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From [email protected] Wed Mar  9 23:29:27 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Daniel R. Kegel) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.std.internat,alt.chinese.text,alt.chinese.text.big5 Subject: RFD: Followup-To: news.groups Date: 25 Feb 1994 16:45:57 -0500 Organization: caltech Lines: 68 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4692 news.groups:96690 comp.std.internat:3171 alt.chinese.text:33259 alt.chinese.text.big5:28047  [This is a proposal to create a newsgroup to discuss internationalization  of software.  Much software- especially on the Internet- still can't  handle non-English text, let alone mixed language text.  It's time to  have a newsgroup where people can talk about how to make software work  across language barriers. -dank] [This proposal has already been floated in various forms on news.groups,  and we seem to be settling in on a name for the group.  -dank]  The vote for was very close. I bet many people voted NO because it had a narrow charter and awkward name.  I propose instead the new group CHARTER:     The unmoderated Usenet newsgroup will provide a      forum to discuss software that can handle 'international', i.e.      non-English, text.  The encouraged topics will include     1) How to write, where to find, and how to use internationalized software     2) What hardware/operating systems support internationalized software,        (e.g. how do I do Asian word processing on MS-DOS/MacOS/MS-Windows-NT?        what hardware/operating systems are available in other countries?        what is DOS/V?  How do I read a font from BIOS?)     3) How to work with international de jure and de facto standards for         representation of text, e.g. ASCII, JIS, Shift-JIS, Big5, EUC, GB2312,         KSC5601, ISO2022, ISO10646, and Unicode, and why some standards are        popular in some countries & not others.     4) How to process text in various languages (e.g. how do you strip        vowels from Hebrew to get the canonical spelling?  How does one        sort Chinese?  What is a locale file?)   DISCUSSION PERIOD: 25 Feb - 20 Mar Please comment on whether we need this new newsgroup by posting followup messages to news.groups. At the end of this period, if there is enough interest, a call for votes will be sent to the same groups this RFD was sent to.  WHY WE NEED THIS GROUP:  There is a pressing need for modern software to be able to handle multiple languages- the user community is now  international- and existing forums are not adequate:  [email protected], an unmoderated mailing list for discussing    multi-byte character sets; it suffers from being a mailing list rather     than a newsgroup.  Perhaps it could be gatewayed to the new group    for the benefit of those without Usenet access., aka [email protected], a moderated mailing    list with a very similar charter.  It has recently moved and changed name.    Status unclear.  comp.std.internat, an unmoderated newsgroup, discusses all manner of     standards, and doesn't have much trafic about internationalized software.  [email protected], an unmoderated mailing list for discussing how    applications on the Internet should represent plain text.  It seems    to have a very small, quiet readership prone to the occasional screaming    fit :-)  RELATED RECENT PROPOALS: recently failed its creation vote. alt.chinese.computing was recently proposed, but I feel there is enough of a need for international software that we should try to create a less exclusive group. was proposed, but the name was considered confusing, and was preferred. was considered uninformative. was preferred by those in the know, but is horribly obscure.  - Dan Kegel ([email protected])  From [email protected] Tue Mar 22 20:13:53 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Andrew Solovay) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.chinese.computing,,comp.std.internat,sci.lang.japan Subject: CFV: Followup-To: poster Date: 22 Mar 1994 17:25:47 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV) Lines: 116 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Apr 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Andrew Solovay's vote-taking alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4803 news.groups:98746 alt.chinese.computing:637 comp.std.internat:3257 sci.lang.japan:15698                       FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)             unmoderated group  NOTE: To vote, please use the ballot at the end of this CFV. Trim your       response to just the ballot. Please make sure to send your vote to       "[email protected]".  Newsgroups line:     Finding, using, writing non-English software.   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 GMT, 12 Apr 1994.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Dan Kegel <[email protected]>.  The vote-taker will send a copy of each CFV to the <[email protected]> (a mailing list for discussing multi-byte character sets) and <[email protected]> (a mailing list for discussing how to represent plain text) shortly after it is posted to news.announce.newgroups. After the official RESULTs are posted, he will post an abridged copy of the RESULTs (without the full list of voters) to those mailing lists.   CHARTER      The unmoderated Usenet newsgroup will provide a      forum to discuss software that can handle 'international', i.e.      non-English, text.  The encouraged topics will include     1) How to write, where to find, and how to use internationalized software     2) What hardware/operating systems support internationalized software,        (e.g. how do I do Asian word processing on MS-DOS/MacOS/MS-Windows-NT?        what hardware/operating systems are available in other countries?        what is DOS/V?  How do I read a font from BIOS?  How does X11R6        support Asian keyboard input methods?)     3) How to work with international de jure and de facto standards for         representation of text, e.g. ASCII, JIS, Shift-JIS, Big5, EUC, GB2312,         KSC5601, ISO2022, ISO10646, and Unicode, and why some standards are        popular in some countries & not others.     4) How to process text in various languages (e.g. how do you strip        vowels from Hebrew to get the canonical spelling?  How does one        sort Chinese?  What is a locale file?)      5) What magazines, books, and conferences deal with these issues?     Legal and marketing issues are not expected to be a big part of the group;     the intent is to help people find, write, and use non-English mono-     and multi-lingual software.  RATIONALE (written by Dan Kegel <[email protected]>.)      