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Waffle ( comp.bbs.waffle )
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From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 03:11:43 1992 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1836 news.groups:39477 alt.bbs.waffle:6552 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.bbs.waffle Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Tony DeBari) Subject: RFD:  comp.bbs.waffle Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Lost In Space Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1992 23:57:34 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 55  Request For Discussion (RFD) -  Group name: comp.bbs.waffle  Status: Unmoderated  Charter:  This group will be for the discussion of Waffle, a multi-           platform, USENET-capable BBS program.  Discussion topics will           include:            * Setting up and maintaining Waffle under MS-DOS, UNIX, and             any other platforms to which Waffle may pe ported.            * Add-on utilities such as off-line readers, archive-servers,             statistics programs, etc.            * Connectivity issues pertaining to Waffle sites (domain             registration, UUCP maps, etc.).            * Announcements of upcoming releases of Waffle or any of the             major add-ons.            * Postings of small executables (MS-DOS), sources (MS-DOS and             UNIX), and scripts (shell, perl, etc.).  Any utility, be it             script, source, or executable, that is too large to post as             a single message should *not* be posted to this group.            * Anything else pertaining to Waffle not specifically             mentioned above.  Comments:  Due to the ever decreasing propagation of the alt.* hierarchy and the emergence of Waffle as one of the top USENET-capable BBS programs for both MS-DOS and UNIX platforms, the time has come to move alt.bbs.waffle into mainstream USENET.  The issue of naming the group was discussed at length in alt.bbs.waffle prior to this RFD.  Under MS-DOS, Waffle is primarily used as a USENET news/mail system with a BBS as its user interface.  Under UNIX, Waffle is a BBS only; USENET support is already "built in" to most flavors of UNIX.  Of all the names proposed in a.b.w, comp.bbs.waffle was chosen as the best fit into the namespace.  If during the discussion period  comp.bbs.waffle is found to be an unacceptable group name, the best alternative would be  Per the new group creation guidelines, discussion on this RFD will take place in news.groups for no more than 30 days, at which time a CFV will be posted with specific voting instructions.  Any and all comments are welcome. --  Tony DeBari  [email protected]                  ...!uunet!ssc60!tonyd  From [email protected] Sun Apr 19 21:58:32 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2213 news.groups:48781 alt.bbs.waffle:7795 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.bbs.waffle Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Bill Fenner) Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK:  comp.bbs.waffle Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Penn State University Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1992 18:12:54 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 235  CALL FOR VOTES  Name:	 comp.bbs.waffle Status:  unmoderated  Charter:  This group will be for the discussion of Waffle, a multi-           platform, USENET-capable BBS program.  Discussion topics will           include:            * Setting up and maintaining Waffle under MS-DOS, UNIX, and             any other platforms to which Waffle may be ported.            * Add-on utilities such as off-line readers, archive-servers,             statistics programs, etc.            * Connectivity issues pertaining to Waffle sites (domain             registration, UUCP maps, etc.).            * Announcements of upcoming releases of Waffle or any of the             major add-ons.            * Postings of small executables (MS-DOS), sources (MS-DOS and             UNIX), and scripts (shell, perl, etc.) pertaining to Waffle. 	    Any utility, be it script, source, or executable, that is too 	    large to post as a single message of under 60k should _not_ 	    be posted to this group.            * Anything else pertaining to Waffle not specifically             mentioned above.  Votes:      YES votes may be sent to the address:  			[email protected]      NO votes may be sent to the address:  			[email protected]      You can NOT vote by replying to this message.  Any votes recieved     in my personal mailbox will be discarded.      You MUST vote via E-Mail.  Posted votes can not be counted.   Voting period:    Votes must arrive at the vote-taker's address before 05:00:00 GMT,   24 April 1992.  Other information:    Repeat Calls for Votes and mass acknowledgments of votes received   to date will be posted periodically during the voting period to   alt.bbs.waffle, news.announce.newgroups and  news.groups.  