From [email protected] Wed Sep 15 16:53:58 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Patricio V. Poblete)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.mexican,soc.culture.spain,soc.culture.venezuela,soc.culture.peru,soc.culture.argentina,chile.grupos,chile.chile-l
Subject: RFD: soc.culture.chile
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 15 Sep 1993 09:17:59 -0400
Organization: University of Waterloo
Lines: 143
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4052 news.groups:81939 soc.culture.latin-america:18503 soc.culture.mexican:14440 soc.culture.spain:13142 soc.culture.venezuela:2017 soc.culture.peru:443 soc.culture.argentina:544 chile.grupos:223 chile.chile-l:5423

[English version; See below for the Spanish version]

This is a formal call for discussion on the creation of the unmoderated
newsgroup soc.culture.chile on Usenet. In addition to several appropriate
Usenet newsgroups, this is also being sent to the BITNET mailing list
CHILE-L. According to the guidelines, the discussion should take place
in news.groups.

Proposed Charter

The purpose of the soc.culture.chile newsgroup is to provide a place
where people all over the world can meet and exchange opinions and
information about Chile. Although it is expected that most of the
participants will be Chileans living at home or abroad, everyone --
Chilean or not -- is welcome to participate.

All topics of discussion relevant to Chile are appropriate. A
non-exhaustive list of topics is:

	- All kinds of news from Chile
	- International news and their relation to Chile
	- Chilean history
	- Chilean politics
	- Travel information
	- Literature, music, and all kinds of artistic expression from Chile
	- Food, customs, traditions, etc.
	- and much more...


Primarily Spanish. English posts are also welcome, to facilitate the
exchange of information with non-Spanish speakers.


Chile is one of the countries in South America where networking is
advancing most rapidly. A number of newsgroups already exist under the
hierarchy chile.*. A very active BITNET mailing list (CHILE-L) usually
carries a high traffic. All these users would benefit from the
existence of a Chilean newsgroup in the mainstream Usenet hierarchy.
Several other countries in South America (i.e. Argentina, Brazil, Peru,
Uruguay, Venezuela) have already created, or are in the process of
creating, similar newsgroups.

E_mail access to the newsgroup

The newsgroup will be gatewayed to a mailing list, to allow users
without Usenet access take part in the discussions by e-mail. The
details of operation of this mailing list and its possible relation
with the BITNET mailing list CHILE-L will be considered during the
discussion period.


The discussion period will last for one month, starting from the
moment this RFD appears. If there is agreement, a Call for Votes
will be issued then.

Proposed by

Juan Alvarez ([email protected])
Patricio Poblete ([email protected])
Eduardo Rodriguez ([email protected])
Rodolfo M. Vega ([email protected])

[Version en castellano]

Este es un llamado a discusion formal sobre la creacion del grupo
no moderado news.culture.chile en Usenet. Ademas de los newsgroups
apropiados de Usenet, esto esta siendo enviado tambien a la mailing
list CHILE-L en BITNET. De acuerdo a las normas de creacion de
newsgroups, la discusion debe realizarse en news.groups.

Objetivo Propuesto

El proposito del newsgroup soc.culture.chile es proveer una lugar
en el cual gente de todo el mundo se pueda reunir e intercambiar
opiniones e informacion sobre Chile. Aunque se espera que la mayoria
de los participantes sean chilenos residentes en Chile o en el extranjero,
todo el mundo -- chilenos o no -- son bienvenidos para participar.

Todos los topicos de discusion relevantes a Chile son apropiados. Una
lista no exhaustiva de topicos es:

	- Todo tipo de noticias sobre Chile
	- Noticias internacionales y su relacion con Chile
	- Historia de Chile
	- Politica de Chile
	- Informacion de viajes
	- Literatura, musica, y todo tipo de expresion artistica de Chile
	- Comida, costumbres, tradiciones, etc.
	- y mucho mas...


Primariamente castellano. La participacion en ingles tambien es
bienvenida, para facilitar el intercambio de informacion con
personas que no hablen castellano.

Antecedentes adicionales

Chile es uno de los paises de Sud America en que las redes estan
avanzando mas rapidamente. Un numero de newsgroups existen ya bajo
la jerarquia chile.*. Una lista de BITNET bastante activa (CHILE-L)
usualmente tiene un alto trafico. Todos estos usuarios se beneficiarian
con la existencia de un newsgroup chileno en el tronco principal de la
jerarquia de Usenet. Varios otros paises de Sud America (Argentina,
Brasil, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela) ya han creado, o estan en el proceso
de crear, newsgroups similares.

Acceso al newsgroup via e-mail

Este newsgroup va a ser comunicado con una mailing list, para permitir
que los usuarios que no tienen acceso a Usenet puedan participar via
e-mail. Los detalles de la operacion de esta mailing list, y de su
posible relacion con la lista CHILE-L de BITNET seran considerados
durante el periodo de discusion.


El periodo de discusion durara un mes, a partir del momento en que
aparezca esta RFD. Si hay acuerdo, en ese momento se publicara un
Llamado a Votacion.


