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CodeWarrior ( comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior )
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From [email protected] Tue Jun 21 14:38:57 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Howard Berkey) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.programmer Subject: RFD: comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior Followup-To: news.groups Date: 21 Jun 1994 10:36:20 -0400 Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) Lines: 62 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5233 news.groups:106769 comp.sys.mac.programmer:100718   Request for Discussion - comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior  Newsgroup: comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior Status: unmoderated Distribution: world Summary: Discussion of the CodeWarrior set of Macintosh development tools Proponent: Howard Berkey	([email protected])  This is a formal Request For Discussion for the creation of the unmoderated newsgroup comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior.  CHARTER  The purpose of comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior is to provide a place on  usenet for the unmoderated discussion of the CodeWarrior set of Macintosh  development tools.  This includes bug reports, feature requests, source  code, and anything else related to the use of the tools.  It does not  include binaries or advertisement.  It will be directly used by the 542  currently subscribed members of the cwarrior internet mailing list  ([email protected]) plus many more users as the tools gain popularity.   The cwarrior list averages 15-20 messages a day and the topics are  identical to those mentioned in this charter.    RATIONALE  The traffic on the cwarrior mailing list is heavy enough to justify  newsgroup creation.  As more people purchase the tools the traffic will  certainly increase.  This is definitely a factor since the tools have  been available only since January in pre-release form and the 1.0 release  is only weeks old.  Although there is ample reason for not creating newsgroups about  commercial tools, and a lot of people feel strongly about it, in this  case there are reasons that justify it.  First, almost all Macintosh  C/C++ programmers use one of three development environments; MPW,  Symantec C++, or CodeWarrior.  Second, although there are Metrowerks  engineers on the cwarrior list, the list is not affiliated with  Metrowerks and those Metrowerks employees present have not only been  extremely helpful, they have completely avoided any kind of advertisement  or marketing on the list.  The list has proved a valuable asset for direct  communication with the company and has fostered a kind of communication  between the makers and users of tools that is outstanding.    Third, the list grows greatly each time it is announced on  comp.sys.mac.programmer.  The existence of a usenet newsgroup would more  easily facilitate new users joining the discussion of the tools.  A one-way (list to news) gateway will be maintained after the newsgroup  is created.  Barring a need for changes to the RFD, the Call for Votes will be posted 30 days from now.  This RFD has been posted to news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, and comp.sys.mac.programmer,  and has also been sent to the cwarrior mailing list.  It has  been formed in accordance with the Guidelines for Usenet Group Creation.  --  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Howard Berkey                                             [email protected]    			      Eat at C-Ko's ...........................................................................   From [email protected] (RonDippold) Wed Jul 20 20:26:07 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.programmer Subject: CFV: comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior Followup-To: poster Date: 20 Jul 1994 20:23:00 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 68 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 12 Aug 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5358 news.groups:108947 comp.sys.mac.programmer:104772  		     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) 	unmoderated group comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior  Newsgroups line: comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior	Macintosh programming using CodeWarrior.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 11 August 1994.  After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to the mailing list <[email protected]>  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Howard Berkey <[email protected]>.   CHARTER  Summary: Discussion of the CodeWarrior set of Macintosh development tools  The purpose of comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior is to provide a place on  usenet for the unmoderated discussion of the CodeWarrior set of Macintosh  development tools.  This includes bug reports, feature requests, source  code, and anything else related to the use of the tools.  It does not  include binaries or advertisement.  It will be directly used by the 542  currently subscribed members of the codewarrior internet mailing list  ([email protected]) plus many more users as the tools gain popularity.    The traffic on the codewarrior mailing list is heavy enough to justify  newsgroup creation.  As more people purchase the tools the traffic will  certainly increase.  This is definitely a factor since the tools have  been available only since January in pre-release form and the 1.0 release  is only weeks old.  Although there is ample reason for not creating newsgroups about  commercial tools, and a lot of people feel strongly about it, in this  case there are reasons that justify it.  First, almost all Macintosh  C/C++ programmers use one of three development environments; MPW,  Symantec C++, or CodeWarrior.  Second, although there are Metrowerks  engineers on the codewarrior list, the list is not affiliated with  Metrowerks and those Metrowerks employees present have not only been  extremely helpful, they have completely avoided any kind of advertisement  or marketing on the list.  The list has proved a valuable asset for direct  communication with the company and has fostered a kind of communication  between the makers and users of tools that is outstanding.    Third, the list grows greatly each time it is announced on  comp.sys.mac.programmer.  The existence of a usenet newsgroup would more  easily facilitate new users joining the discussion of the tools.   HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:       I vote YES on comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior       I vote NO on comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Thu Jul 28 17:27:16 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.programmer Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 28 Jul 1994 16:35:53 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 77 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 12 Aug 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5414 news.groups:110033 comp.sys.mac.programmer:106170                       LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)         unmoderated group comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior  Newsgroups line: comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior     Macintosh programming using CodeWarrior.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 11 August 1994.  