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From [email protected] Sun Apr 19 21:37:40 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2199 news.groups:48455 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,, Path: uunet!uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Michael Moore) Subject: CFV: Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: University of Utah, CS Dept., Salt Lake City Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1992 16:24:49 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 54  	This is the call for votes regarding the creation of the news group "".  	To cast your vote, send email to "[email protected]", and be sure to clearly indicate whether you vote yes or no.  Preferably, yes votes should state "I vote yes for" and no votes should state "I vote no for" somewhere in the message.  	Votes are only counted if sent through email.  Posted votes are not valid.    	This call for votes will end April 29th, 1992.  Votes RECEIVED after 23:59 GMT of April 29th will not be counted.  At the end of the  voting period I will talley the yes and no votes and post a summary.  	Creation of the newsgroup at the end of the voting period depends upon the following conditions :  > AFTER the waiting period, and if there were no serious objections that might >   invalidate the vote, and if 100 more valid YES/create votes are received >   than NO/don't create AND at least 2/3 of the total number of valid votes >   received are in favor of creation, a newgroup control message may be sent >   out.  If the 100 vote margin or 2/3 percentage is not met, the group should >   not be created."  	Pending is the official charter for the proposed group :  -------------------------- BEGIN CHARTER ------------------------------- Name   : Status : Non-Moderated       This newsgroup would be for the discussion of X Windows applications, both public-domain and commercial (where appropriate). Its main purpose would be to facilitate the finding of specific X Window applications (such as ftp sites for those applications which are in the public-domain), to discuss which application is best suited to particular situations, to provide a medium where one can review applications, and to provide a place where functional questions can be asked about X Window programs.       The newsgroup would cover all forms of X applications, regardless of the widget set(s) used or the program's function.       The newsgroup would not be intended for Xlib or widget programming discussion, but would encourage discussion of application compilation or modifications, provided they are not more suited to an Xlib or widget question.  --------------------------- END CHARTER ---------------------------------- --   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Michael Moore ([email protected])  Phone : (801) 359-6552     | |          University of Utah, Computer Science Department             |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  From [email protected] Tue May  5 12:08:01 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2295 news.groups:50338 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,, Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Michael Moore) Subject: RESULT: passes 235: 22 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: University of Utah, CS Dept., Salt Lake City Date: Tue, 5 May 1992 15:58:09 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 293  Newsgroup : Status    : Unmoderated: Totals    : Yes votes - 235             No votes  - 22 Charter   : ---------------------------------------------------------------------  	This newsgroup is for the discussion of X Windows applications, both public-domain and commercial (where appropriate). Its main purpose is to facilitate the finding of specific X Window applications (such as ftp sites for those applications which are  available via. anonymous ftp), to discuss which application is best suited to particular situations, to proved a medium where one can review applications, and to provide a place where functional questions can be asked about X Window programs.  	The newsgroup covers all forms of X applications, regardless of the tookit used or the program's function.  	The newsgroup is not intended for Xlib or toolkit programming discussion, but would encourage discussion of application compilation or modifications, provided they are not more suited to an Xlib or toolkit question. ---------------------------------------------------------------------   	Appended is the list of yes and no votes.    	