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Advocacy ( comp.sys.atari.advocacy )
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From [email protected] Sat Feb 13 12:46:17 1993 Path: uunet!crdgw1!rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (David Oakley) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.sys.atari.8-bit Subject: RFD: comp.sys.atari.advocacy Message-ID: <[email protected]> Date: 1 Feb 93 19:25:18 GMT Followup-To: news.groups Organization: ASTRAsoft, Stoke-On-Trent England. Lines: 54 Approved: [email protected] Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3207 news.groups:65648  REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION ======================  This is a request for discussion on the creation of a newsgroup for debates about the Atari range of personal computers.  Group Name ========== comp.sys.atari.advocacy  Status ====== Unmoderated  Rationale ========= This group will separate a section of discussion from the current newsgroup and atari.8bit.  The discussion of advocacy currently takes up over 50% of the items in the newsgroup and so it is felt that the original purpose of the newsgroup is being left behind.  New users and people who need information about the Atari ST can continue to use the original group and would hopefully get more attention if there is less advocacy mail present.  What a FAQ for this group could contain is also a matter for discussion.  Discussion ========== Comments on this proposed new newsgroup should be posted to the USENET newsgroup news.groups.  If the reader is not able to do so, comments may be e-mailed to any of the proposers, at the addresses below, and we will  post them.  Voting ====== If no problems arise, voting will start one month from the posting date of this RFD.  Proposers ========= David Oakley		[email protected] Ian M Rae		[email protected] Annius V. Groenink	[email protected] Jan Kim			[email protected] --                                                                 .___ . David Oakley, ASTRAsoft shareware producers for the ST            //_ //| 6 Watlands Rd   | "I was in love, once. A ZX81. People said,      || || | Bignall End     | 'No, Holly, she's not for you.' She was cheap,  || || /\_ Stoke On Trent  | stupid and wouldn't load - at least not for   _/|| ||\_/ | ST7 8QQ England.| me, anyway."			     Red Dwarf |_/ |_| \_|/  From [email protected] Wed Mar 10 21:07:10 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (David Oakley) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,, Subject: CFV: comp.sys.atari.advocacy Followup-To: poster Date: 3 Mar 1993 23:50:27 -0500 Organization: ASTRAsoft, Stoke-On-Trent England. Lines: 124 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3316 news.groups:67531  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: THIS IS A NEW CALL FOR VOTES, REPLACING THE OLD ONE WHICH WAS *NOT* VALID!!! IF YOU HAVE VOTED FOR THE OLD ONE, YOU MUST VOTE AGAIN, SINCE ALL  PREVIOUS VOTES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED!!!!!!!  SORRY FOR THIS INCONVENIENCE... 						David Oakley, Proposer ------------------------------------------------------------------------  FIRST CALL FOR VOTES ====================  This is a Call for votes on the creation of a newsgroup for debates about the Atari range of personal computers.  Group Name ========== comp.sys.atari.advocacy  Status ====== Unmoderated  Charter ======= This group is a forum for discussion of topics in connection with the Atari range of computers - marketing, capabilities, comparisons and other arguments... It will move discussions of this nature from the existing (and atari.8-bit) newsgroups, which will exist for a more advice orientated discussions.  Users will be requested to not post the above discussions in the existing newsgroups if advocacy is formed.  Rationale ========= This group will separate a section of discussion, mainly from the current newsgroup but also relatted topics including the Atari 8-bit range of computers (atari.8bit) and the new Atari Falcon computers.  