WHY WE NEED THIS GROUP:  There is a pressing need for modern software     to be able to handle multiple languages- the user community is now      international- and existing forums are not adequate:      [email protected], an unmoderated mailing list for discussing     multi-byte character sets; it suffers from being a mailing list rather      than a newsgroup.  Perhaps it could be gatewayed to the new group     for the benefit of those without Usenet access., aka [email protected], a moderated mailing     list with a very similar charter.  It has recently moved, but remains     moderated, and has a slow response time.      comp.std.internat, an unmoderated newsgroup, discusses all manner of      standards, and doesn't have much trafic about internationalized software.      [email protected], an unmoderated mailing list for discussing how     applications on the Internet should represent plain text.  It seems     to have a very small, quiet readership prone to the occasional screaming     fit :-)  HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list, and if your newsreader honors the "reply-to" line. Double-check the address before sending your ballot.  Use the ballot provided at the end of this CFV. Put the word "YES" or "NO" between the brackets before the group name. Trim your response to just the ballot, but make sure to send the whole ballot (i.e. everything between the "=-=-=" lines).  You may also use the word ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.  Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledgement by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Each person may vote only once, no matter how many accounts he or she may have. Also, only one ballot will be accepted from any account, no matter how many people may share it. If more than one vote is received >from any person or any account, only the last vote received will be counted.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list. All ballots received are kept in the UVV archives (including "cancelled" and invalid ballots). The vote files are made available to the moderator of news.announce.newgroups on request. They may also, at the discretion of the UVV, be made more widely available if there is a controversy concerning the vote.    BALLOT: -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)  Give your real name here:  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [         ] -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  From [email protected] Fri Apr  1 20:55:37 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Andrew Solovay) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.chinese.computing,,comp.std.internat,sci.lang.japan Subject: 2nd CFV: Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 31 Mar 1994 21:25:14 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV) Lines: 167 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Apr 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Andrew Solovay's vote-taking alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4867 news.groups:99634 alt.chinese.computing:752 comp.std.internat:3274 sci.lang.japan:15817  		      LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) 	    unmoderated group   Newsgroups line:     Finding, using, writing non-English software.   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 GMT, 12 Apr 1994.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Dan Kegel <[email protected]>.  The vote-taker will send a copy of each CFV to the <[email protected]> (a mailing list for discussing multi-byte character sets) and <[email protected]> (a mailing list for discussing how to represent plain text) shortly after it is posted to news.announce.newgroups. After the official RESULTs are posted, he will post an abridged copy of the RESULTs (without the full list of voters) to those mailing lists.   CHARTER      The unmoderated Usenet newsgroup will provide a      forum to discuss software that can handle 'international', i.e.      non-English, text.  The encouraged topics will include     1) How to write, where to find, and how to use internationalized software     2) What hardware/operating systems support internationalized software,        (e.g. how do I do Asian word processing on MS-DOS/MacOS/MS-Windows-NT?        what hardware/operating systems are available in other countries?        what is DOS/V?  How do I read a font from BIOS?  How does X11R6        support Asian keyboard input methods?)     3) How to work with international de jure and de facto standards for         representation of text, e.g. ASCII, JIS, Shift-JIS, Big5, EUC, GB2312,         KSC5601, ISO2022, ISO10646, and Unicode, and why some standards are        popular in some countries & not others.     4) How to process text in various languages (e.g. how do you strip        vowels from Hebrew to get the canonical spelling?  How does one        sort Chinese?  What is a locale file?)      5) What magazines, books, and conferences deal with these issues?     Legal and marketing issues are not expected to be a big part of the group;     the intent is to help people find, write, and use non-English mono-     and multi-lingual software.  RATIONALE (written by Dan Kegel <[email protected]>.)      WHY WE NEED THIS GROUP:  There is a pressing need for modern software     to be able to handle multiple languages- the user community is now      international- and existing forums are not adequate:      [email protected], an unmoderated mailing list for discussing     multi-byte character sets; it suffers from being a mailing list rather      than a newsgroup.  Perhaps it could be gatewayed to the new group     for the benefit of those without Usenet access., aka [email protected], a moderated mailing     list with a very similar charter.  It has recently moved, but remains     moderated, and has a slow response time.      comp.std.internat, an unmoderated newsgroup, discusses all manner of      standards, and doesn't have much trafic about internationalized software.      [email protected], an unmoderated mailing list for discussing how     applications on the Internet should represent plain text.  It seems     to have a very small, quiet readership prone to the occasional screaming     fit :-)  HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list, and if your newsreader honors the "reply-to" line. Double-check the address before sending your ballot.  Use the ballot provided at the end of this CFV. Put the word "YES" or "NO" between the brackets before the group name. Trim your response to just the ballot, but make sure to send the whole ballot (i.e. everything between the "=-=-=" lines).  You may also use the word ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.  Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledgement by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Each person may vote only once, no matter how many accounts he or she may have. Also, only one ballot will be accepted from any account, no matter how many people may share it. If more than one vote is received >from any person or any account, only the last vote received will be counted.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list. All ballots received are kept in the UVV archives (including "cancelled" and invalid ballots). The vote files are made available to the moderator of news.announce.newgroups on request. They may also, at the discretion of the UVV, be made more widely available if there is a controversy concerning the vote.      BALLOT:    =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)    Give your real name here:     Your Vote   Group   -----------------------------------------------------------------------   [         ]   =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=     BOUNCED ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  The following people's EMail acknowledgements have bounced (as of 3/31/94). They do *not* need to revote.  If you have not received an acknowledgement, and you are not listed below, your ballot may not have reached me; please vote again. Bounce List - No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                   Mark Kupferman [email protected]                                           Tiago Antao [email protected]                                   Bill Roman  INVALID VOTES  The propoer people have sent invalid votes, and have not superseded them with valid ones. Please vote again. Be sure to follow the instructions in this CFV (and be *sure* to use the ballot provided above).   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                               ! No ballot [email protected]                                                     ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                           John Delacour    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                 Joel Furr    ! No ballot [email protected]                                                    Jian Q. Li    ! No ballot [email protected]                                              Michael Kudryashev    ! No ballot [email protected]                                     Michele Limon    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                            Neil Rest    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                      Stephen C. Ruppenthal    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                          Toshio Takagi>    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                         Xiao Jun Zhu    ! No ballot [email protected]                                     Yanping Yuan    ! No ballot  From [email protected] Tue Apr 19 17:50:03 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Andrew Solovay) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.chinese.computing,,comp.std.internat,sci.lang.japan Subject: RESULT: passes 363:14 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 14 Apr 1994 14:50:53 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV) Lines: 479 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4942 news.groups:100729 alt.chinese.computing:934 comp.std.internat:3281 sci.lang.japan:15954  				RESULT      unmoderated group passes 363:14  There were 363 YES votes and 14 NO votes, for a total of 377 valid votes.  There were 2 abstains and 19 invalid ballots.  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.   There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.  Voting closed at 23:59:59 GMT, 12 Apr 1994.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  Vote-taker's address:		[email protected] (Andrew Solovay) Group proponent's address:	[email protected] (Dan Kegel)   Newsgroups line:     Finding, using, writing non-English software.  CHARTER (culled from the Call for Votes)      The unmoderated Usenet newsgroup will provide a      forum to discuss software that can handle 'international', i.e.      non-English, text.  The encouraged topics will include     1) How to write, where to find, and how to use internationalized software     2) What hardware/operating systems support internationalized software,        (e.g. how do I do Asian word processing on MS-DOS/MacOS/MS-Windows-NT?        what hardware/operating systems are available in other countries?        what is DOS/V?  How do I read a font from BIOS?  How does X11R6        support Asian keyboard input methods?)     3) How to work with international de jure and de facto standards for         representation of text, e.g. ASCII, JIS, Shift-JIS, Big5, EUC, GB2312,         KSC5601, ISO2022, ISO10646, and Unicode, and why some standards are        popular in some countries & not others.     4) How to process text in various languages (e.g. how do you strip        vowels from Hebrew to get the canonical spelling?  How does one        sort Chinese?  What is a locale file?)      5) What magazines, books, and conferences deal with these issues?     Legal and marketing issues are not expected to be a big part of the group;     the intent is to help people find, write, and use non-English mono-     and multi-lingual software. Final Vote Ack  Voted Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                              Peter Heijmens Visser [email protected]                                             Ying Hum [email protected]                                                 Kamal Abdali [email protected]                                                     Al Clark [email protected]                                              Andries E. Brouwer [email protected]                                                  Arnie Rusoff AKUFUK%[email protected]         zeynel basri akufuk ([email protected]) [email protected]                                 Eugenio Sanchez [email protected]                                        Alan Coopersmith [email protected]                                                   Alain LaBont [email protected]                                                     Thomas Sj|land [email protected]                                          Anders Lindquist [email protected]                                          Andr\'as Salamon [email protected]                                        Andreas L. Opdahl [email protected]                             Andreas Helke [email protected]                                         Andrew Ernest [email protected]                                      Anoosh Hosseini [email protected]                                           