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Happenings ( )
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From [email protected] Thu Jun  9 18:02:11 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Paul Phillips) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: RFD: moderated Followup-To: news.groups Date: 8 Jun 1994 17:15:38 -0400 Organization: CERFnet Dial n' CERF Customer Lines: 53 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5189 news.groups:105793  Request for Discussion (RFD) - NEWS.ANNOUNCE.NET-HAPPENINGS (moderated)          Newsgroup:            Status: moderated      Distribution: world           Summary: Announcements for network staffers and end users         Moderator: Gleason Sackman      ([email protected])  Backup moderator: Susan Calcari        ([email protected])         Proponent: Paul Phillips        ([email protected])      Posting Date: June 6, 1994 (PST)   This is a formal Request For Discussion on the creation of the moderated newsgroup  CHARTER  The purpose of is to distribute to the  community announcements of interest to network staffers and end users.  This includes conference announcements, call for papers, publications,  newsletters, network tools updates, and network resources.  Net-happenings  is currently a moderated, announcements-only mailing list which  gathers announcements from many Internet sources and concentrates  them onto one list.  Traffic is around 15-20 messages per day.  MODERATOR  The group will be moderated by Gleason Sackman ([email protected]) of North Dakota's SENDIT Network for K-12 Educators.  The backup moderator will be Susan Calcari ([email protected]) of InterNIC Information  Services.  RATIONALE  The net-happenings mailing list has existed for over a year and has nearly 4825+ subscribers, not including downstream mail exploders and locally distributed newsgroups.  The traffic and subscriber base are  well above the level justifying a Usenet newsgroup.  The mailing list will be bi-directionally gatewayed with, but interested parties are strongly encouraged to read the newsgroup if possible.   Barring a need for changes to the RFD, the Call for Votes will be posted 30 days from now.  This RFD has been posted to news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, and,  and has also been sent to the net-happenings mailing list.  It has  been formed in accordance with the Guidelines for Usenet Group Creation  and after advice and counsel from [email protected] --  Paul Phillips                  | EMAIL: [email protected]           | InterNIC Information Services  |   WWW: | InfoGuide Administrator        | PHONE: 619-455-4626 FAX: 619-455-4640  |  From [email protected] Tue Jul 12 15:09:34 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Peter Berger) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderated Date: 11 Jul 1994 23:44:11 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers - Telerama Public Access Internet Lines: 62 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 3 Aug 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5315 news.groups:108151                        FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)               moderated group  Newsgroups line:	Announcements of network happenings (moderated).   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 2 Aug 1994.  This CFV will also be posted to the Net Happenings <[email protected]> and Scout Report <[email protected]> mailing lists.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact Peter G. Berger, Esq. <[email protected]>. For questions about the proposed group contact Paul Phillips <[email protected]>.  CHARTER  The purpose of is to distribute to the  community announcements of interest to network staffers and end users.  This includes conference announcements, call for papers, publications,  newsletters, network tools updates, and network resources.  Net-happenings  is currently a moderated, announcements-only mailing list which  gathers announcements from many Internet sources and concentrates  them onto one list.  Traffic is around 15-20 messages per day.  The mailing list [email protected] will be bidirectionally  gatewayed with the newsgroup  MODERATOR  The group will be moderated by Gleason Sackman ([email protected]) of North Dakota's SENDIT Network for K-12 Educators.  The backup moderator will be Susan Calcari ([email protected]) of InterNIC Information  Services.  Submissions may be sent to [email protected] and [email protected] may be used as the contact address.  HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ballot     (Don't remove this)  Give your real name here: If you do not give your real name your vote will be rejected.  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [         ] -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  From [email protected] Thu Jul 21 18:26:52 1994 Path: uunet!tale From: [email protected] (David C Lawrence) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CANCELLED CFV: moderated Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 21 Jul 1994 18:21:22 -0400 Organization: UUNET Communications Lines: 19 Approved: [email protected] Expires: 3 Aug 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5385 news.groups:109063  The vote currently in progress to create the moderated newsgroup is being cancelled by the gracious request of the group's proponent, Paul Phillips.  The reason for this is that there have been concerns raised about the group's proposed name.  Mr. Phillips sees the merit in them and is very respectfully trying to remedy the problem before the group is actually created, as it would be harder to correct if the group is created.  Expect to see a new Request for Discussion (RFD) shortly which will address the concerns raised and open a short discussion period of about a week before the vote is restarted.  In brief, the essential argument is that the proposed group is not really about network news per se, and that the sole exception of groups like this in the news.* hierarchy, news.announce.conferences, should not be repeated.  The renewed discussion period should start with an article of the subject, "RFD:".  David Lawrence, moderator, news.announce.newgroups  From [email protected] Sun Jul 24 23:21:59 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Paul Phillips) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: 2nd RFD: moderated Followup-To: news.groups Date: 24 Jul 1994 23:09:35 -0400 Organization: CERFnet Dial n' CERF Customer Lines: 59 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5390 news.groups:109293  equest for Discussion (RFD) - COMP.INTERNET.NET-HAPPENINGS (moderated)          Newsgroup:            Status: moderated      Distribution: world           Summary: Announcements for network staffers and end users         Moderator: Gleason Sackman      ([email protected])  Backup moderator: Susan Calcari        ([email protected])         Proponent: Paul Phillips        ([email protected])      Posting Date: July 22, 1994 (PST)   This is a revised Request For Discussion on the creation of the  moderated newsgroup  This replaces and supersedes the Request For Discussion and Call For Votes on the newsgroup  CHARTER  The purpose of is to distribute to the  community announcements of interest to network staffers and end users.  This includes conference announcements, call for papers, publications,  newsletters, network tools updates, and network resources.  Net-happenings  is currently a moderated, announcements-only mailing list which  gathers announcements from many Internet sources and concentrates  them onto one list.  Traffic is around 15-20 messages per day.  MODERATOR  The group will be moderated by Gleason Sackman ([email protected]) of North Dakota's SENDIT Network for K-12 Educators.  