The discussion of advocacy currently takes up over 50% of the items in the newsgroup and so it is felt that the original purpose of the newsgroup is being left behind.  New users and people who need information about the Atari ST/8-bit computers can continue to use the original group and would hopefully get more attention if there is less advocacy mail present.   Voting ====== VOTING PERIOD IS: 			   appearance of this message 			to 1st April at 9:00 GMT.  HOW TO VOTE: 1. REPLY to THIS message.  2. send your votes to:  			[email protected]  3. if that doesn't work, try:  			dxo%[email protected]   WHAT YOUR MAIL MESSAGE SHOULD CONTAIN:  For a yes vote: --------------------------------------------------------------- I vote "Yes" for the creation of "comp.sys.atari.advcoacy" VOTE: lastname, firstname [email address] : YES --------------------------------------------------------------- For a no vote: --------------------------------------------------------------- I vote "No" for the creation of "comp.sys.atari.advcoacy" VOTE: lastname, firstname [email address] : NO ---------------------------------------------------------------  Your message must be of THIS form, especially the second line since my vote counting software needs bothe the 'VOTE:' and the ': YES/NO'.  Rules on voting ===============  Voting Rules: 	-Only one vote per user (Two different people cannot vote under the 	 same user name). 	-Any votes which are received before or after the voting period 	 will be discarded. 	-Any vote which does follow the above examples specifically,  	 will not be valid. 	-Anyone who wants to change their previous vote may do so by voting 	 again.  They must indicate that they have previously voted and are 	 changing their mind in a footnote.  A changed vote will discard your 	 previous vote.  Ambiguous Votes: 	Ambiguous votes -- those who do not follow the specified format, or  	do not make clear the voter's intent, will, where possible,  be  	returned to their senders for clarification.  Ambiguous votes which  	cannot be returned to their senders or for which no clarification is  	provided will be identified in vote mass acknowledgements and in the  	final vote tally.  ******* ANY PROBLEMS, MAIL THE ADDRESSES ABOVE! *********  Thanks to Danny Richman for the basis of this CFV!!!!!  Proposers ========= David Oakley		[email protected] Ian M Rae		[email protected] Annius V. Groenink	[email protected] Jan Kim			[email protected] --                                                                 .___ . David Oakley, ASTRAsoft shareware producers for the ST            //_ //| 6 Watlands Rd   | "I was in love, once. A ZX81. People said,      || || | Bignall End     | 'No, Holly, she's not for you.' She was cheap,  || || /\_ Stoke On Trent  | stupid and wouldn't load - at least not for   _/|| ||\_/ | ST7 8QQ England.| me, anyway."			     Red Dwarf |_/ |_| \_|/   From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:38:11 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (David Oakley) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,, Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.sys.atari.advocacy Followup-To: poster Date: 26 Mar 1993 11:04:32 -0500 Organization: ASTRAsoft at the University of Birmingham, England. Lines: 284 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3377 news.groups:68535  SECOND CALL FOR VOTES and MASS VOTE ACKNOWLEDGE ==============================================  This vote has been running for two weeks.  This is a Call for votes on the creation of a newsgroup for debates about the Atari range of personal computers.  Group Name ========== comp.sys.atari.advocacy  Status ====== Unmoderated  Charter ======= This group is a forum for discussion of topics in connection with the Atari range of computers - marketing, capabilities, comparisons and other arguments... It will move discussions of this nature from the existing (and atari.8-bit) newsgroups, which will exist for a more advice orientated discussions.  Users will be requested to not post the above discussions in the existing newsgroups if advocacy is formed.  Users will be requested not to cross post disscussions in other advocacy groups to this one.  