Stuart Aque [email protected]                                   Arthur Chance [email protected]                                                    Jim Ault [email protected]                                            ALi YILDIRIM [email protected]                                                    Brad Davis [email protected]                                            Jack Bar-Ness [email protected]                                                    David Barr [email protected]                                   Thomas C. Bartlett [email protected]                                  Jennifer N. Young [email protected]                     Robert F. Benningfield Jr. [email protected]                                          Bernd Wiegmann [email protected]                                          Dirk Jaeckel [email protected]                                                            BIN LU [email protected]                                           Dan Birchall [email protected]                                                  B.J. Herbison [email protected]                              Bert Kralendonk [email protected]                                       Bob Leschhorn [email protected]                                                    Duh? [email protected]                                            Claude Boucher [email protected]                                       Eric E. Bowles [email protected]                                          Ryan Boynton [email protected]                                             Bing Ran [email protected]                                          brian spooner [email protected]                                            Bill Smith [email protected]                                                     Raid Bulus [email protected]                                                   Nelson Chin [email protected]                                            Wei Du [email protected]                                      Calvin Clark [email protected]                           Caoimhin O Donnaile [email protected]                                         Christopher J. Booth [email protected]                               Christopher Gerteis [email protected]                               Chamrat Atsawaprecha [email protected]                                    Jacques Chanel [email protected]                                         Jianlin Chang [email protected]                                        Charles Choi [email protected]                                                   Diane Chen [email protected]                                     Chien-tzu Chou [email protected]                                     Chris Rominski [email protected]                                               Terry Chung [email protected]                                 Michael Mithis [email protected]                                Haralambos Mantzaridis [email protected]                                      peter clitherow [email protected]                                                  Mike Wilson [email protected]                                               Colum Twomey [email protected]                                          Roger Frey [email protected]                              Cornec ESLOG p8023 BD17 [email protected]                          Dr. Costas Spyropoulos [email protected]                                              Rene COUGNENC [email protected]                                    Christopher Bopp [email protected]                                              Craig Timmerman [email protected]                                                     Chen, Yilong [email protected]                                               David Menday [email protected]                                                  Jon W{tte [email protected]                                           Walter E. Daniels [email protected]                                              Dan Kegel [email protected]                                   David Goldsmith [email protected]                                                Dorothy Day [email protected]                                           David DeLaney [email protected]                                              Dean Wallraff [email protected]                           Diana Bowden Lane [email protected]                          Dimitris Kiritsis [email protected]                                              Dong Liu [email protected]                                                   Don Gray [email protected]                                                 Jeff Del Papa [email protected]                                     Rebecca Drayer [email protected]                                       Erik B. Pedersen [email protected]                                     Lloyd Anderson [email protected]                                                   Eugene Dorr [email protected]                                                      Eldad Ganin [email protected]                                                 Paul Eggert [email protected]                                      Edward J Hughes [email protected]               Peter Berner [email protected]                                                    Edwin Hayward[email protected]    Erez Nassim [email protected]                                                  Eric F. Miller [email protected]                                                     Erik Naggum [email protected]                                    Erik Hatcher [email protected]                                                  Espen Ore [email protected]                                               Manfred Kiefer [email protected]                                          Francois Coallier [email protected]                                        Todd J. Finnigan [email protected]                                          Alain Fontaine [email protected]                                     Greg Franklin [email protected]                                  Sean P. Ryan [email protected]                                               Fredrik Viklund fvck2412%[email protected]                     Martin Thierer [email protected]                                                    Stu Galley [email protected]                                              Luke Taylor [email protected]                                 Richard F. Garbaccio [email protected]                                              Sebastian Gard [email protected]                                          Gerard GAUTIER [email protected]                                             G Demetriou [email protected]                                          George H. Bosworth [email