The list of people voting and the date their vote was received follows my signature.  The list is sorted by node, and was created at 5:00pm EDT on April 9, 1992.  If your name is not on the list but you have voted, please submit your vote again.  --  Bill Fenner	[email protected]	..psuvax1!hogbbs!wcfpc!wcf 		[email protected]   (+1 814 238-9633 v.32bis)  [email protected] (Robert K. Coe)                      25-MAR-1992 09:52:58 [email protected] (Brian Matthews)                  26-MAR-1992 01:00:52 stekoh%[email protected] (Steve Kohlenberger)        31-MAR-1992 02:26:53 [email protected] (John Vorstermans)         27-MAR-1992 17:15:50 [email protected] (Pat Cain)                         25-MAR-1992 18:45:21 [email protected] (Harrison Page)                        1-APR-1992 20:47:53 [email protected] (andrew farmer)                   31-MAR-1992 13:44:25 [email protected] (Jabberwokky)                         25-MAR-1992 13:29:20 [email protected] (Jamie Gritton)              25-MAR-1992 10:53:32 [email protected] ("Thomas E. Dell")                         1-APR-1992 17:03:02 [email protected] (Mike Batchelor)                    26-MAR-1992 13:44:26 [email protected] (Peter Sleggs)                   26-MAR-1992 16:01:31 [email protected] (Pat Berry)                          27-MAR-1992 00:18:45 [email protected] (Darren McDaniel) 2-APR-1992 08:10:47 [email protected] (System Administrator)         27-MAR-1992 02:40:22 [email protected] (Bob Lindabury, SysAdmin)           25-MAR-1992 07:40:40 [email protected] (Alan Millar)                    26-MAR-1992 02:44:36 [email protected] (Eric Hunt)                     28-MAR-1992 14:47:01 [email protected] (Dwight Everhart)        26-MAR-1992 23:17:23 [email protected] (Bernd Wiegmann)                  29-MAR-1992 00:54:45 [email protected]                                         25-MAR-1992 17:34:28 [email protected] (Wolf)                              26-MAR-1992 18:21:41 [email protected]                                  1-APR-1992 12:19:08 [email protected] (Aaron Roydhouse)          28-MAR-1992 22:13:12 [email protected] (Dave Hultberg)               29-MAR-1992 03:08:59 [email protected] (Dave Ratcliffe)                       28-MAR-1992 07:08:35 [email protected] (E.J. McKernan)                    25-MAR-1992 22:56:08 [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)          25-MAR-1992 10:10:11 [email protected] (Neil W Rickert)                       25-MAR-1992 00:41:14 [email protected] (Dave Barr)                             25-MAR-1992 00:37:49 [email protected]                                          25-MAR-1992 17:11:52 [email protected] (Brendan Kehoe)                    26-MAR-1992 10:58:22 [email protected] (Harish Pillay)                  26-MAR-1992 00:23:43 [email protected] (Roy M. Silvernail)                28-MAR-1992 14:09:13 [email protected] (Terry Stockdale)                      26-MAR-1992 04:00:04 [email protected] (Wayne Hodgen)                26-MAR-1992 05:28:44 [email protected] (Cam Bevis)                28-MAR-1992 00:40:25 [email protected] (Bob Kirkpatrick)                   26-MAR-1992 02:49:19 [email protected] (J. Francis Dries, III) 26-MAR-1992 03:06:42 [email protected] (Jon Anhold)                        25-MAR-1992 19:11:41 dsndata!randy%[email protected] (Randy Terbush)         27-MAR-1992 16:40:47 [email protected] (Sven  Seelemann)                 25-MAR-1992 01:12:57 [email protected] (Alan Moses)                     1-APR-1992 09:19:00 [email protected] (Calvin Grier)               27-MAR-1992 13:48:53 [email protected] (Claus Schoenleber)            28-MAR-1992 01:23:09 [email protected] (Dave Hayes)                       27-MAR-1992 11:47:22 [email protected]                           25-MAR-1992 12:41:44 [email protected] (Irwin David)                      25-MAR-1992 22:49:58 [email protected] (Jeff Gostin)                   26-MAR-1992 21:03:42 [email protected] (Clint Ruoho)                    25-MAR-1992 11:46:01 [email protected] (Jim Campbell)                  27-MAR-1992 22:24:18 [email protected] (Dean Woodward)                      28-MAR-1992 14:52:59 [email protected] (Marco Lorenzini)                 2-APR-1992 01:46:46 [email protected] (Kimon Berlin)                   2-APR-1992 04:51:21 [email protected] (Christophe Wolfhugel) 27-MAR-1992 06:07:28 [email protected] (Evan Champion)                  25-MAR-1992 18:45:47 [email protected] (Ralph Sims)                           25-MAR-1992 09:34:32 [email protected] (Randall Atkinson)      25-MAR-1992 08:51:22 [email protected]                                         25-MAR-1992 09:21:39 [email protected] (Andrew Rossmann)              29-MAR-1992 13:10:18 [email protected]                     26-MAR-1992 05:50:40 [email protected] (Mr. Lyn R. Kennedy)               27-MAR-1992 06:16:38 [email protected] ("Otto J. Makela")             26-MAR-1992 08:15:58 [email protected] (Harald Nordgard-Hansen)            25-MAR-1992 04:54:13 [email protected] (Mike Sherwood)                           