Rationale ========= This group will separate a section of discussion, mainly from the current newsgroup but also relatted topics including the Atari 8-bit range of computers (atari.8bit) and the new Atari Falcon computers.  The discussion of advocacy currently takes up over 50% of the items in the newsgroup and so it is felt that the original purpose of the newsgroup is being left behind.  New users and people who need information about the Atari ST/8-bit computers can continue to use the original group and would hopefully get more attention if there is less advocacy mail present.   Voting ====== VOTING PERIOD IS: 			   appearance of this message 			to 1st April at 9:00 GMT.  HOW TO VOTE: 1. REPLY to THIS message.  2. send your votes to:  			[email protected]  3. if that doesn't work, try:  			dxo%[email protected]   WHAT YOUR MAIL MESSAGE SHOULD CONTAIN:  For a yes vote: --------------------------------------------------------------- I vote "Yes" for the creation of "comp.sys.atari.advocacy" VOTE: lastname, firstname [email address] : YES --------------------------------------------------------------- For a no vote: --------------------------------------------------------------- I vote "No" for the creation of "comp.sys.atari.advocacy" VOTE: lastname, firstname [email address] : NO ---------------------------------------------------------------  Your message must be of THIS form, especially the second line since my vote counting software needs bothe the 'VOTE:' and the ': YES/NO'. Remember to replace the lastname forename and email address with YOUR name etc!!!  Rules on voting ===============  Voting Rules: 	-Only one vote per user (Two different people cannot vote under the 	 same user name). 	-Any votes which are received before or after the voting period 	 will be discarded. 	-Any vote which does follow the above examples specifically,  	 will not be valid. 	-Anyone who wants to change their previous vote may do so by voting 	 again.  They must indicate that they have previously voted and are 	 changing their mind in a footnote.  A changed vote will discard your 	 previous vote.  Ambiguous Votes: 	Ambiguous votes -- those who do not follow the specified format, or  	do not make clear the voter's intent, will, where possible,  be  	returned to their senders for clarification.  Ambiguous votes which  	cannot be returned to their senders or for which no clarification is  	provided will be identified in vote mass acknowledgements and in the  	final vote tally.  ******* ANY PROBLEMS, MAIL THE ADDRESSES ABOVE! *********  Thanks to Danny Richman for the basis of this CFV!!!!!  Proposers ========= David Oakley		[email protected] Ian M Rae		[email protected] Annius V. Groenink	[email protected] Jan Kim			[email protected]                                                                     .___ . David Oakley, ASTRAsoft shareware producers for the ST            //_ //| 6 Watlands Rd   | "I was in love, once. A ZX81. People said,      || || | Bignall End     | 'No, Holly, she's not for you.' She was cheap,  || || /\_ Stoke On Trent  | stupid and wouldn't load - at least not for   _/|| ||\_/ | ST7 8QQ England.| me, anyway."			     Red Dwarf |_/ |_| \_|/  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS A LIST OF ALL PEOPLE REGISTERED AS VOTING UP TILL 11:30 GMT MARCH 17TH. IF YOU HAVE VOTED AND DO NOT APPEAR ON THIS LIST, SEND ANOTHER VOTE TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS, AND STATE THAT THIS IS A REPOST. THE NAMES ARE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER AND DO NOT SHOW WHICH WAY THE USER VOTED. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------       1	Al-Rashid Shahir [email protected]      2	Allison, Warwick [[email protected]]      3	Baljeu, R.J.    [email protected]      4	Benningfield Jr., Robert F. [benningf%aurfs1%[email protected]]      5	Bernardo, Marcelino [[email protected]]      6	Booth, Wayne [trek\@ihlpb!att!com]      7	Brian, Cooper [[email protected]]      8	Brink, Ate [[email protected]]      9	Brod, Claus [[email protected]]     10	Brown, Alan [[email protected]]     11	Bunch, John [[email protected]]     12	Buschhaus, Karl [email protected]     13	Caple, Steve [[email protected]]     14	Castellano, Nicholas S. [[email protected]]     15	Chapman, Ian []     16	Churchill, Dave [[email protected]]     17	Clack, Eric [[email protected]]     18	Coile, Steve [[email protected]]     19	Cole, Marlon [ [email protected] ]     20	Collis, John [[email protected]]     21	Cotsell, Bruce [email protected]     22	Cummins, John [[email protected]]     23	Current, Michael [[email protected]]     24	da Silva, Peter [[email protected]]     25	Davidson, Kevin [[email protected]]     26	dierikx marc [email protected]     27	DiMasi, Nicholas [[email protected]]     28	Douglas,Giles [email protected]     29	Dunham, Jerry [[email protected]]     30	Eker, Steven [[email protected]]     31	Evans, Gwyn [[email protected]]     32	Evans, Michael [[email protected]]     33	Farah, Miguel [[email protected]]     34	Farrell, Gordon [[email protected]]     35	Fink, Oliver [[email protected]]     36	forget, michel [[email protected]]     37	Forsgren, Per-Olov [[email protected]]     38	Franklin, Greg [[email protected]]     39	Gelner, Kendall [[email protected]]     40	Gilbert, Ben [[email protected]]     41	Goggin, Dave [[email protected]]     42	Grabnar, Matija [email protected]     43	Grimm, Steven [[email protected]]     44	Gustavsson, Per [email protected]     45	Halliday, david [[email protected]]     46	Hatz, Mike [[email protected]]     47	Hays, Bob [[email protected]]     48	Heinen, Benedikt [[email protected]]     49	Henanger, Erling [[email protected]]     50	Henders, John [email protected]     51	Hendrickson, Eric [[email protected]]     52	Hoffman, Andreas [[email protected]]     53	Hohmuth, Michael [[email protected]]     54	Hooover, Bruce [email protected]     55	Hutchinson, John [[email protected]]     56	Johannes, Gronvall [[email protected]]     57	Juergen Lock <[email protected]>     58	Jung, Wolfgang [[email protected]]     59	Juul, Arne [[email protected]]     60	Kaltefleiter, Roland [[email protected]]     61	Kilian, Jens [[email protected]]     62	Klassa, John [[email protected]]     63	Klockars, Johan [[email protected]]     64	Koehling, Martin [[email protected]]     65	Kreymer, Arthur [email protected]     66	Krimen, Ed [[email protected]]     67	Krohn, John  [email protected]     68	Lai, C.W.   [email protected]     69	Lake, Marshall [[email protected] address]     70	Lange, Eberhard [[email protected]]     71	lau, stephen [[email protected]]     72	Lehett, John [email protected]     73	Lehovich, Andre [[email protected]]     74	Levis  OS/2, Mike [[email protected]]     75	Lindahl, Greg [email protected]     76	Lingnau, Anselm [[email protected]]     77	lister, john [[email protected]]      78	Lodge, Mathew [[email protected]]     79	Lundberg, Andrew [[email protected]]     80	Lynbech, Christian [email protected]     81	magro, joseph [[email protected]]     82	magro, william [[email protected]]     83	Marble, Chris [[email protected]]     84	Maynard, Jay [[email protected]]     85	McDonald, Kier [[email protected]]     86	McGuire, Ed [email protected]     87	McLaggan, Dougie  [email protected]     88	McNicol, David [[email protected]]     89	Miller, Ricahrd [email protected]     90	Moorcroft, Marc [[email protected]]     91	Mountifield, Tony [[email protected]]     92	Nagel, Erlend [[email protected]]     93	Newman, Ken [[email protected]]     94	Noest, Boerge [[email protected]]     95	Noh, Jay [[email protected]]     96	Nummelin, Arto [[email protected]]     97	O'Bryan, Mark [[email protected]]     98	OAKLEY, ANDREW <[email protected]>     99	Oakley, David <[email protected]>    100	Ochocki, Russell [[email protected]]    101	Olson, Eric [[email protected]]    102	Oosterhoff, Auke  [email protected]    103	Owens, Bill [[email protected]]    104	Paetau, Rasmus [email protected]    105	Page, Donald [[email protected]]    106	park, michael [[email protected]]    107	Paschall-Zimbel, David [email protected]    108	Pelletier, Yves [email protected]    109	Peterschmidt, Kurt [[email protected]]    110	Peterson, Brian [[email