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Science and technology ( comp.sys.mac.scitech )
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From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:42:07 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Mike Duncan <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.mac.announce,sci.comp-aided,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.sys.mac.apps Subject: RFD: comp.sys.mac.scitech Followup-To: news.groups Date: 29 Mar 1993 19:31:52 -0500 Organization: Lines: 132 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3406 news.groups:68764 comp.sys.mac.announce:422 sci.comp-aided:282 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:5730 comp.sys.mac.apps:34377  R E Q U E S T   F O R   D I S C U S S I O N -------------------------------------------  This is a Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of a newsgroup for the discussion of issues regarding the use of the Macintosh in science and engineering disciplines.  GROUP NAME  comp.sys.mac.scitech  STATUS  unmoderated  CHARTER  comp.sys.mac.scitech (unmoderated) will be a newsgroup for the discussion of practical and innovative applications of the Macintosh in a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines.  Some, but not all, of the fields expected to be included within the scope of the newsgroup are:  * Acoustics * Astronomy * Biochemistry * Biology * Chemistry * Computer Science * Electrical Engineering * Geology * Geophysics * Materials Science * Mathematics * Mechanical Engineering * Medicine * Optics * Physics * Psychology  There are a number of technologies that are common to many of the above scientific fields.  This newsgroup will also be for the discussion of advances in and applications of those technologies.  Some, but not all, of the technologies of interest are:  * Computer Aided Drawing/Computer Aided Engineering * Digital Signal Processing * Data Acquisition * Image Processing * Modeling * Process Control * Simulation * Technical Graphing * Technical Publishing * Visualization  Since many scientists and engineers develop technical programs on the Macintosh computer, this newsgroup will also be for the discussion of topics in programming that relate to the use of programs in a science or engineering environment.  It is assumed that this newsgroup will also include discussions of the Macintosh computer as it is used in the higher level education of scientists and engineers.    RATIONALE  The Macintosh has become a very widely used computer in scientific and engineering fields.  Many techniques for solving research or design problems are common over widely diverse fields, but there exists no forum for the general discussion of those techniques specifically on the Macintosh. A new, non-profit, user group/professional association, the Macintosh Scientific and Engineering Users Association (MacSciTech), has been created to enhance the effective utilization of the Macintosh computer within the scientific and engineering communities, but that group has very limited electronic communication capabilities.  The creation of a newsgroup that specifically addresses the needs of a large class of Macintosh users (scientists and engineers) would allow rapid dissemination of useful information.  And, with the ever-increasing connectivity that is occurring between institutions that employ a large number of scientists and engineers, the time is right for the creation of this new newsgroup.  No current newsgroup is the natural place for the group proposed here.  The current groups in the comp.sys.mac hierarchy are focused, in general, on other topics.  Messages in those groups would either overwhelm or exclude the discussion of the topics proposed here.  The group sci.comp-aided is not appropriate because by it's very hierarchy it stresses science first, and computer methods second.  The creation of this group as one in the computer hierarchy assures that the common element is the computer techniques that are used in science and engineering to solve similiar problems.  In addition, by being in the mac hierarchy the group is assured of a common computer platform.  This is important since scientists and engineers seem to be oriented towards only one computer and tend to do most of their work with one type of computer.    BACKGROUND  The science and engineering disciplines have historically been the leaders in using high-end Macintosh computers.  But, because of the natural division along scientific and engineering disciplines, workers in different groups have had to solve common problems over and over again.  Except for general purpose forums for the discussion of programming languages, utilities, or general productivity programs for the Macintosh, there has never been one place where scientists and engineers can go to gather information specific to their problems.  The MacSciTech organization, with over 1500 members, is one solution to the problem.  That group also keeps an archive of shareware and public domain software and information at    SCHEDULE  This RFD was issued on March 31 and will last for 30 days. If this RFD is approved, a CFV will be issued on April 30, and the voting period will end at 11:59 (EST), May 30.  NOTE:  Discussion on the creation of this newsgroup will take place in news.groups. --  Michael D. Duncan, Research Physicist           [email protected] Code 5640                       Chairman, communications committee, MacSciTech Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC  20375                           (202) 767-2507  From [email protected] Wed Apr 14 15:42:30 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Michael Duncan <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.comp-aided,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.sys.mac.apps Subject: 2nd RFD: comp.sys.mac.scitech Followup-To: news.groups Date: 12 Apr 1993 19:50:46 -0400 Organization: Naval Research Laboratory Lines: 132 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3454 news.groups:69722 sci.comp-aided:292 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:5964 comp.sys.mac.apps:35136  2 n d   R E Q U E S T   F O R   D I S C U S S I O N -------------------------------------------  This is a the second Request For Discussion (RFD) for the  creation of a newsgroup for the discussion of issues regarding the use of the Macintosh in science and engineering disciplines.  GROUP NAME  comp.sys.mac.scitech  STATUS  unmoderated  CHARTER  comp.sys.mac.scitech (unmoderated) will be a newsgroup for the discussion of practical and innovative applications of the Macintosh in a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines.  Some, but not all, of the fields expected to be included within the scope of the newsgroup are:  * Acoustics * Astronomy * Biochemistry * Biology * Chemistry * Computer Science * Electrical Engineering * Geology * Geophysics * Materials Science * Mathematics * Mechanical Engineering * Medicine * Optics * Physics * Psychology  There are a number of technologies that are common to many of the above scientific fields.  This newsgroup will also be for the discussion of advances in and applications of those technologies.  Some, but not all, of the technologies of interest are:  * Computer Aided Drawing/Computer Aided Engineering * Digital Signal Processing * Data Acquisition * Image Processing * Modeling * Process Control * Simulation * Technical Graphing * Technical Publishing * Visualization  Since many scientists and engineers develop technical programs on the Macintosh computer, this newsgroup will also be for the discussion of topics in programming that relate to the use of programs in a science or engineering environment.  It is assumed that this newsgroup will also include discussions of the Macintosh computer as it is used in the higher level education of scientists and engineers.    RATIONALE  The Macintosh has become a very widely used computer in scientific and engineering fields.  Many techniques for solving research or design problems are common over widely diverse fields, but there exists no forum for the general discussion of those techniques specifically on the Macintosh. A new, non-profit, user group/professional association, the Macintosh Scientific and Engineering Users Association (MacSciTech), has been created to enhance the effective utilization of the Macintosh computer within the scientific and engineering communities, but that group has very limited electronic communication capabilities.  The creation of a newsgroup that specifically addresses the needs of a large class of Macintosh users (scientists and engineers) would allow rapid dissemination of useful information.  And, with the ever-increasing connectivity that is occurring between institutions that employ a large number of scientists and engineers, the time is right for the creation of this new newsgroup.  No current newsgroup is the natural place for the group proposed here.  The current groups in the comp.sys.mac hierarchy are focused, in general, on other topics.  Messages in those groups would either overwhelm or exclude the discussion of the topics proposed here.  The group sci.comp-aided is not appropriate because by it's very hierarchy it stresses science first, and computer methods second.  The creation of this group as one in the computer hierarchy assures that the common element is the computer techniques that are used in science and engineering to solve similiar problems.  In addition, by being in the mac hierarchy the group is assured of a common computer platform.  This is important since scientists and engineers seem to be oriented towards only one computer and tend to do most of their work with one type of computer.    BACKGROUND  The science and engineering disciplines have historically been the leaders in using high-end Macintosh computers.  But, because of the natural division along scientific and engineering disciplines, workers in different groups have had to solve common problems over and over again.  Except for general purpose forums for the discussion of programming languages, utilities, or general productivity programs for the Macintosh, there has never been one place where scientists and engineers can go to gather information specific to their problems.  The MacSciTech organization, with over 1500 members, is one solution to the problem.  That group also keeps an archive of shareware and public domain software and information at    SCHEDULE  This RFD was issued on March 31 and will last for 30 days. If this RFD is approved, a CFV will be issued on April 30, and the voting period will end at 11:59 (EST), May 30.  NOTE:  Discussion on the creation of this newsgroup will take place in news.groups. --  Michael D. Duncan, Research Physicist           [email protected] Code 5640                       Chairman, communications committee, MacSciTech Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC  20375                           (202) 767-2507  From [email protected] Thu May  6 14:55:34 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Michael Duncan <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.comp-aided,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.sys.mac.apps,comp.sys.mac.announce Subject: CFV: comp.sys.mac.scitech Followup-To: poster Date: 30 Apr 1993 18:42:40 -0400 Organization: Naval Research Laboratory Lines: 116 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3533 news.groups:71234 sci.comp-aided:301 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:6360 comp.sys.mac.apps:36216 comp.sys.mac.announce:440  C A L L   F O R   V O T E S ---------------------------  This is an official Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation of the new news group comp.sys.mac.scitech.   STATUS  unmoderated   VOTING  The voting period will begin when this CFV is posted. It will end on May 30, 1993 at 23:59 EDT. According to the USENET rules, in order for the group to be created, at least 2/3 of the votes cast must be YES votes, and there must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.       To vote please mail to the following address                [email protected]  The contents of the message should contain either the line         "I vote for comp.sys.mac.scitech as proposed" or        "I vote against comp.sys.mac.scitech as proposed"  whichever is appropriate.  Email messages sent to the above address must constitute unambiguous and unconditional votes for/against newsgroup creation as proposed. Conditional votes will not be accepted.  Votes emailed to the above address will be counted.  In the event that more than one vote is placed by an individual,  only the most recent vote will be counted.    Please include your full name if your mailer doesn't do this for you.  Two additional CFV's will be posted during the course of the vote, along with acknowledgments of those votes received to date. No information will be supplied as to how people are voting until the final acknowledgment is made at the end, at which time the full vote will be made public.  SCHEDULE  This CFV was issued on April 30, and the voting period will end on May 30, 1993 at 23:59 EDT.  Thank you for your participation.   CHARTER  comp.sys.mac.scitech (unmoderated) will be a newsgroup for the discussion of practical and innovative applications of the Macintosh in a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines.  Some, but not all, of the fields expected to be included within the scope of the newsgroup are:  * Acoustics * Astronomy * Biochemistry * Biology * Chemistry * Computer Science * Electrical Engineering * Geology * Geophysics * Materials Science * Mathematics * Mechanical Engineering * Medicine * Optics * Physics * Psychology  There are a number of technologies that are common to many of the above scientific fields.  