From [email protected] Fri Sep  9 18:34:07 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Cindy Tittle Moore 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.pets.dogs
Subject: RFD: rec.pets.dogs reorganization
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 9 Sep 1994 17:54:07 -0400
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
Lines: 144
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5613 news.groups:115539 rec.pets.dogs:89949

This is a request for discussion on the proposal to split
rec.pets.dogs into a number of constituent subnewsgroups:

          , moderated
              rec.pets.dogs.misc replacing rec.pets.dogs

Crossposted to:  rec.pets.dogs, news.announce.newgroups, news.groups.

Followups to: news.groups

Proposed by: Cindy Tittle Moore ([email protected])


For those unfamiliar with the process of creating newsgroup, this is
the formal Request For Discussion (RFD) on creating a new group.
Those of us on RPD are already aware of the informal discussion on the
split that has taken place to shape this formal proposal.

Please notice that followups are directed to news.groups.  If you wish
to discuss this proposal, you should do so in news.groups, so that all
persons interested in this discussion will be able to see your
remarks.  This is a necessary step, even though we've hashed the
issues out to some extent already on rec.pets.dogs.

If the results of the discussion are positive, a vote will be held on
creating this new newsgroup.  A Call for Votes (CFV) will be posted at
least 21, but not more than 30, days after this Request for Discussion
(RFD) appears.  The CFV will give instructions on how to vote; voting
is conducted for some amount of time between 21 and 31 days.  The
exact time will be given in the CFV.  I plan to contact Ron Dippold
about using a neutral, third-party Usenet Volunteer Votetaker.  When
the votes are tallied, in order for the group to be created, at least
100 more "yes" than "no" votes must have arrived, AND at least 2/3 of
the total votes must be "yes" votes.  I will ask for at least one mass
acknowledgement of received votes (without an indication of which way
participants voted) to help you verify that your vote was received.


Rec.pets.dogs is currently a newsgroup with a huge volume of traffic,
well in excess of 200 messages a day during the weekday and usually
over 50 a day during weekends and holidays.  It is increasingly
difficult to keep up with the enthusiastic traffic on this list.  It
is also clear, from the numerous mailing lists currently existing,
that there is a high degree of interest in specific topics on

Breaking rec.pets.dogs up into several major topical subdivisions
seems the best way to help separate out the traffic on rec.pets.dogs
and reduce it to a more organized and manageable level.

For example, the sheer number of breed specific mailing lists points
up to the interest that people would have in rpd.breeds; the
extraordinarily high volumes on obed-l and agility-l, the continuing
popularity of flyball on RPD, and sustained interest in conform-l
argue for the formation of rpd.activities.  The high number of
questions on canine health and husbandry, and the extensive faqs for
same argue for the group.  The misc group is the USENET
standard for renaming a group that is split up.

(Note, for those interested in seeing just how many faqs and email
lists there are, you may use anonymous ftp to and look
at the documents /pub/tittle/rpd/email-list and


That rec.pets.dogs be split up into a number of subgroups, each listed
with its charter below:

  This group is for the discussion of activities involving dogs.
  Examples include but are not limited to conformation, obedience,
  field trials, herding trials, frisbee/disc competition, flyball,
  hunting, sledding, backpacking/camping and hiking.  Other
  appropriate topics include discussion of training for the particular
  activity, physical conditioning, how to hook up with activities
  available in your area, etc.  Sportsmanlike conduct is expected; in
  particular, derogatory comments about activities you don't care
  for are frowned upon.  Use of keywords in the subject line to
  clearly identify your activity is encouraged.