The backup moderator will be Susan Calcari ([email protected]) of InterNIC Information  Services.  RATIONALE  The net-happenings mailing list has existed for over a year and has nearly 4825+ subscribers, not including downstream mail exploders and locally distributed newsgroups.  The traffic and subscriber base are  well above the level justifying a Usenet newsgroup.  The mailing list will be bi-directionally gatewayed with, but interested parties are strongly encouraged to read the newsgroup if possible.   Barring a need for changes to the RFD, the Call for Votes will be posted 7 days from now.  This shortened RFD period is in accordance with the wishes of [email protected], as a full RFD has already been held for the newsgroup under its previously proposed name of  This RFD has been posted to news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, and,  and has also been sent to the net-happenings mailing list.  It has  been formed in accordance with the Guidelines for Usenet Group Creation  and after advice and counsel from [email protected]  --  Paul Phillips                  | EMAIL: [email protected]           | InterNIC Information Services  |   WWW: | InfoGuide Administrator        | PHONE: 619-455-4626 FAX: 619-455-4640  |  From [email protected] Thu Aug  4 15:37:23 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Peter Berger) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderated Date: 4 Aug 1994 15:18:47 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers - Telerama Public Access Internet Lines: 63 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 26 Aug 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5452 news.groups:111288                        FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)               moderated group  Newsgroups line:	Announcements of network happenings (moderated).   Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 25 August 1994.  This CFV will also be posted to the Net Happenings <[email protected]> and Scout Report <[email protected]> mailing lists.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact Peter G. Berger, Esq. <[email protected]>. For questions about the proposed group contact Paul Phillips <[email protected]>.  CHARTER  The purpose of is to distribute to the  community announcements of interest to network staffers and end users.  This includes conference announcements, call for papers, publications,  newsletters, network tools updates, and network resources.  Net-happenings  is currently a moderated, announcements-only mailing list which  gathers announcements from many Internet sources and concentrates  them onto one list.  Traffic is around 15-20 messages per day.  The mailing list [email protected] will be bidirectionally  gatewayed with the newsgroup  MODERATOR  The group will be moderated by Gleason Sackman ([email protected]) of North Dakota's SENDIT Network for K-12 Educators.  The backup moderator will be Susan Calcari ([email protected]) of InterNIC Information  Services.  Submissions may be sent to [email protected] and [email protected] may be used as the contact address.  HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list. Between the empty brackets, insert one of:  YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL.  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ballot     (Don't remove this)  Give your real name here: If you do not give your real name your vote will be rejected.  [Your Vote]  Group ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [         ] -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.  From [email protected] Wed Aug 31 12:47:26 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Peter Berger) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: RESULT: moderated passes Date: 30 Aug 1994 15:24:36 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers - Telerama Public Access Internet Lines: 750 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]>,<[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5561 news.groups:114825  				RESULT        moderated group passes 581:25  There were 581 YES votes and 25 NO votes, for a total of 606 valid votes.  There were 11 abstains and 38 invalid ballots.  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.   There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact Peter G. Berger, Esq. <[email protected]>. For questions about the proposed group contact Paul Phillips <[email protected]>.  Newsgroups line:	Announcements of network happenings (moderated).   CHARTER  The purpose of is to distribute to the  community announcements of interest to network staffers and end users.  This includes conference announcements, call for papers, publications,  newsletters, network tools updates, and network resources.  Net-happenings  is currently a moderated, announcements-only mailing list which  gathers announcements from many Internet sources and concentrates  them onto one list.  Traffic is around 15-20 messages per day.  The mailing list [email protected] will be bidirectionally  gatewayed with the newsgroup  MODERATOR  The group will be moderated by Gleason Sackman ([email protected]) of North Dakota's SENDIT Network for K-12 Educators.  The backup moderator will be Susan Calcari ([email protected]) of InterNIC Information  Services.  Submissions may be sent to [email protected] and [email protected] may be used as the contact address. Final Vote Ack  Voted Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                             Lisa Holzer [email protected]                                      Ramesh Fernando [email protected]                                                   Richard Marks [email protected]                                             Albert Sidney Brown [email protected]                                       Nigel D. Allen [email protected]                                                    Ellen Zuby [email protected]                                                Emery Roth II [email protected]                                            Marianne Afifi [email protected]                                          Colin Leech [email protected]                                            Alan Thew [email protected]                                        Alan Coopersmith [email protected]                                           Al Berg [email protected]                                                   Alfred Kee [email protected]                                             Greg Notess [email protected]                                    Arthur J. Mendonca [email protected]                                                 Andras Salamon [email protected]                                          Amer Neely [email protected]                                       Andy Ralston [email protected]                                            Artur Pioro [email protected]                                     Adam Stanley [email protected]                                                   Asif Taiyabi [email protected]                                                    Jim Ault [email protected]                                        Valerie Johnston [email protected]                                           Brian Robertson [email protected]                               Jane L. Banks [email protected]                                             Brian C. Monsell [email protected]                                         Brooks Cutter [email protected]                                                       Bruce Foster [email protected]                                                 Barbara Goodson [email protected]                                            Marty Belles [email protected]                                Bernd Vogeler [email protected]                                       R. B. Groome [email protected]                                    