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PowerPC ( comp.sys.powerpc )
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From [email protected] Wed Jun 23 21:11:54 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (George Lane) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.os2.misc,comp.os.os2.programmer.misc,comp.os.mach,comp.os.os2.programmer.porting Subject: RFD: comp.sys.powerpc Followup-To: news.groups Date: 21 Jun 1993 10:35:34 -0400 Organization: Qualcomm, Inc., San Diego, CA Lines: 127 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3708 news.groups:74641 comp.os.os2.misc:65797 comp.os.os2.programmer.misc:778 comp.os.mach:3521 comp.os.os2.programmer.porting:79  R E Q U E S T  F O R  D I S C U S S I O N -----------------------------------------  This is the first Request For Discussion on creation of a newsgroup(s) under  the comp.sys hierarchy.  The discussion will consist of creation on a PowerPC  newsgroup.  Please repost this RFD to any newsgroup or listserver that you think might have a readers interested in this subject to reach as broad an audience as possible.  Proposed Group -------------- comp.sys.powerpc            General PowerPC discussion.   Status ------ Unmoderated   CHARTER ------- comp.sys.powerpc (unmoderated) will be a newsgroup which will provide  a common forum to users and developers of products based on the PowerPC architecture.  (1) To discuss the design, programming, and administration of systems     and applications which use the IBM/Apple/Motorola PowerPC RISC based     architecture.      The architecture is based on RISC microprocessors which include, among      others:      The MPC601 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC603 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC604 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC620 RISC Microprocessor   (2) To share ideas, information, and specific experience regarding     design and programming of applications within the PowerPC     environment, including efficient system design and useful PowerPC     programming techniques;  (3) To discuss the development tools and documentation regarding the PowerPC     environment;  (4) To discuss porting issues for bringing established products to the      new PowerPC platforms;  (5) To discuss new products of interest to PowerPC developers and users,      including updates to PowerPC systems, new third party products, their      useage, advantages and drawbacks, and, where shareware/freeware can be      found for downloading;  (6) To educate and inform others about the strengths, weaknesses, and     general usage of PowerPC, to solve real world problems;   (7) To discus the goals, objectives, decisions, and services of the      PowerOpen organization;  (8) To provide PowerPC developers and potential users who have Usenet access      to a common newsgroup to share with one another PowerPC ideas, concerns,      experiences, questions, and knowledge.  SUBGROUPS --------- Subgroups will be added at a later date, as the technology matures and new  products emerge.  CFV --- Call for votes will be in about a month (mid to late July 1993).  RATIONALE ---------      The PowerPC architecture is a serious challenge to Intel's dominance of the personal computer marketplace. The combined strengths of Motorola,  IBM, and Apple will provide machines with favorable price/performance ratios. Initially, the 601 PowerPC microprocessor will cost less than half the price  of the Intel Pentium.       Ford Motor Company has realized the potential of the architecture, and  decided to use the PowerPC microprocessors in all of it's cars. This volume  will also keep the prices of the chips low. Powerful desktop RISC based  machines will soon be affordable.      OS2, AIX, PINK, NEXTSTEP, Solaris, System 7, and Windows NT(?), will all  run on the powerPC platform. Many vendors are already porting their application products.      There are many users of older Intel based products who want to  upgrade to newer operating systems and applications software. However, due  to the hardware requirements, their machines aren't up to the task.       They find that they need to upgrade their hardware (CPU/motherboard,  Hard disk, memory, display) as well. Realizing that our requirements may  be met with an alternative solution, there is no need to lock ourselves  into an Intel based PC future.      This is an emerging technology, and the creation of a newsgroup right now may seem to some a bit premature to some. But users of the net want to be  informed of the latest developments. There are discussions of the Power PC  on various newsgroups already. The traffic is growing daily. And IBM has  anounced that their first PowerPC product will be released in September  1993. The Apple PowerPC will be released in Jan. 1994. The usenet community  should manage the upcoming influx of traffic with foresight. By the time a  discussion period (RFD) and voting period (CFV) has passed, and newsgroup  is created, the first products will be ready for release. Anyone considering an upcoming purchase would benefit from the discussions on the proposed newsgroup.  SUMMARY ------- In summary, the creation of a new newsgroup is needed for PowerPC discussion. It is proposed to focus exclusively on discussions by, for, and of things  relating to any facet of PowerPC systems.  Discussion of the proposed group should properly be held on news.groups. (Note that the Followup-To: line of this article will  direct any responses to news.groups automatically.)    Readers should feel free to re-post this article to other newsgroups whose readers might find it of interest, as long as the Followup-To: line remains directed to news.groups. --  #include "std_disclaimer.h"  George Lane [email protected]  From [email protected] Tue Jul 13 23:24:14 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (George Lane) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.os.os2.misc,comp.os.os2.programmer.misc,comp.os.mach,comp.os.os2.programmer.porting Subject: 2nd RFD: comp.sys.powerpc Followup-To: news.groups Date: 13 Jul 1993 23:12:07 -0400 Organization: Qualcomm, Inc., San Diego, CA Lines: 122 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3792 news.groups:76177 comp.os.os2.misc:68834 comp.os.os2.programmer.misc:1211 comp.os.mach:3567 comp.os.os2.programmer.porting:170  R E Q U E S T  F O R  D I S C U S S I O N -----------------------------------------  This is the second Request For Discussion on creation of a newsgroup(s) under  the comp.sys hierarchy.  The discussion will consist of creation on a PowerPC  newsgroup.  Please repost this RFD to any newsgroup or listserver that you think might have a readers interested in this subject to reach as broad an audience as possible.  