-Michael  -------------------------------------- Email Address of those who voted "YES" -------------------------------------- (Alain Brossard EPFL-SIC/SII)" <[email protected]> (Andre Wiesel)" <[email protected]> (Magnus Kempe)" <[email protected]> EMIS2::NACEB" [email protected]> Michael A. Coggins" <[email protected]> Randy Burris" <[email protected]> Robert Forsman" <[email protected]> Robin Corbet" <[email protected]> Stuart L Labovitz" <[email protected]> Tom Glanzman            (415) 926-3160" [email protected]> <[email protected]> Andrew Hird <[email protected]> Andy Malis <[email protected]> Bengt Larsson <[email protected]> Bruce Jones  [email protected] Chris Dean <[email protected]> Chris Lilley <[email protected]> Christopher Davis <[email protected]> [email protected] Danny Vanderryn <[email protected]> Dave Sill <[email protected]> David Bremner <[email protected]> David DeBry <[email protected]> Dick van Soest <[email protected]> George J. Carrette <[email protected]> HERB MARTIN <[email protected]> Harri Salminen <[email protected]> Herman Verkade <[email protected]> Iain Attwater <[email protected]> [email protected] Jack McKinney <[email protected]> Jamie Gritton <[email protected]> Jason Austin <[email protected]> Jin-Kun Lin <[email protected]> Johannes Viegener <[email protected]> John Kochmar <[email protected]> John Plate <[email protected]> [email protected] (John Little - Nihon Sun Repair Depot) Jon Marthins <[email protected]> Jose Maria Torres <[email protected]> Joy Joy Joy <[email protected]> Kimmo Ketolainen <[email protected]> Klaus Steinberger <[email protected]> Kwee <[email protected]> Mahesh Bagade <[email protected]> Marc Hall <[email protected]> Mark Wright <[email protected]> [email protected] Martin Boyer <[email protected]> Martin Forssen <[email protected]> Matthew Freedman {IS} <[email protected]> Matthew Newman <[email protected]> Mike Arras <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Peter Wotton) (Peter Wotton) Paul Dourish <[email protected]> Paul Palmer <[email protected]> Per Abrahamsen <[email protected]> Raphael Manfredi <[email protected]> Robert J Carter <[email protected]> [email protected] Simon Spacey <[email protected]> Steffen Maerkle <[email protected]> Ted Lemon <[email protected]> Thomas Richter <[email protected]> Tom Ivar Helbekkmo <[email protected]> Tom Limoncelli <[email protected]> Tony Wilson <[email protected]> [email protected] Torbj|rn B{ckstr|m <[email protected]> [email protected] (anthony "mailman" apicella) [email protected] (Amy Chan  x2941) [email protected] (Arthur David Olson) [email protected] (Allen Hom) [email protected] (Randall Atkinson) [email protected] (Thierry Besancon) [email protected] (Brad Perry) [email protected] (Bob Riegelmann) [email protected] [email protected] ( Jeff Boote) [email protected] (Brian Smithson) butler%[email protected] (Michael Butler) [email protected] (Butch Griffin) [email protected] (Deborah Catalano) [email protected] [email protected] (Tang Chee Kin) [email protected] (The Technicolour Throw-up) chrisp%[email protected] (Chris Pointon) [email protected] (Kok Chun Hong) [email protected] (Cliff Allen) [email protected] (John Coyne) [email protected] (Chris Burdick) [email protected] (Roger Reynolds) [email protected] (Carlos Vaz de Carvalho) [email protected] (Christopher Ward) [email protected] (Daniel S. Lewart) dan pierson <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Daniel Smith) [email protected] (David H. Brierley) [email protected] (william E Davidsen) [email protected] [email protected] (ho) [email protected] (Brian Dealy - CSC) detroch%[email protected] [email protected] (David Mischel) [email protected] (Doak Heyser) [email protected] (Michael Doel) [email protected] (J. Daniel Smith) [email protected] (David E Wexelblat) [email protected] (Ed Brill) [email protected] (John E. Mendenhall) [email protected] [email protected] (Eibo Thieme) [email protected] (Ake Hjalmarsson) ernohb!eiss01!tkendel (T. Kendelbacher OT133) [email protected] (Dave Williams) [email protected] [email protected] (Francis N. Godfrey) [email protected] (Fernando Manuel Vasconcelos) [email protected] (Fred Rump from home) [email protected] (James P. Goltz) gandhi!chris (Christoph M. Friedrich) [email protected] (Gary O'Connell) [email protected] (Gratien D'haese) [email protected] (Greg Darnell) [email protected] [email protected] (Greg Hilton) [email protected] (Gurminder Singh) [email protected] (Webb Roberts) [email protected] (John Harvie) [email protected] (Stephan Heilmayr) [email protected] [email protected] (Hal Mueller) [email protected] (Mike Hopkirk) [email protected] (Edward J. Huff) [email protected] (Miles ONeal) [email protected] (Ivo Haulsen) [email protected] (Jamie Thompson) [email protected] (X-Miester) [email protected] (Joe Hartley) [email protected] (Jim Gottlieb) [email protected] (John Jeongbae Seo) [email protected] (James L Walker) [email protected] (J M Lake) [email protected] (Joseph P. Jarosz) [email protected] (John McCracken) [email protected] (John Gallant) [email protected] (Bob Jones ECP/DS tel:5014 or 4833) [email protected] (JIM PICKERING) [email protected] (Jeff Ku) [email protected] (Joseph R. Justice) [email protected] (Noam Stopak) [email protected] (Hans Kingma) [email protected] (Kent Leonard - Aurora Technologies) [email protected] [email protected] (dan ko) [email protected] [email protected] (SSUID Ken Sall) [email protected] (Lisa Dawes) [email protected] [email protected] (Mark Linimon) [email protected] (Larry W. Virden) [email protected] (Marcus Schnell) [email protected] [email protected] (Resident.Alien) [email protected] (Martin Runesson) [email protected] (Todd Earles) [email protected] (Mike Batchelor) [email protected] (Mike Moore) [email protected] [email protected] (Mike Krueger) [email protected] (Enrico Badella) [email protected] (Peter Morreale) [email protected] (Naftaly Stramer) [email protected] (Nancie Marin) [email protected] (Kevyn B. Ford (MSD - B56/FL5/KP - x88302)) [email protected] (Per Hedeland) [email protected] (Peter Steele) [email protected] (Peter Pflaeging) [email