After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to the mailing list <[email protected]>  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Howard Berkey <[email protected]>.   CHARTER  Summary: Discussion of the CodeWarrior set of Macintosh development tools  The purpose of comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior is to provide a place on  usenet for the unmoderated discussion of the CodeWarrior set of Macintosh  development tools.  This includes bug reports, feature requests, source  code, and anything else related to the use of the tools.  It does not  include binaries or advertisement.  It will be directly used by the 542  currently subscribed members of the codewarrior internet mailing list  ([email protected]) plus many more users as the tools gain popularity.    The traffic on the codewarrior mailing list is heavy enough to justify  newsgroup creation.  As more people purchase the tools the traffic will  certainly increase.  This is definitely a factor since the tools have  been available only since January in pre-release form and the 1.0 release  is only weeks old.  Although there is ample reason for not creating newsgroups about  commercial tools, and a lot of people feel strongly about it, in this  case there are reasons that justify it.  First, almost all Macintosh  C/C++ programmers use one of three development environments; MPW,  Symantec C++, or CodeWarrior.  Second, although there are Metrowerks  engineers on the codewarrior list, the list is not affiliated with  Metrowerks and those Metrowerks employees present have not only been  extremely helpful, they have completely avoided any kind of advertisement  or marketing on the list.  The list has proved a valuable asset for direct  communication with the company and has fostered a kind of communication  between the makers and users of tools that is outstanding.    Third, the list grows greatly each time it is announced on  comp.sys.mac.programmer.  The existence of a usenet newsgroup would more  easily facilitate new users joining the discussion of the tools.   HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:       I vote YES on comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior       I vote NO on comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.    comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior Bounce List - No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                Jeff Abrahamson [email protected]                            Hartwig Wiesmann [email protected]                                        Pierre Uszynski [email protected]                                                     Robin R. Reid  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Tue Aug 16 16:36:48 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.programmer Subject: RESULT: comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior passes 476:83 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 15 Aug 1994 17:07:56 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 630 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5507 news.groups:112539 comp.sys.mac.programmer:109127  				RESULT  unmoderated group comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior passes 476:83  There were 476 YES votes and 83 NO votes, for a total of 559 valid votes.  There were 4 abstains.  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.   There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.   Newsgroups line: comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior     Macintosh programming using CodeWarrior.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Howard Berkey <[email protected]>.   CHARTER  Summary: Discussion of the CodeWarrior set of Macintosh development tools  The purpose of comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior is to provide a place on  usenet for the unmoderated discussion of the CodeWarrior set of Macintosh  development tools.  This includes bug reports, feature requests, source  code, and anything else related to the use of the tools.  It does not  include binaries or advertisement.  It will be directly used by the 542  currently subscribed members of the codewarrior internet mailing list  ([email protected]) plus many more users as the tools gain popularity.    The traffic on the codewarrior mailing list is heavy enough to justify  newsgroup creation.  As more people purchase the tools the traffic will  certainly increase.  This is definitely a factor since the tools have  been available only since January in pre-release form and the 1.0 release  is only weeks old.  Although there is ample reason for not creating newsgroups about  commercial tools, and a lot of people feel strongly about it, in this  case there are reasons that justify it.  First, almost all Macintosh  C/C++ programmers use one of three development environments; MPW,  Symantec C++, or CodeWarrior.  Second, although there are Metrowerks  engineers on the codewarrior list, the list is not affiliated with  Metrowerks and those Metrowerks employees present have not only been  extremely helpful, they have completely avoided any kind of advertisement  or marketing on the list.  The list has proved a valuable asset for direct  communication with the company and has fostered a kind of communication  between the makers and users of tools that is outstanding.    Third, the list grows greatly each time it is announced on  comp.sys.mac.programmer.  The existence of a usenet newsgroup would more  easily facilitate new users joining the discussion of the tools.   comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior Final Vote Ack  Voted Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                               [email protected]                                               Ames Cornish [email protected]                                             Adam Nash [email protected]                                        Andrew E. Scheck [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                     Mr. Zebra [email protected]                                        A. Grignon [email protected]                                     Alexander G. Smith [email protected]                         Jeremy Creighton Ahouse [email protected]                                         Alan K. Thompson [email protected]                                         Alan Staniforth [email protected]                                        Alan Coopersmith [email protected]                                                Alan Danziger [email protected]                                                  Alan Lewis [email protected]                                        Alcazar, Mark [email protected]                                           Alex Kiernan [email protected]                                                   Alex Crouzen [email protected]                                                 Allon Stern [email protected]                                              Amanda Walker [email protected]                                   Andrew Macdonald Butt Anders_Wallgren/[email protected]    Anders Wallgren/No Hands Soft [email protected]                                      Andrew J. Willmott [email protected]                                             Andrew McCown [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                            Stefan Arentz [email protected]                                                 Adam Skwersky [email