Proposed Group -------------- comp.sys.powerpc            General PowerPC discussion   Status ------ Unmoderated   CHARTER ------- comp.sys.powerpc (unmoderated) will be a newsgroup which will provide  a common forum to users and developers of products based on the PowerPC architecture.  (1) To discuss the design, programming, and administration of systems     and applications which use the IBM/Apple/Motorola PowerPC RISC based     architecture.      The architecture is based on RISC microprocessors which include, among      others:      The MPC601 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC603 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC604 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC620 RISC Microprocessor   (2) To share ideas, information, and specific experience regarding     design and programming of applications within the PowerPC     environment, including efficient system design and useful PowerPC     programming techniques;  (3) To discuss the development tools and documentation regarding the PowerPC     environment;  (4) To discuss porting issues for bringing established products to the      new PowerPC platforms;  (5) To discuss new products of interest to PowerPC developers and users,      including updates to PowerPC systems, new third party products, their      useage, advantages and drawbacks, and, where shareware/freeware can be      found for downloading;  (6) To educate and inform others about the strengths, weaknesses, and     general usage of PowerPC, to solve real world problems;   (7) To discus the goals, objectives, decisions, and services of the      PowerOpen organization;  (8) To provide PowerPC developers and potential users who have Usenet access      to a common newsgroup to share with one another PowerPC ideas, concerns,      experiences, questions, and knowledge.  SUBGROUPS --------- Subgroups will be added at a later date, as the technology matures and new  products emerge.  CFV --- Call for votes will be in mid to late July 1993.  RATIONALE ---------      The PowerPC architecture is a serious challenge to Intel's dominance of the personal computer marketplace. The combined strengths of Motorola,  IBM, and Apple will provide machines with favorable price/performance ratios. Initially, the 601 PowerPC microprocessor will cost less than half the price  of the Intel Pentium.       Ford Motor Company has realized the potential of the architecture, and  decided to use the PowerPC microprocessors in all of it's cars. This volume  will also keep the prices of the chips low. Powerful desktop RISC based  machines will soon be affordable.      OS2, AIX, PINK, NEXTSTEP, Solaris, System 7, and Windows NT(?), will all  run on the powerPC platform. Many vendors are already porting their application products.      There are many users of older Intel based products who want to  upgrade to newer operating systems and applications software. However, due  to the hardware requirements, their machines aren't up to the task.       They find that they need to upgrade their hardware (CPU/motherboard,  Hard disk, memory, display) as well. Realizing that our requirements may  be met with an alternative solution, there is no need to lock ourselves  into an Intel based PC future.      This is an emerging technology, and the creation of a newsgroup right now may seem to some a bit premature to some. But users of the net want to be  informed of the latest developments. There are discussions of the Power PC  on various newsgroups already. The traffic is growing daily. And IBM has  anounced that their first PowerPC product will be released in September  1993. The Apple PowerPC will be released in Jan. 1994. The usenet community  should manage the upcoming influx of traffic with foresight. By the time a  discussion period (RFD) and voting period (CFV) has passed, and newsgroup  is created, the first products will be ready for release. Anyone considering an upcoming purchase would benefit from the discussions on the proposed newsgroup.  SUMMARY ------- In summary, the creation of a new newsgroup is needed for PowerPC discussion. It is proposed to focus exclusively on discussions by, for, and of things  relating to any facet of PowerPC systems.  Discussion of the proposed group should properly be held on news.groups. (Note that the Followup-To: line of this article will  direct any responses to news.groups automatically.)    Readers should feel free to re-post this article to other newsgroups whose readers might find it of interest, as long as the Followup-To: line remains directed to news.groups.  From [email protected] Tue Aug 24 17:14:39 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark James) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.sys.mac.announce,comp.os.os2.misc,comp.os.os2.advocacy, Subject: CFV: comp.sys.powerpc Followup-To: poster Date: 24 Aug 1993 13:59:37 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 96 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3968 news.groups:79875 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:10190 comp.sys.mac.announce:470 comp.os.os2.misc:73308 comp.os.os2.advocacy:26860                        CALL FOR VOTES (1st of 2)   Unmoderated group comp.sys.powerpc   Newsgroups line: 	General PowerPC Discussion.  Votes must be received by 14 Sep 1993 23:59:59 GMT.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group, contact George Lane <[email protected]>.  CHARTER -------  comp.sys.powerpc (unmoderated) will be a newsgroup which will provide  a common forum to users and developers of products based on the PowerPC architecture.  (1) To discuss the design, programming, and administration of systems     and applications which use the IBM/Apple/Motorola PowerPC RISC based     architecture.      The architecture is based on RISC microprocessors which include, among      others:      The MPC601 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC603 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC604 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC620 RISC Microprocessor  (2) To share ideas, information, and specific experience regarding     design and programming of applications within the PowerPC     environment, including efficient system design and useful PowerPC     programming techniques;  (3) To discuss the development tools and documentation regarding the PowerPC     environment;  (4) To discuss porting issues for bringing established products to the      new PowerPC platforms;  (5) To discuss new products of interest to PowerPC developers and users,      including updates to PowerPC systems, new third party products, their      usage, advantages and drawbacks, and, where shareware/freeware can be      found for downloading;  (6) To educate and inform others about the strengths, weaknesses, and     general usage of PowerPC, to solve real world problems;   (7) To discus the goals, objectives, decisions, and services of the      PowerOpen organization;  (8) To provide PowerPC developers and potential users who have Usenet access      to a common newsgroup to share with one another PowerPC ideas, concerns,      experiences, questions, and knowledge.   