Brian Beuchaw [email protected]                                   Barry Fishman [email protected]                        Barbara Flythe - Develop [email protected]                                                          boB Gage [email protected]                                     Bill Giddings [email protected]                                             Bill Hutten [email protected]                                           Bill Dyess [email protected]                                           Dan Birchall [email protected]                                               Barbara Miller [email protected]                                        Robert A. Lahr [email protected]                                      Blair Zajac [email protected]                                 Barbara Lapinskas [email protected]                                            Chris Blouch [email protected]                                    L. Blunt Jackson [email protected]                               Bob Coggeshall [email protected]                                         Leszek Bogdanowicz [email protected]                                    Phillip Bookert [email protected]                                           Diane Bradley [email protected]                                         Neil Andrew Brench [email protected]                                               Brendan Kehoe [email protected]                                   Brian Warling [email protected]                                        Brian Thornburg brodsky%[email protected]                  Joshua M. Brodsky [email protected]                                       Charles D. Brown [email protected]                                             Barbara Snyder [email protected]                                        Bryan W. Safrit [email protected]                                              Stephane Bura [email protected]                                       bill burdette [email protected]                                        William T. Burns [email protected]                                               William M. Zinn [email protected]                                 Constance M. Hendrick [email protected]                            G. VAN CAPPELLEN @ ENDOV [email protected]                                                 Carl [email protected]                                            Eric C. Carlson [email protected]                                     Vinit Carpenter [email protected]                                               Carsten Klapp [email protected]                                     James W. Cassell [email protected]                                                   cindy billovits [email protected]                                               Stu Kennedy [email protected]                                           Christopher E. Hoover [email protected]                                      [email protected] [email protected]                                              Jared P. Buntain [email protected]                             Catherine French Chaparro [email protected]                               Charles Early [email protected]                                           Robert L. Chase [email protected]                                   Christopher Allen [email protected]                                         Chris Howard [email protected]                                        Bill Churchman [email protected]                                       Cindy Englander-Busarow [email protected]                                         Tristia Watson [email protected]                                   Robert Braddock  [email protected]                                           Christopher Davis [email protected]                                            Stewart M. Clamen [email protected]                                       Clifford Mauck [email protected]                                           Clive Jones [email protected]                                          Linda J. Collins [email protected]                                                     Bob Collie [email protected]                                            patricia mcguire [email protected]                                          Kim Silk-Copeland [email protected]                                      Carter C. Page [email protected]                                        Craig Lewis [email protected]                                              Craig Nicholson [email protected]                                                 Colin Bell [email protected]                                     Carsten Rossenhoevel [email protected]                                    Kevin W. Crutchfield [email protected]                                     Chris Shenton [email protected]                                     Christopher M. Smith [email protected]                                 Cheryl Swearingin [email protected]                                       Davor Cubranic [email protected]                                                  Pierre Cyr [email protected]                                             Don Ewart [email protected]                         Darrell Lee Smith, Jr. [email protected]                                              David Wright [email protected]                                                   Peter Campbell [email protected]                                         David E. Damouth [email protected]                                               Dan Nelson [email protected]                                      Daniel Newell [email protected]                                            Daniel Salber [email protected]                                    Daniel Blaine [email protected]                                                      Dan Watts [email protected]                                                 Dan Gold [email protected]                                     Daryl Spitzer [email protected]                                                David W. Tamkin [email protected]                                                David Inman [email protected]                                             David Paul Baker [email protected]                                                David Merritt [email protected]                                       David W. Robertson [email protected]                              David Brake [email protected]                                    Dean Blobaum [email protected]                                       Dennis Barnden [email protected]                                     David Belson [email protected]                                     David Carlson [email protected]                                             David DeSaulnier [email protected]                                                     Dave Del Torto [email protected]                                                 Denis Gordon [email protected]                                                       DENNIS HART [email protected]                                                    Dave Beckett [email protected]                                         Doug Kaufman [email protected]                                                    Dick Keefe [email protected]                                     David Lawrence [email protected]                                                  drm [email protected]                                             Darcy McLeod [email protected]                                            Donald R. Mitchell [email protected]                                              David M. Pilasky [email protected]                                         Christopher Doemel [email protected]                                           Gordon Dohle [email protected]                                                   Dorian R. Kim [email