This newsgroup will also be for the discussion of advances in and applications of those technologies.  Some, but not all, of the technologies of interest are:  * Computer Aided Drawing/Computer Aided Engineering * Digital Signal Processing * Data Acquisition * Image Processing * Modeling * Process Control * Simulation * Technical Graphing * Technical Publishing * Visualization  Since many scientists and engineers develop technical programs on the Macintosh computer, this newsgroup will also be for the discussion of topics in programming that relate to the use of programs in a science or engineering environment.  It is assumed that this newsgroup will also include discussions of the Macintosh computer as it is used in the higher level education of scientists and engineers.     RFD  An RFD for this group was issued on March 31 and lasted for 30 days. --  Michael D. Duncan, Research Physicist           [email protected] Code 5640                       Chairman, communications committee, MacSciTech Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC  20375                           (202) 767-2507  From [email protected] Tue May 18 15:54:08 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (MacSciTech) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.comp-aided,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.sys.mac.apps Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.sys.mac.scitech Followup-To: poster Date: 13 May 1993 18:14:02 -0400 Organization: Naval Research Lab, Washington, DC Lines: 823 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3594 news.groups:71994 sci.comp-aided:310 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:6533 comp.sys.mac.apps:36978  C A L L   F O R   V O T E S ---------------------------  This is an official 2nd Call For Votes (CFV) for the creation of the new news group comp.sys.mac.scitech.   STATUS  unmoderated   VOTING  The voting period will begin when this CFV is posted. It will end on May 30, 1993 at 23:59 EDT. According to the USENET rules, in order for the group to be created, at least 2/3 of the votes cast must be YES votes, and there must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.       To vote please mail to the following address                [email protected]  The contents of the message should contain either the line         "I vote for comp.sys.mac.scitech as proposed" or        "I vote against comp.sys.mac.scitech as proposed"  whichever is appropriate.  Email messages sent to the above address must constitute unambiguous and unconditional votes for/against newsgroup creation as proposed. Conditional votes will not be accepted.  Votes emailed to the above address will be counted.  In the event that more than one vote is placed by an individual,  only the most recent vote will be counted.    Please include your full name if your mailer doesn't do this for you.  Two additional CFV's will be posted during the course of the vote, along with acknowledgments of those votes received to date. No information will be supplied as to how people are voting until the final acknowledgment is made at the end, at which time the full vote will be made public.  SCHEDULE  This CFV was issued on April 30, and the voting period will end on May 30, 1993 at 23:59 EDT.  Thank you for your participation.   CHARTER  comp.sys.mac.scitech (unmoderated) will be a newsgroup for the discussion of practical and innovative applications of the Macintosh in a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines.  Some, but not all, of the fields expected to be included within the scope of the newsgroup are:  * Acoustics * Astronomy * Biochemistry * Biology * Chemistry * Computer Science * Electrical Engineering * Geology * Geophysics * Materials Science * Mathematics * Mechanical Engineering * Medicine * Optics * Physics * Psychology  There are a number of technologies that are common to many of the above scientific fields.  This newsgroup will also be for the discussion of advances in and applications of those technologies.  Some, but not all, of the technologies of interest are:  * Computer Aided Drawing/Computer Aided Engineering * Digital Signal Processing * Data Acquisition * Image Processing * Modeling * Process Control * Simulation * Technical Graphing * Technical Publishing * Visualization  Since many scientists and engineers develop technical programs on the Macintosh computer, this newsgroup will also be for the discussion of topics in programming that relate to the use of programs in a science or engineering environment.  It is assumed that this newsgroup will also include discussions of the Macintosh computer as it is used in the higher level education of scientists and engineers.     RFD  An RFD for this group was issued on March 31 and lasted for 30 days. --  Michael D. Duncan, Research Physicist           [email protected] Code 5640                       Chairman, communications committee, MacSciTech Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC  20375                           (202) 767-2507  Voting responses as of 5/13/93, 9:00 am EDT.                           [email protected]                     Joel Orr [email protected]                  Christopher Gunn [email protected]                           Angie Barton 6500null%[email protected]                          [email protected]                              COLM O'REILLY [email protected]             Brian Tao[email protected]        Thon de Boer[email protected]  Murray Nesbitt [email protected]                         Andrew Coy [email protected]                         Tony Monk [email protected]                   Andrew Henry [email protected]                        Andre Schappo [email protected]              Andrew D. Bravo [email protected]                          [email protected]                    Adam Calabrese [email protected]           Frank Adams [email protected]                    Adrian Howard [email protected]                   Al Ruppert [email protected]             Andres C. Gaeris [email protected]                  Sherry Agard [email protected]                        Alan G. Humpherys [email protected]                     Ahmed Al-Ashabb [email protected]             Jeremy John Ahouse [email protected]                   Ainsley Calladine [email protected]                 J. S. Robertson [email protected]                   Joseph Alan Churchill [email protected]                  Hsuan-Cheng Huang [email protected]                     Andrew Dunn [email protected]                             Amir Waks [email protected]                         Michael  Hamel [email protected]                      John Andrews [email protected]                  Bob Antia [email protected]                          Anup Mahurkar [email protected]                     Luigi Andolfato [email protected]                     Arve Holt [email protected]                      Asif Taiyabi [email protected]                      John Knefel [email protected]                        Brian Excarnate [email protected]                      Richard Austin [email protected]                          Marius Vaarkamp [email protected]               Arthur Rubin [email protected]                          [email protected]                         Brad Spachman [email protected]                          Brendan E. Molloy [email protected]                     Morris Balamut [email protected]                       Martin Baldwin [email protected]       Brian Altman [email protected]                Mike Bardman [email protected]                  Barrett Giffel [email protected]                Barrett P. Eynon [email protected]                          [email protected]                     Sven Nielsen [email protected]                   Bradley Carl Beck [email protected]                        Peter Bell [email protected]                 Dominique Bernardi [email protected]               Brad Hanson [email protected]                      Brad Ingersoll [email protected]             Frederick Bingham [email protected]          Bjorn Vennstrom [email protected]                  B. Limoges [email protected]             Trevor I. Blumenau [email protected]                             Bob Polis [email protected]                         Ruedi Boesch [email protected]                     J-D.Bonjour [email protected]                        Guy Bonnot [email protected]                 Richard F. Booth [email protected]                  Boutin Jean-Marie [email protected]                       Kenneth P. Bowman [email protected]                          [email protected]                       James Boyle [email protected]                          [email protected]                   jonathan brecher [email protected]              Sean Brennan [email protected]                Brian H. Powell [email protected]                   Bill Robertson [email protected]              Charles J. Browne [email protected]                             Bruce Bohannan [email protected]                  Brett A. Simon [email protected]                      Brian Slater [email protected]                      Bret Olmsted [email protected]            Brian Stamper [email protected]                       Bruce T. Smith [email protected]                    Morris Bullock [email protected]                  Thomas J Bunce [email protected]                    Peter M. Liiva [email protected]                   Bill Williams [email protected]                     L. Leon Campbell [email protected]            Robert A. Carlin [email protected]             Peter Kacandes [email protected]                         Rick Ernst [email protected]                        Charles E. Cunningham [email protected]                      Bob Jorstad [email protected]                       Calvin G. Smith [email protected]                      Baron Chandler [email protected]               John Chandler [email protected]                 Charles Arsenault [email protected]                      Charlie Mingo [email protected]             Aaron Charlop [email protected]                  Chemaly Rene [email protected]                 Mike Cherry [email protected]                  Mark Christenson [email protected]                    Chris T. Hubbard [email protected]                     C. Keith Rice [email protected]                           Nelson E. Claytor [email protected]               Chris Marble cola!dwareing                              David Wareing [email protected]                          [email protected]                Allen Condit [email protected]                       Tom Consi [email protected]                          [email protected]                       Roger Frey [email protected]                         Ross Coppel [email protected]             Curt Corum [email protected]                     Craig R. Sadler [email protected]                         Stuart Craig [email protected]         Craig Keithley [email protected]                Edward T. Crotty [email protected]                  Craig Wanke [email protected]                   Carl Saxinger [email protected]                                Carolyn Blake [email protected]               Chuck Shotton [email protected]                 Calvin McLaughlin [email protected]                     Caleb Strockbine [email protected]                     Louis Culot [email protected]              Curtis L. Baker [email protected]                    Chun-Wai Chan [email protected]                  Neil MacKenzie [email protected]                           Christer Sjostedt [email protected]                  Dan Allen [email protected]                          [email protected]           Dan Schaeffer [email protected]                        David Armstrong [email protected]            Daryl Spitzer [email protected]                   David L. Burk [email protected]                        David Fullagar [email protected]                        Dave Caswell [email protected]                  David Thomas [email protected]                    Dave Tilley [email protected]                   David Kabal [email protected]                   David Morgenstern [email protected]               David Goldsmith [email protected]                  David M. Speiser [email protected]               Deni Bonnier [email protected]                            David J. Brady [email protected]                     Daniel C. Flatin [email protected]          David Coplin [email protected]                    David Coster [email protected]                         Deborah Danaher [email protected]                     David Dear [email protected]                 Deborah S. Grismer [email protected]              Dan Lingman [email protected]                      Greg Delozier [email protected]                 Timothy M. Demko [email protected]                   Keith Denning devine[email protected]                    Bernard Devine dickinson%[email protected]      David Dickinson [email protected]                         Jim Dickson [email protected]             Karl-Heinz Dittberner [email protected]                    Dave Joyce [email protected]                         [email protected]                           Dave Irwin [email protected]             David Brown [email protected]                    Daryl Biberdorf [email protected]                        David Moore [email protected]                         [email protected]                      Dorai Sitaram [email protected]                 Dorn Peterson [email protected]                    Donald C. O'Shea [email protected]                   Helmut Dotzlaw [email protected]              Joe Doucet [email protected]                         Rob Douglas [email protected]              Derek Peschel [email protected]                 David Raitt [email protected]                       