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OLAP ( comp.databases.olap )
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From [email protected] Thu Aug  4 15:37:13 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Daniel Druker) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,comp.databases.theory,,comp.databases.sybase,comp.databases.informix,comp.databases.rdb Subject: RFD: comp.databases.olap Followup-To: news.groups Date: 4 Aug 1994 15:16:29 -0400 Organization: The Anderson School at UCLA Lines: 212 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5446 news.groups:111282 comp.databases:37365 comp.databases.theory:2693 comp.databases.sybase:9571 comp.databases.informix:11345 comp.databases.rdb:1182  This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) regarding the formation of  the group comp.databases.olap. This usenet newsgroup will discuss  the issues encompassing On-Line Analytical Processing, as defined by E.F.  Codd of Codd and Date Inc. in his recent white paper entitled "Providing  OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) to User-Analysts: an IT Mandate".   Topics which could be discussed in this newsgroup include  multidimensional databases, multidimensional analysis tools and  techniques, decision support systems (DSS), executive information systems  (EIS), data warehousing, data marting, and a host of other related  topics. In general, OLAP is about getting data out of transaction  procesing systems and turning it into information. A more complete  description of the Codd paper on OLAP is given below, along with  additional references that I have found to be helpful on this topic.   This is ***NOT*** a Call For Votes (CFV).  A CFV will be issued to the newsgroups that this RFD had been posted to  21 to 30 days from the date that this message first appears. This assumes  that no serious problems with the newsgroup proposal are noted. Voting  will be recorded by a neutral third party at the CFV stage.  This message will be reposted weekly until the CFV is issued.   Any follow-up to this RFD should be directed to news.groups.  Name           : comp.databases.olap Description    : On-Line Analytical Processing, MDDBMS, DSS, EIS Status         : Unmoderated Distribution   : Worldwide Proposed by    : Daniel Druker ([email protected]) Important Note : I work for Arbor Software, which distributes a product,                   Essbase, that will probably be discussed in this                        group.  My intent is NOT to use this group as a                             marketing tool for Essbase, but rather to provide a                        forum for discussion about all OLAP products and                        concepts, including competing products and                     technologies.   BACKGROUND: ===========  In August 1993, Codd and Date announced a major breakthrough in business  computing with 12 rules for On-Line Analytial Processing (OLAP).   Developed by Dr. E.F. Codd, with colleagues Clynch Salley and Sharon  Codd, OLAP is defined as the dynamic synthesis, analysis, and  consolidation of large volumes of multidimensional data.  Dr. Codd is the  founder of Codd and Date, Inc, and is the inventor of the abstract model  and the 12 rules for relational technology.   With OLAP, Codd and Date has established and clarified a significant area  of business data processing and a new product category for  "multidimensional analysis" -- which are not adequately addressed by the  current combination of relational systems, spreadsheets, and query tools.   OLAP involves the dynamic and extensive manipulation of unlimited  variables of data, and complements On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP)  applications.  OLAP applications include rapid consolidations and  multiple scenarios of forecasts, budgets, product plans, capital asset  plans, sales analyses, and performance reports.  OLAP products make  multidimensional analysis easier and more efficient for business users.    RELEVANCE: ==========  There has recently been an explosion in industry interest in OLAP  concepts, techniques, and products.  This is reflected both in an  increase in trade press articles and commercial products which serve this  segment.  In the comp.databases hierarchy there has been a similar  increase in postings relating to the issues that would be covered by this  newsgroup.  It is my belief that the increasing interest has been largely driven by  the realization that now that we have figured out how to stuff 1000 TPS  into a database, we need better tools and techniques to get the data out  in a form that analysts can use to solve business problems.  The intent  is for this newsgroup to provide a place to centralize issues, expertise,  and information relating to OLAP.    CHARTER: ========  The purpose of this group is to discuss all aspects of On-Line Analytical  Processing.   This newsgroup will be an unmoderated group.  Topics appropriate to this newsgroup include but are not limited to:       - Decision Support Systems      - Executive Information Systems      - Multidimensional Database Systems      - Data Warehousing      - Data Marting      - Very Large Read-Only Databases      - Multidimensional Front-End Tools      - Sparse Data Models and Optimization Techniques      - Multidimensional Analysis using Relational Systems      - Limitations of SQL for business analysis      - Parallelization and other methods to speed processing.      - End User Query Tools      - Ad-Hoc Query Tools      - Business Reporting and Financial Analysis Tools   Commercial products which would probably be discussed in this newsgroup  include but are not limited to:  Multidimensional / Psuedo-Multidimensional Servers -------------------------------------------------- Vendor                      Product Arbor Software              Essbase Comshare                    FDC, Commander EIS Dimensional Insight         CrossTarget IMRS                        Hyperion IRI                         Express Kenan Technologies          Acumate, Multiway Pilot                       Lightship Server   Data Warehouses / Relational Systems ------------------------------------ Vendor                      Product Digital                     rdb IBI                         Focus IBM                         DB2 Informix                    Informix Database NCR/Terradata               Terradata Enterprise Server Oracle                      Oracle7 Red Brick                   Warehouse      Sybase                      System 10 Tandem                      Non-Stop, Himalaya Unify                       Unify/Uniface   Front Ends providing DSS, EIS, or Multidimensional Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------- Vendor                      Product Andyne                      Pablo Brio                        DataPivot, DataPrism Business Objects            Business Objects CA                          Compete, Supercalc Cognos                      PowerPlay Information Advantage       Decision Support Suite IntelligenceWare            Corporate Vision Lighten                     Advance  Lotus                       Improv Metaphor                    DIS  Pilot                       Lightship Power Thinking Tools        FreeThink Sinper                      TM/1 Perspectives   This list was taken from DBMS magazine, and augmented by me wherever  possible. If there are other products that you think should be added,  feel free to send me an email and I will add them to the list the next  time this RFD is posted.    REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) DISTRIBUTION =========================================  This RFD will be sent to the following newsgroups:           news.announce.newgroups           news.groups           comp.databases           comp.databases.informix            comp.databases.rdb           comp.databases.sybase           comp.databases.theory  This RFD has been proposed in accordance with the guidelines in "How to Create a Usenet Newsgroup". A large portion of the  procedural text in this note was taken from a previous RFD written by  Paul N. Hayton.   BIBLIOGRAPHY AND RECOMMENDED FURTHER READINGS =============================================  Codd, E.F., "Providing OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) to User-      Analysts: An IT Mandate", E.F. Codd and Associates, 1993      This white paper defined OLAP, and presents business cases for its      need and usefullness.   Finkelstein, Richard, "Understanding the need for On-Line Analytical       Servers" Performance Computing Inc., 1994      This white paper discusses the need for a seperate class of servers      for analytical processing.   Kimball, Ralph, "What's wrong with SQL", Datamation, June 1994.       This article discusses the limitations of SQL for business analysis.       It proposes a number of extensions to SQL. There is an associated       article which discusses modelling multidimensional data in       relational databases, but I couldn't remember its title off the top       of my head.   Kimball, Ralph, Interview in DBMS Magazine, June 1994.      Ralph discusses his experiences at Red Brick and Metaphor, two of       the seminal vendors in the DSS industry.   Survey of Multidimensional Analysis Tools", DBMS Magazine, June 1994.      This is a survey of multidimensional servers and products on the       market today.  --                                             Daniel Druker                                           Arbor Software Corporation                                           [email protected]  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Wed Aug 31 12:47:18 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,comp.databases.theory,,comp.databases.sybase,comp.databases.informix,comp.databases.rdb,comp.databases.ingres,comp.client-server Subject: CFV: comp.databases.olap Followup-To: poster Date: 30 Aug 1994 15:18:58 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 211 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 21 Sep 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5554 news.groups:114441 comp.databases:38128 comp.databases.theory:2822 comp.databases.sybase:10323 comp.databases.informix:11932 comp.databases.rdb:1350 comp.databases.ingres:8536 comp.client-server:5404                            FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                     unmoderated group comp.databases.olap  Newsgroups line: comp.databases.olap	Analytical Processing, Multidimensional DBMS, EIS, DSS   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 20 September 1994.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Daniel Druker <[email protected]>  CHARTER  This usenet newsgroup will discuss the issues encompassing On-Line Analytical Processing, as defined by E.F. Codd of Codd and Date Inc. in his recent white paper entitled "Providing OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) to User-Analysts: an IT Mandate".  Topics appropriate to this newsgroup include but are not limited to:      - Decision Support Systems      - Executive Information Systems      - Multidimensional Database Systems      - Data Warehousing      - Data Marting      - Very Large Read-Only Databases      - Multidimensional Front-End Tools      - Sparse Data Models and Optimization Techniques      - Multidimensional Analysis using Relational Systems      - Limitations of SQL for business analysis      - Parallelization and other methods to speed processing.      - End User Query Tools      - Ad-Hoc Query Tools      - Business Reporting and Financial Analysis Tools  Topics which could be discussed in this newsgroup include multidimensional databases, multidimensional analysis tools and techniques, decision support systems (DSS), executive information systems (EIS), data warehousing, data marting, and a host of other related topics. In general, OLAP is about getting data out of transaction procesing systems and turning it into information. A more complete description of the Codd paper on OLAP is given below, along with additional references that I have found to be helpful on this topic.  Note from Daniel Druker ([email protected]): I work for Arbor Software, which distributes a product, Essbase, that will probably be discussed in this group.  My intent is NOT to use this group as a marketing tool for Essbase, but rather to provide a forum for discussion about all OLAP products and concepts, including competing products and technologies.   BACKGROUND: =========== In August 1993, Codd and Date announced a major breakthrough in business  computing with 12 rules for On-Line Analytial Processing (OLAP).   