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User-friendliness ( comp.unix.user-friendly )
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From [email protected] Sun Aug  1 20:38:16 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Lachlan Cranswick <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,comp.editors,comp.unix.misc,comp.unix.admin,comp.unix.questions,comp.unix.wizards,comp.cog-eng,news.newusers.questions Subject: RFD: comp.unix.user-friendly Followup-To: news.groups Date: 1 Aug 1993 19:21:15 -0400 Organization: Lines: 70 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3893 news.groups:77933 comp.editors:9275 comp.unix.misc:9932 comp.unix.admin:14503 comp.unix.questions:58308 comp.unix.wizards:11083 comp.cog-eng:2619 news.newusers.questions:16716     Request for Discussion (RFD) of comp.unix.user-friendly. --------------------------------------------------------  I propose a new unmoderated newsgroup called comp.unix.user-friendly with the aim of creating a forum for discussing problems/suggestions and opinions relating to the user-friendliness of UNIX and UNIX software.     Proposed Name of Group -------------------------    comp.unix.user-friendly     Purpose of New Newsgroup ---------------------------  UNIX has a reputation of being unfriendly - making it difficult  for new users to use.  This group would be a forum for discussion  about UNIX user-friendliness and the availability of user-friendly software for UNIX.  Presently, the above is done on an ad-hoc basis on a number of groups such as comp.editors, comp.unix.questions, etc.  Posts presently asking about user-friendly utilities/software for UNIX usually  attract some flamage and seem out of place in these groups.   This group would give users a forum where "user-friendliness"  is meant to be the norm, not the exception.  The following would be considered typical for this group:-    - discussion about what user friendly software (editors, utilites, etc)        are available for UNIX.    - discussion/opinions about ways of making "default" UNIX user setups more        user-friendly    - announcements of new "user-friendly" software and utilities     - discussion on how UNIX and UNIX software could be made more friendly.    - discussion on what makes a particular part of UNIX or UNIX software so         unfriendly/friendly  ---------------------------------------------------------------      Discussion of this RFD is to take place in news.groups.  For those reading other newsgroups, the followup to this post should appear automatically in news.groups.  ---------------------------------------------------------------     What is the Process of Creating a Newsgroup    -------------------------------------------  >(a) RFD: Discussion, i.e., public hearing to take place in the newsgroup      news.groups for approximately one month  (b) CFV: Call for votes (the voting period will be about 25 days)  (c) Counting of votes and public display of votes  (d) Announcement of new newsgroup   (a)-->(b) assumes no major disagreements about this newsgroup during  discussion. (c)-->(d) assumes that the vote is favorable., i.e.,                Y > N+100 .and. Y > (2/3)(Y+N)  Y being the number of YES votes, N being the number of NO votes for  the creation of the proposed newsgroup.     Please email me if you have any queries at [email protected] --    Lachlan Cranswick  -  CSIRO     _--_|\  [email protected]  "Blessed   Division of Mineral Products   /      \ tel +61 3 647 0367     are the    PO Box 124, Port Melbourne     \_.--._/ fax +61 3 646 3223     Cheesemakers"   3207 AUSTRALIA                       v    "Eat Judge Boot!" - J. Dredd.   From [email protected] Tue Aug 10 15:40:08 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Lachlan Cranswick <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,comp.editors,comp.unix.misc,comp.unix.admin,comp.unix.questions,comp.human-factors,comp.cog-eng,news.newusers.questions Subject: 2nd RFD: comp.unix.user-friendly Followup-To: news.groups Date: 10 Aug 1993 11:29:40 -0400 Organization: Lines: 86 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3922 news.groups:78390 comp.editors:9360 comp.unix.misc:10164 comp.unix.admin:14782 comp.unix.questions:58681 comp.human-factors:5870 comp.cog-eng:2628 news.newusers.questions:16900     2ND  Request for Discussion (RFD) of comp.unix.user-friendly. ----------------------------------------------------------------  This is the second RFD for comp.unix.user-friendly and takes into account various opinions expressed in news.groups.  The aims and definitions have been made much clearer than previously as this was a common complaint about the previous RFD.  Distribution of this RFD has changed, based on discussions, to include  comp.human-factors and drop comp.unix.wizards.  I propose a new unmoderated newsgroup called comp.unix.user-friendly with the aim of creating a forum for discussing problems/suggestions and opinions relating to the user-friendliness of UNIX and UNIX software.     Proposed Name of Group -------------------------    comp.unix.user-friendly     Purpose of New Newsgroup ---------------------------  UNIX has a reputation of being unfriendly for non-programmers - making it difficult to use by those who need not know Unix, such as the average user in the commercial business world. This group would be a forum for discussion about UNIX user-friendliness and the availability of user-friendly software for UNIX.  Presently, the above is done on an ad-hoc basis on a number of groups such as comp.editors, comp.unix.questions, etc. Posts presently asking about user-friendly utilities/software for UNIX usually attract some flamage and seem out of place in these groups, because of non-obvious differences between friendliness of Unix towards programmers and unfriendliness towards non-programmers. This group would give non-programming users a forum where their type of "user-friendliness" is meant to be the norm, not the exception.  The following would be considered typical for this group:-    - To clarify definitions like "user-friendliness" for the relevant     groups of users.    - Discussion about what user friendly software (editors, utilites, etc)     are available for UNIX.    - Discussion/opinions about ways of making "default" UNIX user setups     more user-friendly.    - Announcements of new "user-friendly" software and utilities.    - Discussion on how UNIX and UNIX software could be made more friendly     without endangering the work methods of the Unix programmers who     feels Unix *is* already friendly for them.    - Discussion on what makes a particular part of UNIX or UNIX software     so unfriendly/friendly, and for which subgroup of users.  ---------------------------------------------------------------  Discussion of this RFD is to take place in news.groups.  For those reading other newsgroups, the followup to this post should appear automatically in news.groups.  ---------------------------------------------------------------     What is the Process of Creating a Newsgroup    -------------------------------------------  >(a) RFD: Discussion, i.e., public hearing to take place in the newsgroup      news.groups for approximately one month  (b) CFV: Call for votes (the voting period will be about 25 days)  (c) Counting of votes and public display of votes  (d) Announcement of new newsgroup   (a)-->(b) assumes no major disagreements about this newsgroup during  discussion. (c)-->(d) assumes that the vote is favorable., i.e.,                Y > N+100 .and. Y > (2/3)(Y+N)  Y being the number of YES votes, N being the number of NO votes for  the creation of the proposed newsgroup.     Please email me if you have any queries at [email protected] --    Lachlan Cranswick  -  CSIRO     _--_|\  [email protected]  "Blessed   Division of Mineral Products   /      \ tel +61 3 647 0367     are the   PO Box 124, Port Melbourne     \_.--._/ fax +61 3 646 3223     Cheesemakers"   3207 AUSTRALIA                       v    "Eat Judge Boot!" - J. Dredd.  From [email protected] Fri Sep  3 15:49:33 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.editors,comp.unix.misc,comp.unix.admin,comp.unix.questions,comp.cog-eng,comp.lang.rexx,comp.human-factors,,comp.mail.elm Subject: CFV: comp.unix.user-friendly Followup-To: poster Date: 3 Sep 1993 11:04:16 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 65 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4008 news.groups:80690 comp.editors:9622 comp.unix.misc:10443 comp.unix.admin:15423 comp.unix.questions:59885 comp.cog-eng:2642 comp.lang.rexx:4858 comp.human-factors:6106 comp.mail.elm:11601  		      1st CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)   Unmoderated group comp.unix.user-friendly   Newsgroups line:   comp.unix.user-friendly		Discussion of UNIX user-friendliness.  Votes must be recieved by 23:59:59 UTC on 24 Sep 1993.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group, contact Lachlan Cranswick <[email protected]>   CHARTER  UNIX has a reputation of being unfriendly for non-programmers - making it difficult to use by those who need not know Unix, such as the average user in the commercial business world.  This group would be a forum for discussion about UNIX user-friendliness and the availability of user-friendly software for UNIX.  Presently, the above is done on an ad-hoc basis on a number of groups such as comp.editors, comp.unix.questions, etc.  Posts presently asking about user-friendly utilities/software for UNIX usually attract some flamage and seem out of place in these groups, because of non-obvious differences between friendliness of Unix towards programmers and unfriendliness towards non-programmers.  This group would give non-programming users a forum where their type of "user-friendliness" is meant to be the norm, not the exception.  The following would be considered typical for this group:-  - To clarify definitions like "user-friendliness" for the relevant groups of users.   - Discussion about what user friendly software (editors, utilites, etc) are available for UNIX. - Discussion/opinions about ways of making "default" UNIX user setups more user-friendly. - Announcements of new "user-friendly" software and utilities. - Discussion on how UNIX and UNIX software could be made more friendly without endangering the work methods of the Unix programmers who feel Unix *is* already friendly for them. - Discussion on what makes a particular part of UNIX or UNIX software so unfriendly/friendly, and for which subgroup of users.   STANDARD VOTING INFO  You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to       [email protected] (just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Your mail message should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on comp.unix.user-friendly or       I vote NO on comp.unix.user-friendly  Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program. If you later change your mind you may also use send in an "abstain" vote in the same manner, using "abstain" in place of "yes" or "no".  Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person (not per account).  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.  From [email protected] Fri Sep 10 14:07:51 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.editors,comp.unix.misc,comp.unix.admin,comp.unix.questions,comp.cog-eng,comp.lang.rexx,comp.human-factors,,comp.mail.elm Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.unix.user-friendly Followup-To: poster Date: 10 Sep 1993 09:31:13 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 82 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4035 news.groups:81394 comp.editors:9688 comp.unix.misc:10506 comp.unix.admin:15617 comp.unix.questions:60170 comp.cog-eng:2648 comp.lang.rexx:4884 comp.human-factors:6168 comp.mail.elm:11666  		      2nd CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)   Unmoderated group comp.unix.user-friendly   Newsgroups line:   comp.unix.user-friendly		Discussion of UNIX user-friendliness.  Votes must be recieved by 23:59:59 UTC on 24 Sep 1993.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group, contact Lachlan Cranswick <[email protected]>   CHARTER  UNIX has a reputation of being unfriendly for non-programmers - making it difficult to use by those who need not know Unix, such as the average user in the commercial business world.  