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From [email protected] Wed Mar  9 23:43:15 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (John M. Grohol) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,, Subject: RFD: reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 9 Mar 1994 22:52:51 -0500 Organization: Lines: 225 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4747 news.groups:97678  ----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=---- The First Request for Discussion (RFD) on the REORGANIZATION of COMP.OS.MS-WINDOWS.APPS ----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----  Note: Discussion on this RFD should occur in "news.groups"       as the Guidelines suggest.  Introduction ------------ The need for a reorganization of COMP.OS.MS-WINDOWS.APPS has become apparent recently, as users in the newsgroup (including myself) have complained aloud at the increasing traffic on the numerous applications available for the MS-Windows operating environment. In March, 1993, the Software Publishers Association  reported that Windows applications outsold DOS applications for  the first time in history. Since it has become all but impossible to buy a PC nowadays without a copy of MS-Windows on it, and with the upcoming release of Windows 4.0, MS-Windows appears to be an operating environment that is stable, widely-accepted, and here to stay.  This newsgroup has an enormous amount of traffic and is consistently ranked in the top 100 or so newsgroups for traffic and popularity. Finding topics on the applications one is personally interested in has become all but impossible.   This serves as the formal Request for Discussion (RFD) on the reorganization of -------------------------------------------------------------- General Charter to be included for all new proposed groups:  Discussion on each proposed group will be limited to topics on the MS-Windows applications that fall under that group's  specific subject area.  For instance, only word-processing  applications specific to the MS-Windows operating environment  would be discussed in the proposed newsgroup, Applications not falling under any of the proposed groups, or whose proposed groups do not pass their individual creation votes, can be discussed in the proposed renamed group,  Discussion may be on commercial or non-commercial software.  Discussion may include, but is no means limited to: questions, answers, reviews, comments, useability comparisons, personal experiences, problem-solving, etc. on any MS-Windows application that falls within that group's subject area. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposed Renaming: ----------------- -> (unmoderated)  Charter: This newsgroup will take the place of the current          catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various          MS-Windows application discussions that do not fall          into any of the proposed groups below (eg.-          multimedia applications, Quicken, Mathematica);           and for the discussion of any MS-Windows applications for          the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass a final          vote. Discussion on the Windows operating environment          itself (eg.- new versions) should take place on , not on this group.            It is also proposed that          be removed after a 3-month period (to give people          time to switch over) if the proposed group passes.  Specific Charters on New Groups Proposed: ---------------------------------------- Name: (unmoderated)  Description: Discussion on MS-Windows word-processing applications.  Charter: The subject area for this group is word-processing          applications. Any discussion related to questions          or comments on MS-Windows word-processing software          would be appropriate here. AmiPro, Word for Windows,          WordPerfect for Windows, etc. are software           topics appropriate for this group.          The General Charter is also included here. --------- Name: (unmoderated)  Description: Discussion on MS-Windows spreadsheet applications.  Charter: The subject area for this group is spreadsheet          applications. Any discussion related to questions          or comments on MS-Windows spreadsheet software          would be appropriate here. Excel, Quattro Pro,          Lotus 1-2-3, etc. are examples of software           topics appropriate for this group.          The General Charter is also included here. --------- Name: (unmoderated)  Description: Discussion on MS-Windows communication applications.  Charter: The subject area for this group is communication          applications. Any discussion related to questions          or comments on MS-Windows communications software          would be appropriate here. WinCIM, Procomm+ for          Windows, Winfax Pro, etc. are examples of software          topics appropriate for this group.           The General Charter is also included here. --------- Name: (unmoderated)  Description: Discussion on MS-Windows utilities.  Charter: The subject area for this group is utilities for          MS-Windows. Such add-ons as PC-Tools for Windows,          HP's Dashboard, Norton Desktop for Windows, XtGold          for Windows, Afterdark, etc. are examples          of software topics appropriate for this group.           The General Charter is also included here. --------- Name: (unmoderated)  Description: Discussion of MS-Windows networking applications.  Charter: The subject area for this group is networking          applications. Any discussion related to questions          or comments on MS-Windows networking software          would be appropriate here. Lantastic, Netware,          Windows for Workgroups, etc.          are examples of software topics appropriate for          this group.          The General Charter is also included here. --------- Name: (unmoderated)  Description: Discussion of MS-Windows graphics & CAD applications.  Charter: The subject area for this group is graphics          presentation and CAD applications. Any discussion          related to questions or comments on MS-Windows          graphics presentation and CAD software would          be appropriate here. AutoCAD, Corel Draw,          Harvard Graphics, etc. are examples of software          topics appropriate for this group.          The General Charter is also included here. --------- Purposely left out of RFD:  Databases . . . . Covered already by the comp.databases.* hierarchy PIMs . . . . . .  Not enough traffic to warrant own group (.01%) Financial . . . . Not enough traffic to warrant own group (.87%) Programming . . . Covered already by*  Percentages were computed from a 2 month survey of subjects on ---------  Summary ------- By renaming the current group and adding 6 more newsgroups to the hierarchy, will be made more easily readable in the near future. The reorganization of has been overdue and this proposal has taken pains to be as simple and as logical as possible.  Why not, *.word, *.xtree, *.pc-tools, etc.?  The alternative reorganization plan would create a newsgroup for each "major" application that exists on the market today. A reorganization plan that goes by specific application names  is much more uncertain & difficult, because those names are  subject to change as software companies get eaten up (and the name of their product changes), reorganize themselves, or dump products in favor of following other avenues.  