From [email protected] Mon May  1 18:23:05 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Bo Peng 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.china,talk.politics.china,alt.taiwan.republic,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.hongkong,talk.politics.tibet,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.asian.american
Subject: 2nd RFD: soc.culture.china and talk.politics.china reorganization
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 1 May 1995 16:10:47 -0400
Organization: Michigan State University
Lines: 157
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6716 news.groups:147044 soc.culture.china:188117 talk.politics.china:19035 alt.taiwan.republic:3652 soc.culture.taiwan:87010 soc.culture.hongkong:108676 talk.politics.tibet:14270 soc.culture.asean:20099 soc.culture.asian.american:93690

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
               unmoderated group soc.culture.china.arts
            unmoderated group soc.culture.china.philosophy
  unmoderated group soc.culture.china.misc renames soc.culture.china
            unmoderated group talk.politics.china.overseas
          unmoderated group talk.politics.china.unification
unmoderated group talk.politics.china.misc renames talk.politics.china

This is the second Request For Discussion on the creation of six new
newsgroups, three subgroups under soc.culture.china and three under
talk.politics.china, as listed below. All of the proposed groups would be
unmoderated. The existing groups, soc.culture.china and talk.politics.china,
would be renamed to soc.culture.china.misc and talk.politics.china.misc,

The primary change since the last version of the RFD is that the originally
proposed soc.culture.china.economy is eliminated now, due to the proposal of
creating a hierarchy under misc.invest.region, in which misc.invest.region.
china is included. The author of this RFD believes such an arrangement would
better serve the purpose. Interested netters should look for the RFD on
misc.invest.region.china in news.announce.newgroups or backlogs of soc.culture.
china. Information on the proposal is provided below.

From: Christopher Stone 
Subject: RFD: misc.invest.region.{canada,china,misc,russia}
Date: 19 Apr 1995 12:31:25 -0400
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

Proposed Groups:

soc.culture.china.arts		Music, painting, literature, etc..
soc.culture.china.philosophy	Confucianism, Taoism, etc..
soc.culture.china.misc		Misc. topics related to Chinese culture.

talk.politics.china.overseas	Overseas Chinese community, e.g., IFCSS.
talk.politics.china.unification	Unification/independence of Tibet/Taiwan etc..
talk.politics.china.misc	Misc. topics related to Chinese politics.

In effect, soc.culture.china and talk.politics.china would be reorganized into
their corresponding hierarchies:

soc.culture.china --+-- .misc
                    +-- .arts
                    +-- .philosophy

talk.politics.china --+-- .misc
                      +-- .overseas
                      +-- .unification


Many of the existing China-related groups, most notably soc.culture.china,
suffer from severe traffic overload. The overwhelming number of posts (often
hundreds per day in SCC) diminishes the significance of the groups, prohibiting
many from participating in discussions of the related issues, who otherwise
would like to. A reorganization of soc.culture.china and talk.politics.china
into their corresponding hierarchies would produce a more logical and better
organized structure.

Observation of the past history of SCC suggests that certain topics are
constantly present. They are of immense interest to only limited groups of
netters, while irrelevant to others. One example is issues related to
Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars (IFCSS). Other
examples include announcements of various overseas Chinese organizations,
friend-locating calls, and information and discussion of immigration
issues. Under the proposed structure, these posts would go into talk.politics.
china.overseas where interested netters could debate without bothering others
who consider them irrelevant and uninteresting.

Another constantly present thread in SCC is the unification/independence issue.
While there are groups dedicated to Taiwan and Tibet, apparently many posters
feel the need to send their messages to netters of other China-related groups,
e.g., soc.culture.taiwan cross-posting to soc.culture.china and talk.politics.
china. The proposed talk.politics.china.unification would serve as a common
place for all sides interested in the issues to exchange their opinions.

soc.culture.china.arts, and soc.culture.philosophy are proposed based on
similar considerations. The two miscellaneous subgroups, soc.culture.china.misc
and talk.politics.china.misc would substitute their existing counterparts,
only with significantly reduced traffic volume.

