From [email protected] Fri Nov 6 10:16:42 1992 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1737 news.groups:37205 comp.databases:13136 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] Subject: VOTE ACK: comp.databases.ingres Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: cs.rpi.edu Organization: VERITAS Software Date: 13 Jan 92 16:16:23 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 209 This is the first mass ack for the comp.database.ingres vote. The vote ends at noon on Jan. 31st. You can vote by sending email to one of these addresses: [email protected] To vote in favor of the group. [email protected] To vote against the group. You can not vote by repling to this message. About 200 people have voted: "2931 Coles, Dwight R." "BERNARD CHASE" "Clark B. Wierda" "Colin McIntosh, Project Manager, Computertime" "DANNY M. BROOKS" "Dan Updegrove" "Dick Tensen, Ee2063, tel. 7495" "Francesca Seidita" "Gavin D. Watt" "James E. Ferguson CSC Sydney, Australia. 10-Jan-1992 1216" "John B. Newell" "John E. Babbitt Jr." "Jonathan Creighton" "Kenton A. Hoover" "Lori Ratajczak" "Mark C. Jones" "Matti Sarjakoski, p. (90) 4744 445" "Mindy S. Geisser" "Rao V. Akella" "Sande Nissen (CompuCtr, SoftServ)" "Steven M. Brophy" "alice erickson, MACC" Alan Koch Arnie Unger Bernd Volkmer Bevan Rigato Bob Langford Bruce Momjian Carsten Dreyer Charles Ayres Clive Newall Code Wiper Cristyn Emmett Curt Vandetta DELFT UNIV OF TECHNOLOGY/COMP CENTRE +31 15 784821 Dan Fain Daniel Cohen Dave Davis (508-392-2990) Dawn Cappelli Don Griffin Doug Kerr Drusie Sheldon Enrique Cortes-Rello Gene Spencer Hans Peder Jepsen Herman Verkade Jackie Saul Jan van der Ende John G Dobnick Jonathan Gowland Jukka Hartikainen Juofen Chiu Keith Maurice Toussaint Leonore Neugebauer Leroy Dominique Linda Cornell Lydia Gleba MICHAEL DORFMAN Marilyn Bodow Mark Litwack Mark McCafferty Marty 'ACME' Stone Michael Perry Milt Cloud Patrick Ko Patrick May Peter Kaufman Po Shan Cheah RICHARD HOFFBECK Ragnar Normann Ray Turner Systems Ltd Roy Nicholl Senerat Rajakaruna Simon Rivett Stephen Chan Steve Rudometkin Steve Watt Steven Bradley Susanne Olin Tina Brezenoff Tom De Pauw William McManus apple!BRL.MIL!matt apple!CDHF1.GSFC.NASA.GOV!KOSTER apple!CS.ORST.EDU!cutler!michael apple!Corp.Sun.COM!Yvonne.Wilson (Yvonne Wilson) apple!EAGLE.NAVSSES.NAVY.MIL!system apple!GSBVAX.uchicago.edu!CS_MJ (Mark Jaeger, (312) 702-0328) apple!HELENA.HQ.NASA.GOV!RVESSELS (Rick Vessels) apple!ILP.MIT.EDU!GOLD apple!Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU!woo%bnrmtl.UUCP (Norman Woo) apple!PENNSAS.UPENN.EDU!WMCMANUS apple!SEI.CMU.EDU!jhenders apple!Sierras.COM!dhubb (David B. Hubbell) apple!TAC.fi!TIOK_SK (Sami Kari) apple!TAC.fi!TIOS_LL (Liisa Laurila) apple!TAC.fi!TIOT_KK (Kimmo Kauranen) apple!USC.PPPL.GOV!WIELAND () apple!alpine.intel.com!lhendric (Lee Hendricks) apple!aplcen.apl.jhu.edu!kds (Skowran kieth d. 301-596-7410) apple!aplpy.jhuapl.edu!mae (Mary Anne Espenshade) apple!banshee.inmet.com!mep (Mark Polhamus) apple!barclays.co.uk!usstmsj (Mark Jones) apple!blkcmb.zso.dec.com!marier apple!bucrsb.bu.edu!abw apple!cadlab.sublink.org!martelli (Alex Martelli) apple!cc.helsinki.fi!hipoyhon (Harri Ilmari Poyhonen) apple!cc.uq.oz.au!eric (Eric Halil) apple!clmqt.marquette.MI.US!dans (Dan Stegner) apple!computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk!Tom.Carnduff (Tom Carnduff) apple!coopsol.coopsol.com!brentw (Brent Williams) apple!cosc.canterbury.ac.nz!neville (Neville Churcher) apple!cosc.canterbury.ac.nz!paul (Paul Ashton) apple!crick.ssctr.bcm.tmc.edu!rick (Richard H. Miller) apple!cs.joensuu.fi!jjarven (Jaakko J{rvenp{{) apple!cwi.nl!Johan.Wolleswinkel apple!cwi.nl!Kees.van-t.Hoff apple!cwi.nl!Michiel.de.Vries apple!cygnus.lanl.gov!090632 (Mark Martinez D417/5-5617) apple!dairp.upenn.edu!arzt (Noam H. Arzt) apple!deerwood.zigzag.hanse.de!georg (Georg Rehfeld) apple!dejavu.spk.wa.us!salnick (Bob Salnick) apple!dutiws.tudelft.nl!winfstu (S.Stuurman.IS-tel-7216) apple!eisner.decus.org!GRIMES_S apple!ems.cdc.com!leilas (Leila Schneberger) apple!fermat.Mayo.EDU!lpctsa..mvogt%vaxdev.dnet (Michael C. Vogt, 507-284-0555, Mayo Foundation (Hilton 522c)) apple!fibercom.com!blueridge!jdk (Jim Kinder) apple!fig.citib.com!fig.citib.com!ghica (Renato Ghica) apple!fig.citib.com!fig.citib.com!kpt (Kevin P. Tyson) apple!finabo.abo.fi!MARGITA apple!fits.CX.NRAO.EDU!dwells (Don Wells) apple!forit.forut.no!jang ( Jan Grav ) apple!hhcs.gov.au!pihlab apple!hobbes.UCSD.EDU!wade (Wade Blomgren) apple!ingres.com!mikes (Mike Schilling) apple!ingres.com!rog (Roger Taranto) apple!ingres.com!sergio (Sergio Luis Aponte Morales) apple!itk.unit.no!ingrid apple!jax.org!eric (Eric A. Johnson) apple!jax.org!laura (Laura Harmon) apple!jimmy.harvard.edu!magnan (Rick Magnan) apple!jupiter.nmt.edu!baichuan (baichuan hu) apple!kelso.rsmas.miami.edu!vicki (vicki halliwell) apple!kin.lap.upenn.edu!kovacs (Philip H. Kovacs) apple!kpc.com!cdr (Carl Rigney) apple!lgc.com!rubi apple!manta.nosc.mil!jackson (William N. Jackson) apple!mathcs.emory.edu!walt (Walt Hultgren {rmy}) apple!meaddata.com!nick (Nick Gough) apple!med.unc.edu!jhunter (Jeffrey J. Hunter) apple!med.unc.edu!robinson (Gerard A. Robinson) apple!mepsi.mobil.com!akf (Andrew Fullford) apple!mepsi.mobil.com!gfausak apple!mepsi.mobil.com!mahill apple!micor.ocunix.on.ca!duncanm (Duncan A. MacGregor) apple!mprgate.mpr.ca!chau (Raymond Chau) apple!mscf.med.upenn.edu!ALACH apple!mscf.med.upenn.edu!CONNOLLY apple!mscf.med.upenn.edu!ROSS apple!mtuxo.att.com!chris apple!ncsa.uiuc.edu!koziol (Quincey Koziol) apple!nexus.MGH.Harvard.Edu!di (David Israel) apple!nosc.mil!spectra!woo (Ken Woo) apple!onion.rain.com!jeff (Jeff Beadles) apple!panicum.NREL.ColoState.EDU!daveb (Dave Bigelow 491-5574) apple!pat.ma30.bull.com!pytlik apple!pbs.org!MHUNT apple!psg.com!randy (Randy Bush) apple!regulus.llnl.gov!adougan apple!rrz.uni-koeln.de!clauberg (Axel Clauberg) apple!ruc.dk!jhilmer (Jakob Hilmer) apple!senex.unh.edu!unhtel!paul (Paul S. Sawyer) apple!spears.ucs.indiana.edu!spears apple!spectrum.cs.unsw.oz.au!aidan (AM Williams) apple!swindon.swindon.ingr.com!markt (Mark Tedds) apple!tad.eds.com!srogers (Steve Rogers) apple!tele.nokia.fi!manner (Tapio Manner) apple!tesla.njit.edu!syshaf apple!transarc.com!Mark_Sherman apple!unixpop.ucs.indiana.edu!gribble apple!uqvax.cc.uq.oz.au!CCARMSTRONG apple!uta.fi!on (Ossi Numminen) apple!uunet.UU.NET!88opensi!ichabod!tbr (Terry Rhodes) apple!uunet.UU.NET!agrimad!horn (Jeff Horn) apple!uunet.UU.NET!bellahs!jjamison (John Jamison) apple!uunet.UU.NET!ral%tpghq (Becky Ligon) apple!uunet.UU.NET!tsca02!snyde_sl (Steve Snyder) apple!van-bc!raal!tom (Tom De Pauw) apple!wista.wistar.upenn.edu!REDDI apple!world.std.com!jmm (Jones M Murphy) apple!woz.mayo.edu!bleimeyr apple!zycor.lgc.com!ingres apple!zycor.lgc.com!rap dave davis [email protected] (Deepak Gupta) [email protected] (Mark Linimon) parker [email protected] (Richard Wilmot) From [email protected] Fri Nov 6 10:19:45 1992 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1771 news.groups:37915 comp.databases:13436 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Joshua Levy) Subject: 2nd VOTE ACK: comp.databases.ingres Followup-To: poster Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: cs.rpi.edu Organization: VERITAS Software Date: 27 Jan 92 14:51:01 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 330 This is the second mass acknowledgement for comp.databases.ingres. The voting ends at noon on Friday, Jan 31st, so if you want to vote, do it quickly! Votes in favor of the new group should go to [email protected] Votes against the new group should go to [email protected] You can not vote by replying to this posting. Here are the people who have voted so far (about 320). I have run them through "sort -u", but there might be dupilcates which would be removed later, when I really count the votes: [email protected] (Kersti Hale, Tech Support, x3504) From: PONY::troll::rene 14-JAN-1992 09:17:22.33 "2931 Coles, Dwight R." "Alan W. Hartwig" "BERNARD CHASE" "Clark B. Wierda" "Colin McIntosh, Project Manager, Computertime" "DANNY M. BROOKS" "Dan Updegrove" "Dick Tensen, Ee2063, tel. 7495" "Francesca Seidita" "Gavin D. Watt" "James E. Ferguson CSC Sydney, Australia. 10-Jan-1992 1216" "James J. Murawski" "John B. Newell" "John E. Babbitt Jr." "Jonathan Creighton" "Kenton A. Hoover" "Kevin C. Castner" "Lori Ratajczak" "Mark C. Jones" "Martha J. Baron" "Matti Sarjakoski, p. (90) 4744 445" "Michael A Leo 612-785-4219" "Mindy S. Geisser" "Neeta Prasad (np)" "Rao V. Akella" "Sande Nissen (CompuCtr, SoftServ)" "Steven M. Brophy" "Susan A. Lubich" "William J. Jerome" "alice erickson, MACC" "sendhil revuluri" Alan Koch Arnie Unger Babs Adams-Duma Bernd Volkmer Beth Crutch Bevan Rigato Bob Langford Bruce Momjian Carsten Dreyer Chad Theriot Charles Ayres