Also, what constitutes a "major" (as opposed to minor or hardly used) application would have to be argued; shareware and freeware applications would also have to be equally represented. And what is popular today certainly may not even exist 5 years  >from now. Upkeep and maintenance of the hierarchy would have to be done routinely, which is an unlikely prospect. Last, if something like *.amipro doesn't pass, Amipro users are left discussing their word processor only in *.misc again.   If such a reorganization scheme is used, where do questions such as,  "What's the best Windows word-processor/spreadsheet/etc.?" fall  under? Do they have to crosspost to all the word-processor groups,  or just *.misc? If they do the latter, a large pros & cons  discussion on what is *the* best word processor would then ensue  on *.misc, which would make such an reorganization  effectively useless.  -------------------------------------  Notes on this RFD ----------------- This RFD is being posted on March 10, 1994 to the following groups:               news.groups               news.announce.newgroups                      and may be freely distributed to any other groups or mailing lists where it might be of relevance. Please leave the Followup-To: header intact. Persons not able to communicate or post directly to Usenet may mail their comments or questions to:             [email protected]     **  All pertinent discussion relating to this RFD     **    **  should take place on news.groups, hence           **    **  follow-ups have been directed there. I strongly   **    **  urge readers to limit their discussion on this    **    **  RFD to news.groups, as is the recognized          **    **  convention.                                       **  Call for Votes -------------- The CFV is expected to be posted in approximately 30 days,                on or around April 11, 1994.         The CFV is expected to be conducted by an independent vote-taker, arranged through Ron Dippold. The CFV will be sent out to the same newsgroups (listed above) as the RFD was sent to. Details on voting will be posted in the CFV.  -jmg  From [email protected] Thu Mar 24 18:10:05 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (John M. Grohol) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,, Subject: 2nd RFD: reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 23 Mar 1994 17:19:55 -0500 Organization: Lines: 212 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4830 news.groups:98836  ----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=---- The Second Request for Discussion (RFD) on the REORGANIZATION of COMP.OS.MS-WINDOWS.APPS ----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----  Note: Discussion on this RFD should occur in "news.groups"       as the Guidelines suggest.  Note: Changes from the 1st RFD are noted by a leading '*'.  Introduction ------------ The need for a reorganization of COMP.OS.MS-WINDOWS.APPS has become apparent recently, as users in the newsgroup (including myself) have complained aloud at the increasing traffic on the numerous applications available for the MS-Windows operating environment. In March, 1993, the Software Publishers Association  reported that Windows applications outsold DOS applications for  the first time in history. Since it has become all but impossible to buy a PC nowadays without a copy of MS-Windows on it, and with the upcoming release of Windows 4.0, MS-Windows appears to be an operating environment that is stable, widely-accepted, and here to stay.  This newsgroup has an enormous amount of traffic and is consistently ranked in the top 100 or so newsgroups for traffic and popularity. Finding topics on the applications one is personally interested in has become all but impossible.   This serves as the formal Request for Discussion (RFD) on the reorganization of -------------------------------------------------------------- General Charter to be included for all new proposed groups:  Discussion on each proposed group will be limited to topics on the MS-Windows applications that fall under that group's  specific subject area.  For instance, only word-processing  applications specific to the MS-Windows operating environment  would be discussed in the proposed newsgroup, Applications not falling under any of the proposed groups, or whose proposed groups do not pass their individual creation votes, can be discussed in the proposed renamed group,  Discussion may be on commercial or non-commercial software.  Discussion may include, but is no means limited to: questions, answers, reviews, comments, useability comparisons, personal experiences, problem-solving, etc. on any MS-Windows application that falls within that group's subject area. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposed Renaming: ----------------- -> (unmoderated)  Charter: This newsgroup will take the place of the current          catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various          MS-Windows application discussions that do not fall          into any of the proposed groups below (eg.-          multimedia applications, Quicken, Mathematica);           and for the discussion of any MS-Windows applications for          the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass a final          vote. Discussion on the Windows operating environment          itself (eg.- new versions) should take place on , not on this group.            It is also proposed that          be removed after a 3-month period (to give people          time to switch over) if the proposed group passes.  Specific Charters on New Groups Proposed: ---------------------------------------- Name: (unmoderated)  Description: Discussion on MS-Windows word-processing applications.  Charter: The subject area for this group is word-processing          applications. Any discussion related to questions          or comments on MS-Windows word-processing software          would be appropriate here. AmiPro, Word for Windows,          WordPerfect for Windows, etc. are software           topics appropriate for this group.          The General Charter is also included here. --------- Name: (unmoderated)  Description: Discussion on MS-Windows communication applications.  Charter: The subject area for this group is communication          applications. Any discussion related to questions          or comments on MS-Windows communications software          would be appropriate here. WinCIM, Procomm+ for          Windows, Winfax Pro, etc. are examples of software          topics appropriate for this group.           The General Charter is also included here. --------- Name: (unmoderated)  Description: Discussion on MS-Windows utilities.  Charter: The subject area for this group is utilities for          MS-Windows. Such add-ons as PC-Tools for Windows,          HP's Dashboard, Norton Desktop for Windows, XtGold          for Windows, Afterdark, etc. are examples          of software topics appropriate for this group.           The General Charter is also included here. --------- *Name: (unmoderated) * *Description: Discussion on MS-Windows financial & tax software. * *Charter: The subject area for this group is financial *         and tax software. Any discussion related to  *         programs such as Quicken, Simply Tax, etc.     *         are examples of software         *         topics appropriate for this group. *         The General Charter is also included here. --------- Purposely left out of RFD:  Databases   -- Covered already by the comp.databases.* hierarchy PIMs        -- Not enough traffic to warrant own group (.01%) Financial   -- Not enough traffic to warrant own group (.87%)  * The above group was added due to discussion on the RFD.  