From [email protected] Mon Sep 27 12:29:56 1993
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:924 news.groups:22573 comp.society:412 soc.culture.china:37835 soc.culture.indian:37593 soc.culture.latin-america:3862 sci.econ:2488
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.society,,soc.culture.china,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.latin-america,sci.econ
Path: rpi!tale
From: Ehud Reiter 
Subject: CFD:  comp.society.development
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Dept of AI, Edinburgh, UK
Date: 7 Mar 91 07:45:49 GMT
Approved: [email protected], [email protected]
Lines: 33

CALL FOR DISCUSSION: comp.society.development
Moderated: No

Subject: This group will discuss applications of computer technology
in developing countries.  Topics might include: 
 -  specific stories of successful (and unsuccessful) uses of computers
    in developing countries
 -  general discussion of the difficulties and advantages of using
    computers in developing countries
 -  comments from developing country computer users on their experiences
 -  requests from developing country computer users for computer-related
 -  news about communications, especially networks and electronic mail,
    to and within developing countries
 -  updates from aid agencies, volunteer groups and others active in
    developing countries on computer-related projects underway or under
 -  discussions about appropriate hardware and software
 -  general news about books, seminars, conferences, and projects

General discussions of Third World politics or economics will be avoided.

Comment: At the University of Edinburgh, we have set up a mailing list
to discuss applications of Artificial Intelligence in developing coutries.
The list is growing all the time, and now includes people from 4 continents,
so it seems there may be enough interest to justify a USENET newsgroup on
this topic.  The mailing list is restricted to AI applications, but it is
probably better for the newsgroup to cover all types of computer applications.

All discussion on this proposed group should take place in news.groups.
						Ehud Reiter
						([email protected])

From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 16:15:01 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1023 news.groups:24208 comp.society:418 soc.culture.african:2317 soc.culture.china:39593 soc.culture.indian:39949 soc.culture.latin-america:4304 sci.econ:2650
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.society,,soc.culture.african,soc.culture.china,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.latin-america,sci.econ
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected]
Subject: CFV:  comp.society.development
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Dept AI, Edinburgh University, Scotland
Date: 9 Apr 91 02:13:27 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 67
Status: O

CALL FOR VOTES: comp.society.development   (computers in developing countries)

I issued a call for discussion for this group a month ago, and have gotten very
few suggestions for changes to the name or charter (although lots of people
sent e-mail saying they thought the group was a great idea).  So, I am now
issuing a call for votes on the original charter, with no modifications.

NAME: comp.society.development

CHARTER: This group will discuss applications of computer technology
in developing countries.  Topics might include: 
 -  specific stories of successful (and unsuccessful) uses of computers
    in developing countries
 -  general discussion of the difficulties and advantages of using
    computers in developing countries
 -  comments from developing country computer users on their experiences
 -  requests from developing country computer users for computer-related
 -  news about communications, especially networks and electronic mail,
    to and within developing countries
 -  updates from aid agencies, volunteer groups and others active in
    developing countries on computer-related projects underway or under
 -  discussions about appropriate hardware and software
 -  general news about books, seminars, conferences, and projects

General discussions of Third World politics or economics will be avoided.



Send an e-mail message to         [email protected]
(e.g., by replying to this posting) with one of the following subject lines:

	yes for comp.society.development
	no for comp.society.development

Please use the exact wording given above, as that will enable vote counting
to be partially automated.  The body of the message will be ignored, and
can be blank.

I will hand-count votes that do not fit the above format, but that will be
significantly more work - please use one of the above subject lines if

DEADLINE: All votes must be *received* by me by  23:59 GMT on 8-May-91.
Votes received after that date will be ignored.

WARNINGS: Do *not* post your votes to the net; such votes will be ignored.
Also, people who have already sent me e-mail saying they will vote yes/no
must send me a new message, as the original mesages were not received in the
official voting period (I'm just following USENET rules here).
     Votes will not be individually acknowledged, although I may post a mass
acknowledgement to the net (especially if it looks like messages are getting
lost in the international connections).