protected]                                       SAR Moderator [email protected]                                                   Asif Taiyabi [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                               Aleksandar Totic [email protected]                                                  Atul Barve [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                            Berardino E. Baratta [email protected]                                               Ken Malsky [email protected]                                   Brian Collett [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                           Bob Beason [email protected]                                           Bengt Baverman [email protected]                                   Benjamin Herrenschmidt [email protected]                                  Dominique Bernardi [email protected]                                         Bernd Gruendling [email protected]                  Lars Bernhardsson [email protected]                                       Steven Bertsche [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                                Brian Hamlin [email protected]                                    Bryan Horling [email protected]                                             Larry L Biehl [email protected]                                     Peter Bierman [email protected]                             Mark R. Bloemeke [email protected]                                                      Eric Bowman [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                           brian  davis [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                   Charlie Reading [email protected]                                 Andreas C.H. Magnusson [email protected]                                   John-Paul Cagle (EE) [email protected]                                    Caia Grisar [email protected]                                                 Cameron Momtaz [email protected]                                          L L Campbell [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                      Philippe Casgrain [email protected]                                          Baxley, Chris [email protected]                                            Charles Koester [email protected]                                                Charles Stross [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                                 Chris Russo Chris_Muir.QM#u#[email protected]                             Chris Muir [email protected]                                       Eric Preston [email protected]                                                    Chuck Hoffman [email protected]                                 Chuck Browne [email protected]                                 Arne Claassen (ISE) [email protected]                                         Chris Stamper [email protected]                                            Cliff McCollum [email protected]                                                    ASR Goudge [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                          Dr Colin Quek [email protected]                                                  Bob Collins [email protected]                                                Marc Cooperman [email protected]                                   Ken Costello [email protected]                                  Craig A. Heilman [email protected]                                         Christopher R. Bowman [email protected]                                                Chris P. Ross [email protected]                                          Doug Cutting [email protected]                                                             cwood [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                                                     [email protected]                                              David A. McLeod [email protected]                                            Daniel Lau [email protected]                                              Dan Crevier [email protected]                                                    Dan Waylonis [email protected]                                                    Dan Wood [email protected]                                          derwood [email protected]                                     Daryl Spitzer [email protected]                                                     Dave Green [email protected]                                      Dave McCormick [email protected]                                            David Ely [email protected]                                        Doug Dawson [email protected]                                                 David W. Crawford [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                 Peter Greis [email protected]                                            Andrew Deeks [email protected]                                            Dennis C. De Mars [email protected]                                                    Andy Dent [email protected]                                                  [email protected]                                       Devon Hubbard [email protected]                                              Garth Dickie [email protected]                                             Dave Disser [email protected]                           Karl-Heinz Dittberner [email protected]                                               Djonli [email protected]                                              David Kreindler [email protected]                                           Dave MacLachlan [email protected]                                             Darryl Trujillo [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                         Tom 'moof' Spindler [email protected]                                            Donald G. Leeper [email protected]                                                        Doug Wyatt [email protected]                                                 Douglas Lee [email protected]                                             Doug Williams [email protected]                                             Dan Podwall [email protected]                                     E.J. Draper [email protected]                                           Douglas Rowe [email protected]                            David Allan Drummond [email protected]                                     David St. John [email protected]                                         Dufour Claude [email protected]                                             Dwain E. Fagerberg [email protected]                                                   Doug Wood [email protected]                                    David Gladstone [email protected]                                                   Ed Lomax [email protected]                                     Zachary D. Edmundson [email protected]                              Lars Eggert [email protected]                                      EHANIG.US.ORACLE.COM [email protected]                                                    Eric House [email protected]                                             Harold Ekstrom [email protected]                                         Eric Azarcon [email protected]                                 Eric Wasserman [email protected]                                               Erik Robertson [email protected]                                         Eric Shieh [email