Tom Drake [email protected]                         [email protected]                        B. Douglas Reeves [email protected]                David Gutierrez [email protected]                       Donpaul C. Stephens [email protected]                  Fred Dulles [email protected]                         [email protected]                         Doug Wood [email protected]                David Swetnam [email protected]                        Julian Vrieslander [email protected]                              Erik Bailey [email protected]                   Ellen Brewer [email protected]                          [email protected]          Gregory W. Edwards [email protected]                    Evan Richards [email protected]                Elizabeth G. Levy [email protected]                            egw [email protected]                           Erik Hanson [email protected]               Eduardo Herrera [email protected]           Erik Jensen [email protected]                      Eduardo Kaftanski [email protected]                      Xiuting Cheng [email protected]                              Richard S. Elet [email protected]                       Eric Edward Moore [email protected]                          [email protected]                      Eric Drummie [email protected]                          Eric Rosen [email protected]                              Eric Cloninger [email protected]                         Claude Errera [email protected]                       Edward John Sabol [email protected]                        Evan Crandall [email protected]               Michail A. Esterman [email protected]                    Eve Edelson [email protected]                           Erik Schwiebert [email protected]                          [email protected]              Gerhard Fasol [email protected]                             Eric John Feldhusen [email protected]                       Earl D. Fife [email protected]                           Douglas Fils [email protected]                  Carwil James [email protected]                           Ray Flesner [email protected]                         James C. Foley [email protected]                         John M. Ford fowell%[email protected]            Richard Fowell [email protected]                    Fran Horan [email protected]            Frank Horowitz [email protected]               Gregory C. Franklin [email protected]                          Daniel J. Friedman [email protected]               John Friel [email protected]                  Markus Frischknecht [email protected]                     Sean Ryan [email protected]                  Cosmo Castellano [email protected]                            Larry Furnari [email protected]               Robert Futrelle [email protected]                               Glen A. Mortensen [email protected]     Gary Blissard [email protected]                         Gregory Meyer Buley [email protected]                       Glen Davis [email protected]           Geoffrey V. Bronner [email protected]            Georg Schwarz [email protected]              George Weinstock [email protected]             Brad Gertner [email protected]                   Gerard Hammond [email protected]                        Jamshed B. Ghandhi [email protected]                Veronique Gillard [email protected]                     Galen Gisler [email protected]                      Gisli Masson [email protected]                       Gregory A. Landrum [email protected]                           Guang Mei [email protected]                  Iain Girdwood [email protected]                  Douglas Gordin [email protected]                   Kevin Graeme [email protected]                   Stephen Graham [email protected]                     Grant G. Carter [email protected]                 Gary L. Gray [email protected]            Pamela Greene [email protected]                             Rodger Greer [email protected]                             Greg King [email protected]             Christian Kasparek [email protected]                          Geoff Gardiner [email protected]                               Gregory S. Lauer [email protected]                        Greg Stover [email protected]            Sven Guckes [email protected]                    Graham Webb [email protected]               Peter Haase [email protected]                   Brian V. Hughes [email protected]             Bill Halberstadt [email protected]                    Leslie Hartten [email protected]                 Henk Verhaar [email protected]                               Henk Steenman [email protected]                     Art Hicks [email protected]             Hiroaki Hirade [email protected]                    Eiji Hirai [email protected]                    Heather Mayor [email protected]                    Herbert M Petro [email protected]               Patrick Hoepfner [email protected]                J. Scott Hofmann [email protected]                          [email protected]                            Robert D. Horton [email protected]                          [email protected]                    James W. Howard, Jr. [email protected]                              Helen Trillian Rose [email protected]                  Timothy Creamer [email protected]                          [email protected]                    Edward J. Huff [email protected]                      Ian Kirby [email protected]                      Ian Gentle [email protected]                         Vogt Adrian [email protected]              Igor Mikolic-Torreira [email protected]                  Mark Irwin [email protected]                        Michael S. Schechter [email protected]                          J. Stark [email protected]           Jerome Jahnke [email protected]                        Robert Jacobsen [email protected]                          [email protected]           James Kowalczyk jan%[email protected]           Jan Isley [email protected]               Jan van der Laan [email protected]                        Julian Scarfe [email protected]                                Jeff Sullivan [email protected]                    Jasper Rees [email protected]                              Jay Goodman [email protected]                   John D. Badovinac jbeneski%[email protected]                          [email protected]                       Barney Frazer [email protected]                          Jeffrey B Kane [email protected]                            John Brewer [email protected]           Jason P. Chang [email protected]                          Juan Martinez [email protected]                          [email protected]                     Jim Kinnison [email protected]                       Jim Pirie [email protected]                          David S. McCormick [email protected]                   Jean Martin [email protected]                    Jeff Schindall [email protected]                            Jeff Holcomb [email protected]                         Jerry Walz [email protected]                  Jerry Hunt [email protected]                       Jim Miner [email protected]                            JAMES S. HESS [email protected]                            Jim Prouty [email protected]                         Jim Watt [email protected]                Jorg H. Kleinschmidt [email protected]                               James L. Anderson [email protected]                             NOVY [email protected]                          Joe Gervais [email protected]               John F. Hawkins [email protected]                      John Sandrik [email protected]                    John Hutchinson [email protected]                          John S. Svendsen [email protected]                            David Johnson [email protected]                   John Covele [email protected]              John Finn [email protected]              John Hammond [email protected]         John Mansfield [email protected]                    John G. Olyarchuk [email protected]                        Jon Burne [email protected]                            Josep Benlliure [email protected]                   Jorg Rausch [email protected]                      Jon Rowlison [email protected]                       James Vincent Schultz [email protected]                       James Stepanek [email protected]                       Jon Baum [email protected]                        Joel Greenstein [email protected]                     Jeffrey C. Spencer [email protected]                      Jon Bell [email protected]                       Jamie Turner [email protected]                     Jacques VAN HELDEN [email protected]                      Jon Vaughan [email protected]                Jeff Willner [email protected]                               Jim Jennings [email protected]                              Seppo Kallio [email protected]                 Karl Hagen Geppert [email protected]         Kees Huyser [email protected]                    Kelly Cushing [email protected]                         Kelly Schwarzhoff [email protected]     Kenneth Flaton [email protected]             Kendall Nii [email protected]                   Joe Andrieu [email protected]                   Kevin Dunn [email protected]                 Kevin Harris kevinb%[email protected]       Kevin Brewer [email protected]                           Kim Fallstrom [email protected]                    Kathy A. Graff [email protected]                    Bill Walburg [email protected]                       Aaron L Dickey [email protected]                  John C. King [email protected]                     Kym Thalassoudis [email protected]                           K. Suphamongkhon [email protected]                Michael S. Kluskens [email protected]                   Kevin Miller [email protected]               John Boswell [email protected]                   Kevin L. Prime [email protected]                    Costas Krallis [email protected]                               Michael Kranz [email protected]                  R M Kriss [email protected]                 Tom Kropp [email protected]                                Kurt Richards [email protected]                     Jos Kuipers [email protected]                      Andy Y.A. Kuo [email protected]                          [email protected]                              Kyriacos Zygourakis [email protected]        Matthias Lachmann [email protected]                    Rob Lake [email protected]                       Chris Lalonde [email protected]                     Matthew L. Langford [email protected]          Michael Langner [email protected]             Stephen Lardieri [email protected]         LARRY BORLAND [email protected]                       Scott E. Lasley [email protected]                      Lasse Hakkinen [email protected]                     Greg A. Lato [email protected]               Laurent Wenker [email protected]                 Lee Shekte [email protected]                          Andre Lehre [email protected]                     Robert Lenoil [email protected]                  Robert A. Lentz [email protected]                            Kevin O. Lepard [email protected]                     Lee Rogers [email protected]                   Lee K. Hoong [email protected]              Li-chun Wu [email protected]                           Charles A. Lind [email protected]                         Charles Lindahl [email protected]                   Douglas S. Lindblad [email protected]                        Benoit LIPS [email protected]                        Lawrence K. Saul [email protected]               Michael Lonetto [email protected]                     Lorin Rowe [email protected]                            Lotta Tobiasson [email protected]                  Louis Demers [email protected]                   Larry Tague [email protected]                 Randolph Allen Luikart [email protected]               Duane Beach [email protected]                         Leonard Evansic [email protected]                 Mike Calford [email protected]                            M. Ridvan Karpuz [email protected]                           Ed Casey [email protected]       Matthew Wilson [email protected]                           Teri Mackey [email protected]                          Malcolm Slaney mama%[email protected]    Wael Salameh [email protected]                        Derrick C. Mancini [email protected]              Michael Antolovich [email protected]                 Antoine O. Margot [email protected]                 Mark H. Wu [email protected]                        Pierre MARTEL [email protected]                       Frank Mathias Mattes [email protected]                        Matthew I. Hoffman [email protected]                          [email protected]                          Marcelino Bernardo [email protected]                  Ken McGlothlen [email protected]                  Min Vui Chan [email protected]                     Michael A. Chupa [email protected]                   Mark Cook [email protected]                    M. Tad Crocker [email protected]                            Martin Czigler [email protected]                      Tony Man [email protected]                     Mel Martinez [email protected]                          Mark Mandt [email protected]                          [email protected]                          [email protected]                   Michele Fuortes [email protected]                       Matthew Jacksonl Hall [email protected]                        Mike Hatz [email protected]                          [email protected]                      Morten Johnsen [email protected]                 Michael Easthope [email protected]                  Michael P. Hecht [email protected]         Michel Rogulski [email protected]                      