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From [email protected] Mon May 29 22:34:33 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Patrick M. Lashley) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: RFD: moderation Followup-To: news.groups Date: 28 May 1995 18:35:39 -0400 Organization: Phoenix Volant Lines: 54 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6909 news.groups:151529  			REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) moderated group (moderates existing unmoderated group)  RATIONALE: predates Microsoft Windows, but has been overwhelmed with Microsoft-related postings, which would be more proper in the* hierarchy. and comp.lang.visual recently went moderated for the same reason.  PROPOSED GROUPS:  This proposal does not create any new groups, but does change the status of to moderated.  This message is a call to discuss the proposed change. (See PROCEDURE below.)  The proposed moderator is Patrick M. Lashley <[email protected]>. He was a NeWS user at a Beta site, then joined the NeWS Technology group at Sun, eventually becomming Technical Lead and Project Lead for The NeWS Toolkit.  CHARTER: is dedicated to the discussion of the Network     extensible Windowing System developed and marketed by Sun Microsystems     during the late 80's and early 90's. Topics include the NeWS server,     NeWS-specific issues relating to the X/NeWS server, the NeWS dialect     of PostScript, and any efforts to produce NeWS-compatible systems.  PROCEDURE:  Discussion of this request will occur in news.groups.  There will be a 30 day discussion period, followed by a call for votes.  There will then be a voting period of 21 to 31 days, with intermediate results and a repeat of the CFV during that period.  The voting process will be handled by a neutral third party (the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers.)  Once the voting period is over and the results announced, there will be a short waiting period to correct any errors.  If, after that time, the proposal has passed, the appropriate control messages will be sent to change the status of   DISTRIBUTION:  news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,  Proposed by Patrick M. Lashley <[email protected]> --  My opinions are my own.  For a small royalty, they can be yours as well... Pat Lashley, Senior Software Engineer, Henry Davis Consulting 1098 Lynn, Sunnyvale, CA 94087	||  408/720-9039  ||  [email protected]   From [email protected] Fri Oct 27 00:42:32 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Pat Lashley <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: RFD: moderation Followup-To: news.groups Date: 27 Oct 1995 04:42:00 -0000 Organization: . Lines: 55 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7764 news.groups:171561                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)      moderated group (moderates existing group)  This proposal does not create any new groups, but does change the status of to moderated.  This message is a call to discuss the proposed change. (See PROCEDURE below.)  RATIONALE: predates Microsoft Windows, but has been overwhelmed with Microsoft-related postings, which would be more proper in the* hierarchy. and comp.lang.visual have recently undergone moderation votes for the same reason.   CHARTER: is dedicated to the discussion of the Network extensible Windowing System developed and marketed by Sun Microsystems from the mid 80's through the early 90's.  Topics include the NeWS server, NeWS-specific issues relating to the X/NeWS server, the NeWS dialect of PostScript, and any efforts to produce NeWS-compatible systems.  Generally, any article bearing any connection to NeWS will be accepted, but fringe postings may have a more relevant followup group suggestion appended.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO:  Moderator: Patrick M. Lashley <[email protected]>  He was a NeWS user at a Beta site, then joined the NeWS Technology group at Sun, eventually becomming Technical Lead and Project Lead for The NeWS Toolkit just before NeWS was canceled.  He is now a consultant.  END MODERATOR INFO.  PROCEDURE:  Discussion of this request will occur in news.groups.  There will be a 30 day discussion period, followed by a call for votes.  There will then be a voting period of 21 to 31 days, with intermediate results and a repeat of the CFV during that period.  The voting process will be handled by a neutral third party (the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers.)  Once the voting period is over and the results announced, there will be a short waiting period to correct any errors.  If, after that time, the proposal has passed, the appropriate control messages will be sent to change the status of  Proposed by Patrick M. Lashley <[email protected]>  From [email protected] Mon Nov 20 20:07:41 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Warren Lavallee) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderated Followup-To: poster Date: 21 Nov 1995 01:06:59 -0000 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 86 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Dec 1995 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7904 news.groups:175121                       FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)      moderated group (moderates existing group)  Newsgroups line:	The Network Extensable Windowing System. (Moderated)  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 Dec 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about this proposal should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: Pat Lashley <[email protected]> Votetaker: Warren Lavallee <[email protected]>  RATIONALE: predates Microsoft Windows, but has been overwhelmed with Microsoft-related postings, which would be more proper in the* hierarchy. and comp.lang.visual have undergone moderation votes for the same reason.  CHARTER: is dedicated to the discussion of the Network extensible Windowing System developed and marketed by Sun Microsystems from the mid 80's through the early 90's. Topics include the NeWS server, NeWS-specific issues relating to the X/NeWS server, the NeWS dialect of PostScript, and any efforts to produce NeWS-compatible systems.