STANDARD VOTING INFO --------------------  You should send E-MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to:        [email protected]  (just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Your mail message should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on comp.sys.powerpc or       I vote NO on comp.sys.powerpc  You may add a comment, or use other wording, but anything other than  a definite, unconditional, unambiguous statement for or against the creation of comp.sys.powerpc will be rejected.  If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid vote will count.  You may also send in an "abstain" vote in the same  manner, using "abstain" in place of "yes" or "no".  This will cancel any previous vote.  All votes will be acknowledged by E-mail.  If you don't receive an acknowledgment within a few days of your vote, vote again.  A list of any acknowledgment messages that bounce back to me will be posted in  a subsequent Call for Votes or Result article.  (CFV articles will *not* otherwise contain mass vote acknowledgments.)  The complete vote list will be posted with the vote result.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person (not per account).  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation. --  Mark James  <[email protected]>    *** Opinions, errors etc are mine. *** Dialogic Corporation, 300 Littleton Road    | "We must believe in free will. Parsippany NJ 07054, U.S.A.                 |  We have no choice." +1 201 334 1268 ext 438  Fax +1 201 334 1257|  -- I. B. Singer  From [email protected] Wed Sep  8 19:42:44 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark James) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.os.os2.misc,comp.os.os2.advocacy, Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.sys.powerpc Followup-To: poster Date: 8 Sep 1993 16:26:26 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 126 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4024 news.groups:81096 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:10539 comp.os.os2.misc:74950 comp.os.os2.advocacy:28048                        LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)  Unmoderated group comp.sys.powerpc   Newsgroups line: 	General PowerPC Discussion.  Votes must be received by 14 Sep 1993 23:59:59 GMT.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group, contact George Lane <[email protected]>.  CHARTER -------  comp.sys.powerpc (unmoderated) will be a newsgroup which will provide  a common forum to users and developers of products based on the PowerPC architecture.  (1) To discuss the design, programming, and administration of systems     and applications which use the IBM/Apple/Motorola PowerPC RISC based     architecture.      The architecture is based on RISC microprocessors which include, among      others:      The MPC601 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC603 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC604 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC620 RISC Microprocessor  (2) To share ideas, information, and specific experience regarding     design and programming of applications within the PowerPC     environment, including efficient system design and useful PowerPC     programming techniques;  (3) To discuss the development tools and documentation regarding the PowerPC     environment;  (4) To discuss porting issues for bringing established products to the      new PowerPC platforms;  (5) To discuss new products of interest to PowerPC developers and users,      including updates to PowerPC systems, new third party products, their      usage, advantages and drawbacks, and, where shareware/freeware can be      found for downloading;  (6) To educate and inform others about the strengths, weaknesses, and     general usage of PowerPC, to solve real world problems;   (7) To discus the goals, objectives, decisions, and services of the      PowerOpen organization;  (8) To provide PowerPC developers and potential users who have Usenet access      to a common newsgroup to share with one another PowerPC ideas, concerns,      experiences, questions, and knowledge.   STANDARD VOTING INFO --------------------  You should send E-MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to:        [email protected]  (just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Your mail message should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on comp.sys.powerpc or       I vote NO on comp.sys.powerpc  You may add a comment, or use other wording, but anything other than  a definite, unconditional, unambiguous statement for or against the creation of comp.sys.powerpc will be rejected.  If you later change your mind you may vote again; only your last valid vote will count.  You may also send in an "abstain" vote in the same  manner, using "abstain" in place of "yes" or "no".  This will cancel any previous vote.  All votes will be acknowledged by E-mail.  If you don't receive an acknowledgment within a few days of your vote, vote again.  A list of all acknowledgment messages that have bounced back to me is posted  below.  (CFV articles will *not* otherwise contain mass vote  acknowledgments.)  The complete vote list will be posted with the  vote result.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person (not per account).  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.   BOUNCED VOTE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  The following persons have voted and their votes have been counted, but the acknowledgment message bounced.  This list serves as their vote acknowledgment.  [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]  [email protected] Elness#m#[email protected] [email protected] hkovc::[email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]  [email protected]  --  Mark James  <[email protected]>    *** Opinions, errors etc are mine. *** Dialogic Corporation, 300 Littleton Road    | "We must believe in free will. Parsippany NJ 07054, U.S.A.                 |  We have no choice." +1 201 334 1268 ext 438  Fax +1 201 334 1257|  -- I. B. Singer  From [email protected] Wed Sep 22 13:53:02 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Mark James) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.os.os2.misc,comp.os.os2.advocacy, Subject: RESULT: comp.sys.powerpc passes 1317:32 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 22 Sep 1993 08:51:52 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 1438 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4076 news.groups:82610 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:10900 comp.os.os2.misc:76422 comp.os.os2.advocacy:28890                                 VOTE RESULT   Unmoderated group comp.sys.powerpc  Voting closed on 14 September 1993 at 23:59:59 GMT.  The results are:  Yes votes:  1317 No votes:     32  This margin is adequate for newgroup creation.  There will now be a five-day period during which corrections to the vote count may be made.  Barring massive controversy about the vote, the group will  be created at the end of this period.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.    Vote-taker: 		Mark James <[email protected]> Group proponent: 	George Lane <[email protected]>  Newsgroups line: comp.sys.powerpc	General PowerPC Discussion.   CHARTER (as printed in the Call for Votes) -------  comp.sys.powerpc (unmoderated) will be a newsgroup which will provide  a common forum to users and developers of products based on the PowerPC architecture.  (1) To discuss the design, programming, and administration of systems     and applications which use the IBM/Apple/Motorola PowerPC RISC based     architecture.      The architecture is based on RISC microprocessors which include, among      others:      The MPC601 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC603 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC604 RISC Microprocessor     The MPC620 RISC Microprocessor  (2) To share ideas, information, and specific experience regarding     design and programming of applications within the PowerPC     environment, including efficient system design and useful PowerPC     programming techniques;  (3) To discuss the development tools and documentation regarding the PowerPC     environment;  (4) To discuss porting issues for bringing established products to the      new PowerPC platforms;  (5) To discuss new products of interest to PowerPC developers and users,      including updates to PowerPC systems, new third party products, their      usage, advantages and drawbacks, and, where shareware/freeware can be      found for downloading;  (6) To educate and inform others about the strengths, weaknesses, and     general usage of PowerPC, to solve real world problems;   (7) To discus the goals, objectives, decisions, and services of the      PowerOpen organization;  (8) To provide PowerPC developers and potential users who have Usenet access      to a common newsgroup to share with one another PowerPC ideas, concerns,      experiences, questions, and knowledge.   VOTE ACKNOWLEDGMENT -------------------  These lists are sorted in alphabetical order by login name.  Note that certain UUCP addresses are mangled somewhat in order to sort nicely.  YES votes were received from the following people.     [email protected]  [email protected] (Martin Mezger) [email protected] (BAMBANG) [email protected] (Andre Schappo) [email protected]  [email protected] (Graydon Patterson)  [email protected] (Steve Birnbaum)  [email protected] (James C. Neiss)  [email protected] (Ramesh Fernando)  [email protected] (Robert Szarek)  [email protected] (Paul Shuttle)  [email protected] (Cameron Lacy)  [email protected] (Aaron Dailey x4989)  [email protected] (Stephen K. Suh)  [email protected] (Ron Marcil)  [email protected] (John C. Abbe aka Rademir)  [email protected] (Tim Dierks)  [email protected] (Arvid Burns) [email protected] (Rod Scott)  [email protected] (Adam Dray)  [email protected] (Adrian Vanzyl) [email protected] (Gregory Agostinelli)  [email protected] (Lee Down)  [email protected] (Bela Incze)  [email protected] (Gordon McFee)  [email protected] (Ainsley Calladine) [email protected]  [email protected] (Adam Katz) [email protected] (Alan K. Thompson)  [email protected] (durand alain denis) [email protected] (Alan Staniforth) [email protected]  [email protected] (Alan Coopersmith) [email protected] (Andrew Laurence Bender) [email protected] (Albert Yu)  [email protected] (Alexander Hoefer)  [email protected] (Ivan B. Alves S.)  [email protected] (Andrew Dunn)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Martin Anderson)  [email protected] (andre) [email protected] (Andreas Helke)  [email protected] (Andrew L. Bennett)  [email protected] (CHIHUAHUA CHARLIE) [email protected]  [email protected] (Andrew Southwick)  [email protected] (Andy Babinszki)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Anson Ringenoldus)  [email protected] (Antonio Pasini)  [email protected] (Joe Thiel)  [email protected] (Arnoud Apituley) [email protected] (Alec Plumb)  [email protected] (Larry Arbanas)  [email protected] (Arium Research Practel Sales) [email protected] (Alex Morando)  [email protected] (Arman Dolikian)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Raggy Arumugham,Workstations,MLO1-2/U2,223-6225) [email protected] (K. Asato) [email protected] (Ashish Nedungadi) [email protected] (Ashley Stevens)  [email protected] (asif) [email protected] (John Knefel)  [email protected] (Atul Butte) [email protected] (Alvin Austin) [email protected]  [email protected] (Avi Harris Baumstein) [email protected] (Marduk)  [email protected] (A. Puerckhauer) [email protected] (Brian Clark)  [email protected] (David Sachs)  [email protected] (bryan a genest)  [email protected] (Jeff J. Barczewski)  [email protected]  [email protected] (John Bate) [email protected]  [email protected] (John Versailles)  [email protected] (Brad Elkin)  [email protected] (Brian Clark)  [email protected] (Brian C Midura)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Bill Colston)  [email protected] (Brian Dolan)  [email protected] (James M Beaumont)  [email protected] (Bradley Carl Beck)  [email protected] (Basil Johnson)  [email protected] (Ben Liberman)  [email protected] (Ben Liberman)  [email protected] (Ben Cottrell) [email protected] (David Bendrihem)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Bengt Larsson) [email protected]  [email protected] (Mike Bentley)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Bill Glazier)  [email protected] (tony bible) [email protected] (Timothy S. Biernat)  [email protected]  [email protected]!misg (Bill Rominger) [email protected] (Todd Birchman)  [email protected] (B.J. Herbison) [email protected] (Bobby J. Fralic)  [email protected] (Bireley Jeng - dpr8)  [email protected]  [email protected] (brian klaas)  [email protected] (Mmmmm, software) [email