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Desqview ( comp.os.msdos.desqview )
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From [email protected] Mon Sep 27 10:46:54 1993 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:885 news.groups:22009 comp.os.msdos.apps:1199 comp.os.msdos.misc:1293 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,comp.os.msdos.apps,comp.os.msdos.misc Path: rpi!tale From: [email protected] (Bob Kusumoto) Subject: CFD:  comp.os.msdos.dv Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: University of Chicago Date: 21 Feb 91 02:52:19 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 56  Since I haven't heard anything about the previous CFD and never saw a followup CFV for a desqview group, I'd like to announce a call for discussion over a desqview group.  Basically, this group should be able to discuss the Desqview program and user problems using Desqview, or additional programs that help desqview, namely QEMM and QRAM.  Currently, questions about problems with Desqview, QEMM, and QRAM are spread accross a number of different news groups, ranging from groups and groups, to some other groups like comp.protocols groups.  A central newsgroup to discuss problems using either the DV, QEMM, or QRAM programs and upcoming information about new releases such as Desqview/X would help users a lot.  This group should be unmoderated.  A few questions that should be answered before a call to votes:  a) whether such a group should be created. b) what the group should really be called. c) if the charter should be limited even more.  A) Should this group be created?  Considering the number of messages that I've seen about QEMM problems or help with getting some program to work under desqview, a group like this should exist.  In addition, there's some interest in the upcoming release of Desqview/X and I'm sure many people would like to know more about the program and hear from people who've gotten it to work.  These kinds of discussions would benefit from a central newsgroup to post to.  B) What should the group be called? C) What should the scope of the group be?  I'm partial to comp.os.msdos.dv, although it can probably fall under a couple other names depending on the scope of the group.  We could call it or something similar and limit the topics to the Desqview program and Desqview386 (DV+QEMM) or DV+QRAM. A spin off group might be created, to talk about Desqview/X.  comp.os.msdos.dv seems like a good name if people needed help with specific problems that aren't limited strictly to the desqview program (maybe comp.os.msdos.qd, but I don't like the idea of attaching a commercial company (Quarterdeck) to a newsgroup name). The choice of names would in some ways, limit the scope of the discussion in the group.  any thoughts? (followups to news.groups)  Bob --     Bob Kusumoto                               | I just come from the land of Internet:  [email protected]       | the sun/ from a war that must Bitnet:    kusumoto%[email protected][.bitnet]  | be won in the name of truth. UUCP:  ...!{oddjob,gargoyle}!chsun1!kusumoto  | - New Order, "Love Vigilantes" --      (setq mail '("[email protected]" "uupsi!rpi!tale" "[email protected]"))  From [email protected] Wed Apr  5 19:27:43 1995 Xref: rpi news.groups:23518 news.announce.newgroups:981 comp.os.msdos.apps:1502 comp.os.msdos.misc:1623 Newsgroups: news.groups,news.announce.newgroups,comp.os.msdos.apps,comp.os.msdos.misc,,, Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Bob Kusumoto) Subject: CFV:  comp.os.msdos.desqview Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: University of Chicago Date: 25 Mar 91 03:41:21 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 38  This is a call for votes on the creations of the group:  		comp.os.msdos.desqview  This will be an unmoderate group dedicated to discussion of DesqView product and related products, such as QEMM and QRAM memory managers.  Topics such as how to get such and such a program to work under desqview, the new version of desqview coming out called DesqView/X, or how to get QEMM or QRAM to behave properly are just some of the areas this group will cover.  The voting will start midnight CST on Monday, March 25, 1991 and continue through 23:59 CST on Thursday, April 25, 1991.  No votes will be accepted outside this period.  All votes for the creation of this newsgroup as named and defined should mail your votes to:  	[email protected]  while all votes against should be mailed to:  	[email protected]  Only votes emailed to these addresses will be accepted.  Please place the following in the subject line to confirm your vote:  	comp.os.msdos.desqview: YES vote 	comp.os.msdos.desqview: NO vote  Unlike the old Chicago saying, "vote early, vote often", you only get one vote.  Bob --     Bob Kusumoto                               | I just come from the land of Internet:  [email protected]       | the sun/ from a war that must Bitnet:    kusumoto%[email protected][.bitnet]  | be won in the name of truth. UUCP:  ...!