2-APR-1992 00:07:44 [email protected] (Jan Richert)                     30-MAR-1992 22:38:15 [email protected] (The Minotaur)             25-MAR-1992 18:27:02 [email protected] (Michael Hendrick)               31-MAR-1992 16:24:42 [email protected] (Lance Andrewes)               26-MAR-1992 03:19:00 [email protected] (Larry Rosenman)                    29-MAR-1992 21:18:25 [email protected] (Mark Reay)                             29-MAR-1992 02:12:18 [email protected] ("Leonard N. Zubkoff")                      1-APR-1992 02:26:07 [email protected] (Zachary Cousins)                30-MAR-1992 15:28:01 [email protected] (Ian Cousins)               30-MAR-1992 15:27:36 [email protected] (Tom Egelston)           25-MAR-1992 10:52:20 [email protected] (Jim Troutman)                       25-MAR-1992 20:33:01 [email protected] (From A to B)                         26-MAR-1992 22:52:44 [email protected] (jim holmes)                              26-MAR-1992 00:03:40 [email protected] (Duane Davis)              25-MAR-1992 21:06:04 [email protected] (Paul Pavlinovich)           27-MAR-1992 05:05:13 phil%[email protected] (Phil Hill)                         25-MAR-1992 17:20:08 [email protected] (Vic Kulikauskas)               28-MAR-1992 13:46:39 [email protected] (Paul Maclauchlan)                         30-MAR-1992 15:44:35 [email protected] (Christopher Ward)               30-MAR-1992 14:26:46 [email protected] (The Shaman)                    26-MAR-1992 11:25:17 [email protected] (SYSTEM 0PERATOR)                         27-MAR-1992 02:25:58 [email protected] (Edward Vielmetti)                           26-MAR-1992 17:50:09 [email protected] (Stephen R. Harding)                 25-MAR-1992 12:04:24 [email protected] (John Harkin)                                  26-MAR-1992 06:41:58 [email protected] (Steve Lane)                                26-MAR-1992 02:33:07 [email protected] (Mark Linimon)               25-MAR-1992 13:17:19 [email protected] (Jarom Hagen)                       26-MAR-1992 14:47:54 [email protected] (Foster Schucker) 26-MAR-1992 22:41:08 [email protected] (Wayne Greene)               27-MAR-1992 05:26:58 [email protected]                                  26-MAR-1992 06:24:15 [email protected] (Ken McVay)                      26-MAR-1992 03:30:36 [email protected] (Jim Johnson)                      26-MAR-1992 00:26:51 twaugh%[email protected]                            26-MAR-1992 11:16:30 [email protected] (Bruce W. Mohler)        26-MAR-1992 23:48:31 [email protected] (erik vanriper)                  1-APR-1992 21:14:26 matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood)                25-MAR-1992 10:44:01 [email protected] (Gordon Dewis)                        25-MAR-1992 11:56:20 [email protected] (Michael S. Durkin)       25-MAR-1992 19:12:13 steve%[email protected] (Steve Kohlenberger)       31-MAR-1992 02:27:10 [email protected] (Randall Reid)                      25-MAR-1992 09:51:09 [email protected] (jim lawson)                            28-MAR-1992 19:49:11 [email protected] (Ken Mason)                             28-MAR-1992 21:20:12 [email protected] (Tim Capps)                               28-MAR-1992 21:21:30 [email protected] (Postmaster Account)          1-APR-1992 16:15:35 [email protected] (Matthias Theil)                28-MAR-1992 11:42:54 [email protected] (Rick DeMattia)             26-MAR-1992 22:50:01 [email protected] (Pete Alleman)                  27-MAR-1992 21:31:51 [email protected] (Chris Cox  W0/G4JEC)            27-MAR-1992 19:04:54 [email protected] (Tom Hansen)                        28-MAR-1992 19:55:47 [email protected] (Joerg Goltermann)               28-MAR-1992 04:18:54 webb%[email protected] (Webb Roberts)        27-MAR-1992 11:51:49 [email protected] (Richard McCombs)               26-MAR-1992 08:17:42 [email protected] (Torsten Leibold)               30-MAR-1992 23:32:09 [email protected] (James Ault)                                31-MAR-1992 15:34:15 [email protected] (David Stodolsky)                            31-MAR-1992 15:01:55 [email protected] (Bruce Ferrell)                     27-MAR-1992 14:40:05 [email protected] (Tracy Harton)                     1-APR-1992 15:52:10 [email protected] (Gary Heston)                       30-MAR-1992 20:23:14 [email protected] (Tom Limoncelli)          1-APR-1992 18:48:10 [email protected] (Mike Fields)                    26-MAR-1992 09:50:36 [email protected] (Eric Dittman)                 26-MAR-1992 10:49:05 [email protected] (Scott Campbell)                   26-MAR-1992 15:24:39 [email protected] (Mike Shirley)                         27-MAR-1992 01:14:48 [email protected] (Owen Hawkins)                  26-MAR-1992 12:54:11 [email protected] (John Coffman)               1-APR-1992 15:02:41 [email protected] (Aaron Anderer)                  29-MAR-1992 23:10:48 [email protected] (Tom Lemos)                           2-APR-1992 02:24:43 [email protected] (Greg Naber)                     1-APR-1992 13:28:02 [email protected] (Tony