Juan Alvarez ([email protected])
Patricio Poblete ([email protected])
Eduardo Rodriguez ([email protected])
Rodolfo M. Vega ([email protected])

From [email protected] Wed Oct 20 15:13:41 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Andrew Solovay)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.mexican,soc.culture.spain,soc.culture.venezuela,soc.culture.peru,soc.culture.argentina,chile.grupos,chile.chile-l
Subject: CFV: soc.culture.chile
Followup-To: poster
Date: 20 Oct 1993 15:09:34 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 193
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 11 Nov 1993 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4185 news.groups:85263 soc.culture.latin-america:19248 soc.culture.mexican:15159 soc.culture.spain:15014 soc.culture.venezuela:3518 soc.culture.peru:665 soc.culture.argentina:884 chile.grupos:227 chile.chile-l:6192

                      1st CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)

Unmoderated group soc.culture.chile

Newsgroups line:   
soc.culture.chile	All about Chile and its people.

Votes must be recieved by 23:59:59 GMT, 10 Nov 1993.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only, contact Andrew Solovay .  For
questions about the proposed group, contact the group's proposer,
Patricio V. Poblete .

Note that the vote-taker, Andrew Solovay, does *not* speak Spanish.

The proposed newsgroup soc.culture.chile will be gatewayed to/from the
BITNET mailing list CHILE-L, available through
[email protected].

The charter and voting instructions are given in both English and Spanish.



  The purpose of the soc.culture.chile newsgroup is to provide a place
  where people all over the world can meet and exchange opinions and
  information about Chile. Although it is expected that most of the
  participants will be Chileans living at home or abroad, everyone --
  Chilean or not -- is welcome to participate.

  All topics of discussion relevant to Chile are appropriate. A
  non-exhaustive list of topics is:

  - All kinds of news from Chile
  - International news and their relation to Chile
  - Chilean history
  - Chilean politics
  - Travel information
  - Literature, music, and all kinds of artistic expression from Chile
  - Food, customs, traditions, etc.
  - and much more...


  Primarily Spanish. English posts are also welcome, to facilitate the
  exchange of information with non-Spanish speakers.

  E_mail access to the newsgroup

  The newsgroup will be gatewayed to/from the BITNET mailing list CHILE-L,
  so users without Usenet can access take part in the discussions by e-mail.
  It is understood that this gateway operates by consent of the subscribers
  of CHILE-L, who retain the right to withdraw this consent at any time.


  Chile is one of the countries in South America where networking is
  advancing most rapidly. A number of newsgroups already exist under the
  hierarchy chile.*. A very active BITNET mailing list (CHILE-L) usually
  carries a high traffic. All these users would benefit from the
  existence of a Chilean newsgroup in the mainstream Usenet hierarchy.
  Several other countries in South America (i.e. Argentina, Brazil, Peru,
  Uruguay, Venezuela) have already created, or are in the process of
  creating, similar newsgroups.


You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to

      [email protected] 

(just replying by MAIL to this posting should work, *if* your
newsreader honors the "Reply-To" line in the article header; however,
to be sure, check the address before sending your ballot). Votes sent
to other addresses will not be counted.  Your mail message should
contain one and only one of the following statements:

      I vote YES on soc.culture.chile
      I vote NO on soc.culture.chile
      I vote ABSTAIN soc.culture.chile

You may add a comment, but anything other than a definite statement
involving the group name and "yes", "no", "for", or "against" on a
single line may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.
If you later change your mind you may send in another vote, which will
automatically supercede all previous votes. "ABSTAIN" votes serve to
cancel previous votes.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  For the group to be created,
100 more YES votes than NO votes must be cast, and 2/3 of all valid
votes must be YES votes. "ABSTAIN" votes are not counted in either
calculation; their only role is to cancel previous votes. A single
user may send no more than one vote, no matter how many accounts he or
she might have. Furthermore, a single account may cast only one vote,
no matter how many users may share that account.

Every vote will be acknowledged by EMail. The CFV will be repeated
once; the 2d CFV will contain a "bounce-ack", i.e. a list of people
whose ACK messages bounced when I sent them.

[Version en castellano]


  El proposito del newsgroup soc.culture.chile es proveer una lugar
  en el cual gente de todo el mundo se pueda reunir e intercambiar
  opiniones e informacion sobre Chile. Aunque se espera que la mayoria
  de los participantes sean chilenos residentes en Chile o en el extranjero,
  todo el mundo -- chilenos o no -- son bienvenidos para participar.

  Todos los topicos de discusion relevantes a Chile son apropiados. Una
  lista no exhaustiva de topicos es:

  - Todo tipo de noticias sobre Chile
  - Noticias internacionales y su relacion con Chile
  - Historia de Chile
  - Politica de Chile
  - Informacion de viajes
  - Literatura, musica, y todo tipo de expresion artistica de Chile
  - Comida, costumbres, tradiciones, etc.
  - y mucho mas...


  Primariamente castellano. La participacion en ingles tambien es
  bienvenida, para facilitar el intercambio de informacion con
  personas que no hablen castellano.

  Acceso al newsgroup via e-mail

  Este newsgroup va a ser comunicado hacia y desde la lista CHILE-L de BITNET,
  de modo que los usuarios que no tienen acceso a Usenet puedan participar via
  e-mail. Se deja constancia de que esta comunicacion se realiza gracias a la
  autorizacion de los suscriptores de CHILE-L, quienes se reservan el derecho
  de revocar esta autorizacion en cualquier momento.

  Chile es uno de los paises de Sud America en que las redes estan
  avanzando mas rapidamente. Un numero de newsgroups existen ya bajo
  la jerarquia chile.*. Una lista de BITNET bastante activa (CHILE-L)
  usualmente tiene un alto trafico. Todos estos usuarios se beneficiarian
  con la existencia de un newsgroup chileno en el tronco principal de la
  jerarquia de Usenet. Varios otros paises de Sud America (Argentina,
  Brasil, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela) ya han creado, o estan en el proceso
  de crear, newsgroups similares.

