From [email protected] Fri Jul  2 13:10:07 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (D. J. Bernstein)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.crypt,alt.privacy.clipper
Subject: RFD: talk.politics.crypto
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 2 Jul 1993 10:33:45 -0400
Organization: IR
Lines: 16
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3748 news.groups:75473 sci.crypt:17698 alt.privacy.clipper:1028

I propose a new unmoderated group:

talk.politics.crypto   The relation between cryptography and government.

The name of the group needs little explanation. Like talk.politics.drugs
and talk.politics.guns, this newsgroup will cover all sides of a sticky 
issue. There's a lot of existing traffic which would fit very well into
talk.politics.crypto; this group should be reasonably successful at 
drawing inappropriate traffic out of sci.crypt.

Please note that talk.politics.crypto is not meant to foreclose the 
possible future creation of a (moderated) sci.crypt.research group.

Followups to news.groups. I expect to run a vote in a month.


From [email protected] Mon Aug  2 22:48:09 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (D. J. Bernstein)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.crypt,alt.privacy.clipper
Subject: CFV: talk.politics.crypto
Followup-To: poster
Date: 2 Aug 1993 22:13:45 -0400
Organization: IR
Lines: 61
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3899 news.groups:78000 sci.crypt:18303 alt.privacy.clipper:1258

I call for votes for a new unmoderated group:

talk.politics.crypto   The relation between cryptography and government.

The name of the group needs little explanation. Like talk.politics.drugs
and talk.politics.guns, this newsgroup will cover all sides of a sticky 
issue. There's a lot of existing traffic which would fit very well into
talk.politics.crypto; this group should be reasonably successful at 
drawing inappropriate traffic out of sci.crypt.

Please note that talk.politics.crypto is not meant to foreclose the 
possible future creation of a (moderated) sci.crypt.research group.

Voting instructions appear below. Always remember: Friends don't let
friends vote drunk. Don't post your votes, and don't mail them to me.
Votes must be received during August, GMT. The results will be announced 
in early September.

[[ news.announce.newgroups moderator's note: to be totally clear, the
end of the voting period is 00:00 GMT, 1 Sep 93 -- tale ]]


In order to vote for or against this newsgroup, you must send a mail
message to the address [email protected]. If your site does not
understand that address, you might try:

	mail-server%[email protected]

If none of these addresses works, talk to someone at your site who can
help you address the mail properly. Posted votes will not be counted.
Votes mailed to the poster of this message will not be counted.

Your mail should contain one of the following three lines, in the body
of the mail message:

	vote talk.politics.crypto yes
	vote talk.politics.crypto no
	vote talk.politics.crypto abstain

The first two lines register a vote either for or against the creation
of the newsgroup. The third line cancels any previous vote for or
against the creation of the newsgroup. Multiple voting messages from the
same person must be sent from the same address. If multiple votes are
received from the same person, the last vote received is the only one
counted. The subject line of your mail will be ignored.

You should receive a response to your vote, acknowledging its receipt,
within two days. If you do not, or if you have some other problem with
voting, you can get help by sending mail to [email protected].

The hardware resources for vote collection are being provided by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The vote-collection software is
being provided by Jonathan Kamens . The manpower necessary
to collect the votes is being provided by Jonathan Kamens and Geer Zolot
Associates. MIT, Jonathan Kamens, and Geer Zolot Associates have nothing
to do with the newsgroup proposal; they're just collecting the votes as
a neutral third party.

From [email protected] Sat Aug 28 23:10:10 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (D. J. Bernstein)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.crypt,alt.privacy.clipper
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: talk.politics.crypto
Followup-To: poster
Date: 28 Aug 1993 18:52:49 -0400
Organization: IR
Lines: 228
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3989 news.groups:80236 sci.crypt:18841 alt.privacy.clipper:1522

This posting contains: (1) a copy of the original call for votes for
talk.politics.crypto; (2) a list of who had voted as of August 24.
There are still a few days left to vote.

I call for votes for a new unmoderated group:

talk.politics.crypto   The relation between cryptography and government.

The name of the group needs little explanation. Like talk.politics.drugs
and talk.politics.guns, this newsgroup will cover all sides of a sticky 
issue. There's a lot of existing traffic which would fit very well into
talk.politics.crypto; this group should be reasonably successful at 
drawing inappropriate traffic out of sci.crypt.

Please note that talk.politics.crypto is not meant to foreclose the 
possible future creation of a (moderated) sci.crypt.research group.