REQUIREMENTS: The group will be created if at least 2/3 of the votes are YES
votes, *and* there are at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.

QUESTIONS: If you have a question, send e-mail to       [email protected]
(do *not* send questions to [email protected]).
						Ehud Reiter
						([email protected])

From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 16:16:10 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1073 news.groups:25224 comp.society:426 soc.culture.african:2349 soc.culture.china:40590 soc.culture.indian:41415 soc.culture.latin-america:4465 sci.econ:2773
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.society,,soc.culture.african,soc.culture.china,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.latin-america,sci.econ
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ehud Reiter)
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:  comp.society.development
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Dept AI, Edinburgh University, Scotland
Date: 23 Apr 91 04:50:21 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 260
Status: RO

proposed:  comp.society.development (computers in developing countries)

-- Second (and final) CALL FOR VOTES on creating this newsgroup
-- MASS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of votes received through 21 April 1991

HOW TO VOTE: Reply to this message (or otherwise e-mail [email protected])
with one of the following subject lines:

	yes for comp.society.development
	no for comp.society.development

Please use this exact wording, if possible, as that enables vote-counting to
be partially automated.  The body of the message will be ignored, and can
be blank.  Votes must be e-mailed, they cannot be posted.


All votes must be *received* by me by 23:59GMT on 8 May 1991.

NAME: comp.society.development

CHARTER: This group will discuss applications of computer technology
in developing countries.  Topics might include: 
 -  specific stories of successful (and unsuccessful) uses of computers
    in developing countries
 -  general discussion of the difficulties and advantages of using
    computers in developing countries
 -  comments from developing country computer users on their experiences
 -  requests from developing country computer users for computer-related
 -  news about communications, especially networks and electronic mail,
    to and within developing countries
 -  updates from aid agencies, volunteer groups and others active in
    developing countries on computer-related projects underway or under
 -  discussions about appropriate hardware and software
 -  general news about books, seminars, conferences, and projects

General discussions of Third World politics or economics will be avoided.

e-mail to the UK does occasionally get lost, so people who have voted from
other countries may wish to double-check that their name appears on the
following list.