The specialization should greatly encourage interested netters to obtain
related information and discuss related issues, without wading through
hundreds or even thousands of posts on topics they are not interested in.


These six groups are intended for those interested in discussions of the
corresponding issues related to the Chinese community in general.

soc.culture.china.arts is an unmoderated newsgroup related to various forms of
Chinese arts, both traditional and contemporary. The types of arts include, but
are not limited to, painting, music, and literature.

soc.culture.china.philosophy is an unmoderated newsgroup related to various
schools of Chinese philosophy, such as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism
(as a philosophy rather than a religion), as well as their impact on China's
history, present, and future.

soc.culture.china.misc is an unmoderated newsgroup related to topics on
social and cultural aspects of China that are not listed above.

talk.politics.china.overseas is an unmoderated newsgroup related to political
issues in overseas Chinese communities, as compared to the "home world".
Examples include IFCSS affairs, immigration issues, and announcements for
overseas Chinese communities.

talk.politics.china.unification is an unmoderated newsgroup related to the
prospects of unification or independence of various regions of the loosely
defined "Grand China Area", such as Taiwan and Tibet. The choice of
"unification" versus "independence" for the group's name is for logic reasons
only. It does not in any way imply the existence of any pre-defined agenda.

talk.politics.china.misc is an unmoderated newsgroup related to topics
on various aspects of China-related politics that are not listed above.


Please post all responses to this message to news.groups. If you use the
followup feature on your newsreader, this should happen automatically. It is
important to understand that all discussions about the merits of this proposal
should occur on news.groups only.

This RFD has been posted in accordance with the Guidelines for Newsgroup
Creation. Its language is based on previously submitted RFDs. The RFD is
being cross-posted to the following relevant groups:

      news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,

NOTE: Follow ups are defined to ensure that further discussion takes place in
      news.groups only. Please watch news.groups if you are interested in the
      ensuing discussion.

Future Call for Votes (CFV)

Please do not post any votes now. This is not a call for votes. When the CFV
is posted, it will provide instructions on how to mail your votes to the Usenet
Volunteer Votetakers (UVV).

** This is not a call for votes. Please do not vote now. **


Proponent:	Bo Peng			
Mentor:		Taneli Huuskonen	

From [email protected] Mon May 15 18:18:12 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jonathan I. Kamens)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.china,talk.politics.china,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.hongkong,alt.chinese.text,talk.politics.tibet,alt.philosophy.taoism,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.asian.american
Subject: CFV: soc.culture.china, talk.politics.china reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Date: 15 May 1995 13:41:34 -0400
Organization: UseNet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV)
Lines: 162
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 6 Jun 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6844 news.groups:149561 soc.culture.china:190080 talk.politics.china:19203 soc.culture.taiwan:88255 soc.culture.hongkong:110462 alt.chinese.text:87914 talk.politics.tibet:14468 alt.philosophy.taoism:377 soc.culture.asean:20284 soc.culture.asian.american:95841

		     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
               unmoderated group soc.culture.china.arts
            unmoderated group soc.culture.china.philosophy
  unmoderated group soc.culture.china.misc renames soc.culture.china
            unmoderated group talk.politics.china.overseas
          unmoderated group talk.politics.china.unification
unmoderated group talk.politics.china.misc renames talk.politics.china

Newsgroups lines:
soc.cutlure.china.philosophy	Schools of philosophy originated in China
soc.culture.china.arts		Chinese fine arts, e.g., painting, music, etc.
soc.culture.china.misc		Miscellaneous topics on Chinese culture
talk.politics.china.overseas	Political issues related to overseas Chinese
talk.politics.china.unification	Unifcn/indpdnc of var. regions related to China
talk.politics.china.misc	Miscellaneous topics on Chinese politics

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 5 June 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact Jonathan Kamens  (the
votetaker).  For questions about the proposed group contact Bo Peng
 (the proponent).


