From [email protected] Tue Apr 28 12:11:32 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2272 news.groups:49940 soc.culture.europe:8448 soc.culture.yugoslavia:8056 soc.culture.misc:2911
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.yugoslavia,soc.culture.misc
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Jonny Axelsson 
Subject: RFD:  soc.culture.czecho-slovak
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1992 15:40:41 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 29

This is a Request For Discussion on the creation of a unmoderated newsgroup
to be named soc.culture.czecho-slovak.

NAME: soc.culture.czecho-slovak
(The spelling reflect the new name of the Czecho-Slovak federal republic as
of 1990. Alternatively the more established spelling Czechoslovak)

STATUS: unmoderated

Provide a forum for the discusion of various issues relating to Czech,
Slovak and Moravian life and culture.

While there are rather few people inside the CSFR as of yet who have
direct access to the news hierarchy, this may soon change. In addition
there are many Czechs and Slovaks working or studying at institutions
outside the CSFR, people of Czech or Slovak origin, and people with a
passing or permanent interest of Czech and Slovak issues.

There are currently no appropriate forum for this discussion
(Czechoslovakia is about the only hole in the USENET map of Europe).

VOTETAKER: None as of now (open for discussion)

The discussion will take place during the four weeks following today
April 27 after which a call for voting will be issued.
Praha: [email protected]          Oslo:[email protected]

From [email protected] Thu Jun 11 14:30:29 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2414 news.groups:52347 soc.culture.bulgaria:857 soc.culture.europe:9729 soc.culture.german:11072 soc.culture.magyar:1686 soc.culture.polish:3139 soc.culture.romanian:582 soc.culture.soviet:7578
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.bulgaria,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.german,soc.culture.magyar,soc.culture.polish,soc.culture.romanian,soc.culture.soviet
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Lisonek Petr 
Subject: CFV: soc.culture.czecho-slovak
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Reply-To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1992 18:31:10 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 126

                        CALL FOR VOTES



We distribute this call for votes to following recipients:

UseNet:      news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, several soc.culture.* groups

Mailing Lists:  [email protected]  (Nerizena diskuse o mistnich problemech
                                                       a novinkach v siti EARN)
                [email protected]    (Discussion of Slovak issues)

as well as to several individual recipients who took part in the discussion
We apologize for casting this call in English only which is because of purely
economical reasons (otherwise the file would become three times as big :-(


According to UseNet rules, the discussion took place in news.groups 
>from April 28 till May 27. You can get a discussion summary from our listserver
by sending a mail to  [email protected]  with the line
in the message body. Most of the suggestions proposed in the discussion was
incorporated into this call for votes.


NAME: soc.culture.czecho-slovak

STATUS: unmoderated

Provide a forum for the discussion of various issues relating to Bohemian,
Slovak, Moravian and Silesian life and culture as well as to the life and 
culture of minorities living in the CSFR territory or stemming from territories
which have been part of Czecho-Slovakia in the history (like Sub-Carpathia 
- Podkarpatska Rus).

We propose no restrictions as to the languages used for postings in this
newsgroup. English, Slovak and Czech are expected most often. 

While there are rather few people inside the CSFR as of yet who have
direct access to the news hierarchy, this may soon change. In addition
there are many Czechs and Slovaks working or studying at institutions
outside the CSFR, people of Czech or Slovak origin, and people with a
passing or permanent interest in Czech and Slovak issues.

There is currently no appropriate forum for this discussion
(Czecho-Slovakia is about the only hole in the UseNet map of Europe).


You can vote be sending a mail to

                [email protected]

and indicating your vote as the "Subject:" of the message.

(Please note the underscore in the ID and the dash in the node part.)

If you want the newsgroup to be created, use one of the following strings:
                FOR     ANO

If you do not want the newsgroup to be created,use one of the
following strings:
                AGAINST    NIE    NE

The votes will be evaluated manually. This gives you a chance to deviate from
the above lines slightly (on your own risk) but your vote must stay UNAMBIGUOUS
in the sense that it is absolutely clear whether you vote in favor of group 
creation or against it. We will let you know in the case your vote were 
ambiguous. You can vote again if this is the case. 

If you cast more valid votes then the LAST one (according to your
"Date:" slot) will count among those who reach us. Additionally, you
can confirm or change them (see two sentences before) by sending a new

You cannot ask third parties (like your friends) to vote instead of yourself.
Each person is entitled to vote only once. If you possess multiple computer 
accounts around the world then you can use only one of them for vote sending.

4.1  Time Schedule

The voting period starts on Thursday, June 9 at 0000 GMT.
The voting period ends on Sunday, July 1 at 2400 GMT.

The full vote tally including each voter's address, name (if available) 
and vote will be posted to UseNet, CSINFO-L and SLOVAK-L on Monday, June 29. 
A five day waiting period will follow when both UseNet authorities and the 
voters can check the results and correct errors. If the voting ends up 
with a positive result, the newsgroup will be created around July 4.