protected]]    111	Plutchak, Joel <[email protected]>    112	Power, Matt [[email protected]]    113	[email protected]    114	Quinn, Michael [email protected]    115	Rae, Ian [[email protected]]    116	Rauch, Felix [[email protected]]    117	Reed,Dan [[email protected]]    118	Rice, Rob [[email protected]]    119	Ridd, Chris [email protected]    120	Rogers, Steve [[email protected]]    121	Ryan, Sean [[email protected]]    122	Sanchez, Eugenio, [email protected]    123	Schaaf, Richard ([email protected])    124	Schr"oder, Martin [[email protected]]    125	Schulze, Thomas [[email protected]]    126	Schuster, Bernd [[email protected]]    127	Schwingen, Michael [[email protected]]    128	sheldon, steve [email protected]    129	Skar, Anders [[email protected]]    130	Spear, Geoffrey [[email protected]]    131	Spiker, Robert W. [[email protected]]    132	Steve Jr, Michael [[email protected]]    133	Stevenson, David [[email protected]]    134	Stoks, Sander [[email protected]]    135	Syratt,Richard [[email protected]]    136	Thomas, David [[email protected]]    137	Tomlinson, Howard Karnov [email protected]    138	Trier, Stephen [email protected]    139	TVEITO, ODDVAR [[email protected]]    140	Vance, Joachim [[email protected]]    141	vasileff, david [[email protected]]    142	Veenstra, Hendrik Jan [[email protected]]    143	Venable, Rick [ [email protected] ]    144	Verhoeven, marco [email protected]    145	Vizor, Nick [[email protected]]    146	von Gunten, Ralf [[email protected]]    147	Vries, Robert de [[email protected]]    148	Wagner, Gary [[email protected]]    149	Weber-Fahr, Christoph, [email protected]    150	white, stephen [[email protected]]               151	Winter, Matthew [email : [email protected]]    152	wood, Victor {[email protected]}    153	Woodbury, Gregory [[email protected]]    154	Yannikos, Marinos [[email protected]]  From [email protected] Wed Apr  7 11:45:44 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (David Oakley) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,, Subject: RESULT: comp.sys.atari.advocacy passes 170:36 Followup-To: news.groups Date: 6 Apr 1993 12:33:18 -0400 Organization: ASTRAsoft at the University of Birmingham, England. Lines: 242 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3437 news.groups:69267  Voting for the creation of new newsgroup comp.sys.atari.advocacy was closed on 1st April, 1993. The final result was:  	Yes votes:	170 	No votes:	36  	Yes - No:	134	(must be over 100) 	Ratio Yes/No:	82.5%	(must be over 66.7%)  This proposal has passed its voting stage.  Please check your vote. If there are no significant irregularities or objections reported after the 5-day consulting period, then the group will be created.  Thankyou to all who voted, YES or NO!  David Oakley, proposer comp.sys.atari.advocacy  170 Yes votes were cast, and were as follows:       1	Al-Rashid Shahir 	[email protected]      2	Allison, Warwick 	[email protected]      3	Anderson, David 	[email protected]      4	Anisko, Robert 		[email protected]      5	Anthony, Lea 		[email protected]      6	Atwood, Mark 		[email protected]      7	Baffoni, Mike 		[email protected]      8	Baljeu, R.J.    	[email protected]      9	Bergman, Leif 		[email protected]     10	Bernardo, Marcelino 	[email protected]     11	Blumberg, Seth 		[email protected]     12	Booth, Wayne 		trek\@ihlpb!att!com     13	Breese, Justin 		[email protected]     14	Brian, Cooper 		[email protected]     15	Brink, Ate 		[email protected]     16	Brod, Claus 		[email protected]: YES     17	Brown, Alan 		[email protected]     18	Browne, Christopher 	[email protected]     19	Bunch, John 		[email protected]     20	Burghardt, Aaron 	[email protected]     21	Buschhaus, Karl 	[email protected]     22	Caple, Steve 		[email protected]     23	Card, Peter 		[email protected]     24	Castellano, Nicholas	[email protected]     25	Chapman, Ian     26	Churchill, Dave 	[email protected]     27	Clack, Eric 		[email protected]     28	Cole, Marlon 		[email protected]      29	Collis, John 		[email protected]     30	Cotsell, Bruce 		[email protected]     31	Cummins, John 		[email protected]     