Para votar, usted debe enviar MAIL (los "posts" en un grupo no son
validos) a

	[email protected]

(para esto basta con hacer "reply" via MAIL a este mensaje, *siempre*
que su newsreader (o mailer) obedezca la linea "Reply-To" en el
encabezamiento; sin embargo, para asegurarse, chequee la direccion
antes de enviar el voto). Los votos enviados a otras direcciones no
seran contados. Su mensaje de mail debe contener una y solo una de
las siguientes lineas (textualmente, en ingles):

       I vote YES on soc.culture.chile
       I vote NO on soc.culture.chile
       I vote ABSTAIN soc.culture.chile

Usted puede agregar un comentario, pero cualquier cosa que no sea una
afirmacion bien definida mencionando el nombre del grupo y las palabras
"yes", "no", "for" o "against" (en ingles!) corre el riesgo de ser
rechazado por el programa de recuento automatico de votos. Si despues
de haber votado usted cambia de opinion, puede enviar un nuevo voto,
el cual reemplazara automaticamente a todos los votos anteriores. Los
votos "ABSTAIN" sirven para cancelar los votos previos.

Se aplican las normas estandar ("Standard Guidelines") para la votacion.
Para que el grupo sea creado debe haber al menos 100 mas votos YES que NO,
y 2/3 de todos los votos validos deben ser YES. Los votos "ABSTAIN" no
se cuentan en ninguno de estos calculos; su unico proposito es cancelar
votos previos.  Ningun usuario puede emitir mas de un voto, no importa
cuantas cuentas pueda tener. Ademas, cada cuenta puede emitir solo un voto,
no importa cuantos usuarios compartan esa cuenta.

Para cada voto recibido se enviara una confirmacion ("acknowledgement")
via EMail. Este CFV sera repetido una vez; el segundo CFV incluira un
"bounce-ack", esto es, una lista de la gente cuyos mensajes ACK rebotaron
al ser enviados.

From [email protected] Tue Nov  2 15:34:25 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Andrew Solovay)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.mexican,soc.culture.spain,soc.culture.venezuela,soc.culture.peru,soc.culture.argentina,chile.grupos,chile.chile-l
Subject: 2nd CFV: soc.culture.chile
Followup-To: poster
Date: 1 Nov 1993 15:19:00 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 244
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 11 Nov 1993 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4224 news.groups:86414 soc.culture.latin-america:19467 soc.culture.mexican:15532 soc.culture.spain:15557 soc.culture.venezuela:4097 soc.culture.peru:706 soc.culture.argentina:1048 chile.grupos:247 chile.chile-l:6737

                      2d CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)

Unmoderated group soc.culture.chile

Newsgroups line:   
soc.culture.chile	All about Chile and its people.

Votes must be recieved by 23:59:59 GMT, 10 Nov 1993.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only, contact Andrew Solovay .  For
questions about the proposed group, contact the group's proposer,
Patricio V. Poblete .

Note that the vote-taker, Andrew Solovay, does *not* speak Spanish.

The proposed newsgroup soc.culture.chile will be gatewayed to/from the
BITNET mailing list CHILE-L, available through
[email protected].

The charter and voting instructions are given in both English and Spanish.



  The purpose of the soc.culture.chile newsgroup is to provide a place
  where people all over the world can meet and exchange opinions and
  information about Chile. Although it is expected that most of the
  participants will be Chileans living at home or abroad, everyone --
  Chilean or not -- is welcome to participate.

  All topics of discussion relevant to Chile are appropriate. A
  non-exhaustive list of topics is:

  - All kinds of news from Chile
  - International news and their relation to Chile
  - Chilean history
  - Chilean politics
  - Travel information
  - Literature, music, and all kinds of artistic expression from Chile
  - Food, customs, traditions, etc.
  - and much more...


  Primarily Spanish. English posts are also welcome, to facilitate the
  exchange of information with non-Spanish speakers.

  E_mail access to the newsgroup

  The newsgroup will be gatewayed to/from the BITNET mailing list CHILE-L,
  so users without Usenet can access take part in the discussions by e-mail.
  It is understood that this gateway operates by consent of the subscribers
  of CHILE-L, who retain the right to withdraw this consent at any time.


  Chile is one of the countries in South America where networking is
  advancing most rapidly. A number of newsgroups already exist under the
  hierarchy chile.*. A very active BITNET mailing list (CHILE-L) usually
  carries a high traffic. All these users would benefit from the
  existence of a Chilean newsgroup in the mainstream Usenet hierarchy.
  Several other countries in South America (i.e. Argentina, Brazil, Peru,
  Uruguay, Venezuela) have already created, or are in the process of
  creating, similar newsgroups.


You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to

      [email protected] 

(just replying by MAIL to this posting should work, *if* your
newsreader honors the "Reply-To" line in the article header; however,
to be sure, check the address before sending your ballot). Votes sent
to other addresses will not be counted.  Your mail message should
contain one and only one of the following statements:

      I vote YES on soc.culture.chile
      I vote NO on soc.culture.chile
      I vote ABSTAIN soc.culture.chile

You may add a comment, but anything other than a definite statement
involving the group name and "yes", "no", "for", or "against" on a
single line may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.
If you later change your mind you may send in another vote, which will
automatically supercede all previous votes. "ABSTAIN" votes serve to
cancel previous votes.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  For the group to be created,
100 more YES votes than NO votes must be cast, and 2/3 of all valid
votes must be YES votes. "ABSTAIN" votes are not counted in either
calculation; their only role is to cancel previous votes. A single
user may send no more than one vote, no matter how many accounts he or
she might have. Furthermore, a single account may cast only one vote,
no matter how many users may share that account.