protected]                                         Marilyn Doyle [email protected]                                  Wilfred E. Drew [email protected]                                                   David B Rider [email protected]                                                     Darren Smith [email protected]                                              Bryant Durrell [email protected]                                       David Edwards [email protected]                                      Dave Williss [email protected]                                            Eliot Chiat [email protected]                                            Bernerd Anderson [email protected]                               ERIC EARNST [email protected]                                           Elaine Cheslow [email protected]                                            Edward C. Lomax [email protected]                                                 Eric C. Cosman [email protected]                                        Louise Ratliff [email protected]                                      Mark W. Eichin [email protected]                                            Eric J. Ray [email protected]                                                 Ellen Key Harris [email protected]                                         eliot gelwan [email protected]                                             Eric Hammond [email protected]                                                        Eric Thav [email protected]                                        Eric J Bivona [email protected]                                                      Jim Ewald [email protected]                                                   Eric W. Coryell [email protected]                                                    Ed Frankenberry [email protected]                                                  Craig Presson  [email protected]                                                 Mark Ferguson [email protected]                                  Susan S. Fineman [email protected]                                         Detmar H. Finke [email protected]                                            Fred S Long [email protected]                                             Fred Schenkelberg [email protected]                                              Frank Wilson [email protected]                                         Gabriel Goldberg [email protected]                                                Allen Finley [email protected]                                           Scott B. Gale [email protected]                                           Randy Garcia [email protected]                                                    Glenn Davis [email protected]                             Eugene Sherstobitov jr. [email protected]                                       Georges J. Mayer [email protected]                                Gerson Grosfeld [email protected]                                                 Paul Gerwitz [email protected]                                          Thomas Gieselmann [email protected]                                      Edward Henigin [email protected]                                   Georgiana L. Kurtz [email protected]                                               glee harrah cady [email protected]                                        Gail McPartland [email protected]                                     Bill Godfrey [email protected]                                      Mitchell Golden [email protected]                                      Tom Goodrich [email protected]                                                 Gordy Thompson [email protected]                              Gabriel Parlea-Visalon [email protected]                                          George Powell [email protected]                                            Grant R. Bowman [email protected]                                        Greg Walker [email protected]                                           Jonathan Grobe [email protected]                                             Gordon Scott Bell [email protected]                                      Brennan T. Price [email protected]                                       Scott Guthery [email protected]                                            Gerald Viers [email protected]                                                     Hal Bloom [email protected]                                         Hans Olav Elseboe [email protected]                                     Ted Hattemer [email protected]                                Robert A. Hayden [email protected]                                           Chih-Hsien Huang [email protected]                        Javier Henderson - VMS System Mangler [email protected]                                                   Herb Effron [email protected]                                            Mary K. Hesprich [email protected]                                         John Higgins [email protected]                                    Timothy Hinds [email protected]                               Hitesh J. Jasani [email protected]                                              H. Jeffrey Rosen [email protected]                                   Hal P. Kirkwood Jr. [email protected]                                        Heikki Korpinen [email protected]                                        Matt Holdrege [email protected]                                     Howard S.Modell [email protected]                                              Henry Ptasinski [email protected]                                     Henry Huang [email protected]                                               INGOLF LOEKEN [email protected]                                        Ian M. J. Poynter [email protected]                                                     Josh Smith [email protected]                                                 Jason Trump [email protected]                                                      Jeff Reel [email protected]                                                   Jay Mark [email protected]                                                  Jim Carroll [email protected]                                              Julian Bradfield [email protected]                                      Coffey, [email protected] Mail [email protected]                                        Jack Cousineau [email protected]                                              David Ruggiero [email protected]                                             Jill H. Ellsworth [email protected]                                           Jeremy Elson [email protected]                                          Joseph Fortt [email protected]                                                  John Godfrey [email protected]                                              Jon Grepstad [email protected]                                       James C. Grubs [email protected]                                           J.J. Hayden [email protected]                                            Jim Anderson [email protected]                                                    Jim Cerny [email protected]                                                Jim Schwaller [email protected]                                                  Jim Squire [email protected]                                                    James Gill [email protected]                                              John Keithly [email protected]                                              Joseph Kwiatkowski [email protected]                                    JERRY ARNOLD [email protected]                                    Just Another Romantic [email protected]                                                John L. Hughes [email protected]                                                         Hans Loonen [email