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Hardware, IBM PC ( )
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From [email protected] Wed Jan 20 22:59:53 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Senthil Ramas Kumar <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: RFD: reorganization to comp.sys.x86.* Followup-To: news.groups Date: 20 Jan 1993 19:20:52 -0500 Organization: Penn State University Lines: 34 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3159 news.groups:64754                          REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION  Due to the high traffic in the group, I feel that it is neccessary to split the group.  Further, the topics covered in the discsussion can easily be classified into different categories.  eg: Discussion relating to video,  Discussion relating to hard-drives, floppy drives  I am sure there are many other classifications that we can make based on the nature of the discussion.  There is a lot of useful information that is there in the group, and I personally feel that it will be to our mutual benefit, if we can further classify the group, so that people looking for information can quickly get to it, instead of having to wade through the myraid of postings.  So, I think, it would be worthwhile to discuss, _how_ we are going to go about splitting the group.  Some people have already suggested this:  comp.sys.x86.hardware (motherboard etc)  Thus, we do away with the "ibm.pc" part.  I would like to see a more definitive discussion along these lines, so we can go about doing what is necessary.  Kumar  From [email protected] Tue Aug 31 14:25:19 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (John M. Grohol) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.periphs,comp.periphs.printers,comp.periphs.scsi, Subject: RFD: reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 31 Aug 1993 13:35:21 -0400 Organization: UUNET Communications Lines: 191 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3996 news.groups:80442 comp.periphs:7065 comp.periphs.printers:8860 comp.periphs.scsi:15502  ****************************************************************** The First REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) on the REORGANIZATION of COMP.SYS.IBM.PC.HARDWARE                         ********************************************************(1.4)***** Note: ALL discussion on this RFD should only take place in       the newsgroup, "news.groups". Post all follow-ups there only.   INTRODUCTION ------------ The need for a reorganization of COMP.SYS.IBM.PC.HARDWARE has become more urgent as the traffic on the group has steadily increased over the past few years with the explosion of new, low-cost hardware available for the IBM-PC, clones, and Intel-based personal computers.  This newsgroup more often than not has over 200 messages per day and my kill file is getting bigger than my .newsrc file!! :)  I believe it can be reorganized in a reasonable and logical fashion, with a minimal of hassle. It consistently ranks in the top 30 newsgroups for most traffic volume on Usenet, as well as obtaining a similar ranking as one of the most popular newsgroups.  This serves as the formal Request for Discussion (RFD) on the reorganization of Please take the  time to consider the below reorganization plan thoroughly;  many hours were spent in researching it and putting it together.  Thank you.  ---------------------------------------------------------------- The proposed reorganization of COMP.SYS.IBM.PC.HARDWARE follows:  Proposed Renaming: -----------------  -> (unmoderated)  Charter: This newsgroup will take the place of the current          catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various          hardware discussions that do not fall into any of the          proposed groups below (eg.- motherboard discussions,          drawbacks of one local bus design over another, etc.); and          for the discussion of any computer hardware-related topics          for the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass          a final vote. It is proposed that          be removed after a 3-month period (to give people time to          switch over) if the proposed group passes.  New Groups Proposed: -------------------   Name: (unmoderated)                                        Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those          topics directly related to personal computer video          products, including such items as monitors, video          cards (including Window's accelerator cards, regular          VGA cards, TV-in-a-window cards, etc.), hand          scanners, and any other video-imaging hardware. --------- Name: (unmoderated)                                       Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those          topics directly related to personal computer storage          products, including such items as hard disk drives,          floppy disk drives, tape storage devices,           storage media, and any other non-SCSI storage devices. --------- Name: (unmoderated)  Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those          topics directly related to personal computer CD-ROM          hardware. Although many ibm.pc CD-ROMs are SCSI, some          of the more popular and cheaper brands are proprietary.          Getting CD-ROM drives to work in ibm.pc's is often a          problem for many users, especially in terms of interface          cards, IRQ's, and interrupts. This group would *not*          be for the discussion of any software that is released          on CD-ROM format. Although currently exists,          as well as other newsgroups that sort-of cover CD-ROM          drives and cards, alt.* groups get limited propegation,          and no group is currently devoted to CD-ROM drives and the          ibm.pc.hardware interface problems, despite the traffic          warranting such a group on and c.s.i.p.h. --------- Name: (unmoderated)                                       Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those          topics directly related to modems and communication          devices. Since internal modems and fax cards, like video          cards [see above *.video group], are proprietary to          the (E)ISA bus, this newsgroup is warranted to discuss          the technical merits, questions, and comments on items          such as: internal modems, voice mail cards, fax/modem cards,          serial cards, 16450/16550 and other UARTS, etc. --------- Name: (unmoderated)                                        Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those          topics directly related to vendors of complete           hardware systems, such as Dell, IBM, Gateway, or Zeos.          Discussion topics may include advice on systems from          current customers, troubleshooting system problems,          and information about various system configurations. ------------------------------------------------  The following topics were purposely LEFT OUT because they are already covered by existing newsgroups:  printers              -> comp.periphs.printers SCSI devices          -> comp.periphs.scsi networking            -> comp.sys.novell, comp.dcom.lans soundcards            -> "multimedia"          -> too broad a topic and would invite                          too much unnecessary crossposting  ------------------------------------------------  SUMMARY ------- By renaming the current group and adding a mere 5 more newsgroups to the hierarchy, I believe that will be made more easily readable in the near future.  The reorganization of has long been overdue and this proposal has taken great pains to make the reorganization as simple, yet logical and comprehensive, as possible.  Notice that no new comp.sys.* hierarchy is proposed, since the current one still is valid and makes sense (eg.- IBM makes more than personal computers and something like "Intel-based" is no more accurate than the current name [not all 80x86 chips are Intel]). It may not look pretty, but it works! (It is noted that some versions of news reject 6-level group names, but that this can be manually overridden.)  An argument could be made to better utilize the comp.periphs.* hierarchy, but these newsgroups are for non-computer-specific hardware peripherals. IDE drives, their controller cards, Window's accelerator cards, and internal fax/modems are definately pc-compatible-specific; printers and (supposedly :) SCSI devices are not. It is for this reason these new newsgroups are proposed under the* hierarchy rather than comp.periphs.*.  Although the proposed groups *exclude* all SCSI devices (on purpose, since comp.periphs.scsi already exists), it is likely that questions on SCSI hard drives, CD-ROMs, etc, will be cross-posted to the relevant *.hardware group as well as comp.periphs.scsi, since often the questions relate to the *interface* between their pc-compatible and the SCSI device. This overlap is something that can be expected.  ------------------------------------------------  Notes on this RFD ----------------- This RFD is being posted on August 31, 1993 to the following groups:         news.groups         news.announce.newgroups         comp.periphs         comp.periphs.printers         comp.periphs.scsi  and may be freely distributed to any other groups or mailing lists where it might be of relevance. Please leave the Followup-To: header intact. Persons not able to communicate or post directly to Usenet may mail their comments or questions to:                [email protected]   **   *ALL* pertinent discussion relating to this RFD     **  **   should take place on NEWS.GROUPS, hence I have      **  **   directed follow-ups there. I strongly urge readers  **  **   to limit their discussions on this RFD              **  **   to NEWS.GROUPS, where they belong.                  **  Call for Votes -------------- The CFV is expected to be posted in approximately 30 days on                       September 30, 1993. The CFV is expected to be conducted by an independent vote-taker, arranged through Ron Dippold.  The CFV will be sent out to the same newsgroups (listed above) as the RFD was sent to. Details on voting will be posted in the CFV.  -jmg --   John M. Grohol, M.S.  