncan Elliott 
[email protected] (Richard Pawlowicz)
Jean-Francois Rit 
Rich Wales 
Leonard P Lidov 
[email protected] (Sam Sivakumar)
[email protected] (Daniel Jacobson)
[email protected] (Philippe Jeanne  x2165)
[email protected]
George Ng 
[email protected] (Ron Dawson)
touchais%[email protected]
[email protected] (Carrie Haskins)
[email protected] (Robert Meunier/Hydro-Quebec/QC/Canada 514-652-8516)
Djamal Bouzida 
pschenk%[email protected] (P.R.Schenk)
[email protected]  (Gregory LeBaron)
[email protected] (Patricia Bedard)
hosking%[email protected] (Tony Hosking)
[email protected] (Andrew Patrick)
[email protected] (LAPIERRE,SOPHIE)
[email protected]
Alexis Kh Lau 
David Dalton 
rck%[email protected] (Robert Keller)
[email protected] (Geoffrey Welsh)
[email protected] (Mary Hibbs)
Rajesh Kumar Singh 
[email protected] (Rajesh Kumar Singh)
[email protected] (Somaskanthan Nadarajah)
[email protected] (Visualize Whirled Peas)
[email protected] (Ray Dunn)
[email protected] (Michael Fish)
Merri L Naka 
[email protected] (Curt Sampson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kris Willoughby)
Laszlo C. Balint 
[email protected]
[email protected] (John Henders)
[email protected] (Laura Hayes Burchard)
[email protected] (Ken McVay)
gordon@polari (gordon laing)
Jamie Blustein 
Simon Gibbs 
[email protected] (anne-marie k gorman)
Tim Montler 
[email protected]
[email protected]
nadim massoud 
[email protected] (Jeffri H Frontz +1 614 860 2797)
Peter Silva 
[email protected] (Joann Zimmerman)
[email protected] (Charles E. Spurgeon)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Cary Timar)
[email protected]
micasa!jzl (Jack Z. Lupic)
[email protected] (Dustin Emhart)
[email protected] (Jim Pravetz)
[email protected] (Stephen Lewis)
Tim Klemets 
"Stewart M. Clamen" 
"Ivan Derzhanski" 
[email protected] (Vince Mous)
[email protected]
[email protected] (T.J. Higgins)
[email protected] (Rod Erickson)
[email protected] (Nancy Rabel (KC4IYD))
[email protected] (0000-Admin(0000))
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steve Bougerolle)
[email protected] (Joan Shields)
[email protected] (Nigel Allen)
Simon Chang 
[email protected] (Navid Badie KR196_x7190)
[email protected] (System Administrator)
[email protected]
Shayne White 
Werner Uhrig 
John Donald Collier 
[email protected] (Greg Barnes)
E. K. Cashman 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Cliff Tuel)
Ran Atkinson 
Richard H. Miller 
[email protected] (Charleen Bunjiovianna Stoner)
Jim Roche 
[email protected] (David Robinson)
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
[email protected] (David Hayes)
[email protected] (Brian Kenney)
[email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.)
[email protected] (Jim Mercer)
Tim Becker 
[email protected] (Kim DeVaughn)
Ed McGuire 
6sceng!blm (Brian Matthews)
[email protected] (barry hannigan)
[email protected] (Evan Leibovitch)
Arne Henrik Juul 
Palmer Davis 
Shannon D. Appel 
[email protected] (Mike Palmer)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark Brader)
[email protected] (Marc Moorcroft)
[email protected] (Carl Rigney)
[email protected] (Robert Lee)
[email protected] (Arthur David Olson)

From [email protected] Wed Apr  5 19:33:57 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:994 news.groups:23668 soc.culture.british:10021 soc.culture.french:3942 soc.culture.australian:1679
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.british,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.australian
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Smith Earl Laird)
Subject: RESULT:  soc.culture.canada passes 194:30
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Date: 28 Mar 91 04:32:58 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 258

Desole' que j'ai oublie' les resultats du vote!
31 no/non
194 yes/oui
225 total

Ca fait deux tiers des votes, et plus que 100 plus oui que non.  Le group
a passe'!