protected] (David C. Black)  [email protected] (Art Blair)  [email protected] (Blaise THAUVIN)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Glenn Blauvelt)  [email protected] (Nathan Blilie) [email protected] (Bo-Yi Lin)  [email protected] (Trevor I. Blumenau) [email protected] (David S Fung)  [email protected] (Brian Novack)  [email protected] (Bob Matsuoka)  [email protected] (Bob Bignell)  [email protected] (Bob MacDowell)  [email protected] (Bob Polis)  [email protected] (Douglas Harold Ihde) [email protected] ((Michel Bonjour)) [email protected] (Bonnie B. Lynch) [email protected] (Marcel Portanger)  [email protected] (Borde Serge)  [email protected] (David Fell) [email protected] (David A. Boulton)  [email protected] (H. E. Bowen 919-254-6324) [email protected] (Kenneth P. Bowman)  [email protected] (Atul Jagga) [email protected] (Brad Kollmyer)  [email protected] (Bradley Stevenson)  [email protected] (Brad Suessmith) [email protected] (Bram Smits)  [email protected] (Marc Brandis) [email protected] (Brandon Harvey) [email protected] (BRANDAUER CARL M) [email protected] (Rick Barnett) [email protected] (Bohdan Rekshynskyj)  [email protected] (Brian R. Gaeke) [email protected] (Brian Smithson)  [email protected] (Brian H. Horton) [email protected] (Allen X Briggs)  [email protected] (Bill Broadley) [email protected] (Ben 'The Unicorn in the Net' Roimola) [email protected] (Bruce Hoult)  [email protected] (Bruno Jargot)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Bruno Schaeffer)  [email protected] (Brian Kendig)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Bruce T Smith -- Personal Account) [email protected] (Todd Burggraf) [email protected] (Charles Burton 919-254-4355) [email protected] (Robert E. Winston)  [email protected] (Dieder Bylsma)  [email protected] (Byron Adkins)  [email protected] (David McNicol) [email protected] (Craig Alexander) [email protected] (L L Campbell) [email protected] (Lin Nan Hung)  [email protected] (Aviram Carmi)  [email protected] (System error)  [email protected] (Charles Allen Smith)  [email protected] (Kai-Uwe Froehlich)  [email protected]  [email protected] (John A Lambert) [email protected] (Carl B. Constantine)  [email protected] (Emma de Lacey) [email protected] (Chris D Blandy)  [email protected] (Christian de Lay)  [email protected] (Carl Larson) [email protected] (Christer Ericsson)  [email protected] (Chris Estep) [email protected]  [email protected] (John Miller)  [email protected] (Chall Fry) [email protected] (Roger Chaplin)  [email protected] (Martin Charest) [email protected] (Frederick Charette) [email protected] (Ric Chaudoir)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Brian Cherkauer) [email protected] (Chris Harris) [email protected] (William Ching)  [email protected] (Datapath Grunt)  [email protected] (Chris Moll)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Flying Dutchman) [email protected] (Chris Pruett) [email protected] (Chrome Sync)  [email protected] (Tom Wilbur) [email protected] (Chua Hak Lien)  [email protected] (Chris T Hubbard) [email protected] (Christopher Jones) [email protected] (Christopher J. Rooney) [email protected] (Chris J. Krueger)  [email protected] (Michael Clark)  [email protected] (Cory L. Scott) [email protected] (Cliff McCollum)  [email protected] (C Matthew Curtin) [email protected]  [email protected] (Chen-Ming Lee)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Andrei Cogan)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Colin Joe) [email protected] (Gary J. Collins)  [email protected] (Michael J Conboy) [email protected] (Conor O'Neill) [email protected] (Conrad H Gempf) [email protected] (Brian Coomes)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Curtis A. Corum)  [email protected] (Chris Page)  [email protected] (Chris Perritt (982-9221)) [email protected] (Scott N. Marks)  [email protected] (Craig Battles)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Craig Williams)  [email protected] (Creed Erickson)  [email protected] (Thomas A. Creedon at Oregon Hearing Research Center)  [email protected] (Charles Roth) [email protected] (David L. Crow)  [email protected] (Craig Sadler)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Christian Smith) [email protected] (Caleb Strockbine) [email protected] (Claus Swensen)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Wittenborn Cory D) [email protected] (Dan Crow)  [email protected] (YAMAMOTO Bunji) [email protected] (Fredrik Davidson) [email protected] (Christer Sjostedt)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (H. Ahl) [email protected] (Hans Persson) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jim McKee)  [email protected] (Sven Nielsen) [email protected] (Walt Daniels)  [email protected] (Dana Kilcrease ((914)766-3285)) [email protected] (Dan Grove)  [email protected] (Daniel Lundh)  [email protected] (Daniel Fun Segel)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Dan Wood)  [email protected] (Dario Solis) [email protected] (David Aaron Tepper) [email protected] (David R Bosso)  [email protected] (David L. Burk) [email protected] (David Hooper)  [email protected] (David L Hamilton)  [email protected] (Dave Phillips) [email protected] (Dave Paloian) [email protected] (Dave Watson)  [email protected] (David Bhola) [email protected] (David Hartmann)  [email protected] (David H. Miller)  [email protected] (David Petrie Stoutamire)  [email protected] (David Ely) [email protected]  [email protected] (Dave Scott) [email protected] (Dan Bullock (TeamOS/2)) [email protected] (dB)  [email protected] (Deborah Nina Cherry) [email protected] ([email protected])  [email protected] (Didier Chassignol)  [email protected] (Derek Chee)  [email protected] (Craig Miller)  [email protected] (David Coster)  [email protected] (Dorothy Daybell)  [email protected] (Daniel F Dickinson) [email protected] (David D. Kilzer)  [email protected] (Dean Edwards)  [email protected] (Donpaul C. Stephens) [email protected] (Daniel Efron) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Derek Cheng) [email protected] (Derek B. Noonburg) [email protected] (Derick Siddoway)  [email protected] (Daniel Koehne)  [email protected] (Dave Garaffa) dgoldst%[email protected] (Dave Goldstein)  [email protected] (David Graham) [email protected] (David Harker) [email protected] (David Charlap)  [email protected] (Thomas Diessel)  [email protected] (Dimitri Tischenko) [email protected] (Daniel  Erasmus) [email protected] (Derek Jones)  [email protected]  [email protected] (David K. Dean)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Derek K. Miller)  [email protected] (David Kolb)  [email protected] (David