Developed by Dr. E.F. Codd, with colleagues Clynch Salley and Sharon  Codd, OLAP is defined as the dynamic synthesis, analysis, and  consolidation of large volumes of multidimensional data.  Dr. Codd is the  founder of Codd and Date, Inc, and is the inventor of the abstract model  and the 12 rules for relational technology.   With OLAP, Codd and Date has established and clarified a significant area  of business data processing and a new product category for  "multidimensional analysis" -- which are not adequately addressed by the  current combination of relational systems, spreadsheets, and query tools.    OLAP involves the dynamic and extensive manipulation of unlimited  variables of data, and complements On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP)  applications.  OLAP applications include rapid consolidations and  multiple scenarios of forecasts, budgets, product plans, capital asset  plans, sales analyses, and performance reports.  OLAP products make  multidimensional analysis easier and more efficient for business users.    RELEVANCE: ========== There has recently been an explosion in industry interest in OLAP  concepts, techniques, and products.  This is reflected both in an  increase in trade press articles and commercial products which serve this  segment.  In the comp.databases hierarchy there has been a similar  increase in postings relating to the issues that would be covered by this  newsgroup.  It is my belief that the increasing interest has been largely driven by  the realization that now that we have figured out how to stuff 1000 TPS  into a database, we need better tools and techniques to get the data out  in a form that analysts can use to solve business problems.  The intent  is for this newsgroup to provide a place to centralize issues, expertise,  and information relating to OLAP.    Commercial products which would probably be discussed in this newsgroup  include but are not limited to:  Multidimensional / Psuedo-Multidimensional Servers -------------------------------------------------- Vendor                      Product Arbor Software              Essbase Comshare                    FDC, Commander EIS Dimensional Insight         CrossTarget IMRS                        Hyperion IRI                         Express Kenan Technologies          Acumate, Multiway Pilot                       Lightship Server  Data Warehouses / Relational Systems ------------------------------------ Vendor                      Product Digital                     rdb IBI                         Focus IBM                         DB2 Informix                    Informix Database NCR/Terradata               Terradata Enterprise Server Oracle                      Oracle7 Red Brick                   Warehouse      Sybase                      System 10 Tandem                      Non-Stop, Himalaya Unify                       Unify/Uniface  Front Ends providing DSS, EIS, or Multidimensional Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------- Vendor                      Product Ambit Research              Ark Andyne                      Pablo Brio                        DataPivot, DataPrism Business Objects            Business Objects CA                          Compete, Supercalc Cognos                      PowerPlay Information Advantage       Decision Support Suite IntelligenceWare            Corporate Vision Lighten                     Advance  Lotus                       Improv Metaphor                    DIS  Pilot                       Lightship Power Thinking Tools        FreeThink SAS Institute               SAS Sinper                      TM/1 Perspectives Sycomp Pty Ltd              CorVu   This list was taken from DBMS magazine, and augmented by me wherever  possible. If there are other products that you think should be added,  feel free to send me an email and I will add them to the list.   BIBLIOGRAPHY AND RECOMMENDED FURTHER READINGS ============================================= Codd, E.F., "Providing OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) to User-      Analysts: An IT Mandate", E.F. Codd and Associates, 1993      This white paper defined OLAP, and presents business cases for its      need and usefullness.   Finkelstein, Richard, "Understanding the need for On-Line Analytical       Servers" Performance Computing Inc., 1994      This white paper discusses the need for a seperate class of servers      for analytical processing.   Kimball, Ralph, and Strehlo, Kevin "What's wrong with SQL", Datamation,       June 1994.       This article discusses the limitations of SQL for business analysis.       It proposes a number of extensions to SQL  Kimball, Ralph and Strehlo, Kevin "Why Decision Support fails and how      to fix it." Datamation, June 1994.       This article discusses modelling multidimensional data in       relational databases.  DBMS Magazine Interview "The Doctor of DSS", DBMS Magazine, July 1994.      Ralph Kimball discusses his experiences at Red Brick and Metaphor,      two of the seminal vendors in the DSS industry.   Frank, Maurice, "A drill down analysis of Multidimensional Databases,"      DBMS Magazine, July  1994.      This is a survey of multidimensional servers and products on the       market today.   McGill, "Multidimensionality - An alternative database format,"      April 1994.       A detailed theoretical comparison of relational vs. multidimensional      databases.  Lots of people have emailed asking how to get the Codd and Date and the Finkelstein Papers. Arbor Software is providing them at no charge. TO get a copy call 1-800-858-1666 or internationally +44-734-566749. Some of the other vendors also offer the Codd paper, and numerous other documents about OLAP. Contact them directly for more information. There are efforts underway to make the white papers at least available on the net, but this will take some time.     HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:       I vote YES on comp.databases.olap       I vote NO on comp.databases.olap  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Wed Sep  7 16:29:23 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,comp.databases.theory,,comp.databases.sybase,comp.databases.informix,comp.databases.rdb,comp.databases.ingres,comp.client-server Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.databases.olap Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 7 Sep 1994 16:12:26 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 218 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 21 Sep 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5598 news.groups:115277 comp.databases:38368 comp.databases.theory:2851 comp.databases.sybase:10520 comp.databases.informix:12079 comp.databases.rdb:1432 comp.databases.ingres:8657 comp.client-server:5545                            LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                     unmoderated group comp.databases.olap  Newsgroups line: comp.databases.olap	Analytical Processing, Multidimensional DBMS, EIS, DSS   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 20 September 1994.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Daniel Druker <[email protected]>  CHARTER  This usenet newsgroup will discuss the issues encompassing On-Line Analytical Processing, as defined by E.F. Codd of Codd and Date Inc. in his recent white paper entitled "Providing OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) to User-Analysts: an IT Mandate".  Topics appropriate to this newsgroup include but are not limited to:      - Decision Support Systems      - Executive Information Systems      - Multidimensional Database Systems      - Data Warehousing      - Data Marting      - Very Large Read-Only Databases      - Multidimensional Front-End Tools      - Sparse Data Models and Optimization Techniques      - Multidimensional Analysis using Relational Systems      - Limitations of SQL for business analysis      - Parallelization and other methods to speed processing.      - End User Query Tools      - Ad-Hoc Query Tools      - Business Reporting and Financial Analysis Tools  Topics which could be discussed in this newsgroup include multidimensional databases, multidimensional analysis tools and techniques, decision support systems (DSS), executive information systems (EIS), data warehousing, data marting, and a host of other related topics. In general, OLAP is about getting data out of transaction procesing systems and turning it into information. A more complete description of the Codd paper on OLAP is given below, along with additional references that I have found to be helpful on this topic.  Note from Daniel Druker (ddru[email protected]): I work for Arbor Software, which distributes a product, Essbase, that will probably be discussed in this group.  My intent is NOT to use this group as a marketing tool for Essbase, but rather to provide a forum for discussion about all OLAP products and concepts, including competing products and technologies.   BACKGROUND: =========== In August 1993, Codd and Date announced a major breakthrough in business  computing with 12 rules for On-Line Analytial Processing (OLAP).   Developed by Dr. E.F. Codd, with colleagues Clynch Salley and Sharon  Codd, OLAP is defined as the dynamic synthesis, analysis, and  consolidation of large volumes of multidimensional data.  Dr. Codd is the  founder of Codd and Date, Inc, and is the inventor of the abstract model  and the 12 rules for relational technology.   With OLAP, Codd and Date has established and clarified a significant area  of business data processing and a new product category for  "multidimensional analysis" -- which are not adequately addressed by the  current combination of relational systems, spreadsheets, and query tools.    OLAP involves the dynamic and extensive manipulation of unlimited  variables of data, and complements On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP)  applications.  OLAP applications include rapid consolidations and  multiple scenarios of forecasts, budgets, product plans, capital asset  plans, sales analyses, and performance reports.  OLAP products make  multidimensional analysis easier and more efficient for business users.    RELEVANCE: ========== There has recently been an explosion in industry interest in OLAP  concepts, techniques, and products.  This is reflected both in an  increase in trade press articles and commercial products which serve this  segment.  In the comp.databases hierarchy there has been a similar  increase in postings relating to the issues that would be covered by this  newsgroup.  It is my belief that the increasing interest has been largely driven by  the realization that now that we have figured out how to stuff 1000 TPS  into a database, we need better tools and techniques to get the data out  in a form that analysts can use to solve business problems.  The intent  is for this newsgroup to provide a place to centralize issues, expertise,  and information relating to OLAP.    Commercial products which would probably be discussed in this newsgroup  include but are not limited to:  Multidimensional / Psuedo-Multidimensional Servers -------------------------------------------------- Vendor                      Product Arbor Software              Essbase Comshare                    FDC, Commander EIS Dimensional Insight         CrossTarget IMRS                        Hyperion IRI                         Express Kenan Technologies          Acumate, Multiway Pilot                       Lightship Server  Data Warehouses / Relational Systems ------------------------------------ Vendor                      Product Digital                     rdb IBI                         Focus IBM                         DB2 Informix                    Informix Database NCR/Terradata               Terradata Enterprise Server Oracle                      Oracle7 Red Brick                   Warehouse      Sybase                      System 10 Tandem                      Non-Stop, Himalaya Unify                       Unify/Uniface  Front Ends providing DSS, EIS, or Multidimensional Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------- Vendor                      Product Ambit Research              Ark Andyne                      Pablo Brio                        DataPivot, DataPrism Business Objects            Business Objects CA                          Compete, Supercalc Cognos                      PowerPlay Information Advantage       Decision Support Suite IntelligenceWare            Corporate Vision Lighten                     Advance  Lotus                       Improv Metaphor                    DIS  Pilot                       Lightship Power Thinking Tools        FreeThink SAS Institute               SAS Sinper                      TM/1 Perspectives Sycomp Pty Ltd              CorVu   This list was taken from DBMS magazine, and augmented by me wherever  possible. If there are other products that you think should be added,  feel free to send me an email and I will add them to the list.   