protected]                                            Christopher Evans [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                        Alex Curylo [email protected]                                                   Steve Folta [email protected]                                         Francis Lee [email protected]                                   Norman Franke, III [email protected]                                      Fred William Peterson [email protected]                                                Geoff Adams [email protected]                                           Brian Gaines [email protected]                                                  joseph galbraith [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                           William Garrison [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                   Gavin Maxwell [email protected]                                         Jerry Black [email protected]                                             Garth Cummings [email protected]                                                 Steve Riggins [email protected]                                                         Joey Gray [email protected]                                                 geoff george [email protected]                                                 G. Gavazzi [email protected]                                                                    [email protected]                                                Garner R. Miller [email protected]                                                Nicolas Godbout [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                                Kent Radek [email protected]                                                Paul Goyette [email protected]                                        Greg Galanos [email protected]                                               Grant Farr [email protected]                                                                  [email protected]                                  Greg Ferguson [email protected]                                              Ari BJ de Groot [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                       Guy Jennings [email protected]                                          Greg Veres [email protected]                          Gordon Watts -- U of Rochester [email protected]                                                   Steve Hales [email protected]                                                    Scott Hankin [email protected]                                                     Mark Hanrek [email protected]                                              Dave Harkness [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                          graham (g.) heathcote [email protected]                                           HARRY R. ERWIN [email protected]                                            matthew (m.) holiday [email protected]                                     Bo Holst-Christensen [email protected]                                                Howard Berkey [email protected]                                              Howard Katz [email protected]                                                Howard Goldberg [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                           Eric Hustvedt [email protected]                                                   Ian Goodrich [email protected]                                                       Ian LeGrow [email protected]                                                   Igor Livshits [email protected]                                                     Mike Cohen [email protected]                                          J.C.Highfield [email protected]                                        James N Foster [email protected]                                                                  [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                          James Do [email protected]                                          James Jarrett [email protected]                                            Jason Bujnosek [email protected]                                                 Johan Berglund [email protected]                                             James D. Berry [email protected]                                        Joel Brogniart [email protected]                                               Jim Browne [email protected]                                               James P. Burke [email protected]                                              Joshua Dunfield [email protected]                                                Jud Cornish [email protected]                                            Cronick, Jeff [email protected]                                                    Jeff Doyle [email protected]                                                Jeff Abrahamson [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                               Jeff Borton [email protected]                                            John E. Mendenhall [email protected]                                      Jens Alfke [email protected]                                             Jerry Wilcox [email protected]                                 Jerry Gatlin [email protected]                                               Jonathan Hess [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                            Joachim Steingrubner [email protected]                                      Daniel Jibouleau [email protected]                                                      Jim McGee [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                               Jay J. Williams [email protected]                                               Jye-hoon Lee [email protected]                                    john liptak [email protected]                                                Johnathon Suker [email protected]                                               Jose M. daLuz [email protected]                                                  Jeff Miller [email protected]                                                   Jon Lipsky [email protected]                                          Mike Lake [email protected]                                           Juri Munkki [email protected]                                                  Joe Gervais [email protected]                                                    John Leslie [email protected]                                          John Clements [email protected]                                        Johnson, Scott [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                                 Jon Thomason [email protected]                                           Shawn Jordan [email protected]                                   Jordan Pallack [email protected]                                                      Joseph Block [email protected]                                                        Jeff Pek [email protected]                                                   Joe Pillera [email protected]                                                     Bob Boonstra [email protected]                                         Jerry D Smith 14617 [email protected]                              Jan Snydr-Michal 6515 [email protected]                                            John W. Baxter [email protected]                                                    Jamie Osborne [email protected]                                              