Ott Mihkel Tammepuu [email protected]                      Mike Caldwell [email protected]                       Michael Genrich [email protected]                    Mike Kranzdorf [email protected]             Mike Harrell [email protected]                  Todd V. Minnella [email protected]                           Manish Butte [email protected]                          Mark McCutcheon [email protected]             Michael  Kubovy [email protected]             Marcin K. Porwit [email protected]                    Mark McIntosh [email protected]                           Malcolm N. Semple [email protected]                   Thomas E. Moore [email protected]                          [email protected]                Darryl Morrell [email protected]             Bill Morris [email protected]                        Jean-Luc MOUNIER [email protected]                        Hong Geok Soon [email protected]                           Mike Young [email protected]             Mathias Schindl [email protected]                Mat Sci Eng [email protected]                      Mark Warren [email protected]                        Matthew Xavier Mora [email protected]                   Naren Bala [email protected]                        Nick Safford [email protected]        Nicholas Buchdahl [email protected]                     Nicholas Rosov [email protected]              Neal Hardesty [email protected]               Norbert Mueller [email protected]             Douglas A. Norton [email protected]                  Nien-Po Chen [email protected]           Nathan Y. Pearlstein [email protected]                   Norman P. Lasca [email protected]                        Gary Goldberg [email protected]              Jason Olszewski [email protected]                      M. Otto [email protected]                  Joseph Ousley [email protected]                  Robert Owen [email protected]       Bill Owens [email protected]                   Dan Ozeran [email protected]                     Peter Lockwood [email protected]                Asa Packer [email protected]               Bill Paplham [email protected]                    Jim Parshall [email protected]                          [email protected]               Patrick Leung [email protected]                   Paul C. Abbott [email protected]                              Peter Krupp [email protected]                  Leonard J. Peirce [email protected]                  Stephen L. Pendergast [email protected]                  CLAUDE PERRINJAQUET [email protected]                       C.T.P.Burton [email protected]                        Paul Godley [email protected]             Marty Bylander [email protected]                        Peter Heifetz [email protected]                     Bilal A. Bhutta [email protected]                        Philip Byrnes-Preston [email protected]                        Paul E. Hoffman [email protected]                    Don McK Paul [email protected]             James Cen [email protected]                  Dave Weingart [email protected]              Mike [email protected]               Paul J. Rodman [email protected]                  Patrick Laughlin [email protected]              Joel Plutchak [email protected]         Ernie Potenziani [email protected]                       Povl H. Pedersen [email protected]                          [email protected]                 Phil Hoekstra [email protected]                    Philippe Riviere [email protected]                      Paul Fussell P[email protected]                         Abraham N Allan [email protected]                Peter Goedtkindt [email protected]                        Pui Tong Ho [email protected]                   Guy B. Purcell [email protected]                 Irene Purdy [email protected]                       Quentin J. Clark [email protected]                   Charlie Kuehmann [email protected]              Rene Quesnel [email protected]                        [email protected]                   R. ODriscoll [email protected]                        Ross Shaw [email protected]                 Ralph P. Carpenter [email protected]                 Kevin W. Ramer [email protected]                     David Rathbun [email protected]         Rob Chandhok [email protected]                 Richard Batt [email protected]            Robert Gilmore [email protected]              Robin Clark [email protected]                 Trevor Rook [email protected]               Robert Corban [email protected]              Robert D. Monson [email protected]                              Corp Reed [email protected]                   Philip D. Reef Morse II [email protected]                  Robert M. Reinking [email protected]                     Carl Juarez [email protected]                   Sendhil Revuluri [email protected]                         Blair Reyes [email protected]                         Randall A. Gacek [email protected]            Richard Marz [email protected]                        Rick Schaaf [email protected]               Richard H. Miller [email protected]                      Martin Rickli [email protected]                Rinus Boone [email protected]                   Alejandro Rivero [email protected]          Rob Jackson [email protected]                  Warren Jones [email protected]                              Robert Brenstein [email protected]                          [email protected]                  Michael Alan Roberts [email protected]            Robert Danielson [email protected]                          Robert Brickman [email protected]                      David Roessli [email protected]                    Roger Ray [email protected]                       Torbjoern Rognes [email protected]                  Rolf Lindgren [email protected]                              Ron Bonner [email protected]            Ron Haines [email protected]                  Stephen Roper rothmaie%[email protected]     Markus Rothmaier [email protected]                     Tim Royappa [email protected]                            Robin R. Reid [email protected]                     Randal R. Ketchem [email protected]                        Ed Greer [email protected]                     Rich Scarlet [email protected]                 Wreck Shangle [email protected]                   Joseph A. Ruff [email protected]                     Philip FX Ryan [email protected]               Duncan Mok [email protected]                  Natsuhiko Sakimura [email protected]                    Anthony Santarosa [email protected]             Scott Schroeder [email protected]              Barr Kum [email protected]                Steve Carr [email protected]          Till Schadde [email protected]            K.-M. Schindler [email protected]       Harald Schmidt [email protected]                    Scott Miller [email protected]           Sam Dinkin [email protected]                             Stew Rubenstein [email protected]                      Larry Seiford [email protected]                      Scott Erickson [email protected]                         Sean E. Williams [email protected]                       [email protected]                   Philip Sharman [email protected]             Simon Tortike [email protected]            Erick Singley [email protected]                      Eric Sink [email protected]                    Steven J. Edwards [email protected]                   Wong Sai Kee [email protected]                               Ed Wright [email protected]                  Seth L. Theriault [email protected]                     Marc Moorcroft [email protected]                 Tom Thatcher [email protected]              Bob Snyder [email protected]             Fabrizio Rossi [email protected]                Bill Carroll [email protected]         David Cumming [email protected]             Steve Rogers [email protected]                    Steve Roof [email protected]                        Steve Weiss [email protected]                       Siddharth Suri [email protected]                 Herb Schilling [email protected]               JOE DROPKIN [email protected]                  Sarah Skovronsky [email protected]                 Craig S. Steele [email protected]             Mark Steele [email protected]          Stephen Musko [email protected]                     Steve Farmer [email protected]                          [email protected]                  William Stoffel [email protected]                     Cliff Stoll [email protected]                             Larrabee Strow [email protected]            A. Borges Sugiyama [email protected]                 SYG [email protected]              Sak Wathanasin [email protected]                 Aaron Swiers [email protected]               Steven Kirchoefer [email protected]                Toby Riddell [email protected]                    Tim Allen [email protected]                 Song Tan [email protected]                        Tom Andersen [email protected]                      Tom Savard [email protected]           Tim Burrow [email protected]                      Tobias Fabio Christen [email protected]                       Trevor K. Cooper [email protected]                         Tom Coradeschi [email protected]                    Tim D. Urenda [email protected]                          Sander C. Temme [email protected]                         [email protected]                         Terje Rydland [email protected]             Lani Teshima-Miller [email protected]                     Terry Anderson [email protected]               Visit Thaveeprungsriporn [email protected]                        Jamie Thingelstad [email protected]                     Tim Marples [email protected]                  Tim Bates [email protected]                 Tim Smith [email protected]                        Timothy VanFosson [email protected]       Tim Devoogd [email protected]                    Theodore J. Jardine [email protected]               James Bridges [email protected]                    Thomas O'Dell [email protected]                       Tom Sherman [email protected]        Tom Rubinstein [email protected]                       Torsten Eken [email protected]             John Starta [email protected]           Timothy Richard Peng [email protected]                     Todd Strauss [email protected]                      Paul McGinnis [email protected]                         John Treble [email protected]                Andrew Treloar [email protected]         Tricia jones [email protected]                Thomas Robb [email protected]                           Tim Larkin [email protected]                         Toshi Takeuchi [email protected]                          [email protected]                   Dean D. Gillispie [email protected]                          Uchida [email protected]            Martin Kerscher [email protected]                     Ulf Smith [email protected]                  Connie K. Cho [email protected]                           Bob Combs [email protected]                      Michael Vagell [email protected]                   Stu Labovitz [email protected]                   Monte J. VanDeusen [email protected]                John Vasquez [email protected]                  Robert Kirnum [email protected]                            Roger Vossler [email protected]                              Virginia Lyons [email protected]              Mark R. Waldmiller [email protected]                 Fred Walsteijn [email protected]                 Matthew S. 'Opie' Warren [email protected]                   Wayne Rasband [email protected]                 William T. Bridgman [email protected]               Martin S. Weinhous [email protected]                       Kurt D. Whitmore [email protected]                        Ralph E. Whitmore [email protected]                 William Phillipson [email protected]                      Mark Williams [email protected]                       Stephen R. Willson [email protected]                            James Wishart [email protected]                    Jason Cohen [email protected]              Bill Myers [email protected]                         Harry Wolfson [email protected]                      Greg Collins [email protected]               Bill Abrams [email protected]                          Tom Verhoeff [email protected]                        William T. Jones [email protected]                  Daniel M. Wetzel [email protected]         Jeffrey D. Wurtz [email protected]                     William Howard Vollers [email protected]                          Jeffrey C. Wythe [email protected]          Walter Caffall Lefmann [email protected]              Yaochung Chen [email protected]                          [email protected] Yoshinobu Nishimura [email protected]                         Yoshio Turner [email protected]                              Zeke Koch [email protected]                       Elaine Zeman [email protected]                       Michael Guerrina [email protected]                               Jon Tischler  From [email protected] Fri Jun 11 15:56:52 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Michael Duncan) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.comp-aided,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.sys.mac.apps Subject: RESULT: comp.sys.mac.scitech passes 721:165 Followup-To: news.groups Date: 11 Jun 1993 15:14:09 -0400 Organization: Naval Research Lab, Washington, DC Lines: 898 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3697 news.groups:73778 sci.comp-aided:362 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:7369 comp.sys.mac.apps:38842  The voting period for comp.sys.mac.scitech is now over.   