Cliff Green Clive Newall Code Wiper Cristyn Emmett Curt Vandetta DELFT UNIV OF TECHNOLOGY/COMP CENTRE +31 15 784821 Dan Fain Daniel Cohen Dave Davis (508-392-2990) David Taylor Dawn Cappelli Deborah Yoshihara Don Griffin Doug Kerr Drusie Sheldon Enrique Cortes-Rello Gene Spencer Hans Peder Jepsen Harald Nordgard-Hansen Herman Verkade Huy Vu Jackie Saul James Grinter Jan van der Ende John G Dobnick John McDowell Jonathan Gowland Joyce Moore Judy Miller Jukka Hartikainen Juofen Chiu Keith Maurice Toussaint Leonore Neugebauer Leroy Dominique Linda Cornell Lydia Gleba M Darrin Chaney MICHAEL DORFMAN Marilyn Bodow Mark Litwack Mark McCafferty Mark Sweiger Martin Boening Marty 'ACME' Stone Maryann Carr Michael Perry Milt Cloud Nils C. Egberts Patrick Ko Patrick May Paul Kentish Pete Mallinson Peter Kaufman Po Shan Cheah RICHARD HOFFBECK Ragnar Normann Ray Turner Systems Ltd Rodent (Phil Weiss) Roy Nicholl Senerat Rajakaruna Simon Rivett Stephen Chan Steve Royle Steve Rudometkin Steve Watt Steven Bradley Susanne Olin Thang Viet Vu Timo Matsinen Tina Brezenoff Tom De Pauw William McManus apple!Athena.MIT.EDU!pckyip apple!BRL.MIL!matt apple!CDHF1.GSFC.NASA.GOV!KOSTER apple!CS.ORST.EDU!cutler!bruce apple!CS.ORST.EDU!cutler!julie apple!CS.ORST.EDU!cutler!michael apple!Corp.Sun.COM!Yvonne.Wilson (Yvonne Wilson) apple!EAGLE.NAVSSES.NAVY.MIL!system apple!FURMINT.NECTAR.CS.CMU.EDU!Vincent.Cate apple!GSBVAX.uchicago.edu!CS_MJ (Mark Jaeger, (312) 702-0328) apple!HELENA.HQ.NASA.GOV!RVESSELS (Rick Vessels) apple!ILP.MIT.EDU!GOLD apple!IRO.UMontreal.CA!fortin%zap.UUCP (Denis Fortin) apple!Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU!woo%bnrmtl.UUCP (Norman Woo) apple!PENNSAS.UPENN.EDU!WMCMANUS apple!SA6300.SDSU.EDU!SAVTHOMPSON apple!SEI.CMU.EDU!jhenders apple!Sierras.COM!dhubb (David B. Hubbell) apple!Sun.COM!rtech!marc_b (MARC BURCKIN, EUROTECH X405) apple!TAC.fi!TIOK_SK (Sami Kari) apple!TAC.fi!TIOS_LL (Liisa Laurila) apple!TAC.fi!TIOT_KK (Kimmo Kauranen) apple!UK.Sun.COM!Steve.Bastiman (Steve Bastiman - Sun EHQ - IR) apple!USC.PPPL.GOV!WIELAND () apple!V1.AS.CMU.EDU!I605PD02 apple!alpine.intel.com!lhendric (Lee Hendricks) apple!aplcen.apl.jhu.edu!kds (Skowran kieth d. 301-596-7410) apple!aplpy.jhuapl.edu!mae (Mary Anne Espenshade) apple!babel.nemesis.se!kleist (Svante kleist) apple!banshee.inmet.com!mep (Mark Polhamus) apple!barclays.co.uk!usstmsj (Mark Jones) apple!bisun.nbg.sub.org!lutz apple!blkcmb.zso.dec.com!marier apple!british-national-corpus.oxford.ac.uk!dominic apple!bucrsb.bu.edu!abw apple!cadlab.sublink.org!martelli (Alex Martelli) apple!cc.gatech.edu!jay (Jay Lofstead) apple!cc.helsinki.fi!hipoyhon (Harri Ilmari Poyhonen) apple!cc.uq.oz.au!eric (Eric Halil) apple!church.West.Sun.COM!dgd (Dan Donovan - Sun San Francisco SE) apple!clmqt.marquette.MI.US!dans (Dan Stegner) apple!cms1.ucs.leeds.ac.uk!ECLTS apple!computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk!Tom.Carnduff (Tom