  This group is for extensive breed specific discussion.  Topics may
  include breed specific health problems, locating breeders of
  particular breeds, discussing breed specific abilities and
  characteristics, asking about what breeds make appropriate pets
  under what circumstances.  Clearly identifying the breed you are
  discussing in the subject line is encouraged., moderated
  This is a moderated group and will only post faqs relevant to
  rec.pets.dogs.  The moderator will be Cindy Tittle Moore
  ([email protected]) who has written many of the faqs, and already
  moderates another group and so has the relevant experience.
  Appropriate faqs that are already cleared for posting to
  news.answers are automatically eligible to be posted here.  In
  addition, many of the regular informative postings that appear on
  rec.pets.dogs now would also be eligible (eg, the Protection Dog
  articles, the CCI puppy handlers post, etc.). No discussion is
  permitted on this group.  This group is intended to make the faqs
  and artictles with useful information for RPD more visible and
  easier to find, especially for newcomers.  There are at least
  46 faqs and articles regularly posted to rec.pets.dogs at the moment.
  This group is for miscellaneous questions that are not more
  appropriate for one of the other groups.  This includes chat, humor,
  anything pertaining to canines not explicitly covered elsewhere.
  The name is the stylized renaming convention for the original group
  for when it is split up, and is intended to replace rec.pets.dogs.
  This group is for health and medical questions related to dogs.
  This includes, but certainly is not limited to, questions on hip
  dysplasia, epilepsy, eye problems, diabetes, bloat, allergies and
  skin problems, etc.  Hereditary and acquired diseases may be
  discussed, as well as traumatic disorders.  Questions about
  nutrition and feeding are also appropriate here.  This newsgroup is
  not intended to replace veterinary care in any way, but is to help
  inform the dog owner about canine health.
  This group is for the discussion of typical behavioral problems with
  dogs.  Examples include but are not limited to: digging, barking,
  aggressive behavior, housetraining, crate training, etc.  Also
  appropriate is discussion of "why" dogs behave as they do and how to
  work with that to eliminate some behaviors and reinforce others.

--Cindy Tittle Moore
[email protected]
_________________________Cindy Tittle Moore___________________________________

Internet: [email protected]              USmail: PO Box 4188, Irvine CA, 92716

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Tue Oct 11 13:06:26 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.pets.dogs
Subject: CFV: rec.pets.dogs.* reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Date: 11 Oct 1994 10:46:12 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 151
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 2 Nov 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5763 news.groups:120091 rec.pets.dogs:95006

		     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
	      unmoderated group rec.pets.dogs.activities
	       unmoderated group rec.pets.dogs.behavior
		unmoderated group rec.pets.dogs.breeds
		unmoderated group
		  moderated group
		 unmoderated group rec.pets.dogs.misc
		unmoderated group rec.pets.dogs.rescue

Newsgroups line:
rec.pets.dogs.activities	Dog events: showing, obed, agility, etc.
rec.pets.dogs.behavior	Behaviors and problems: housetraining, chewing, etc.
rec.pets.dogs.breeds	Breed specific -- breed traits, finding breeders, etc.	Info about health problems & how to care for dogs	General information and FAQs posted here. (Moderated)
rec.pets.dogs.misc	All other topics, chat, humor, etc.
rec.pets.dogs.rescue	Information about breed rescue, placing and adopting

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 1 November 1994.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Cindy Tittle Moore 


Rec.pets.dogs is currently a newsgroup with a huge volume of traffic,
well in excess of 200 messages a day during the weekday and usually
over 50 a day during weekends and holidays.  It is increasingly
difficult to keep up with the enthusiastic traffic on this list.  It
is also clear, from the numerous mailing lists currently existing,
that there is a high degree of interest in specific topics on
rec.pets.dogs.  Hence, the proposed division into the following
general subtopics.

  This group is for the discussion of activities involving dogs.
  Examples include but are not limited to conformation, obedience,
  field trials, herding trials, frisbee/disc competition, flyball,
  hunting, sledding, backpacking/camping and hiking.  Other
  appropriate topics include discussion of training for the particular
  activity, physical conditioning, how to hook up with activities
  available in your area, etc.  Sportsmanlike conduct is expected; in
  particular, derogatory comments about activities you don't care
  for are frowned upon.  Use of keywords in the subject line to
  clearly identify your activity is encouraged.
  This group is for the discussion of typical behavioral problems with
  dogs.  Examples include but are not limited to: digging, barking,
  aggressive behavior, housetraining, crate training, etc.  Also
  appropriate is discussion of "why" dogs behave as they do and how to
  work with that to eliminate some behaviors and reinforce others.

