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Usenix ( )

From [email protected] Tue Feb 17 16:00:05 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: RFD: moderate Followup-To: news.groups Message-ID: <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Archive-Name: Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 23:58:23 GMT Lines: 78 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:9787 news.groups:271871 REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) moderated group (moderates existing group) This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) to change the status of from an unmoderated to a moderated newsgroup. This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time. Procedural details are below. Newsgroup line: USENIX Association announcements, discussion. (Moderated) RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. Moderation policies: The moderators encourage posting of any articles relating to USENIX Association programs and matters that are of interest to its members. Articles advertising unrelated activities will be rejected. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: <[email protected]> Administrative contact: <[email protected]> Submission address: <[email protected]> END MODERATOR INFO. PROCEDURE: This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed change to the newsgroup status should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the RFD for this proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens. All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process. END PROCEDURE. DISTRIBUTION: This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> From [email protected] Mon May 11 18:45:08 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: 2nd RFD: moderate Followup-To: news.groups Message-ID: <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Archive-Name: Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 01:43:38 GMT Lines: 83 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10072 news.groups:282579 REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) moderated group (moderates existing group) This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) to change the status of from an unmoderated to a moderated newsgroup. This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time. Procedural details are below. Newsgroup line: USENIX Association announcements, discussion. (Moderated) CHANGES from previous RFD: This is a repost due to the length of time that has passed since the first RFD; there have been no changes to the first RFD, below. RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. Moderation policies: The moderators encourage posting of any articles relating to USENIX Association programs and matters that are of interest to its members. Articles advertising unrelated activities will be rejected. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: <[email protected]> Administrative contact: <[email protected]> Submission address: <[email protected]> END MODERATOR INFO. PROCEDURE: This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed change to the newsgroup status should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the RFD for this proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens. All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process. END PROCEDURE. DISTRIBUTION: This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> From [email protected] Fri Jul 10 09:15:26 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10275 news.groups:290115 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot(Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Tue Jul 14 05:39:07 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10293 news.groups:290589 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Tue Jul 14 06:17:07 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10316 news.groups:290617 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Tue Jul 14 08:30:41 1998 Path:!!sonysjc!!!!!!btnet-feed2!btnet!!!!!!hipcancel!!resurrector!not-for-mail Message-ID: <[email protected]> X-Reposted-By: [email protected] X-Original-Path: ...!!!!!!!!sonysjc!vixie!!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: REPOST: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster X-Original-Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT X-Comments: DtR Repost: The following Usenet article was cancelled, X-Comments: more than likely by someone other than the original poster. X-Comments: Please see the end of this posting for a copy of the cancel. X-Comments: Dave the Resurrector can be contacted at [email protected] Lines: 143 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10339 news.groups:290651 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] ========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======: Path: ...!!!!!!!!cyberspam!hipcancel!usenet From: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.groups Subject: cmsg cancel <[email protected]> Control: cancel <[email protected]> Date: 14 Jul 1998 14:58:43 GMT Organization: HipCrime International, unLtd. Lines: 2 Sender: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-No-Archive: Yes Cancelled by HipCrime's NewsAgent. From [email protected] Tue Jul 14 08:30:43 1998 Control: cancel <[email protected]> Path:!bounce-back Message-ID: <[email protected]> From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: cmsg cancel <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: 14 Jul 98 15:30:41 GMT Lines: 2 Xref: control.cancel:2601835 Unapproved article for news.announce.newgroups auto-cancelled by daemon on behalf of moderator. From [email protected] Tue Jul 14 09:39:38 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10344 news.groups:290660 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Wed Jul 15 04:23:40 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10359 news.groups:290756 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Wed Jul 15 05:50:26 1998 Path:!news.Stanford.EDU!!!!!!!pipex!!btnet-feed2!btnet!!!!!hipcancel!!resurrector!not-for-mail Message-ID: <[email protected]> X-Reposted-By: [email protected] X-Original-Path:!hipcancel!!resurrector!not-for-mail X-Original-Message-ID: <[email protected]> X-Reposted-By: [email protected] X-Original-Path: ...!!!!!!!!sonysjc!vixie!!