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HP-UX & 9000 ( comp.sys.hp.hpux )
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From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:41:32 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Randall Atkinson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.hp,comp.unix.misc,comp.unix.sys5.misc Subject: RFD: comp.sys.hp reorganizaion and comp.unix.hpux.* groups Followup-To: news.groups Date: 29 Mar 1993 19:31:39 -0500 Organization: Naval Research Laboratory, DC Lines: 62 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3405 news.groups:68763 comp.sys.hp:29504 comp.unix.misc:7930 comp.unix.sys5.misc:146    This is a formal USENET Request for Discussion.  This proposal will be discussed in news.groups for at least three weeks after this is posted to news.announce.newgroups.  At the end of that time if the proposer feels there exists consensus on name and charter, a formal Call for Votes might be made.  Each proposal will of course be voted on separately if that time comes.  BACKGROUND:   The existing newsgroup comp.sys.hp has a high volume of traffic which is on diverse subjects.  Volume is so high as to make it difficult for readers to follow items of interest, even with threaded newsreaders and kill files.  It is proposed to split the newsgroup by topic into more managable pieces.  FORMAL PROPOSAL:   Create	comp.unix.hpux.programmer	 		HP Unix is sufficiently ancient (System V, Release 2.2) that 		porting software to it is a highly non-trivial task.  Similarly 		writing portable software for it is difficult.  There are  		already significant programmer/porting/development postings 		on HPUX.  Since the USENET convention is to create such  		groups with the name ~.programmer, this is the proposed name.    Create	comp.unix.hpux.apps 		Many users and postings relate only to applications which  		happen to run under HPUX.  Many of these readers are only 		interested in applications discussions.  Since the USENET 		convention is to create such groups with the name ~.apps, 		this is the proposed name.    Create	comp.unix.hpux.misc 		This will be the catch-all group for HPUX discussions that 		don't relate to either of the above groups.  Again, the 		proposed name follows USENET conventions on naming.    Create	comp.sys.hp.pc 		There are regular if low volume postings relating to HP's 		MSDOS-compatible personal computers.  It is proposed to 		split them off since their discussions are substantially 		separate from other discussions.    Create	comp.sys.hp.printers 		HP printers are popular and are often discussed both 		in comp.periphs* and in comp.sys.hp.  This splits the 		printer discussions out from the HP computer discussions 		which is appropriate because many people have an HP 		printer but not an HP computer.    Rename	comp.sys.hp  TO	 comp.sys.hp.misc 		This is for discussion of other HP products (e.g. instruments) 		and for HP-related discussions that do not fit in any of 		the above group.  The renaming is proposed to conform to 		the standard USENET practice on such catch-all groups. 		Having it at the same hierarchy as other newsgroups in 		the same tree has been shown over the years to reduce the 		amount of inappropriate cross-postings.    Comments should be posted to news.groups and so followups are directed there.  Please post rather than sending me email. --  Ran [email protected]  From [email protected] Mon Jul 26 12:21:04 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Christopher Hudel <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.hp Subject: RFD: comp.sys.hp reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 26 Jul 1993 11:50:47 -0400 Organization: Hewlett-Packard Lines: 58 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3864 news.groups:77508 comp.sys.hp:35340  			  REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION 			COMP.SYS.HP REORGANIZATION	  This is the first "Request for Discussion" for the restructuring of the comp.sys.hp hierarchy.  The current proposal is to split  "comp.sys.hp" into relevant sub-groups.  Proposed New comp.sys.hp hierarchy ---------------------------------- Because of increased traffic on comp.sys.hp and in keeping with the spirit of other popular comp.sys.* newsgroups, I propose comp.sys.hp be split into the following sub-groups:  comp.sys.hp.announce [Moderated]   - a moderated forum for HP product/service announcements that would     be of interest to people currently reading any *hp* newsgroup.  comp.sys.hp.hardware [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated arena for the discussion of Hewlett Packard system's     hardware, including workstations, Xterminals, mainframes, printers,     *any* hardware questions EXCEPT HP calculators which are already     discussed in comp.sys.hp48.  comp.sys.hp.apps [Unmoderated]   - an open area for the dicussion of software applications running on     any HP platform.  comp.sys.hp.admin [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated forum for the discussion of system administration issues     pertaining to HP products.  comp.sys.hp.misc [Unmoderated]   - a freely accessible place for the communication of issues not covered     in any other comp.sys.hp.* newsgroup.   Notes ----- The idea of restructuring comp.sys.hp gets hashed and rehashed a few times each year, but nothing is ever done formally. Hopefully, with this formal document, some needed work can be accomplshed in comp.sys.hp.  This RFD appears in comp.sys.hp, news.groups, and news.announce.newgroups. All discussion is encouraged to take place ONLY on the "news.groups"      newsgroup and I have directed follow-ups there.    Call For Votes  -------------- The CFV will most likely commence Wednesday, September 1, 1993.  Since the proposal involves a major restructuring of the comp.sys.hp hierarchy, the RFD will last around 31 days. Because of my support for this restructuring and my current affiliation with Hewlett Packard, I will be asking a 3rd party to perform the actual vote counting.  I plan to post the CFV to the same groups as this RFD and will not be      mailing either the CFV or this RFD to any mailing list(s), although I encourage you to privately e-mail this RFD to any interested parties.  From [email protected] Tue Aug  3 15:54:17 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Christopher Hudel <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.hp Subject: 2nd RFD: comp.sys.hp reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 3 Aug 1993 14:19:39 -0400 Organization: Hewlett Packard Lines: 81 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3907 news.groups:78055 comp.sys.hp:35797  [Please note the changes made to the proposal in lieu of recent            |  discussions, indicated by the change bars on the right -------------->>]  |  	        	2nd  REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION 			COMP.SYS.HP REORGANIZATION	  This is the second "Request for Discussions" for the restructuring of the the comp.sys.hp hierarchy.  The current proposal is to split "comp.sys.hp" into relevant sub-groups.  Proposed New comp.sys.hp hierarchy ---------------------------------- In keeping with other popular comp.sys.* newsgroups, I propose comp.sys.hp be split in to the following sub-groups:  comp.sys.hp.hardware [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated arena for the discussion of Hewlett Packard system's     hardware, including workstations, Xterminals, mainframes, printers,     *any* hardware questions EXCEPT HP calculators which are already     discussed in comp.sys.hp48. [Unmoderated]                                         |   - an open area for the dicussion of software applications running on     |     any HP platform, although HPUX and MPE specific software solutions     |      be discussed in the corresponding comp.sys.hp.hpux and                 |     comp.sys.hp.mpe newsgroups.                                            |  comp.sys.hp.hpux     [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated forum for the duscission of system administration and   |     other issues pertaining to the HP-UX operating system.                 |      comp.sys.hp.mpe      [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated forum for the duscission of system administration and   |     other issues pertaining to the MPE operating system.                   |      comp.sys.hp.misc     [Unmoderated]   - a freely accessible place for the communication of issues not covered     in any other comp.sys.hp.* newsgroup.   - HP product announcements will be posted to this newsgroup monthly.     |   Notes ----- The idea of restructuring comp.sys.hp gets hashed and rehashed a few times each year, but nothing is ever done formally. Hopefully, with this formal document, some needed work can be accomplshed in comp.sys.hp.  This RFD appears in comp.sys.hp, news.groups, and news.announce.newgroups. All discussion is encouraged to take place ONLY on the "news.groups"      newsgroup and I have directed follow-ups there.  I am reluctant to add new groups "for future expansion" or groups to      | field questions that sometimes arise -- I feel the articles should be     | posted to comp.sys.hp.misc and then, if/when c.s.h.misc becomes dominated | by another non-misc topic, a new newsgroup be created later.  There is    | some virtue, imho, to not having too many newsgroups. (I recall that the  | 'guide for newsgroups' suggests not creating a newsgroup untill the volume| is ~20/day -- do we really get 20 articles/day on Vectras or Printers?    |   The comp.sys.hp.{mpe|hpux} are NOT named comp.os.{mpe|hpux} since the     | intended discussion in the c.s.hp.* groups focus on MORE than just the    | os -- I am in fact, using the os to distinguish between two major types   | of HP users, since most people *know* they're running HPUX or MPE but     |  aren't always aware that one is a 9000 computer and the other a 4825+.     |  Also note, the *.{mpe|hpux} newsgroups INCLUDE administration so there    | no longer exists a proposal for a comp.sys.hp.admin newsgroup.            |   Call For Votes  -------------- The CFV will most likely commence Wednesday, September 1, 1993.  Since the proposal involves a major restructuring of the comp.sys.hp hierarchy, the RFD will last around 31 days. Because of my support for this restructuring and my current affiliation with Hewlett Packard, I     | haved asked for a 3rd party to perform the actual vote counting and       | Ron Dippold ( -- but don't send him e-mail!) has agreed to   | impartially and objectively run the vote.                                 |  I plan to post the CFV to the same groups as this RFD and will not be      mailing either the CFV or this RFD to any mailing list(s), although I encourage you to privately e-mail this RFD to any interested parties.  From [email protected] Fri Aug 13 20:13:12 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Christopher Hudel <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.hp Subject: 3rd RFD: comp.sys.hp.* reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 13 Aug 1993 19:16:41 -0400 Organization: Software Quality Assurance, Panacom Division, Hewlett Packard Canada Ltd. Lines: 85 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3938 news.groups:78704 comp.sys.hp:36511  [Everything is going "smoothly" and this is the last RFD that I'll be  posting -- watch for the CFV near the end of August or very early  September.  Thanks for your opinions! -Chris.]  [Please note the changes made to the proposal in lieu of recent            |  discussions, indicated by the change bars on the right -------------->>]  |  	        	3rd  REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION 			COMP.SYS.HP REORGANIZATION	  This is the third "Request for Discussions" for the restructuring of the the comp.sys.hp hierarchy.  The current proposal is to split "comp.sys.hp" into relevant sub-groups.  Proposed New comp.sys.hp hierarchy ---------------------------------- In keeping with other popular comp.sys.* newsgroups, I propose comp.sys.hp be split in to the following sub-groups:  comp.sys.hp.hardware [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated arena for the discussion of Hewlett Packard system's     hardware, including workstations, Xterminals, mainframes, printers,     *any* hardware questions EXCEPT HP calculators which are already     discussed in comp.sys.hp48.  comp.sys.hp.apps [Unmoderated]                                             |   - an open area for the dicussion of software & applications running on   |     any HP platform, although HPUX and MPE specific software solutions     |      be discussed in the corresponding comp.sys.hp.hpux and                 |     comp.sys.hp.mpe newsgroups.                                            |  comp.sys.hp.hpux     [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated forum for the duscission of system administration and       other issues pertaining to the HP-UX operating system.                     comp.sys.hp.mpe      [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated forum for the duscission of system administration and     other issues pertaining to the MPE operating system.                     comp.sys.hp.misc     [Unmoderated]   - a freely accessible place for the communication of issues not covered     in any other comp.sys.hp.* newsgroup.   - HP product announcements will be posted to this newsgroup monthly.   Notes ----- The idea of restructuring comp.sys.hp gets hashed and rehashed a few times each year, but nothing is ever done formally. Hopefully, with this formal document, some needed work can be accomplshed in comp.sys.hp.  This RFD appears in comp.sys.hp, news.groups, and news.announce.newgroups. All discussion is encouraged to take place ONLY on the "news.groups"      newsgroup and I have directed follow-ups there.  I am reluctant to add new groups "for future expansion" or groups to       field questions that sometimes arise -- I feel the articles should be      posted to comp.sys.hp.misc and then, if/when c.s.h.misc becomes dominated  by another non-misc topic, a new newsgroup be created later.  There is     some virtue, imho, to not having too many newsgroups. (I recall that the   'guide for newsgroups' suggests not creating a newsgroup untill the volume is ~20/day -- do we really get 20 articles/day on Vectras or Printers?       The comp.sys.hp.{mpe|hpux} are NOT named comp.os.{mpe|hpux} since the      intended discussion in the c.s.hp.* groups focus on MORE than just the     os -- I am in fact, using the os to distinguish between two major types    of HP users, since most people *know* they're running HPUX or MPE but       aren't always aware that one is a 9000 computer and the other a 4825+.       Also note, the *.{mpe|hpux} newsgroups INCLUDE administration so there     no longer exists a proposal for a comp.sys.hp.admin newsgroup.              Call For Votes  -------------- The CFV will most likely commence on or before Wednesday, September 1, 1993. Since the proposal involves a major restructuring of the comp.sys.hp hierarchy, the RFD will last around 31 days. Because of my support for this restructuring and my current affiliation with Hewlett Packard, I      haved asked for a 3rd party to perform the actual vote counting and        Ron Dippold ( -- but don't send him e-mail!) has agreed to    impartially and objectively run the vote.                                   