Center for Psychological Studies  Nova University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL  [email protected], [email protected]   From [email protected] Mon Sep 13 16:09:02 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (John M. Grohol) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.periphs,comp.periphs.printers,comp.periphs.scsi, Subject: 2nd RFD: reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 13 Sep 1993 11:23:39 -0400 Organization: Lines: 213 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4042 news.groups:81715 comp.periphs:7133 comp.periphs.printers:9017 comp.periphs.scsi:15897  ****************************************************************** The Second REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) on the REORGANIZATION of COMP.SYS.IBM.PC.HARDWARE                         ********************************************************(2.2)***** Note: ALL discussion on this RFD should only take place in       the newsgroup, "news.groups". Post all follow-ups there only.   ** New items added since the last RFD  ** are marked with a double star (**).   ** Two additional newsgroups under the  ** hierarchy have been proposed and are included in this RFD.  INTRODUCTION ------------ The need for a reorganization of COMP.SYS.IBM.PC.HARDWARE has become more urgent as the traffic on the group has steadily increased over the past few years with the explosion of new, low-cost hardware available for the IBM-PC, clones, and Intel-based personal computers.  This newsgroup more often than not has over 200 messages per day and my kill file is getting bigger than my .newsrc file!! :)  I believe it can be reorganized in a reasonable and logical fashion, with a minimal of hassle. It consistently ranks in the top 30 newsgroups for most traffic volume on Usenet, as well as obtaining a similar ranking as one of the most popular newsgroups.  This serves as the formal Request for Discussion (RFD) on the reorganization of Please take the  time to consider the below reorganization plan thoroughly;  many hours were spent in researching it and putting it together.  Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The proposed reorganization of COMP.SYS.IBM.PC.HARDWARE follows:  Proposed Renaming: -----------------  -> (unmoderated)  Charter: This newsgroup will take the place of the current          catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various          hardware discussions that do not fall into any of the          proposed groups below (eg.- motherboard discussions,          drawbacks of one local bus design over another, etc.); and          for the discussion of any computer hardware-related topics          for the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass          a final vote. It is proposed that          be removed after a 3-month period (to give people time to          switch over) if the proposed group passes.  New Groups Proposed: -------------------   Name: (unmoderated)                                        Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those          topics directly related to personal computer video          products, including such items as monitors, video          cards (including Window's accelerator cards, regular          VGA cards, TV-in-a-window cards, etc.),           and any other video-imaging hardware. --------- Name: (unmoderated)                                       Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those          topics directly related to personal computer storage          products, including such items as hard disk drives,          floppy disk drives, tape storage devices,           storage media, and most other storage devices. --------- Name: (unmoderated)  Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those          topics directly related to personal computer CD-ROM hardware.          Getting CD-ROM drives to work in ibm-pc's is often a          problem for many users, especially in terms of interface          cards, IRQ's, and interrupts. This group would *not*          be for the discussion of any software that is released          on CD-ROM format. Although currently exists,          as well as other newsgroups that sort-of cover CD-ROM          drives and cards, alt.* groups get limited propegation,          and no group is currently devoted to CD-ROM drives and the          ibm-pc-hardware interface problems, despite the traffic          warranting such a group on and c.s.i.p.h. --------- Name: (unmoderated)   ** [Charter has been edited for clarity.]                                        ** Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those  **          topics directly related to modems and communication  **          devices. Topics dealing with internal, as well as  **          external modems, fax/modems, and voice-mail cards  **          will be discussed.  Differences and technical questions  **          dealing with serial port UARTS (eg.- 16450/16550, etc.),  **          serial ports, IRQ's, etc. are also warranted here.  --------- Name: (unmoderated)                                        Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those          topics directly related to vendors of complete           hardware systems, such as Dell, IBM, Gateway, or Zeos.          Discussion topics may include advice on systems from          current customers, troubleshooting system problems,          and information about various system configurations. ---------  ** Name: (unmoderated)  **  ** Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those  **          topics directly related to the hardware and technical  **          aspects of networking cards and equipment.  **          Troubleshooting network interface problems, getting  **          network devices properly configured, and discussions  **          on new network technologies and solutions  **          are appropriate here. ---------  ** Name: (unmoderated)  **  ** Charter: This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those  **          topics directly related to computer chips and  **          technologies. "Chips" is a broad term to include  **          memory chips (such as SIMMs) as well as new system  **          chips from Intel (such as the Pentium) or other  **          chip manufacturers (such as AMD). Topics may include  **          chip pricing & availability, clock speeds  **          (eg.- overclocking), and future chip releases.  ------------------------------------------------  The following topics were purposely LEFT OUT because they are already covered by existing newsgroups:  printers              -> comp.periphs.printers SCSI devices          -> comp.periphs.scsi networking            -> comp.sys.novell, comp.dcom.lans soundcards            -> "multimedia"          -> too broad a topic and would invite                          too much unnecessary crossposting   ** After discussion, it was decided to include networking  ** in the current RFD, as well as drop the "non-SCSI"  ** clauses in the proposed and groups. ------------------------------------------------  SUMMARY ------- By renaming the current group and adding a mere 7 more newsgroups to the hierarchy, I believe that will be made more easily readable in the near future.  The reorganization of has long been overdue and this proposal has taken great pains to make the reorganization as simple, yet logical and comprehensive, as possible.  Notice that no new comp.sys.* hierarchy is proposed, since the current one still is valid and makes sense (eg.- IBM makes more than personal computers and something like "Intel-based" is no more accurate than the current name [not all 80x86 chips are Intel]). It may not look pretty, but it works! (It is noted that some versions of news reject 6-level group names, but that this can be manually overridden, as was done for the hierarchy.)  An argument could be made to better utilize the comp.periphs.* hierarchy, but these newsgroups are for non-computer-specific hardware peripherals. IDE drives, their controller cards, Window's accelerator cards, and internal fax/modems are definately pc-compatible-specific; printers and (supposedly :) SCSI devices are not. It is for this reason these new newsgroups are proposed under the* hierarchy rather than comp.periphs.*. ------------------------------------------------  Notes on this RFD ----------------- This is the 2nd RFD and is being posted on September 13, 1993 to the following newsgroups:          news.groups         news.announce.newgroups         comp.periphs         comp.periphs.printers         comp.periphs.scsi  The first RFD was posted on August 31, 1993 to the above groups. It may be freely distributed to any other groups or mailing lists where it might be of relevance. Please leave the Followup-To: header intact. Persons not able to communicate or post directly to Usenet may mail their comments or questions to:                [email protected]   *   *ALL* pertinent discussion relating to this RFD     *  *   should take place on NEWS.GROUPS, hence I have      *  *   directed follow-ups there. I strongly urge readers  *  *   to limit their discussions on this RFD              *  *   to NEWS.GROUPS, where they belong.                  *  Call for Votes -------------- The CFV is expected to be posted in approximately 17 days on                       September 30, 1993. The CFV is expected to be conducted by an independent vote-taker, arranged through Ron Dippold.  The CFV will be sent out to the same newsgroups (listed above) as the RFD was sent to. Details on voting will be posted in the CFV. ------------------------------------------------  -jmg --   John M. Grohol, M.S.  Center for Psychological Studies  Nova University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL  [email protected], [email protected]   From [email protected] Tue Oct  5 13:07:55 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.periphs,comp.periphs.printers,comp.periphs.scsi, Subject: CFV: reorganisation Followup-To: poster Date: 5 Oct 1993 10:52:24 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 164 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 27 Oct 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Automatic vote teller) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4119 news.groups:83551 comp.periphs:7264 comp.periphs.printers:9328 comp.periphs.scsi:16446                             CALL FOR VOTES reorganisation  This is a Call for Votes regarding the proposed replacement of with the following unmoderated groups:		Miscellaneous PC hardware topics.		Video cards & monitors for the PC.	Hard drives & other PC storage devices.		CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the PC.		Modems & communication cards for the PC.	Whole IBM PC computer & clone systems. 	Network hardware & equipment for the PC.		