protected]                                               Joel L. Seber [email protected]                                               Jose M. daLuz [email protected]                                              Yosef Branse [email protected]                                                 Joe Kelly [email protected]                                                        Joe Traylor [email protected]                                              John Lines [email protected]                                                  john hascall [email protected]                              Jonathan L Neuenschwander [email protected]                                              Joshua Polterock [email protected]                                                    Joyce Hiscock [email protected]                                      Jane E. Patterson [email protected]                                       J. Porter Clark [email protected]                                                 John R. Paulson [email protected]                                          John Roman [email protected]                                              Jonathan Stanton [email protected]                                      Shin, Jungshik [email protected]                                         Jerry D Smith 14617 [email protected]                                                 Jenny Tobias [email protected]                                            Judy Koren [email protected]                                                Joseph Urban [email protected]                                                 John Vogel [email protected]                                                John Locke [email protected]                                                    Jyke Jokinen [email protected]                                         Jeric Y. Woo [email protected]                                       Nancy Kackley [email protected]                                                  Kai Voelcker [email protected]                                                    Karl Nyberg [email protected]                                              Jeremie Kass [email protected]                                              Kyle Barger [email protected]                                            Kathleen Blohm [email protected]                                               ke Mattsson [email protected]                                                  Kathyrn D. Ellis [email protected]                                            Michael A. Kelley [email protected]                                                Ken Maier [email protected]                                     Kent Landfield [email protected]                                       Kerrin J Pine [email protected]                                                Kevin Fitzpatrick [email protected]                                                 Kate Graf [email protected]                                        Kathleen Green [email protected]                                Khantipol Kasemsant [email protected]                                              Kenneth Herron [email protected]                                            Kjeld H. Mortensen [email protected]                                              Aaron L Dickey [email protected]                                                   Kings [email protected]                                          Klaus Inveen [email protected]                                      Kenneth Firestein [email protected]                                                    Kim Long [email protected]                                       Thomas Koeppel [email protected]                                          Bill Konrad [email protected]                                          Joan Korenman [email protected]                                                    Ken Stuart [email protected]                                                Karl Radov [email protected]                                             Kenneth Robinson [email protected]                                             Dennis Krueger [email protected]                                           Kathleen Trimble [email protected]                                           Boris Kukso [email protected]                                                  Gary Kessler [email protected]                                         Kurt Tiedtke [email protected]                                                   Kent W. England [email protected]                                        Martin Schr"oder [email protected]                                                 Laden Guy [email protected]                                       Walter L. Werling [email protected]                                                Lantz Rowland [email protected]                                        John Lateulere LAURENN%[email protected]                                   Lauren Nowlin [email protected]                          Laurion Burchall [email protected]                                       Dennis Lawrence [email protected]                                                Chuck Lawson [email protected]                             LEE DALLAIRE - UMKSS [email protected]                                        Lesley Davidow [email protected]                                                  Steve Lewis [email protected]                                        Leif Jensen [email protected]                                           Linda J. Hutchison [email protected]                                         Stuart Lindsay [email protected]                                                     Joel Linsky [email protected]                                          Leo D. Eskin [email protected]                                                Benoit Lips [email protected]                                Lyonette Louis-Jacques [email protected]                                             Laurie Weakley [email protected]                                                   Louis F. Naber [email protected]                                       Derek Wiblin [email protected]                                               Stephen Titchenal [email protected]                                                Larry W. Virden [email protected]                                  Lee Watkins, Jr. [email protected]                                          Laura Wenzel [email protected]                                                Mark Cox [email protected]                                                 Michael Lean [email protected]                                      Kristin Boden-MacKay [email protected]                                                     Mitch Wexler [email protected]                                               Vincent Maes [email protected]                                            Maggie Parhamovich [email protected]                                   Andrew G. Malis [email protected]                                   Sharon M. Malumphy [email protected]                                            Timothy Kooker [email protected]                             Marcel Conscience [email protected]                                             Marc Slemko [email protected]                                    Marc Ph. A. J. St.