BIBLIOGRAPHY AND RECOMMENDED FURTHER READINGS ============================================= Codd, E.F., "Providing OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) to User-      Analysts: An IT Mandate", E.F. Codd and Associates, 1993      This white paper defined OLAP, and presents business cases for its      need and usefullness.   Finkelstein, Richard, "Understanding the need for On-Line Analytical       Servers" Performance Computing Inc., 1994      This white paper discusses the need for a seperate class of servers      for analytical processing.   Kimball, Ralph, and Strehlo, Kevin "What's wrong with SQL", Datamation,       June 1994.       This article discusses the limitations of SQL for business analysis.       It proposes a number of extensions to SQL  Kimball, Ralph and Strehlo, Kevin "Why Decision Support fails and how      to fix it." Datamation, June 1994.       This article discusses modelling multidimensional data in       relational databases.  DBMS Magazine Interview "The Doctor of DSS", DBMS Magazine, July 1994.      Ralph Kimball discusses his experiences at Red Brick and Metaphor,      two of the seminal vendors in the DSS industry.   Frank, Maurice, "A drill down analysis of Multidimensional Databases,"      DBMS Magazine, July  1994.      This is a survey of multidimensional servers and products on the       market today.   McGill, "Multidimensionality - An alternative database format,"      April 1994.       A detailed theoretical comparison of relational vs. multidimensional      databases.  Lots of people have emailed asking how to get the Codd and Date and the Finkelstein Papers. Arbor Software is providing them at no charge. TO get a copy call 1-800-858-1666 or internationally +44-734-566749. Some of the other vendors also offer the Codd paper, and numerous other documents about OLAP. Contact them directly for more information. There are efforts underway to make the white papers at least available on the net, but this will take some time.     HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:       I vote YES on comp.databases.olap       I vote NO on comp.databases.olap  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.    comp.databases.olap Bounce List - No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ linus%zythera.UUCP                                        Robert 'linus' Thona [email protected]                        R. Michael Williams  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Thu Sep 22 22:49:33 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,comp.databases.theory,,comp.databases.sybase,comp.databases.informix,comp.databases.rdb,comp.databases.ingres,comp.client-server Subject: RESULT: comp.databases.olap passes 175:25 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 22 Sep 1994 21:29:38 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 415 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5672 news.groups:117315 comp.databases:38774 comp.databases.theory:2930 comp.databases.sybase:11104 comp.databases.informix:12504 comp.databases.rdb:1546 comp.databases.ingres:8959 comp.client-server:5804                                      RESULT 	 unmoderated group comp.databases.olap passes 175:25  There were 175 YES votes and 25 NO votes, for a total of 200 valid votes.  There was 200 invalid ballot.  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.   There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.   Newsgroups line: comp.databases.olap	Analytical Processing, Multidimensional DBMS, EIS, DSS   This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Daniel Druker <[email protected]>  CHARTER  This usenet newsgroup will discuss the issues encompassing On-Line Analytical Processing, as defined by E.F. Codd of Codd and Date Inc. in his recent white paper entitled "Providing OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) to User-Analysts: an IT Mandate".  Topics appropriate to this newsgroup include but are not limited to:      - Decision Support Systems      - Executive Information Systems      - Multidimensional Database Systems      - Data Warehousing      - Data Marting      - Very Large Read-Only Databases      - Multidimensional Front-End Tools      - Sparse Data Models and Optimization Techniques      - Multidimensional Analysis using Relational Systems      - Limitations of SQL for business analysis      - Parallelization and other methods to speed processing.      - End User Query Tools      - Ad-Hoc Query Tools      - Business Reporting and Financial Analysis Tools  Topics which could be discussed in this newsgroup include multidimensional databases, multidimensional analysis tools and techniques, decision support systems (DSS), executive information systems (EIS), data warehousing, data marting, and a host of other related topics. In general, OLAP is about getting data out of transaction procesing systems and turning it into information. A more complete description of the Codd paper on OLAP is given below, along with additional references that I have found to be helpful on this topic.  Note from Daniel Druker ([email protected]): I work for Arbor Software, which distributes a product, Essbase, that will probably be discussed in this group.  My intent is NOT to use this group as a marketing tool for Essbase, but rather to provide a forum for discussion about all OLAP products and concepts, including competing products and technologies.   BACKGROUND: =========== In August 1993, Codd and Date announced a major breakthrough in business  computing with 12 rules for On-Line Analytial Processing (OLAP).   Developed by Dr. E.F. Codd, with colleagues Clynch Salley and Sharon  Codd, OLAP is defined as the dynamic synthesis, analysis, and  consolidation of large volumes of multidimensional data.  Dr. Codd is the  founder of Codd and Date, Inc, and is the inventor of the abstract model  and the 12 rules for relational technology.   