  This group is for extensive breed specific discussion.  Topics may
  include breed specific health problems, locating breeders of
  particular breeds, discussing breed specific abilities and
  characteristics, asking about what breeds make appropriate pets
  under what circumstances.  Clearly identifying the breed you are
  discussing in the subject line is encouraged.
  This group is for health and medical questions related to dogs.
  This includes, but certainly is not limited to, questions on hip
  dysplasia, epilepsy, eye problems, diabetes, bloat, allergies and
  skin problems, etc.  Hereditary and acquired diseases may be
  discussed, as well as traumatic disorders.  Questions about
  nutrition and feeding are also appropriate here.  This newsgroup is
  not intended to replace veterinary care in any way, but is to help
  inform the dog owner about canine health., moderated
  This is a moderated group and will only post faqs relevant to
  rec.pets.dogs.  The moderator will be Cindy Tittle Moore
  ([email protected], [email protected]) who has written
  many of the faqs, and already moderates another group and so has the
  relevant experience.  Appropriate faqs that are already cleared for
  posting to news.answers are automatically eligible to be posted
  here.  In addition, many of the regular informative postings that
  appear on rec.pets.dogs now would also be eligible (eg, the
  Protection Dog articles, the CCI puppy handlers post, etc.). No
  discussion is permitted on this group.  This group is intended to
  make the faqs and artictles with useful information for RPD more
  visible and easier to find, especially for newcomers.  There are at
  least 46 faqs and articles regularly posted to rec.pets.dogs at the
  This group is for miscellaneous questions that are not more
  appropriate for one of the other groups.  This includes chat, humor,
  anything pertaining to canines not explicitly covered elsewhere.
  The name is the stylized renaming convention for the original group
  for when it is split up, and is intended to replace rec.pets.dogs.
  If this group passes, rec.pets.dogs will be removed after three
  months, allowing traffic time to migrate.  

  This unmoderated newsgroup proposed as rec.pets.dogs.rescue will be
  used for the discussion of all aspects of dog rescue.  Topics
  appropriate to this newsgroup will include, but are not limited to:
        * General questions and answers on dog rescue.
        * General announcements relative to various rescue groups.
        * General discussion of methods to use in helping a rescue
          dog adjust to its new home.
        * Idiosyncrasies found in rescue dogs, i.e., fears, aggression,
          etc., and how to handle same.
        * Training or re-training the rescue dog.
        * Breed specific rescue group information.


Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group names.

Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or
NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want
to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry
about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply

Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
rec.pets.dogs hierarchy Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]  rec.pets.dogs.activities
[         ]  rec.pets.dogs.behavior
[         ]  rec.pets.dogs.breeds
[         ]
[         ] moderated
[         ]  rec.pets.dogs.misc
[         ]  rec.pets.dogs.rescue
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Wed Oct 26 12:59:27 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.pets.dogs
Subject: 2nd CFV: rec.pets.dogs.* reorganization
Followup-To: poster
Date: 26 Oct 1994 10:34:47 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 159
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 2 Nov 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5839 news.groups:121683 rec.pets.dogs:97723

                     LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
              unmoderated group rec.pets.dogs.activities
               unmoderated group rec.pets.dogs.behavior
                unmoderated group rec.pets.dogs.breeds
                unmoderated group
                  moderated group
                 unmoderated group rec.pets.dogs.misc
                unmoderated group rec.pets.dogs.rescue

Newsgroups line:
rec.pets.dogs.activities        Dog events: showing, obed, agility, etc.
rec.pets.dogs.behavior  Behaviors and problems: housetraining, chewing, etc.
rec.pets.dogs.breeds    Breed specific -- breed traits, finding breeders, etc.    Info about health problems & how to care for dogs      General information and FAQs posted here. (Moderated)
rec.pets.dogs.misc      All other topics, chat, humor, etc.
rec.pets.dogs.rescue    Information about breed rescue, placing and adopting

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 1 November 1994.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Cindy Tittle Moore 


Rec.pets.dogs is currently a newsgroup with a huge volume of traffic,
well in excess of 200 messages a day during the weekday and usually
over 50 a day during weekends and holidays.  It is increasingly
difficult to keep up with the enthusiastic traffic on this list.  It
is also clear, from the numerous mailing lists currently existing,
that there is a high degree of interest in specific topics on
rec.pets.dogs.  Hence, the proposed division into the following
general subtopics.