Every vote will be acknowledged by EMail. The CFV will be repeated
once; the 2d CFV will contain a "bounce-ack", i.e. a list of people
whose ACK messages bounced when I sent them.

[Version en castellano]


  El proposito del newsgroup soc.culture.chile es proveer una lugar
  en el cual gente de todo el mundo se pueda reunir e intercambiar
  opiniones e informacion sobre Chile. Aunque se espera que la mayoria
  de los participantes sean chilenos residentes en Chile o en el extranjero,
  todo el mundo -- chilenos o no -- son bienvenidos para participar.

  Todos los topicos de discusion relevantes a Chile son apropiados. Una
  lista no exhaustiva de topicos es:

  - Todo tipo de noticias sobre Chile
  - Noticias internacionales y su relacion con Chile
  - Historia de Chile
  - Politica de Chile
  - Informacion de viajes
  - Literatura, musica, y todo tipo de expresion artistica de Chile
  - Comida, costumbres, tradiciones, etc.
  - y mucho mas...


  Primariamente castellano. La participacion en ingles tambien es
  bienvenida, para facilitar el intercambio de informacion con
  personas que no hablen castellano.

  Acceso al newsgroup via e-mail

  Este newsgroup va a ser comunicado hacia y desde la lista CHILE-L de BITNET,
  de modo que los usuarios que no tienen acceso a Usenet puedan participar via
  e-mail. Se deja constancia de que esta comunicacion se realiza gracias a la
  autorizacion de los suscriptores de CHILE-L, quienes se reservan el derecho
  de revocar esta autorizacion en cualquier momento.

  Chile es uno de los paises de Sud America en que las redes estan
  avanzando mas rapidamente. Un numero de newsgroups existen ya bajo
  la jerarquia chile.*. Una lista de BITNET bastante activa (CHILE-L)
  usualmente tiene un alto trafico. Todos estos usuarios se beneficiarian
  con la existencia de un newsgroup chileno en el tronco principal de la
  jerarquia de Usenet. Varios otros paises de Sud America (Argentina,
  Brasil, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela) ya han creado, o estan en el proceso
  de crear, newsgroups similares.

Para votar, usted debe enviar MAIL (los "posts" en un grupo no son
validos) a

	[email protected]

(para esto basta con hacer "reply" via MAIL a este mensaje, *siempre*
que su newsreader (o mailer) obedezca la linea "Reply-To" en el
encabezamiento; sin embargo, para asegurarse, chequee la direccion
antes de enviar el voto). Los votos enviados a otras direcciones no
seran contados. Su mensaje de mail debe contener una y solo una de
las siguientes lineas (textualmente, en ingles):

       I vote YES on soc.culture.chile
       I vote NO on soc.culture.chile
       I vote ABSTAIN soc.culture.chile

Usted puede agregar un comentario, pero cualquier cosa que no sea una
afirmacion bien definida mencionando el nombre del grupo y las palabras
"yes", "no", "for" o "against" (en ingles!) corre el riesgo de ser
rechazado por el programa de recuento automatico de votos. Si despues
de haber votado usted cambia de opinion, puede enviar un nuevo voto,
el cual reemplazara automaticamente a todos los votos anteriores. Los
votos "ABSTAIN" sirven para cancelar los votos previos.

Se aplican las normas estandar ("Standard Guidelines") para la votacion.
Para que el grupo sea creado debe haber al menos 100 mas votos YES que NO,
y 2/3 de todos los votos validos deben ser YES. Los votos "ABSTAIN" no
se cuentan en ninguno de estos calculos; su unico proposito es cancelar
votos previos.  Ningun usuario puede emitir mas de un voto, no importa
cuantas cuentas pueda tener. Ademas, cada cuenta puede emitir solo un voto,
no importa cuantos usuarios compartan esa cuenta.

Para cada voto recibido se enviara una confirmacion ("acknowledgement")
via EMail. Este CFV sera repetido una vez; el segundo CFV incluira un
"bounce-ack", esto es, una lista de la gente cuyos mensajes ACK rebotaron
al ser enviados.


BOUNCE-ACK (as of 11/1/93)

The following people have submitted valid votes, but my E-Mailed
acknowledgement bounced between my mailer and theirs. These people
need not respond; their votes have been counted.

If you received an EMailed acknowledgement, you will most likely *not*
be listed here; this lists only the people whose acknowledgements
generated warnings.

If you have voted before 11/1/93, you have not received an
acknowledgement, and you are not listed here, it is possible that your
vote never reached me; please check with me at
, or resend your vote to .

soc.culture.chile group vote Bounce Ack List
[email protected]
HPDIAZ%[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

INVALID VOTES (as of 11/1/93)

The following people have submitted invalid votes, and have not
superseded them with valid votes. Please read the voting instructions
carefully, and resend your votes to  if you want
your vote to be counted.