Programming -- Covered already by*  * Networking  -- Covered by CFV of groups * Spreadsheets - Covered by comp.apps.spreadsheets * Graphics     - Covered by  * The above three proposed groups were deleted from the original * RFD because they would be redundant to pre-existing groups.  Percentages were computed from a 2 month survey of subjects on ---------  Summary ------- By renaming the current group and adding a few more newsgroups to the hierarchy, will be made more easily readable in the near future. The reorganization of has been overdue and this proposal has taken pains to be as simple and as logical as possible.  Why not, *.word, *.xtree, *.pc-tools, etc.?  The alternative reorganization plan would create a newsgroup for each "major" application that exists on the market today. A reorganization plan that goes by specific application names  is much more uncertain & difficult, because those names are  subject to change as software companies get eaten up (and the name of their product changes), reorganize themselves, or dump products in favor of following other avenues.  Also, what constitutes a "major" (as opposed to minor or hardly used) application would have to be argued; shareware and freeware applications would also have to be equally represented. And what is popular today certainly may not even exist 5 years  >from now. Upkeep and maintenance of the hierarchy would have to be done routinely, which is an unlikely prospect. Last, if something like *.amipro doesn't pass, Amipro users are left discussing their word processor only in *.misc again.   If such a reorganization scheme is used, where do questions such as,  "What's the best Windows word-processor/spreadsheet/etc.?" fall  under? Do they have to crosspost to all the word-processor groups,  or just *.misc? If they do the latter, a large pros & cons  discussion on what is *the* best word processor would then ensue  on *.misc, which would make such an reorganization  effectively useless.  -------------------------------------  Notes on this RFD ----------------- This 2nd RFD is being posted on March 23, 1994 to the following groups:               news.groups               news.announce.newgroups                      and may be freely distributed to any other groups or mailing lists where it might be of relevance. Please leave the Followup-To: header intact. Persons not able to communicate or post directly to Usenet may mail their comments or questions to:             [email protected]     **  All pertinent discussion relating to this RFD     **    **  should take place on news.groups, hence           **    **  follow-ups have been directed there. I strongly   **    **  urge readers to limit their discussion on this    **    **  RFD to news.groups, as is the recognized          **    **  convention.                                       **  * The first RFD was posted on March 10, 1994.  Call for Votes -------------- The CFV is expected to be posted in approximately 30 days,                on or around April 11, 1994.         The CFV is expected to be conducted by an independent vote-taker, arranged through Ron Dippold. The CFV will be sent out to the same newsgroups (listed above) as the RFD was sent to. Details on voting will be posted in the CFV.  -jmg  From [email protected] Thu Apr 21 23:47:54 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Kluft) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,, Subject: CFV: reorganization Followup-To: poster Date: 20 Apr 1994 17:25:52 -0400 Organization: UseNet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 135 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Expires: 12 May 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4984 news.groups:101357                        FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)        Reorganization  Newsgroups lines: (all groups unmoderated)       MS-Windows communication applications.  MS-Windows financial & tax software.       MS-Windows applications.  MS-Windows utilities.  MS-Windows word-processing applications.  Votes must be received by 29:59:59 UTC, 11 May 1994.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected] (Ian Kluft).  For questions about the proposed groups contact [email protected] (John M. Grohol).  CHARTERS  General Charter to be included for all new proposed groups:   	Discussion on each proposed group will be limited to topics 	on the MS-Windows applications that fall under that group's  	specific subject area.  For instance, only word-processing  	applications specific to the MS-Windows operating environment  	would be discussed in the proposed newsgroup, 	Applications not falling under any of the proposed groups, 	or whose proposed groups do not pass their individual creation 	votes, can be discussed in the proposed renamed group,  	Discussion may be on commercial or non-commercial software.  	Discussion may include, but is no means limited to: 	questions, answers, reviews, comments, useability comparisons, 	personal experiences, problem-solving, etc. on any 	MS-Windows application that falls within that group's subject area. (unmoderated) (proposed to replace          This newsgroup will take the place of the current         catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various         MS-Windows application discussions that do not fall         into any of the proposed groups below (eg.-         multimedia applications, Quicken, Mathematica);          and for the discussion of any MS-Windows applications for         the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass a final         vote. Discussion on the Windows operating environment         itself (eg.- new versions) should take place on, not on this group.           It is also proposed that         be removed after a 3-month period (to give people         time to switch over) if the proposed group passes. (unmoderated)          The subject area for this group is word-processing         applications. Any discussion related to questions         or comments on MS-Windows word-processing software         would be appropriate here. AmiPro, Word for Windows,         WordPerfect for Windows, etc. are software          topics appropriate for this group.         The General Charter is also included here. (unmoderated)          The subject area for this group is communication         applications. Any discussion related to questions         or comments on MS-Windows communications software         would be appropriate here. WinCIM, Procomm+ for         Windows, Winfax Pro, etc. are examples of software         topics appropriate for this group.          The General Charter is also included here. (unmoderated)          The subject area for this group is utilities for         MS-Windows. Such add-ons as PC-Tools for Windows,         HP's Dashboard, Norton Desktop for Windows, XtGold         for Windows, Afterdark, etc. are examples         of software topics appropriate for this group.          The General Charter is also included here. (unmoderated)  	The subject area for this group is financial 	and tax software. Any discussion related to  	programs such as Quicken, Simply Tax, etc.     	are examples of software appropriate for this group. 	The General Charter is also included here.   HOW TO VOTE  Mail the ballot to:    [email protected] Just Replying to this message should work, but check the "To:" line.  Quick voting checklist: 1) Fill in the ballot form shown below. 2) Delete the rest of the CFV from your reply. 3) Make sure your reply goes to [email protected]  =========Begin Ballot Form - Don't delete any lines within the form!