  This group is for the discussion of activities involving dogs.
  Examples include but are not limited to conformation, obedience,
  field trials, herding trials, frisbee/disc competition, flyball,
  hunting, sledding, backpacking/camping and hiking.  Other
  appropriate topics include discussion of training for the particular
  activity, physical conditioning, how to hook up with activities
  available in your area, etc.  Sportsmanlike conduct is expected; in
  particular, derogatory comments about activities you don't care
  for are frowned upon.  Use of keywords in the subject line to
  clearly identify your activity is encouraged.
  This group is for the discussion of typical behavioral problems with
  dogs.  Examples include but are not limited to: digging, barking,
  aggressive behavior, housetraining, crate training, etc.  Also
  appropriate is discussion of "why" dogs behave as they do and how to
  work with that to eliminate some behaviors and reinforce others.

  This group is for extensive breed specific discussion.  Topics may
  include breed specific health problems, locating breeders of
  particular breeds, discussing breed specific abilities and
  characteristics, asking about what breeds make appropriate pets
  under what circumstances.  Clearly identifying the breed you are
  discussing in the subject line is encouraged.
  This group is for health and medical questions related to dogs.
  This includes, but certainly is not limited to, questions on hip
  dysplasia, epilepsy, eye problems, diabetes, bloat, allergies and
  skin problems, etc.  Hereditary and acquired diseases may be
  discussed, as well as traumatic disorders.  Questions about
  nutrition and feeding are also appropriate here.  This newsgroup is
  not intended to replace veterinary care in any way, but is to help
  inform the dog owner about canine health., moderated
  This is a moderated group and will only post faqs relevant to
  rec.pets.dogs.  The moderator will be Cindy Tittle Moore
  ([email protected], [email protected]) who has written
  many of the faqs, and already moderates another group and so has the
  relevant experience.  Appropriate faqs that are already cleared for
  posting to news.answers are automatically eligible to be posted
  here.  In addition, many of the regular informative postings that
  appear on rec.pets.dogs now would also be eligible (eg, the
  Protection Dog articles, the CCI puppy handlers post, etc.). No
  discussion is permitted on this group.  This group is intended to
  make the faqs and artictles with useful information for RPD more
  visible and easier to find, especially for newcomers.  There are at
  least 46 faqs and articles regularly posted to rec.pets.dogs at the
  This group is for miscellaneous questions that are not more
  appropriate for one of the other groups.  This includes chat, humor,
  anything pertaining to canines not explicitly covered elsewhere.
  The name is the stylized renaming convention for the original group
  for when it is split up, and is intended to replace rec.pets.dogs.
  If this group passes, rec.pets.dogs will be removed after three
  months, allowing traffic time to migrate.  

  This unmoderated newsgroup proposed as rec.pets.dogs.rescue will be
  used for the discussion of all aspects of dog rescue.  Topics
  appropriate to this newsgroup will include, but are not limited to:
        * General questions and answers on dog rescue.
        * General announcements relative to various rescue groups.
        * General discussion of methods to use in helping a rescue
          dog adjust to its new home.
        * Idiosyncrasies found in rescue dogs, i.e., fears, aggression,
          etc., and how to handle same.
        * Training or re-training the rescue dog.
        * Breed specific rescue group information.


Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group names.

Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or
NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want
to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry
about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply

Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
rec.pets.dogs hierarchy Ballot     (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]  rec.pets.dogs.activities
[         ]  rec.pets.dogs.behavior
[         ]  rec.pets.dogs.breeds
[         ]
[         ] moderated
[         ]  rec.pets.dogs.misc
[         ]  rec.pets.dogs.rescue
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

rec.pets.dogs hierarchy Bounce List - No need to revote
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                           Mark Worrell
[email protected]                                William S. Marshall

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Thu Nov  3 17:32:24 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.pets.dogs
Subject: RESULT: rec.pets.dogs.* reorganization all groups pass
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 3 Nov 1994 15:47:02 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 484
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5896 news.groups:122287 rec.pets.dogs:99198

	  rec.pets.dogs hierarchy results - 357 valid votes

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 298   47 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.pets.dogs.activities
 309   42 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.pets.dogs.behavior
 306   45 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.pets.dogs.breeds
 312   41 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :
 315   37 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : (moderated)
 314   31 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.pets.dogs.misc
 279   60 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : rec.pets.dogs.rescue