DeBari)                      26-MAR-1992 00:04:57 [email protected] (Daniel Winkowski)                        27-MAR-1992 03:08:18 [email protected] (Wayne Hancock)                   26-MAR-1992 13:21:24 [email protected] (Mike Chance)                               27-MAR-1992 10:16:27 [email protected] (Jonathan Rice)                    25-MAR-1992 11:03:17 [email protected] (Stephanie da Silva)                  27-MAR-1992 01:36:02 [email protected] (Magnus Olsson)                         25-MAR-1992 09:49:43 [email protected] (Edward Reid)                          25-MAR-1992 10:26:12 [email protected] (Tom Knox)                             30-MAR-1992 17:22:22 [email protected] (Greg Broiles)                        26-MAR-1992 20:36:43 greg%[email protected] (Greg Montgomery)   29-MAR-1992 12:20:41 [email protected] (David Desko)                            27-MAR-1992 20:13:59 [email protected] (Paul Eggert)                          25-MAR-1992 12:08:35 [email protected] (Joshua Lee)                    28-MAR-1992 02:54:28 [email protected] (Max Cray)                        1-APR-1992 19:56:54 [email protected] (Sean Petty)                               25-MAR-1992 16:17:02 [email protected] (Ismo Peltonen)                      28-MAR-1992 17:07:14 [email protected] (James Hartman, Sysop)            26-MAR-1992 08:59:32 [email protected] (Doug Thompson)                      25-MAR-1992 13:42:36 [email protected] (Stuart L Labovitz)              28-MAR-1992 00:32:01 [email protected] (Dazed N. Confused)       28-MAR-1992 03:34:13 [email protected] (Vince Skahan)                   25-MAR-1992 08:46:27 [email protected] (Steve Frampton)             26-MAR-1992 16:42:30 [email protected] (Fenny Frampton)                26-MAR-1992 16:41:57 [email protected] (Scott Sanbeg)                   27-MAR-1992 05:32:21 [email protected] (William Moxley)                      26-MAR-1992 06:31:35 [email protected] (Rick Vandenberg)               25-MAR-1992 21:36:20 [email protected] (Mike Colley)                             26-MAR-1992 02:39:10 [email protected]                          29-MAR-1992 06:04:29 [email protected] (The Wolfe of the Den)       29-MAR-1992 12:25:21 [email protected] (Paul Hutmacher)                    26-MAR-1992 03:59:47 [email protected] (Dean Dierschow)                        26-MAR-1992 20:03:01 [email protected] (John F. Snyder)                        26-MAR-1992 20:02:39 [email protected] (Bob Peterson)               26-MAR-1992 11:23:20 [email protected] ( Dennis R. Johnson )    31-MAR-1992 23:59:21 [email protected] (Joe Zitt)         27-MAR-1992 22:23:53  From [email protected] Fri Apr 24 14:00:15 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2259 news.groups:49627 alt.bbs.waffle:7940 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.bbs.waffle Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Bill Fenner) Subject: RESULT:  comp.bbs.waffle passes 220: 32 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: Penn State University Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1992 14:40:37 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 289  Voting for comp.bbs.waffle closed at 01:00:00 EDT on Friday, April 24th (01:00:00 because I forgot about daylight savings when I wrote the CFV...)  After manually removing 3 duplicate votes that the counting software didn't automatically catch, there were 220 YES votes and 32 NO votes. There were no switched votes.  Thus, comp.bbs.waffle passes both the 100 more YES than NO votes and the 2/3 rule.  If there are no objections raised during the waiting period, a newgroup should be sent out in a few days.  Charter:  This group will be for the discussion of Waffle, a multi-           platform, USENET-capable BBS program.  Discussion topics will           include:            * Setting up and maintaining Waffle under MS-DOS, UNIX, and             any other platforms to which Waffle may be ported.            * Add-on utilities such as off-line readers, archive-servers,             statistics programs, etc.            * Connectivity issues pertaining to Waffle sites (domain             registration, UUCP maps, etc.).            * Announcements of upcoming releases of Waffle or any of the             major add-ons.            * Postings of small executables (MS-DOS), sources (MS-DOS and             UNIX), and scripts (shell, perl, etc.) pertaining to Waffle. 	    Any utility, be it script, source, or executable, that is too 	    large to post as a single message of under 60k should _not_ 	    be posted to this group.            * Anything else pertaining to Waffle not specifically             mentioned above.  A full list of voters follows my signature.  Times are EST/EDT. The voter list is sorted by originating machine.  --  Bill Fenner	[email protected]	..psuvax1!hogbbs!wcfpc!wcf 		[email protected]   (+1 814 238-9633 v.32bis)  Yes votes:  [email protected] (Pat Cain)                         25-MAR-1992 18:45:21 [email protected] (John Vorstermans)         27-MAR-1992 17:15:50 [email protected] (Harrison Page)                         1-APR-1992 20:47:53 [email protected] (andrew farmer)                   31-MAR-1992 13:44:25 FSSPR%[email protected] (Hardcore Alaskan) 13-APR-1992 21:29:25 [email protected] (Jabberwokky)                         25-MAR-1992 13:29:20 [email protected] (Jamie Gritton)              25-MAR-1992 10:53:32 [email protected] (Russell Schulz)  2-APR-1992 14:32:42 [email protected] (Roger Parks)                             8-APR-1992 17:37:53 [email protected] (B. Gabriel Helou)                       3-APR-1992 12:43:23 [email protected] (Audrey Helou)                         3-APR-1992 12:44:42 [email protected] (Thomas E. Dell)                            1-APR-1992 17:03:02 [email protected]                               15-APR-1992 10:47:41 [email protected]                                15-APR-1992 09:36:02 [email protected] (Mike Batchelor)                    26-MAR-1992 13:44:26 [email protected] (Brian Carlton)                      4-APR-1992 18:12:24 [email protected] (Peter Sleggs)                   26-MAR-1992 16:01:31 [email protected] (Pat Berry)                          27-MAR-1992 00:18:45 [email protected] (Darren McDaniel)  2-APR-1992 08:10:47 [email protected] (System Administrator)         27-MAR-1992 02:40:22 [email protected] (David Norton)               14-APR-1992 12:23:47 [email protected] (Alan Millar)                    26-MAR-1992 02:44:36 [email protected] (Bryan Price) 18-APR-1992 00:48:49 [email protected] (James Copland  )              17-APR-1992 14:37:54 [email protected] (Eric Hunt)                     28-MAR-1992 14:47:01 [email protected] (Dwight Everhart)        26-MAR-1992 23:17:23 [email protected] (Bernd Wiegmann)                  29-MAR-1992 00:54:45 [email protected] (Bruce Clement)                   17-APR-1992 12:39:12 [email protected]                                         25-MAR-1992 17:34:28 [email protected] (Wolf)                              26-MAR-1992 18:21:41 [email protected]                                   1-APR-1992 12:19:08 [email protected] (Aaron Roydhouse)          28-MAR-1992 22:13:12 [email protected] (Dave Hultberg)               29-MAR-1992 03:08:59 [email protected] (Dave Ratcliffe)                       28-MAR-1992 07:08:35 [email protected] (E.J. McKernan)                    25-MAR-1992 22:56:08 [email protected] (Dave Barr)                             25-MAR-1992 00:37:49 [email protected]                                          25-MAR-1992 17:11:52 [email protected] (Brendan Kehoe)                    26-MAR-1992 10:58:22 [email protected] (Harish Pillay)                  26-MAR-1992 00:23:43 [email protected] (Life...)                            13-APR-1992 20:38:30 [email protected] (david nugent)                        14-APR-1992 21:04:36 [email protected] (Po Shan Cheah)               13-APR-1992 15:43:52 [email protected] (Thierry Lach   )      5-APR-1992 23:13:06 [email protected] (Roy M. Silvernail)                28-MAR-1992 14:09:13 [email protected] (Terry Stockdale)                      26-MAR-1992 04:00:04 [email protected] (Wayne Hodgen)                26-MAR-1992 05:28:44 [email protected] (Kai Voelcker)                     7-APR-1992 19:33:02 [email protected] (Cam Bevis)                28-MAR-1992 00:40:25 [email protected] (Bob Kirkpatrick)                   26-MAR-1992 02:49:19 [email protected] (J. Francis Dries, III) 26-MAR-1992 03:06:42 [email protected] (Jon Anhold)                        25-MAR-1992 19:11:41 [email protected] (Sven  Seelemann)                 25-MAR-1992 01:12:57 [email protected] (Alan Moses)                      1-APR-1992 09:19:00 [email protected] (Calvin Grier)               27-MAR-1992 13:48:53 [email protected] (Claus Schoenleber)            28-MAR-1992 01:23:09 [email protected] (Dave Hayes)                       27-MAR-1992 11:47:22 [email protected]                           25-MAR-1992 12:41:44 [email protected] (Irwin David)                      25-MAR-1992 22:49:58 [email protected] (Dave McCrady)                  9-APR-1992 17:50:48 [email protected] (Jeff Gostin)                   26-MAR-1992 21:03:42 [email protected] (Clint Ruoho)                    25-MAR-1992 11:46:01 [email protected] (Jim Campbell)                  27-MAR-1992 22:24:18 [email protected] (Dean Woodward)                      28-MAR-1992 14:52:59 [email protected] (Marco Lorenzini)                  2-APR-1992 01:46:46 [email protected] (Johannes Blankenstein)         14-APR-1992 10:10:54 [email protected] (Kimon Berlin)                    2-APR-1992 04:51:21 [email protected] (Tim Holmes)                        3-APR-1992 15:30:05 [email protected] (Christophe Wolfhugel) 27-MAR-1992 06:07:28 [email protected] (Richard Harms)                     4-APR-1992 14:04:46 [email protected] (Evan Champion)                  25-MAR-1992 18:45:47 [email protected] (Ralph Sims)                           25-MAR-1992 09:34:32 [email protected] (Phil Ross)                    4-APR-1992 13:27:01 [email protected] (Ingo