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RDB (DEC) ( comp.databases.rdb )
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From [email protected] Tue Aug 24 17:13:51 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Erland Sommarskog) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,vmsnet.databases.rdb,comp.os.vms Subject: RFD: comp.databases.rdb Followup-To: news.groups Date: 24 Aug 1993 13:58:06 -0400 Organization: Enea Data AB Lines: 36 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3962 news.groups:79869 comp.databases:28616 vmsnet.databases.rdb:58 comp.os.vms:78914  This is a request for discussion, RFD, for forming the group comp.databases.rdb.  The purpose of the group would be to discuss topic related to the  database system RDB from Digital Equipment.  The group would be unmoderated.  Today there is exist two forums for discussions on RDB. One is the LISTSERV list DECRDB-L, which for long time was silent, but the last months there has been a regular traffic. Provided that that the list owner and the list people agrees, it would seem reasonable that the list and the newsgroups are gatewayed. The other forum is the newsgroup vmsnet.databases.rdb which was created some months ago. The traffic in the vmsnet group has  been low.  Why then a mainstream Usenet group? Well, why not? :-) RDB is widely used in the DEC world with some 40.000 licences and judging from the traffic on the mailing list, there is a need for a forum to talk about it. And if the mailing list is big enough, a newsgroup is usually better.  Why not use the vmsnet group then? Well, one issue is distribution.  Comp gets better distribution than vmsnet. Another issue is that RDB will not remain a VMS-only product for very long with Unix and Windows NT implementations being expected within a year. A third reason is simply the feeling: why should RDB have its newsgroup separate from all the other database systems.  My plan for this vote is to let the discussion run for at least 21 days, longer if the discussion is still in progress by then. I will then take votes for 21 days.  Besides the newsgroups mentioned in the header, this message is also  posted to DECRDB-L. --  Erland Sommarskog - ENEA Data, Stockholm - [email protected]  From [email protected] Thu Sep 16 14:00:20 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ed Bailey) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,vmsnet.databases.rdb,comp.os.vms Subject: CFV: comp.databases.rdb Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 16 Sep 1993 10:15:52 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 83 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 8 Oct 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4055 news.groups:82041 comp.databases:29287 vmsnet.databases.rdb:65 comp.os.vms:80267                        CALL FOR VOTES (1st of 2)   Unmoderated group comp.databases.rdb  comp.databases.rdb:  Discussion of the relational database engine RDB  from Digital Equipment.   Votes must be recieved by 23:59 GMT, 7 Oct 1993.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Voting questions should be directed to Ed Bailey <[email protected]>.  For questions about the proposed group, contact Erland Sommarskog <[email protected]>.  CHARTER and DISCUSSION -- comp.databases.rdb  The purpose of the group would be to discuss topics related to the database system RDB from Digital Equipment.  The group would be unmoderated.  Today there is exist two forums for discussions on RDB. One is the LISTSERV list DECRDB-L, which for long time was silent, but the last months there has been a regular traffic. The other forum is the newsgroup vmsnet.databases.rdb which was created some months ago. The traffic in the vmsnet group has been low.  Why then a mainstream Usenet group? Well, why not? :-) RDB is widely used in the DEC world with some 40.000 licences and judging from the traffic on the mailing list, there is a need for a forum to talk about it. And if the mailing list is big enough, a newsgroup is usually better. Why not use the vmsnet group then? Well, one issue is distribution. Comp gets better distribution than vmsnet. Another issue is that RDB will not remain a VMS-only product for very long with Unix and Windows NT implementations being expected within a year. A third reason is simply the feeling: why should RDB have its newsgroup separate from all the other database systems?  If c.r.rdb comes into existence it would be desireable to set up a gateway to DECRDB-L. However, whether this would happen largely depends on the DECRDB-L list owner to give his permission and for someone carrying out the technical details.  