Voting instructions appear below. Always remember: Friends don't let
friends vote drunk. Don't post your votes, and don't mail them to me.
Votes must be received during August, GMT. The results will be announced 
in early September.

[[ news.announce.newgroups moderator's note: to be totally clear, the
end of the voting period is 00:00 GMT, 1 Sep 93 -- tale ]]


In order to vote for or against this newsgroup, you must send a mail
message to the address [email protected]. If your site does not
understand that address, you might try:

	mail-server%[email protected]

If none of these addresses works, talk to someone at your site who can
help you address the mail properly. Posted votes will not be counted.
Votes mailed to the poster of this message will not be counted.

Your mail should contain one of the following three lines, in the body
of the mail message:

	vote talk.politics.crypto yes
	vote talk.politics.crypto no
	vote talk.politics.crypto abstain

The first two lines register a vote either for or against the creation
of the newsgroup. The third line cancels any previous vote for or
against the creation of the newsgroup. Multiple voting messages from the
same person must be sent from the same address. If multiple votes are
received from the same person, the last vote received is the only one
counted. The subject line of your mail will be ignored.

You should receive a response to your vote, acknowledging its receipt,
within two days. If you do not, or if you have some other problem with
voting, you can get help by sending mail to [email protected].

The hardware resources for vote collection are being provided by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The vote-collection software is
being provided by Jonathan Kamens . The manpower necessary
to collect the votes is being provided by Jonathan Kamens and Geer Zolot
Associates. MIT, Jonathan Kamens, and Geer Zolot Associates have nothing
to do with the newsgroup proposal; they're just collecting the votes as
a neutral third party.
(Jeffrey D. Angus) [email protected]
"Mich Kabay / JINBU Corp." <[email protected]>
[email protected] (Tim Dierks)
[email protected] (Eugenio Sanchez-Pe~a), [email protected] (Eugenio Sanchez-Pe~a)
Alan Bawden 
Alan Coopersmith 
[email protected] (Andrew Purshottam)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Stanko Barle)
Alan P Barrett 
[email protected] (Harry Bartholomew)
Bart Massey 
[email protected] (J. Kintscher)
[email protected] (Thomas A. Berson)
Benjamin Griffin 
[email protected]
"B.J. Herbison" 
Brian R. Gaeke 
"John Kelsey" 
Can Bruce 
[email protected] (Len Charest)
Christopher Davis 
Bob Clements 
[email protected] (Carl Ellison)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Scott Collins)
[email protected] (Colin Owen Rafferty)
Kenneth P Crouch 
[email protected]
Dave Hodgins 
[email protected] (Dave Horsfall)
[email protected] (Dave Wagner)
"David A. Wagner" 
Eric Edward Moore 
Jeff Del Papa 
"David S.A. Stine" 
[email protected] (mike Rosing)
[email protected] (Edward Bertsch)
[email protected] (Edward Reid)
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
[email protected] (Paul Ferguson)
[email protected] (Frank McPherson)
Hardcore Alaskan 
[email protected] (Garrett Wollman)
[email protected] (Gary R Ratterree)
[email protected] (Gordon Matheson)
[email protected] (John R. Grout)
Geoffrey Spear 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Paul Haahr)
[email protected] (Hal Finney)
Ed Hamrick 
"Robert A. Hayden" 
[email protected] (Mark C. Henderson)
[email protected] (Henrik Schmiediche)
[email protected] (Holger Reusch)
[email protected] (douglas craig holland)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Herman Rubin)
[email protected] (Ian Jackson)
[email protected] (Irene Gassko)
[email protected]
[email protected] (J. Eric Townsend)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Joseph Christie)
"Joel A. Fine" 
[email protected] (Jacob S Andersen)
Jin S Choi 
John T Kohl 
[email protected] (Julian Macassey)
Kevin Junck 
[email protected] (Peter D. Junger)
[email protected] (Apostolos Karmirantzos)
[email protected] (Joe Kelsey)
[email protected] (Mark Kohler)
[email protected] (Tal Kubo)
Laszlo Baranyi 
[email protected]
"L. Detweiler" 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Lance Cottrell)
[email protected] (Andy Lowton)
[email protected]
[email protected] (M. Stirner)
Magnus Olsson 
[email protected] (Manish Butte)
[email protected] (Marcy Thompson)
Mark Grant 
[email protected] (Mark Atwood)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mike Jones)
Mike Fessler 
"Loren J. Miller" 
[email protected] (Miron Cuperman)
Frederic Miserey 
Murray Nesbitt 
[email protected] (Martin Koehling)
[email protected]
Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS 
[email protected] (Timothy B. Moore)
[email protected]
Marc VanHeyningen 
[email protected] (Nelson Minar)
[email protected] (Nathan J. Mehl)
Nat Howard 
Chris Palmer 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Paul Leyland 
[email protected] (Paul Baclace)
[email protected] (Andrew Peed)
[email protected]
Charles P Pfleeger 
[email protected] (Paul E. Hoffman)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Joel Plutchak)
"Michael J. Quinn" 
Richard Pieri 
[email protected] (Sietze Roorda)
[email protected]
Rene Boe Soerensen 
[email protected] (Richard Fall)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Loren James Rittle)
Robert L Krawitz 
"Ronnie B. Kon" 
[email protected] (Russ Schnapp)
Rich Thomson 
Ryan Bayne 
[email protected] (Mark Zimmermann)
"David A. Scocca" 
[email protected] (Steve Summit)
Scott E Kullberg 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Stephen Joseph Smith)
[email protected]
Jason 'Think!' Steiner 
Steve Brinich 
Steve Coltrin 
[email protected] (David Sternlight)
[email protected] (Stu Labovitz)
Christoph Weber-Fahr 
David Reeve Sward 
[email protected] (Marc A. Tamsky)
[email protected] (Timothy C. May)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tim Moors)
[email protected] (Detlef Lannert)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bill Stewart)
[email protected] (Matthew P Wiener)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Olin Sibert 
[email protected] (Bohdan Tashchuk)