Kraupa)                    7-APR-1992 17:04:20 [email protected] (Cedric Didier Baechler)            14-APR-1992 07:06:34 [email protected] (Andrew Rossmann)              29-MAR-1992 13:10:18 [email protected] (Glenn Sharp)                              15-APR-1992 20:49:44 [email protected]                     26-MAR-1992 05:50:40 [email protected] (Chris Klausmeier)         13-APR-1992 21:32:10 [email protected] (Mr. Lyn R. Kennedy)               27-MAR-1992 06:16:38 [email protected] (Otto J. Makela)               26-MAR-1992 08:15:58 [email protected] (Mike Sherwood)                            2-APR-1992 00:07:44 [email protected] (Jan Richert)                     30-MAR-1992 22:38:15 [email protected] (Richard A. Hasting Jr)    21-APR-1992 07:27:12 [email protected] (The Minotaur)             25-MAR-1992 18:27:02 [email protected] (Michael Hendrick)               31-MAR-1992 16:24:42 [email protected] (Lance Andrewes)               26-MAR-1992 03:19:00 [email protected] (Larry Rosenman)                    29-MAR-1992 21:18:25 [email protected] (Bob Swanson)                   18-APR-1992 13:23:45 [email protected] (Mark Reay)                             29-MAR-1992 02:12:18 [email protected]             6-APR-1992 09:28:17 [email protected] (Leonard N. Zubkoff)                         1-APR-1992 02:26:07 [email protected] (Ian Cousins)               30-MAR-1992 15:27:36 [email protected] (Zachary Cousins)                30-MAR-1992 15:28:01 [email protected] (Tom Egelston)           25-MAR-1992 10:52:20 [email protected] (Jim Troutman)                       25-MAR-1992 20:33:01 [email protected] (From A to B)                         26-MAR-1992 22:52:44 [email protected] (jim holmes)                              26-MAR-1992 00:03:40 [email protected] (Brian L. Heess)                  19-APR-1992 05:08:11 [email protected] (Bill Hardman)                   19-APR-1992 07:51:13 [email protected] (Brandon Heess)                    19-APR-1992 07:50:50 [email protected] (Mike Ortloff)                    19-APR-1992 07:51:01 [email protected] (Bert Medley  )                      14-APR-1992 07:50:24 [email protected] (Duane Davis)              25-MAR-1992 21:06:04 [email protected] (Paul Pavlinovich)           27-MAR-1992 05:05:13 [email protected] (Matthew Lyle)                        20-APR-1992 17:02:37 phil%[email protected] (Phil Hill)                         25-MAR-1992 17:20:08 [email protected] (Klaus Rieck)                         2-APR-1992 19:19:01 [email protected] (Vic Kulikauskas)               28-MAR-1992 13:46:39 [email protected] (Paul Maclauchlan)                         30-MAR-1992 15:44:35 [email protected] (SYSTEM 0PERATOR)                         27-MAR-1992 02:25:58 [email protected] (Edward Vielmetti)                           26-MAR-1992 17:50:09 [email protected] (Jack Decker)                     16-APR-1992 04:20:52 [email protected] (Stephen R. Harding)                 25-MAR-1992 12:04:24 [email protected] (John Harkin)                                  26-MAR-1992 06:41:58 [email protected] (Albert Wong)                          13-APR-1992 18:47:35 [email protected] (Steve Lane)                                26-MAR-1992 02:33:07 [email protected] (Foster Schucker) 26-MAR-1992 22:41:08 [email protected] (Wayne Greene)               27-MAR-1992 05:26:58 [email protected]                                  26-MAR-1992 06:24:15 [email protected] (Ken McVay)                      26-MAR-1992 03:30:36 [email protected] (Jim Johnson)                      26-MAR-1992 00:26:51 [email protected] (Alex Sutton)                           20-APR-1992 00:04:22 twaugh%[email protected]                            26-MAR-1992 11:16:30 [email protected] (Bruce W. Mohler)        26-MAR-1992 23:48:31 [email protected] (erik vanriper)                   1-APR-1992 21:14:26 grettir%[email protected] (Grettir Asmundarson)         3-APR-1992 01:28:22 matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood)                25-MAR-1992 10:44:01 [email protected] (Patrick K. Kroupa)                   15-APR-1992 16:56:22 [email protected] (Gordon Dewis)                        25-MAR-1992 11:56:20 [email protected] (Chris Jacobson)                   9-APR-1992 14:13:03 [email protected] (Michael S. Durkin)       25-MAR-1992 19:12:13 [email protected] (Steve Kohlenberger)                     8-APR-1992 13:27:16 [email protected] (Randall Reid)                      25-MAR-1992 09:51:09 [email protected] (jim lawson)                            28-MAR-1992 19:49:11 [email protected] (Ken Mason)                             28-MAR-1992 21:20:12 [email protected] (Tim Capps)                               28-MAR-1992 21:21:30 [email protected] (Postmaster Account)           1-APR-1992 16:15:35 [email protected] (Matthias Theil)                28-MAR-1992 11:42:54 [email protected] (Mark H. Looi)                           3-APR-1992 07:57:15 [email protected]st.ORG (Rick DeMattia)             26-MAR-1992 22:50:01 [email protected] (Chris Cox  W0/G4JEC)            27-MAR-1992 