32	Current, Michael 	[email protected]     33	David, Adam 		[email protected]     34	Davidson, Kevin 	[email protected]     35	dierikx marc 		[email protected]     36	DiMasi, Nicholas 	[email protected]     37	Douglas,Giles 		[email protected]     38	Dunham, Jerry 		[email protected]     39	Eker, Steven 		[email protected]     40	Evans, Gwyn 		[email protected]     41	Evans, Michael 		[email protected]     42	Farah, Miguel 		[email protected]     43	Farrell, Gordon 	[email protected]     44	Fason, Kevin 		[email protected]     45	forget, michel 		[email protected]     46	Forsgren, Per-Olov 	[email protected]     47	fox, daniel 		[email protected]     48	Franklin, Greg 		[email protected]     49	Gelner, Kendall 	[email protected]     50	Gilbert, Ben 		[email protected]     51	Goggin, Dave 		[email protected]     52	Grabnar, Matija 	[email protected] :YES     53	Grimm, Steven 		[email protected]     54	Groenink, Annius V. 	[email protected]     55	Gustavsson, Per 	[email protected]     56	Halliday, david 	[email protected]     57	Harrison, Graham 	[email protected]     58	Hays, Bob 		[email protected]     59	Heinen, Benedikt 	[email protected]     60	Henanger, Erling 	[email protected]     61	Hencken, Kai 		[email protected]     62	Henders, John 		[email protected]: YES     63	Herborth, Chris 	[email protected]     64	Hicks, Christopher 	[email protected]      65	Hjort, Henrik 		[email protected]     66	Hoffman, Andreas 	[email protected]     67	Hohmuth, Michael 	[email protected]     68	hruby, paul 		[email protected]     69	Hutchinson, John 	[email protected]     70	Juergen Lock 		[email protected]     71	Juergen, Hahn 		[email protected]     72	Jung, Wolfgang 		[email protected]     73	Jutegerd, Rickard  	[email protected]     74	Kilian, Jens 		[email protected]     75	Kitowicz, Jack, 	[email protected]: YES     76	Klassa, John 		[email protected]     77	Klockars, Johan 	[email protected]     78	Koehling, Martin 	[email protected]     79	Kreymer, Arthur 	[email protected]     80	Krimen, Ed 		[email protected]     81	Krohn, John  		[email protected]     82	Kurza, John 		[email protected]     83	Lai, C.W.   		[email protected]     84	Lange, Eberhard 	[email protected]     85	Lavi, Mark J. 		[email protected]     86	Lee, Chen-Ming 		[email protected]     87	Lehett, John 		[email protected]     88	Levis  OS/2, Mike 	[email protected]     89	Lingnau, Anselm 	[email protected]     90	Lister, john 		[email protected]      91	Lodge, Mathew 		[email protected]     92	Love, Kenneth 		[email protected]     93	Lundberg, Andrew 	[email protected]     94	Lundquist, Eric 	[email protected]     95	Lynbech, Christian 	[email protected]     96	magro, joseph 		[email protected]: YES     97	magro, william 		[email protected]: YES     98	Malham, Dave 		[email protected]     99	Marble, Chris 		[email protected]    100	Marshall, Keith 	[email protected]    101	Maynard, Jay 		[email protected]: YES    102	McCormack, Sean 	[email protected]    103	McDonald, Kier 		[email protected]    104	McGuire, Ed 		[email protected]    105	McLaggan, Dougie  	[email protected]    106	McNicol, David 		[email protected]    107	Mountifield, Tony 	[email protected]    108	Nagel, Erlend 		[email protected]    109	Newman, Ken 		[email protected]    110	Noest, Boerge 		[email protected]    111	Nummelin, Arto 		[email protected]    112	O'Bryan, Mark 		[email protected]    113	Oakley, Andrew 		[email protected]: YES    114	Oakley, David 		[email protected]    115	Ochocki, Russell 	[email protected]    116	Oke, Simon 		[email protected]    117	Oosterhoff, Auke  	[email protected]    118	Paetau, Rasmus 		[email protected]    119	Page, Donald 		[email protected] YES    120	Park, Michael 		[email protected]    121	Paschall-Zimbel, David	[email protected]: YES    122	Pelletier, Yves 	[email protected]    123	Peterschmidt, Kurt 	[email protected]    124	Peterson, Brian 	[email protected]    125	?			