Many of the existing China-related groups, most notably
soc.culture.china, suffer from severe traffic overload. The
overwhelming number of posts (often hundreds per day in SCC)
diminishes the significance of the groups, prohibiting many from
participating in discussions of the related issues, who otherwise
would like to. A reorganization of soc.culture.china and
talk.politics.china into their corresponding hierarchies would produce
a more logical and better organized structure.

Observation of the past history of SCC suggests that certain topics
are constantly present. They are of immense interest to only limited
groups of netters, while irrelevant to others. One example is issues
related to Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars
(IFCSS). Other examples include announcements of various overseas
Chinese organizations, friend-locating calls, and information and
discussion of immigration issues. Under the proposed structure, these
posts would go into talk.politics.  china.overseas where interested
netters could debate without bothering others who consider them
irrelevant and uninteresting.

Another constantly present thread in SCC is the
unification/independence issue.  While there are groups dedicated to
Taiwan and Tibet, apparently many posters feel the need to send their
messages to netters of other China-related groups, e.g.,
soc.culture.taiwan cross-posting to soc.culture.china and
talk.politics.  china. The proposed talk.politics.china.unification
would serve as a common place for all sides interested in the issues
to exchange their opinions.

soc.culture.china.arts, and soc.culture.philosophy are proposed based
on similar considerations. The two miscellaneous subgroups,
soc.culture.china.misc and talk.politics.china.misc would substitute
their existing counterparts, only with significantly reduced traffic

The specialization should greatly encourage interested netters to
obtain related information and discuss related issues, without wading
through hundreds or even thousands of posts on topics they are not
interested in.


These six groups are intended for those interested in discussions of
the corresponding issues related to the Chinese community in general.

soc.culture.china.arts is an unmoderated newsgroup related to various
forms of Chinese arts, both traditional and contemporary. The types of
arts include, but are not limited to, painting, music, and literature.

soc.culture.china.philosophy is an unmoderated newsgroup related to
various schools of Chinese philosophy, such as Confucianism, Taoism,
and Buddhism (as a philosophy rather than a religion), as well as
their impact on China's history, present, and future.

soc.culture.china.misc is an unmoderated newsgroup related to topics
on social and cultural aspects of China that are not listed above.

talk.politics.china.overseas is an unmoderated newsgroup related to
political issues in overseas Chinese communities, as compared to the
"home world".  Examples include IFCSS affairs, immigration issues, and
announcements for overseas Chinese communities.

talk.politics.china.unification is an unmoderated newsgroup related to
the prospects of unification or independence of various regions of the
loosely defined "Grand China Area", such as Taiwan and Tibet. The
choice of "unification" versus "independence" for the group's name is
for logic reasons only. It does not in any way imply the existence of
any pre-defined agenda.

talk.politics.china.misc is an unmoderated newsgroup related to topics
on various aspects of China-related politics that are not listed


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following lines for each
of the groups in question for which you wish to cast a vote:

	vote soc.culture.china.philosophy	YES|NO|ABSTAIN
	vote soc.culture.china.arts		YES|NO|ABSTAIN
	vote soc.culture.china.misc		YES|NO|ABSTAIN
	vote talk.politics.china.overseas	YES|NO|ABSTAIN
	vote talk.politics.china.unification	YES|NO|ABSTAIN
	vote talk.politics.china.misc		YES|NO|ABSTAIN

Replace "YES|NO|ABSTAIN" with either "YES", "NO", or "ABSTAIN", based
on whether you want to vote for the group, vote against the group, or
cancel a previous vote for or against the group.

*** NOTE ***: A vote in favor of soc.culture.china.misc is also a vote
in favor of the removal of soc.culture.china.  Similarly, a vote in
favor of talk.politics.china.misc is also a vote in favor of the
removal of talk.politics.china.  This is because the two *.misc votes
are in fact votes to rename the old soc.culture.china and
talk.politics.china newsgroups.