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO:  Moderator:              Pat Lashley <[email protected]> Submission address:	NeWS list <[email protected]> Contact address:	NeWS list <[email protected]>  END MODERATOR INFO.  HOW TO VOTE  Send E-MAIL to:   [email protected]  Your e-mail message should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on       I vote NO on  You may also vote ABSTAIN or CANCEL; these are not counted as votes and don't affect the vote count.  If your mail software doesn't indicate your real name, please also include the following statement and add your name (on the same line).  	Voter name:  VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES:  Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous, forwarded or proxy votes are not valid; this includes votes generated by WWW/HTML/CGI forms.  Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days, contact the votetaker about the problem.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results post.  The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked or otherwise edited copies of this CFV is generally considered to be vote fraud.  When in doubt, ask the votetaker.  DISTRIBUTION:  This Call for Votes is being posted to the following newsgroups:  	news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,  From [email protected] Wed Nov 29 17:53:36 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Warren Lavallee) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: 2nd CFV: moderated Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 29 Nov 1995 22:53:30 -0000 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 86 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Dec 1995 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7956 news.groups:176856                        LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)      moderated group (moderates existing group)  Newsgroups line:	The Network extensible Windowing System. (Moderated)  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 Dec 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about this proposal should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: Pat Lashley <[email protected]> Votetaker: Warren Lavallee <[email protected]>  RATIONALE: predates Microsoft Windows, but has been overwhelmed with Microsoft-related postings, which would be more proper in the* hierarchy. and comp.lang.visual have undergone moderation votes for the same reason.  CHARTER: is dedicated to the discussion of the Network extensible Windowing System developed and marketed by Sun Microsystems from the mid 80's through the early 90's. Topics include the NeWS server, NeWS-specific issues relating to the X/NeWS server, the NeWS dialect of PostScript, and any efforts to produce NeWS-compatible systems.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO:  Moderator:              Pat Lashley <[email protected]> Submission address:	NeWS list <[email protected]> Contact address:	NeWS list <[email protected]>  END MODERATOR INFO.  HOW TO VOTE  Send E-MAIL to:   [email protected]  Your e-mail message should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on       I vote NO on  You may also vote ABSTAIN or CANCEL; these are not counted as votes and don't affect the vote count.  If your mail software doesn't indicate your real name, please also include the following statement and add your name (on the same line).  	Voter name:  VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES:  Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous, forwarded or proxy votes are not valid; this includes votes generated by WWW/HTML/CGI forms.  Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days, contact the votetaker about the problem.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results post.  The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked or otherwise edited copies of this CFV is generally considered to be vote fraud.  When in doubt, ask the votetaker.  DISTRIBUTION:  This Call for Votes is being posted to the following newsgroups:  	news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,  From [email protected] Fri Dec 15 17:16:49 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Warren Lavallee) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: RESULT: passes 136:25 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 15 Dec 1995 17:16:45 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 238 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8020 news.groups:179340                                  RESULT            moderated group passes 136:25  There were 136 YES votes and 25 NO votes, for a total of 161 valid votes. There was 1 abstain and 4 invalid ballots.  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.  There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about this proposal should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: Pat Lashley <[email protected]> Votetaker: Warren Lavallee <[email protected]>  The remainder of the RESULT contains:    Newsgroups Line    Rationale    Charter    Final Voting Acknowledgements  Newsgroups line:	The Network extensible Windowing System. (Moderated)  RATIONALE: predates Microsoft Windows, but has been overwhelmed with Microsoft-related postings, which would be more proper in the* hierarchy. and comp.lang.visual have undergone moderation votes for the same reason.  CHARTER: is dedicated to the discussion of the Network extensible Windowing System developed and marketed by Sun Microsystems from the mid 80's through the early 90's. Topics include the NeWS server, NeWS-specific issues relating to the X/NeWS server, the NeWS dialect of PostScript, and any efforts to produce NeWS-compatible systems.