<206 votes received - sorted in alphabetic order on From: field>

Ajit Sanzgiri 
Akinwale A Akinpelu 
Alan Bundy 
Alayne McGregor 
Alberto Cueto 
Alexander Holt 
Alvaro Fernandes 
Anand Patwardhan 
Angela Lamb 
Anselm Lingnau 
Anu Vedantham 21371 
Arne Henrik Juul 
Ashok Gupta 
Bal Prasad 
Barnabas Chirombo 
Beverly Erlebacher 
Bob Weissman 
Brian Duke 
C J A Da Silva 
[email protected]
Carl Rigney 
Cesar Galindo-Legaria 
Charleen Bunjiovianna Stoner 
Charlotte A Weise 
Chip Rosenthal 
Chris Williams 
Christian Haider 
Craig E. Ward 
D Zanother 
Daniel Jacobson 
Darrell J. Parsons 
Dave V. Schaller 
David Neal Miller 
David Robinson 
Diana Bental 
Dick Dunn 
Dickson Lukose 
Don Ewart 
Don Porter 
Ed Robertson 
Ed Y Hiheta 
Edgardo Richards 
Edison H.W. Wong 
Edwin Blake 
Eelco Vriezekolk 
Fabio Silva 
Gary Capell 
Gary McGraw 
Geoff C Wing 
Geoffrey Wiginton 
Gilford T. Hapanyengwi 
Glenn Gould 
Glenn M Cooley 
Grant (G.E.)Martin 
Hector A Geffner 
Hector Ruben Cordero-Guzman 
Helen Lowe 
Henk Dieu 
Howard Beck 
Ines de Castro Dutra 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jack Campin 
Jamey Graham 
Javier S. Pareja 
Jim Clarke 
Jim Roche 
[email protected]
Joe Levy 
John B. Melby 
John Martin 
John Schonholtz 
Jon (Chris) Connelly 
Jon Harder 
Jon Sreekanth 
Kanchana Kanchanasut 
Kang Sun 
Karl Tombre 
Kathleen Callaway [strandh] 
Keiji Kanazawa 
Kevin Chambers 
Kim DeVaughn 
Kishore Krshna 
Krishna E. Bera 
Lauri Lynn 
Laurie White 
Leonard Peirce 
Lord of Dyved 
Louiqa Raschid 
Luciano Serafini 
Mandy Haggith 
Marc Picquendar 
Marcos Ortiz 
Maria R. Saenz 
Martin Newmark 
Mats Wiren 
Mert Alberts 
Michael C. Berch 
Michael Carr 
Michael H. Kalantar 
Michael Rothstein 
Michael Travers 
Mike Ess 
Mike Pelletier 
Miren Carranza 
Mr Paul Philbrow 
Neil Rickert 
News Administrator @ Wolves 
Nigel Allen 
Norman Yarvin 
Pat Healey 
Paul Stravers 
Ralf Allrutz <"/S=allrutz/OU=wega/OU=tat/O=physik/PRMD=uni-tuebingen/ADMD= /">
Raman R 
Ramayya Kumar 
Randall Atkinson 
Randy Haynes 
Rene G. Rodriguez 
Rich Thomson 
Richard H. Miller 
Rick Innis 
Robert Dale 
Robert Newstadt 
[email protected]
Roberto Hexsel 
Romain Shaw 
S. Karthik 
Scott Fertig 
Sheila Glasbey 
Sheila Rock (PhD 90) 
Simon Harriss 
Stanier A 
Stefan Merten 
Stephen P Crago 
Steve Fligelstone 
Subodh Bapat 
Subrata Kumar Das 
Teresa Anderson 
Theodore Hope 
Timothy VanFosson 
Tom Fitzgerald 
Tom Jaskiewicz 
Venu Dasigi 
Vikram Sethi 
Vincent J Guinto 
Werner Uhrig 
Y.O. Busia 
Ya-Xiang Yuan 
Yossarian Yggy King 
Young-il Choo 
ajayshah (Ajay Shah) 
bleier (Alan Bleier) 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
gopichand koganti 
gregorio Varvakis 
[email protected] (labgsa Hanhwe -han- Kim)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Lars Aasmund Maehle)
[email protected] (Liliana Beltran)
[email protected]
[email protected]
marthae (Martha Escobar) 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
shadrach todd 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sheldon Rothenberg)
[email protected] (Dann Sklarew)
[email protected]
[email protected]
thomas ikuenobe 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Venu Dasigi)
wyatt (Bill Wyatt) 
[email protected]
						Ehud Reiter
						([email protected])

From [email protected] Mon Sep 11 16:17:26 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1126 news.groups:25937 comp.society:444 soc.culture.african:2453 soc.culture.china:42095 soc.culture.indian:43494 soc.culture.latin-america:4732 sci.econ:3073
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.society,,soc.culture.african,soc.culture.china,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.latin-america,sci.econ
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ehud Reiter)
Subject: RESULT:  comp.society.development passes 255: 46
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Dept AI, Edinburgh University, Scotland
Date: 13 May 91 05:16:40 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 381
Status: O

The proposal to create  comp.society.development  (a newsgroup to discuss the
role of computers in developing countries) has PASSED.

This message includes:
-- voting summary
-- the group's charter
-- list of NO votes received
-- list of YES votes received


The voting period ended on 8 May 1991.  The following votes were received:

	 46  NO
	255  YES
	301  total

This meets the USENET success criteria, as at least 2/3 of the votes were YES
votes, and there were 100 more YES votes than NO votes.  My thanks to all
those who took the time to participate in the vote.

There is now a 5-day waiting period, during which people can send corrections
if their vote was miscounted (please e-mail  [email protected]).
If the success criteria are still met after such corrections, the group will
be created.