Anyone interested in subscribing to DECRDB-L can do so by mailing [email protected], no subject and the body:  SUB DECRDB-L    STANDARD VOTING INFO  You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to       [email protected] (just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Your mail message should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on comp.databases.rdb or       I vote NO on comp.databases.rdb  You may add a comment, but anything other than a definite statement involving the group name and "yes", "no", "for", or "against" on a single line may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program. If you later change your mind you may also use send in an "abstain" vote in the same manner, using "abstain" in place of "yes" or "no".  You should receive an acknowledgement (via email) of your vote within one to three days.  Additional CFVs will NOT include mass ACKs, only ACKs for undeliverable mail.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person (not per account).  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.  Note: after this message has been posted, a copy of the CFV will be sent to the RDB mailing list ([email protected]).  This vote will be counted using Ron Dippold's UseVote software, version 2.*. This vote is conducted by a member of the Usenet Volunteer Voters. --  Ed Bailey                | Voice: (512) 471-4198   Fax: (512) 471-6715 Inst. for Fusion Studies | Internet: [email protected]{hagar,zonker}, Univ. of Texas at Austin |   [email protected], or [email protected] Austin TX  78712         | "No pithy quotes.  Just email addresses."  From [email protected] Mon Sep 27 18:07:16 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ed Bailey) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,vmsnet.databases.rdb,comp.os.vms Subject: 2nd CFV: comp.databases.rdb Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 27 Sep 1993 17:15:47 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Voters Lines: 97 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4097 news.groups:83015 comp.databases:29665 vmsnet.databases.rdb:73 comp.os.vms:80852                        LAST CALL FOR VOTES (2nd of 2)   Unmoderated group comp.databases.rdb  comp.databases.rdb:  Discussion of the relational database engine RDB  from Digital Equipment.   Votes must be recieved by 23:59 GMT, 7 Oct 1993.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Voting questions should be directed to Ed Bailey <[email protected]>.  For questions about the proposed group, contact Erland Sommarskog <[email protected]>.  CHARTER and DISCUSSION -- comp.databases.rdb  The purpose of the group would be to discuss topics related to the database system RDB from Digital Equipment.  The group would be unmoderated.  Today there is exist two forums for discussions on RDB. One is the LISTSERV list DECRDB-L, which for long time was silent, but the last months there has been a regular traffic. The other forum is the newsgroup vmsnet.databases.rdb which was created some months ago. The traffic in the vmsnet group has been low.  Why then a mainstream Usenet group? Well, why not? :-) RDB is widely used in the DEC world with some 40.000 licences and judging from the traffic on the mailing list, there is a need for a forum to talk about it. And if the mailing list is big enough, a newsgroup is usually better. Why not use the vmsnet group then? Well, one issue is distribution. Comp gets better distribution than vmsnet. Another issue is that RDB will not remain a VMS-only product for very long with Unix and Windows NT implementations being expected within a year. A third reason is simply the feeling: why should RDB have its newsgroup separate from all the other database systems?  If c.r.rdb comes into existence it would be desireable to set up a gateway to DECRDB-L. However, whether this would happen largely depends on the DECRDB-L list owner to give his permission and for someone carrying out the technical details.  Anyone interested in subscribing to DECRDB-L can do so by mailing [email protected], no subject and the body:  SUB DECRDB-L    STANDARD VOTING INFO  You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to       [email protected] (just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Your mail message should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on comp.databases.rdb or       I vote NO on comp.databases.rdb  You may add a comment, but anything other than a definite statement involving the group name and "yes", "no", "for", or "against" on a single line may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program. If you later change your mind you may also use send in an "abstain" vote in the same manner, using "abstain" in place of "yes" or "no".  You should receive an acknowledgement (via email) of your vote within one to three days.  Additional CFVs will NOT include mass ACKs, only ACKs for undeliverable mail.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person (not per account).  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.  Note: after this message has been posted, a copy of the CFV will be sent to the RDB mailing list ([email protected]).  This vote will be counted using Ron Dippold's UseVote software, version 2.*. This vote is conducted by a member of the Usenet Volunteer Voters.  