Jonathan Jacobs [email protected]                                                     John H. Hall [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                         Julian Harris [email protected]                                     David Kadow (SG)swdmv [email protected]                                            Kathleen A Whalen [email protected]                                           Ken Griffiths [email protected]                                     Kenneth Prehoda [email protected]                                                     Jerry Keough [email protected]                                 Khurram Qureshi [email protected]                                                 Kai [email protected]                                           Jeff Knee [email protected]                                               kocher [email protected]                                                            John [email protected]                                                           koffer [email protected]                                        Martin Schroeder [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                          Gregory L. Priem [email protected]                                     Corrin Lakeland [email protected]                                 Lance Finn Helsten [email protected]                                                Lantz Rowland [email protected]                                           Scott E. Lasley [email protected]                                         Ville Lavonius [email protected]                                    Lynn W. Becker II [email protected]                                                 Lynda Botez [email protected]                                      Leanne Archer [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                             Anton Leouski [email protected]                                          William Leshner [email protected]                                               Lisa [email protected]                                                                    lrd-cw%[email protected]                            Robert Munafo [email protected]                                             Dr L. Thomas [email protected]                                       Patrick Lyles [email protected]                                                    Conrad Wong [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                             David Madole [email protected]                                              Marc Nardulli [email protected]                                            Marco van Neerbos [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                               Mark A. Wilson-Thomas [email protected]                                                Mark Anderson [email protected]                                     Mark Wittenberg [email protected]                                                Mark A Lilly [email protected]                                               Martin Stein [email protected]                                                     Mark A Thalman [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                                   Marlin Prowell [email protected]                                                  Mike Coleman [email protected]                                     Angus M Mcmechen [email protected]                                              Jeff Mealiffe [email protected]                                            Mel E. Martinez [email protected]                               Stephen Merkowitz [email protected]                            Martin L. Ferguson [email protected]                                                   Michael Grubb [email protected]                                                  Michael Galloway [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                               Micke Hovm|ller [email protected]                                    [email protected]                                                   Miki Rosin [email protected]                                             Robert Minnis [email protected]                                  Minshull, Mark [email protected]                                          Mike Junod [email protected]                                       Bradley D. Mohr [email protected]                                                    [email protected]                                             Moss Prescott [email protected]                                      Marty Wachter [email protected]                                 Mike Cutter [email protected]                                                Mel Walker [email protected]                                                                  [email protected]                                        Matthew Xavier Mora [email protected]                                           Nathan J. Wilson [email protected]                                          Nathan Dunfield [email protected]                                                Neal Trautman [email protected]                                        Matthias Neeracher [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                           Omi Chandiramani [email protected]                                            Olav Brinkmann [email protected]                                             Olafur Bragason [email protected]                                       Tim Osborn [email protected]                                                  Juan Ingles [email protected]                                                Geoff Paddle [email protected]                                    M. Paquette [email protected]                                         Vincent Partington [email protected]                                       Pascal Lamboley [email protected]                                     Pat Walters [email protected]                                          patrick mcclaughry [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                              Paul Diegenbach [email protected]                                       Preston Black [email protected]                                                  Peter Delevoryas [email protected]                                           Patrick Dumais [email protected]                                               Paul Robichaux [email protected]                                                    Peter Cockerell [email protected]                                                      pc gzowski [email protected]                                        Peter F. MacDonald III [email protected]                                     Peter M. Pundy [email protected]                                       Peter Marks [email protected]                                             Phil Kearney III [email protected]                                     Philippe Laval [email protected]                            Peter Janssen Creath [email protected]                                                Peter Jensen [email protected]                                                                  [email protected]                                                 Per Lindgren [email protected]                                               Povl H. Pedersen [email protected]                                        Francois Pottier [email protected]                              Brian "Captain" Powell [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                              