From [email protected] Wed Sep  8 19:43:09 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (D. J. Bernstein)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.crypt,alt.privacy.clipper
Subject: RESULT: talk.politics.crypto passes 184:44
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 8 Sep 1993 16:26:46 -0400
Organization: IR
Lines: 250
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4027 news.groups:81099 sci.crypt:19079 alt.privacy.clipper:1532

talk.politics.crypto   The relation between cryptography and government

Here's the tally. There were 184 valid yes votes and 44 valid no votes.
So talk.politics.crypto passes. The vote list appears below. My thanks
to MIT, Jonathan Kamens, and Geer Zolot Associates for collecting the 

There will be a five-day waiting period to revise the tally in case of 
lost votes. Please post any comments on the vote, including lost votes,
to news.groups; do not mail them to me. Barring a Vogon invasion or some
other unlikely event, David Lawrence will send out a newgroup message
for talk.politics.crypto at the end of the waiting period.


"yes" votes (184):

(Jeffrey D. Angus) [email protected]
"Mich Kabay / JINBU Corp." <[email protected]>
[email protected] (John C. Abbe aka Rademir)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tim Dierks)
Andreas Fuchsberger 
[email protected] (Eugenio Sanchez-Pe~a), [email protected] (Eugenio Sanchez-Pe~a)
Alan Bawden 
Alan Coopersmith 
[email protected] (Andrew Purshottam)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Randall Atkinson)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Stanko Barle)
[email protected] (Harry Bartholomew)
Bart Massey 
[email protected] (J. Kintscher)
[email protected] (David Beckman)
Bengt Larsson 
[email protected] (Thomas A. Berson)
Benjamin Griffin 
[email protected] (Bill Moore)
"Gomes, Bill              M'bio" 
"B.J. Herbison" 
[email protected] (Bob MacDowell)
[email protected] (Daniel F Boyd)
Brian R. Gaeke 
"John Kelsey" 
[email protected] (L. Todd Masco)
Can Bruce 
[email protected] (Len Charest)
Christopher Davis 
Bob Clements 
[email protected] (Pope Clifton)
[email protected] (Carl Ellison)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Scott Collins)
27-Aug-1993 2049 
[email protected] (Ben Combee)
[email protected] (Colin Owen Rafferty)
[email protected]
Dave Hodgins 
[email protected] (Dave Horsfall)
[email protected] (Dave Wagner)
"David A. Wagner" 
Dave Archer 
[email protected] (Doug McNaught)
Jeff Del Papa 
[email protected] (Jeff DelPapa)
"David S.A. Stine" 
[email protected] (mike Rosing)
[email protected] (Edward Bertsch)
[email protected] (Edward Reid)
[email protected] (Paul Ferguson)
[email protected] (Frank McPherson)
[email protected] (Garrett Wollman)
[email protected] (Gary R Ratterree)
[email protected] (Gordon Matheson)
[email protected] (John R. Grout)
Geoffrey Spear 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Paul Haahr)
Ed Hamrick 
James Harvey 
"Robert A. Hayden" 
[email protected] (Mark C. Henderson)
[email protected] (Henrik Schmiediche)
[email protected] (Holger Reusch)
[email protected] (douglas craig holland)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Herman Rubin)
[email protected] (Ian Jackson)
[email protected] (Irene Gassko)
[email protected] (John Allred)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Randell Jesup)
[email protected] (J. Eric Townsend)
[email protected] (John Henders)
[email protected]
J M Lake 
[email protected] (Joseph Christie)
"Joel A. Fine" 
[email protected] (John Eichler)
[email protected] (Jacob S Andersen)
Jin S Choi 
John T Kohl 
[email protected] (Peter D. Junger)