VOTE ACKS  As of 10am CDT September 24th, all votes received have been acknowledged via email.  However, the following vote ACKs have been returned as undeliverable. If you have not received an acknowledgement and your name is not on the list below, then please revote.  Voter: [email protected] Voter: [email protected] Voter: [email protected]" Voter: [email protected] Voter: Tim Brown @ Invermay, Database/Application Programmer" Voter: [email protected] --  Ed Bailey                | Voice: (512) 471-4198   Fax: (512) 471-6715 Inst. for Fusion Studies | Internet: [email protected]{hagar,zonker}, Univ. of Texas at Austin |   [email protected], or [email protected] Austin TX  78712         | "No pithy quotes.  Just email addresses."  From [email protected] Tue Oct 12 15:07:47 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ed Bailey) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.databases,vmsnet.databases.rdb,comp.os.vms Subject: RESULT: comp.databases.rdb passes 306:25 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 12 Oct 1993 14:27:32 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 403 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4148 news.groups:84241 comp.databases:30103 vmsnet.databases.rdb:77 comp.os.vms:81969                                  RESULT  UseVote 1.6 Vote Count - (c) 1993 Ron Dippold  comp.databases.rdb group vote results - 332 votes   Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  306   25 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.databases.rdb  Newsgroups line: comp.databases.rdb:  Discussion of the relational database                                       engine RDB from Digital Equipment.  Voting on comp.databases.rdb closed October 7th, 23:59 GMT. 342 total votes were received.  10 votes were rejected as duplicates. 146 valid votes were received from * sites.  Barring any serious irregularities in the voting process, the vote should be newgrouped after five days.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact Ed Bailey <[email protected]>.  For questions about the proposed group, contact Erland Sommarskog <[email protected]>.  CHARTER and DISCUSSION -- comp.databases.rdb  The purpose of the group would be to discuss topics related to the database system RDB from Digital Equipment.  The group would be unmoderated.  Today there is exist two forums for discussions on RDB. One is the LISTSERV list DECRDB-L, which for long time was silent, but the last months there has been a regular traffic. The other forum is the newsgroup vmsnet.databases.rdb which was created some months ago. The traffic in the vmsnet group has been low.  Why then a mainstream Usenet group? Well, why not? :-) RDB is widely used in the DEC world with some 40.000 licences and judging from the traffic on the mailing list, there is a need for a forum to talk about it. And if the mailing list is big enough, a newsgroup is usually better. Why not use the vmsnet group then? Well, one issue is distribution. Comp gets better distribution than vmsnet. Another issue is that RDB will not remain a VMS-only product for very long with Unix and Windows NT implementations being expected within a year. A third reason is simply the feeling: why should RDB have its newsgroup separate from all the other database systems?  If c.r.rdb comes into existence it would be desireable to set up a gateway to DECRDB-L. However, whether this would happen largely depends on the DECRDB-L list owner to give his permission and for someone carrying out the technical details.  Anyone interested in subscribing to DECRDB-L can do so by mailing [email protected], no subject and the body:  SUB DECRDB-L   =============  comp.databases.rdb group vote Final Vote Ack  Yes Votes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "dofood::jchen"    Joanna Chen - DTN 264-3063, (603)884-3063 "sansui::tay"        Gabriel Tay (DTN: 264-1106, NUO1-1/F12) "tagrwy::goldsmith"    Digital Consulting - 206.637.4058 "tardiz::freiwald"                            Chuck Freiwald "TRUMP::ALVAREZ"                      Michael Alvarez         x6600 [email protected]                                          Ken England [email protected]             Robert Abbott, 264-0746  16-Sep-1993 1551 [email protected]                                    Alan Deschner (4846) [email protected] [email protected]                                         Abe Lockman [email protected]    Keith Anderson: Software marketing, Australia & [email protected]                DBS Rdb/Alpha Development - 264-1944 [email protected] [email protected]                                   Anita Graham [email protected]                                        Paul M. Aoki [email protected]                                           Jeff Arnold [email protected]          Ardie Schneider, SWTSU      INTERNET:[email protected] auntb::mrgate::a1::gettys.bill" [email protected]    Arun Balaraman, Database Systems, DTN-264-600 [email