This group would be a forum for discussion about UNIX user-friendliness and the availability of user-friendly software for UNIX.  Presently, the above is done on an ad-hoc basis on a number of groups such as comp.editors, comp.unix.questions, etc.  Posts presently asking about user-friendly utilities/software for UNIX usually attract some flamage and seem out of place in these groups, because of non-obvious differences between friendliness of Unix towards programmers and unfriendliness towards non-programmers.  This group would give non-programming users a forum where their type of "user-friendliness" is meant to be the norm, not the exception.  The following would be considered typical for this group:-  - To clarify definitions like "user-friendliness" for the relevant groups of users.   - Discussion about what user friendly software (editors, utilites, etc) are available for UNIX. - Discussion/opinions about ways of making "default" UNIX user setups more user-friendly. - Announcements of new "user-friendly" software and utilities. - Discussion on how UNIX and UNIX software could be made more friendly without endangering the work methods of the Unix programmers who feel Unix *is* already friendly for them. - Discussion on what makes a particular part of UNIX or UNIX software so unfriendly/friendly, and for which subgroup of users.   STANDARD VOTING INFO  You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to       [email protected] (just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Your mail message should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on comp.unix.user-friendly or       I vote NO on comp.unix.user-friendly  You may add a comment, but anything other than a definite statement involving the group name and "yes", "no", "for", or "against" on a single line may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program. If you later change your mind you may also use send in an "abstain" vote in the same manner, using "abstain" in place of "yes" or "no".  Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person (not per account).  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.   ACK  You should have received a Mail Ack if you voted by Sep 9, 1993. These are Mail Acks that appeared to bounce.  The votes have been counted.  comp.unix.user-friendly group vote Bounce Ack List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected] [email protected] --  No way. Nope. Forget it. Un-uh. Negatory. Not a chance. No. Not in a million years.  Oh, okay.  From [email protected] Mon Sep 27 18:07:41 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.editors,comp.unix.misc,comp.unix.admin,comp.unix.questions,comp.cog-eng,comp.lang.rexx,comp.human-factors,,comp.mail.elm Subject: RESULT: comp.unix.user-friendly passes 280:87 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 27 Sep 1993 17:16:19 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 425 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4100 news.groups:83018 comp.editors:9827 comp.unix.misc:10714 comp.unix.admin:16099 comp.unix.questions:60841 comp.cog-eng:2663 comp.lang.rexx:4960 comp.human-factors:6269 comp.mail.elm:11856  				RESULT   Unmoderated group comp.unix.user-friendly group vote results - 367 valid votes    Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  280   87 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.unix.user-friendly  Newsgroups line:   comp.unix.user-friendly		Discussion of UNIX user-friendliness.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact [email protected]  For questions about the group, contact Lachlan Cranswick <[email protected]>    CHARTER  UNIX has a reputation of being unfriendly for non-programmers - making it difficult to use by those who need not know Unix, such as the average user in the commercial business world.  This group would be a forum for discussion about UNIX user-friendliness and the availability of user-friendly software for UNIX.  Presently, the above is done on an ad-hoc basis on a number of groups such as comp.editors, comp.unix.questions, etc.  Posts presently asking about user-friendly utilities/software for UNIX usually attract some flamage and seem out of place in these groups, because of non-obvious differences between friendliness of Unix towards programmers and unfriendliness towards non-programmers.  This group would give non-programming users a forum where their type of "user-friendliness" is meant to be the norm, not the exception.  The following would be considered typical for this group:-  - To clarify definitions like "user-friendliness" for the relevant groups of users.   - Discussion about what user friendly software (editors, utilites, etc) are available for UNIX. - Discussion/opinions about ways of making "default" UNIX user setups more user-friendly. - Announcements of new "user-friendly" software and utilities. - Discussion on how UNIX and UNIX software could be made more friendly without endangering the work methods of the Unix programmers who feel Unix *is* already friendly for them. - Discussion on what makes a particular part of UNIX or UNIX software so unfriendly/friendly, and for which subgroup of users.   