Newsgroups line:
rec.pets.dogs.activities        Dog events: showing, obed, agility, etc.
rec.pets.dogs.behavior  Behaviors and problems: housetraining, chewing, etc.
rec.pets.dogs.breeds    Breed specific -- breed traits, finding breeders, etc.    Info about health problems & how to care for dogs      General information and FAQs posted here. (Moderated)
rec.pets.dogs.misc      All other topics, chat, humor, etc.
rec.pets.dogs.rescue    Information about breed rescue, placing and adopting

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Cindy Tittle Moore 


Rec.pets.dogs is currently a newsgroup with a huge volume of traffic,
well in excess of 200 messages a day during the weekday and usually
over 50 a day during weekends and holidays.  It is increasingly
difficult to keep up with the enthusiastic traffic on this list.  It
is also clear, from the numerous mailing lists currently existing,
that there is a high degree of interest in specific topics on
rec.pets.dogs.  Hence, the proposed division into the following
general subtopics.

  This group is for the discussion of activities involving dogs.
  Examples include but are not limited to conformation, obedience,
  field trials, herding trials, frisbee/disc competition, flyball,
  hunting, sledding, backpacking/camping and hiking.  Other
  appropriate topics include discussion of training for the particular
  activity, physical conditioning, how to hook up with activities
  available in your area, etc.  Sportsmanlike conduct is expected; in
  particular, derogatory comments about activities you don't care
  for are frowned upon.  Use of keywords in the subject line to
  clearly identify your activity is encouraged.
  This group is for the discussion of typical behavioral problems with
  dogs.  Examples include but are not limited to: digging, barking,
  aggressive behavior, housetraining, crate training, etc.  Also
  appropriate is discussion of "why" dogs behave as they do and how to
  work with that to eliminate some behaviors and reinforce others.

  This group is for extensive breed specific discussion.  Topics may
  include breed specific health problems, locating breeders of
  particular breeds, discussing breed specific abilities and
  characteristics, asking about what breeds make appropriate pets
  under what circumstances.  Clearly identifying the breed you are
  discussing in the subject line is encouraged.
  This group is for health and medical questions related to dogs.
  This includes, but certainly is not limited to, questions on hip
  dysplasia, epilepsy, eye problems, diabetes, bloat, allergies and
  skin problems, etc.  Hereditary and acquired diseases may be
  discussed, as well as traumatic disorders.  Questions about
  nutrition and feeding are also appropriate here.  This newsgroup is
  not intended to replace veterinary care in any way, but is to help
  inform the dog owner about canine health., moderated
  This is a moderated group and will only post faqs relevant to
  rec.pets.dogs.  The moderator will be Cindy Tittle Moore
  ([email protected], [email protected]) who has written
  many of the faqs, and already moderates another group and so has the
  relevant experience.  Appropriate faqs that are already cleared for
  posting to news.answers are automatically eligible to be posted
  here.  In addition, many of the regular informative postings that
  appear on rec.pets.dogs now would also be eligible (eg, the
  Protection Dog articles, the CCI puppy handlers post, etc.). No
  discussion is permitted on this group.  This group is intended to
  make the faqs and artictles with useful information for RPD more
  visible and easier to find, especially for newcomers.  There are at
  least 46 faqs and articles regularly posted to rec.pets.dogs at the
  This group is for miscellaneous questions that are not more
  appropriate for one of the other groups.  This includes chat, humor,
  anything pertaining to canines not explicitly covered elsewhere.
  The name is the stylized renaming convention for the original group
  for when it is split up, and is intended to replace rec.pets.dogs.
  If this group passes, rec.pets.dogs will be removed after three
  months, allowing traffic time to migrate.  