I plan to post the CFV to the same groups as this RFD and will not be      mailing either the CFV or this RFD to any mailing list(s), although I encourage you to privately e-mail this RFD to any interested parties.  From [email protected] Fri Sep  3 15:49:21 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Kluft) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.hp Subject: CFV: comp.sys.hp reorganization Followup-To: poster Date: 3 Sep 1993 11:04:11 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 123 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4007 news.groups:80689 comp.sys.hp:37648                        1st CALL FOR VOTES  (of 3)                       COMP.SYS.HP REORGANIZATION  Unmoderated groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware    Discussion of Hewlett Packard system hardware comp.sys.hp.apps        Discussion of software and apps on all HP platforms comp.sys.hp.hpux        Issues pertaining to HP-UX & 9000 series computers comp.sys.hp.mpe         Issues pertaining to MPE & 4825+ series computers comp.sys.hp.misc        Issues not covered in any other comp.sys.hp group  Votes must be received by 23:59 GMT on 2 Oct 1993.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact [email protected] (Ian Kluft).  For questions about the proposed groups, contact [email protected] (Christopher Hudel).  The official distribution channels for the CFVs in this vote will be the newsgroups news.announce.newgroups, news.groups and comp.sys.hp.  It will also be available via an e-mail server at [email protected] (to answer requests for copies of the CFV for the vote-taker.)  CHARTERS -------- comp.sys.hp.hardware [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated arena for the discussion of Hewlett Packard systems     hardware, including workstations, Xterminals, mainframes, printers,     *any* hardware questions EXCEPT HP calculators which are already     discussed in comp.sys.hp48.  comp.sys.hp.apps [Unmoderated]   - an open area for the discussion of software & applications running on     any HP platform, although HPUX and MPE specific software solutions     be discussed in the corresponding comp.sys.hp.hpux and     comp.sys.hp.mpe newsgroups.  comp.sys.hp.hpux [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated forum for the discussion of system administration and     other issues pertaining to the HP-UX operating system.  comp.sys.hp.mpe [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated forum for the discussion of system administration and     other issues pertaining to the MPE operating system.  comp.sys.hp.misc [Unmoderated]   - a freely accessible place for the communication of issues not covered     in any other comp.sys.hp.* newsgroup.   - HP product announcements will be posted to this newsgroup monthly.  Note: comp.sys.hp.misc is proposed to replace comp.sys.hp.  STANDARD VOTE FORM ------------------ Please REPLY to this message via MAIL.  (Posts to a newsgroup are invalid.) The voting address is       [email protected] Simply replying by MAIL to this message should work.  You will receive a reply within a few days after your votes are received which indicates how the voting software thinks you voted - please mail corrections immediately to the vote-taker: [email protected] (Ian Kluft)  PLEASE USE THE FORM AS IT IS.  However, please remove the rest of the CFV >from your reply in order to reduce the disk space requirements to store it.  Please do not delete anything between the "-=-=-=-=-" lines - and most certainly do not modify the group names.  Votes will be tallied by an automatic program.  If it can't determine your vote you will be asked to re-vote.  For each group, simply add your vote in the appropriate space on the same line.  Recognized votes are Yes, No, For, and Against. Yes and For are equivalent, as are No and Against.  Capitalization is not important. If you don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters ">" that your reply inserts.  You may _NOT_ do a combined vote - i.e., "I vote for all of them" or "I vote against all of them."  Please use the form.  You may only vote once, regardless of how many accounts you may have. Later votes replace previous ones.  Forwarded or proxy votes are invalid.  Standard guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person regardless of how many accounts you have.  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.  Summary: Fill in your voting choices on the lines with the newsgroup names.  Don't delete anything on the ballot form.  Remove the rest of the CFV from your reply.  Limit one vote per person.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  comp.sys.hp reorganization Ballot    [C-S-HP-BALLOT-0001]    If your mail software does not add your name to your user ID give   your name here (on this line):  Your Vote  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- yes >no               comp.sys.hp.hardware            comp.sys.hp.apps            comp.sys.hp.hpux            comp.sys.hp.mpe            comp.sys.hp.misc  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  This is the 1st of 3 CFVs which will appear during the voting period.  Due to the potential size of this vote, the vote-taker has elected to follow the trend toward "bounce-only" acknowledgements.  All votes will be acknowledged via e-mail.  Any acknowledgements which are returned as undeliverable will be listed in the 2nd and 3rd CFVs so that the voters know their votes were received.  During the voting period, there will not be any "mass-acks" which would have listed the sources of all the votes received.  Mass-acks have been increasingly viewed as a waste of network bandwidth when e-mail acknowledgements are also in use.   From [email protected] Fri Sep 10 12:44:40 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Kluft) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.hp Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.sys.hp reorganization Followup-To: poster Date: 9 Sep 1993 13:17:45 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 139 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4029 news.groups:81245 comp.sys.hp:37927                        2nd CALL FOR VOTES  (of 3)                       COMP.SYS.HP REORGANIZATION  Unmoderated groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware    Discussion of Hewlett Packard system hardware comp.sys.hp.apps        Discussion of software and apps on all HP platforms comp.sys.hp.hpux        Issues pertaining to HP-UX & 9000 series computers comp.sys.hp.mpe         Issues pertaining to MPE & 4825+ series computers comp.sys.hp.misc        Issues not covered in any other comp.sys.hp group  Votes must be received by 23:59 GMT on 2 Oct 1993.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact [email protected] (Ian Kluft).  For questions about the proposed groups, contact [email protected] (Christopher Hudel).  The official distribution channels for the CFVs in this vote are the newsgroups news.announce.newgroups, news.groups and comp.sys.hp.  It is also available via an e-mail server at [email protected] (to answer requests for copies of the CFV for the vote-taker.)  A "bounce acknowledgement" is included at the end of this CFV for cases where e-mail acknowledgements were returned to the vote-taker.  CHARTERS -------- comp.sys.hp.hardware [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated arena for the discussion of Hewlett Packard systems     hardware, including workstations, Xterminals, mainframes, printers,     *any* hardware questions EXCEPT HP calculators which are already     discussed in comp.sys.hp48.  