19:04:54 [email protected] (Tom Hansen)                        28-MAR-1992 19:55:47 [email protected] (Joerg Goltermann)               28-MAR-1992 04:18:54 [email protected] (Emmanuel Bataille)            8-APR-1992 08:02:26 [email protected]                                      15-APR-1992 11:09:38 webb%[email protected] (Webb Roberts)        27-MAR-1992 11:51:49 [email protected] (Richard McCombs)               26-MAR-1992 08:17:42 [email protected] (James Ault)                                31-MAR-1992 15:34:15 [email protected] (David Stodolsky)                            31-MAR-1992 15:01:55 [email protected] (Bruce Ferrell)                     27-MAR-1992 14:40:05 [email protected] (Mark Larner)                            15-APR-1992 17:40:42 [email protected] (Tracy Harton)                      1-APR-1992 15:52:10 [email protected] (Monte Jones)                    19-APR-1992 23:08:58 [email protected] (Gary Heston)                       30-MAR-1992 20:23:14 [email protected] (Tom Limoncelli)           1-APR-1992 18:48:10 [email protected] (Bill McCormick)     17-APR-1992 02:06:38 [email protected] (Mike Fields)                    26-MAR-1992 09:50:36 [email protected] (Mike Shirley)                         27-MAR-1992 01:14:48 [email protected] (Russell Jackson)         20-APR-1992 11:09:59 [email protected] (sound system manager)                3-APR-1992 18:04:44 [email protected] (Owen Hawkins)                  26-MAR-1992 12:54:11 [email protected] (John Coffman)                1-APR-1992 15:02:41 [email protected] (Aaron Anderer)                  29-MAR-1992 23:10:48 [email protected] (Tom Lemos)                            2-APR-1992 02:24:43 [email protected] (Greg Naber)                      1-APR-1992 13:28:02 [email protected] (Tony DeBari)                      26-MAR-1992 00:04:57 [email protected] (Daniel Winkowski)                        27-MAR-1992 03:08:18 [email protected] (Mr Mark Looi )               16-APR-1992 18:45:49 [email protected] (Wayne Hancock)                   26-MAR-1992 13:21:24 [email protected] (Chris Johnston)                 7-APR-1992 15:11:18 [email protected] (Mike Chance)                               27-MAR-1992 10:16:27 [email protected] (Jonathan Rice)                    25-MAR-1992 11:03:17 [email protected] (Stephanie da Silva)                  27-MAR-1992 01:36:02 [email protected] (Steve Traugott )  2-APR-1992 19:15:02 [email protected] (Magnus Olsson)                         25-MAR-1992 09:49:43 [email protected] (Edward Reid)                          25-MAR-1992 10:26:12 [email protected] (Tom Knox)                             30-MAR-1992 17:22:22 [email protected] (Greg Broiles)                        26-MAR-1992 20:36:43 [email protected] (Tom Albrecht)           15-APR-1992 12:12:03 greg%[email protected] (Greg Montgomery)   29-MAR-1992 12:20:41 [email protected] (David Desko)                            27-MAR-1992 20:13:59 [email protected] (Rick Rule) 16-APR-1992 16:53:14 [email protected] (Joshua Lee)                    28-MAR-1992 02:54:28 [email protected] (Max Cray)                         1-APR-1992 19:56:54 [email protected] (Sean Petty)                               25-MAR-1992 16:17:02 [email protected] (Ismo Peltonen)                      28-MAR-1992 17:07:14 [email protected] (Kimmo Ketolainen)                         14-APR-1992 13:37:21 [email protected] (Doug Thompson)                      25-MAR-1992 13:42:36 [email protected] (Stuart L Labovitz)              28-MAR-1992 00:32:01 [email protected] (Allan Poindexter)             6-APR-1992 22:03:56 [email protected] (Dazed N. Confused)       28-MAR-1992 03:34:13 [email protected] (Vince Skahan)                   25-MAR-1992 08:46:27 [email protected] (Steve Frampton)             26-MAR-1992 16:42:30 [email protected] (Fenny Frampton)                26-MAR-1992 16:41:57 [email protected] (Scott Sanbeg)                   27-MAR-1992 05:32:21 [email protected] (John A. Pelna)                       15-APR-1992 07:35:34 [email protected] (William Moxley)                      26-MAR-1992 06:31:35 [email protected] (Rick Vandenberg)               25-MAR-1992 21:36:20 [email protected] (Mike Colley)                             26-MAR-1992 02:39:10 [email protected]                       4-APR-1992 22:47:29 [email protected] (Stefan T. Schwingeler)             15-APR-1992 17:10:40 [email protected] (George Wenzel)                 6-APR-1992 10:11:20 [email protected]                          29-MAR-1992 06:04:29 [email protected] (Edward F. Davison)         23-APR-1992 19:20:45 [email protected] (Jim Adams)                   23-APR-1992 19:20:25 [email protected] (The Wolfe of the Den)       29-MAR-1992 12:25:21 [email protected] (Dean Dierschow)                        26-MAR-1992 20:03:01 [email protected] (John F. Snyder)                        26-MAR-1992 20:02:39 [email protected] (Bob Peterson)               26-MAR-1992 11:23:20 [email protected] ( Dennis R. Johnson )    31-MAR-1992 23:59:21 [email protected] (Joe Zitt)         