If your vote is improperly formatted, you will receive an error
message indicating the problem.  Otherwise, You should receive an
automatic acknowledgement of your vote within three days.  If you do
not, contact the votetaker about the problem.  It's your
responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.
Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final
voting results list.

Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid

Anonymous votes will not be accepted.  Votes mailed by WWW/HTML/CGI
forms are considered anonymous votes.  (The vote must be mailed
directly from the voter to the votetaker.)

In cases where voting fraud is determined to have occurred, it is
standard operating procedure to delete ALL votes submitted by the

If you give anyone a copy of the CFV, it must be whole and unmodified.

When in doubt, ask the votetaker.


The only official sources for copies of this CFV are the UseNet
newsgroups to which it is posted, including news.announce.newgroups,
and the votetaker.  Official copy will also be sent to the
[email protected] mailing list (subscription address:
[email protected]).

Jonathan Kamens  |  OpenVision Technologies, Inc.  |   [email protected]

From [email protected] Mon May 29 22:37:16 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jonathan I. Kamens)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.china,talk.politics.china,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.hongkong,alt.chinese.text,talk.politics.tibet,alt.philosophy.taoism,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.asian.american
Subject: 2nd CFV: soc.culture.china, talk.politics.china reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Date: 28 May 1995 19:17:13 -0400
Organization: UseNet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV)
Lines: 162
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 6 Jun 1995 00:00:00 GMT
References: <[email protected]> 
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6922 news.groups:151543 soc.culture.china:192209 talk.politics.china:19433 soc.culture.taiwan:89547 soc.culture.hongkong:112120 alt.chinese.text:89578 talk.politics.tibet:14949 alt.philosophy.taoism:521 soc.culture.asean:20400 soc.culture.asian.american:97954

               unmoderated group soc.culture.china.arts
            unmoderated group soc.culture.china.philosophy
  unmoderated group soc.culture.china.misc (replaces soc.culture.china)
            unmoderated group talk.politics.china.overseas
          unmoderated group talk.politics.china.unification
unmoderated group talk.politics.china.misc (replaces talk.politics.china)

Newsgroups lines:
soc.cutlure.china.philosophy	Schools of philosophy originated in China
soc.culture.china.arts		Chinese fine arts, e.g., painting, music, etc.
soc.culture.china.misc		Miscellaneous topics on Chinese culture
talk.politics.china.overseas	Political issues related to overseas Chinese
talk.politics.china.unification	Unifcn/indpdnc of var. regions related to China
talk.politics.china.misc	Miscellaneous topics on Chinese politics

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 5 June 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact Jonathan Kamens  (the
votetaker).  For questions about the proposed group contact Bo Peng
 (the proponent).


Many of the existing China-related groups, most notably
soc.culture.china, suffer from severe traffic overload. The
overwhelming number of posts (often hundreds per day in SCC)
diminishes the significance of the groups, prohibiting many from
participating in discussions of the related issues, who otherwise
would like to. A reorganization of soc.culture.china and
talk.politics.china into their corresponding hierarchies would produce
a more logical and better organized structure.

Observation of the past history of SCC suggests that certain topics
are constantly present. They are of immense interest to only limited
groups of netters, while irrelevant to others. One example is issues
related to Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars
(IFCSS). Other examples include announcements of various overseas
Chinese organizations, friend-locating calls, and information and
discussion of immigration issues. Under the proposed structure, these
posts would go into talk.politics.  china.overseas where interested
netters could debate without bothering others who consider them
irrelevant and uninteresting.

Another constantly present thread in SCC is the
unification/independence issue.  While there are groups dedicated to
Taiwan and Tibet, apparently many posters feel the need to send their
messages to netters of other China-related groups, e.g.,
soc.culture.taiwan cross-posting to soc.culture.china and
talk.politics.  china. The proposed talk.politics.china.unification
would serve as a common place for all sides interested in the issues
to exchange their opinions.

soc.culture.china.arts, and soc.culture.philosophy are proposed based
on similar considerations. The two miscellaneous subgroups,
soc.culture.china.misc and talk.politics.china.misc would substitute
their existing counterparts, only with significantly reduced traffic

The specialization should greatly encourage interested netters to
obtain related information and discuss related issues, without wading
through hundreds or even thousands of posts on topics they are not
interested in.