protected]                           TP Support Specialist [email protected]    Jay Banerjee,DEC,Database,DTN:264-4292,Fax:x0829 [email protected]    Anything specified twice is wrong at least once [email protected]                                        Run Toto! Run! [email protected]                                                  B.J. Herbison [email protected]                     Bob Eaton, Computing Services, U. Sask. [email protected]      Mike Boiko, VAX/ALPHA Performance Group, 381-2362 [email protected]             Deb - DTN: 264-1407  16-Sep-1993 1717 [email protected]                                        Pork Soda [email protected] [email protected]                                On [real]time or else! [email protected]        Hello world, are you there here ere er e [email protected]                                        Pim Willemsen [email protected]                                             Regis Burek [email protected]                   The Fourth Law of Thermodynamics [email protected]                                      John Byrne [email protected]    Database Engineering Europe  17-Sep-1993 1351 [email protected]                                   21-Sep-1993 0650 [email protected]                                            Po Shan Cheah [email protected]                        Chung Cho, VAX DBMS, DTN 264-3075 [email protected]                                Chris Poole (306 966-4807) [email protected]" [email protected]                     Takao Chubachi/JRD/ISE/ESG/PM [email protected]                  Chuck McDaniels, UCR Academic Computing [email protected]                                                      ) [email protected]    Chuck Murray, ZK2-3/K35, DTN 381-2648  16-Sep-1993 [email protected]                                          Jeff Coffler [email protected]                                                    Graeme Cox [email protected]                                           Craig Story [email protected]                     Robert Wright, VMS Systems Group, C [email protected]                                  Alberto L. Zuniga [email protected]                                                    Danny Nir [email protected]                            Darrell Broughton (4843) [email protected]                                      David Richards [email protected] [email protected]      Jay Davison, Database Systems  28-Sep-1993 1235 [email protected]                                   27-Sep-1993 1018 [email protected] [email protected]     Our customers *are* migratory  27-Sep-1993 0927 [email protected]          Robert J. Denn, DTN 264-0425  17-Sep-1993 0927 [email protected]                                              Mike Desch [email protected] [email protected]                                            Doug Anderson [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]                                                   Douwe Vonk [email protected]               revenue is always the ultimate metric [email protected]                                 Lewis M. Dreblow [email protected]                                            Don Snider [email protected] [email protected]                                              Marc Duvivier [email protected]                                            David Woodall [email protected]             Dave - US CSC ALPS VAX/TPS dtn 592-4488 [email protected]       Evan Bauer, Database Engineering, (203)655-9157 EBINGER%[email protected]                             DRCV06::EBINGER [email protected]                                           Eberhard E.H. Weber [email protected]              Jazz isn't dead, it just smells funny [email protected]                                          kathy edens [email protected]         Maury Eggers, Porting Services dtn 338-6224 [email protected]              Andrew J. Eisenberg  24-Sep-1993 1017 [email protected] [email protected]                               Esa Ruokokoski, NPHI Finland [email protected] [email protected]                                                  Chris Janton [email protected]                                      Larry Fahnoe [email protected]                                    Kill Those Bugs!! [email protected]    Yaacov Fenster, Alpha Verification @ISO 882-315 [email protected]     Paul Ferwerda, Database Systems, DTN 264-1317 [email protected]                                 Felix Fibich, SPARDAT AG [email protected]                                                  Joel R. Finkel [email protected]                                     Hit'em straight [email protected]                                     Kenneth J. Fox [email protected]                                Gregory C Franklin [email protected] [email protected]            Simon Geraghty @SNO (SNOFS1::GERAGHTY) [email protected]                                                   Gigi Suardi [email protected]                                          George Carrette [email protected]                                             