Processor, cache, memory chips, etc.  Votes must be received by 23:59 GMT on the 26th of October 1993. Please see below for voting instructions and contact information.  CHARTERS ========  Proposed Renaming: ----------------- -> (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of miscellaneous topics related to the ibm-pc. will take the place of the current catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various hardware discussions that do not fall into any of the proposed groups below (eg.- motherboard discussions, drawbacks of one local bus design over another, etc.); and for the discussion of any computer hardware-related topics for the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass a final vote. will be removed after a 3-month period (to give people time to switch over) if this new group passes.  New Groups Proposed: ------------------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of video cards & monitors for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer video products, including such items as monitors, video cards (including Window's accelerator cards, regular VGA cards, TV-in-a-window cards, etc.), and any other video-imaging hardware.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of hard drives & storage devices for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer storage products, including such items as hard disk drives, floppy disk drives, tape storage devices, storage media, and most other storage devices.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer CD-ROM hardware.  Getting CD-ROM drives to work in ibm-pc's is often a problem for many users, especially in terms of interface cards, IRQ's, and interrupts. This group would *not* be for the discussion of any software that is released on CD-ROM format. Although currently exists, as well as other newsgroups that sort-of cover CD-ROM drives and cards, alt.* groups get limited propegation, and no group is currently devoted to CD-ROM drives and the ibm-pc-hardware interface problems, despite the traffic warranting such a group on and c.s.i.p.h.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of modems & communication cards for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to modems and communication devices. Topics dealing with internal, as well as external modems, fax/modems, and voice-mail cards will be discussed. Differences and technical questions dealing with serial port UARTS (eg.- 16450/16550, etc.), serial ports, IRQ's, etc. are also warranted here.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of ibm-pc computer & clone manufacturers.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to vendors of complete hardware systems, such as Dell, IBM, Gateway, or Zeos. Discussion topics may include advice on systems from current customers, troubleshooting system problems, and information about various system configurations.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of network hardware & equipment for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to the hardware and technical aspects of networking cards and equipment. Troubleshooting network interface problems, getting network devices properly configured, and discussions on new network technologies and solutions are appropriate here.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of processor, cache & memory chips for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to computer chips and technologies. "Chips" is a broad term to include memory chips (such as SIMMs) as well as new system chips from Intel (such as the Pentium) or other chip manufacturers (such as AMD). Topics may include chip pricing & availability, clock speeds (eg.- overclocking), and future chip releases.   VOTING INSTRUCTIONS ===================  YOUR VOTES WILL BE COUNTED BY A PROGRAM.  Please use the template below and follow the instructions exactly.  If you do not do so your ballot may not be understood and would then be returned to you with the votes uncounted.  Send a mail message to [email protected], containing this in the body:     start-parsing csiph     name       vote            vote           vote         vote              vote            vote         vote      vote           end-parsing  Please note: * Delete and replace the <...> parts completely, including the < >'s. * Everything must be spelled correctly, including the newsgroup names. * Do not omit any of the eleven lines above.  Your name must be supplied. * Do not insert any blank lines or line breaks. * Please don't quote the whole of this Call for Votes in your reply !  You will receive a personal acknowledgement by email.  You can request a copy of this Call for Votes by sending;     start-parsing csiph     send-cfv     end-parsing  You may only vote from one account.  If you vote from several accounts in an attempt at fraud all your votes may be discounted and your name published.  Your vote must be received by 23:59:59GMT on October the 26th 1993.  There will be two more Calls for Votes; each will include a list of people whose votes were counted but whose acknowledgements were returned as undeliverable.   CONTACT INFORMATION ===================  This vote is being handled by Ian Jackson as a neutral third party.  Please direct all questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems to [email protected]  NOTE! Please send your *vote* to [email protected]                                                          ^^^^ Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new groups to the proposer, John M. Grohol <[email protected]>. --  Ian Jackson acting on behalf of the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers vote taker for the reorganisation votes to [email protected]     correspondance to [email protected]  From [email protected] Thu Oct  7 10:33:01 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.periphs,comp.periphs.printers,comp.periphs.scsi, Subject: CFV CORRECTION: reorganisation Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 7 Oct 1993 09:37:43 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 171 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 27 Oct 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Automatic vote teller) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4134 news.groups:83817 comp.periphs:7286 comp.periphs.printers:9363 comp.periphs.scsi:16500                             CALL FOR VOTES reorganisation  [[ news.announce.newgroups moderator's note:  this is a correction    of the Call for Votes posted two days ago.  The ballot template    listed despite the group being     referred to as throughout the    proposal.  People who have voted using the previous ballot are    being contacted.                     -- tale ]]  This is a Call for Votes regarding the proposed replacement of with the following unmoderated groups:		Miscellaneous PC hardware topics.		Video cards & monitors for the PC.	Hard drives & other PC storage devices.		CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the PC.		Modems & communication cards for the PC.	Whole IBM PC computer & clone systems. 	Network hardware & equipment for the PC.		Processor, cache, memory chips, etc.  Votes must be received by 23:59 GMT on the 26th of October 1993. Please see below for voting instructions and contact information.  CHARTERS ========  Proposed Renaming: ----------------- -> (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of miscellaneous topics related to the ibm-pc. will take the place of the current catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various hardware discussions that do not fall into any of the proposed groups below (eg.- motherboard discussions, drawbacks of one local bus design over another, etc.); and for the discussion of any computer hardware-related topics for the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass a final vote. will be removed after a 3-month period (to give people time to switch over) if this new group passes.  New Groups Proposed: ------------------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of video cards & monitors for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer video products, including such items as monitors, video cards (including Window's accelerator cards, regular VGA cards, TV-in-a-window cards, etc.), and any other video-imaging hardware.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of hard drives & storage devices for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer storage products, including such items as hard disk drives, floppy disk drives, tape storage devices, storage media, and most other storage devices.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer CD-ROM hardware.  Getting CD-ROM drives to work in ibm-pc's is often a problem for many users, especially in terms of interface cards, IRQ's, and interrupts. This group would *not* be for the discussion of any software that is released on CD-ROM format. Although currently exists, as well as other newsgroups that sort-of cover CD-ROM drives and cards, alt.* groups get limited propegation, and no group is currently devoted to CD-ROM drives and the ibm-pc-hardware interface problems, despite the traffic warranting such a group on and c.s.i.p.h.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of modems & communication cards for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to modems and communication devices. Topics dealing with internal, as well as external modems, fax/modems, and voice-mail cards will be discussed. Differences and technical questions dealing with serial port UARTS (eg.- 16450/16550, etc.), serial ports, IRQ's, etc. are also warranted here.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of ibm-pc computer & clone manufacturers.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to vendors of complete hardware systems, such as Dell, IBM, Gateway, or Zeos. Discussion topics may include advice on systems from current customers, troubleshooting system problems, and information about various system configurations.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of network hardware & equipment for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to the hardware and technical aspects of networking cards and equipment. Troubleshooting network interface problems, getting network devices properly configured, and discussions on new network technologies and solutions are appropriate here.