[email protected] (Apostolos Karmirantzos)
[email protected] (Joe Kelsey)
[email protected] (Mark Kohler)
[email protected] (Tal Kubo)
Laszlo Baranyi 
"L. Detweiler" 
[email protected]
David Lippke 
[email protected] (Lance Cottrell)
[email protected] (Lonadar the Wanderer)
[email protected] (Andy Lowton)
[email protected] (Stefan Lucks)
[email protected] (M. Stirner)
Magnus Olsson 
[email protected] (Professor Maier)
[email protected] (Manish Butte)
[email protected] (Carlo Marchesi)
[email protected] (Marcy Thompson)
Mark Grant 
[email protected] (Mark Atwood)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Catherine A. Meadows)
[email protected] (Mark Healey)
[email protected] (Mike Steele)
Mike Fessler 
"Loren J. Miller" 
[email protected] (Miron Cuperman)
[email protected]
Frederic Miserey 
[email protected] (Martin Koehling)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark Shewmaker)
Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS 
[email protected] (Timothy B. Moore)
[email protected]
Marc VanHeyningen 
Matthias Neeracher 
[email protected] (Nelson Minar)
[email protected] (Nathan J. Mehl)
Nat Howard 
Chris Palmer 
[email protected]
[email protected] ( Payson)
Paul Leyland 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Paul Baclace)
[email protected]
Charles P Pfleeger 
[email protected] (Paul E. Hoffman)
[email protected]
"Michael J. Quinn" 
Richard Pieri 
Rob Boudrie 
[email protected] (Sietze Roorda)
[email protected]
Rene Boe Soerensen 
[email protected] (Richard Fall)
[email protected] (Richard L. Robertson)
[email protected] (Loren James Rittle)
Bob Dowling 
Rob Quinn 
Robert L Krawitz 
[email protected] (Ollivier Robert)
[email protected] (Russ Schnapp)
Rich Thomson 
Ryan Bayne 
[email protected] (Samuel Druker)
[email protected] (Mark Zimmermann)
"David A. Scocca" 
[email protected] (Steve Summit)
Scott E Kullberg 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Stephen Joseph Smith)
[email protected] (Stephan Somogyi)
[email protected]
Jason 'Think!' Steiner 
Steve Brinich 
Steve Coltrin 
[email protected] (David Sternlight)
[email protected] (Stu Labovitz)
Christoph Weber-Fahr 
David Reeve Sward 
[email protected] (Marc A. Tamsky)
[email protected] (Timothy C. May)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tim Moors)
[email protected] (Detlef Lannert)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Matthew P Wiener)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bohdan Tashchuk)

"no" votes (44):

Albert Amet 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Alan P Barrett 
Scott Bennett 
[email protected]
Alexander EICHENER 
Po Shan Cheah 
[email protected] (The Technicolour Throw-up)
Kenneth P Crouch 
[email protected]
Eric Edward Moore 
"Eric J. Olson" 
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
[email protected] (Gregory C Franklin )
Hardcore Alaskan 
[email protected] (Greg Manning)
[email protected] (Geoffrey Falk)
[email protected] (Hal Finney)
[email protected] (Hud Nordin)
huntj%[email protected] (Jeffrey Hunt, Great American)
[email protected]
[email protected] (John S. Greene)
[email protected] (Jeff Young)
[email protected] (Julian Macassey)
Kevin Junck 
John Kasdan 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (mathew)
[email protected] (Mike Jones)
Murray Nesbitt 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andrew Peed)
[email protected] (Joel Plutchak)
"Sendhil "Mr. Bubbles" Revuluri" 
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected]
"Ronnie B. Kon" 
Tom Jaskiewicz 
[email protected] (Bill Stewart)
[email protected]
[email protected] (John Werner)
Olin Sibert 


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