27-MAR-1992 22:23:53  No votes:  [email protected] (Robert K. Coe)                      25-MAR-1992 09:52:58 [email protected] (Brian Matthews)                  26-MAR-1992 01:00:52 [email protected] (Dick Smith)                  23-APR-1992 20:26:54 [email protected] (Bob Lindabury, SysAdmin)           25-MAR-1992 07:40:40 [email protected] (Benjamin Fan)                 14-APR-1992 17:34:22 [email protected]                                    13-APR-1992 15:25:42 [email protected] (Frank Lii)                     16-APR-1992 03:51:53 [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)          25-MAR-1992 10:10:11 [email protected] (Neil W Rickert)                       25-MAR-1992 00:41:14 [email protected] (John G Dobnick)                      5-APR-1992 19:19:37 dsndata!randy%[email protected] (Randy Terbush)         27-MAR-1992 16:40:47 [email protected] (Austin G. Hastings)                   4-APR-1992 08:59:33 [email protected] (Randall Atkinson)      25-MAR-1992 08:51:22 [email protected]                                         25-MAR-1992 09:21:39 [email protected] (Harald Nordgard-Hansen)            25-MAR-1992 04:54:13 [email protected] (Carl Rigney)                                  6-APR-1992 19:28:11 [email protected] (Christopher Ward)               30-MAR-1992 14:26:46 [email protected] (The Shaman)                    26-MAR-1992 11:25:17 [email protected] (Mark Linimon)               25-MAR-1992 13:17:19 [email protected] (Jarom Hagen)                       26-MAR-1992 14:47:54 [email protected] (Pete Alleman)                  27-MAR-1992 21:31:51 [email protected] (Torsten Leibold)               30-MAR-1992 23:32:09 [email protected] (Eric Dittman)                 26-MAR-1992 10:49:05 [email protected] (Scott Campbell)                   26-MAR-1992 15:24:39 [email protected] (Steve Rogers)                         3-APR-1992 19:45:09 [email protected] (Paul Eggert)                          25-MAR-1992 12:08:35 [email protected] (mehta)                            7-APR-1992 13:02:41 [email protected] (Tybalt the Paste Man)                15-APR-1992 18:19:08 [email protected] (James Hartman, Sysop)            26-MAR-1992 08:59:32 [email protected] (A Citizen of The World)             13-APR-1992 16:05:09 [email protected] (Paul Hutmacher)                    26-MAR-1992 03:59:47  From [email protected] Tue Sep 12 10:45:17 1995 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1836 news.groups:39477 alt.bbs.waffle:6552 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.bbs.waffle Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Tony DeBari) Subject: RFD:  comp.bbs.waffle Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Lost In Space Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1992 23:57:34 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 55 Status: RO X-Status:   Request For Discussion (RFD) -  Group name: comp.bbs.waffle  Status: Unmoderated  Charter:  This group will be for the discussion of Waffle, a multi-           platform, USENET-capable BBS program.  Discussion topics will           include:            * Setting up and maintaining Waffle under MS-DOS, UNIX, and             any other platforms to which Waffle may pe ported.            * Add-on utilities such as off-line readers, archive-servers,             statistics programs, etc.            * Connectivity issues pertaining to Waffle sites (domain             registration, UUCP maps, etc.).            * Announcements of upcoming releases of Waffle or any of the             major add-ons.            * Postings of small executables (MS-DOS), sources (MS-DOS and             UNIX), and scripts (shell, perl, etc.).  Any utility, be it             script, source, or executable, that is too large to post as             a single message should *not* be posted to this group.            * Anything else pertaining to Waffle not specifically             mentioned above.  Comments:  Due to the ever decreasing propagation of the alt.* hierarchy and the emergence of Waffle as one of the top USENET-capable BBS programs for both MS-DOS and UNIX platforms, the time has come to move alt.bbs.waffle into mainstream USENET.  The issue of naming the group was discussed at length in alt.bbs.waffle prior to this RFD.  Under MS-DOS, Waffle is primarily used as a USENET news/mail system with a BBS as its user interface.  Under UNIX, Waffle is a BBS only; USENET support is already "built in" to most flavors of UNIX.  Of all the names proposed in a.b.w, comp.bbs.waffle was chosen as the best fit into the namespace.  If during the discussion period  comp.bbs.waffle is found to be an unacceptable group name, the best alternative would be  Per the new group creation guidelines, discussion on this RFD will take place in news.groups for no more than 30 days, at which time a CFV will be posted with specific voting instructions.  Any and all comments are welcome. --  Tony DeBari  [email protected]                  ...!uunet!ssc60!tonyd  
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