Votes in error
[email protected]                             Fernando Saturno
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]                                      Gina Mae Perez
   ! No votes
[email protected]                    [Hans H. Schroeder E. .... SWISSONE]
   ! No votes
[email protected]                               Alfonso Adriasola
   ! No votes
[email protected]                                         Pcus 02006 X
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]                                       Silva, Herman P
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]                    28-OCT-1993 13:26:14.76
   ! No votes

From [email protected] Fri Nov 12 15:54:21 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Andrew Solovay)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.mexican,soc.culture.spain,soc.culture.venezuela,soc.culture.peru,soc.culture.argentina,chile.grupos,chile.chile-l
Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.chile passes 415:34
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 12 Nov 1993 15:44:04 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 585
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4269 news.groups:87518 soc.culture.latin-america:19669 soc.culture.mexican:15820 soc.culture.spain:16490 soc.culture.venezuela:4746 soc.culture.peru:811 soc.culture.argentina:1257 chile.grupos:265 chile.chile-l:7157

Unmoderated group soc.culture.chile

soc.culture.chile group vote results - 453 valid votes

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 415   34 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : soc.culture.chile

   4 abstaining votes and 7 invalid votes

This margin is adequate for newgroup creation. There will be a five
day discussion period after this is posted to
news.announce.newsgroups; during this time, people may raise
objections to the vote. Barring serious controversy about the vote,
the moderator of news.announce.newsgroups will create the group
shortly after the five day period ends.

Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT, 10 Nov 1993.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  

Vote-taker's address:		
Group proponent's address:	

Newsgroups line:   
soc.culture.chile	All about Chile and its people.

CHARTER (as printed in the Call for Votes)

  The purpose of the soc.culture.chile newsgroup is to provide a place
  where people all over the world can meet and exchange opinions and
  information about Chile. Although it is expected that most of the
  participants will be Chileans living at home or abroad, everyone --
  Chilean or not -- is welcome to participate.

  All topics of discussion relevant to Chile are appropriate. A
  non-exhaustive list of topics is:

  - All kinds of news from Chile
  - International news and their relation to Chile
  - Chilean history
  - Chilean politics
  - Travel information
  - Literature, music, and all kinds of artistic expression from Chile
  - Food, customs, traditions, etc.
  - and much more...


  Primarily Spanish. English posts are also welcome, to facilitate the
  exchange of information with non-Spanish speakers.

  E_mail access to the newsgroup

  The newsgroup will be gatewayed to/from the BITNET mailing list CHILE-L,
  so users without Usenet can access take part in the discussions by e-mail.
  It is understood that this gateway operates by consent of the subscribers
  of CHILE-L, who retain the right to withdraw this consent at any time.

[Version en castellano]


  El proposito del newsgroup soc.culture.chile es proveer una lugar
  en el cual gente de todo el mundo se pueda reunir e intercambiar
  opiniones e informacion sobre Chile. Aunque se espera que la mayoria
  de los participantes sean chilenos residentes en Chile o en el extranjero,
  todo el mundo -- chilenos o no -- son bienvenidos para participar.

  Todos los topicos de discusion relevantes a Chile son apropiados. Una
  lista no exhaustiva de topicos es:

  - Todo tipo de noticias sobre Chile
  - Noticias internacionales y su relacion con Chile
  - Historia de Chile
  - Politica de Chile
  - Informacion de viajes
  - Literatura, musica, y todo tipo de expresion artistica de Chile
  - Comida, costumbres, tradiciones, etc.
  - y mucho mas...


  Primariamente castellano. La participacion en ingles tambien es
  bienvenida, para facilitar el intercambio de informacion con
  personas que no hablen castellano.

  Acceso al newsgroup via e-mail

  Este newsgroup va a ser comunicado hacia y desde la lista CHILE-L de BITNET,
  de modo que los usuarios que no tienen acceso a Usenet puedan participar via
  e-mail. Se deja constancia de que esta comunicacion se realiza gracias a la
  autorizacion de los suscriptores de CHILE-L, quienes se reservan el derecho
  de revocar esta autorizacion en cualquier momento.