comp.sys.hp.apps [Unmoderated]   - an open area for the discussion of software & applications running on     any HP platform, although HPUX and MPE specific software solutions     be discussed in the corresponding comp.sys.hp.hpux and     comp.sys.hp.mpe newsgroups.  comp.sys.hp.hpux [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated forum for the discussion of system administration and     other issues pertaining to the HP-UX operating system.  comp.sys.hp.mpe [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated forum for the discussion of system administration and     other issues pertaining to the MPE operating system.  comp.sys.hp.misc [Unmoderated]   - a freely accessible place for the communication of issues not covered     in any other comp.sys.hp.* newsgroup.   - HP product announcements will be posted to this newsgroup monthly.  Note: comp.sys.hp.misc is proposed to replace comp.sys.hp.  STANDARD VOTE FORM ------------------ Please REPLY to this message via MAIL.  (Posts to a newsgroup are invalid.) The voting address is       [email protected] Simply replying by MAIL to this message should work.  You will receive a reply within a few days after your votes are received which indicates how the voting software thinks you voted - please mail corrections immediately to the vote-taker: [email protected] (Ian Kluft)  PLEASE USE THE FORM AS IT IS.  However, please remove the rest of the CFV >from your reply in order to reduce the disk space requirements to store it.  Please do not delete anything between the "-=-=-=-=-" lines - and most certainly do not modify the group names.  Votes will be tallied by an automatic program.  If it can't determine your vote you will be asked to re-vote.  For each group, simply add your vote in the appropriate space on the same line.  Recognized votes are Yes, No, For, and Against. Yes and For are equivalent, as are No and Against.  Capitalization is not important. If you don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters ">" that your reply inserts.  You may _NOT_ do a combined vote - i.e., "I vote for all of them" or "I vote against all of them."  Please use the form.  You may only vote once, regardless of how many accounts you may have. Later votes replace previous ones.  Forwarded or proxy votes are invalid.  Standard guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person regardless of how many accounts you have.  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.  Summary: Fill in your voting choices on the lines with the newsgroup names.  Don't delete anything on the ballot form.  Remove the rest of the CFV from your reply.  Limit one vote per person.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  comp.sys.hp reorganization Ballot    [C-S-HP-BALLOT-0002]    If your mail software does not add your name to your user ID give   your name here (on this line):  Your Vote  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- yes >no               comp.sys.hp.hardware            comp.sys.hp.apps            comp.sys.hp.hpux            comp.sys.hp.mpe            comp.sys.hp.misc  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  This is the 2nd of 3 CFVs scheduled to appear during the voting period.  comp.sys.hp reorganization Bounce Ack List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Due to the potential size of this vote, the vote-taker has elected to follow the trend toward "bounce-only" acknowledgements.  All votes are acknowledged via e-mail.  The acknowledgements to the following voters were returned as undeliverable:  [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]  The people listed above have submitted *valid* votes which have been counted but could not be acknowledged by e-mail.  Anyone who did not receive an acknowledgement in e-mail or in this bounce ack may try again to vote.  If difficulty continues, contact the vote-taker and/or your site's e-mail administrator for assistance.  During the voting period, there will not be any "mass-acks".  Mass-acks have been increasingly viewed as a waste of network bandwidth when e-mail acknowledgements are also in use.  From [email protected] Thu Sep 16 14:00:44 1993 Path: uunet!not-for-mail From: [email protected] (Ian Kluft) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.hp Subject: 3rd CFV: comp.sys.hp reorganization Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 16 Sep 1993 10:16:17 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 145 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 3 Oct 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4057 news.groups:82043 comp.sys.hp:38440                        3rd CALL FOR VOTES  (of 3)                       COMP.SYS.HP REORGANIZATION  Unmoderated groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware    Discussion of Hewlett Packard system hardware comp.sys.hp.apps        Discussion of software and apps on all HP platforms comp.sys.hp.hpux        Issues pertaining to HP-UX & 9000 series computers comp.sys.hp.mpe         Issues pertaining to MPE & 4825+ series computers comp.sys.hp.misc        Issues not covered in any other comp.sys.hp group  Votes must be received by 23:59 GMT on 2 Oct 1993.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact [email protected] (Ian Kluft).  For questions about the proposed groups, contact [email protected] (Christopher Hudel).  The official distribution channels for the CFVs in this vote are the newsgroups news.announce.newgroups, news.groups and comp.sys.hp.  It is also available via an e-mail server at [email protected] (to answer requests for copies of the CFV for the vote-taker.)  A "bounce acknowledgement" is included at the end of this CFV for cases where e-mail acknowledgements were returned to the vote-taker.  CHARTERS -------- comp.sys.hp.hardware [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated arena for the discussion of Hewlett Packard systems     hardware, including workstations, Xterminals, mainframes, printers,     *any* hardware questions EXCEPT HP calculators which are already     discussed in comp.sys.hp48.  comp.sys.hp.apps [Unmoderated]   - an open area for the discussion of software & applications running on     any HP platform, although HPUX and MPE specific software solutions     be discussed in the corresponding comp.sys.hp.hpux and     comp.sys.hp.mpe newsgroups.  comp.sys.hp.hpux [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated forum for the discussion of system administration and     other issues pertaining to the HP-UX operating system.  comp.sys.hp.mpe [Unmoderated]   - an unmoderated forum for the discussion of system administration and     other issues pertaining to the MPE operating system.  comp.sys.hp.misc [Unmoderated]   - a freely accessible place for the communication of issues not covered     in any other comp.sys.hp.* newsgroup.   - HP product announcements will be posted to this newsgroup monthly.  Note: comp.sys.hp.misc is proposed to replace comp.sys.hp.  STANDARD VOTE FORM ------------------ Please REPLY to this message via MAIL.  (Posts to a newsgroup are invalid.) The voting address is       [email protected] Simply replying by MAIL to this message should work.  You will receive a reply within a few days after your votes are received which indicates how the voting software thinks you voted - please mail corrections immediately to the vote-taker: [email protected] (Ian Kluft)  PLEASE USE THE FORM AS IT IS.  However, please remove the rest of the CFV >from your reply in order to reduce the disk space requirements to store it.  