{oddjob,gargoyle}!chsun1!kusumoto  | - New Order, "Love Vigilantes"  From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 16:16:19 1995 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1085 news.groups:25405 comp.os.msdos.apps:1853 comp.os.msdos.misc:1932 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.msdos.apps,comp.os.msdos.misc,,, Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Bob Kusumoto) Subject: RESULT:  comp.os.msdos.desqview passes 219: 30 Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Chapin Hall Center for Children Date: 27 Apr 91 04:55:01 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 275 Status: RO X-Status:   comp.os.msdos.desqview group passed 219 YES votes to 30 NO votes.  Several votes were disqualified (all YES votes) due to a) not sending to the proper address, b) looked like a bounced mail message, or c) came in too late. Two YES votes were counted (listed at the end of the YES acks) and could be disqualified if they are really the same person.  This shouldn't really matter since there are more than enough YES votes over NO votes to create the group.  comp.os.msdos.desqview will be an unmoderated group devoted to the Quarterdeck product DesqView and related products (such as QEMM and QRAM, two memory managers used frequently with DesqView).  Topics of discussion can range >from how to fine tune desqview for such and such a product and getting the memory managers to work correctly, to discussions about upcoming updates such as the long awaited DesqView/X product.  Voting started midnight CST March 25, 1991 and continued until midnight CDT April 25, 1991.  the following people have voted YES: "C. Carlson" <[email protected]> "Carl M. Kadie" <[email protected]> "Chris Webster" <[email protected]> "James D. Burnell, WVU Student" [email protected]> "Jim - MLO5-2/A12 - node MAST::" <[email protected]> "JOHN R. LEWIS, PH.D." [email protected]> "M.S. JANSSON" <[email protected]> "Michael K. Carmel" <[email protected]> "Scott A. Laird" <[email protected]> 6600prao%[email protected] (Parik Rao) <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> A4422DAB%[email protected]Uchicago.EDU Alan McAdoo <[email protected]> alberta!agt!agt-gw!jboryne (Jim Borynec) [email protected] (Jose Alberto Fernadez R.) Allan Poindexter <[email protected]> [email protected] (Aahzmandius) [email protected] (Gregory K. Ramsey) [email protected] (Alan Collard) Andy Newcomb <[email protected]> [email protected] (Andrew Rossmann) [email protected] (Shannon D. Appel) [email protected] (Erwin Eder) aversa%[email protected] [email protected] (arthur rubin) BAMcleod%[email protected] [email protected] (Ross Bannerman - infotech) BCHS1B%[email protected] Billy Yow 283-4009 <[email protected]> Blair Capes <[email protected]> Bob Sloane <[email protected]> bodoh%[email protected] [email protected] (Bryan L. Allen) [email protected] [email protected] (Luc Bussieres) [email protected] (Kenny Adams) [email protected] [email protected] (The Scarlet Pimpernel) [email protected] (Brett Wuth) [email protected] (ccdps) Charlie Kestner <[email protected]> Christopher Bryden <[email protected]> [email protected] CLAUDE%[email protected] Colin Perrott <[email protected]> [email protected] (Chip Salzenberg) [email protected] (Ron Craig) CSP1DWD%[email protected] CZTF%[email protected] [email protected] Darren Reiniger <[email protected]> [email protected] (David Baer) David Boyer <[email protected]> David Neal Miller <[email protected]> DAVID%[email protected] [email protected] (David Dyck) [email protected] (D. Curtis Deno) dean%[email protected] [email protected] (David Deitch) [email protected] (Derek Foster) Don Hosek [email protected]> [email protected] (Duane L. Rezac) [email protected] [email protected] (Iain O'Cain/10000) [email protected] (Chris Faylor) [email protected] [email protected] (Forrest Gehrke) FILCE%[email protected] [email protected] (Flint G Waters) [email protected] (Josep M. Fontana) [email protected] (Jon Forrest) [email protected] [email protected] <[email protected]> Gary Brainin <[email protected]> [email protected] (Gary Hagensen) [email protected] (Georg Feil) GILF%[email protected] GJOEN_G%[email protected] Glenn Forbes Larratt <[email protected]> [email protected] Gregg Kishida <[email protected]> GREVE%[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Ralph Sims) [email protected] (Harold Pritchett) [email protected] (Klaus Hartnegg) HARTWD%[email protected] [email protected] (Harry G. Varnis) IACWSW%[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Michael N Johnston) [email protected] (Igor V. Semenyuk) [email protected] (Syed Mohammad Irfan Ashraf) James Drew Paterson <[email protected]> james f clark <[email protected]> James Hammond <[email protected]> James Mehl <[email protected]> [email protected] (James Jones) [email protected] (Claude Jasmin) [email protected] Jay Maynard <[email protected]> [email protected] Jeff Sicherman <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jerry Gardner) Jim Celoni <[email protected]> Jim Golden <[email protected]> Jim Stoner <[email