-Gil [email protected]                                              Margy Levine Young [email protected]                                           Mark Steinberger [email protected]                                                      Mark Bixby [email protected]                                         Patricia Markley [email protected]                    Martin B. Blumsack ([email protected]) [email protected]                                                Matt Cohen [email protected]                                       Mark Atwood [email protected]                                     Maurizio Codogno [email protected]                                         Marc D. Behr [email protected]                                                        Margo Berg [email protected]                                                  Mike Northam [email protected]                                       Martha W. Bonney [email protected]                                      Karen McComas [email protected]                                             McGrath,Faith [email protected]                                                Stanton McCandlish [email protected]                                   Mike Ellsworth [email protected]                                                 Margaret Riley [email protected]                                  Michael Froomkin [email protected]                                           Markus Freericks [email protected]                                                   Michael Grubb [email protected]                                      Michael Olivier [email protected]                                        Michael R. Thompson [email protected]                                          Michael Lind [email protected]                                             Michael Nist [email protected]                                            Mike Wilmot-Dear [email protected]                                               Davin Milun [email protected]                             Elliott C. Mitchell [email protected]                              Micah James Cooper [email protected]                                            Michael Kovacs [email protected]                                      Michael Krueger [email protected]                                        Marion French [email protected]                                   Michelle Murrain [email protected]                                            Michael Myers [email protected]                                               Howard Modell [email protected]                                  Michael O'Neal-Petterson [email protected]                                         Greg Morrison [email protected]                                 Michael Richard [email protected]                                           marty salo [email protected]                             Michael Sattler, San Francisco [email protected]                                                  Mark N. Sole [email protected]                                      Martin Taylor mtempl[email protected]                                       Alan Ralph [email protected]                                          Richard Munoz [email protected]                                              Peg Munroe [email protected]                                     Marc W. Blaskie [email protected]                                               Michael D. Bray [email protected]                                     Randy Finder [email protected]                                       Neil Weathington [email protected]                                               Russell Nelson [email protected]                                    Bernfried Neukaeter [email protected]                                          neil sapper [email protected]                                              Niall Mandal [email protected]                                          Nick Pulsford [email protected]                                       Louis M. Novak [email protected]                                               Neal Patrick [email protected]                                                Norm Russell [email protected]                                                    Jeff Nye [email protected]                   Matthew "Names ain't in no Guidelines" Warren [email protected]                                                  M. Otto [email protected]                                             Bill Owens [email protected]                                          Paul Sutton [email protected]                                               Marcia Conner [email protected]                                                John M. King [email protected]                                       Patty Andersen [email protected]                                                     John Pane [email protected]                                           Laurel Parnell [email protected]                                               Patrick Chase [email protected]                                                  Marcus Patz [email protected]                                   Peggy Julieanne Cheng [email protected]                                                       Will Clurman [email protected]                                       Michael Pearson [email protected]                                     Patrick G. Robinson [email protected]                                                Peter H. Hill [email protected]                                                          Phil [email protected]                                                   Phil Trubey [email protected]                                       Philip M. Howard [email protected]                                               Paul Hoffman [email protected]                                        Pierre Uszynski [email protected]                                               Harold Ancell [email protected]                                              Patti Halliday [email protected]                                         Peter Milbury [email protected]                                              Peter M. Weiss [email protected]                                                      Phil Calvin [email protected]                                        Mark Dennett [email protected]                                                     Ted Poe [email protected]                                            Christopher Pound [email protected]                                    GLen Pringle [email protected]                     Pritish Shah <[email protected]> [email protected]                                                  Peter Roll [email protected]                               Patricia Seymour [email protected]                                                     Ping Huang [email protected]                                      Michael Quinn [email protected]                                         Rolf Suurmond [email protected]                                   Richard van Laar-Veth [email protected]                                       Roberto Tongu [email protected]                                     Karen Conyngham [email protected]                                                    Roger Fajman [email protected]                                                     Raj Mehta [email protected]                                     Raleigh Chinn [email protected]                                         Raymond B. Phillips [email protected]                                          Carl Reimann [email protected]                                                Renato Iannella [email protected]                                      Rosalind Goodwin [email protected]                                        Rick Hartmann [email protected]                                         Russell H. Chandler [email protected]                                       Richard Roenigk [email protected]                                           Richard Hintz [email protected]                                            Richard Draves [email protected]                                                Richard Miller [email protected]                                 Enrico Canale [email protected]                                   RIDES for BayArea Commuters [email protected]                                             Mary Rieder [email protected]                                       Richard