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of processor, cache & memory chips for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to computer chips and technologies. "Chips" is a broad term to include memory chips (such as SIMMs) as well as new system chips from Intel (such as the Pentium) or other chip manufacturers (such as AMD). Topics may include chip pricing & availability, clock speeds (eg.- overclocking), and future chip releases.   VOTING INSTRUCTIONS ===================  YOUR VOTES WILL BE COUNTED BY A PROGRAM.  Please use the template below and follow the instructions exactly.  If you do not do so your ballot may not be understood and would then be returned to you with the votes uncounted.  Send a mail message to [email protected], containing this in the body:     start-parsing csiph     name       vote            vote           vote         vote          vote            vote         vote      vote           end-parsing  Please note: * Delete and replace the <...> parts completely, including the < >'s. * Everything must be spelled correctly, including the newsgroup names. * Do not omit any of the eleven lines above.  Your name must be supplied. * Do not insert any blank lines or line breaks. * Please don't quote the whole of this Call for Votes in your reply !  You will receive a personal acknowledgement by email.  You can request a copy of this Call for Votes by sending;     start-parsing csiph     send-cfv     end-parsing  You may only vote from one account.  If you vote from several accounts in an attempt at fraud all your votes may be discounted and your name published.  Your vote must be received by 23:59:59GMT on October the 26th 1993.  There will be two more Calls for Votes; each will include a list of people whose votes were counted but whose acknowledgements were returned as undeliverable.   CONTACT INFORMATION ===================  This vote is being handled by Ian Jackson as a neutral third party.  Please direct all questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems to [email protected]  NOTE! Please send your *vote* to [email protected]                                                          ^^^^ Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new groups to the proposer, John M. Grohol <[email protected]>. --  Ian Jackson acting on behalf of the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers vote taker for the reorganisation votes to [email protected]     correspondance to [email protected]  From [email protected] Tue Oct 12 15:07:37 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.periphs,comp.periphs.printers,comp.periphs.scsi, Subject: 2nd CFV: reorganisation Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 12 Oct 1993 14:26:05 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 192 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 27 Oct 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Automatic vote teller) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4787 news.groups:84239 comp.periphs:7304 comp.periphs.printers:9445 comp.periphs.scsi:16621                            2nd CALL FOR VOTES reorganisation  This is the 2nd Call for Votes regarding the proposed replacement of with the following unmoderated groups:		Miscellaneous PC hardware topics.		Video cards & monitors for the PC.	Hard drives & other PC storage devices.		CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the PC.		Modems & communication cards for the PC.	Whole IBM PC computer & clone systems. 	Network hardware & equipment for the PC.		Processor, cache, memory chips, etc.  Votes must be received by 23:59 GMT on the 26th of October 1993. Please see below for voting instructions and contact information.  CHARTERS ========  Proposed Renaming: ----------------- -> (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of miscellaneous topics related to the ibm-pc. will take the place of the current catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various hardware discussions that do not fall into any of the proposed groups below (eg.- motherboard discussions, drawbacks of one local bus design over another, etc.); and for the discussion of any computer hardware-related topics for the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass a final vote. will be removed after a 3-month period (to give people time to switch over) if this new group passes.  New Groups Proposed: ------------------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of video cards & monitors for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer video products, including such items as monitors, video cards (including Window's accelerator cards, regular VGA cards, TV-in-a-window cards, etc.), and any other video-imaging hardware.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of hard drives & storage devices for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer storage products, including such items as hard disk drives, floppy disk drives, tape storage devices, storage media, and most other storage devices.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer CD-ROM hardware.  Getting CD-ROM drives to work in ibm-pc's is often a problem for many users, especially in terms of interface cards, IRQ's, and interrupts. This group would *not* be for the discussion of any software that is released on CD-ROM format. Although currently exists, as well as other newsgroups that sort-of cover CD-ROM drives and cards, alt.* groups get limited propegation, and no group is currently devoted to CD-ROM drives and the ibm-pc-hardware interface problems, despite the traffic warranting such a group on and c.s.i.p.h.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of modems & communication cards for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to modems and communication devices. Topics dealing with internal, as well as external modems, fax/modems, and voice-mail cards will be discussed. Differences and technical questions dealing with serial port UARTS (eg.- 16450/16550, etc.), serial ports, IRQ's, etc. are also warranted here.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of ibm-pc computer & clone manufacturers.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to vendors of complete hardware systems, such as Dell, IBM, Gateway, or Zeos. Discussion topics may include advice on systems from current customers, troubleshooting system problems, and information about various system configurations.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of network hardware & equipment for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to the hardware and technical aspects of networking cards and equipment. Troubleshooting network interface problems, getting network devices properly configured, and discussions on new network technologies and solutions are appropriate here.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of processor, cache & memory chips for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to computer chips and technologies. "Chips" is a broad term to include memory chips (such as SIMMs) as well as new system chips from Intel (such as the Pentium) or other chip manufacturers (such as AMD). Topics may include chip pricing & availability, clock speeds (eg.- overclocking), and future chip releases.   VOTING INSTRUCTIONS ===================  YOUR VOTES WILL BE COUNTED BY A PROGRAM.  Please use the template below and follow the instructions exactly.  If you do not do so your ballot may not be understood and would then be returned to you with the votes uncounted.  Send a mail message to [email protected], containing this in the body:     start-parsing csiph     name       vote            vote           vote         vote          vote            vote         vote      vote           end-parsing  PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS: * Delete and replace the <...> parts completely, including the < >'s. * Everything must be spelled correctly, including the newsgroup names. * Do not omit any of the eleven lines above.  Your name must be supplied. * Do not insert any blank lines or line breaks. * Please don't quote the whole of this Call for Votes in your reply !  You will receive a personal acknowledgement by email.  You can request a copy of this Call for Votes by sending;     start-parsing csiph     send-cfv     end-parsing  You may only vote from one account.  If you vote from several accounts in an attempt at fraud all your votes may be discounted and your name published.  Your vote must be received by 23:59:59GMT on October the 26th 1993.  There will be one further Call for Votes.   CONTACT INFORMATION ===================  This vote is being handled by Ian Jackson as a neutral third party.  Please direct all questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems to [email protected]  NOTE! Please send your *vote* to [email protected]                                                          ^^^^ Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new groups to the proposer, John M. Grohol <[email protected]>.   BOUNCED ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ========================  No acknowledgements or negative acknowledgements of votes have so far been returned to me as undeliverable, as of 10:45GMT Monday the 11th. Therefore, if you voted and have not received a personal acknowledgement of your ballot you should vote again.  Some people voted regarding the `.cd' newsgroup due to the incorrect ballot template in the first CFV.  Their votes are being counted with respect to `.cd-rom'.  They have been sent a message informing them of this and advising them to vote again if they wished to change their vote.  This message bounced when sent to the following voters:  Name and email address                           Ballot reference ----------------------                           ---------------- John Bongiovani <[email protected]>             CSIPH100711554229044 David Cameron <[email protected]>          CSIPH10060651394449 Colin Helliwell <[email protected]> CSIPH10060729414876 Andrew Bros <[email protected]>           CSIPH100613565511475 Bill Dennen <[email protected]>    CSIPH100617184315375 Peter Wemm <[email protected]>             CSIPH100708001525804 Steve Retallack <[email protected]>             CSIPH10060905006564 Jeff Putsch <[email protected]>                    CSIPH100613332711108 John M. Grohol <[email protected]>     CSIPH100520325127439  This list will *not* appear again in the Final Call for Votes. --  Ian Jackson acting on behalf of the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers vote taker for the reorganisation votes to [email protected]     correspondance to [email protected]  From [email protected] Mon Oct 18 16:35:54 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.periphs,comp.periphs.printers,comp.periphs.scsi, Subject: 3rd CFV: reorganisation Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 18 Oct 1993 16:05:18 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 192 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 27 Oct 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Automatic vote teller) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4787 news.groups:84994 comp.periphs:7332 comp.periphs.printers:9533 comp.periphs.scsi:16740                           FINAL CALL FOR VOTES reorganisation  This is the 3rd and final Call for Votes regarding the proposed replacement of with the following unmoderated groups:		Miscellaneous PC hardware topics.		