protected]> jlawson%[email protected] (Jim A Lawson) [email protected] (Jeff Miller) John Valentich <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Dugal James P.) [email protected] (John P. Nelson) [email protected] (Jim V. Potter) [email protected] (Jeff White) [email protected] (Steve Kelley) [email protected] (Stephen P Kendall) Kevin Crocker <[email protected]> Kevin Jameson <[email protected]> Kevin Martin <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kirk Fitzgerald) Klaus Ruff <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ken McVay) Kresten Krab Thorup <[email protected]> Kurt Ernulf [email protected]> [email protected] (Karl Buck) [email protected] (Larry Enos x5572) [email protected] (Lee F. Kolakowski) [email protected] (L. Jack Wilson) [email protected] (Rob Marchand) [email protected] [email protected] (Lloyd W. Massengill) [email protected] (Mark Johns) MARRIN%[email protected] [email protected] (Alex Martelli) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Mark David Shattuck) [email protected] (Burt Juda) [email protected] (Mark Harris) Michael Barton [email protected]> Michael Golan <[email protected]> Michael J Flory <[email protected]> Michael J Harlow <[email protected]> Mike Foreman <[email protected]> mindlink!Jono_Moore (Jono Moore) [email protected] Morris.Orzech%[email protected] [email protected] (Stephanie Morgenstern) [email protected] (Mark S. Basel) [email protected] (Matthias Theil) Nenad Ciric <[email protected]> neuman%[email protected] noelroy%[email protected] [email protected] (Ofer Lapid 4X6OJ) OPDOC%[email protected] Pete Stern <[email protected]> [email protected] (Bob Peterson) Phil Kemp <[email protected]> PIM%[email protected] [email protected] (Paul F Smith) [email protected] [email protected] (Terry Raymond) [email protected] (Chris Blanchard) [email protected] (Tom Reid  x4505) Rene van den Assem <[email protected]> [email protected] Rich Wales <[email protected]> Richard H. Miller <[email protected]> Robert A. Burrow <[email protected]> Robert John Knaack <[email protected]> Robert S larson <[email protected]> [email protected] (Robert Meunier/Hydro-Quebec/QC/Canada 514-652-8516) Roger Fulton <[email protected]> Ron Dippold x5528 C-137 <[email protected]> Ron Efrati <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jody Foster) [email protected] (Richard Reiner) rubble!chris (Chris Nitsopoulos) [email protected] (Don Rubin) [email protected] (Damian) [email protected] (King TING) [email protected] (Miramar [Eugene Mok]) [email protected] (Mike Arms) [email protected] (Stephane Boucher (PFE)) SCEF0003%[email protected] Scott Barnes <[email protected]> Shaun Case [email protected]> Shelby Brumelle <[email protected]> [email protected] (Sigurgeir Jonsson) [email protected]  (Michael Burdick) [email protected] (Steven Lin) [email protected] (Nick Godbey x4525 Home 268-8538) STUECKLE%[email protected] [email protected] (FREDG) Ted Richards <[email protected]> [email protected] (Gary Helander) [email protected] (Albert Barajas) Terje Th|gersen <[email protected]> Terry Guswell <[email protected]> [email protected] (thomas j corsalini) Tony Nicholson <[email protected]> Tony Wilson <[email protected]> [email protected] (George Toye) [email protected] [email protected] (joe) [email protected] (Doug Dougherty) Vampires R Us <[email protected]> [email protected] (Keith Petersen) [email protected] (Larry Wagner) [email protected] (Any noun can be verbed) [email protected] (Ken West - Entomology) WOC Bob Powers <[email protected]> [email protected] "Norman Miller" [email protected]> [email protected] (norman miller)  the following people voted NO: "Todd L. Masco" <[email protected]> [email protected] (Arthur David Olson) Bill Wisner <[email protected]> [email protected] (Carl Rigney) [email protected] (Charleen Bunjiovianna Stoner) [email protected] (Cliff Tuel) [email protected] (David Robinson) Dick Dunn <[email protected]> [email protected] (The Insane Hermit) [email protected] (Rob Hooft) Ilhamuddin Ahmed <[email protected]> [email protected] (John F Haugh II) Jim Roche <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jay W. Noh) [email protected] (Kim DeVaughn) [email protected] (Laura Gillespie) [email protected] (Audrey C Mack) MLORD%[email protected] [email protected] (Mike Palmer) [email protected] (Wayne Geiser) [email protected] (JIM PICKERING) [email protected] (Robert S. Wood) Robert Craig Harman <[email protected]> [email protected] (Rich Kulawiec) [email protected] (Rich Thomson) [email protected] (Rudolf Kuenzli) Scott Barman <[email protected]> Sean Doran <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ilya Shmulevich) [email protected] (Murray R Supple) --     Bob Kusumoto                               | I just come from the land of Internet:  [email protected]       | the sun/ from a war that must Bitnet:    kusumoto%[email protected][.bitnet]  | be won in the name of truth. UUCP:  ...!{oddjob,gargoyle}!chsun1!kusumoto  | - New Order, "Love Vigilantes"  
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