In terms of comments, several people (including both Yes and No voters) said
they liked the group's charter but not its name.  Sorry about that - if I had
received as many such comments during the discussion period, I would have
tried to find something more acceptable to everyone, but unfortunately the
name cannot (usually ...) be changed during the voting period.  We can always
change the name later, if the group seems successful and the name is still a

A smaller number of people also said they would have prefered a different
position in the USENET hierarchy.  Similar comments apply, although I also
suspect there isn't any really appropriate place for such a group in the
current hierarchy.

One person also suggested some kind of link with the BITNET group DEVEL-L.
DEVEL-L has a somewhat different charter (in particular, it's much less
technical than I hope  comp.society.development  will be), and in any case the
organizers of DEVEL-L did not respond to any of my e-mail messages, so I did
not pursue this (if you want to find out about DEVEL-L and other such groups,
subscribe to comp.society.development! - when the group is created, I'll post
a list of all the related mailing lists that I know of).


NAME: comp.society.development

CHARTER: This group will discuss applications of computer technology
in developing countries.  Topics might include: 
 -  specific stories of successful (and unsuccessful) uses of computers
    in developing countries
 -  general discussion of the difficulties and advantages of using
    computers in developing countries
 -  comments from developing country computer users on their experiences
 -  requests from developing country computer users for computer-related
 -  news about communications, especially networks and electronic mail,
    to and within developing countries
 -  updates from aid agencies, volunteer groups and others active in
    developing countries on computer-related projects underway or under
 -  discussions about appropriate hardware and software
 -  general news about books, seminars, conferences, and projects

General discussions of Third World politics or economics will be avoided.

LIST OF NO VOTES (46 total, sorted by From: field)

Alex Laney 
Arne Henrik Juul 
Bill Mackiewicz 
Bob Weissman 
Brian Kenney 
Brian Matthews 
Carl Rigney 
Charleen Bunjiovianna Stoner 
Chip Rosenthal 
Craig E. Ward 
Dave V. Schaller 
David Neal Miller 
David Robinson 
David Summers 
Dewey Henize 
Dick Dunn 
Ed Clarke/1024787+0 
Edison H.W. Wong 
Glenn M Cooley 
Harald Nordg}rd-Hansen 
Jim Roche 
Jonathan Stigelman 
Karl Tombre 
Kelly DeYoe 
Kim DeVaughn 
Leonard Peirce 
Michael C. Berch 
Michael Klemme 
Mike Pelletier 
Neil Rickert 
News Administrator @ Wolves 
Norman Yarvin 
Paulo da Costa 42147 
Randall Atkinson 
Rich Thomson 
Robert Craig Harman 
Robert Newstadt 
Robert S. Wood 
Timothy VanFosson 
Tom Fitzgerald 
Tom Jaskiewicz 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
wyatt (Bill Wyatt) 

LIST OF YES VOTES (255 total, sorted by From: field)