Video cards & monitors for the PC.	Hard drives & other PC storage devices.		CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the PC.		Modems & communication cards for the PC.	Whole IBM PC computer & clone systems. 	Network hardware & equipment for the PC.		Processor, cache, memory chips, etc.  Votes must be received by 23:59 GMT on the 26th of October 1993. Please see below for voting instructions and contact information.  CHARTERS ========  Proposed Renaming: ----------------- -> (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of miscellaneous topics related to the ibm-pc. will take the place of the current catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various hardware discussions that do not fall into any of the proposed groups below (eg.- motherboard discussions, drawbacks of one local bus design over another, etc.); and for the discussion of any computer hardware-related topics for the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass a final vote. will be removed after a 3-month period (to give people time to switch over) if this new group passes.  New Groups Proposed: ------------------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of video cards & monitors for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer video products, including such items as monitors, video cards (including Window's accelerator cards, regular VGA cards, TV-in-a-window cards, etc.), and any other video-imaging hardware.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of hard drives & storage devices for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer storage products, including such items as hard disk drives, floppy disk drives, tape storage devices, storage media, and most other storage devices.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer CD-ROM hardware.  Getting CD-ROM drives to work in ibm-pc's is often a problem for many users, especially in terms of interface cards, IRQ's, and interrupts. This group would *not* be for the discussion of any software that is released on CD-ROM format. Although currently exists, as well as other newsgroups that sort-of cover CD-ROM drives and cards, alt.* groups get limited propegation, and no group is currently devoted to CD-ROM drives and the ibm-pc-hardware interface problems, despite the traffic warranting such a group on and c.s.i.p.h.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of modems & communication cards for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to modems and communication devices. Topics dealing with internal, as well as external modems, fax/modems, and voice-mail cards will be discussed. Differences and technical questions dealing with serial port UARTS (eg.- 16450/16550, etc.), serial ports, IRQ's, etc. are also warranted here.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of ibm-pc computer & clone manufacturers.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to vendors of complete hardware systems, such as Dell, IBM, Gateway, or Zeos. Discussion topics may include advice on systems from current customers, troubleshooting system problems, and information about various system configurations.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of network hardware & equipment for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to the hardware and technical aspects of networking cards and equipment. Troubleshooting network interface problems, getting network devices properly configured, and discussions on new network technologies and solutions are appropriate here.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of processor, cache & memory chips for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to computer chips and technologies. "Chips" is a broad term to include memory chips (such as SIMMs) as well as new system chips from Intel (such as the Pentium) or other chip manufacturers (such as AMD). Topics may include chip pricing & availability, clock speeds (eg.- overclocking), and future chip releases.   VOTING INSTRUCTIONS ===================  YOUR VOTES WILL BE COUNTED BY A PROGRAM.  Please use the template below and follow the instructions exactly.  If you do not do so your ballot may not be understood and would then be returned to you with the votes uncounted.  Send a mail message to [email protected], containing this in the body:     start-parsing csiph     name       vote            vote           vote         vote          vote            vote         vote      vote           end-parsing  PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS: * Delete and replace the <...> parts completely.  You must remove the < >'s. * Everything must be spelled correctly, including the newsgroup names. * Do not omit any of the eleven lines above.  Your name must be supplied. * Do not insert any blank lines or line breaks. * Please don't quote the whole of this Call for Votes in your reply !  You will receive a personal acknowledgement by email.  You can request a copy of this Call for Votes by sending;     start-parsing csiph     send-cfv     end-parsing  You may only vote from one account.  If you vote from several accounts in an attempt at fraud all your votes may be discounted and your name published.  Your vote must be received by 23:59:59GMT on October the 26th 1993.   CONTACT INFORMATION ===================  This vote is being handled by Ian Jackson as a neutral third party.  Please direct all questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems to [email protected]  NOTE! Please send your *vote* to [email protected]                                                          ^^^^ Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new groups to the proposer, John M. Grohol <[email protected]>.   BOUNCED ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ========================  The following people's ballots were parsed and counted, but the automatic acknowledgement bounced.  If you voted before 1100GMT on Monday the 18th, your name is not on this list, and you have not received an acknowledgement, your vote may have been lost and you should vote again.  Name and email address                               Ballot reference ----------------------                               ---------------- Alex Ramos <[email protected]>                   CSIPH100516204823428 Edgar Perez [email protected]> CSIPH101413393721103 Tom Maki <[email protected]>                        CSIPH10160528147879 Michael M. Epting <[email protected]>                    CSIPH101803571119868  Some people voted regarding the `.cd' newsgroup due to the incorrect ballot template in the first CFV.  Their votes are being counted with respect to `.cd-rom'.  They have been sent a message informing them of this and advising them to vote again if they wished to change their vote.  In addition to the list published in the 2nd CFV bounces have been received for this message when sent to the following voters:  Name and email address                               Ballot reference ----------------------                               ---------------- Alex Ramos <[email protected]>                   CSIPH100516204823428 Martin Schroeder <[email protected]>       CSIPH100612340010281 --  Ian Jackson acting on behalf of the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers vote taker for the reorganisation votes to [email protected]     correspondance to [email protected]  From [email protected] Wed Oct 27 16:05:29 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ian Jackson) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.periphs,comp.periphs.printers,comp.periphs.scsi, Subject: RESULT: reorganisation - all groups pass Followup-To: news.groups Date: 27 Oct 1993 14:28:28 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 526 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4208 news.groups:86000 comp.periphs:7388 comp.periphs.printers:9711 comp.periphs.scsi:16947                                  RESULTS reorganisation  This is the table of results from the proposed reorganisation of   Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  328   47 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  331   44 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  324   50 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  299   70 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  308   59 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  305   65 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  308   55 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  297   74 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  379 valid ballots were received and counted.  Accordingly all 8 groups will be created after the 5 day waiting period, barring serious objections.  The superseded group will be removed in 3 months' time.   CHARTERS ========  Proposed Renaming: ----------------- -> (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of miscellaneous topics related to the ibm-pc. will take the place of the current catch-all newsgroup for topics related to various hardware discussions that do not fall into any of the proposed groups below (eg.- motherboard discussions, drawbacks of one local bus design over another, etc.); and for the discussion of any computer hardware-related topics for the below proposed new newsgroups which do not pass a final vote. will be removed after a 3-month period (to give people time to switch over) if this new group passes.  New Groups Proposed: ------------------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of video cards & monitors for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer video products, including such items as monitors, video cards (including Window's accelerator cards, regular VGA cards, TV-in-a-window cards, etc.), and any other video-imaging hardware.