The (unvalidated) results of the vote for the creation of comp.sys.mac.scitech are as follows:  There were 721 YES votes and 165 NO votes. There will now be a 5 day waiting period, during which the net will have a chance to correct any errors in the voter list.  The following is the VOTER acknowledgement (alphabetical by address):   [email protected]              Joel Orr                    for [email protected]           Christopher Gunn            for [email protected]                    Angie Barton                for 6500null%[email protected]                                   for [email protected]                       COLM O'REILLY               for [email protected]      Brian Tao                   against[email protected] Thon de Boer                for[email protected]     Murray Nesbitt    against [email protected]                  Andrew Coy                  for [email protected]                  Tony Monk                   for [email protected]            Andrew Henry                against [email protected]                 Andre Schappo               for [email protected]    Andreas Peukert         for [email protected]       Andrew D. Bravo             for [email protected]                   Permanent Francis Uy        against [email protected]                                       against [email protected]             Adam Calabrese              for [email protected]            Mark Adam                   against [email protected]    Frank Adams                 for [email protected]           Mike Tollerton              against [email protected]             Adrian Howard               for [email protected]            Al Ruppert                  for [email protected]      Andres C. Gaeris            for [email protected]           Sherry Agard                for [email protected]                 Alan G. Humpherys           against [email protected]              Ahmed Al-Ashabb             against [email protected]      Jeremy John Ahouse          for [email protected]            Ainsley Calladine           for [email protected]          J. S. Robertson             for [email protected]                  Alan K. Jackson             for [email protected]                    Jaakko Siuko                against [email protected]      Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a  against [email protected]            Joseph Alan Churchill       for [email protected]           Hsuan-Cheng Huang           for [email protected]               Adam Cohen                  for [email protected]     Steven R. Allen             against [email protected]          Charles C. Allen            for [email protected]  Allen Wittenauer            against [email protected]              Andrew Dunn                 for [email protected]                      Amir Waks                   for [email protected]                  Michael  Hamel              for [email protected]               John Andrews                against [email protected]           Bob Antia                   for [email protected]              J.C.Burns                   against [email protected]                   Anup Mahurkar               for [email protected]         alain.picard                against [email protected]              Luigi Andolfato             for [email protected]              Arve Holt                   for [email protected]                  Ashish Nedungadi            for [email protected]               Asif Taiyabi                for [email protected]               John Knefel                 for [email protected]                 Brian Excarnate             against [email protected]               Richard Austin              for [email protected]                   Marius Vaarkamp             for [email protected]        Arthur Rubin                against [email protected]                                                 for [email protected]                  Brad Spachman               for [email protected]                   Brendan E. Molloy           for [email protected]              Morris Balamut              for [email protected]                Martin Baldwin              for [email protected]   Brian Altman             for [email protected]         Mike Bardman                for [email protected]           Barrett Giffel              for [email protected]         Barrett P. Eynon            for [email protected]                                              for [email protected]              Sven Nielsen                for [email protected]            Bradley Carl Beck           for [email protected]                 Peter Bell                  for [email protected]          Dominique Bernardi          for [email protected]        Brad Hanson                 for [email protected]               Brad Ingersoll              for [email protected]      Frederick Bingham           for [email protected]   Bjorn Vennstrom             for [email protected]                                        against [email protected]           B. Limoges                  for [email protected]      Trevor I. Blumenau          for [email protected]                      Bob Polis                   for [email protected]                  Ruedi Boesch                for [email protected]              J-D.Bonjour                 for [email protected]                 Guy Bonnot                  for [email protected]          Richard F. Booth            for [email protected]           Stefan Loren                for [email protected]           Boutin Jean-Marie           for [email protected]                Kenneth P. Bowman           for [email protected]                                      for [email protected]                James Boyle                 for [email protected]                                           for [email protected]            jonathan brecher            against [email protected]       Sean Brennan                for [email protected]            Brian Gordon                against [email protected]         Brian H. Powell             for [email protected]            Bill Robertson              for [email protected]       Charles J. Browne           for [email protected]                      Bruce Bohannan              for [email protected]           Brett A. Simon              for [email protected]               Brian Slater                for [email protected]               Bret Olmsted                for [email protected]     Brian Stamper               for [email protected]                Bruce T. Smith              for [email protected]             Morris Bullock              for [email protected]           Thomas J Bunce              for [email protected]             Peter M. Liiva              for [email protected]            Bill Williams               for [email protected]                                    against [email protected]                                  against [email protected]              L. Leon Campbell            for [email protected]     Robert A. Carlin            for [email protected]      Peter Kacandes              for [email protected]                Charles Brecher             against [email protected]                  Rick Ernst                  for [email protected]                 Charles E. Cunningham       for [email protected]               Bob Jorstad                 for [email protected]                Calvin G. Smith             for [email protected]               Baron Chandler              for [email protected]        John Chandler               for [email protected]          Charles Arsenault           for [email protected]      Aaron Charlop               for [email protected]                Chas J Williams III         for [email protected]           Chemaly Rene                for [email protected]          Mike Cherry                 for [email protected]                                  against [email protected]           Mark Christenson            for [email protected]             Chris T. Hubbard            for [email protected]              C. Keith Rice               for [email protected]     Tom Clayton                 for [email protected]                    Nelson E. Claytor           for [email protected]            Cory L. Scott               against [email protected]        Chris Marble                against cola!dwareing                       David Wareing               for [email protected]                                    for [email protected]         Allen Condit                against [email protected]                Tom Consi                   for [email protected]                                            for [email protected]                Roger Frey                  for [email protected]                  Ross Coppel                 for [email protected]      Curt Corum                  for [email protected]              Craig R. Sadler             for [email protected]                  Stuart Craig                FOR [email protected]  Craig Keithley              for [email protected]         Edward T. Crotty            for [email protected]      John Crowther               for [email protected]           Craig Wanke                 for [email protected]             Russ Pagenkopf              against [email protected]            Carl Saxinger               for [email protected]                         Carolyn Blake               for [email protected]        Chuck Shotton               against [email protected]          Calvin McLaughlin           for [email protected]              Caleb Strockbine            for [email protected]              Louis Culot                 for [email protected]       Curtis L. Baker             for [email protected]                  Christopher Ward            against [email protected]            ylagan carolyn              against [email protected]             Chun-Wai Chan               for [email protected]           Neil MacKenzie              for [email protected]                Patrick J. Brem             against [email protected]                    Christer Sjostedt           for [email protected]           Dan Allen                   for [email protected]               Dana E. Keil                against [email protected]     Daniel Ringrose             against [email protected]                                               for [email protected]    Dan Schaeffer               for [email protected]                 David Armstrong             for [email protected]     Daryl Spitzer               for [email protected]            David L. Burk               for [email protected]                 David Fullagar              for [email protected]                 Dave Caswell                for [email protected]           David Thomas                for [email protected]             Dave Tilley                 for [email protected]            David Kabal                 for [email protected]            David Morgenstern           for [email protected]        David Goldsmith             for [email protected]           David M. Speiser            for [email protected]         John Davis                  for [email protected]                                     against [email protected]        Deni Bonnier                for [email protected]                     David J. Brady              for [email protected]                David Wollner               against [email protected]              Daniel C. Flatin            for [email protected]   David Coplin                for [email protected]             David Coster                for [email protected]                  Deborah Danaher             for [email protected]              David Dear                  for [email protected]          Deborah S. Grismer          for [email protected]     Kenneth Lerman     against [email protected]       Dan Lingman                 for [email protected]               Greg Delozier               for [email protected]          Timothy M. Demko            for [email protected]    Dirk De Mol            for [email protected]            Keith Denning               for [email protected]             Bernard Devine              for [email protected]                                     against dickinson%[email protected]    David Dickinson        for [email protected]                  Jim Dickson                 for [email protected]      Karl-Heinz Dittberner       for [email protected]             Dave Joyce                  against [email protected]                                                 for [email protected]                    Dave Irwin                  for [email protected]      David Brown                 against [email protected]             Daryl Biberdorf             for [email protected]                 David Moore                 for [email protected]                     David C. Doherty            for [email protected]                                                  for [email protected]               Dorai Sitaram               for [email protected]          Dorn Peterson               for [email protected]             Donald C. O'Shea            for [email protected]            Helmut Dotzlaw              for [email protected]       Joe Doucet                  for [email protected]                  Rob Douglas                 for [email protected]                    Jeff DelPapa                against [email protected]       Derek Peschel               for [email protected]                  David A. Platz              for [email protected]          David Raitt                 for [email protected]                Tom Drake                   for [email protected]                                     for [email protected]                 B. Douglas Reeves           for [email protected]                 Donald R. Fredkin           against [email protected]         David Gutierrez             for [email protected]      David J Rostker             against [email protected]                Donpaul C. Stephens         for [email protected]                                       