With OLAP, Codd and Date has established and clarified a significant area  of business data processing and a new product category for  "multidimensional analysis" -- which are not adequately addressed by the  current combination of relational systems, spreadsheets, and query tools.    OLAP involves the dynamic and extensive manipulation of unlimited  variables of data, and complements On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP)  applications.  OLAP applications include rapid consolidations and  multiple scenarios of forecasts, budgets, product plans, capital asset  plans, sales analyses, and performance reports.  OLAP products make  multidimensional analysis easier and more efficient for business users.    RELEVANCE: ========== There has recently been an explosion in industry interest in OLAP  concepts, techniques, and products.  This is reflected both in an  increase in trade press articles and commercial products which serve this  segment.  In the comp.databases hierarchy there has been a similar  increase in postings relating to the issues that would be covered by this  newsgroup.  It is my belief that the increasing interest has been largely driven by  the realization that now that we have figured out how to stuff 1000 TPS  into a database, we need better tools and techniques to get the data out  in a form that analysts can use to solve business problems.  The intent  is for this newsgroup to provide a place to centralize issues, expertise,  and information relating to OLAP.    Commercial products which would probably be discussed in this newsgroup  include but are not limited to:  Multidimensional / Psuedo-Multidimensional Servers -------------------------------------------------- Vendor                      Product Arbor Software              Essbase Comshare                    FDC, Commander EIS Dimensional Insight         CrossTarget IMRS                        Hyperion IRI                         Express Kenan Technologies          Acumate, Multiway Pilot                       Lightship Server  Data Warehouses / Relational Systems ------------------------------------ Vendor                      Product Digital                     rdb IBI                         Focus IBM                         DB2 Informix                    Informix Database NCR/Terradata               Terradata Enterprise Server Oracle                      Oracle7 Red Brick                   Warehouse      Sybase                      System 10 Tandem                      Non-Stop, Himalaya Unify                       Unify/Uniface  Front Ends providing DSS, EIS, or Multidimensional Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------- Vendor                      Product Ambit Research              Ark Andyne                      Pablo Brio                        DataPivot, DataPrism Business Objects            Business Objects CA                          Compete, Supercalc Cognos                      PowerPlay Information Advantage       Decision Support Suite IntelligenceWare            Corporate Vision Lighten                     Advance  Lotus                       Improv Metaphor                    DIS  Pilot                       Lightship Power Thinking Tools        FreeThink SAS Institute               SAS Sinper                      TM/1 Perspectives Sycomp Pty Ltd              CorVu   This list was taken from DBMS magazine, and augmented by me wherever  possible. If there are other products that you think should be added,  feel free to send me an email and I will add them to the list.   BIBLIOGRAPHY AND RECOMMENDED FURTHER READINGS ============================================= Codd, E.F., "Providing OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) to User-      Analysts: An IT Mandate", E.F. Codd and Associates, 1993      This white paper defined OLAP, and presents business cases for its      need and usefullness.   Finkelstein, Richard, "Understanding the need for On-Line Analytical       Servers" Performance Computing Inc., 1994      This white paper discusses the need for a seperate class of servers      for analytical processing.   Kimball, Ralph, and Strehlo, Kevin "What's wrong with SQL", Datamation,       June 1994.       This article discusses the limitations of SQL for business analysis.       It proposes a number of extensions to SQL  Kimball, Ralph and Strehlo, Kevin "Why Decision Support fails and how      to fix it." Datamation, June 1994.       This article discusses modelling multidimensional data in       relational databases.  DBMS Magazine Interview "The Doctor of DSS", DBMS Magazine, July 1994.      Ralph Kimball discusses his experiences at Red Brick and Metaphor,      two of the seminal vendors in the DSS industry.   Frank, Maurice, "A drill down analysis of Multidimensional Databases,"      DBMS Magazine, July  1994.      This is a survey of multidimensional servers and products on the       market today.   McGill, "Multidimensionality - An alternative database format,"      April 1994.       A detailed theoretical comparison of relational vs. multidimensional      databases.  Lots of people have emailed asking how to get the Codd and Date and the Finkelstein Papers. Arbor Software is providing them at no charge. TO get a copy call 1-800-858-1666 or internationally +44-734-566749. Some of the other vendors also offer the Codd paper, and numerous other documents about OLAP. Contact them directly for more information. There are efforts underway to make the white papers at least available on the net, but this will take some time.    comp.databases.olap Final Vote Ack  Voted Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                  Zach Shoher [email protected]                                                   David Ackerman [email protected]                                       Ambit Research [email protected]                                             Andre van Winssen [email protected]                            Miss Angela Koh [email protected]                                           Arun Shah [email protected]                                             Ashley Furman [email protected]                                           Ashutosh Joglekar [email protected]                              Alexander Tuzhilin [email protected]                                                    Jim Ault [email protected]                                    Felix Baumgardner [email