These six groups are intended for those interested in discussions of
the corresponding issues related to the Chinese community in general.

soc.culture.china.arts is an unmoderated newsgroup related to various
forms of Chinese arts, both traditional and contemporary. The types of
arts include, but are not limited to, painting, music, and literature.

soc.culture.china.philosophy is an unmoderated newsgroup related to
various schools of Chinese philosophy, such as Confucianism, Taoism,
and Buddhism (as a philosophy rather than a religion), as well as
their impact on China's history, present, and future.

soc.culture.china.misc is an unmoderated newsgroup related to topics
on social and cultural aspects of China that are not listed above.

talk.politics.china.overseas is an unmoderated newsgroup related to
political issues in overseas Chinese communities, as compared to the
"home world".  Examples include IFCSS affairs, immigration issues, and
announcements for overseas Chinese communities.

talk.politics.china.unification is an unmoderated newsgroup related to
the prospects of unification or independence of various regions of the
loosely defined "Grand China Area", such as Taiwan and Tibet. The
choice of "unification" versus "independence" for the group's name is
for logic reasons only. It does not in any way imply the existence of
any pre-defined agenda.

talk.politics.china.misc is an unmoderated newsgroup related to topics
on various aspects of China-related politics that are not listed


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following lines for each
of the groups in question for which you wish to cast a vote:

	vote soc.culture.china.philosophy	YES|NO|ABSTAIN
	vote soc.culture.china.arts		YES|NO|ABSTAIN
	vote soc.culture.china.misc		YES|NO|ABSTAIN
	vote talk.politics.china.overseas	YES|NO|ABSTAIN
	vote talk.politics.china.unification	YES|NO|ABSTAIN
	vote talk.politics.china.misc		YES|NO|ABSTAIN

Replace "YES|NO|ABSTAIN" with either "YES", "NO", or "ABSTAIN", based
on whether you want to vote for the group, vote against the group, or
cancel a previous vote for or against the group.

*** NOTE ***: A vote in favor of soc.culture.china.misc is also a vote
in favor of the removal of soc.culture.china.  Similarly, a vote in
favor of talk.politics.china.misc is also a vote in favor of the
removal of talk.politics.china.  This is because the two *.misc votes
are in fact votes to rename the old soc.culture.china and
talk.politics.china newsgroups.


If your vote is improperly formatted, you will receive an error
message indicating the problem.  Otherwise, You should receive an
automatic acknowledgement of your vote within three days.  If you do
not, contact the votetaker about the problem.  It's your
responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.
Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final
voting results list.

Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid

Anonymous votes will not be accepted.  Votes mailed by WWW/HTML/CGI
forms are considered anonymous votes.  (The vote must be mailed
directly from the voter to the votetaker.)

In cases where voting fraud is determined to have occurred, it is
standard operating procedure to delete ALL votes submitted by the

If you give anyone a copy of the CFV, it must be whole and unmodified.

When in doubt, ask the votetaker.


The only official sources for copies of this CFV are the UseNet
newsgroups to which it is posted, including news.announce.newgroups,
and the votetaker.  Official copy will also be sent to the
[email protected] mailing list (subscription address:
[email protected]).