against [email protected]           Fred Dulles                 for [email protected]      Shan Duncan                 for [email protected]            Duncan Keefe                for [email protected]                                                for [email protected]                  Doug Wood                   for [email protected]         David Swetnam               for [email protected]                 Julian Vrieslander          for [email protected]                       Erik Bailey                 for [email protected]            Ellen Brewer                for [email protected]                                             against [email protected]     Greg Trimper                against [email protected]   Gregory W. Edwards          for [email protected]             Evan Richards               for [email protected]         Elizabeth G. Levy           for [email protected]                     egw                         for [email protected]                    Erik Hanson                 for [email protected]        Eduardo Herrera             for [email protected]            Eric Hoffmann               against [email protected]                 Victor Eijkhout             for [email protected]    Erik Jensen                 for [email protected]               Eduardo Kaftanski           for [email protected]               Xiuting Cheng               for [email protected]                       Richard S. Elet             for [email protected]                                     against [email protected]                Eric Edward Moore           for [email protected]             Derek england               for [email protected]                                              for [email protected]      Erik Oliver                 against [email protected]              Elliotte Rusty Harold       against [email protected]               Eric Drummie                for [email protected]                   Eric Rosen                  for [email protected]                       Eric Cloninger              against [email protected]                  Claude Errera               for [email protected]                Edward John Sabol           against [email protected]                 Evan Crandall               for [email protected]        Michail A. Esterman         for [email protected]             Eve Edelson                 for [email protected]                    Erik Schwiebert             for [email protected]                                             for [email protected]         Michael Fanselow            for [email protected]       Gerhard Fasol               for [email protected]           Larry Wink                  against [email protected]                      Eric John Feldhusen         for [email protected]                Earl D. Fife                for [email protected]                    Douglas Fils                for [email protected]             Wayne R Fiori               against [email protected]           Carwil James                for [email protected]       Ephraim Fithian             against [email protected]                    Ray Flesner                 for [email protected]                  James C. Foley              for [email protected]                                          against [email protected]                  John M. Ford                for fowell%[email protected]     Richard Fowell              for [email protected]             Fran Horan                  for [email protected]     Frank Horowitz              against [email protected]        Gregory C. Franklin         for [email protected]               Steve Franklin              for [email protected]                                            for [email protected]                   Daniel J. Friedman          for [email protected]        John Friel                  for [email protected]           Markus Frischknecht         for [email protected]          Fred E. Sistler             for [email protected]              Sean Ryan                   for [email protected]           Cosmo Castellano            for [email protected]                     Larry Furnari               for [email protected]        Robert Futrelle             for [email protected]                        Glen A. Mortensen           for [email protected]            Gary Binyamin               against [email protected]    Gary Blissard         for [email protected]                                    against [email protected]                  Gregory Meyer Buley         for [email protected]                Glen Davis                  for [email protected]  Albert "Ross" Smith         against [email protected]      Joe Urmos                   for [email protected]    Geoffrey V. Bronner         against [email protected]     Georg Schwarz               for [email protected]       George Weinstock            for [email protected]                                       for [email protected]      Brad Gertner                for [email protected]            Gerard Hammond              for [email protected]                 Jamshed B. Ghandhi          for [email protected]         Veronique Gillard           for [email protected]         Larry Gilmore               for [email protected]              Galen Gisler                for [email protected]               Gisli Masson                for [email protected]                Gregory A. Landrum          for [email protected]           Glenn Scholebo              against [email protected]                                     against [email protected]                    Guang Mei                   for [email protected]           Iain Girdwood               for [email protected]             Matthias Georg Imhof        against [email protected]     digital dave                for [email protected]           Douglas Gordin              for [email protected]           Samuel J. Goshorn           for [email protected]            Kevin Graeme                for [email protected]            Stephen Graham              against [email protected]              Grant G. Carter             for [email protected]          Gary L. Gray                for [email protected]                                           for [email protected]     Pamela Greene               for [email protected]                      Rodger Greer                for [email protected]                      Greg King                   for [email protected]      Christian Kasparek          for [email protected]                   Geoff Gardiner              for [email protected]                        Gregory S. Lauer            against [email protected]                 Greg Stover                 for [email protected]               Simms, William Sheldon      for [email protected]     Sven Guckes                 for [email protected]     Thomas Gutjahr              for [email protected]             Graham Webb                 for [email protected]        Peter Haase                 for [email protected]            Brian V. Hughes             against [email protected]                                      against [email protected]      Bill Halberstadt            for [email protected]           Pete Halverson              against [email protected]            James Harvey                against [email protected]                   Mark Hastings               against [email protected]             Leslie Hartten              for [email protected]          Stephan Heilmayr            for [email protected]          Henk Verhaar                for [email protected]                        Henk Steenman               for [email protected]              Art Hicks                   for [email protected]         Hiroshi HIRAMATSU           for [email protected]      Hiroaki Hirade              for [email protected]             Eiji Hirai                  for [email protected]             Heather Mayor               for [email protected]             Herbert M Petro             against [email protected]        Patrick Hoepfner            for [email protected]         J. Scott Hofmann            for [email protected]                       Bo Holst-Christensen        against [email protected]                                         for [email protected]         Horacio Porta               against [email protected]                                   against [email protected]                     Robert D. Horton            for [email protected]                              for [email protected]             James W. Howard, Jr.        for [email protected]                       Helen Trillian Rose         for [email protected]           Timothy Creamer             for [email protected]                                             for [email protected]             Edward J. Huff              for [email protected]               Ian Kirby                   for [email protected]               Ian Gentle                  for [email protected]            Adrian Vogt                 against [email protected]       Igor Mikolic-Torreira       for [email protected]                   Ian Lawson                  for [email protected]           Mark Irwin                  for [email protected]                 Michael S. Schechter        for [email protected]                   J. Stark                    for [email protected]                Jim Carr                    against [email protected]    Jerome Jahnke               for [email protected]                 Robert Jacobsen             for [email protected]                                      for [email protected]    James Kowalczyk             for jan%[email protected]    Jan Isley                   against [email protected]        Jan van der Laan            for [email protected]                 Julian Scarfe               for [email protected]                         Jeff Sullivan               against [email protected]                      James A. Sterling III       for [email protected]             Jasper Rees                 for [email protected]                       Jay Goodman                 for [email protected]            John D. Badovinac           for jbeneski%[email protected]                          for [email protected]                Barney Frazer               for [email protected]                   Jeffrey B Kane              for [email protected]                     John Brewer                 for [email protected]    Jason P. Chang              for [email protected]                   Juan Martinez               for [email protected]                                         for [email protected]       Justin D. Bukowski          against [email protected]              Jim Kinnison                for [email protected]                Jim Pirie                   for [email protected]                   David S. McCormick          for [email protected]            Jean Martin                 for [email protected]             Jeff Schindall              for [email protected]                     Jeff Holcomb                for [email protected]                  Jerry Walz                  for [email protected]        Jerry Wilcox                against [email protected]           Jerry Hunt                  for [email protected]                Jonathan R. Ferro           against [email protected]                Jim Miner                   for [email protected]                     JAMES S. HESS               for [email protected]          John Henders                against [email protected]                     Jim Prouty                  for [email protected]                  Jim Watt                    for [email protected]         Jorg H. Kleinschmidt        for [email protected]                        James L. Anderson           for [email protected]                                        for [email protected]              Jay Maynard                 against [email protected]                      NOVY                        for [email protected]                   Joe Gervais                 against [email protected]        John F. Hawkins             for [email protected]               John Sandrik                for [email protected]                                      against [email protected]             John Hutchinson             for [email protected]                                           against [email protected]                   John S. Svendsen            for [email protected]                     David Johnson               for [email protected]            John Covele                 for [email protected]       John Finn                   for [email protected]       John Hammond                for [email protected]  John Mansfield              for [email protected]             John G. Olyarchuk           for [email protected]                 Jon Burne                   for [email protected]                                           against [email protected]                     Josep Benlliure             for [email protected]                   James Owens                 for [email protected]            Jorg Rausch                 for [email protected]               Jon Johnson                 against [email protected]               Jon Rowlison                against [email protected]                James Vincent Schultz       for [email protected]                James William Stepanek      against [email protected]                Jon Baum                    for [email protected]                 Joel Greenstein             for [email protected]              Jeffrey C. Spencer          against [email protected]               Jon Bell                    for [email protected]                Jamie Turner                for [email protected]                    Joseph Warden               against [email protected]              Jacques VAN HELDEN          for [email protected]               Jon Vaughan                 for [email