4.2  Technical Hints

You will get a short acknowledgement after your vote's arrival, but any 
acknowledgement that bounces will not be re-tried.
If your message does not get through several times, please try to forward your 
vote by another Internet node. Only as an example, we mention the following 
nodes which can be used together with their respective address syntax:

cz_sl%[email protected]                     for voters in Europe
cz_sl%[email protected]        for voters in North America


Special thanks are addressed to Mr. Jonny Axelsson 
([email protected], [email protected]) for starting the procedure
of newsgroup creation and for his numerous postings, analyses 
and fingers crossed.

See you in the new group -- Do videnia v novej skupine -- Tesime se na slysenou

From [email protected] Mon Jul  6 17:41:15 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2495 news.groups:53744 soc.culture.europe:10511 soc.culture.yugoslavia:10692 soc.culture.misc:2973
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.yugoslavia,soc.culture.misc
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Lisonek Petr 
Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.czecho-slovak passes 202: 25
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1992 18:15:40 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 240



                       passes 202 : 25

--------------------   202 "YES" votes   --------------------   

AGNEWHL@GWUVM                               Hugh Agnew 
[email protected]                                   
ANTENNA@CSEARN                              Robert Horvitz 
[email protected]                   Alfred Gieger
[email protected]            Andrew Harmsworth
[email protected]                                     
BOCHAL@CSPGUK11                             Bohumil Chalupa 
[email protected]                       VALENTINE M. SMITH 
[email protected]                Christophe Debou
DOKTOR@CSPGUK11                             pavel doktor 
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                           
[email protected]           Dorothea Heiss-Czedik
[email protected]                    Andy Sudol 
[email protected]                      LEON SWINKELS 
[email protected]                       HARRY VAN HOOF 
EVIALL3@UA1VM                               Elizabeth Viall 
[email protected]                         Zoli Fekete 
FJH00383@UDELVM                             Thomas R. Rocek 
FZ38@CSPGAS11                               Julius Hrivnac 
[email protected]                     STANISLAV J. KIRSCHBAUM 
[email protected]                    Georg Karner
[email protected]                  Gerhard Holzer
[email protected]                      Alexander Dirner 
HENRY@BROWNVM                               Henry Kucera 
IO00621@MAINE                               STEFAN
[email protected]                    Irina Obreja
[email protected]                 Jana Vasiljev 
[email protected]                 Jaroslav Liptak
[email protected]          Joan Johnson 
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                      Kurt Fuchs
MRAZF@CSPGUK11                              Frantisek Mraz 
[email protected]                    Michael Haux
[email protected]                       Miki Hermann 
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                               
NU172523@NDSUVM1                            Raju Dandu 
[email protected]                 Nikolaus Singer
PANKOVA@CSPGAS11                            Jarmila Pankova 
[email protected]                                               
PICK@CSEARN                                 Lubos Pick 
[email protected]                                            
[email protected]                   Peter Janecek
[email protected]                      Anton Jusko 
[email protected]                                               
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                       Stephen (local 6019) 
SLOVO@HARVARDA                              Zuzana Nagy 
[email protected]                                       
[email protected]                    Sophie Oblin
[email protected]                                        
[email protected]                              Liisa Laurila
TJERL@CSPUNI12                              Richard Liska 
[email protected]                        Lubomir T. Dechevsky 
UN3600@SRU                                  Barbara Banjak 
[email protected]             Andrej Brodnik /Andy/ 
[email protected]                           Jovan Weismiller
[email protected]                                             
[email protected]                  Andrei Dan Popovici
[email protected]                                                 
[email protected]                         Stephanie da Silva
[email protected]                                             
[email protected]                        Benedikt Homann  
[email protected]                   Bart Demoen
[email protected]                     Rudolf Blazek 
[email protected]                      Bob Janssens
[email protected]                 Jay Robert Hauben
[email protected]                 StarWatcher
[email protected]                              Caroline Smrstik
[email protected]                Chris Barghiel 
[email protected]                      Chris Cooke 
[email protected]                   C G Kolar 
[email protected]                              Olivier CLARY
[email protected]                    Cristian Mata
[email protected]                  Csaba Gyulai
[email protected]                             Dag Asheim 
[email protected]                         Don Baldwin
[email protected]                        David Stein 
[email protected]                                 David Van Beveren
[email protected]                       Michael J. Eager
[email protected]                          Edvard L|kketangen 
[email protected]                Eva Mnukova 
[email protected]                                            
[email protected]                    Eva Zeisky 
[email protected]                         Evan C Cacka 
[email protected]                       Janne Kivela 
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                        Paul Ondercin
[email protected]                             Gabor Csanyi
[email protected]                     George Antony 
[email protected]                          Michael Gerlek
[email protected]                     Gabor Megyesi 
[email protected]                       Joseph Hargitai
[email protected]              Peter H. Hellmonds 
[email protected]              Carol Hochman 
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                                            
[email protected]                                            