Jonathan Kamens  |  OpenVision Technologies, Inc.  |   [email protected]

From [email protected] Tue Jun  6 18:47:24 1995
Status: RO
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jonathan I. Kamens)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.china,talk.politics.china,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.hongkong,alt.chinese.text,talk.politics.tibet,alt.philosophy.taoism,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.asian.american
Subject: RESULT: {soc.culture,talk.politics}.china reorganization: all groups fail
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 6 Jun 1995 16:52:44 -0400
Organization: UseNet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV)
Lines: 184
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]> 
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:7001 news.groups:152597 soc.culture.china:193532 talk.politics.china:19608 soc.culture.taiwan:90450 soc.culture.hongkong:113181 alt.chinese.text:90735 talk.politics.tibet:15163 alt.philosophy.taoism:585 soc.culture.asean:20547 soc.culture.asian.american:98968

soc.culture.china, talk.politics.china reorganization -- all groups fail

Group                              Yes     No  Yes - No  % Yes  Passes?

soc.culture.china.arts              57     25        32   69.5  FAIL
soc.culture.china.misc              45     40         5   52.9  FAIL
soc.culture.china.philosophy        59     24        35   71.1  FAIL
talk.politics.china.misc            43     41         2   51.2  FAIL
talk.politics.china.overseas        48     30        18   61.5  FAIL
talk.politics.china.unification     47     30        17   61.0  FAIL

There is a five-day discussion period after these results are posted.
Unless serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the
groups may not be voted on again for six months.

Newsgroups lines:
soc.cutlure.china.philosophy	Schools of philosophy originated in China
soc.culture.china.arts		Chinese fine arts, e.g., painting, music, etc.
soc.culture.china.misc		Miscellaneous topics on Chinese culture
talk.politics.china.overseas	Political issues related to overseas Chinese
talk.politics.china.unification	Unifcn/indpdnc of var. regions related to China
talk.politics.china.misc	Miscellaneous topics on Chinese politics

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact Jonathan Kamens . For questions
about the proposed groups contact Bo Peng .


These six groups are intended for those interested in discussions of
the corresponding issues related to the Chinese community in general.

soc.culture.china.arts is an unmoderated newsgroup related to various
forms of Chinese arts, both traditional and contemporary. The types of
arts include, but are not limited to, painting, music, and literature.

soc.culture.china.philosophy is an unmoderated newsgroup related to
various schools of Chinese philosophy, such as Confucianism, Taoism,
and Buddhism (as a philosophy rather than a religion), as well as
their impact on China's history, present, and future.

soc.culture.china.misc is an unmoderated newsgroup related to topics
on social and cultural aspects of China that are not listed above.

talk.politics.china.overseas is an unmoderated newsgroup related to
political issues in overseas Chinese communities, as compared to the
"home world".  Examples include IFCSS affairs, immigration issues, and
announcements for overseas Chinese communities.

talk.politics.china.unification is an unmoderated newsgroup related to
the prospects of unification or independence of various regions of the
loosely defined "Grand China Area", such as Taiwan and Tibet. The
choice of "unification" versus "independence" for the group's name is
for logic reasons only. It does not in any way imply the existence of
any pre-defined agenda.

talk.politics.china.misc is an unmoderated newsgroup related to topics
on various aspects of China-related politics that are not listed


The list of voters below is arranged, as much as possible, in
alphabetical order (case-insensitive) by E-mail address.

Since no single group in this vote received more than 100 "yes" votes,
there is no way that improper or incorrect votes could have altered
the results of the vote, so I have not bothered to review the list of
voters in detail to check for irregularities.

This collection of addresses is Copyright 1995 by Jonathan Kamens.
This list or any part of it may not be used to seed a mailing list or
to send any sort of mass-mailing to people who voted in this vote.
Any other use of the voter list is permitted.