soc.culture.chile group vote Final Vote Ack

Yes Votes
[email protected]                                       M. T. Walter
[email protected]                                         jorge jara
[email protected]                                            Leonard
[email protected]                                 William F. Sotomayor
[email protected]                                       julia figueroa
[email protected]                            Freire Couselo Eugenio Jose
[email protected]                                    Michael J. Wilson
[email protected]                                    Amaya Alvez Marin
[email protected]                                           Claus Kobrich
[email protected]                                           Alejandro Bassi
ABOUTAUD%[email protected]                         Ariel Boutaud
[email protected]                                     Alberto Cabezas
[email protected]                                               Alan Cibils
[email protected]                                                 Eduardo Lucero
[email protected]                                          Nigel Allen
[email protected]                                                  Dario Aedo
[email protected]                                   Christian Olivares
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                               Alejandro J Gallard
[email protected]                                               Angappa Gunasekaran
[email protected]                                         Anne-Katrin Hillebrand
[email protected]                                        Raul Apablaza
[email protected]                                       Araceli Jaquei
[email protected]                                  Andres Jara M.( Chinchu )
[email protected]                                  A. Gabriel Jorquera A.
[email protected]                                            D. Alberto Rama
[email protected]                                            Who Cares...
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                ALONSO LLANOS - hispaniol
[email protected]                                                  Alexis Yuri M.
amirr%[email protected]                                    Amir Raveh
[email protected]                                         Andres Molina M.
[email protected]                                                             
[email protected]                                                      Ana Diaz
[email protected]                                                    Anat Faigon
[email protected]                                        Anibal Jodorcovsky
[email protected]                                       antoni drudis
[email protected]                                      Alejandro Orellana
[email protected]                                   Andres 'Caribeno' Plaza
[email protected]                                         Marcos Ramirez A.
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                                       Avi Plotnik
[email protected]                          Arturo Zacarias (415) 506-2614
[email protected]                                            jose barria
[email protected]                                             Barzilai Spinak
[email protected]                                     Beatrice E. Castaneda
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                                                  B.J. Herbison
[email protected]                                                    Jan Boogman
[email protected]                                        Bob Bowerman
[email protected]                                                       Paul Lin
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                          C Pastenes
[email protected]                                 Comunicaciones Ing.
CABRERA%[email protected]                                   Gaston Cabrera
[email protected]                                               Christian Alvarez
[email protected]                                          Roberto Calvo
[email protected]                                                   Carlos Torres
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                                   OSORIO BEROIZA CARLOS
[email protected]                                Sergio Adeff
[email protected]                                              Carlos Diaz A.
[email protected]                                                        celsoig
[email protected]                                            Carlos Fuenzalida
[email protected]                                          Carlos Farias L.
[email protected]                                    Claudia A. Fernandez
[email protected]                                       Carlos Fuentealba
[email protected]                              GALDAMES DIAZ CESAR GERMAN
[email protected]                                          Natalio C. Pincever
[email protected]                                      Chua Hak Lien
[email protected]                                        Wayne Citrin
[email protected]                        ARAVENA CARVALLO CLAUDIO ALBERTO
[email protected]                                        Claudio Robues
[email protected]                                                   Antonio Lee
[email protected]                                           Cristian Lira L.
[email protected]                                             Andres Perez
[email protected]                                                       
COV90122%[email protected]                              jose aravena
[email protected]                                    Cristian Ovalle Nunez
[email protected]                      Claudia Patricia Ramirez Hernandez
[email protected]                                 Carlos Sanchez Tarnawiecki
[email protected]                                          Sergio Terenas
[email protected]                                       Frederico Terenas
[email protected]                                             David Adams
[email protected]                                                                
[email protected]                                          Jorge Espinosa
[email protected]                                                  Dean Edwards
[email protected]                                       S. Depablo
DHEDRICK%[email protected]                                         
[email protected]                                  Dinko E. Gonzalez Trotter
[email protected]                                       Daniel Morales L.
[email protected]                                         Gustavo Droguett
[email protected]                                          Dan Schatz
[email protected]                                      Daniel W.E. Holt
[email protected]                             Enrique A Barria
[email protected]                                   Edison Bustos B.
[email protected]                               Esteban Castillo Ducommun
[email protected]                         CONTRERAS PALOMINOS ENZO FABIAN
[email protected]                                                      ecruz
[email protected]                                    Ms P.I. Soto
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                              Eduardo Rodriguez
[email protected]                                     
[email protected]                                 Edit K. Bourgeois
[email protected]                                                 Eduardo Krell
[email protected]                                            carlos elias
[email protected]                                        Elio da Silva
[email protected]                                        Scott Elrod
[email protected]                                             shawn emery
[email protected]                                Enrique Luengo
[email protected]                                             Eduardo Quero
[email protected]                                Erdwing Coronado
[email protected]                                            Damijan Erzen
[email protected]                                           Eduardo A Pena
[email protected]                                         Sudha Neelakantan
[email protected]                                           Jorge Fajardo
[email protected]                                  Juan Pablo Fernandez
[email protected]                                     FERNANDEZ HOLLY
[email protected]                                        Felipe VALENZUELA
[email protected]                                    Felipe Gabriel Palomino
[email protected]                              Felipe De Jesus Salazar
[email protected]                               Francisco Inostroza M.
FM#0%[email protected]                         Mili Fischer
[email protected]                               Oficina del PNUD en Chile
[email protected]                                              Karen Ford (STG)
[email protected]                                    Francisco Sepulveda
[email protected]                                        Pancho Turrillas
[email protected]                                        Fuentes Pablo
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                             ***pelao****
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                 Jose Andres Gaggero
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                            Gaston Ormazabal
[email protected]                    Gerry Breslin (3474) Project_Leader
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                        Gabriel Ibanez C.
[email protected]                                            Gilda Garreton
[email protected]                                                   Gabriel
[email protected]                                      Dra. Gabriela Juez G.
[email protected]                                                German King
[email protected]                                          Gustavo Lara
[email protected]                                    Cristian Gonzalez
[email protected]                                            Eduardo Guerra
[email protected]                                       Guillermo Perez Trabado
[email protected]                           Guillermo Cremerius
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                       Gustabo Zambrano
[email protected]                                 haim yigal bodek
[email protected]                               NO elegi enamorarme de ti
[email protected]                                         Hector Aguayo
[email protected]                                        Javier Henderson
[email protected]                                           Hernan Epelman-Wang
[email protected]                                       Hernan Astudillo R.
[email protected]                                       Gaston Hernandez
[email protected]                                              Marcelo Hoffmann
[email protected]                                    henryson o omoregie
HPDIAZ%[email protected]                                         polo diaz
[email protected]                                         Hector Riquelme
[email protected]                    [Hans H. Schroeder E. .... SWISSONE]
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                        Ivan Saez
[email protected]                                         UNKNOWN SOLDIER
[email protected]                                        Ayudantes de IIC1131
[email protected]                              Grupo Proc. Imagenes
[email protected]                                     Ivan Pulleyn
[email protected]                                               PAUL ENTO
[email protected]                                           Ignacio Puelma
[email protected]                                                 Ivan Tabkha
[email protected]                                        Ivan Auger
[email protected]                                       Yan Makiamin
[email protected]                                               Hiram
[email protected]                                         jacques bompart
[email protected]                                               Juan Alvarez
[email protected]                                        Jose Alvarez G
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                             Jorge Barriga
[email protected]                            Julio Bravo Cortes-Monroy
[email protected]                                   Juvenal Candia J.
[email protected]                                           Jose Canuman
[email protected]                             Jaime Eduardo Catalan Nunez
[email protected]                             CAVIERES SOTO JOSE SANTIAGO
[email protected]                                      Juan C. Salas
[email protected]                                      J. Delgado
[email protected]                                  Jesus Escandon A.
[email protected]                                                    Jeszs Ojeda
[email protected]                            javier albarracin
[email protected]                                      hugo jimenez
[email protected]                                                    Joe Lundy
[email protected]                            Janet A Luttecke
[email protected]                                                 JAIME M BUSTOS
[email protected]                                          Julian Molina V.
[email protected]                                 NAUDON DIAZ JUAN IGNACIO
[email protected]                                  ....................
[email protected]                                                 Carlos Jofre
[email protected]                                                   John Walker
[email protected]                                                     Jorge Juliao
[email protected]                                          Jorge E. Tierno