[email protected]: YES    126	Quinn, Michael 		[email protected]:  YES    127	Rae, Ian 		[email protected]    128	Rauch, Felix 		[email protected]    129	Ravens, Waldi 		walra%[email protected]    130	Reed,Dan 		[email protected]: YES    131	Rice, Rob 		[email protected]    132	Ridd, Chris 		[email protected]    133	Schaaf, Richard 	[email protected]    134	Schr"oder, Martin 	[email protected]    135	Schulze, Thomas 	[email protected]    136	Schuster, Bernd 	[email protected]    137	Schwingen, Michael 	[email protected]    138	Singleton, john 	[email protected]    139	Skar, Anders 		[email protected]    140	Sobek, Ralph 		[email protected]    141	Spacek, Mark 		[email protected]    142	Spear, Geoffrey 	[email protected]    143	Steve Jr, Michael 	[email protected]    144	Stevenson, David 	[email protected]    145	Stoks, Sander 		[email protected]    146	Stuyvesant, Eric 	[email protected]    147	Syratt,Richard 		[email protected]    148	Tagliaro, Paolo 	[email protected]    149	Tashian, Carl 		[email protected]    150	Thomas, David 		[email protected]    151	Tomlinson, Howard	[email protected]    152	Tveito, Oodvar 		[email protected]    153	van Oostrum, Piet 	[email protected]    154	Vance, Joachim 		[email protected]    155	Vasileff, david 	[email protected]    156	Veenstra, Hendrik Jan 	[email protected]    157	Venable, Rick 		[email protected]     158	Verhoeven, marco 	[email protected]    159	Vizor, Nick 		[email protected]    160	von Gunten, Ralf 	[email protected]    161	Wagner, Gary 		[email protected]    162	Weber-Fahr, Christoph, 	[email protected]: YES    163	Wells, Steven 		[email protected]    164	White, stephen 		[email protected]               165	Willekens, Jan 		[email protected]    166	Winter, Matthew 	[email protected]    167	Wokoun, Douglas 	[email protected]    168	Wood, Victor 		[email protected]    169	Woodbury, Gregory 	[email protected]    170	Yannikos, Marinos 	[email protected]   36 No votes were cast, and were as follows:       1	Benningfield Jr., Robert F. 	benningf%aurfs1%[email protected]      2	Carr, Dave 			[email protected]      3	Coile, Steve 			[email protected]      4	da Silva, Peter 		[email protected]      5	Fee, Charles 			[email protected]      6	Fenelon, Peter 			[email protected]      7	Fink, Oliver 			[email protected]      8	Hatz, Mike 			[email protected]      9	Hendrickson, Eric 		[email protected]     10	Hooover, Bruce 			[email protected]     11	JACOBI, MIKE  			[email protected]     12	Johannes, Gronvall 		[email protected]     13	Juul, Arne 			[email protected]     14	Kaltefleiter, Roland 		[email protected]     15	Klink, Oliver 			[email protected]     16	Lake, Marshall 			[email protected] address     17	lau, stephen 			[email protected]     18	Lehovich, Andre 		[email protected]     19	Lindahl, Greg 			[email protected]     20	Miller, Ricahrd 		[email protected]     21	Moorcroft, Marc 		[email protected]     22	Nesbitt, Murray 		[email protected]     23	Noh, Jay 			[email protected]     24	Olson, Eric 			[email protected]     25	Owens, Bill 			[email protected]     26	Petro, Herbert 			[email protected]     27	Plutchak, Joel 			[email protected]     28	Power, Matt 			[email protected]     29	Rogers, Steve 			[email protected]     30	Ryan, Sean 			[email protected]     31	Sanchez, Eugenio		[email protected]     32	Sanchez-Pe~a, Eugenio 		[email protected]     33	sheldon, steve 			[email protected]     34	Spiker, Robert W. 		[email protected]     35	Trier, Stephen 			[email protected]     36	Vries, Robert de 		[email protected]  Any invalid votes I have received, I have tried to reply to. Sorry if you do not appear above, and if you think that you should do, please contact me.  I am currently on holiday, so I can't guaruntee an immediate responce! --                                                                 .___ . David Oakley, ASTRAsoft shareware producers for the ST            //_ //| 6 Watlands Rd   |                                                 || || | Bignall End     | proposer of comp.sys.atari.advocacy             || || /\_ Stoke On Trent  |                                               _/|| ||\_/ | ST7 8QQ England.|                                              |_/ |_| \_|/  
A person who reads/browses newsgroups but does not actively post.
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