Carnduff) apple!coopsol.coopsol.com!brentw (Brent Williams) apple!cosc.canterbury.ac.nz!neville (Neville Churcher) apple!cosc.canterbury.ac.nz!paul (Paul Ashton) apple!cosc.canterbury.ac.nz!pete (Pete Glassenbury) apple!crick.ssctr.bcm.tmc.edu!rick (Richard H. Miller) apple!cs.joensuu.fi!jjarven (Jaakko J{rvenp{{) apple!cs.purdue.edu!rungta (Sanjay Rungta) apple!cs.umb.edu!betsys (Elizabeth Schwartz) apple!cwi.nl!Johan.Wolleswinkel apple!cwi.nl!Kees.van-t.Hoff apple!cwi.nl!Michiel.de.Vries apple!cygnus.lanl.gov!090632 (Mark Martinez D417/5-5617) apple!cypress.com!ingres (Ingres System Administrator) apple!dairp.upenn.edu!arzt (Noam H. Arzt) apple!deerwood.zigzag.hanse.de!georg (Georg Rehfeld) apple!dejavu.spk.wa.us!salnick (Bob Salnick) apple!drl.mobil.com!midaily (M. I. Daily [Mike]) apple!dutiws.tudelft.nl!winfstu (S.Stuurman.IS-tel-7216) apple!eisner.decus.org!GRIMES_S apple!ems.cdc.com!leilas (Leila Schneberger) apple!esacs!serafini (Walter Alessandro Serafini) apple!esvax::ESSUN3::cristy (Cristy) apple!fairfax.com!phjm (Phillip Merrick) apple!fermat.Mayo.EDU!lpctsa..mvogt%vaxdev.dnet (Michael C. Vogt, 507-284-0555, Mayo Foundation (Hilton 522c)) apple!fibercom.com!blueridge!jdk (Jim Kinder) apple!fig.citib.com!fig.citib.com!ghica (Renato Ghica) apple!fig.citib.com!fig.citib.com!kpt (Kevin P. Tyson) apple!finabo.abo.fi!MARGITA apple!fits.CX.NRAO.EDU!dwells (Don Wells) apple!forit.forut.no!jang ( Jan Grav ) apple!hhcs.gov.au!pihlab apple!hobbes.UCSD.EDU!wade (Wade Blomgren) apple!informatics.rutherford.ac.uk!ijj (Ian Johnson) apple!ingres.com!ack (David Ackerman) apple!ingres.com!alexb (alex briones) apple!ingres.com!andre (TO FIPS OR NOT TO FIPS) apple!ingres.com!andrem (ANDRE MOBRON) apple!ingres.com!anton (Nothing is so unequel as the esql treatment of unequels) apple!ingres.com!brad (Heaven is a large and interesting place) apple!ingres.com!brian (Brian Murrell) apple!ingres.com!charless (Charles F. Seiter) apple!ingres.com!cpabst (Chris Pabst) apple!ingres.com!dan (System Support Team) apple!ingres.com!dickv apple!ingres.com!dparr (DATABASE SERVER PRODUCT MANAGER) apple!ingres.com!duus (Jo Duus) apple!ingres.com!evans (Barry Evans) apple!ingres.com!frankt (Frank Taranin) apple!ingres.com!greg (Greg Batti, DBMS Development, x3250) apple!ingres.com!harry (Harry Wong) apple!ingres.com!hraabe (Harry Raabe) apple!ingres.com!jan (Jan Strother; DUS FrontLine; Nerd and Proud of It!) apple!ingres.com!jbryson (Jeff Bryson - AUI Tech. Support - x2492....) apple!ingres.com!jeanmarc (Jean-Marc Fortier) apple!ingres.com!joeld (Joel Duisman) apple!ingres.com!kbrown (Onward and Upwards ... to where I do not know) apple!ingres.com!lex (CUSTOMER SERVICES) apple!ingres.com!maryc (mary crockett) apple!ingres.com!mikes (Mike Schilling) apple!ingres.com!pieterh (Trainer) apple!ingres.com!ralph (Ralph Harnden) apple!ingres.com!rene (Account Manager) apple!ingres.com!rganski (Richard Ganski) apple!ingres.com!rmuth (Richard