========== Reorganization Ballot      Give your real name here:  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ YES     ] [ NO      ] [ ABSTAIN ]  example.abstention  [         ] (replaces [         ] [         ] [         ] [         ] =========End Ballot Form - Don't delete any lines within the form!============  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with an automated acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. WARNING: In cases where voting fraud is determined to have occurred, it is standard operating procedure to delete ALL votes submitted by the violator. When in doubt, ask the vote-taker.  From [email protected] Wed May  4 17:41:28 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Kluft) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,, Subject: 2nd CFV: reorganization Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 25 Apr 1994 15:58:49 -0400 Organization: UseNet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 148 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Expires: 12 May 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]><[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5006 news.groups:101892                        LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)        Reorganization  Newsgroups lines: (all groups unmoderated)       MS-Windows communication applications.  MS-Windows financial & tax software.       MS-Windows applications.  MS-Windows utilities.  MS-Windows word-processing applications.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 11 May 1994.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected] (Ian Kluft).  For questions about the proposed groups contact [email protected] (John M. Grohol).  This CFV contains a "bounce acknowledgement" for votes which were received and counted but the reply to the voter was returned as undeliverable.  If your name appears on the list, you do not need to re-vote.  If you voted before 25 April 06:45 GMT and have neither received a reply by e-mail nor found your name in the bounce ack, you may assume your vote did not reach the vote- counting machine and should try again.  For votes after the bounce ack was created, please check with the vote-taker.  If you have any further problems, ask your site's postmaster.  CHARTERS  General Charter to be included for all new proposed groups:           Discussion on each proposed group will be limited to topics         on the MS-Windows applications that fall under that group's          specific subject area.  For instance, only word-processing          applications specific to the MS-Windows operating environment          would be discussed in the proposed newsgroup,                Applications not falling under any of the proposed groups,         or whose proposed groups do not pass their individual creation         votes, can be discussed in the proposed renamed group,                Discussion may be on commercial or non-commercial software.          Discussion may include, but is no means limited to:         questions, answers, reviews, comments, useability comparisons,         personal experiences, problem-solving, etc. on any         MS-Windows application that falls within that group's subject area. (unmoderated) (proposed to replace          This newsgroup will take the place of the current         catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various         MS-Windows application discussions that do not fall         into any of the proposed groups below (eg.-         multimedia applications, Quicken, Mathematica);          and for the discussion of any MS-Windows applications for         the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass a final         vote. Discussion on the Windows operating environment         itself (eg.- new versions) should take place on, not on this group.           It is also proposed that         be removed after a 3-month period (to give people         time to switch over) if the proposed group passes. (unmoderated)          The subject area for this group is word-processing         applications. Any discussion related to questions         or comments on MS-Windows word-processing software         would be appropriate here. AmiPro, Word for Windows,         WordPerfect for Windows, etc. are software          topics appropriate for this group.         The General Charter is also included here. (unmoderated)          The subject area for this group is communication         applications. Any discussion related to questions         or comments on MS-Windows communications software         would be appropriate here. WinCIM, Procomm+ for         Windows, Winfax Pro, etc. are examples of software         topics appropriate for this group.          The General Charter is also included here. (unmoderated)          The subject area for this group is utilities for         MS-Windows. Such add-ons as PC-Tools for Windows,         HP's Dashboard, Norton Desktop for Windows, XtGold         for Windows, Afterdark, etc. are examples         of software topics appropriate for this group.          The General Charter is also included here. (unmoderated)          The subject area for this group is financial         and tax software. Any discussion related to          programs such as Quicken, Simply Tax, etc.             are examples of software appropriate for this group.         The General Charter is also included here.   HOW TO VOTE  Mail the ballot to:    [email protected] Just Replying to this message should work, but check the "To:" line.  Quick voting checklist: 1) Fill in the ballot form shown below. 2) Delete the rest of the CFV from your reply. 3) Make sure your reply goes to [email protected]  =========Begin Ballot Form - Don't delete any lines within the form!========== Reorganization Ballot      Give your real name here:  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ YES     ] [ NO      ] [ ABSTAIN ]  example.abstention  [         ] (replaces [         ] [         ] [         ] [         ] =========End Ballot Form - Don't delete any lines within the form!============  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with an automated acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. WARNING: In cases where voting fraud is determined to have occurred, it is standard operating procedure to delete ALL votes submitted by the violator. When in doubt, ask the vote-taker. Reorganization Bounce List - No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                               Bruce Steinke  From [email protected] Mon May 16 21:46:55 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Kluft) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,, Subject: RESULT: reorganization - all groups pass Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 16 May 1994 14:36:00 -0400 Organization: UseNet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 516 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]><[email protected]><[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5088 news.groups:103818                               VOTING RESULTS        Reorganization  Voting for the reorganization proposal ended at 23:59:59 UTC, 10 May 1994.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party. For voting questions only contact [email protected] (Ian Kluft).  For questions about the newsgroups contact [email protected] (John M. Grohol).  There were 330 valid votes submitted during the voting period.  