comp.unix.user-friendly group vote Final Vote Ack  Yes Votes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                     [email protected]                                        Kenneth Hong [email protected]                                         John Stewart [email protected]                                       Steve Birnbaum [email protected]                                      Ramesh Fernando [email protected]                                                Aaron Priven [email protected]                               Andrew A. Chernov, Black Mage [email protected]                         Susan Elliott, AK State Library [email protected]                                   Anders Lindstrom [email protected]                                         Anders Christensen [email protected]                                       Andrew Patrick [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                 Antony Sou [email protected]                                             Brennan T. Price [email protected]                                                     Alene Kercheval [email protected]                                                 Andrew Lehane [email protected]                                   Arthur Chance [email protected]                                        Arthur Marsh [email protected]                                                Adrian Wontroba [email protected]                                                Steve Bang [email protected]                                                    aMiNal Abicht [email protected]                                              John L. Beck [email protected]                                                      Bela Lubkin [email protected]                                              Bengt Larsson [email protected]                                             Hans Bernhardt [email protected]                                           Sadati [email protected]                                          Bianca Garilli [email protected]                                          Adrian Biland [email protected]                                                          bonelli%[email protected]                            GIUSEPPE BONELLI [email protected]                                                       Bo Orloff [email protected]                                        Peter G. Bouillon [email protected]                                          Brad Saxton [email protected]                                               john brainard [email protected]                                             Bram Smits [email protected]                                     Brooks David Smith [email protected]                                     Aliza R. Panitz [email protected]                                           J.Burgess [email protected]                           Carl Hunt [email protected]                                  Colin Tattersall [email protected]                                 Cameron Spitzer 764-6339 [email protected]                                            Dan Castle [email protected]                              Craig William BURLEY [email protected]                                             Roger Chaplin [email protected]                                            Po Shan Cheah [email protected]                                                 Clyde Henry [email protected]                                         CHI Systems Inc [email protected]                                               Christoph Maethner [email protected]                                               Chris Smith [email protected]                                     [email protected]                                      Chua Hak Lien [email protected]                                               Pope Clifton [email protected]                                         Cory L. Scott [email protected]                                        Colin Macleod [email protected]                                              Clark Quinn [email protected]                                         Pres Smith [email protected]                                             Cordell Ratzlaff [email protected]                                         David Covey US/ESS3 [email protected]                                       Christopher P. Tully [email protected]                                                 Colin Bell [email protected]                                        Roman Czyborra [email protected]                                          Chun-Wai Chan [email protected]                                                               [email protected]       Daniele Dal Fiume - TESRE/CNR - Bologna - Italy [email protected]                                   J. David Schronce [email protected]                                             David McCallum [email protected]                                                 Bill Davidsen [email protected]                                          David Bronder [email protected]                                             Dave Brown [email protected]                                               Howard Hunnicutt [email protected]                                                 PJ DCRUZE [email protected]                                                  Dean Edwards [email protected]                                       Rene Dekker [email protected]                                              David Fox [email protected]                                           Dale Houston [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                           Ravikumar Dikkala [email protected]                                                             Dion [email protected]                                         Dave Eisen [email protected]                                                        saki [email protected]                                                          Doug Luce [email protected]                                   David Poole [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                             RADHAKRISHNAN DHIN [email protected]                                  David A Vincent [email protected]                                              Dean Wampler x7871 [email protected]                                           Eberhard E.H. Weber [email protected]                                     Michael Tonglee [email protected]                                             Eric Hunt [email protected]                                           Eric Edwards [email protected]                                                  [email protected]                                                   Ezra Steinberg [email protected]                                    Fearghas McKay [email protected]                                              Frans Hoffman [email protected]                                         Fozzie Bear [email protected]              Francisco Javier Quiros [email