protected]         Jeff Willner                for [email protected]                        Jim Jennings                for [email protected]                       Seppo Kallio                for [email protected]          Karl Hagen Geppert          for [email protected]  Kees Huyser                 for [email protected]             Kelly Cushing               for [email protected]                  Kelly Schwarzhoff           for [email protected]    Kenneth Flaton        for [email protected]      Kendall Nii                 for [email protected]            Joe Andrieu                 for [email protected]            Kevin Dunn                  for [email protected]          Kevin Harris                for kevinb%[email protected]      Kevin Brewer          for [email protected] Kevin Wilson                for [email protected]                    Kim Fallstrom               for [email protected]             Kathy A. Graff              for [email protected]             Bill Walburg                for [email protected]                Aaron L Dickey              for [email protected]           John C. King                for [email protected]              Kym Thalassoudis            for [email protected]                    Sidney W. Kitchel           for [email protected]                    K. Suphamongkhon            for [email protected]                 Melvin Klassen              against [email protected]      Klimeczko, Christine        for [email protected]         Michael S. Kluskens         for [email protected]            Kevin Miller                for [email protected]                  Rob Knauerhase              against [email protected]        John Boswell                for [email protected]            Scott Kovner                for [email protected]            Kevin L. Prime              for [email protected]             Costas Krallis              for [email protected]                        Michael Kranz               for [email protected]           R M Kriss                   against [email protected]          Tom Kropp                   for [email protected]                         Kurt Richards               for [email protected]              Jos Kuipers                 for [email protected]               Andy Y.A. Kuo               for [email protected]                                          against [email protected]                       Kyriacos Zygourakis         for [email protected] Matthias Lachmann           for [email protected]             Rob Lake                    for [email protected]                Chris Lalonde               for [email protected]              Matthew L. Langford         for [email protected]   Michael Langner             for [email protected]      Stephen Lardieri            for [email protected]                 Larry Hutchinson            for [email protected]  LARRY BORLAND               for [email protected]                Scott E. Lasley             for [email protected]               Lasse Hakkinen              for [email protected]              Greg A. Lato                for [email protected]        Laurent Wenker              for [email protected]          Lee Shekte                  for [email protected]                   Andre Lehre                 for [email protected]              Robert Lenoil               against [email protected]           Robert A. Lentz             for [email protected]                Leo Breebaart               against [email protected]                     Kevin O. Lepard             for [email protected]                 Jouni Lerssi                for [email protected]             Andy Lewis                  against [email protected]              Lee Rogers                  for [email protected]            Lee K. Hoong                for [email protected]       Li-chun Wu                  for [email protected]                Michele Limon               for [email protected]                    Charles A. Lind             for [email protected]                  Charles Lindahl             for [email protected]            Douglas S. Lindblad         for [email protected]             Bill Lipa                   against [email protected]                 Benoit LIPS                 for [email protected]               Christopher Lishka          against [email protected]              Laura J. Moyer              against [email protected]                 Lawrence K. Saul            for [email protected]        Michael Lonetto             for [email protected]              Lorin Rowe                  for [email protected]                     Lotta Tobiasson             for [email protected]           Louis Demers                for [email protected]            Larry Tague                 for [email protected]          Randolph Allen Luikart      for [email protected]                  Leonard Vaughn              for [email protected]        Duane Beach                 for [email protected]                  Leonard Evansic             for [email protected]          Mike Calford                for [email protected]                Merv Connell                against [email protected]                     M. Ridvan Karpuz            for [email protected]                    Ed Casey                    for [email protected]    Matthew Wilson          for [email protected]                    Teri Mackey                 for [email protected]                   Malcolm Slaney              for [email protected]           Andy Malis                  for mama%[email protected]     Wael Salameh        for [email protected]                 Derrick C. Mancini          for [email protected]       Michael Antolovich          for [email protected]          Antoine O. Margot           for [email protected]          Mark H. Wu                  for [email protected]                 Pierre MARTEL               for [email protected]                                  for [email protected]                Frank Mathias Mattes        for [email protected]                 Matthew I. Hoffman          for [email protected]                                 for [email protected]             Maynard Handley             against [email protected]                   Marcelino Bernardo          for [email protected]           Ken McGlothlen              against [email protected]        Michael C. Grant            against [email protected]           Min Vui Chan                for [email protected]              Michael A. Chupa            for [email protected]            Mark Cook                   for [email protected]             M. Tad Crocker              for [email protected]                     Martin Czigler              for [email protected]               Tony Man                    for [email protected]              Mel Martinez                for [email protected]                   Mark Mandt                  for [email protected]                                              for [email protected]                                                   for [email protected]            Michele Fuortes             for [email protected]                Matthew Jacksonl Hall       for [email protected]                 Mike Hatz                   against [email protected]                                          against [email protected]               Morten Johnsen              for [email protected]          Michael Easthope            for [email protected]           Michael P. Hecht            for [email protected]                                              for [email protected]  Michel Rogulski             for [email protected]               Ott Mihkel Tammepuu         for mike%[email protected]           Mike Epstein                against [email protected]               Mike Caldwell               for [email protected]             Mike Fessler                against [email protected]                Michael Genrich             for [email protected]             Mike Kranzdorf              for [email protected]      Mike Harrell                for [email protected]                     Charles Mingo               for [email protected]           Todd V. Minnella            for [email protected]            Mitchell L. Silverman       for [email protected]                    Manish Butte                for [email protected]                   Mark McCutcheon             for [email protected]      Michael  Kubovy             for [email protected]      Marcin K. Porwit            for [email protected]             Mark McIntosh               for [email protected]                    Malcolm N. Semple           for [email protected]            Thomas E. Moore             for [email protected]               Bill Moran                  for [email protected]      Alex Morando                for [email protected]         Darryl Morrell              for [email protected]      Bill Morris                 for [email protected]                 Jean-Luc MOUNIER            for [email protected]                 Hong Geok Soon              for [email protected]                    Mike Young                  for [email protected]      Mathias Schindl             for [email protected]         Mat Sci Eng                 for [email protected]               Mark Warren                 against [email protected]                 Matthew Xavier Mora         for [email protected]            Naren Bala                  against [email protected]                 Nick Safford                for [email protected] Nicholas Buchdahl           for [email protected]              Ian Neath                   against [email protected]                  Nabil Fares                 for [email protected]              Nicholas Rosov              for [email protected]       STAN NICKLE                 for [email protected]            Nils Nieuwejaar             against [email protected]       Neal Hardesty               for [email protected]        Norbert Mueller             for [email protected]      Douglas A. Norton           for [email protected]           Nien-Po Chen                for [email protected]    Nathan Y. Pearlstein        for [email protected]            Norman P. Lasca             for [email protected]       Nigel Stanger               against [email protected]                   Omar Souka                  for [email protected]                                against [email protected]                 Gary Goldberg               for [email protected]       Jason Olszewski             for [email protected]          David Ruggiero              against [email protected]               M. Otto                     against [email protected]           Joseph Ousley               for [email protected]           Christopher Owen            against [email protected]           Russell E. Owen             against [email protected]           Robert Owen                 for [email protected]    Bill Owens              against [email protected]            Dan Ozeran                  for [email protected]              Peter Lockwood              for [email protected]         Asa Packer                  for [email protected]        Bill Paplham                for [email protected]             Jim Parshall                for [email protected]                                        against [email protected]        Patrick Leung               for [email protected]            Paul C. Abbott              for [email protected]                       Peter Krupp                 for [email protected]           Leonard J. Peirce           against [email protected]           Stephen L. Pendergast       for [email protected]      Chris Pepper                against [email protected]           CLAUDE PERRINJAQUET         for [email protected]                C.T.P.Burton                for [email protected]                 Paul Godley                 for [email protected]      Marty Bylander              for [email protected]                 Peter Heifetz               for [email protected]              Bilal A. Bhutta             for [email protected]              Jim Sasaki                  against [email protected]                                          against [email protected]      Perry Phillips              for [email protected]                 Philip Byrnes-Preston       for [email protected]                 Paul E. Hoffman             for [email protected]             Don McK Paul                for [email protected]      James Cen                   for [email protected]           Dave Weingart               for [email protected]       Mike                        for [email protected]        Paul J. Rodman              for [email protected]           Patrick Laughlin            for [email protected]                 Peter Lockwood              for [email protected]       Joel Plutchak               against [email protected]         Pochou Chen                 for [email protected]           Wayne Pollock               against [email protected]  Ernie Potenziani            for [email protected]                Povl H. Pedersen            for [email protected]                                             for [email protected]          Phil Hoekstra               for [email protected]             Philippe Riviere            for [email protected]               Paul Fussell                for [email protected]                  Abraham N Allan             for [email protected]         Peter Goedtkindt            for [email protected]                 Pui Tong Ho                 for [email protected]            Guy B. Purcell              against [email protected]          Irene Purdy                 for [email protected]                Quentin J. Clark            for [email protected]            Charlie Kuehmann            for [email protected]       Rene Quesnel                for [email protected]                                          for [email