More than two-thirds of the votes and more than 100 more yesthan no votes
were receiveds.  Hence, the group has passed.

Voting was closed early Tuesday 26/3/91.  The last vote was received
Monday evening 25/3/91.  After a waiting period of 5 days for interested
parties to verify their votes, the group soc.culture.canada can be created.

Thank you to everyone who voted.  And thanks to the people who sent
puns (oui vote yes!).  No thanks to the people who said the only
culture in Canada is in yoghurt :-).

Votes were received from all over:  Australia, Finland, UK, US, Canada, 
Switzerland, France etc.  (I apologise if I missed your country; I did
only a cursory search). 

Earl Smith
[email protected]
This is a list of all persons who voted YES to creation of soc.culture.canada
by sending mail to [email protected]

"(Alain Brossard EPFL-SIC/SII)" 
"(Ghassan Semaan)" 
"(Ken Warkentyne)" 
"(Marc Riese)" 
"(Shawn Koppenhoefer)" 
"Bob Johnson" 
"David H. West" 
"Ghislain J. ROY" 
"Ivan Derzhanski" 
"Kate M. Gregory" 
"Stewart M. Clamen" 
"william b. coleman" 
[email protected] (T.J. Higgins)
[email protected]
Adam Deutsch 
[email protected] (Anja Demetria Boykin)
Alan B. Clegg 
Alexis Kh Lau 
Allon Percus 
[email protected] (Amy Moseley)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andrew Patrick)
[email protected] (Andy Fyfe)
[email protected] (Ann Nicholson)
[email protected] (Visualize Whirled Peas)
[email protected] (Barry Friedman)
[email protected] (Patricia Bedard)
[email protected] (Benoit  de la Filolie)
[email protected] (Brian Glendenning)
[email protected] (Bret Robinson)
Brian J Ross 
Bruno Di Stefano 
[email protected] (Catherine Middleton)
Carlos Borges 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Cary Timar)
[email protected] (Craig E. Ward)
close%[email protected] (Diane Barlow Close)
cognos!thor!cmorley (Chris Morley)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nigel Allen)
Craig Cockburn  26-Feb-1991 1736 
[email protected] (Curt Sampson)
Curtis Repen 
Daniel (D.) Poirier 
[email protected] (Daniel Jacobson)
Darren Meister 
David Dalton 
David Kuijt 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dave Gillett)
Djamal Bouzida 
Don Pirot 
[email protected] (Jean-Jacques Drolet)
Duncan Elliott 
Duncan Thornton 
E. K. Cashman 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ed Rupp)
Elana Miriam Messer 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ed Vielmetti)
eric ivanov 
[email protected] (Rod Erickson)
[email protected] (Eric Pouyoul)
Eugenia Distefano 
Francois Normant 
Frederic Maffray 
[email protected] (Gabriel Warshaw)
[email protected]
Gary L Dare 
George Antony 
George Ng 
[email protected] (Frederic Giacometti)
Glenn A. Friedrich 
gordon@polari (gordon laing)
[email protected] (anne-marie k gorman)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Greg Barnes)
[email protected] (LAPIERRE,SOPHIE)
[email protected] (Carrie Haskins)
hosking%[email protected] (Tony Hosking)
[email protected]
[email protected] (John Jensen)
[email protected] (Mark Irwin)
Jamie Blustein 
Jean-Francois Rit 
[email protected] (Philippe Jeanne  x2165)
[email protected] (John F Haugh II)
[email protected] (John Henders)
[email protected] (Jeffri H Frontz +1 614 860 2797)
[email protected] (Jay Lark)
[email protected] (Joan Shields)
[email protected] (Joe Dellinger)
John Donald Collier 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jim Pravetz)
jt%[email protected] (James T. Carpenter)
[email protected] (John O'Leary)
[email protected] (Joann Zimmerman)