protected]                                           Bruce Horrocks [email protected]                                         Brian Henk [email protected]                                          Bill Standefer [email protected]                                                William Hails [email protected]                                     Bill Piwonka [email protected]                                            Frank Bonk [email protected]                                                     bumidev [email protected]                                  Colin Tattersall [email protected]                                     Carol Sherrard [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                  Ramon Bueno [email protected]                                      CELLER.US.ORACLE.COM [email protected]                                     Sheau-Yen Chen [email protected]                                              e.keung [email protected]                                          Cimarron Taylor [email protected]                                                   Andy Lau [email protected]                                           Colin Mcgrath [email protected]                                              Chuck Powley [email protected]                                          Hank Robinson [email protected]                                      Cynthia Leong [email protected]                                        N Daniel Bonesana [email protected]                                                     Databases [email protected]                                               Daniel Druker [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                     Rebecca Drayer [email protected]                                               Dan McQuay [email protected]                                             Ellie Druker [email protected]                                                  Essaim oy [email protected]                                                  Chris Janton [email protected]                         Dr. Frada Burstein [email protected]                                          David Shackelford [email protected]                                                  fsammet [email protected]            Supachai Kanchanapokin - SCCS - 3737121 [email protected]                                    George Scriban [email protected]                                               Graeme Sargent [email protected]                                             Peter Grant [email protected]                                            Seth Grimes [email protected]                                              Marc Handelman [email protected]                                  Hans Mueller [email protected]                                          K. Eric Harper [email protected]                                           Henry Harrison [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                         James Cone [email protected]                                                  Jan Diesel [email protected]                                                    John Anest [email protected]                             Mr. Jason Watson [email protected]                            Josephine Cheung [email protected]                                      Joseph G Davis [email protected]                    COURBON Jean-Claude [email protected]                                         Jeff C. Glover [email protected]                                          Joseph_Fortt [email protected]                                     John Galloway [email protected]                                             Jeff Graves [email protected]                                          John H. Caldwell [email protected]                                        John Hobson [email protected]                                           Jim Franklin [email protected]                                              John Lambert [email protected]                                                         JP Lee [email protected]                                                         Jason May [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                            John Hadjioannou [email protected]                                         John Dobson [email protected]                                     Jonathan Leffler [email protected]                                                [email protected]                                            Kevin Smith [email protected]                 Keith "Justified And Ancient" Cochran [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                                  james g. keegan jr. [email protected]                                                  Ken Kiefer [email protected]                                   Scott Kirkwood [email protected]                                     Giannis Kosmas [email protected]                                        Martin Schroeder [email protected]                                                Lantz Rowland [email protected]                                                         Ken Brown [email protected]                                 Richard A. Lehn linus%zythera.UUCP                                        Robert 'linus' Thona [email protected]                                        Laurel Neustadter [email protected].ch                                             Leo Mannhart [email protected]                          Manote Nuangchamnong [email protected]                                      maraya altuwaijri [email protected]                                           Manolis Marazakis [email protected]                                          Mark Butler [email protected]                   Mark Agulnick-FirstCall R&D-TFS-Boston-MA [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                                          Malcolm Mladenovic [email protected]                                                Mark Citron MCKENNA%[email protected]                                           [email protected]                                            Malcolm Colton [email protected]                                         Marc Giezen [email protected]                                Michael Grice [email protected]                                                   Mike Kranzdorf [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                         Michael Kimber [email protected]                                          Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS [email protected]                                        Marc Picard [email protected]          RICHARDSON Marv (SHINET01) [email protected]                                        Mark Taylor (Fin) [email protected]                                  Marko Milisavljevic [email protected]                                       Norm Neuman [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                                 Dexter Smith [email protected]                                            Pam Arnold [email protected]                                                   Paul Ananth [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                            Patrick Perrin [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                Mr. Peter O'Donnell [email protected]                          Prabhakar Kandashamy [e] [email protected]                                      Pradeep Ramakrishnan [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                                             Ke Qiu [email protected]                                   Ratnadeep Damle [email protected]                                                   Tony Black [email protected]                                             Roy Hann [email protected]                                    Ria Vandenberghe [email protected]                                          [email protected]                                   Richard Wegener [email protected]                                      Richard Leyton [email protected]                        R. Michael Williams [email protected]                         Risto Jesoi, tel. +358-0-5027343 [email protected]                                                    Robert [email protected]                                                Robert Garvey Robinson_George/[email protected]                                [email protected]                                                Ross Hagglund [email protected]                              David Harrington [email protected]                                                    Scott Cary [email protected]                                       Jeffrey Rufinus [email protected]                                              SAM KUMAR [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                Tony Scandora 708-252-7541 [email protected]                           [email protected]                                       Sean O'Sullivan [email protected]                                                Susan Kranzdorf [email protected]    Seth GRIMES, DCC/SDD           (Tel (33-1)  [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                  Swee Lan See [email protected]                               Sean Maynard Smith_Avery/[email protected]                               [email protected]                                      Scott San Filippo  [email protected]                                             Steve Gordon [email protected]                                   [email protected]                                       Sudhir Rao [email protected]                                               Chun Tao [email protected]                                                  Thomas B. Cox [email protected]                                                     Thomas F Lee [email protected]                                      Thomas M Gorman [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                               Tim Holmes [email protected]                                McLean, Thomas K [email protected]                                                                  [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                  Vincent Edward DiBernardo [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                WandaJane Phillips [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                                     Weiqi Gao [email protected]                     Dave Shariff Yadallee [email protected]                                                  Yulin Yao [email protected]                                                      Yue Ji [email protected]                                Yuri Korostyshevskiy [email protected]                                             Yves Noel  Voted No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                         Neil Andrew Brench [email protected]                                              Mark Kupferman [email protected]                         dionisopoulos panagiotis [email protected]                              Kenneth P Crouch [email protected]                                               Christopher Ward [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                     David Boothroyd [email protected]                                                             drew [email protected]                                           Eric W Burger [email protected]                                                   Emery Lapinski [email protected]                                   Pete 'Happy' Thomas [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                       Jeremy Dixon [email protected]                                               Joe Hellerstein [email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson [email protected]                                 L. Carl Pedersen [email protected]                                        Marc Andre Kura [email protected]                                                   Michael Grubb [email protected]                                     J. Porter Clark [email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller [email protected]                                      Ralph Waters [email protected]                                         Smarasderagd [email protected]                                           Steve Rogers [email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown [email protected]                                             David Veal   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                Super-User    ! Invalid address  
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