Brown) [email protected]  [email protected] (Donald Lewine)  [email protected] (Rozendaal DL) [email protected] (Dennis Marer) [email protected] (Dan Moen)  [email protected] (darin s morley) [email protected] (Dan Larsen) [email protected] (Doc O'Leary)  [email protected] (Dominik Ulmer)  [email protected] (Don Rainwater, Systems Manager)  [email protected] (Don Leeper)  [email protected] (don Sinclair) [email protected] (Andrew Geweke)  [email protected] (Doug Stein)  [email protected] (Fred Douglis)  [email protected] (Dan Podwall) [email protected] (David Ross)  [email protected] (David Ausburn)  [email protected]  [email protected] (E.J. Draper)  [email protected]  [email protected] (David Gutierrez)  [email protected] (Dr. Cool) [email protected]  [email protected] (David Sender Blumenthal)  [email protected] (Daniel S. Foster) [email protected] (Doug Siebert) [email protected] (Dennis S. Keeler) [email protected]  [email protected] (David St. John)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Karen) [email protected] (Pat Duffy) [email protected] (Dufour Stephen)  [email protected] (Shan Duncan) [email protected] (David W. Vaklyes)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Dennis J. Wilkinson II)  [email protected] (Doug Wood) [email protected] (David W. Peascoe)  [email protected] (Earl Williams)  [email protected] (Glenn)  [email protected] (Ellen Y Borkowski) [email protected] (Ellen Brewer) [email protected]  [email protected] (Ed Geraghty)  [email protected] (P. Alexiou)  [email protected] (David Edelsohn) [email protected]  [email protected] (Emmanuel Frachon) [email protected] (Erik Hanson) [email protected] (Eduardo Herrera)  [email protected] (EDWARD YOUNK) [email protected] (Eric James Ewanco) [email protected] (Eduardo Kaftanski)  [email protected] (Eirik Lygre)  [email protected] (Eric Kunze) [email protected] (Erik K. Larson) [email protected]  [email protected] (ethan miller)  elness#m#[email protected] (Elness, Mike) [email protected] (Eric D. Lopez) [email protected] (Zac Elston) [email protected] (Eric Andrew Morgan) [email protected]  [email protected] (David B. Enfield)  [email protected] (ENGLAND Derek) [email protected] (N is for Neville who died of ennui)  [email protected] (Ephraim P. Hochberg)  [email protected] (Ephraim Vishniac) [email protected] (Don Burns)  [email protected] (Eric Hunt)  [email protected] (Eric Chu)  [email protected] (Eric Reschke) erict%ascent-west%[email protected] (Eric Tiffany)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Edward John Sabol) [email protected]  [email protected] (Everette Gray Allen)  [email protected] (Eliot Wilson) [email protected] (Jan-Erik Schuch) [email protected] (Fabian Le Gay Brereton) [email protected] (Matt Fago) [email protected] (F. Robert Falbo) [email protected] (Francis Favorini) [email protected] (Dominique Fays)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Fergus J. O'Reilly) [email protected] (Frank Hartenstein) [email protected] (Earl D. Fife)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Chris Mr. Tangerine Man Tate) [email protected] (Frank J. Owen)  [email protected] (Phillip D. Russell)  [email protected] (David Gaskill) [email protected] (Frank McPherson)  [email protected] (Gary Ford)  [email protected] (Francisco Javier Quiros)  [email protected] (Olivier T. CALLE) [email protected] (Francis Lee) [email protected] (Jim Freeze) [email protected] (Tony Freitas) [email protected] (Dave Frelinger)  [email protected] (David Fry)  [email protected]  [email protected] (forrest d whitcher)  [email protected] (John Bofeldt) [email protected] (Brian Gaines) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Gerald Combs)  [email protected] (Gilbert Coville (boca))  [email protected] (Gerrit Gehnen) [email protected] (George Paap) [email protected] (Jim Germack) [email protected] (Robert Germain)  [email protected] (George E. Smith (295-4802)) [email protected] (Gerard Hammond) [email protected] (Georeg Herndon)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Graham J Bricknell) [email protected]  [email protected] (George Lane)  [email protected] (Glen Anthony Graham)  [email protected] (Josh Kifer)  [email protected] (Jim Golab)  [email protected] (Jim Golden) [email protected] (Kent Radek)  [email protected] (Gordon Matheson)  [email protected] (Geir Granum) [email protected] (GRASSO CHRISTOPHER A) [email protected] (Graham Reed) [email protected] (Greg Satir)  [email protected] (Igor Grekin)  [email protected] (Gisli R. Hjaltason)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Jacques Grove)  [email protected] (Sean Case)  [email protected] (Gregory S. Lauer)  [email protected] (gt2011a Sheldon Simms)  [email protected] (WILLETT,THOMAS CARTER)  [email protected] (David C. Schooley)  [email protected] (Gerd Truschinski)  [email protected] (Joachim Gucker) [email protected] (Basalat Ali Raja)  [email protected] (Chan Lap Wah Samson)  [email protected] (Haddad Jalal) [email protected] (Brian V. Hughes)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Sebastian Hagedorn)  [email protected] (Dave Hagen)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Harald Hoeg)  [email protected] (Haseen I. Alam) [email protected] (Ed Hall)  [email protected] (Scott D Hallock) [email protected]  [email protected] (Hamish Marson) [email protected] (Tim Hammett)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Hank Oredson)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Paul Hardwick) [email protected] (Hugh Spencer) [email protected] (Matthew Harrison)  [email protected] (Harry Schueren)  [email protected] (Harry Saal)  [email protected] (Timothy Hart) [email protected] (John Hassey)  [email protected] (Jeff Hatch)  [email protected] (Life's just full 'o surprises...Ain't it?) [email protected] (Robert F. Hayosh)  [email protected] (Henry C Schmitt) [email protected]  [email protected] (Robbert Heederik)  [email protected] (Stephan Heilmayr)  [email protected] (Ben Hekster)  [email protected] (Harald Henkel) [email protected] (Howard Jeng Huang) [email protected] (Andrew Hilmer)  [email protected] (Eiji Hirai)  hkovc::[email protected] (Through the Barrage) [email protected] (Harald Milz)  [email protected] (Kevin Hendrickson)  [email protected] (Holger Hoffstaette)  [email protected] (Russell Holt)  [email protected] (Mike DeSimone)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Helen T. Rose Davis) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Martin Hsu - x2850)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Marc Huber) [email protected] (Matt Hucke) [email protected] (Edward J. Huff)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Jose Hulse)  [email