Each proposed newsgroup, in order to pass, must have at least 2/3 YES votes and at least 100 more YES than NO votes.  The results are as follows: Reorganization results - 330 valid votes   Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  284   43 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : (replaces  282   39 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  280   45 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  280   45 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  227   80 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :   10 invalid votes  All five groups passed.  There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the newsgroups shortly thereafter. (replaced by will be removed in approximately three months.  Newsgroups lines: (all groups unmoderated)       MS-Windows communication applications.  MS-Windows financial & tax software.       MS-Windows applications.  MS-Windows utilities.  MS-Windows word-processing applications.  CHARTERS  General Charter to be included for all new proposed groups:           Discussion on each proposed group will be limited to topics         on the MS-Windows applications that fall under that group's          specific subject area.  For instance, only word-processing          applications specific to the MS-Windows operating environment          would be discussed in the proposed newsgroup,                Applications not falling under any of the proposed groups,         or whose proposed groups do not pass their individual creation         votes, can be discussed in the proposed renamed group,                Discussion may be on commercial or non-commercial software.          Discussion may include, but is no means limited to:         questions, answers, reviews, comments, useability comparisons,         personal experiences, problem-solving, etc. on any         MS-Windows application that falls within that group's subject area. (unmoderated) (proposed to replace          This newsgroup will take the place of the current         catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various         MS-Windows application discussions that do not fall         into any of the proposed groups below (eg.-         multimedia applications, Quicken, Mathematica);          and for the discussion of any MS-Windows applications for         the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass a final         vote. Discussion on the Windows operating environment         itself (eg.- new versions) should take place on, not on this group.           It is also proposed that         be removed after a 3-month period (to give people         time to switch over) if the proposed group passes. (unmoderated)          The subject area for this group is word-processing         applications. Any discussion related to questions         or comments on MS-Windows word-processing software         would be appropriate here. AmiPro, Word for Windows,         WordPerfect for Windows, etc. are software          topics appropriate for this group.         The General Charter is also included here. (unmoderated)          The subject area for this group is communication         applications. Any discussion related to questions         or comments on MS-Windows communications software         would be appropriate here. WinCIM, Procomm+ for         Windows, Winfax Pro, etc. are examples of software         topics appropriate for this group.          The General Charter is also included here. (unmoderated)          The subject area for this group is utilities for         MS-Windows. Such add-ons as PC-Tools for Windows,         HP's Dashboard, Norton Desktop for Windows, XtGold         for Windows, Afterdark, etc. are examples         of software topics appropriate for this group.          The General Charter is also included here. (unmoderated)          The subject area for this group is financial         and tax software. Any discussion related to          programs such as Quicken, Simply Tax, etc.             are examples of software appropriate for this group.         The General Charter is also included here. Reorganization Final Vote Ack                              -------+                            ------+|                                 -----+||                            ----+||| (replaces ---+||||                                                                          ||||| [email protected]                      Andre M Branum YYYYY [email protected]                                               Steve Adams YYYYY [email protected]                                     Alan Walford YYYYN [email protected]                                              Daniel Akst YYYYY [email protected]                          Anders M Jorgensen NNNNN [email protected]                                 Mike Andersson  YYYYY [email protected]                       Andreas Helke YYYYY [email protected]                                        Andrew Deckowitz YYYYN [email protected]                                           Andy Latto YYYYY [email protected]                                                Art Klassen YYYYY [email protected]                                       Andree Popp YYYYN [email protected]                                   Allen L. Spruill YYYYY [email protected]                          Audra Russell YYYYY [email protected]                                              Jim Ault YYYYY [email protected]                                       D. Scott Baeder YYYYY [email protected]                                    Bernard Peek YYNYN [email protected]                                     Jim Baukus YYYYY [email protected]                                      Ben Kelley YYYYN [email protected]               Robert F. Benningfield Jr. YYYYY [email protected]                                       D Birchall YNYYN [email protected]                                           B.J. Herbison YYYYY [email protected]                                                 Bryan Koen YYYYN [email protected]                                               Bob Farrell YYYYY [email protected]                                       Bob Palin YYYYY [email protected]                                    John Bridger YYYYY [email protected]                                              Bruce Howells YYYYY [email protected]                              Bruce T. Jorgens YYYYY [email protected]                                        Bernard S Black YYYYN [email protected]                                         Bruce Steinke YYYYY [email protected]                                   Ben Van Loock YYYYY [email protected]                                      Michael Bowman YYYYY [email protected]                                        Bill Wood YYYYY [email protected]                                       Christopher Kolar YYYYY [email protected]                     Clinton A. Chamberlin YYYYY [email protected]                                CARLOS DOMINGUEZ YYYYY [email protected]                                Carmon Grissom YYYYY [email protected]                                  Brian J. Catlin NNNNN [email protected]                             Carl D. Casey YYYYY [email protected]                                 Chuck Harding YYYYY [email protected]                              Chris Addicks YYYYY [email protected]                                     Christopher Mihaly YYYYY [email protected]                                    David Parks NYYYY [email protected]                                 CHRIS JACKSON YYNYN [email protected]                                 Christoph Mueller YYYYY [email protected]                                   Chris Marble Y---- [email protected]                      Charles McKenzie YYYYY [email protected]                                         Carlos Antunes YYYYY [email protected]                        Cornec ESLOG p8023 BD17 YYYYY [email protected]                  Kenneth P. Crouch, Jr. NNNNN [email protected]                                  Chris Payne NNNNN [email protected]                                         Christopher Ward YYYYY [email protected]                         Martin Rodgers YYYYY [email protected]                                           David White YYYYN [email protected]                                 David A. Lance YYYYY [email protected]                                   Richard F. Daley YYYYY [email protected]                                      Dan Pierson YYYYY [email protected]                                             Doug Arlig YYYYY [email protected]                                 Dave Hodgkinson YYYYY [email protected]                               Dave Postill YYYYY [email protected]                              Darren Spencer YYYYY [email protected]                                              David Hobbs YYYYY [email protected]                               David Dessert YYYYY [email protected]                                             David E. Long YYYYY [email protected]                                      Don Detweiler YYYYY [email protected]                                       Wayne D. Hickman Y-YYY [email protected]                                         David A. Fuess YYYYY [email protected]                                         Dave Gardner YYYYY [email protected]                                           Dan Herold YYYYN [email protected]                                      Robert Tucker YYYYY [email protected]                                       Dana Kiehl YYYYY [email protected]                                     David Allen YYYYY [email protected]                               Rebecca Drayer NNNNN driscoll%[email protected]                        Harold A. Driscoll YYYYY [email protected]                                            Doug Smith YYYYY [email protected]                                      DAVID W SNODGRASS YYYYY [email protected]                               Durval Menezes YYYYY [email protected]                                   Dennis Vogel YYYYY [email protected]                                             Dante Volpe YYYYY [email protected]                                                   YYNYN [email protected]                                         David H. Wolen YYYYY [email protected]    Jonathan Alan Edwards <[email protected] YYYYY [email protected]                          Edwin B. George YYYYY [email protected]                                      Peter Ehlers YYYYY [email protected]                                              Elwood Mead YYYYY [email protected]                                                YYYYN [email protected]                                            Jim Burke YYYYY [email protected]                                          Eric Seith YYYYY [email protected]                                         Ronald Enos YYYYN [email protected]                                         MAX SHERMAN YYYYY [email protected]                                    Erkki Poyhonen YYYYN [email protected]                                           Eric J. Bowersox YYYYY [email protected]                                                         YYY-N [email protected]                                      Eric Perkins YYYY- [email protected]                                   Erik VAN THIENEN YYYY- [email protected]                                      Kevin Autrey YYYYY [email protected]                           Robert Preston YYYYY [email protected]                                             YYYYY [email protected]                                        Mark Federman YYYY- [email protected]          Larry W. Finger ([email protected]) YYYYY [email protected]                                F. Harald Paterek YYYYY [email protected]                                      Frank Jazowick YYYYY [email protected]                                Reva Freedman YYYYY [email protected]                            Sean P. Ryan YNNYN [email protected]                                       Fraser Young YYYYY [email protected]                                Ernie Garcia YYYYY [email protected]                                Andy Gardner YYYYY [email protected]                        Garyl Erickson YYYYY [email protected]                                   Gene Alexander YYYYY [email protected]                                    Gentry Howard YYYYN [email protected]                                 Giles Puckett Y-YY- [email protected]                                  Gregory Martin YYYYY [email protected]                             Gordon Goldsborough YYYYY [email protected]                               John M. Grohol YYYYY [email protected]                                               Gregory Rose NNYNN [email protected]                                  GREG SINCLAIR YYYNY [email protected]                                           Geoffrey Spear NNNNN [email protected]                                Brennan T. Price NNNNN [email protected]                               Bradley D. Porter NNNNN [email protected]                              G.Venkataraman YYYYN [email protected]                                         George V. Reilly YYYYY [email protected]                                Mark Hadfield NYYYY!jazz                                                 Jason Zions YYYYY [email protected]                        James Michael Hayes YYYYY [email protected]                                    Henrik Clausen YYYY- HD0022%[email protected]                     Chip Dunham NNNNN heiko%[email protected]                            Heiko Schulz YYYYN [email protected]                                  Henrik Brameus YYYNN [email protected]                    Hector Italo Moran H.  NNNNN [email protected]                                      Derrick Hodges YNNNN [email protected]                                  Tim Holbrook YYYYY [email protected]                         Peter D. Monks YYYYY [email protected]                                                     YYYYY [email protected]                                            Harold Woods YYYYY [email protected]                                        Ismo K{rkk{inen YYYYY [email protected]                               Ian Staples YYYYY [email protected]                                      Igor Belilovets YYYYY [email protected]                                M. I. H. Ansari YYYYN [email protected]                              Andy Woods YYYYY [email protected]                          Eric J. Isaacson YYYYY [email protected]                                          Ian Jackson NNNNN [email protected]                                           John Craick YYYYY [email protected]                                            Jack Otto Y-YY- [email protected]                                                 John YYNNY [email protected]                              CLARKE, JONATHAN PAUL YYYYY [email protected]                               Jon D. Stone YYYYY [email protected]                                        Jeff Ward YYYYY [email protected]                            Jehle Bob YYYYY [email protected]                                               Jesse Lackey YYYYY [email protected]                                    