Please do not delete anything between the "-=-=-=-=-" lines - and most certainly do not modify the group names.  Votes will be tallied by an automatic program.  If it can't determine your vote you will be asked to re-vote.  For each group, simply add your vote in the appropriate space on the same line.  Recognized votes are Yes, No, For, and Against. Yes and For are equivalent, as are No and Against.  Capitalization is not important. If you don't want to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters ">" that your reply inserts.  You may _NOT_ do a combined vote - i.e., "I vote for all of them" or "I vote against all of them."  Please use the form.  You may only vote once, regardless of how many accounts you may have. Later votes replace previous ones.  Forwarded or proxy votes are invalid.  Standard guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person regardless of how many accounts you have.  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.  Summary: Fill in your voting choices on the lines with the newsgroup names.  Don't delete anything on the ballot form.  Remove the rest of the CFV from your reply.  Limit one vote per person.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  comp.sys.hp reorganization Ballot    [C-S-HP-BALLOT-0003]    If your mail software does not add your name to your user ID give   your name here (on this line):  Your Vote  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- yes >no               comp.sys.hp.hardware            comp.sys.hp.apps            comp.sys.hp.hpux            comp.sys.hp.mpe            comp.sys.hp.misc  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  This is the 3rd of 3 CFVs scheduled to appear during the voting period.  comp.sys.hp reorganization Bounce Ack List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Due to the potential size of this vote, the vote-taker has chosen to follow the trend toward "bounce-only" acknowledgements.  All votes are acknowledged via e-mail.  The acknowledgements to the following voters were returned as undeliverable:  JOHN_W%[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]!madnix!jaeger%[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]  The people listed above have submitted *valid* votes which have been counted but could not be acknowledged by e-mail.  Anyone who did not receive an acknowledgement in e-mail or in this bounce ack may try again to vote.  If difficulty continues, contact the vote-taker and/or your site's e-mail administrator for assistance.  During the voting period, there will not be any "mass-acks".  Mass-acks have been increasingly viewed as a waste of network bandwidth when e-mail acknowledgements are also in use.  Full results will be posted after the voting period ends.  From [email protected] Tue Oct  5 13:09:43 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Kluft) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.hp Subject: RESULT: comp.sys.hp reorganization passes Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 5 Oct 1993 10:53:02 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 389 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4125 news.groups:83557 comp.sys.hp:39556  comp.sys.hp reorganization results - 337 valid votes   Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  305   22 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.sys.hp.hardware  288   34 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.sys.hp.apps  307   25 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.sys.hp.hpux  269   30 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.sys.hp.mpe  313   16 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.sys.hp.misc  All the groups passed.  If there are no serious objections arising from vote-taking procedures, the newsgroups will be created 5 days after these results are posted.  comp.sys.hp (replaced by comp.sys.hp.misc) will be removed on 2 February 1994.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For questions about votetaking procedures only, contact [email protected] (Ian Kluft).  For questions about the new newsgroups, contact [email protected] (Christopher Hudel).  Newsgroup lines for the new newsgroups  comp.sys.hp.hardware    Discussion of Hewlett Packard system hardware comp.sys.hp.apps        Discussion of software and apps on all HP platforms comp.sys.hp.hpux        Issues pertaining to HP-UX & 9000 series computers comp.sys.hp.mpe         Issues pertaining to MPE & 4825+ series computers comp.sys.hp.misc        Issues not covered in any other comp.sys.hp group   comp.sys.hp reorganization Final Vote Ack                                                       comp.sys.hp.misc -------+                                                       comp.sys.hp.mpe ------+|                                                      comp.sys.hp.hpux -----+||                                                      comp.sys.hp.apps ----+|||                                                  comp.sys.hp.hardware ---+||||                                                                          ||||| "csd630::amby"        Don Amby, HEI, (414)797-6713 YYYYY [email protected]                                    isaac blake YYYYY [email protected]                                      Antonio B. Leal -YYYY [email protected]                             Andrew Cagney Y-YYY [email protected]                                                           YNYYY [email protected]    Alan Rollow - Alan's Home for Wayward Tumblew YYYYY [email protected]                      Alexander Jung YYYYY [email protected]                                           Alex Magnetti YYYYY [email protected]                                    Anne Louise Gockel YYY-Y [email protected]                                    Anders Lindb{ck YYY-Y [email protected]                                Charles D. Rand YYYYY [email protected]                            Steven M. Cooper YYYYY [email protected]                                   Stan Sieler YYYYY [email protected]                                      Mark Allender YYYYY [email protected]                                         Alan Millar YYYYY [email protected]                                            Andy Feibus YNYYY [email protected]                                    Antonio REGAZZONI YYYYY [email protected]                                             Ari Rabinowitz YYYYY [email protected]                                   Tom Arons NNNNN [email protected]                                         Arul Ganeswaran YYYYY [email protected]                                        Andy Webb YYYYY [email protected]                                  Andreas Bagge YYY-Y [email protected]                        [email protected] YYYYY [email protected]                                   Alan Barrett --NN- [email protected]                            Elmar Bartel YYYYY [email protected]                                             Bart Muijzer YYYYY [email protected]                                            Marc Baudoin YYYYY [email protected]                                 Roland Bauer YYYYY [email protected]                                    John A. Baum YYYYY BBROWN%[email protected]                                  Bob Brown YYYYY [email protected]                                            Bdale Garbee YYYYY [email protected]                                                 Bruce Foster YYYYY [email protected]                                       David Bell YYYYY [email protected]                                        Bengt Larsson YYYYY [email