protected]                                              Matthias Ender [email protected]                                              Emmanuel Germond [email protected]                                                Gerrit Visser [email protected]                                         Gregory G. Woodbury [email protected]                                       George Heretz [email protected]                                                Gildas NOEL [email protected]                                        Gilles Serasset [email protected]                                          Gerald Reno [email protected]                                           Glenn L. Vanderburg [email protected]                                          Grant Reaber [email protected]                                     Tim Greenwood [email protected]                                        Thomas Greve [email protected]                                                    Gene Thurston [email protected]                                                      GUO Jin [email protected]                                          Ken'ichi HANDA [email protected]                                                Stephen R. Hanna HART%[email protected]                                Edwin F. Hart [email protected]                                            Nicholas Heer [email protected]                                    Heiko Schlichting [email protected]                                     Milan Hejtmanek [email protected]                                 Herb Lison, Sybase Engineering [email protected]                                           Herman Nienhuis [email protected]                                           Chih-Cheng Ho [email protected]                                                     H. Peter Anvin [email protected]                                                      Edwin Voskamp [email protected]                                            Lars Huttar [email protected]                                        H. Anthony Ye [email protected]                                      Ivan CHELEPINE [email protected]                                                   Ian McFarland [email protected]                                 Stelios KOTSIOS [email protected]                                         Aron Insinga [email protected]                                          HooTung Cheuk [email protected]                                  Isam Ishaq ISCYEOGK%[email protected]                              yeo gee kin [email protected]                                          Alex Khalil [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                                    Jeff Bishop [email protected]                                        Joel Brogniart [email protected]                                            Juergen Christoffel [email protected]                                         Jeffrey Chen [email protected]                                                    Jenko Hwong [email protected]                                                Jerry Zorge [email protected]                                            Julian Fletcher [email protected]                                           Jeroen Hellingman [email protected]                                                    Jian Q. Li [email protected]                                              Jim J. Jewett [email protected]                                          Achim Wilhelm [email protected]                                                     James Clark [email protected]                                                James Lin [email protected]                                             Jean-Noel Colin [email protected]                                      John H. Jenkins [email protected]                                Jost Krieger [email protected]                                               J.Otto Tennant [email protected]                                                       Jim Atkinson [email protected]                                                     john r. durand [email protected]                                                    Jay Dunning [email protected]                                                        Jay Sekora [email protected]                                                    Josep Sau [email protected]                             John T. McCranie [email protected]                                                Jim Breen [email protected]                                              Kari E. Hurtta [email protected]                              Katerina Marinagi [email protected]                                     Kayhan Kucukcakar [email protected]                                        Katie Bajis [email protected]                                        Kees van 't Hoff [email protected]                    Efthimia Kefalea [email protected]                                                Greg Kemnitz [email protected]                                  Kenji Rikitake [email protected]                                                  Yuval Kfir [email protected]                                              Kenneth Herron [email protected]                                                  Harrison Liang [email protected]                                 Evan Kirshenbaum [email protected]                                                Nick Kline [email protected]                                            Knut S. Vikor [email protected]                                 George Kontaxakis [email protected]                                               Steven Grimm [email protected]                                           Kevin T. Rowney [email protected]                                                Kenny SC. Tung [email protected]                                              Karen V. Roberts [email protected]                                        Martin Schr"oder [email protected]                                      Wilson An [email protected]                                            Ji-Hong Jiong [email protected]                                        Suheil I. LAHER [email protected]                                                       Edmund Lai [email protected]                                               Wayne Lammers [email protected]                                               Johnnie Leung [email protected]                                               Li Yuhong [email protected]                                    Honomichl, Lloyd [email protected]                                            Mats G. Lofdahl [email protected]                                             Robert D. Lubbers [email protected]                                            Lup