protected]            R. ODriscoll                for [email protected]                 Ross Shaw                   for [email protected]          Ralph P. Carpenter          for [email protected]          Kevin W. Ramer              for [email protected]              David Rathbun               for [email protected]  Rob Chandhok                for [email protected]          Richard Batt                for [email protected]     Robert Gilmore              for [email protected]       Robin Clark                 for [email protected]          Trevor Rook                 for [email protected]        Robert Corban               for [email protected]               Ron Dippold                 against [email protected]       Robert D. Monson            for [email protected]                       Corp Reed                   for [email protected]            Philip D. Reef Morse II     for [email protected]           Robert M. Reinking          for [email protected]              Carl Juarez                 for [email protected]            Sendhil Revuluri            for [email protected]                  Blair Reyes                 for [email protected]                  Randall A. Gacek            for [email protected]              Robert Rhode                against [email protected]     Richard Marz                for [email protected]                 Rick Schaaf                 for [email protected]        Richard H. Miller           against [email protected]               Martin Rickli               for [email protected]         Rinus Boone                 for [email protected]            Alejandro Rivero            for [email protected]   Rob Jackson                 for [email protected]           Warren Jones                for [email protected]                     Robert Cohen                against [email protected]                       Robert Brenstein            against [email protected]        Robert H. Gross             for [email protected]                                              for [email protected]           Michael Alan Roberts        for [email protected]                                        against [email protected]     Robert Danielson            for [email protected]                   Robert Brickman             for [email protected]                   Peter Roessingh             for [email protected]               David Roessli               for [email protected]             Roger Ray                   for [email protected]                Torbjoern Rognes            for [email protected]           Rolf Lindgren               for [email protected]                       Ron Bonner                  for [email protected]     Ron Haines                  for [email protected]           Stephen Roper               for rothmaie%[email protected]      Markus Rothmaier    for [email protected]              Tim Royappa                 for [email protected]                     Robin R. Reid               for [email protected]              Randal R. Ketchem           for [email protected]                 Ed Greer                    for [email protected]              Rich Scarlet                for [email protected]          Wreck Shangle               for [email protected]                   Rich Wurth                  against [email protected]            Joseph A. Ruff              for [email protected]              Philip FX Ryan              for [email protected]        Duncan Mok                  for [email protected]                     Mikko Saarimaki             for [email protected]           Natsuhiko Sakimura          for [email protected]             Anthony Santarosa           for [email protected]      Scott Schroeder             for [email protected]       Barr Kum                    for [email protected]         Steve Carr                  for [email protected]   Till Schadde                for [email protected]          Francis H. Schiffer 3rd     against [email protected]     K.-M. Schindler             for [email protected]     Harald Schmidt         for [email protected]             Scott Miller                for [email protected]    Sam Dinkin                  for [email protected]                      Stew Rubenstein             for [email protected]            Sean N. Graham              against [email protected]               Larry Seiford               for [email protected]         Sandip K. Sengupta          for [email protected]               Scott Erickson              for [email protected]                  Sean E. Williams            for [email protected]                                           for [email protected]            Philip Sharman              for [email protected]             Sigurd Meldal               against [email protected]      Simon Tortike               for [email protected]     Erick Singley               for [email protected]               Eric Sink                   for [email protected]             Steven J. Edwards           for [email protected]                   Steve Renals                against [email protected]            Wong Sai Kee                for [email protected]                        Ed Wright                   for [email protected]           Seth L. Theriault           for [email protected]              Marc Moorcroft              against [email protected]          Tom Thatcher                for [email protected]       Bob Snyder                  against [email protected]      Fabrizio Rossi              for [email protected]         Bill Carroll                for [email protected]  David Cumming               for [email protected]      Steve Rogers                for [email protected]                 Steve Rogers                against [email protected]             Steve Roof                  for [email protected]                 Steve Weiss                 for [email protected]                Siddharth Suri              for [email protected]          Herb Schilling              for [email protected]          Andrew Brecher              against [email protected]                                             against [email protected]        JOE DROPKIN                 for [email protected]           Sarah Skovronsky            for [email protected]          Craig S. Steele             for [email protected]      Mark Steele                 for [email protected]   Stephen Musko               for [email protected]              Steve Farmer                for [email protected]                                            for [email protected]           steve jaffe                 for [email protected]           William Stoffel             for [email protected]              Cliff Stoll                 for [email protected]     Pieter Stouten              against [email protected]                      Larrabee Strow              for [email protected]     A. Borges Sugiyama          for [email protected]          SYG                         for [email protected]       Sak Wathanasin              for [email protected]          Aaron Swiers                for [email protected]        Steven Kirchoefer           for [email protected]         Toby Riddell                for [email protected]             Tim Allen                   for [email protected]          Song Tan                    for [email protected]                 Tom Andersen                for [email protected]               Tom Savard                  for [email protected]              Tyson S Bower               against [email protected]    Tim Burrow                  for [email protected]               Tobias Fabio Christen       for [email protected]                Trevor K. Cooper            for [email protected]                  Tom Coradeschi              for [email protected]             Tim D. Urenda               for [email protected]                   Sander C. Temme             for [email protected]                                     for [email protected]          Mario                       for [email protected]                  Terje Rydland               for [email protected]      Lani Teshima-Miller         for [email protected]              Terry Anderson              for [email protected]        Visit Thaveeprungsriporn    for [email protected]                 Jamie Thingelstad           for [email protected]          David Faust                 against [email protected]              Tim Marples                 for [email protected]                Tim Hammett                 against [email protected]           Bake Timmons                for [email protected]           Tim Bates                   for [email protected]          Tim Smith                   for [email protected]                 Timothy VanFosson           against [email protected]     Tim Devoogd            for [email protected]             Theodore J. Jardine         for [email protected]        James Bridges               for [email protected]             Thomas O'Dell               for [email protected]                Tom Sherman                 for [email protected]                    Tom Mahon                   for [email protected] Tom Rubinstein              for [email protected]              Evan James Torrie           against [email protected]                Torsten Eken                for [email protected]      John Starta                 for [email protected]    Timothy Richard Peng        for [email protected]              Todd Strauss                for [email protected]               Paul McGinnis               for [email protected]                  John Treble                 for [email protected]         Andrew Treloar              for [email protected]  Tricia jones                for [email protected]                                           against [email protected]         Thomas Robb                 for [email protected]                    Tim Larkin                  for [email protected]                  Toshi Takeuchi              for [email protected]                                        for [email protected]            Dean D. Gillispie           for [email protected]                   Uchida                      for [email protected]              Serdar Uckun                against [email protected]     Martin Kerscher             for [email protected]              Ulf Smith                   for [email protected]           Connie K. Cho               for [email protected]                    Bob Combs                   for [email protected]               Michael Vagell              for [email protected]                                         against [email protected]            Stu Labovitz                against [email protected]            Monte J. VanDeusen          for [email protected]         John Vasquez                for [email protected]           Robert Kirnum               for [email protected]                     Roger Vossler               for [email protected]                       Virginia Lyons              for [email protected]       Mark R. Waldmiller          for [email protected]                                              against [email protected]   Wally Vaughn                for [email protected]              Wayne K. Walrath            against [email protected]          Fred Walsteijn              for [email protected]            Thomas Wang                 against [email protected]          Matthew S. 'Opie' Warren    for [email protected]            Wayne Rasband               for [email protected]          William T. Bridgman         for [email protected]  Wataru Ebihara              for [email protected]            Joerg R. Weimar             against [email protected]        Martin S. Weinhous          for [email protected]           Samuel R. Wendel            for [email protected]                Kurt D. Whitmore            for [email protected]                 Ralph E. Whitmore           for [email protected]          William Phillipson          for [email protected]               Mark Williams               for [email protected]                Stephen R. Willson          for [email protected]           David Wiltz                 against [email protected]                     James Wishart               for [email protected]             Jason Cohen                 for [email protected]               Dave Bachmann               for WLMyers[email protected]       Bill Myers                  for [email protected]                  Harry Wolfson               for [email protected]               Greg Collins                for [email protected]        Bill Abrams                 for [email protected]        BILL SIMPSON                against [email protected]                   Tom Verhoeff                against [email protected]                 William T. Jones            for [email protected]           Daniel M. Wetzel            for [email protected]  Jeff Wurtz                  for [email protected]  Jeffrey D. Wurtz            for [email protected]              William Howard Vollers      for [email protected]                   Jeffrey C. Wythe            for [email protected]                                               for [email protected]           Dennis Garbis               for [email protected]   Walter Caffall Lefmann      for [email protected]       Yaochung Chen               for [email protected]                                         for [email protected]  Yoshinobu Nishimura for [email protected]                  Yoshio Turner               for [email protected]                       Zeke Koch                   for [email protected]                Elaine Zeman                for [email protected]                Michael Guerrina            for [email protected]                     Daniel Zirin                against [email protected]                        Jon Tischler                for  
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