protected]                                BESANCON Thierry YYYYY [email protected]                                Jerry Renault YYYYY [email protected]                                            B.J. Herbison YYYYY [email protected]                                     Robert J. Molerio YYYYY [email protected]                                           Bruce M. Walker YYYYY [email protected]                                           Bob Palmer YYYYY [email protected]                                  Eric M. Boehm YYYYY [email protected]                             Uwe Bonnes YYYYY [email protected]                                        Don Bowman YYYYY [email protected]                                       Bruno PIGUET YYYYY [email protected]                                                Brian Zook YYYYY [email protected]                                       Carl-Lykke Pedersen YYYYY [email protected]                                                Chris Roberson YYYYY [email protected]                                     Caroline Blackmun YYYYY [email protected]                                                  YYYYY [email protected]                                      Po Shan Cheah NNYNY [email protected]                                      Chris Eich YYYYY [email protected]                    Christian Finger YYYYY [email protected]                                Chua Hak Lien YYYYY [email protected]                                   Chuck Storla  YYYYY [email protected]                           Ion Cionca [epfl.sic.sii] YYYYY [email protected]                            Michael E. Clark YYYYY [email protected]                                      Claudio BOZZINI YYYYY [email protected]                                   Chris Marble YYYYY [email protected]                                     Conrad Geiger YYYYY [email protected]                                    Markus Czerner YYY-Y [email protected]                                            Christopher Rath YYYYY!madnix!jaeger%[email protected]    Jay R. Jaeger YYYYY [email protected]                                          Chris Liu YYYYY [email protected]                                                Craig Vespe YYYYY [email protected]                 Dan Lake, [email protected] YYYYY [email protected]                              Dave Crotchett YYYYY [email protected]                                        Dave Day NNNNN [email protected]                                        Dave Remien YYYYY [email protected]                                Dave Staudacher YYYYY [email protected]                                                David Sisson YYY-- [email protected]                                      David Kozinn YYYYY [email protected]                                     David Shum YYYYY [email protected]                             David J. Young YYYYY DAVID_GREER%[email protected]                              David Greer YYYYY [email protected]                                  Dawn Whiteside -NYYY [email protected]                                    David Bronder YYYYY [email protected]                                 David Dyer-Bennet YYYYY [email protected]                                          Dave Sill YYNYY [email protected]                             Dwight E. Cass YNYYY [email protected]                                         Deron Johnson --Y-Y [email protected]                                      David L. Craig YYYYY [email protected]                                         Marc (M.) Donovan YYYYY [email protected]                                 David K. Palmer YYYYY [email protected]                                      David W. Parter YYYYY [email protected]                                      Don Snider YYYYY [email protected]                                     Duncan Gibson YYYYY [email protected]                                   Ed Sarlls YYYYY [email protected]                                        Eric Eastman Eng. YYYYY [email protected]                                     Eric J. Olson NNNNN [email protected]                                                 Marc Elsen YYYYN [email protected]                                             John Peach YYYYY [email protected]                             Eric Peterson YYYYY [email protected]                              Erik Platzbecker YYY-Y [email protected]                                           Esko Lahdensivu YYYYY [email protected]                            Thierry EXCOFFIER YYY-Y [email protected]                                Erez \"HWank1\" Zadok YYY-Y [email protected]                                             Aaron Fein YYYYY [email protected]                                                Piero Fiozzo YYYYY [email protected]                                                    YYY-Y [email protected]                              Rob Francis YYYYY [email protected]                                            Frank McConnell Y-YYY [email protected]                                        Frank Dabelstein YYYYY [email protected]                                Frank Slootweg YYY-Y [email protected]                                                     YYYYY [email protected]                                           Rene Frueh YYYYY [email protected]                                      Sean P. Ryan YNNNY fujitsu!!bcutter                           Brooks Cutter YYY-Y [email protected]                                   Andrew \"Fuz\" Lih YYY-Y [email protected]                                Garance A Drosehn YYYYY [email protected]                             Gary Beckmann YYYYY [email protected]                                        Paul F. Gerwitz YYYYY [email protected]                                        George Georgatos YY-YY [email protected]                                     Gregory G. Woodbury YYYNY [email protected]                                      Warren Gill NNYYY [email protected]                                       GianPiero Puccioni YYY-Y [email protected]                                Greg Lindahl --NN- [email protected]                                                Jerry Brown YYYYY [email protected]                            Gordon R Strachan YYY-Y [email protected]                               Klaus Graf YYYYY [email protected]                         Kosmas Papachristos YYYYY [email protected]                                      greg bauer YYYYY [email protected]                                        Greg Cagle YYYYY [email protected]                                            Jamie Gritton YNYYY [email protected]                               John M. Grohol YYYYY [email protected]                                           Geoffrey Spear NNNNN [email protected]                                Brennan T. Price YYNNY [email protected]                                 [email protected] YYYYY [email protected]                                   Timothy C. Hagman YYYYY!jazz                                                 Jason Zions YYYYY [email protected]                                             Steen Hansen YYYYY [email protected]                                      [email protected] YYYYY [email protected]                                       Hellmuth Michaelis YYYYY [email protected]                                      K. van Houten YYYYY [email protected]                                  Christopher Hudel YYYYY [email protected]                      Henry Vogt YYYYY [email protected]                                     Ivan Richwalski YYYYY [email protected]                        Jon Peatfield YYYYY [email protected]                                 Jeffrey A. Davie YYYYY [email protected]                       James M. Pelagatti YYYYY [email protected]                                    John T. Beck YYYYY [email protected]                                James C. McPherson YYYNY [email protected]                                            Jeff Gruszynski YYYYY [email protected]                                        Jeffrey R Kell YYYYY [email protected]                                        Bob Jewett YYYYY [email protected]                                         [email protected] YYYYY [email protected]                                                Joe Keane Y-Y-Y [email protected]                                                    YYYYY [email protected]                                 James H Tibbs YYYYY [email protected]                                      Jim McNeill --Y-- [email protected]                                                 YYY-Y [email protected]                                     Joshua D. Juran Y---Y [email protected]                                                      YYYYY [email protected]                                     Jerry Carlin YYYYY [email protected]                                      Joe St Sauver YYNNY [email protected]                                         John McCracken YYYYY [email protected]                                     John Leask YYYYY [email protected]                       Richard B. Johns YYYYY JOHN_W%[email protected]                                    John Whistler YYYYY [email protected]                                 Jon Ivar Kristiansen YYYYY [email protected]                      Josef Nelissen YYY-Y [email protected]                              Jonathan Gowland YYYYY [email protected]                      [email protected] (Jorge De los Rios) YYYYY [email protected]                                 Joseph Fenech -YYYY [email protected]                              Amaresh R. Joshi NNYYY [email protected]                                           John Park YNYYY [email protected]                                  Jonathan R Hughes YYYYY [email protected]                            Jukka Rissanen YYYYY [email protected]                                   John Oleynick YYYYY [email protected]                                       John Schmidt NNNNN [email protected]                                              Jokinen Jyke YYYYY [email protected]                                         Kay Marquardt YYYYY [email protected]                                  Kai Keinanen NNNYN [email protected]                                     John Kemp NNNNN [email protected]                                       Kevin Jones Y-Y-Y [email protected]                                        Mike Killoran YYYYY [email protected]                                       Melvin Klassen YYYYY [email protected]                                Kevin Nechodom YYYYY [email protected]                      Gerhard Koestler YYYYY [email protected]                                    Kumar Rangan YYYYY [email protected]                                  Martin Schr"oder ----- [email protected]                                       YYYNY [email protected]                                       LaMont Jones YYYYY [email protected]                                          Michael Lampi YYYYY [email protected]                                 Laura Johnson YYYYY [email protected]                                         Jim Lawson YYYYY [email protected]                                          Lloyd Cha YYYYY [email protected]                                  Stephen W. Liddle YYYYY [email protected]                                   Peter Lombard YYYYY [email protected]                          Victor E Aldridge III YYNNN [email protected]                                   Lucien Van Elsen YYY-Y [email protected]                                 Reinhard Luebke YYYYY [email protected]                                  Luciano Mannucci Y-YNY [email protected]                               Marc Desrochers YYY-Y [email protected]                                        Marc H. Kool YYYYY [email protected]                                  Masashi Saito YYYYY [email protected]                                         Marius Olafsson YYYNY [email protected]                                       Mark R. Ludwig YNNNY [email protected]                                   Mark Levison YYYYY [email protected]                                                Mark Bixby YYYYY [email protected]                                       Mark S. Wroblewski YYYYY [email protected]                                       Mark Waite YYYYY [email protected]                                 Marco Lorenzini YYYYY [email protected]                                 Klaus Martens YYYYY [email protected]                                     Raju Gurung NNNNN [email protected]                                 "Dawn_McBrien_x3391 YYYYY [email protected]                                  Paul McKee YYYYY [email protected]                                      Roy A. McMorran YYYYY [email protected]                                               Michael Cole YYYYY [email protected]                                 Mark Coleman YYYYY [email protected]                                            Michael Riehle YYYYY [email protected]                          Michael Bracewell YYYYY [email protected]                                        Michael Bryan NYYYY [email protected]                                    Michel Berkelaar YNYYY [email protected]                                  Michael J. Dyer YYYYY [email protected]                                       John Milburn YYYYY [email protected]                                     YNY-Y [email protected]                                Marie-Louise Lindstrom Y-YYY [email protected]                                    Mike O'Connor NNNNN [email protected]                                                Mark Klein YYYYY [email protected]                                    Michael K. Tilford NNYYY [email protected]                                    Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS YYNNY [email protected]                                   Timothy Mooney YYY-Y [email protected]                                  Nadia Pitacco YYYYY [email protected]                                       Martin Rex YYYYY [email protected]                          Manfred Schoelzke YYYYY [email protected]                            David Muir Sharnoff YYYYY [email protected]                                     Bill Muller YYYYY [email protected]                                       Mike Yawn YYYYY [email protected]                       Wojciech Myszka YYYYY [email protected]                            Nathan F. Janette YYYYY [email protected]                                    Mogens Lynnerup YYYYY [email protected]                    NISHINO-kazuyuki NNNNN [email protected]                                 Anthon Ouwendijk YYYYY [email protected]                                  Michael A. Pagels NNNNN [email protected]                                 Patrick ETIENNE YYYYY [email protected]                                    Patrick Phillips YYY-Y [email protected]                                               Paul Doerr  YYYYY [email protected]                                            Paul Margolin YYYYY PAUL_GOBES%[email protected]            paul_gobes%[email protected] NNYYY [email protected]                                        Pat Wilson YYYYY [email protected]                                         Ivan Powis YYY-Y [email protected]                            Peter Jaegle, [email