Houh Ng [email protected]                                            Martin Forssen [email protected]                                     mansoor Ahmad [email protected]                                               Mihnea Andrei [email protected]                                   Margaret Hender [email protected]                                          Mark Robbie [email protected]                                                Mark A Lilly [email protected]                                                 Jack Marr [email protected]                               Martin von Loewis [email protected]                                             Frits Mastik [email protected]                                   Thomas Mattman [email protected]                                       Mark Atwood [email protected]                          Moses A. Boudourides [email protected]                                      Michael Welsh Duggan [email protected]                                          Martin J. Du"rst [email protected]                                      Metin Demirci [email protected]                                     Michalis Faloutsos [email protected]                                          Marc E. Gauthier [email protected]                                              Michael G. McKenna [email protected]                                               Marion Gunn [email protected]                                         Michael Babcock [email protected]                                              Peter Mikes [email protected]                                             Mike Gardner [email protected]                                            Michael Kovacs [email protected]                                             Meng-Khiang Tan [email protected]                              Margus Liiv <[email protected]> [email protected]                                               Marigo Olufini [email protected]                                              Mo Moadeli [email protected]                                    Mok-Kong Shen [email protected]                                          Enrique Silvestre Mora [email protected]                                          Asim Mughal [email protected]                                           Neil Harris [email protected]                                            Neil Rest [email protected]                                         Nikos Papaspyrou [email protected]                                              Jian-Yun Nie [email protected]                                     Nils Nieuwejaar [email protected]                                 Akihiro Nishida [email protected]                                           Nickolay Saukh [email protected]                                           Ned S. VanderVen [email protected]                                  NUMATA Toshinori [email protected]                                            Olle Jarnefors [email protected]                                         Dr Richard A. O'Keefe [email protected]                            Ollivier Robert [email protected]                                       Pascal Melix [email protected]                                      Paul H. Wong [email protected]                                         John Bernstein [email protected]                                          Linda Wegner [email protected]                                               Patrick Durusau [email protected]                          Pedro Alexandre Ferreira [email protected]                                  Petros Faloutsos [email protected]                                                Pierre Ficheux [email protected]                                        Pinghua Young [email protected]                                           Paul Law [email protected]                                            Paul Mataras [email protected]                                           Tiago Antao [email protected]                                           Per-Olov Andersson [email protected]                                                Norah Power [email protected]                                   Petros Raptis [email protected]                                          David Price [email protected]                                             Tony Tong [email protected]                                               Mark Pritchard [email protected]                                                Pertti Kasanen [email protected]                                   Marcus Hampel [email protected]                                      Michael Quinn [email protected]                                                 Ray Hudson [email protected]                                           Rafi Sadowsky [email protected]                                                    Jay Allen [email protected]                                                R.C. Jamieson "REC::REC::MRGATE::\"AM::i_higgs\""@rcssob.dnet                      Ian Higgs [email protected]                                 Remi Houdaille [email protected]                                           Pete Resnick [email protected]                                            Rex Clark [email protected]                                 Robert M. Hartwell [email protected]                           Richard Galloway [email protected]                                                Richard Miller [email protected]                                                Anders Ripa [email protected]                                                Randy Whitehead [email protected]                                                Robert Garvey [email protected]                                               Ron Davies [email protected]                                                 Rong Chang [email protected]                                    Robert Stephen Rodgers [email protected]                                                J. Rufinus [email protected]                                Steve Daniels ext 3331 [email protected]                                               Gaute Lote  [email protected]                                                    Susan Johnson [email protected]                                                Sanjay Dubey [email protected]                                        Sanjeev Motwani [email protected]                                                    Sara Xin Gu [email protected]                                                   Rob Sartin [email protected]                                               Bruce Tindall [email protected]                                              Kenneth Parker [email protected]                                                  Pei-Yi Tan [email