Ken Dykes 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ken McVay)
[email protected] (Kris Willoughby)
Laszlo C. Balint 
[email protected] (Jacques LAURENT)
[email protected]  (Gregory LeBaron)
Leonard P Lidov 
[email protected] (Niclas H. Lewis)
[email protected] (Laura Hayes Burchard)
[email protected] (Massimo Marchi)
[email protected]
Mark Bartelt 
Mary Shafer 
[email protected] (Terry Maton)
[email protected] (Matthew L. Beyers)
[email protected] (Martin Czigler)
Merri L Naka 
[email protected] (Chris Metcalf)
[email protected] (Michael Fish)
micasa!jzl (Jack Z. Lupic)
Michael Ryan 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mitch Mcgowan 
[email protected] (Rick Morneau)
nadim massoud 
Nantel Bergeron 
[email protected] (Mary Hibbs)
Nicholas Russon 
[email protected] (Nancy Rabel (KC4IYD))
[email protected] (Olivier Jean Lourdel)
[email protected] (Carl Orthlieb)
pdc%[email protected] (Paul Close)
Peter Silva 
[email protected]
Porter group 
[email protected]
pschenk%[email protected] (P.R.Schenk)
[email protected] (Robin Pulliam)
[email protected]
Rajesh Kumar Singh 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ray Dunn)
rck%[email protected] (Robert Keller)
[email protected] (Stephen Lewis)
[email protected] (Ron Dawson)
Rich Wales 
[email protected] (Richard Pawlowicz)
RJP group <[email protected]>
[email protected] (Roger Leroux)
Rob Aitken 
Robert Craig Harman 
Robert Guerra 
[email protected] (Robert Meunier/Hydro-Quebec/QC/Canada 514-652-8516)
[email protected] (0000-Admin(0000))
[email protected] (System Administrator)
[email protected] (Geoffrey Welsh)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Rajesh Kumar Singh)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mary Margaret Schuck)
SEYWERD%[email protected]
Shayne White 
Simon Chang 
Simon Gibbs 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Charles E. Spurgeon)
[email protected] (Sam Sivakumar)
[email protected] (Steve Bougerolle)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Aris Stathakis)
[email protected] (Roger Theriault)
Tim Klemets 
Tim Montler 
Tom Haapanen 
[email protected] (Navid Badie KR196_x7190)
touchais%[email protected]
[email protected]
V106LR4H%[email protected]
V110QLVF%[email protected]
[email protected] (Dustin Emhart)
[email protected] (Vince Mous)
Werner Uhrig 
William Rucklidge 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Somaskanthan Nadarajah)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Zoran Kacic-Alesic)
This is a list of all persons who voted NO to creation of soc.culture.canada
by sending mail to [email protected].

6sceng!blm (Brian Matthews)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Arthur David Olson)
[email protected] (barry hannigan)
Arne Henrik Juul 
[email protected] (Bryan Cardoza)
[email protected] (Carl Rigney)
[email protected] (Charleen Bunjiovianna Stoner)
[email protected] (Marc Moorcroft)
[email protected] (Cliff Tuel)
[email protected] (David Robinson)
[email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.)
Ed McGuire 
[email protected] (Evan Leibovitch)
[email protected] (Jim Mercer)
Jim Roche 
[email protected] (Robert Lee)
[email protected] (Kim DeVaughn)
[email protected] (Brian Kenney)
[email protected] (David Hayes)
[email protected] (Mark Brader)
Palmer Davis 
[email protected] (Mike Palmer)
Ran Atkinson 
Richard H. Miller 
Shannon D. Appel 
[email protected] (Cherubino)
Tim Becker 
Timothy VanFosson 
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)

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