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of hard drives & storage devices for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer storage products, including such items as hard disk drives, floppy disk drives, tape storage devices, storage media, and most other storage devices.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to personal computer CD-ROM hardware.  Getting CD-ROM drives to work in ibm-pc's is often a problem for many users, especially in terms of interface cards, IRQ's, and interrupts. This group would *not* be for the discussion of any software that is released on CD-ROM format. Although currently exists, as well as other newsgroups that sort-of cover CD-ROM drives and cards, alt.* groups get limited propegation, and no group is currently devoted to CD-ROM drives and the ibm-pc-hardware interface problems, despite the traffic warranting such a group on and c.s.i.p.h.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of modems & communication cards for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to modems and communication devices. Topics dealing with internal, as well as external modems, fax/modems, and voice-mail cards will be discussed. Differences and technical questions dealing with serial port UARTS (eg.- 16450/16550, etc.), serial ports, IRQ's, etc. are also warranted here.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of ibm-pc computer & clone manufacturers.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to vendors of complete hardware systems, such as Dell, IBM, Gateway, or Zeos. Discussion topics may include advice on systems from current customers, troubleshooting system problems, and information about various system configurations.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of network hardware & equipment for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to the hardware and technical aspects of networking cards and equipment. Troubleshooting network interface problems, getting network devices properly configured, and discussions on new network technologies and solutions are appropriate here.  --------- Name: (unmoderated) Description:  Discussion of processor, cache & memory chips for the ibm-pc.  This newsgroup will be for the discussion of those topics directly related to computer chips and technologies. "Chips" is a broad term to include memory chips (such as SIMMs) as well as new system chips from Intel (such as the Pentium) or other chip manufacturers (such as AMD). Topics may include chip pricing & availability, clock speeds (eg.- overclocking), and future chip releases.   CONTACT INFORMATION ===================  This vote is being handled by Ian Jackson as a neutral third party.  Please direct all questions regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems to Ian Jackson, <[email protected]>.  Please direct all questions regarding the proposed new groups to the proposer, John M. Grohol, <[email protected]>.   LIST OF VOTERS ==============  These two people's ballots arrived too late to be counted:  William Y. Lai <[email protected]>             CSIPH10270451149574  Alan H. Perry [email protected]> CSIPH102714123016336  The following votes were received and counted in the totals above:                           ----------+                     ---------+|                        --------+||                           -------+|||                         ------+||||                        -----+|||||                          ----+||||||                           ---+|||||||                                                                     |||||||| [email protected]                               Andrew Henry YYY----- [email protected]                                Anton Salis YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Etienne Tasse YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           Adam Eberbach YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                          Steve Adams YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Afzal Ballim YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Arnt Gulbrandsen YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Dennis Shaffer YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Alan H. Perry YYYYYYYY [email protected]               Alan V. Cook YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 A. Friedman NNNNNNNN [email protected]                        John Alsobrook NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                    Andre Santos YYYYYYYY [email protected]                    Andreas Helke YYYYYYYY [email protected]                        Andrew Carpenter YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Andrew Finkenstadt YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   Anne Foxworthy YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           Markus Armbruster YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Art Kahlich YYYYYYYY [email protected]                        Curtis L. Ashendel YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                       James Ault YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Goncal Badenes YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                        Ken Ballou NNNNNNNN [email protected]                            Baruch Cochavy NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                     Ben Chang YYYNYYYN [email protected]                                      Ben Coleman YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Petteri Bergius YYYY---- [email protected]                                  Bernard Lang YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Bernie YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                    tim bigham YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Bill Karwin YYYYN-YY [email protected]                                       B.J. Herbison YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Boris Kiena YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Brett Kingswell YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Brian L. Johnson YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Geoffrey S. Elbo YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Bill Bogstad YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 John Bongiovanni YYYNYNYN [email protected]                         Bill Dennen YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Bram Smits YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                       Brett Glaysher YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Andrew Bros YYYYYYYY [email protected]ovell.COM                                      Bryan Cardoza YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Bryan Ryan YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Benjamin W. Turner YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                            Burkhard Kohl Y-NNN-YY [email protected]                                          Burt Holzman YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Bob Sleik YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                    J.T. Adkins YYYYYYYY [email protected]                       Mike Scheidler YYYYYYYY [email protected]                Clinton A. Chamberlin YYYYYY-Y [email protected]                            Cameron L. Spitzer YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Chris Cannon YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Lin, Nan-Hung YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Miguel Borges YYYYYYNY [email protected]                        Charles T. Kelly YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   Cliff Hewitt YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 James Childers YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Christopher Fraser YYYYYYYY [email protected]                       Chua Hak Lien YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 Rudy Chukran YYNYNYYN [email protected]                         Ernest Cline -----N-N [email protected]                                 Paul G. Stout YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Martin Coburn YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Mike Coleman YYYYYYYY [email protected]                Thomas Collins (WI3P) NNNNNNNN [email protected]                           Cord Beermann YYYYYYYY [email protected]                        Chris Perrott YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Michael Crandall NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                Carl Streeter YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   Bjorn Myrvold YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Dan Wilder YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      David G. Miller YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Dave Black YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Dave Barringer YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                          Dave Gagne NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                 David A Bruun-Lie YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Bill Davidsen YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     David Betz YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               David Cameron NNNNNNNN [email protected]                            David Dyer-Bennet YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   Dean Dierschow YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                    Scott Denham YYYNYYYY [email protected]                                      David Shepherd YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               David H. Lee YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Puzenat YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Eric Dittman YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                               Dan Moen YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  David Mosher NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                    Daniel Silevitch YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Dru nelson YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Dion Nicolaas YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 Ingo Dollbaum YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Donald Fast YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Jeff Del Papa YYYYNYYY [email protected]                                    Don Savard YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                       Daniel Thumim YYYYYYYN [email protected]                           Duane Hargrave YYY-YYYN [email protected]                                      Dave Wiseman YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                    Dan Babcock YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Rick Dyson YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                          Edward Bertsch YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Ed Naratil YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 Ed Clarke YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Eric Geisler NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                 E.G. Zondag YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   Eric Olson NNNNNNNN [email protected]                               Erik Laan YYYNYYYY [email protected]                                      Ernest Lau YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Ed McGuire NNNNNNNN eperez%[email protected]                  Edgar Perez YYYNYYY- [email protected]                                     Michael M. Epting YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                       Dennis Ernst YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              David Isaacson YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Greg Franklin YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Randall H. Friedline YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   Frodo Looijaard YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 Sean P. Ryan NNNNNNNN [email protected]                            Frank Terhaar-Yonkers YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Frederick Bent NYNYNNNN [email protected]                                     Gary Turner YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Alan D. Gant YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                        Gary Morton YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Geoffrey Day YYYNYNYY [email protected]                              Gerry Roston NNNNNNNN [email protected]                        Gerhard G. Thallinger YYYYYYYY [email protected]                  Brian Gilbert YYYYYYYN [email protected]                George A. Koehler YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Alexander Glazamitsky YYYYYYYY [email protected]                      Glenn Meader NYYNNNNY [email protected]                                         Glenn Larson YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Gerald Reno YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Gordon N. Matheson YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Gregory Siemens YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Graeme Dixon YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Grant Edwards YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Jon Grantham YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          John M. Grohol YYYYYYYY [email protected]                            Hesham Elgharib YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Brad Porter YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                       George Baltz YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Edmund Hack YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Hamish Hubbard NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                    Paul Hardwick YYYYYYYY hassan%physio%[email protected]                  Aslam Hassan NNNNNNNN [email protected]                    Robert A. Hayden YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Ed Haymore YYYNNNNN [email protected]                           Rudi Heitbaum YYYYYYYY [email protected]                      Colin Helliwell YYYYYYNY [email protected]                                   Ian King YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Ian Staples YYYYYYYY ishikawa%ds5200.%[email protected]                 Ishikawa,Chiaki YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                          Mike Cohen NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                       Ian Jackson YYY----- [email protected]                      Kees van der Wal YYYYYYYY [email protected]                            Jeroen Frijters YYYYYYYY [email protected]                        John J. Smith (smid) YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Justin B. Alcorn YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           James Langdell YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                         Jan Morales YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Jan Christiaan van Winkel YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   David Ruggiero NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                     John English YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                          Jesse Lackey YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                           JOHN HENG YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                            Jim Lewczyk YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Jim McGrady YYYNYYYN [email protected]                                    James C. Tsiao NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                 Jeffrey J. Radice YYY-YNYY [email protected]                        Juha-Matti Liukkonen YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 Jerome Schneider NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                Jim Mayer YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 Jesus Monroy Jr. YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 Joe St Sauver YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Joon Kim YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 Jason O'Rourke NNNNNNNN [email protected]                              James Hensley YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Julian Macassey NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                         Jyke Jokinen YNYYNNYY [email protected]                             Kenneth Almquist -Y------ [email protected]                          Malik H. Kalfane YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           Sebastiano Ietti YYYYY--Y [email protected]                                     Brian P. Kasper YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                    Kathleen Knierim YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Ken Hargreaves YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           Kenneth MacDonald YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Kevin Lu NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                Kevin Wearne YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                                 Kin Cho YYYNYYYN [email protected]                                         Ken Lee YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 Koji Kodama YYYYYYYY [email protected]                            Frank Koppenhagen YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 William G. Korb YYYNYYYY [email protected]                             William Alan Krueger YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   So Kwok Tsun Alan YYYYYNYN [email protected]              Andreas Kugel YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                       Jiri Kvarda YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                         Kijin Jung YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   Jim Lawson YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Fred Leban YYYYYYYY [email protected]                         Leila Burrell-Davis YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                        Leonard Mills NYNNNNYN [email protected]                                         lensink YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             lesley davidow YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Miles Lester YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                       Lim Chee-Tuck YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 George Lindholm YYYYYYYY [email protected]                            Martin von Loewis YYYYYYYY [email protected]                     Victor E Aldridge III Y----Y-N [email protected]                          Linda Whitley YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                    Lynn Crockett NYYYYNYN [email protected]                                Sean R. Malloy YYYYYYYY [email protected]                         Marc Runkel YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                        Mark C. Orton YYYYYYYN [email protected]                                  Mark Sicignano YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Max Kosover YYYYYYYY [email protected]                         Mike Butterworth YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  John McDermott YYYNNYNY [email protected]                                     Mikael Nordqvist YYY----Y [email protected]                               Mike Wileman NNNNNNNN [email protected]                              Samer Meshreki YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Miguel Farah YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           Michael Garoutte YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Michael Hughes YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Michael Gerhards YNYYYYYN [email protected]                       Michael Bracewell YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                         Mike Steele YYYNYYYY [email protected]                         Stephen Miller YYYYYYYY [email protected]                            David Baird YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Michael Shields YYYYYYYY [email protected]                 Mike Levis -- OS/2 2.1 GA YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Mark Looi YYYYNNYN [email protected]                        David McFarling YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Maxime Taksar YYYNYNNN [email protected]                                    Mike Murphy YYYYYYYY [email protected]                        Dan Moran YYYY-Y-N [email protected]                             Morgan Stair YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                         Jongyoon Lee YYYNNNNN [email protected]                                  Mike Lai YYYYYYYY [email protected]                        