Dr. P.L. Taylor [email protected]                                      Bill Cockayne [email protected]                                             Michael Puskar [email protected]                                                Peter Kocourek [email protected]                                   Michael J. Quinn [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                          Pete Hoch x39699 [email protected]                                           Anton Rang [email protected]                                               Paul Rauschelbach [email protected]                                                     Richard [email protected]                                                  Roy D [email protected]                                    William Reiss (CS) [email protected]                                               rEnE Schmit [email protected]                                         RResdevD(ictus) [email protected]                                               Richard Reich [email protected]                                                  Roger Corman [email protected]                                      Robert Grimm [email protected]                              Rob Hagopian [email protected]                                                    Denis Ricard [email protected]                                    Richard Buckle [email protected]                                             Richard H. 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Reid [email protected]                                                    Robert Story [email protected]                                     Svlad Cjelli [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                               Russell Gold [email protected]                                              Scott Hutinger [email protected]                                     Sanford H. Selznick [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                             Bill Stackhouse [email protected]                                           Steve Bryan [email protected]                             Francis H. Schiffer 3rd [email protected]                                          David Schooley [email protected]                               Christina Schulman [email protected]                                         Eric Scouten [email protected]                                              Steve Dagley [email protected]                                                 Stephen Davis [email protected]                                  Sean Ansorge [email protected]                                                Pete Mackie [email protected]                                          Shahid M. 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Huen [email protected]                               Mike Mustaine [email protected]                                            russ snyder [email protected]                                                 Peter Speck [email protected]                                                   Spencer Low [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                            Dick Startz [email protected]                                          Keith Stattenfield [email protected]                                                    Steve Taylor [email protected]                                    Steven K. Chang [email protected]                                                     Steve Poole [email protected]                               Steve Hershey [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                          Sterling S Wight [email protected]                                             Thomas B. White [email protected]                                           Thomas KC Chan [email protected]                               Tim Fullerton [email protected]                                                    Troy Gaul [email protected]                             Dirk Theisen [email protected]                            Thomas Weisbach [email protected]      Chris Thomas, ICONtact Developer Database Librarian [email protected]                                            Tom Manley [email protected]                                                    Tom Mohr [email protected]                                                 Todd V. 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Watkeys III [email protected]                                                    Bill Hofmann [email protected]                                      DE GRUYTER BART [email protected]                                         christopher weare [email protected]                                                   W. Wesley Monroe [email protected]                                        Whitney Hunter [email protected]                                                   W. Baden [email protected]                                           Brian Williams [email protected]                                                 William K. Walker [email protected]                                              Bill Myers, K1GQ [email protected]                                                  Frank Price [email protected]                                           William T. Jones [email protected]                     Dave Shariff Yadallee [email protected]                                                    Jerome Chan [email protected]                                               Chris Athanas [email protected]                                               Zig Zichterman [email protected]                                                joe zobkiw  Voted No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                    Tim Dierks [email protected]                                      Aleck CheMponda CUST [email protected]                      JESUS EUGENIO SANCHEZ PENA [email protected]                         Stefan Antersberger [email protected]                                           Douglas Edward Becker [email protected]                                               Tim Benham [email protected]                                        Ben Davenport [email protected]                                              Brad Andrews [email protected]                                                   Brian Grant [email protected]                                           Brian Bulkowski [email protected]                                          Bruce Hoult [email protected]                                            Bruce Fletcher [email protected]                                            Eric C. Carlson [email protected]                                         Cheinan Marks [email protected]                              Chris 'Action' Jackson COLLAUDG%[email protected]                                         [email protected]                                              Charlie Reiman [email protected]                                                  Carl O [email protected]                                               [email protected]                                     Chuck Shotton [email protected]                                         Christopher S. Suley [email protected]                                               Christopher Ward [email protected]                                               Dave Schwartz [email protected]                                            Dave Polaschek [email protected]                       Dana E. 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