Joseph Fortt YYYYN [email protected]                                      Samuel J. Hupp YYYYY [email protected]                                         Jim Volker YYYYY [email protected]                                           Jim Mann NNNNN [email protected]                                             Jiryih Tsaur YYYYY [email protected]                                          James Lin YYYYY [email protected]                                      Jerome Schneider NYNNN [email protected]                                 Jonathan Bell YYYYY [email protected]                                         Jose M. daLuz YYYYY [email protected]                                             Joseph Dargie YYYYY [email protected]                       John Hannaford YYYYY [email protected]                                              Jon Ives YYYYY [email protected]                             Jeff Pitts YYYYY [email protected]                               John R. MacWilliamson NNNNN [email protected]                                             Jim Tillema YYYYY J_A_Paulin%[email protected]       Joseph A. Paulin MITRE Corp. YYYYY [email protected]                                  Klaus Kaiser YYYYY [email protected]                                           Kirby Angell YYYYN [email protected]                                        Kari E. Hurtta ---NN [email protected]                                   Kevin Brock YYYYY [email protected]                                        Keith Turner YYYYY [email protected]                                        Kenneth Herron YYYNY [email protected]                                  Martin Schr"oder YYYYY [email protected]                               Hugh LaMaster NNNNN [email protected]                                Larry Strickland YYYYY [email protected]                                          Chuck Lawson YYYYY [email protected]                               Lesley Walker YYYYY [email protected]                                                      YYYYY [email protected]                                      Lehnert Rudolf YYYY- [email protected]                                       John Lennerton YYYY- [email protected]                            Leonid L. Vojtenko YYYYY [email protected]                                            Lars Fosdal NNNNN [email protected]                          arthur lindeman NYNYN [email protected]                                         Laurie Gerholz YYYYY [email protected]                               Lewis McCarthy YYYYY [email protected]                                    al longyear NNNNN [email protected]    [email protected] (Chris Lo YYYYY [email protected]                             Lovro Stanovnik YYYYY [email protected]                                        Marc Dashevsky YYYYY [email protected]                                   Mark Liddle YYYYY [email protected]                                               Mark.Lawrence YYYYY [email protected]                                 Mark Atwood YYYYY [email protected]                                     KERRY MAYES YYYYY [email protected]                                     Brian McCashin YYYYY [email protected]                                Mel Corley YYYYY [email protected]                                      Jeff Ratcliffe YYYYY [email protected]                         Pedro de Melo Ribeiro da Cunha YYY-- [email protected]                                        Miguel Farah YYYYN [email protected]                                    Michael Lefevre YYYYY [email protected]                                                   S-E-Banken YYYYY [email protected]                                  Michael De La Rue NNNNN [email protected]                                   Michael D. Kiefer YYYYY [email protected]                                      Magnus Logi Magnusson Y-YY- [email protected]                                        M. M. Chodrow YYYYY [email protected]                                        Marc Meltzer YYYYY [email protected]                                    Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS ----- [email protected]                     Mike Murphy, Ernst and Young UK YYYYY [email protected]                          Nicholas G. Cooper YYYYY [email protected]                            Gregory D. Moncreaff YYYYY [email protected]                                 Mark A. Podracky YYYYN [email protected]                               Matthew T. Kinney YYYYY [email protected]                                              Bernhard Muenzer YYYY- [email protected]                                   N J C Hookey YYYYY [email protected]                          Rohit Namjoshi YYYYY [email protected]                              Nathan C. Moore YYYYN [email protected]                                         Charles E. Bush YYYYY [email protected]                                   Jim Neeland YYYYY [email protected]                                         Ted Nieland YYYYY [email protected]                                           Neil Mercer YYYYY [email protected]                                  Noel Llopis YYYYN [email protected]                                   Oscar Cwajbaum YYYYY [email protected]                                   David C. Schneidman YYYYY [email protected]                                           Stephen O. Pace YYYYY [email protected]                                         D.L.Morley YYYYY [email protected]                                    Paul Green YYYYY [email protected]                                     Anthony L. Perez YYYYN [email protected]                                     Jean-Yves Perrier YYYY- [email protected]                                      Per Flodin YYYYY [email protected]                                   Gavin Ernest Meek YYYY- [email protected]                                                Pat Hayes YYYYY [email protected]                           Douglas J. Essinger-Hileman YYYY- [email protected]                                         Paul Hoffman YYYYY [email protected]                                      Paul Kramer YYYYY [email protected]                                        Olivier Plaut YYYYY [email protected]                                Peter R. Humphrey YYYYY [email protected]                          Tim Sneath YYYYY [email protected]                                Michael Quinn YYYYY [email protected]                      Richard Geoffrey Sherlock YYYY- [email protected]                                     Richard Mayston YYYYY [email protected]                                        Raivo Kilg YYYYY [email protected]                                       Ralf Schenk YYYYN [email protected]                                                Ron Caspi YYYYY [email protected]                                      Roland Siebelink NNNNN [email protected]                                      Dave Read NNNNN [email protected]                                  Sean A. Waiss YYYYY [email protected]                                      Rex D. Last YYYYY [email protected]                                          Ralph Finch YYYYY rhd%[email protected]              Rich Derr NNNNN [email protected]                                            Robert Tosh YYYYY [email protected]                                           Ryan Hung YYYYY [email protected]                                       Richard Hull Y-YYY [email protected]                                       Richard H. Miller NYNNN [email protected]                              Robert