Jarosch [email protected]                                        Richard Johnson [email protected]                                                Robert Carr [email protected]                                      Rob Leitman [email protected]                                              Robert Feldman [email protected]                                                Robert Orenstein [email protected]                                     Randi Lukich [email protected]                                   Robbie Honerkamp [email protected]                                                Robert Garvey [email protected]                                                 Roberta Becker [email protected]                                                Ross Mitton [email protected]                                         Roland Piquepaille [email protected]                                                    Ron Risley [email protected]                                           Ryan Thomas [email protected]                                           Ryan Tucker [email protected]                                                J. Rufinus [email protected]                                                rodrigo vanegas [email protected]                                           Revonda Wack [email protected]                                              Robert Wilkins [email protected]                                           Roger Winters [email protected]                                                 Roger L. Yee [email protected]                                              Bob Sadler [email protected]                                                   Sathya [email protected]                                             Kevin Savetz [email protected]                                          Don Sawtelle [email protected]                                    Kenneth C. Schmidt [email protected]                                      Ray Schroeder [email protected]                                                 Cis Schut [email protected]                                        Joseph C. Scorza [email protected]                                      Steven D. Scott [email protected]                                     Wm. Scott Roleson  [email protected]                                               Info Scout [email protected]                                           Sean Graham [email protected]                                                      Sean Molloy [email protected]                                                kevin champagne [email protected]                                                  Tom Seto [email protected]                                             Susan Farrell [email protected]                             Srinivasan Srivilliputhur [email protected]                                                Sholom Gliksman [email protected]                                        Laura Shoman [email protected]                                          Sheila Hood [email protected]                                           Stephen Snow  [email protected]                                     Melissa Silvestre [email protected]                                             Chuck Simons [email protected]                                              Keely M. Swenson [email protected]                                        Stephen Joseph Smith [email protected]                                                  Sirmon Lam [email protected]                                            Stephen Lane [email protected]                                      Bill Smuda [email protected]                               Stephen H. Mullen [email protected]                                      Gretchen Sneff [email protected]                                              Brian Sommers [email protected]                                        Steve O'Neill [email protected]                                      John L. Sonnack [email protected]                                                   Tom Soulanille [email protected]                                          Stephen A. Pluher [email protected]                                              Sev Reyes [email protected]                                Sridhar Venkataraman [email protected]                                            Stephanie Smilay [email protected]                            Stuart C Spivack [email protected]                                  Steve Sumioka [email protected]                                                 Don Stadius [email protected]                                                    Steven Cherry [email protected]                                      Craig Steinberger [email protected]                                         Steve Sullivan [email protected]                                                Victor Story [email protected]                                        Paul Dickman [email protected]                                    Robert L. Nelson [email protected]                                           Susan Calcari [email protected]                                           douglas a swain [email protected]                             Stephen R. Waltman [email protected]                                                  Stephan Wik [email protected]                                     Denyse K. Sturges [email protected]                                                       Taavi Talvik [email protected]                                                     Terry Brown [email protected]                                      Tamera De Gennaro [email protected]                                                   Marshall Tate [email protected]                                                   Tim Collins [email protected]             JEFF GUIDE, DELPHI INTERNET RESOURCE DEVELOPER [email protected]                                               Traugott Goll [email protected]                                Margaret L. Thompson [email protected]                                                  Thornton Ege [email protected]                                      Thorsten Kitz [email protected]                                             Thomas Tyler [email protected]                                  Theron J. Lewis [email protected]                                     Halldor Tjorvi Einarsson [email protected]                                            Terry Lee Moore [email protected]                                        Tim Myers [email protected]                                                  Tim O'Connor [email protected]                                              Tom Donaldson [email protected]                                     Darrell H. Totman [email protected]                                         Thomas Treadway [email protected]                                          Trent Henry [email protected]                                           Trey Addington [email protected]                                                   Tyson Brown T_Alford%[email protected]                               Terry B. Alford [email protected]                                                  Peter H. Johnson [email protected]                                          Elizabeth A. Evans [email protected]                                    Charmian Mitchell [email protected]                                              Amy Unruh [email protected]                                       Uwe Storbeck [email protected]                                         Corrie Rosetti [email protected]                                           Venanzio Jelenic [email protected]                                            Jason Verch [email protected]                                            Vernon Grosvenor [email protected]                                             Vesa Ruokonen [email