protected] YYYYY [email protected]                                     Peter Smoot YYYYY [email protected]                                                NNNNN [email protected]                                            Christian Pohlenz YYYYY [email protected]                                     Pirawat Watanapongse YYYYY [email protected]                             Michael J. Quinn YYYYY [email protected]                                       Andy Radle YYYYY [email protected]                                        Rick Jones YYYYY [email protected]                                R A Lichtensteiger YYYYY [email protected]                   RANDALL SCHRICKEL (NCE) x7661 YYYYY [email protected]                              Daniel Raymond YYYYY [email protected]                                              Bob Walker YYYYY [email protected]                                       Chris Bartram NNYYY [email protected]                                            Chuck Reinke YYYYY [email protected]                  Sendhil "Mr. Bubbles" Revuluri NNNNN [email protected]                               Richard Warham YYYYY [email protected]                                         Mark Richmond YYYYY [email protected]                                    Rich Webber YYYYY [email protected]                           Richard H. Miller YYNYY [email protected]                                                  YYY-Y [email protected]                                       Robert Howlett YYYYY [email protected]                                         Richard (R.) Johns YYYYY [email protected]                                      Rick Kunin YYYYY [email protected]                                     Roberto MORRISON YYYYY [email protected]                              Frederick G.M. Roeber YYY-Y [email protected]           Roly Alcock - ROOT Site Administrator Account YYY-Y [email protected]                       Ronald vd.graaf ---Y- [email protected]                                     YYYYY [email protected]                                       Lance Armstrong YYY-Y [email protected]                       Administrador de Proy2 YYY-Y [email protected]                                      Rick Venable YYYYY [email protected]                                   S.M.Sabri S.M.Ismail YYY-Y [email protected]                                         Salah HADJERES YYYYY [email protected]                                       Edmund Burnette YYYYY [email protected]                                Subramanian Seeth YYYYY [email protected]                         Stephen C. Comfort-Mason YYYYY [email protected]                                       Scott Stevens YYYYY [email protected]                                 Richard Seymour YYYYY [email protected]                                              Shane Hartman YYYYY [email protected]                                           Shane Davis YYYYY [email protected]                                             Shawn Hayes YYYNY [email protected]                        Scott J. Showalter YYYYY [email protected]                                     Daniel Simmons YNYYY [email protected]                                         Stefek Zaba YYYYY [email protected]                                        Steve Lemieux YYYYY [email protected]                               Seth L Theriault YYYYY [email protected]                                         Smarasderagd Draco NNNNN [email protected]                                       Bernie O'Connor YYYYY [email protected]                                           Dale Ingold YYYYY [email protected]                                              Plupp YYYYY [email protected]                                           Ric Goldman YYYYY [email protected]                          Thomas Sporer YNYYY [email protected]                                         Steve Rogers YYYNY [email protected]                                  Steve Sutton YYYYY [email protected]                                 Stefan Lundberg YYY-Y [email protected]                                       Stewart Winter ---Y- [email protected]                                Jim Stockel YYYYY [email protected]    Rod Stokes - VMS & HP-UX System Management - E YYYYY [email protected]                                   Mike Stroyan YYYYY [email protected]                                  Stuart Jarriel YYYYY [email protected]                                       john sullivan YYYYY [email protected]                           Steven Kirchoefer YYYYY [email protected]             System Admin (Mike Peterson) YYYYY [email protected]                      Dave S. Yadallee YYYYY [email protected]                                                 YYYYY [email protected]                                             Tai Jin YYYYY [email protected]                                              Tim Chambers YYYYY [email protected]                                                  Tom Lane YYYYY [email protected]                                    Charles Thayer YYY-Y [email protected]                                  Thomas Gasser YYYYY [email protected]                           Thomas Mechtersheimer YYYYY [email protected]                  Timothy Jelinsky NNYYY [email protected]                                    Timothy VanFosson YYYYY [email protected]                                              Tim Hughes YYYYY [email protected]                                              Tom Northey YYYYY [email protected]                                         John C. Toman YYY-Y [email protected]                                           Tom Moos YYYYY [email protected]                                 Thomas Treadway YYYYY [email protected]                                          Tapani Tarvainen YYYYY [email protected]                                Timmins William Anthony YYYYY [email protected]                                            Tony Rush YYYYY [email protected]                                     Ulf Kieber YYYYY [email protected]                                       Ulisse LUSUARDI YYYYY [email protected]                                 Umberto D'Ortona YYYYY [email protected]                        Larry Van Sickle YYYYY [email protected]                       Vincent D. Skahan YYYYY [email protected]                          [email protected] YYYYY [email protected]                           Vishy Visweswaran YYYYY [email protected]                                           Jeff Wade Y-Y-- [email protected]                                                Walt Sullivan YYYYY [email protected]                                  John MacWilliamson YNNNY [email protected]                                  David L. Windsor YYYYY [email protected]                    Chris Curtin YYYYY [email protected]                                        Will Walker YYYYY [email protected]                                              Matti Yrjola YYYYY [email protected]                                   Lance R. Bailey YYYYY  Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                          Bruce Cantrall    ! No ballot [email protected]                                             Eric Hunt    ! No ballot [email protected]                                                   Hardy    ! No ballot [email protected]                              HP-4825+ Systems Discussion    ! Vote not accepted from mail list - must be direct from voter [email protected]                                     Richard Jennings    ! No ballot U7530MB%[email protected]                      Michael Blankenstein    ! No ballot  
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