[email protected]                                             YYYYNN
[email protected] (Andrew Chan)                                              YYY  Y
"Ananda M. Kar"                                   NNNNNN
Jim Ault                                            YYYYYY
"B.J. Herbison"                                        Y Y
Bo Peng                                          YYYYYY
"H. Tang"                                         YNYNYY
[email protected] (Xavier Chicot)                             Y Y
Chris Stamper                                 N N NN
leey                                             YNYNYY
[email protected] (Chaoqiang Lai)                                       NYNYNN
Michiel Wijers                                       NNNNNN
Christopher Ward                                       NNNNNN
Charles CY Lam                      NNNNNN
Daniel Boggs                                         YYYYYY
[email protected]                                        YYYYYY
D-P Deng                                           YYYYYY
[email protected] (Shimin Fang)                                  YYY
Ed Gaillard                                         YNYNYN
[email protected] (Jie Gao)                                     YYYYYY
[email protected]                                                 YNYNYY
[email protected] (Dongmei Wang)                                 YYYYYY
[email protected] (Desperate)                                       YNYYYY
[email protected]                                            YYYYYY
[email protected]                                       YNYNYN
Herbert Chan                                      YYYYYY
Hans Joergen Hinrup                                    Y
[email protected] (Hung J Lu)                                     NNNNNN
Hao Ming Wu                                     YYYYYY
Ilan Brami                                        YYY Y
[email protected] (Dan Jacobson)                              YYYYYY
James Ou                                    Y Y
Jeffrey David Cohen                              N N
Jim Jewett                                          Y Y
[email protected] (Ji Wang, Civil Eng & Operations Rsch,     YYYYYY
  Princeton University)
[email protected] (James Wei)                                              NNNNNN
[email protected]                                                 YYYYYY
Jonboy                                                   YYYYYY
[email protected] (Jun Ye)                                        YYYYYN
[email protected]                                                     NNNNNN
Kim DeVaughn                                      NNNNNN
[email protected] (Kimmo Ketolainen +358 40 500 2957)                      YYYYYY
[email protected] (Kirk Wattles)                                   Y Y  Y
[email protected] (Lance K. Chun)                                         YNYNYY
Louis Epstein                                             NNN
[email protected] (leung_steven)                                      N N
[email protected] (Karen Lofstrom)                                      YYYYYY
[email protected]                                            YYY
[email protected] (Leon Mack)                                                YYYYYY
[email protected] (Marcus Breiing)                                        YYYYYN
[email protected] (maohai huang)                                     YYYYYY
Martijn van der Valk                     YYYYYY
[email protected] (Nigel Allen)                                            YYYYYY
jorge                                       YYYYY
[email protected] (Orc)                                                      YNYNYY
[email protected] (david parsons)                                            YNYNYY
[email protected]                                                        NNNNNN
[email protected] (Peter Campbell)                                 NNNNNN
Pete Bastien                                         N N
[email protected]                                                      YYYYYY
[email protected]                                                       YYYYY
[email protected] (Ryan Waldron)                                      NNNNNN
[email protected]                                                        NNNNNN
[email protected] (Ruth M. Sylte)                                         YYYYYY
"Robert P. Smith"                            YNYNNN
Ross Penner                            YYYYYY
Chatchai Deacha                              YYYNNN
[email protected] (Steve Summit)                                            N N
Lui Sieh                                                YNYNNY
Shuanglin John Zhang                       NYYYYY
Smarasderagd                                 NNNNNN
[email protected] (I am a nobody)                                      YYYYYY
Dwight Brown                                          NNNNNN
"Stanley Y.Y., SIU"                                  Y
Tan                                                 NNNNNN
[email protected] (Tao)                                           YYYYYY
[email protected] (Tung-chiang Yang)                         NNNNNY
[email protected] (Thomas G. McWilliams)                                   NNNNNN
[email protected] (Thilo Pfennig)                               YYYYYY
Jerry Liao                               Y N NY
[email protected] (Tim Valenta)                                     Y
Tom Jaskiewicz                                   NNNNNN
Tim Pierce                                NNNNNN
[email protected] (Huang Yuan)                               N YNY
"mjh @ Merril Lynch Wenhou Co"                NNNNNN
Risto Widenius                                 NNNNNN
[email protected]                                                      YN YNY
[email protected] (xiaoming cui)                                     Y YYY
Xun Xiong                                                 YNYN Y
[email protected] (Yu Cao)                                    YYYYYY
Xiaoxian Zeng                                        YYYYYY
[email protected]                                                 YNYNYY
[email protected] (Zheng Zheng Zhou)                               YNYNYY

Jonathan Kamens  |  OpenVision Technologies, Inc.  |   [email protected]

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