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: REPOST: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster X-Original-Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT X-Comments: DtR Repost: The following Usenet article was cancelled, X-Comments: more than likely by someone other than the original poster. X-Comments: Please see the end of this posting for a copy of the cancel. X-Comments: Dave the Resurrector can be contacted at [email protected] Lines: 159 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10363 news.groups:290784 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] ========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======: Path: ...!!!!!!!!cyberspam!hipcancel!usenet From: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.groups Subject: cmsg cancel <[email protected]> Control: cancel <[email protected]> Date: 14 Jul 1998 14:58:43 GMT Organization: HipCrime International, unLtd. Lines: 2 Sender: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-No-Archive: Yes Cancelled by HipCrime's NewsAgent. ========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======: Control: cancel <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.groups Path: ...!!!!!!!!!!cyberspam!hipcancel!usenet From: [email protected] Subject: cmsg cancel <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> X-No-Archive: Yes Sender: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Organization: InterNet Systems Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 12:14:29 GMT Lines: 2 Cancelled by HipCrime's NewsAgent. From [email protected] Wed Jul 15 05:50:28 1998 Control: cancel <[email protected]> Path:!bounce-back Message-ID: <[email protected]g> From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: cmsg cancel <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: 15 Jul 98 12:50:26 GMT Lines: 2 Xref: control.cancel:2605705 Unapproved article for news.announce.newgroups auto-cancelled by daemon on behalf of moderator. From [email protected] Wed Jul 15 06:18:30 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10368 news.groups:290974 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Wed Jul 15 16:51:09 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10381 news.groups:291064 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Wed Jul 15 17:55:02 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10391 news.groups:291074 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Wed Jul 15 17:56:19 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10398 news.groups:291081 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Mon Jul 20 04:09:47 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10452 news.groups:291835 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Mon Jul 20 04:09:55 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10454 news.groups:291837 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Mon Jul 20 04:09:58 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10456 news.groups:291839 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Mon Jul 20 04:10:16 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT Lines: 126 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10460 news.groups:291843 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Mon Jul 20 04:44:16 1998 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!hipcancel!!resurrector!not-for-mail Message-ID: <[email protected]> X-Reposted-By: [email protected] X-Original-Path: ...!!!!!!!news.Stanford.EDU!!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: REPOST: CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster X-Original-Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:11:55 GMT X-Comments: DtR Repost: The following Usenet article was cancelled, X-Comments: more than likely by someone other than the original poster. X-Comments: Please see the end of this posting for a copy of the cancel. X-Comments: Dave the Resurrector can be contacted at [email protected] Lines: 143 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10467 news.groups:291913 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; intead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] ========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======: Path: ...!!!Gamma.RU!!kiae!relcom!!!cyberspam!hipcancel!usenet From: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.groups Subject: cmsg cancel <[email protected]> Control: cancel <[email protected]> Date: 19 Jul 1998 00:55:16 GMT Organization: HipCrime International, unLtd. Lines: 2 Sender: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-No-Archive: Yes Cancelled by HipCrime's NewsAgent. From [email protected] Mon Jul 20 04:44:17 1998 Control: cancel <[email protected]> Path:!bounce-back Message-ID: <[email protected]> From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: cmsg cancel <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: 20 Jul 98 11:44:17 GMT Lines: 2 Xref: control.cancel:2639141 Unapproved article for news.announce.newgroups auto-cancelled by daemon on behalf of moderator. From [email protected] Mon Jul 20 14:45:04 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: 2nd CFV: moderate Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Supersedes: <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 1 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 21:43:26 GMT Lines: 132 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10468 news.groups:292020 LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group (moderates existing group) This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker. It is not to be posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by the votetaker. Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; instead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged" address he cannot decipher immediately. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at <[email protected]>. HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your REAL NAME and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] > Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2ND CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Place | ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other | information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line: Voter name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] (moderated) ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== Bounce List - Please contact me about your vote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected] Howard Lem [email protected] Bill Pechter [email protected] STella This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Aug 14 1997). PQ datestamp: 980110 -- Voting address: [email protected] From [email protected] Sun Aug 2 22:15:05 1998 Path:!bounce-back From: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: RESULT: moderate fails 108:19 Followup-To: news.groups Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Supersedes: <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Archive-Name: Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 05:11:56 GMT Lines: 203 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:10513 news.groups:293307 RESULT moderated group (moderates existing group) fails 108:19 There were 108 YES votes and 19 NO votes, for a total of 127 valid votes. There were 2 abstentions and 1 invalid ballot. For a group to pass, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes. There must also be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes. A five day discussion period follows this announcement. Unless serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the group may not be voted on again for six months. Newsgroups line: USENIX Association announcements, discussions. (Moderated) The voting period closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 31 Jul 1998. This vote was conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Ellie Young <[email protected]> Proponent: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Votetaker: Neil Crellin <[email protected]> RATIONALE: receives a substantial number of inappropriate postings. This interferes with the intended use of the newsgroup. It is a vehicle for the USENIX Association to send announcements to its members and a venue for its members to engage in discussion of technological information and ideas pertaining to advanced computing systems research and tools. We would like to change the status of the newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated in an attempt to reduce the number of inappropriate postings. CHARTER: is intended to be a forum for announcements and discussion pertaining to the USENIX Association. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Toni Veglia <[email protected]> Moderator: Jackson Dodd <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. Final Voter list Voted YES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clyde_Poole [at] Clyde T. Poole david+usenet [at] David Goh mlh [at] Matthew Hannigan terminus [at] Jeremy Malcolm wkt [at] Warren Toomey rich [at] Rich Lafferty kmckinla [at] Kenneth McKinlay chriseb [at] Chris Ebenezer vanepp [at] Peter Van Epp bedmonds [at] Brian Edmonds howard [at] Howard Lem stefano [at] Stefano Unternaehrer thogard [at] Tim Hogard robert [at] Robert Bonomi douglis [at] Fred Douglis tal [at] Tom Limoncelli kimdv [at] Kim DeVaughn kolstad [at] BSDI.COM Rob Kolstad booda [at] Martin H. Booda guymacon [at] [email protected] (Guy Macon) julesd [at] Jules Dubois mjohnson [at] Mark Johnson scox [at] Sean Cox harter [at] Sam Hayes Merritt, III jsd [at] Jon Drukman curtis_whalen+usenet [at] Curtis (Jewell) Whalen paulc [at] Paul Curran Scott.Hall [at] GSC.GTE.Com Scott G, Hall dougob [at] D. O'brien jpeek [at] Jerry Peek berry [at] Berry Kercheval chris [at] Christopher Robin Zimmerman tbaca [at] Thomas L. Baca cipher [at] Cipher jrl [at] Jim Lawson salazar [at] Richard G. Salazar simpson [at] Bob Simpson source [at] David Harmon pckizer [at] Philip C. Kizer dc [at] David W. Crawford tindall [at] Bruce Tindall clapper [at] Brian M. Clapper mra [at] Mark Atwood ggr [at] Greg Rose jtk [at] Rational.Com John Kohl pshuang [at] Ping Huang f.c.w.donck [at] Fred Donck Dmckeon [at] Denis McKeon rboerger [at] Ron Boerger arielle [at] Stephanie da Silva daver [at] David Franklin Reynolds Steve_Lammert [at] Steve Lammert pace [at] James E. Pace ssantoro [at] Stefano Santoro Ekkehard.Uthke [at] Ekkehard Uthke torex [at] Tobias jdavis [at] lectura.CS.Arizona.EDU Jim Davis gretchen [at] Gretchen Phillips mg [at] Michael Grubb hh299 [at] cleveland.Freenet.Edu Jim Baranovich dshaw [at] David Shaw ecf [at] Esther Filderman wdmaddox [at] Bill Maddox jhowatt [at] James W Howatt binde [at] Melissa D. Binde ellenm [at] Ellen Mitchell rick [at] Richard Miller kat [at] Kat Fielding hermit [at] William R Ward escowles [at] Kevin Esme Cowles bjones [at] Bruce Jones lopezwal [at] Gabriel C. Lopez-Walle honey [at] peter honeyman bill [at] Bill Gunshannon derick [at] Derick Siddoway rufinus [at] J Rufinus jpc [at] J. Porter Clark ies [at] Ian E. Stockdale de5-uvv [at] Dave Sill moshez [at] Moshe Zadka brisker [at] Tomer Brisker dido [at] Paolo Didone` wacko [at] Yoo C. Chung tes [at] Terry Suitor scs [at] Steve Simmons rme [at] R. Matthew Emerson rmorrow [at] Rick Morrow david [at] David K. Drum dougob [at] Douglas D. O'Brien wakelyn [at] N. T. Wakelyn ssm [at] Stig Sandbeck Mathisen mkc [at] Mike Coleman ketilk [at] Ketil Kirkerud Elgethun nate [at] Nathan Burnett bkuhn [at] Bradley M. Kuhn sthoenna [at] Allen Scott-Thoennes rone [at] Ron Echeverri Bob.Goolsby [at] Bob Goolsby junga [at] Achim Jung wist [at] ex.MuFFiN.Org Henrik Wist djb [at] Dan Birchall diane [at] usenix.ORG DIANE DEMARTINI toni [at] usenix.ORG Toni Veglia Michael.Salmon [at] Michael Salmon Mats.Palmgren [at] Mats Palmgren avatar [at] Alistair J. R. Young Hammy [at] Hamish Bell murble [at] William Boughton Voted NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ eromero [at] Eduardo Romero sforsell [at] Scott Forsell stainles [at] Dwight Brown bob149 [at] Bob Blanchard jfn [at] J.F. Nelson tjmc [at] tjmc toejam_78 [at] Hymie Podnorwich olav [at] Olav Nieuwejaar tgm [at] Thomas G. McWilliams votefraud [at] Valerie Votefraud Jason_Gait [at] Jason Gait jlowther [at] John Lowther mike2 [at] Mike Epstein k95dl01 [at] Dan Lawson plwong [at] Wong Pan Lit pbern7 [at] Paul Bernhardt vpdura [at] Vic Dura domo [at] Dominic Dunlop pechter [at] Bill Pechter Abstained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jefferyhunt [at] Jeffery D. Hunt mjo [at] Mike O'Connor Invalid votes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ stella [at] STella ! Undeliverable address -- Neil Crellin, UVV <[email protected]>
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