  This unmoderated newsgroup proposed as rec.pets.dogs.rescue will be
  used for the discussion of all aspects of dog rescue.  Topics
  appropriate to this newsgroup will include, but are not limited to:
        * General questions and answers on dog rescue.
        * General announcements relative to various rescue groups.
        * General discussion of methods to use in helping a rescue
          dog adjust to its new home.
        * Idiosyncrasies found in rescue dogs, i.e., fears, aggression,
          etc., and how to handle same.
        * Training or re-training the rescue dog.
        * Breed specific rescue group information.

rec.pets.dogs hierarchy Final Vote Ack

                                               rec.pets.dogs.rescue ---------+
                                                 rec.pets.dogs.misc --------+|
                                               rec.pets.dogs.breeds -----+||||
                                             rec.pets.dogs.behavior ----+|||||
                                           rec.pets.dogs.activities ---+||||||
[email protected]                                         Ron Berry YY--YY-
[email protected]                                  Mary Healey YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                               YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                     Angela B. Finicle YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Steven Abrams YYYYYYY
[email protected]                        A.M. (Tony) Starratt  YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  Anne Cotton YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                        Admir Mesalic YY-YY--
[email protected]                         Adele Pfrimmer Hensley YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  April H. Olberding -YYYYY-
[email protected]                                      Amanda Jenkins YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Lynda L. S. Oleksuk YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                        Ann Greenberg YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               Andrea Schalk YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Andrea Dec YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                         Andy Latto YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  Anna Welborne YYYYYYY
[email protected]                         Anne Marie Baker YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                     Anne Page YNNNYYY
[email protected]                                Michael Tackett YYYYYYN
[email protected]                                      April Quist YYYYYYY
[email protected]                          Vincent Archer NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                    Jonathan Crawford -YYYY-N
[email protected]                          Barbara A. Ashley YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                            Uim Ault YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                        Barbara Stone YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                     Marie Balda -Y-Y---
[email protected]                            Rebecca Barthel YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Barry Smith YYYYYYN
[email protected]                                   Elizabeth Olsen NYYYYYN
[email protected]                          [email protected] YYYYYY-
[email protected]                                                bill james YYYYYYN
[email protected]          Shauna Attewell ([email protected]) YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Dan Birchall NYYYYYN
[email protected]                            Aaron Dial NNNNNNN
[email protected]                        Barbara L. Narendra -YYYY-Y
[email protected]                                       Bryan Hinkle YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                Bob Nathan YYYYYYY
[email protected]                            Bob Tench YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                            Robert Long YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                 Isabel M. Gordon YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Scott Buratt YYYYYY-
[email protected]                                Jason Burgess YYYYYYY
[email protected]                              Angel J. Camacho YYYYYNY
[email protected]                                    Eric C. Carlson YYYYYY-
[email protected]                                     Catherine Stanton NNNNNNN
[email protected]                      Cathy Gilligan YYYYYYY
[email protected]                         Cathy Tweeddale YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Mark Kupferman YYNYNYN
[email protected]                           MARTY ZIMMERMAN YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Chris Barnes YYYYYYY
[email protected]               Christopher Bradford Stone NNNNNNN
[email protected]                              Gareth Davies YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Chao-Hsin Chi YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Catherine Gilligan YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               Steven Patterson YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                Christopher D. Mihaly YYYY-Y-
[email protected]                             Chris Koenigsberg NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                 Cindy Davies YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                 Ernest A. Cline --N-YYN
[email protected]                            Diane Barlow Close NYYNYYN
[email protected]                                   Mark A. Colwell YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Randy Coulman YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Craig A. Heilman YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               Pat Crockett YYYYYYY
[email protected]                           K.P. Crouch NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                      carl e snook YYYYYYY
[email protected]                     Joyce Culligan YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Christopher Ward NYNNYYN
[email protected]                                           Peter Campbell NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                   Dan Masi NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                              Darcy Semeniuk NNNNNNN
[email protected]                            David Brazendale YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  David F. Austin YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               David Barnett NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                           Heather Deal YNYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Deb Forest --YYY--
[email protected]                                 Debbie Reiser YYYYYYY
[email protected]                           Dena Delgado YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  Derek Oldfather YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                           Dan Hartung NYNYYYN
[email protected]                             Dianne Schoenberg YYYYYYN
[email protected]                                    DIXIE BLAKE YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Doug McGuire YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Diane Lussier YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                         Doug Miller -YYYYYY