protected] (Scott B. Hunter)  [email protected] (Bill Alvarez) [email protected] (Hyong Chol Lee)  [email protected] (I J Clifton)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Ian Crew) [email protected] (tim jones) [email protected] (Igor Livshits)  [email protected] (Ivan Baird CET) [email protected] (Satoshi Ikeda) [email protected] (Imad M Jureidini) [email protected] (Terry Ingoldsby)  [email protected] (Thomas Ingold)  [email protected] (Mike Coan)  [email protected] (Mike Cohen)  [email protected] (Daniel Lathrop)  [email protected] (Dean Iverson)  [email protected] (John Fairbairn) [email protected] (Jean-Max REYMOND)  [email protected] (Jacob Ahlqvist)  [email protected] (S. Tyler Jacobs) [email protected] (Jack Tan)  [email protected] (john a curry)  [email protected] (Jakob Schlyter) [email protected] (James R. Skinner) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jan Isley)  [email protected] (Jan Morales)  [email protected] (Julian Scarfe)  [email protected] (JASEN JACOBSEN, ISD, TPA (813)532-2619) [email protected] (Justice, James E) [email protected] (Jason Ehrlich) [email protected] (Jan Bernard van Doorn)  [email protected] (Joshua Bleier)  [email protected] (Jim Moy)  [email protected] (Zep fanatic)  [email protected] (Jason Buberel)  [email protected] (John Justin Burns Jr.)  [email protected] (Juergen Christoffel) [email protected] (John C. O'Conor)  jct%[email protected] (Jim Thompson)  [email protected] (Jon Vander Hill)  [email protected] (Jonathan D Baumgartner)  [email protected] (James D Schaedig)  [email protected] (jeff Schindall)  [email protected] (J.E. King)  [email protected] (John E. Lockwood) jem%[email protected] (John E. Mendenhall) [email protected]  [email protected] (JEFFREY WHITEHEAD) [email protected] (J. Eric Townsend)  [email protected] (Laurent Jetzer)  [email protected] (Joe Laszlo) [email protected] (Jim Miner) [email protected] (Jyh-Chyang Gary Kueh)  [email protected] (Joe Keane)  [email protected] (Jonathan J Huang) jhkim%[email protected] (Jeong-Hyun Kim)  [email protected] (Jon) [email protected] (Jim Burmeister)  [email protected] (Jim Budler)  [email protected] (JIMENEZ APARICIO) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jim McQuillan) [email protected] (Jim Williams)  [email protected] (James David Wong) [email protected]  [email protected] (John Matthews)  [email protected] (Jian Lou) [email protected] (Peggy, The Foul-Mouthed Chambermaid) [email protected] (John Litvin) [email protected] (Juha-Matti Liukkonen)  [email protected] (John Lawton Mobley) [email protected] (Jonathan Wanak) [email protected]  [email protected] (Joseph Piazza)  [email protected] (Jim Sharpe)  [email protected] (James L. Norman)  [email protected] (Jeffrey Newquist)  [email protected] (Peter Joachim) [email protected] (Joakim Greben|) [email protected] (John Chang)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Joe Kaplan)  [email protected] (Joseph Skinner)  [email protected] (Jochen Friedrich) [email protected] (John F. Mansfield)  [email protected] (John Leslie)  [email protected] (John Morris H3-403)  [email protected] (John M. Neil)  [email protected] (John West)  [email protected] (Jonah Matthew Alben) [email protected] (Cyrus Jones)  [email protected] (Brian R. Jones)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Jonnie Rosewood) [email protected] (Jon Pugh)  [email protected] (Jon H. Werner)  [email protected] (Joseph Hall) [email protected] (Josh Hartmann) [email protected] (Joshua R. Nelson)  [email protected] (Matthias Draeger)  [email protected] (Jay Otto)  [email protected] (James Hensley) [email protected] (Jos Pina Coelho)  [email protected] (Joao Prospero Luis)  [email protected]  [email protected] (James P Kirk) [email protected] (Bob Boonstra)  [email protected] (John Boardman)  [email protected] (Jon the Logician) [email protected] (Jonathan Kimmitt) [email protected] (Jim Salter)  [email protected] (Sam Bushell) [email protected] (Joel S. Donaldson) [email protected] (John S. Greene)  [email protected] (John Stanley Jacob)  [email protected] (John Stewart Pinnow)  [email protected] (Jeff Stripling)  [email protected] (John Aslanian)  [email protected] (John T. Hollaway Jr.) [email protected] (Jay Thomas)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Juha =?iso-8859-1?Q?Pirttil=E4?=)  [email protected] (Jouko O Vierumaki)  [email protected] (John Vogel)  [email protected] (Jyrki J Wahlstedt) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jack Dahlgren)  [email protected] (Jonathan Jacobs)  [email protected] (Ken Taylor) [email protected] (Jamie R. McCarthy)  [email protected] (Kai Getrost)  [email protected] (Kai Yung)  [email protected] (Kaj Hejer)  [email protected] (Kalle Korpela) [email protected] (Steve Kanefsky) [email protected]!sparcom (Karl J. Smith)  [email protected] (KASSARJIAN STEVEN J) [email protected] (D. Scott Katzer)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Ken Behrens) [email protected] (Dameon D. Welch)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Kelly Schwarzhoff)  [email protected] (Ken Griffiths)  [email protected] (Kenji Rikitake) [email protected] (Kenton Shaver) [email protected] (Kerry Guise) [email protected] (Joseph P. Andrieu)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Kevan Heydon) [email protected] (Kevin Dunn)  [email protected] (K. David Hawksworth)  [email protected] (Julius Tavers) [email protected] (Jonathan King)  [email protected] (King Rhoton)  [email protected] (John C. King;OO-ALC/LILEC)  [email protected] (Ken B Kirksey)  [email protected] (Keith S. Lamont) [email protected] (Klaus P. Fechner)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Erik H. Kleinfelder)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Kevin Lee Kluge) [email protected] (Kevin Miller) [email protected] (Keng Ng)  [email protected] (Knut Radloff) [email protected] (Michael Kranz) [email protected] (Kenneth Knight) [email protected]  [email protected] (kruse joel)  [email protected] (k.tatroe)  [email protected] (William Kucharski)  [email protected] (Robert John Kujanpaa) [email protected]  [email protected] (Kurt Lust)  [email protected] (Kurt Glaesemann)  kvo%[email protected]  [email protected] (Larry Slack)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Abraham Song)  [email protected] (William Y. Lai) [email protected] (Bradley Lamont) [email protected] (Matthew Langford)  [email protected] (Daniel J. Langrill)  [email protected] (Stephane Lantagne) [email protected] (Larry Pearlstein)  [email protected] (Larry Hatmaker)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Michael E. Larson)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Lasse Hakkinen) [email protected] (Laurent Bonnaud)  [email protected] (CCWENKER) [email protected] (Laurent Daudelin)  [email protected] (GUYLAIN LAVOIE) [email protected] (Chuck Lawson)  [email protected] (Leland Day) [email protected] (David Lebel) [email protected] (Roy LeCates) [email protected] (LEE BRIAN) [email protected] (CD LEE)  [email protected] (Neil Leeder (tie 444-4535)) [email protected] (Leonard S. Caputo) [email protected] (Edward Galarza) [email protected] (Thomas Lenggenhager) [email protected] (Len Humbird)  [email protected] (Leonard Rosenthol)  [email protected] (Larry Rosenman) [email protected] (Thomas) [email protected]  [email protected] (Bill Leue)  [email protected] (Johnnie Leung) [email protected] (Mealiffe Consulting) [email protected]  [email protected] (Larry P Gorbet ANTHROPOLOGY) [email protected] (Larry G. Thorne) [email protected] (Laurence N. Hagood, Jr.)  [email protected] (L.H. Bell) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jonathan Lieberman) [email protected] (Scott Lief) [email protected] (Marc Limotte) [email protected] (Jeff Lind)  [email protected] (Ken Linger)  [email protected] (Mark Linimon)  [email protected] (Murray J. Linton)  [email protected] (Leo Keating) [email protected] (Logi Ragnarsson)  [email protected] (Lonadar the Wanderer)  [email protected] (Albert J. Loper)  [email protected] (alann lopes)  [email protected]  [email protected] ([email protected])  lrobbins%[email protected] (Lloyd Robbins)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Larry Rosenstein)  [email protected] (Reinhard Luebke)  [email protected] (Laura L. Walsh)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Martien Remijn +31 70 33 25734) [email protected] (M Bartos) [email protected]  [email protected] (MacGyver) [email protected] (Harland Macia)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Oscar Kneppers)  [email protected] (Douglas M. MacFarlane)  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Fazal Majid)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Malcolm Turnbull) [email protected] (Arun Malhotra)  [email protected] (Manabu Shimohira) [email protected] (Marc Pawlowsky)  [email protected] (Marcel Kinard (41542)) [email protected] (Mario Aguilar)  [email protected] (Mark D. Larimer)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Mark Evenson)  [email protected] (Mark Anderson)  [email protected] (Mark Ashley)  [email protected] (Mark Baker)  [email protected] (Mark Johns)  [email protected] (Dave Walker)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Martin Jourdan)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Marcus A.Shaw) [email protected]  [email protected] (Matt Holle)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Max Ross Brenner) [email protected] (Michael Bendio)  [email protected] (Mauricio Breternitz Jr.)  [email protected] (Michael Bradshaw)  [email protected] (Manuel Eduardo Correia) [email protected] (Daniel McCabe) [email protected] (Sam McHan ((919)254-0408)) [email protected] (Dwight McKay) [email protected] (David McKenzie) [email protected] (Sean McMains) [email protected] (Roy McMorran)  [email protected] (Mitch Bayersdorfer) [email protected] (Marc Denis)  [email protected] (Leo Mekenkamp)  [email protected] (Mel Martinez)  [email protected] (Roy Eassa)  [email protected] (The other one)  [email protected] ([email protected])  mfalexan[email protected] (Michael Alexander) [email protected] (Mika Hoikkala) [email protected] (Michael Newbery) [email protected] (Michael Simmons)  [email protected] (Michael Lowe) [email protected] (Martin Miehle)  [email protected] (Miguel Cruz) [email protected] (Mike Long) [email protected]  [email protected] (Mike Steele)  [email protected] (Mike Fessler) [email protected] (Michael Grabenstein) [email protected] (Mike McLaughlin) [email protected] (Michael D. Rossetti)  [email protected]!claris!qm (Mike Steiner)  [email protected] (Marc Milanini)  [email protected] (Kelly M Miller)  [email protected] (Michael Miller) [email protected]  [email protected] (Simon Milton)  [email protected] (Milton D. Miller II)  [email protected] (Andreas Mindt) [email protected] (Todd V. Minnella) [email protected]  [email protected] (Jeff Kwan)  [email protected] (Frederic Miserey) [email protected] (Manish Butte)  [email protected] (Mike Jimenez)  [email protected] (Mike Saclier)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Michael Lara) [email protected]  [email protected] (Marc Bizer)  [email protected] (Mark Curby)  [email protected] (Mike Levis - OS/2 2.1 GA)  [email protected] (Mark J. Lilback) [email protected] (Michael Leaway Lin)  [email protected] (Mitch Mitchell)  [email protected] (Michael S. Muegel) [email protected] (Mark Neidengard)  [email protected] (Mohit K. 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HANSEN - IMFUFA)  Pete Moodie, Computer Services, University of Waikato [email protected] (Peter Moller) [email protected] (Peter Arendz)  [email protected] (Peter Carlson)  [email protected] (Peter Knoetgen) [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected] (Rob Pfile)  [email protected] (Paul Godley)  [email protected] (Peter Hemm)  [email protected]!blackice (Phil Brownfield)  [email protected] (Philip Shotton) [email protected] (Philip Gross (philbo)) [email protected] (Philip Craig) [email protected] (Philip Weiner)  [email protected] (Phil Klunzinger)  [email protected] (Phillip.Harding) [email protected] (P. Phillips) [email protected] (Chris DeSalvo)  [email protected] (Paul E. Hoffman)  [email protected] (phygansl)  [email protected] (Pierre Magnenat)  [email protected] (Gary Kacmarcik)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Derrick Pohl)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Clinton C. Popetz) [email protected] (Robert V. 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Williams)  [email protected] (Read Fleming)  [email protected] (Alan Ruff)  [email protected] (Rupa Schomaker)  [email protected] (Tim Rushing) [email protected] (Joeri van Ruth)  [email protected] (Robbert J. van Meenen)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Rob McMullen)  [email protected]  [email protected] (Andrew Vanderstock)  [email protected] (Ryan Bayne) [email protected] (Arthur Ryan)  [email protected] (Philip FX Ryan) [email protected] (Alex Yu)  sam%[email protected] (Sam Sanchez)  [email protected] (Ian Sammis) [email protected]  [email protected] (Sander van Leeuwen) [email protected] (Motoyuki 'mos' Sano)  [email protected] (marie-louise sarapata)  [email protected] (Edmund Burnette) [email protected] (Kevin Savetz) [email protected] (Don Sawtelle)  [email protected] (Steven T. 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