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                     Jan Borota
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                      jindrick liska
[email protected]                                       
[email protected]                        Johan Schimanski 
[email protected]                           Jonny Axelsson 
[email protected]                       jan rehacek
[email protected]                                Joel Sax 
[email protected]                              Jane Valencia
[email protected]                        Juraj Horacek
[email protected]                          Klaas Eikelboom 
[email protected]                     Don Smith 
[email protected]                  Larry Bullis 
[email protected]                     Erroll Ozgencil 
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]               Karl L. Swartz
[email protected]                     Joe Kohn 
[email protected]                      Laszlo Breznovits TT/TSE(konsult
[email protected]                      Jeremy Konopka 
[email protected]                Tomas Kopf
[email protected]                             Martha Kosa 
[email protected]                Karel Stokkermans 
[email protected]                      Kyle Wohlmut 
[email protected]                         Laszlo C Balint 
[email protected]                     Jim Lance 4-6972
[email protected]                  Laura Gillespie 
[email protected]                    Leon ter Beek 
[email protected]                       Lincoln Smith
[email protected]             Lloyd H. Meinholz 
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                        Peter C. Macko
[email protected]                    Malcolm Preen
[email protected]                      Mali Dekalo-Dor
[email protected]                    Glen P. Manak 
[email protected]                                                 
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                         [email protected]
[email protected]                                         
[email protected]                          Michal Jankowski
[email protected]                      Alexander Mihai Popovici 
[email protected]                Margaret Mikulska 
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                    mark j. pisaro 
[email protected]                      Matthias Kessler
[email protected]                     Mark Mehall
[email protected]                   Michal Mnuk 
[email protected]                               Marek Sieranski
[email protected]                       John Nabelek
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                 Robert E. Zabloudil
[email protected]                            Nick Sandru (long hair
[email protected]                      George Ostrouchov
pannon@bcsfse                               Joe Pannon 
[email protected]                   Pavel Zivny
pboren%[email protected]                       Pat Boren
[email protected]                              Phil Howard 
[email protected]                     Allon Percus
[email protected]                    P.J. Boulay 
[email protected]                Lisonek Petr 
[email protected]                              CLP 
[email protected]               Peter Papanek
[email protected]                       peter pavlik
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                      Robert Cox
[email protected]                        Radu Eugen Edelstein 
[email protected]                     Richard Fanta 
[email protected]                              Richard Neumann
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                              Bj|rn Remseth 
[email protected]                             Ron Newman 
[email protected]              Martin Rocek
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                      Ralph Pledger 
[email protected]               Reinhard Schoen
[email protected]                        Steve Otruba
[email protected]                 Carlton Schuyler 
[email protected]                   Mark Seligman
[email protected]                Dave J. Schelonka
[email protected]                             Scott J. Bury
[email protected]%CSBRMU11.BITNET     Petr Sojka
[email protected]                              Erland Sommarskog
[email protected]                     Robin Sowton
[email protected]                        Alex Brozan 
[email protected]                   Such Ondrej
[email protected]                           Sven Spanne 
[email protected]                         Dan Timis 
[email protected]                Jebelean Tudor 
[email protected]                             Todd M. Michney
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                  Tom Kovar
[email protected]                                           
[email protected]                                                 
[email protected]                         Joe Ondercin
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                       Steve Van Trees
[email protected]                  Peter Varkonyi 
[email protected]                   Viktoria Seibert 
[email protected]                          Vince Pavlicek
vmzmeu%[email protected]                  Vlad
[email protected]                        Yavor B. Parasmkevov
[email protected]               Michele M. Batter
[email protected]                  Rossen Zlatev 

---------------------   25 "NO" votes   ---------------------   

055434@UOTTAWA                              SEAN MAGUIRE 
[email protected]   Christophe Wolfhugel 
GEOFLU@CSPUNI12                             Ludvik Urban 
[email protected]                       V Balaji 
[email protected]                     Cthulhu's Jersey Epopt
[email protected]                    Christopher
[email protected]                         Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.
[email protected]                             Francis A. Uy
[email protected]               Scott Goehring 
[email protected]                    Jakub Roth. K8/DIC2. Tel. 1533 
[email protected]                   Kim DeVaughn
[email protected]                        Brian Kenney
[email protected]              Massimo Marchi
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                        Mike Palmer
[email protected]                              Paul Maclauchlan
[email protected]                   Leonard J. Peirce
[email protected]               Joel Plutchak
[email protected]   Tom Albrecht
[email protected]                  Robert Allan Zeh 
[email protected]                Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                      Dave V. Schaller
[email protected]                      Marc Moorcroft 
[email protected]                    Stu Labovitz 
[email protected]                      Bill Innanen 

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