[email protected]                                           David Mills YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                        Lynn Petrangelo YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Sandy Doran YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               Randy Dow YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Diane Smith -YYY---
[email protected]                             Dusty Sue Hellmann YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                                        YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                Ed Faulk YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Eric Gross NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                    Elizabeth Hughes YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Cynthia Ward YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                 Elaine M. Dowling YYYYYYY
[email protected]                              Eric J. Storch YYYYYYY
[email protected]                       Erin Rebecca Miller YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                           Emery Lapinski NNNNYYY
[email protected]                          Nancy Rodriguez-Bell YYYYNYY
[email protected]                              Carol L. Haas YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Craig B. Foltz YYYYYYY
[email protected]                     Francisco A. Valladares YYYYYYY
[email protected]                          Sean P. Ryan YYNYNYY
[email protected]                                    Ken Sheppard YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  Marty Fulton YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Gary White YYYYYYY
[email protected]                         George J. Boggs YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Gregory G. Woodbury YYYYYYY
[email protected]                             Guinevere Boostrom NNYYYYN
[email protected]                                         Ross Becker YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                            YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Granger P. Lathrop YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Keith Griffiths YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Jonathan Grobe ---Y---
[email protected]                                    Curt Sayre YYYYYYY
[email protected]                            Gregory S. Taylor YYYYYYN
[email protected]                                  Edmund Hack YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                Linda D. Hansen YYYYYYY
[email protected]                     Howard O. Ehlers YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Rob Heiser YYYYYYY
[email protected]                           Helmut Twardowski YYYYYY-
[email protected]                                     Amy Hendrix YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               Karl Henning YNYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Henning Lund YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                            Howard Holm YYYYYYY
[email protected]                              Donna Holsten YYYYYYN
[email protected]                                      Helen T. Redlus YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Holly Stowe NNNNYNN
[email protected]                                            Ian Hogg YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               Elizabeth Adams YYYYYYY
[email protected]                            John Interrante YYYYYYY
[email protected]                Jennifer Alexander YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Jan Curran  YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  Jason Perez YYYYYYY
[email protected]                     James Alexander Chokey YYYYYY-
[email protected]                                         john cole NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                              Dave Bunte YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                                     YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Jenifer Evans YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                         Jeri Collari YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                          Jerry M. Carlin YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Jesse T Sheidlower YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Judy Fleming YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  Jackie Goertz YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Jim McKay YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                          Janel Kempf YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                Jean Kessel YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Janet L. Gauntt NYYYNYN
[email protected]                              Jessica Anne Lindsay YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                             Julie Webster YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  Joye McBurnett YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    James Sevier YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  Jill N.J. Pappenhagen NNNNNNY
[email protected]                               Jody Sumrall YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                            Joe Collins YYYYYYY
[email protected]                             Amanda R Jones YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Jos Marlowe YYYYYYY
[email protected]                        Jost Krieger YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                                  YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                           Joseph Motyka YYYYYYY
[email protected]                         Jean T. Snowden YYYYYYY
[email protected]                        Judy Colwell YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Julie Packard YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Joel Walton YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                         Kristi Covert YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               FAY KAINZ YYYYYYY
[email protected]                 Karen J. Norteman YYYYYYY
[email protected]             Karen Gottschlich YNYNYYY
[email protected]                                      Karla Schwarze YYYYYYY
[email protected]                            Kathy Nicklas-Varraso YYYYYYN
[email protected]                           kathy buetow YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                        Katie Greer YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                Kathryn Barth YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                Kathy Kelleher YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   David J. Kernen YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Kimberly F. Smith YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Hasnain Khan NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                       Kim Murphy YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Kathy Kemper YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                Kwan Leung YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Karen L. M. Fremuth YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                     Kopal Jha NYYYYYY
[email protected]                              Kim Krattiger YYNYNYY
[email protected]                               Kristi Stillwell NYYYYYN
[email protected]      Kenneth R. Sellards ([email protected]) YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                Martin Schr"oder YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                         Leslie Earl YYYYYYY
[email protected]                       Linda Braly Y-YYY-Y