[email protected]                                              Jorge De Los Rios
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                            Jo Piquer
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                                 Jack Quinn
[email protected]                                     Juan Eduardo Quiroga
[email protected]                                     RISCO RIOS JUAN PABLO
[email protected]                                      Jesus Ruiz Matus
[email protected]                                       Juan Manuel Santos
[email protected]    Juan Carlos Barroux R. - CS Manager Sun Interamer
[email protected]                                          Juan Bergelund
[email protected]                                         Juan Alemany
[email protected]                                               Juan Parra
[email protected]                                                Antti Karttunen
[email protected]                                 Evan Kirshenbaum
[email protected]                                            Kirk Wattles
[email protected]                                        Martin Schr"oder
[email protected]                                                      Lloyd Bela
[email protected]                                              Andre Laroze
[email protected]                                       David Lechuga 998-3293
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                           Lucho Fuentes
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                        Luis Liziola
[email protected]                                            loalvare.US1
[email protected]                                Raul Alexander Wolff
[email protected]        Lourdes Gallastegui Pujana
[email protected]                                  J. Agustin Pasten B.
[email protected]                                                  ???
[email protected]                                             Luis Gutierrez
[email protected]                                   Luis Villablanca Schramm
[email protected]                                      luis vargas
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                                   Lydia De
[email protected]                                               MARCOUX FANNY
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                                   Jun Hong
[email protected]                                Alejandro Mardones
[email protected]                                                 Maria Ferreira
[email protected]                                          Mario A. Droguett C.
[email protected]                                     Mario D. Martin
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                             Martin Zurn
[email protected]                                 Martin R. Raskovsky
[email protected]                                             Martin Olivera
[email protected]                            Rodrigo Martinez
[email protected]                                    Mauricio Hernandez
[email protected]                                    Ariel Mazzarelli
[email protected]                                  Maria Brito Larenas
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                        Meisel, Lee A
[email protected]                         Lorena Barrientos Olivares
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                Sebastian Meyer
[email protected]                                   Michael Naumann
[email protected]                                             Miguel Ferrer
[email protected]                                    Miguel Jose Cruz
[email protected]                                           Mikko Rama
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                                             El Jano ...
[email protected]                                          
[email protected]                                           Maximiliano Lopez
[email protected]                                         Miquel Montserrat
[email protected]                                    Mario Medina C.
[email protected]                      Miguel Suarez, (312)753-0387
[email protected]                                    Mario Muga Mendoza
[email protected]                                        Marcelo Munoz Jofre
[email protected]                                     Dario Lopera
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                                                 DrJones
[email protected]             J.-C. Moriaud - Swiss IOSC.
[email protected]                                            Ana Mosterin
[email protected]                                                 manuel ramirez
[email protected]                                       Marco Renedo
[email protected]                                               Milly Sanchez
[email protected]                              SAN CRISTOBAL MARIO RAMONE
[email protected]                                       Marcelo Santana V.
[email protected]                                            Mark Walsh
[email protected]                                    Pedro Muino
[email protected]                                              Martin Mujica
[email protected]                              marianne yasuko takamiya
[email protected]                                   RODRIGUEZ RUIZ NELSON
[email protected]                                    Santiago Newbery
[email protected]                                              EL BACAN...
[email protected]                                     Nick Fitzpatrick
[email protected]                                           Raquel Norel
[email protected]                                        Natacha Paredes
[email protected]                                 Nelson Segura Nunez
[email protected]                                     Nora Strejilevich
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                             Michel Olmi
[email protected]                               Henryson O'Omoregie
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                           Pablo Kleinman
[email protected]                                              Andres L. Pacheco
[email protected]                            Daniel Palomares (CH)
[email protected]                                              pascal dumy
[email protected]                                   Patrick Vielle
[email protected]                                   patricio d navia
[email protected]                                         Patricio Galarce Vargas
[email protected]                                            Paul E. Hoffman
[email protected]                                      Patricio Inostroza
[email protected]                                             Paulo Cesar
[email protected]                                        Pablo Redard
[email protected]                                               Patricio Riveros
[email protected]                                          Proyecto II
[email protected]                                    P. S. Devidts
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                Patricio V. Poblete
[email protected]                                                    Quang Lam
[email protected]                                                 Felipe Castro
[email protected]                                  Federico Quincke
[email protected]                                   Michael J. Quinn
quintana%[email protected]                   Fernando Quintana
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                               Roberto Acosta
[email protected]                                                 Roberto Awad
[email protected]                                      Rainer Floegel
[email protected]                        Ramon Cornejo-Rios
[email protected]                                                       Randy Bush
[email protected]                                        Raoul Golan
[email protected]                                 Raul S. Zighelboim
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                       Ricardo Baeza-Yates
[email protected]                                              Ross D Benner
[email protected]                              Rhenee M Blanco
[email protected]                                        Ricardo Cardenas
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                Ricardo Contreras
[email protected]                                       Robert Dailey
[email protected]                                    Ramon Durazo
[email protected]                                             Rene G. Rodriguez
[email protected]                                                 Rene Leiva
[email protected]                                         Rene Angel Sepulveda
[email protected]                                                    RAEL!
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                       Rebeca Meza Valdes
[email protected]                                              Ruben M. Huerta
[email protected]                                                   rmorales
[email protected]                                                  Ruth M. SYLTE
[email protected]                                                Rodolfo M Vega
[email protected]                                      RuBeN NaNjArI VaRgAs
[email protected]                                          Pelon Re Pelon
[email protected]                                     Rocio Aguilar-Chongtay
[email protected]                                 Roger Z. Rios-Mercado
[email protected]                                        Rosana Martinez
[email protected]                                      Rodrigo Poblete S.
[email protected]                                           ruby rodriguez
[email protected]                         Rodrigo Rodriguez - CE6NUG
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                                Ruben Tapia
[email protected]                                       RICARDO ULECIA
[email protected]                                           NANJARI RUBEN
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                     Ricardo Williams J.
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                                Salem, Lazaro
[email protected]                             Jose Reyes-sanchez
[email protected]                                                Sandro Pintz
[email protected]                                            Raul Herrera
[email protected]                           BURDILES ORELLANA SERGIO ERIK
[email protected]               Soeren Schulz (Betr. M.Fischer)
[email protected]                                        Ruy Burgos Nocetti
[email protected]                                             Scott Larson
[email protected]                                  Sergio Enrique Gutierrez
[email protected]                                        Sabina Astete
[email protected]                                       Silva, Herman P
[email protected]                                  Silvana Roncagliolo
[email protected]                                 Sergio  Edo. Miranda M.
[email protected]                                         takla soliman
[email protected]                                       Pablo Gonza'lez Nalda
[email protected]                                        Nelly Lejter
[email protected]                                               Matti A Suni
[email protected]                                         Luis F. Tavera
[email protected]                                      Thomas Benavides A
[email protected]                                                   Tony Ernst
[email protected]                                           Hernan Theiler
[email protected]                                                   Timo Rinne
[email protected]                                       Luis A. Daly  x2992
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                                Tom Miles
[email protected]                                Carlos F. Tolmasky
[email protected]                                                      Tian Lin
[email protected]                                  Tito Victoriano
[email protected]                                         Arturo Sanchez
U32341%[email protected]                                                    
U41457%[email protected]                                              Hector
U44975%[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                   Derek Hrynyshyn
[email protected]                                         User Diergarten
[email protected]                                      Richard R Urena
[email protected]                                     Francisco Urquijo
VALDESEC%[email protected]                             Enrique Valdes
[email protected]                                               Juan Valle
[email protected]                      Victor Vergara
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                          Horst von Brand
[email protected]                                        Victor Calvo Perez
[email protected]                                                   Veronica Ruz
[email protected]                                 Zepeda Virginia
[email protected]                                  walter garcia-fontes
[email protected]                                             Rudolf Wenzel
[email protected]                                        WJCG
[email protected]                                             Ximena Rivera
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                                  XP4M000
[email protected]                                                  XPHS000
[email protected]                                 Yaroh  Rozenbaum
[email protected]                                                    Zulma Arias