Goran Lowkrantz [email protected]    Albert Godfrind, DBS Sustaining Engineering, Va [email protected]                                   digital dave [email protected]                                       John A. Gregory x3771 [email protected]              Phil Grice - DBS Sustaining Engineering [email protected]    Peace, through superior swordplay  20-Sep-1993 1714 [email protected]                                Larry Guros NU01-1/B09 [email protected]                                         Guy Brooker [email protected]                    Larry Haag, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, NY [email protected]    Nan et ipsa scientia potestas est  17-Sep-1993 1 [email protected]                                          James Harvey [email protected]                                 Alan Healy, SWS @SEO [email protected]                                        Javier Henderson [email protected]                                       Henry W. Miller [email protected]          It's the software, stupid!  27-Sep-1993 0925 [email protected]                                             hkodaval.US [email protected] [email protected]                             DB Integrator Evangelist [email protected]                                           Urban Surfer [email protected]                                              David Horton [email protected]    Nelson D. Hsu - C/S Production Systems Marketing DT [email protected]                                        Paul Hyde [email protected]                 Hiroshi Matsui/West Japan PSC/BDG [email protected] [email protected]                                         Mark H. Wood [email protected] [email protected]    JAGS SRINIVASAN DTN 264-4769 (603)-884-4769, DIGITAL [email protected]    PUNKAJ JAIN | DBS | NUO1-1/F12 | DTN:264-1141 |  16- [email protected]                         Let slip the doves of peace! [email protected]                             Jatin Desai -- Contractor [email protected]                     Jonathan Bauer  24-Sep-1993 1047 [email protected]                                               Jim Phillips [email protected]                       Jonas Lindholm SEB-Data, phone +46 8 63 93364 [email protected]                                            Joe St Sauver [email protected]                                            John E. Babbitt Jr. [email protected]    Ashok: (DBS Engineering) DTN: 264-1219  16-Sep-1993 [email protected]                                   James Wilkinson [email protected]                                       BRC LAB MANAGER [email protected]                                                      Ari Kaartinen [email protected]    John Kalogeropoulos DTN: 264-0300  20-Sep-1993 0 [email protected] [email protected]             Brett Kappenman - Systems Mgr/Carver Corp. [email protected]    Hiromu Katoh, Digital, Union BLDG, 1-9-6, Edobori [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]                 Michael; Christchurch, New Zealand [email protected]    Did cavemen have sinus problems?  22-Sep-1993 1418 [email protected]                            live long and prosper [email protected] [email protected]    WALT KOHLER, SWG SOFTWARE PERFORMANCE GROUP, TAY1 [email protected]    Erich Kreisler, CS/VIA Vienna, Austria Tel: 75 [email protected]                                           P Krishnan [email protected]                          Ramkumar Krishnan 264.0255 [email protected]    When my ship comes in, I'll be at the airport .. [email protected] [email protected]                                            Lance Kibblewhite [email protected]                       Jeanne LaRoe @ALF [email protected]    Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? [email protected]                                                       Lee Havemann [email protected]                                                Jerry Leichter [email protected]                                                Lisa Griglack [email protected]    Linitda Sooksomstarn, DSS Engineering/Thailand [email protected]                                             Xavier Llobet [email protected]                                           Keith W. Hare [email protected]    SQL Services: Client/Server Computing for the Mass [email protected]                         Mark Lucas (lucasm) Ph 966-4855 [email protected]                                          Herb Mattord [email protected]    Sleep? what kind of an animal is that?  17-Sep-19 [email protected]    James: Partners Service Centre: 7851 1635: [email protected]                                            Alayne McGregor [email protected]                 Marla Socha, RCC Applications, 7-6757 [email protected]                                         Bert Medley [email protected]    Jim Melton -- DTN 522-2745 -- CXO2-1/7I  24-Sep- [email protected]                                                        Clark [email protected] [email protected]                  Karen Michaels  21-Sep-1993 1208 [email protected]                                     Susan Mildrum [email protected]                                               Steve Miley [email protected] [email protected]                  Toshiya [email protected] [email protected]        Zia Mohamed - DEC Rdb Engineering, Nashua, NH [email protected] [email protected]                                         17-Sep-1993 0815 [email protected]                         Matti Sarjakoski, p. (90) 4744 504 [email protected]                                   Allen-Elizabeth [email protected]                                     DuBois-Sharon [email protected]                                      Getty-Michael [email protected]                                    Sondey-Charles [email protected]                                   Van Dam-Rebecca [email protected]                                            Martin Nisshagen [email protected]                                  David Muir Sharnoff [email protected]                          Mike Frazier, TP Support [email protected]                       Beryl Nelson  29-Sep-1993 0920 [email protected]                Scott Newman, Digital Equipment Corp. ngo001::higashi" [email protected]                 ANIL K. NORI, NUO1-1/F12, DTN: 264-6109 [email protected] [email protected]    Kazuhiro, TNSG/ISE/SSE @TBJ, DTN: 694-6494  22-Se [email protected]                      SQL/Services group|DTN 264-6171 [email protected]          Mark L. Palmer, (603)881-1689 DTN 381-1689 [email protected]                                                 A. KERN PARKER [email protected] [email protected]                                     24-Sep-1993 1421 [email protected] [email protected]                     Simon Pickering, Warrington [email protected]    John Pierce HLO2-2/H13  dtn 225-5018  508-568-50 [email protected]               PAT MURPHY, NUO1-1/F10, DTN 264-3305 [email protected] [email protected]                                   Michael J. Quinn [email protected]    RDB DEVELOPMENT | KODA | 603-884-3068 | NUO1-1/F12 [email protected]    The average two-year old boy is a bit below average! [email protected]    T.K.Rengarajan, Database Systems Engineering  16-Se [email protected] [email protected]                                 Richard A Gams [email protected]              DBDesktop, DBI, DDD, and the Gateways [email protected]      Never mistake a clear view for a short distance [email protected]                             Bob Lee  20-Sep-1993 1103 [email protected]                                               Rudolph T Maceyko [email protected]                                         R. M. Gross 8-3086 [email protected]                                                     Rob McNeur [email protected]                                          Robert Eden [email protected] [email protected]                                        Robyn J. Chan, x3406 [email protected] [email protected]    Kathy Aliaga "The Other Kathy [email protected]              BECKY K. MACGREGOR [email protected] [email protected]           Claudia Griva, #217 [email protected]                     Holly Smith [email protected]       James R. Waters [vox:263] [email protected]    To be or not to be, that is m [email protected] [email protected]             Haim - IM/TP Prod. Resp. - Israel CSC [email protected]    Rick Anderson, KODA; DTN: 264-4284 (603-884-42 [email protected]                                  CSC Japan/DB_Support [email protected]                                              Sanjeev Bhalla [email protected]                                               Sarah Clarke [email protected]                                Tony Scandora 708-252-7541 [email protected]                             Rodney Schuler Ph. 966-4862 [email protected]                                   Kirk, DTN 264-3038 [email protected]                                  J.SERENTELLOS [email protected] [email protected]                                           Amitabh Shah [email protected]                        Ravi Sharma  17-Sep-1993 0917 [email protected]                                             Nate Shedd [email protected]                                 Chris; Physics 60; 4856 [email protected]          S. Richter, IKP, Tel. 16-5121 [email protected]                                Dick Sirianni [email protected]                                               Tim Slack [email protected]    Ian Smith, DEC Rdb Engineering, NUO  19-Sep-1993 0 [email protected]                                    16-Sep-1993 2127 SOEHL_PN%[email protected] [email protected]                                             Soenke Luck [email protected]                                               Erland Sommarskog [email protected]                            Ready for TeamLinks V.2... [email protected]                         Mickey Speck, 423-6864, pager 06407 [email protected] [email protected]    ramu sunkara, Digital, DBS Engineering, dtn 264-0 [email protected] [email protected]        