[email protected]                                       Kyler Laird YYYYYYY
[email protected]                            Laura McDonald YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Laurel Jasek YYYYYYY
[email protected]                     Lara E. Cowan-Vesper YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Aileen Goodrich YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Leo Horishny YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                         Len Lescosky YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Leonard Kamlet YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                          Linda Hill NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                   Lindy Fleck YYYYYYY
[email protected]                              Kayleen Lingane YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Lisa L. Seeman YYYYYY-
[email protected]                                   Jeffrey R. Ford YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                 Lois Quick YYYYYYY
[email protected]                             Lori Brandt --Y-Y-Y
[email protected]                                     Doreen McLellan-Savoie YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                           Lynne Baldwin YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                              Ed Casey YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Sharon Gwaltney YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Marc Moorcroft NNNNNNN
[email protected]                             Maria Gronberg YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               Mark T. Kramm YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Mark Worrell YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Mary E. Lauer YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Martha Cather NNNNNNN
[email protected]                               Martha H. Sherman YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  Mary Ann Campbell YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Mary Olmstead YYYYYYY
[email protected]                        William S. Marshall NNNNYYN
[email protected]                                         Marcus Breiing NNNNYYN
[email protected]                           Michael W. Bigelow YYYYYYY
[email protected]                           MLH Bonham YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  Joe McCauley YYYYYY-
[email protected]                                  gaye mcclung YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               Daniel McCoole YYYY---
[email protected]                          Mellissa DeMille YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                         Miguel Farah YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    MG Whitaker YY-YY-Y
[email protected]                                        Mike Hatz YYYYNYY
[email protected]                       Michelle Hendrix Efird YYYYYYY
[email protected]                            Michael Binder NNNNYNN
[email protected]                               Michael Buening YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                     Mike Coy YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                         Michele Tepper YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                     Mitch Leventhal YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Melissa Paul YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Michael West YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                         M Mike Taksar --N-YYN
[email protected]                        Meredith Morris-Babb YYYYNYY
[email protected]                                   Michael P. O'Lear NNNNNNN
[email protected]                             Antonia A. Montague YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               Maralee Morado YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                                       YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Michael Sattler YYYYYYY
[email protected]                        Manfred Schoelzke NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                    Merja Tornikoski YYYYYY-
[email protected]                                                  Mary Ker YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                  Monty R. Walls YYYYYYY
[email protected]               Melonie Warren-Grossie YYYYYYY
[email protected]                 Marilyn Weyman Kegg YYYYYYY
[email protected]                     Heather L. Nadelman YYYYYYY
[email protected]                              Nancy Chestnut NNNNYYY
[email protected]                                Neil I. Hamilton YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                   Idell Neumann NYNYYNN
[email protected]                                      Norman Ramsey YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Susan Oace NNNNNNN
[email protected]                                       Dave Weinstein YYYYYYN
[email protected]                                   Kat O'Steen NNNNYYY
[email protected]                            Rhonda Paprocki YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                        Pete McKay YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                Peter Schuman YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                    Pete Smoot YYYYYYY
[email protected]               Dan Persiani [email protected] YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                Pat McCulloch YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                            Pat Murphy YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Peg Banks YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                           Greg Potts YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                          Phil Shaffer YYYYNYY
[email protected]                                      Paul Walters YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                     Patricia W crowe YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Dillon Pyron YYNYNYN
[email protected]                               Michael Quinn YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               Douglas B. Quist YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Rebecca Drayer YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                      Lynn Ramey YYYYYYY
[email protected]                        Randall K. Stamm YYYYYYY
[email protected]    Roger Crice, Cincinnati, OH [email protected] YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                            Ryan Waldron NNNNNNN
[email protected]                             Ruth Ginzberg YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                       Richard Ellis YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                        Richard Miller NYYYYNN
[email protected]                                 Rick Littleton YYYYYYY
[email protected]                   Rick Martin YYYYYYY
[email protected]                               Riku Saikkonen YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                            Robin Deily YYYYYYY
[email protected]                          Rose M. Delckum NNNNNNN
[email protected]                            Randy Nessler YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                           Roly Alcock YYYYYYY
[email protected]                            Laura Ruff YYYYYYY
[email protected]                                        J. Rufinus YYYYYYY
Rutkowski_Steve/[email protected]    Steve Rutkowski YYYYYYY
saum%[email protected]         Maribeth McCarthy YYYYYYY
[email protected]    James E. Saunders