protected]                                Gregory C Franklin [email protected]                                           Fred Homan [email protected]                                           Frederik Willerup [email protected]                                   Gregory B. Newby [email protected]                                              Goldie Canham [email protected]                                               George Peavy [email protected]                                        Gerard Kleijwegt [email protected]                                        John Gibson [email protected]                                             GianPiero Puccioni [email protected]                                      Bernard Glassman [email protected]                                             rita gressler [email protected]                             Gregory Robert Weiss [email protected]                                                 Geoffrey Spear [email protected]                                                  George Baltz [email protected]                                   George William Herbert [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                          Mark Hahn [email protected]                                                Thea Hardy [email protected]                                       Tom Harwood [email protected]                                   Laurie Haugland [email protected]                                  Robert Hofer [email protected]                                            Richard Hudson [email protected]                                                     Ian Feldman [email protected]                                     Alexandre Khalil [email protected]                                         Ismael Cordeiro [email protected]                                      Janet Wheeler [email protected]                                             Jaak Vilo [email protected]                                   John Jack Repenning [email protected]                                               Jan Hrdonka [email protected]                        Jean-Michel Augusto [email protected]                                     Stephan Seitz [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                    Enzyme Lord Joel [email protected]                                                      Joe Keane [email protected]                                                  Jim Hart [email protected]                                           Joshua D. Juran [email protected]                                                    [email protected]                                                  John Nemeth [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                              Josh Smith [email protected]                                           Jack Pagotto [email protected]                                       Jack Shirazi - BIU [email protected]                                                   Sandy Spear [email protected]                                                    Julia M. Dye [email protected]                                                    Jokinen Jyke [email protected]                                                   Axl [email protected]                                                             Kaiser [email protected]                                 Juergen Kellers [email protected]                                                 Kenji Rikitake [email protected]                                                     Kent Dannehl [email protected]                                       Steve Klarer [email protected]                                          Bill Konrad [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                                               [email protected]        Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Alabama-Huntsville [email protected]                                                  Klaus ter Fehn [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                    Alexandros Labrinidis [email protected]                                         Lachlan Cranswick [email protected]                                       Lawrence B Gold [email protected]                                    Lars Oestreicher [email protected]                                            Leila Schneberger [email protected]                                  Lesley Volta Davidow [email protected]                                                       Liz Turnbow [email protected]                                                      Lola Arnold [email protected]                                         Lucio Chiappetti [email protected]                                   IEEE Student Branch Passau [email protected]                                                        Marcia Allen [email protected]                                       Madeline Gonzalez [email protected]                                          Fazal Majid [email protected]                                         Dan Malcor - LA Times [email protected]                                                marjorie farrell [email protected]                                                       Mark Forry [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                     Massimo Trifoglio [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                  Geoffrey R. Walton [email protected]                                   Mike Ellsworth [email protected]                                      Mercier Mathieu [email protected]            Merryl Gross, IBM Westlake, User Interface Des [email protected]                                       Michael Lemke [email protected]                                         Michael Utech [email protected]                                     Michael M. Hoffman [email protected]                              Mikael Benzinger [email protected]                                                Mike Williams [email protected]                                              Michael Bloch [email protected]                                                Mitch Gass [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                  