Martin Schr"oder YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   Mark Purcell YNNYYYYN [email protected]                             A. Mughal YNNNNYYN [email protected]                            Michael Wallack YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Nathan Janette -Y--YYYY [email protected]                                  Noah Bast YYYYYYYY neill%[email protected]             Neil P. Leichman YYYYYYYY [email protected]                            Nicholas Breen YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                        Jon Noring YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                    Simon North YYYYYYYN [email protected]                                Nicholas Russon YYYYNN-- [email protected]                              Ofer Sheinkin YYYYYYYY [email protected]                        Bill Owens NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                      Andrew Luck YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                        John King YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                        Patrick Lee YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      John Payson YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Peter Wemm YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                    Peter Grace YYYNYNYY [email protected]                                      Philip Homburg YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 Paul E. Hoffman YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Pierre Uszynski YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Pim Zandbergen YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                    Pekka J Taipale YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               John Polstra YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   Bill Watts YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                          Ping Huang YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                          Hsi P. Chang YYYYNNYN [email protected]                                         Jeff Putsch YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Per Vaihinen YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           Michael Quinn YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                        Ralph Valentino NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                    Alex Ramos NYYY-YYY [email protected]                                Michael McCarthy YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           Paul Gortmaker YYYNYNYY [email protected]                    Agus Budy Wuysang YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   Ron Dippold YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                             Rich Morin YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Jim Reisert YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Renee Rober YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           Sendhil Revuluri NNNNNNNN [email protected]                              mark reynolds NNNNNNNN [email protected]                               Roger Galuban YYYYYYNN [email protected]                                Ronald Gast YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                            Rich Wales NNNNNNNN [email protected]                      Richard h. Miller NYYNNNNN [email protected]                                    Ralf M. Metzing YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Robert Nichols NNNNNNNN [email protected]                     Rick Schubert YYYY-Y-Y [email protected]                               Robert MacKinnon YYYYYYYY robl%[email protected]                      Rob Laddish YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                    Rod Burr YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                         Ronnie Kon YYYYYYYY [email protected]                     Dave Peticolas YYYYYY-- [email protected]                      Michael Buchenrieder YYYYYNYY [email protected]                              Marc Gutschner YYYNYYNY [email protected]                                    Rod Shelton YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Steven M. Rowan YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Rudi Sahebi YYYYYNYN [email protected]                               Rusty Johnson YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Rodrigo Vanegas YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                        Russell Webb YYNNNN-N [email protected]                                           Russ Herman YYYYYYYY [email protected]                            Seyed Alavizadeh YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Marc Salvatori YYYYYYYY sandblom%[email protected]              Troy Sandblom YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Edmund Burnette NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                     Bill Arnette YYYYYYYY [email protected]                         Maurice Schekkerman NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                  Rainer Schmitz YYYYYYYY [email protected]                 Georg Hoermann YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                           Stanley Chow YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Seth Cohn NYNNYNNN sewilco%[email protected]                      Scot E. Wilcoxon YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           Scott M. Ferris YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Steve Gallo YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Amitabh Shah YYYYYYYY [email protected]                     Hapu Wijesundera YYNNYYNY [email protected]                                   Steve Sheldon YYYNNNYN [email protected]                                      Sherman Chan NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                   Simon Marlow YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      S Bower NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                    Smarasderagd Draco NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                     Steve Mawer YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              John DuBois NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                     Steve Roges NNNNNNNN [email protected]                                Steve Retallack YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                           Stu Beal YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Stu Labovitz YNNYNYNY [email protected]                                          David Sward ---Y---- [email protected]                          Roy Hetherington YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                          Lance Cheney YYYNNYNY [email protected]                                Tan Wea Aik YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Tim Ramsey YYYYYYYY [email protected]                         Tod Bussert YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              TC Cheng YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                         Ted Richards YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Andy Tefft YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Pornthep Narula YYYYYNYY [email protected]                             Terry Goodman YYYYYYYY [email protected]                               Terry Raymond NNNNNNYN [email protected]                          Terry Chlebek YYYNYYYN [email protected]                            Tom Harmon YYYYYYYY [email protected]                         Thomas Beagle YYYNYYNN [email protected]                             Thomas Gasser YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Thorsten Kitz YYYYYYYY [email protected]                        Juergen Thurow YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Tero Niva YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                         Tom Maki YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             Tom Barringer YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           Jean-Louis TOURNET YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Tapani Tarvainen YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Martin M. Pedersen YYY-YNYN [email protected]                                     Theodore Leung YYYYYYYY [email protected]                             William F. Maton YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                              U. Herken YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   O Urzua YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                    Volkmar Grote YYYYYYYY [email protected]                            Victor Demczuk YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Vinod Narayanan NYNY-Y-N [email protected]                      Dave Ratcliffe YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                   Wade Guthrie YYYNYYNY [email protected]                               Rick Wagner YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Benjamin Wai NNNNNNNN wayne%[email protected]                         Wayne Schlitt YYYYYYYY [email protected]                           Wayne Turner YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Pete Nelson YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                Mark Whalley YYYNYYYY [email protected]                            William Hughes YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                 Marcel Wijkstra YYYYYYYY [email protected]                     James W. Williams YYYYYYYY [email protected]                      Mikko H{nninen YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Dmitry Stefankov YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                     Aaron Smith YYYYYYYY [email protected]                       Lee Woodworth YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                  Warren R. Carithers YYYYYYYY [email protected]                          Wolfgang Schelongowski YYYYYYYY [email protected]                   Bill Watson Jr. YYYYYYYY [email protected]                              Tou Pao Xiong YYYYYYYY [email protected]                                      Yann Nicolas YYYYYYYY --  Ian Jackson acting on behalf of the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers vote taker for the reorganisation  
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