K. Nichols YYYYY [email protected]                           Robert L. Howard NNNNN [email protected]                                   Mike Robertson YYYYY [email protected]                                       Ron Peugh YYYYY [email protected]                                         Rod Burr YYYYY [email protected]                                 RON HALSTEAD YYYYY [email protected]                                    Bob Rusbasan YYYYY [email protected]                           Randall R. Spangler YYYYY [email protected]                                           Bob Wilkins YYYYY [email protected]                                              Susan Johnson YYYYY [email protected]                                       David Ian Salter ----- [email protected]                                         Cynthia Grant YYYYY [email protected]                             Scott Zabolotzky YYYYY [email protected]                              Maurice Schekkerman NNNNN [email protected]                                 Scott Hammett YY-Y- [email protected]                                          Scott Bourne YYYYY [email protected]                                    Sean Graham YYNYN [email protected]                                Stephen L. Guerke YYYYY [email protected]                                     Janet B. Shea YYYYY [email protected]                                         Sheldon Simms NNNNN [email protected]                                   Steve Holtzclaw YYYYY [email protected]                                        THEODOR YYYYY [email protected]                              Michael D. Simpson YYYYY [email protected]                                          Hoyt J. Heaton NYYY- [email protected]                                 Marc Moorcroft NNNNN [email protected]                                                 Sten Drescher YYYYN [email protected]                                 Stephen Medlin YYYYN [email protected]                                             Brad Smith YYYNY [email protected]                         Mike Mustaine YYYYN [email protected]                               Steven C. Neumann YYYYY [email protected]                                          Sam Kamens YYYYY [email protected]                                 Sean O'Rourke NNNNN [email protected]                                  Richard Sparrow NNNNN [email protected]                                         Steve Rogers NNNNN [email protected]                            Steven M. Sheasby NYYYY [email protected]                                            Dwight Brown NNNNN [email protected]                               Thomas F. Steck YYYY- [email protected]                                    Stefan Olson YYYYN [email protected]                           Dr Stephen K Tagg YYYYY [email protected]                                    Stefan T Schwingeler YYYYN [email protected]                                         David Reeve Sward NNNNN [email protected]                                             Jay Beavers YYYYY [email protected]                                         Jonathan M. Carter YYYYN [email protected]                               Michael Tarley, Jr. YYYYY [email protected]                                     Thomas J. Sherlock YYYYY [email protected]                                               Thomas F Lee YYYYY [email protected]                                      Thomas G. McWilliams NNNNN [email protected]                                thomas lovell YYYYY [email protected]                                  Thorsten Kitz YYYYY [email protected]                                     Anthony Meadow YYYYY [email protected]                                     Tilman Mueller-Gerbes YYYYY [email protected]                                              YYYYY [email protected]                                          Tom Neumann YYYY- [email protected]                                           Albert Penn NNNNN [email protected]                            Trent A. Basarsky YYYYY [email protected]     Jeff Wilkinson (JAW) YYYYY [email protected]                                            Terry Sikes YYYYY [email protected]                              Todd W. Tipton YYYYY [email protected]                               Todd Zervas YYYYY [email protected]                                         Uli Mittermaier YYYYY [email protected]                                 Ulrich Raabe YYYYY [email protected]                                         Ekkehard Uthke YYYYY uunet!anagld!c-cat!david                                            Dave NNNNN [email protected]                                     James Vlcek NNNNN [email protected]                                Bruce Vrana YYYYY [email protected]                                    W. Hennings YYYYY [email protected]                                    Kim Wagstaff YYYYY [email protected]                                Ulf Bahrenfuss NNNNN [email protected]                                  Ward F. Bush NNNNN [email protected]                                          Bill Walton YYYYY [email protected]                                             YYYY- [email protected]                                       Ken Weaverling YYYYN [email protected]                                             Davis Straub YYYYY [email protected]                                        Fred Wiersma YYYYY [email protected]                          Scott Woodward YYYYY [email protected]                                        William Ballard YYYYN [email protected]                                       JUDE ARNOUT DURIEUX YYYYY [email protected]               Dave Shariff Yadallee YYYYY [email protected]                                       Peter Zander YYYYY [email protected]                                         Steve Rusk YYYYY   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                   Brian R. Taylor    ! No ballot [email protected]                                          Lamar Folsom    ! No ballot [email protected]                                                Serge Garand    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                            Jim Higgins    ! No ballot [email protected]                              Jeffrey A. Freedman    ! No ballot [email protected]                                             Michael Gilbert    ! No ballot [email protected]                                                   Frank Miles    ! No ballot [email protected]                                   Mike F Rockwell    ! No ballot [email protected]                          Dr.Fred Roehner    ! No ballot [email protected]                                     Spencer L. Lewis    ! No vote statement in message  Daily Vote Arrival Rates ------------------------ Votes received per day (U.S. Pacific Time) are shown below.   35 20 Apr     <-- 1st CFV  110 21 Apr   44 22 Apr   11 23 Apr     weekend   14 24 Apr     weekend   36 25 Apr   47 26 Apr     <-- 2nd CFV   14 27 Apr   10 28 Apr    5 29 Apr    2 30 Apr     weekend    6  1 May     weekend    2  2 May    2  3 May    4  4 May    3  5 May    2  6 May    0  7 May     weekend    4  8 May     weekend    1  9 May    3 10 May    1 11 May     <-- voting ends 23:59 GMT (16:59 PDT)  Newsgroups which passed crossed the threshold of passing on the following dates (U.S. Pacific Time): passed on Fri Apr 22 07:10:35 1994 passed on Fri Apr 22 07:10:35 1994 passed on Fri Apr 22 08:55:13 1994 passed on Fri Apr 22 09:34:33 1994 passed on Mon Apr 25 23:32:35 1994    
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