protected]                                        Randolph S. Williams [email protected]                                                     Bobby Koritala [email protected]                                         Scott D. Ginsbach [email protected]                                           Steen Vestergaard [email protected]                                         Stefan Eggers [email protected]                                            R. Thomas Sellman [email protected]                                             Roger Sherman [email protected]                                         Stephen G Simpson [email protected]                                      Naunihal Singh [email protected]                                         Sherif El-Kassas [email protected]                                        Ira Smailer [email protected]                                               Erland Sommarskog [email protected]                                   Bill Roman [email protected]                                    Jacob Sparre Andersen [email protected]                          Shu-Ping Chang ((914)784-7746) [email protected]                                      Sven Rudolph [email protected]                                Sridhar Venkataraman [email protected]                                         Stephen Ruppenthal [email protected]                            Dr. Stavros Kokkotos [email protected]    Stephen Davis [email protected] [email protected]                                steve robbins [email protected]                                              Don Melvin [email protected]                                         Sverre Slotte [email protected]                                            Spiridon V Spirou [email protected]                                       Scott Weatherhogge [email protected]                                                Steffen Schilke [email protected]                                       Siming Zhan [email protected]                                           thomas fenrich [email protected]                                        Azumi Takata [email protected]                                               Tom Childers [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                            Ted Ma [email protected]                                              Helmut Tenberg [email protected]                                                Soon Chye Teng [email protected]                                    Athanassios Poulakidas [email protected]                                Palpanas Themistoklis [email protected]                                        Nevzat Timurtas [email protected]                                                     Tin Le [email protected]                                              Tony Meadow [email protected]                                            Yannis A. Tolias [email protected]                                              Tom Donaldson [email protected]                                          Tom McFarland [email protected]                                             Tommi Kaikkonen [email protected]                                          Trin Tantsetthi [email protected]                                Panagiotis Tsarchopoulos [email protected]                                         Tung-Ho Shih [email protected]                      Mr. Vangelis Karkaletsis  [email protected]                                          Fragkiskos Vellis  [email protected]                                                   Viggo Kann [email protected]                                             Vijay Raghavendra [email protected]                                                Craig Villalon [email protected]                                       Vitali Matsarski [email protected]                                        Venkataraman Vasan walra%[email protected]                                              Waldi Ravens [email protected]                                    Walter Gillett [email protected]                           Khalid Sarwar Warraich [email protected]                                                Will Briggs [email protected]                                         Qiuwen Wu [email protected]                                                 XiaoFei Wang [email protected]                                            Xiaokun Zhu [email protected]                                          Xiaojun Zhu Yadallee%[email protected]                     Dave Shariff Yadallee [email protected]                                                 Yanni Jew [email protected]                                           Tuomas Kaikkonen [email protected]                                         Francois Yergeau [email protected]                                              Yongguang Zhang [email protected]                                    Yannis Hatzopoulos [email protected]                                          Cho Yun Hin - guojin [email protected]                                            J. 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No ballot [email protected]                                  Roland L. Behunin    ! No ballot [email protected]                                                   Betty B. Jean    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                   Barry McGibbon    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                         ! No ballot [email protected]                                   George Nichols    ! No ballot [email protected]                                                     ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                           John Delacour    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                 Joel Furr    ! No ballot [email protected]                                                    Joyce Pashley    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                              Michael Kudryashev    ! No ballot [email protected]                                     Michele Limon    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                ! No ballot [email protected]                                             A.O. K'o'ker    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                Can Ozturan    ! No ballot [email protected]                                               Tom FitzMaurice    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                          Toshio Takagi>    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                                  ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                     Yanping Yuan    ! No ballot  
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