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO:  Moderator:                      Pat Lashley <[email protected]> Article submission address:     [email protected] Administrative contact address: [email protected]  END MODERATOR INFO. Final Vote Ack  Voted Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                           Aahz [email protected]                                             Per Abrahamsen [email protected]                                              Ambrose Li [email protected]                                                 Andy Latto [email protected]                                         Ken Arromdee [email protected]                                                Ayn Shipley [email protected]                                        Andreas Leibl [email protected]                                               Todd Bain SanMillan [email protected]                                              Bengt Larsson [email protected]                                                David Berg [email protected]                                                 B.J. Herbison [email protected]                                Andreas Borchert [email protected]                                        Peter G. Bouillon [email protected]                                            Brian D Sammon [email protected]                                                   Andrew Carey [email protected]                                              Carl Schmidtmann [email protected]                              Jeff Scofield [email protected]                                              Ed Kolar [email protected]                                           Charles Lindsey [email protected]                                     Christopher Samuel [email protected]                                                Colin Jensen [email protected]                                   Christopher Lodge Stamper [email protected]                                Matthew Crosby [email protected]                                                      Don Croyle [email protected]                                                      Dave Love [email protected]                                             Don Ballard [email protected]                                                     Don Woods [email protected]                                            Doug McNaught [email protected]                                              David Shaw [email protected]                                                 Paul Eggert [email protected]                                       E. Larry Lidz [email protected]                                          Harald Fricke [email protected]                                               Keith Brazington [email protected]                                      Greg Lindahl [email protected]                                       Simone Goetz [email protected]                                        Michael Gold [email protected]                                                  George Baltz [email protected]                                          James Harvey [email protected]                                                 Guenter Hauber [email protected]                                               Henry Davis [email protected]                                      Heikki Kantola [email protected]                                            William R Ward [email protected]                                                Don Hopkins [email protected]                                                    Matt Hucke [email protected]                                      Ian Jackson [email protected]                                             Jeff Pleimling [email protected]                                          Jeff Dinkins [email protected]                                                Jeff Dunn [email protected]                                     Jeffrey Carlyle [email protected]                                           James Fisk [email protected]                                    Klaus Joechle [email protected]                                    Johannes Stille [email protected]                                         Jon Abbott [email protected]                                       J. Porter Clark [email protected]                                                 Jeremy Allison [email protected]                                                    Bob Boyd [email protected]                                       Joshua Kreitzer [email protected]                                        Jeff Uphoff [email protected]                                          Kevin Clarke [email protected]                                       Kenneth Herron [email protected]                                              Kim DeVaughn [email protected]                                       Markus Klenk [email protected]                                              Kevin Mitchell [email protected]                                    Larry Laskowski [email protected]                                                           Liam Quin [email protected]                                               Dave Lemke [email protected]                                               Otmar Lendl [email protected]                                                Mick Brown [email protected]                                                    Louis Lin [email protected]                                  Martin Schr"oder [email protected]                                     Richard Lister [email protected]                                                 Luigi Rosa [email protected]                                                     Pete Lurie [email protected]                                         Larry W. Virden, x2487 [email protected]                                      Martin Hasch [email protected]                                             Matt Keller [email protected]                                              S.Meneghini [email protected]                                      Peter Merkle [email protected]                                  meru p brunn [email protected]                                              Marc H. Simkin [email protected]                                           Mark Callow [email protected]                                                    Bernhard Muenzer [email protected]                                Elisabeth Mueller [email protected]                                           Michael W. Daniels [email protected]                                               Ken Nelson [email protected]                                             Oliver Laumann [email protected]                                    Oliver Schmid [email protected]                                        Owen Densmore [email protected]                                             Pat Lashley [email protected]                                         Patrick Belknap [email protected]                                         Paul Digby - PSG [email protected]                                                  Paul Sarkar [email protected]                                              Trevor Tymchuk [email protected]                                    Dietmar Peglow [email protected]                                      Peter Sullivan [email protected]                                               Peter da Silva [email protected]                                             Peter Lemmond [email protected]                                            Steve Peterson [email protected]                                                Peter G. Ford [email protected]                                               Paul Hoffman [email protected]                                           Paul Keusemann [email protected]                                                     Ping Huang [email protected]                                           Pirawat Watanapongse [email protected]                                            Reto Lichtensteiger [email protected]                                  Rainer Mallon [email protected]                                      Ramesh Viswanathan [email protected]                                  Raphael Quinet [email protected]                               Andrew Raphael [email protected]                                     Rui-Tao Dong ~{6-HpLN~} [email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller [email protected]                                       Rob Kroeger [email protected]                                             Robbie Honerkamp [email protected]                                            Rob Cairns [email protected]                                  Joerg Rodemann [email protected]                                      Rolf Schmid [email protected]                                            J. Rufinus [email protected]                                     Rafael Bracho [email protected]                               Chandra Mohan Sarkar [email protected]                                    David Allan Finch [email protected]                                              David McFarling [email protected]                                           Stephan [email protected]                                   Gernot Schober [email protected]                                                 Shapard Wolf [email protected]                                      Duncan Sinclair [email protected]                                             Steve Folkes [email protected]                                Thomas Schweizer [email protected]                                 Uwe Obermueller [email protected]                                    Franz Schweiggert [email protected]                                                   Tom Rushworth [email protected]                                            Thomas G. McWilliams [email protected]                                                  Tom Haapanen [email protected]                                       Van A. Boughner [email protected]                                          Wes Mitchell [email protected]                                         Risto Widenius [email protected]                               Juergen Schindler [email protected]                                          Kent Paul Dolan  Voted No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                         Andrew Fabbro [email protected]                                                   Balaji catambay#m#[email protected]                         Bill the Cat [email protected]                                               Michiel Wijers [email protected]                                                David Baker [email protected]                                        Olivier Devuns @pulsar [email protected]                                             Don Kiely [email protected]                                                John Dowding [email protected]                                            Daniel S Chen [email protected]                                       William Affleck-Asch [email protected]                                              Hugo R. Landsman [email protected]                                      Jan Coekelberghs [email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson [email protected]                                             Lance K. Chun [email protected]                                                   Mark Milem [email protected]                                             David Neal Miller [email protected]                                                Pete Bastien [email protected]                                     Glen Patrick Ryan [email protected]                                         Smarasderagd [email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown [email protected]                                           J. Stick [email protected]                                  TJASKIEW.US.ORACLE.COM [email protected]                             Todd C. Lawson [email protected]                                           Bill Foote [email protected]                                                   Tom Wakelyn  Abstained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                              Kenneth P Crouch   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]    ! No name given [email protected]    ! No name given [email protected]                                              Ted Reuss    ! Conflicting votes [email protected]    ! No name given 
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