Roy Swonger, Rdb Software Quality Engineering [email protected] [email protected]                              D. S. Yadallee [email protected]                                     Trevor Brown [email protected] [email protected]         Mike, Database Systems (DBS) @NUO 264-0622 [email protected]                Parthiban Thilagar  16-Sep-1993 1631 Tim Brown @ Invermay, Database/Application Programmer" [email protected]                                       Thomas Becker [email protected] [email protected]                        Toshiya Toba DEC-J SE/TELECOMM [email protected]    Tom Tobin, DBS Rdb Support, DTN 264-6083, NUO1-1/ Tony                                                             Tony Grimshaw [email protected]                                               Trevor Ingham [email protected]    Tony Rogers, RALLY Program Manager, DTN 381-2653 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]                                       Christopher Twombly [email protected] [email protected]                                      Ung-Ho Yi [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]    Monte J. VanDeusen - LYNX: 283-7556, Real World: ( [email protected] [email protected]                            Jan Funkquist RKS V\dxj\v 0470 81540 [email protected]    Krishnamurthy, Database Systems, 884-6129  20-Sep- [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]    V. S. RaviNarayan, Digital Equipment (India) Ltd [email protected] [email protected]                                        16-Sep-1993 1610 [email protected]             Frvbergs verklighet - min verklighet [email protected]    Larry Wakeman, Pacific Coast Government PSC [email protected] [email protected]                                         Warren Briffault [email protected]    New car stereo? If your mirrors ain't shakin, You g [email protected]                                Erik v/d Wenden [email protected]                                       Brian Westrich [email protected]    Thomas Wetty DTN 338-6218, DWO, Porting Services [email protected]             Bill Cox, Database Systems, NUO, 264-6169 [email protected]                                               WILLY BOOTH [email protected]              Alan Winston - Central Computing [email protected]                    DAVID, SWG/SPG, TAY1-2/H9, 227-4417 [email protected]                                         Bill Wood 2-8588 [email protected]                                   20-Sep-1993 0915 [email protected]                                         Bret D. Wortman [email protected]        Nick Wykes, Info. Services, Forestry Corp. of NZ Ltd. [email protected]                   Yongmin Chen (SWG/SPG) DTN: 264-0298 [email protected]    Hiro Yoshioka [email protected]  22-Sep-199 [email protected] [email protected]                                            Daniel Zirin  No Votes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                               Colonel Panic [email protected]                                       Sabah al-Binali [email protected]                              Craig William BURLEY [email protected]                                Sigurdur-Runar Helgason [email protected]                                           Eric J. Olson [email protected]                                        Hardcore Alaskan [email protected]                                              David Ruggiero [email protected]                                    Kosmatos Odisseas [email protected]                                 Lonadar the Wanderer [email protected] [email protected]                                         Mark Hoye [email protected]                                          Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS [email protected]                                               paul alukal [email protected]                    Pekka Savolainen, Salcom Finland [email protected]                        Sendhil "Mr. Bubbles" Revuluri [email protected]                                                Roman Symank [email protected]                                     Richard Jennings [email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller [email protected] [email protected]                                                    Shane Hartman [email protected]                                               Smarasderagd Draco [email protected]                                               Steve Rogers [email protected]                                 Thomas Sandford [email protected]                                                       Terry Poot [email protected]                                        John MacWilliamson --  Ed Bailey                | Voice: (512) 471-4198   Fax: (512) 471-6715 Inst. for Fusion Studies | Internet: [email protected]{hagar,zonker}, Univ. of Texas at Austin |   [email protected], or [email protected] Austin TX  78712         | "No pithy quotes.  Just email addresses."  
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