[email protected]
[email protected]
Ajit Sanzgiri 
Akinwale A Akinpelu 
Alan Bundy 
Alan Thew 
Alayne McGregor 
Albert Langer 
Alberto Cueto 
Alexander Holt 
Alvaro Fernandes 
Anand Patwardhan 
Angela Lamb 
Anselm Lingnau 
Anu Vedantham 21371 
Ashish Karkare 
Ashok Gupta 
Audrey C Mack 
Bal Prasad 
Barnabas Chirombo 
Bart Benus 
Benjamin Davis 
Beverly Erlebacher 
Bob Fisher 
Brian Duke 
Bruce Atherton 
C J A Da Silva 
[email protected]
Carl-Helmut Coulon 
Carlos R. Robert (crober21@hpprdea) 
Carol Orange 
Carol Springs 
Cesar Galindo-Legaria 
Charlotte A Weise 
Chris Williams 
Christian Haider 
Clifford A Adams 
Craig R Stevenson +1 614 860 7089 
D Zanother 
Daniel Jacobson 
Darrell J. Parsons 
David Robboy 
Diana Bental 
Dickson Lukose 
Don Ewart 
Don Porter 
Dr. Guna Seetharaman 
Ed Robertson 
Ed Y Hiheta 
Edgardo Richards 
Edwin Blake 
Eelco Vriezekolk 
Erik Vinkhuyzen 
Fabio Silva 
Fergus O'Reilly 
Frank van Harmelen 
Gary Capell 
Gary McGraw 
Geoff C Wing 
Geoffrey Wiginton 
Gertjan van Heijst 
Gilford T. Hapanyengwi 
Glenn Gould 
Grant (G.E.)Martin 
Guus Schreiber 
Hector A Geffner 
Hector Ruben Cordero-Guzman 
Helen Lowe 
Henk Boterenbrood 
Henk Dieu 
Howard Beck 
Ines de Castro Dutra 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jack Campin 
James Weiss 
Jamey Graham 
Javier S. Pareja 
Jeffrey J. Carpenter 
Jim Butler 
Jim Clarke 
[email protected]
Joe Levy 
John B. Melby 
John Martin 
John Schonholtz 
John Sturdy 
[email protected]
Jon (Chris) Connelly 
Jon Harder 
Jon Sreekanth 
Jos van der Meer - Sun Nederland 
Joseph Fortt 
Juan A. Rodriguez-Sero 
Just trying to get it done 
[email protected]
Kanchana Kanchanasut 
Kang Sun 
Kathleen Callaway [strandh] 
Keiji Kanazawa 
Kevin Chambers 
Kevin Fitzpatrick 
Kishore Krshna 
Krishna E. Bera 
Laurence Davis 
Lauri Lynn 
Laurie White 
Lawrence K. Kolodney 
Lord of Dyved 
Louiqa Raschid 
Luciano Serafini 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mandy Haggith 
Manfred Aben 
Marc Picquendar 
Marcos Ortiz 
Maria R. Saenz 
Martin Newmark 
Mats Wiren 
Mert Alberts 
Michael Carr 
Michael Gorodnitzky 
Michael H. Kalantar 
Michael Rothstein 
Michael Travers 
Mike Ess 
Miren Carranza 
Mohan Arkalgud 
Mou-Yen Chen 
Mr Paul Philbrow 
Nigel Allen 
Owen Cooper 
[email protected]
Paolo Avesani 
Pat Healey 
Patricia Z. Rodriguez X5171 
Paul Stravers 
Paul van Arragon 
Peter H. Hellmonds 
R.K. Kashyap 
Rachel Weiss 
Ralf Allrutz 
Raman R 
Ramayya Kumar 
Randy Haynes 
Rene G. Rodriguez 
Ricardo E Sabat 
Richard H. Miller 
Rick Innis 
Robert Dale 
[email protected]
Roberto Hexsel 
Romain Shaw 
S. Karthik 
Scott Fertig 
Sheila Glasbey 
Sheila Rock (PhD 90) 
Simon Harriss 
Stanier A 
Stefan Merten 
Stephen A Viller 
Stephen P Crago 
Steve Fligelstone 
Subodh Bapat 
Subrata Kumar Das 
Ted Lemon 
Teresa Anderson 
Theodore Hope 
Timo Rossi 
Tony Plate 
Truls S. Myklebust 
Umit Yalcinalp 
Uwe Drouven 
Venu Dasigi 
Vikram Sethi 
Vincent J Guinto 
Werner Uhrig 
Y.O. Busia 
Ya-Xiang Yuan 
Yossarian Yggy King 
Young-il Choo 
ajayshah (Ajay Shah) 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
bleier (Alan Bleier) 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
gopichand koganti 
gregorio Varvakis 
[email protected] (labgsa Hanhwe -han- Kim)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Lars Aasmund Maehle)
[email protected] (Liliana Beltran)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
marthae (Martha Escobar) 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
shadrach todd 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sheldon Rothenberg)
[email protected] (Dann Sklarew)
[email protected]
stephen t tirone 
[email protected]
thomas ikuenobe 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Venu Dasigi)
vijay mehrotra 
[email protected]
[email protected]
						Ehud Reiter
						([email protected])

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