Margarita Martinez Santamarta [email protected]                                             Mike McGary [email protected]                                Michael O'Henly [email protected]                              Morten Steinhauer [email protected]                           Melissa Rhoads Warden [email protected]                                            Michael Sattler [email protected]                                            Martin Nisshagen [email protected]                                     Randy Finder [email protected]                                          Randall Neff [email protected]                                     Thomas Andrew Newman [email protected]                                                Nancy Jenner [email protected]                                Robert E. Zabloudil [email protected]                                       Nikita V. Borisov!tobias%nyx.UUCP                                 Tobias Pfeil [email protected]                             Marian Harry-Young [email protected]                                          Jan-Olav Eide [email protected]                                            F. Scott Ophof orlandini%[email protected]    M.Orlandini - TeSRE/CNR. Tel: [email protected]                                                 Michael Craig [email protected]                                             David L. Finley [email protected]                                           Adam Cody Coggins [email protected]                                              Paul Palmer [email protected]                                 Alan Grima [email protected]                                                        Paul A Sand [email protected]                                   patrick m. ryan [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                                    Paul Harrison [email protected]                                                     Peter Helyar [email protected]                                                     Peer Torngren [email protected]                                       Pete Brown-McKinney [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                    Pierpaolo Tofani [email protected]                                       Patrick Premont [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                               Ralf Muschall [email protected]                                              Neil R. Marsh [email protected]                                   Michael J. Quinn [email protected]                                                   Rajeev Arora [email protected]                                             bob gibbons [email protected]                                            Roland Siebelink [email protected]                                      Robert D. Barber [email protected]                                                 [email protected]                        Sendhil "Mr. Bubbles" Revuluri [email protected]                                   Richard Elling [email protected]                                                 Richard Bowles [email protected]                                          More Heat Than Light [email protected]                                               Rich Greenberg [email protected]                                                 Bob Dowling [email protected]                                        [email protected]                                     Roger Schwentker [email protected]                                         Rob Turknett [email protected]                                         Bob Rutledge [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                               Ryan Bayne [email protected]                                          Otto Stolz [email protected]                                          Lee Jung Sup [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                              Sam Drinkard [email protected]                                       Sanjiv K. Bhatia [email protected]                                               Stephen E. Bacher [email protected]                                              Reference [email protected]                                                 Doc [email protected]                     Stephen H Snow -- Personal Account [email protected]                                        Stephen Joseph Smith [email protected]                                     Seth L Theriault [email protected]                                                 Ric Goldman [email protected]                                          Scott Rogers [email protected]                                               Steve D. Martin [email protected]                                                   Me, yes me... [email protected]                                  The Doctor [email protected]                                    Tateki Sano [email protected]                                                  Tony Plate [email protected]                                             Tom Brownrigg [email protected]                                          Fredrik Ekendahl [email protected]                               Thomas K. Higley [email protected]                                            Tim Adam [email protected]                                           Todd Perry [email protected]                                                    Steve Tolkin [email protected]                                                Toni Vick [email protected]                                                      Tony Joines [email protected]                                 Torsten Koeppe [email protected]                                              Truls S. Myklebust [email protected]                                       Martin M|ller Pedersen [email protected]                                           James Vlcek [email protected]                                                    Warren Levy [email protected]                                   william weibel [email protected]                                    William W. 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