protected]                                            Vince Vielhaber [email protected]                                             John J. Burke [email protected]                                      Walter W. Giesbrecht [email protected]                                       Daniel D. Warner [email protected]                                   Philippa Westerman [email protected]                                              William B. Feidt [email protected]                                         Tracy Williams [email protected]                                         Paul W. Wilson [email protected]                                       Nikolai Vishnevsky [email protected]                                       Bill Stapleton [email protected]                              nimm es zu den kuhlschrank! [email protected]                                     Bill O'Neill [email protected]                                               Steven M. Blacher [email protected]                                              Janet Ingraham [email protected]                                  Bill Snyder [email protected]                 Trevor Wynne 207 7786 (08) [email protected]                     dave Shariff Yadallee [email protected]                                                    chad brown  [email protected]                                           Scott Yanoff [email protected]                                           YEO Khee Seng [email protected]                                              Gregory Youngblood [email protected]                                                   Sharad Gupta  Voted No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                          Alex Portnoy [email protected]                                       Chris Jackson [email protected]                             Kenneth P. Crouch [email protected]                                           David Cragg [email protected]                                  Don McClain [email protected]                                              Anis Khwaja [email protected]                                Michael Froehlich [email protected]                                          George H. Bosworth [email protected]                                                Robert Hansen  [email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson [email protected]                                              Kari E. Hurtta [email protected]                                           Marc Moorcroft [email protected]                                         Richard Nolan [email protected]                                            Leonard Parsons [email protected]                                                    Paul A. Hepp [email protected]                                    Richard Howell [email protected]                                                R. Juarez [email protected]                                           Les Condiff [email protected]                                               Scott Estey [email protected]                                          Sanjay Kapur [email protected]                                           Steve Rogers [email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown [email protected]                                                     Tim Ramsey [email protected]                                            Warren Lavallee [email protected]                                        Damien Weiss  Abstained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                              Garrett Brown  [email protected]                                               Gary Malkin [email protected]                                        Lou Hayward [email protected]                                            Joyce van Berkel [email protected]                                     Lou Pellegrino [email protected]                                            Dal Santo Giovanni [email protected]                                               Matthew Henry [email protected]                                           Jeffrey S. Ohvall [email protected]                                 HENRY W RITTENBERG, MD [email protected]                                 Douglas W. Strasburg [email protected]                                             Aaron Weller   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                           ! No name given [email protected]                                      Scott Loftesness    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                              Harry Bartholomew    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                         Dudley Campbell    ! No ballot [email protected]                                              Connie Hays    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                          Ritesh Patel    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                         Chris Marble    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                            Lesley Condiff    ! No ballot [email protected]                                                     ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                       ! No name given [email protected]                                                  Donna Brookman    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                               ! No name given [email protected]                                              Eric Branckaert    ! No ballot [email protected]                                                             ! No name given [email protected]                                                     Gene V Glass    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                               ! No name given [email protected]                                             Herb Wylen    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                            ! No name given [email protected]                                                       J. Adriaanse    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                   Jeff Ubois    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                             Kathleen M. Rutkowski    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                          ! No ballot [email protected]                                          Philip M Linerode     ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                               ! Invalid address [email protected]                                           David Mattox    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                                ! No ballot [email protected]                                              Landon Neustadt    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                            Patt Bromberger    ! No ballot [email protected]                                                              ! No ballot rross%[email protected]                                                       ! No ballot [email protected]                                        Tony Sprinzl    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                 St Martins Press    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                         Osvaldo Spadano    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                                                   ! No ballot [email protected]                                                        ! No name given [email protected]                                                          ! No name given [email protected]                                                   Tom Walstrom    ! No vote statement in message [email protected]                                 William Lyon Mackenzie P.S.    ! No ballot  
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