No Votes
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                      Andres Fernandez-Leon
[email protected]                                            Po Shan Cheah
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                          Paulo da Costa
[email protected]                                                     Edward Bertsch
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                              Ricardo E Gariazzo
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                   Hernan Lobos M
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                          Jeremy Caplan
[email protected]                                                   John De Armond
[email protected]                      John "Rings of Saturn" MacWilliamson
[email protected]                                          Julian Macassey
[email protected]                                       Rob Knauerhase
[email protected]                                 Lonadar the Wanderer
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                          David Meltzer
[email protected]                                              Miguel Farah F.
[email protected]                                                                   
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                   Bill Owens
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                             SILVA OSORIO PABLO WASHINGTON
[email protected]                        Sendhil "Mr. Bubbles" Revuluri
[email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                                                Ricardo Matano
[email protected]                                                    Shane Hartman
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                               Larry Weeks

Abstaining Votes
[email protected]                                           Andrew Solovay
[email protected]                              Patricio Aroca-Gonzalez
[email protected]                              Remigio Galarraga-Sanchez
[email protected]                     4-NOV-1993 09:48:10.74

Votes in error
[email protected]                             Fernando Saturno
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]                                  Fernando Fuentealba O.
   ! No votes
[email protected]                                      Gina Mae Perez
   ! No votes
[email protected]                               Alfonso Adriasola
   ! No votes
[email protected]                                         Pcus 02006 X
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]                              TARDIS console
   ! Invalid address
U31081%[email protected]                                             CLaudio
   ! No votes

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