Muth) apple!ingres.com!robertr apple!ingres.com!robinm (Robin Wayne Moss) apple!ingres.com!rodneyy (Rodney Yuen, DBMS Support x2762) apple!ingres.com!rog (Roger Taranto) apple!ingres.com!rogerl ("") apple!ingres.com!sergio (Sergio Luis Aponte Morales) apple!ingres.com!sid apple!itk.unit.no!ingrid apple!jax.org!csb (Carolyn Blake) apple!jax.org!eric (Eric A. Johnson) apple!jax.org!laura (Laura Harmon) apple!jimmy.harvard.edu!magnan (Rick Magnan) apple!jimmy.harvard.edu!sliwa (Daniel Sliwa) apple!jupiter.nmt.edu!baichuan (baichuan hu) apple!kelso.rsmas.miami.edu!vicki (vicki halliwell) apple!kin.lap.upenn.edu!kovacs (Philip H. Kovacs) apple!kpc.com!cdr (Carl Rigney) apple!lgc.com!rubi apple!manta.nosc.mil!jackson (William N. Jackson) apple!marin.nbn.com!jerry (Jerry C. Hudgins) apple!mathcs.emory.edu!walt (Walt Hultgren {rmy}) apple!meaddata.com!nick (Nick Gough) apple!med.unc.edu!jhunter (Jeffrey J. Hunter) apple!med.unc.edu!robinson (Gerard A. Robinson) apple!mepsi.mobil.com!akf (Andrew Fullford) apple!mepsi.mobil.com!gfausak apple!mepsi.mobil.com!mahill apple!micor.ocunix.on.ca!duncanm (Duncan A. MacGregor) apple!mlb.semi.harris.com!jdr (Jim Ray) apple!mprgate.mpr.ca!chau (Raymond Chau) apple!mscf.med.upenn.edu!ALACH apple!mscf.med.upenn.edu!CONNOLLY apple!mscf.med.upenn.edu!ROSS apple!mtuxo.att.com!chris apple!ncsa.uiuc.edu!koziol (Quincey Koziol) apple!netcom.netcom.com!fpolizo (Fred Polizo) apple!nexus.MGH.Harvard.Edu!di (David Israel) apple!nosc.mil!spectra!dibened (Rich DiBenedetto) apple!nosc.mil!spectra!duffy (Doug Duffy) apple!nosc.mil!spectra!woo (Ken Woo) apple!oac11.hsc.uth.tmc.edu!mitchell (Philip Mitchell) apple!onion.rain.com!jeff (Jeff Beadles) apple!panicum.NREL.ColoState.EDU!daveb (Dave Bigelow 491-5574) apple!pat.ma30.bull.com!pytlik apple!pbs.org!MHUNT apple!phigate.philips.nl!ehviea!aaa.ine.philips.nl!wiml apple!psg.com!randy (Randy Bush) apple!q-aais.navo.navy.mil!don (Don Newcomb) apple!regulus.llnl.gov!adougan apple!regulus.llnl.gov!buckley apple!rrz.uni-koeln.de!clauberg (Axel Clauberg) apple!ruc.dk!jhilmer (Jakob Hilmer) apple!sedona.intel.com!sberger (Scott Berger) apple!senex.unh.edu!unhtel!paul (Paul S. Sawyer) apple!spears.ucs.indiana.edu!spears apple!spectrum.cs.unsw.oz.au!aidan (AM Williams) apple!splinter.coe.northeastern.edu!kotes (Koteswararao Nandipati) apple!swindon.swindon.ingr.com!markt (Mark Tedds) apple!tad.eds.com!srogers (Steve Rogers) apple!tele.nokia.fi!manner (Tapio Manner) apple!tesla.njit.edu!syshaf apple!transarc.com!Mark_Sherman apple!ucs.indiana.edu!wilhelmj apple!ucs.ubc.ca!sayle apple!ula.unil.ch!MSTEVANI apple!unixpop.ucs.indiana.edu!gribble apple!uqvax.cc.uq.oz.au!CCARMSTRONG apple!uta.fi!hakomaki (Hilkka Hakom{ki) apple!uta.fi!on (Ossi Numminen) apple!uunet.UU.NET!88opensi!ichabod!tbr (Terry Rhodes) apple!uunet.UU.NET!agrimad!horn (Jeff Horn) apple!uunet.UU.NET!bellahs!jjamison (John Jamison) apple!uunet.UU.NET!ral%tpghq (Becky Ligon) apple!uunet.UU.NET!tsca02!snyde_sl (Steve Snyder) apple!uunet.uu.net!bucunix!root apple!van-bc!dds4!wolfe (Peter Wolfe) apple!van-bc!raal!tom (Tom De Pauw) apple!visionware.co.uk!chris (Chris Davies) apple!wista.wistar.upenn.edu!REDDI apple!world.std.com!jmm (Jones M Murphy) apple!woz.mayo.edu!bleimeyr apple!zycor.lgc.com!ingres apple!zycor.lgc.com!rap [email protected] (bill daniels) catherine savino dave davis [email protected] (Deepak Gupta) jonathan hughes [email protected] (Mark Linimon) parker [email protected] (Richard Wilmot) [email protected] (Ray Smith) stephen oberski sun!tsd.eds.com!gorka (Mark Gorka) From [email protected] Fri Nov 6 10:21:40 1992 Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1798 news.groups:38536 comp.databases:13659 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases Path: rpi!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Joshua Levy) Subject: RESULT: comp.databases.ingres passes 370:20 Followup-To: news.groups Sender: [email protected] Nntp-Posting-Host: cs.rpi.edu Organization: VERITAS Software Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1992 04:44:17 GMT Approved: [email protected] Lines: 405 The news group passed in high style: 370 yes votes to 20 no votes. It is clear that this proposal was very popular. Note that the discussion for this group was started by Michael D. Shields ([email protected]), but that votes were collected by [email protected], because Michael's connection to USENET is not good. If you have comments about the news group proposal, please send them to Michael, because I really don't care. I don't use Ingres, and didn't vote for or against the news group. Joshua Levy ([email protected]) People who voted NO (20): Dan Fain Harald Nordgard-Hansen James Grinter Jim Roche John G Dobnick "Jonathan Creighton" "Kenton A. Hoover" "Todd L. Masco" apple!Athena.MIT.EDU!pckyip apple!cwi.nl!Michiel.de.Vries apple!esvax::ESSUN3::cristy (Cristy) apple!gmuvax2.gmu.edu!kbass (Ken Bass) apple!jupiter.nmt.edu!baichuan (baichuan hu) apple!kpc.com!cdr (Carl Rigney) apple!ncsa.uiuc.edu!koziol (Quincey Koziol) apple!onion.rain.com!jeff (Jeff Beadles) apple!world.std.com!jmm (Jones M Murphy) [email protected] (Mark Linimon) [email protected] (Richard Wilmot) "sendhil revuluri" People who voted YES (370): "2931 Coles, Dwight R." Alan Koch "Alan W. Hartwig" Alvin Toliver was here Andy Malis "BERNARD CHASE" Babs Adams-Duma Bernd Volkmer Beth Crutch Bevan Rigato Bob Langford Bruce Momjian "Carmen Parrish, 2-9810" Carsten Dreyer Chad Theriot Charles Ayres Charles Meo "Clark B. Wierda" Cliff Green Clive Newall Code Wiper "Colin McIntosh, Project Manager, Computertime" Cristyn Emmett Curt Vandetta "DANNY M. BROOKS" DELFT UNIV OF TECHNOLOGY/COMP CENTRE +31 15 784821 Dan Raz "Dan Updegrove" Daniel Cohen Dave Davis (508-392-2990) "Dave Hastings, OUCS" David Taylor Dawn Cappelli Deborah Yoshihara "Dick Tensen, Ee2063, tel. 7495" Don Griffin Doug Kerr Drusie Sheldon Enrique Cortes-Rello