protected] (Ryan Harlicker) [email protected] (PV (Philippe Villard)) [email protected] (W.J. (Bill) Cassell) [email protected] (Rajesh Chawla) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Richard H. Miller) [email protected] (Robert Jones) [email protected] (ron nelson) [email protected] (Nate Rockwell) [email protected] (Roland Fehrenbacher) [email protected] (Romik Dan) [email protected] (Ron Jobmann) [email protected] (Rich Crosby) [email protected] (Rick Thau) [email protected] (Rich Thomson) [email protected] (Ed Sale) [email protected] (Joel F. Sather) [email protected] (Brian D. Schieber) [email protected] (Scott Carpenter) [email protected] (Arthur Lim) [email protected] (Stefan Esser) [email protected] (Allan Clarke) [email protected] (Hiroto Shibuya) [email protected] (Simon Leinen) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Steve Rogers) [email protected] (Stefan Schwarz) [email protected] (Steve Watt -- KD6GGD) [email protected] (Sascha Wildner) [email protected] (Gary Gibson) [email protected] (Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin) [email protected] (Pradeep M. Tagare) [email protected] (Mehmet Ali Tan) [email protected] (Chris Tanner) [email protected] (Terry Suitor) the cure <[email protected]> [email protected] (Tom McConnell) [email protected] (Tom Albrecht) [email protected] <[email protected]> [email protected] [email protected] (Barry A. Warsaw) [email protected] (Wilhelm Buehler) [email protected] (Who want to know ?) [email protected] [email protected] (William Shi) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Wolf) [email protected] (Chuck Neal) [email protected] [email protected]  ------------------------------------- Email Addresses of those who votes NO  ------------------------------------- Brett B. Doehr <[email protected]> Jack Moskowitz <[email protected]> Jim Wight <[email protected]> John G Dobnick <[email protected]> [email protected] (John Helm [Sun Northwest Area SE]) Markus Stumpf <[email protected]> [email protected] (Matt Cohen) [email protected] [email protected] (Mats Wichmann) [email protected] (Kam T Tam) [email protected] (Cristy) [email protected] [email protected] (Gim Mark) [email protected] (George H. Bosworth) [email protected] (Jay Graham) [email protected] (John Blasik) [email protected] (Kaleb Keithley) [email protected] (Oliver Jones) [email protected] (S. A. Levin [Stewart]) [email protected] (Shawn Wass) [email protected] (Tom W. Brown)!dbl%[email protected] (David B. Lewis)  From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 03:30:40 1992 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1929 news.groups:41148 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Path: rpi!usc!wupost!uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Michael Moore) Subject: RFD: Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Organization: University of Utah, CS Dept., Salt Lake City Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1992 03:47:02 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 54  	I would like to request discussion for the creation of a new x newsgroup.     Name : Non-Moderated  Proposed Charter : ------------------       This newsgroup would be for the discussion of X Windows applications, both public-domain and commercial (where appropriate). Its main purpose would be to facilitate the finding of specific X Window applications (such as ftp sites for those applications which are in the public-domain), to discuss which application is best suited to particular situations, to provide a medium where one can review applications, and to provide a place where functional questions can be asked about X Window programs.       The newsgroup would cover all forms of X applications, regardless of the widget set(s) used or the program's function.       The newsgroup would not be intended for Xlib or widget programming discussion, but would encourage discussion of application compilation or modifications, provided they are not more suited to an Xlib or widget question.   Reasons for Group's Creation :  ----------------------------      There are an enormous amount of applications out there in the public domain alone.  Commercial programs are likely even more numerous.  For this reason this news group is proposed - to facilitate questions and problems with the programs out there.  Many problems and questions are common, and the chances that someone out there has already encountered a particular one are very good. is becomming increasingly more trafficed, and it becomes harder and harder to spend the time needed to read through all the articles.  It would be beneficial if the purely programming problems could be left more isolated.  This new group would help to do this.       Also related to the heavy traffic currently recieves, posters are less likely to have someone read their particular posting amid the vast quantity of articles posted.  This would provide a place where they have a much better chance of being heard by those most likely able to help.  	-Michael       ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Michael Moore ([email protected])  Phone : (801) 359-6552     | |          University of Utah, Computer Science Department             |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------   
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