From [email protected] Thu Jan  6 15:31:48 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Todd Hubing)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.electronics,sci.physics
Subject: RFD: sci.physics.electromagneti
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 6 Jan 1994 11:03:58 -0500
Organization: University of Missouri-Rolla
Lines: 36
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4442 news.groups:91446 sci.electronics:74927 sci.physics:70055


This is a formal request for discussion on the subject of creating the
unmoderated newsgroup sci.physics.electromagneti.  Discussion will take place
in the newsgroup news.groups.


Our understanding of electromagnetic fields and waves is advancing at a
rapid pace.  This is due in part to advances in computer hardware
and software that have made it possible to model complex electromagnetic
field problems.  It is also due to the proliferation of radio frequency 
devices and high speed digital circuits that are both sources and 
receivers of electromagnetic energy.  

Keeping up with all of the latest advances and discoveries in this area
is a challenge.  The purpose of this newsgroup will be to help scientists,
engineers, experimenters, and inventors to stay abreast of the latest
developments in this field.


Sci.physics.electromagneti will be dedicated to the discussion of topics
pertaining to electromagnetics.  These include, but are not limited to: 

 electromagnetic wave theory        computational EM modeling
 microwave devices and circuits     antenna design
 electromagnentic interference      biological effects
 ELF and VLF fields                 EM measurements
 wave propagation                   shielding
 electrostatic discharge            new RF devices and technology

Todd Hubing
email: [email protected]

From [email protected] Sat Jan 22 17:53:35 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Todd Hubing)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.electronics,sci.physics
Subject: 2nd RFD: sci.physics.electromag
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 13 Jan 1994 19:25:23 -0500
Organization: University of Missouri-Rolla
Lines: 41
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4475 news.groups:91847 sci.electronics:75568 sci.physics:70615

*  Due to popular demand, the name of this proposed newsgroup has  *
*  been shortened.  Most of the responses I received favored the   *
*  name below.  It is reasonably short, but not too cryptic.       *


This is a formal request for discussion on the subject of creating the
unmoderated newsgroup sci.physics.electromag.  Discussion will take place
in the newsgroup news.groups.


Our understanding of electromagnetic fields and waves is advancing at a
rapid pace.  This is due in part to advances in computer hardware
and software that have made it possible to model complex electromagnetic
field problems.  It is also due to the proliferation of radio frequency 
devices and high speed digital circuits that are both sources and 
receivers of electromagnetic energy.  

Keeping up with all of the latest advances and discoveries in this area
is a challenge.  The purpose of this newsgroup will be to help scientists,
engineers, experimenters, and inventors to stay abreast of the latest
developments in this field.


Sci.physics.electromag will be dedicated to the discussion of topics
pertaining to electromagnetics.  These include, but are not limited to: 

 electromagnetic wave theory        computational EM modeling
 microwave devices and circuits     antenna design
 electromagnentic interference      biological effects
 ELF and VLF fields                 EM measurements
 wave propagation                   shielding
 electrostatic discharge            new RF devices and technology

Todd Hubing
email: [email protected]

From [email protected] Fri Feb  4 16:09:59 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jan Isley)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.physics,sci.electronics,,sci.engr
Subject: CFV: sci.physics.electromag
Followup-To: poster
Date: 1 Feb 1994 15:42:06 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 56
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 23 Feb 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Jan Isley)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4542 news.groups:93788 sci.physics:72109 sci.electronics:77297 sci.engr:7975

                      FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                unmoderated group sci.physics.electromag

Newsgroups line: 
sci.physics.electromag	Electromagnetic theory and applications.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 GMT, 22 Feb 1994. 

This CFV will be posted to the  mailing list
once it appears in news.announce.newgroups.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact Jan Isley .  For questions
about the proposed group contact Todd Hubing .


Sci.physics.electromag will be dedicated to the discussion of topics
pertaining to electromagnetics.  These include, but are not limited to:

  electromagnetic wave theory           computational EM modeling
  microwave devices and circuits        antenna design
  electromagnetic interference          biological effects
  ELF and VLF fields                    EM measurements
  wave propagation                      shielding
  electrostatic discharge               new RF devices and technology


Send MAIL to: [email protected] (Jan Isley)
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:

      I vote YES on sci.physics.electromag
      I vote NO on sci.physics.electromag

Please include your name if your mail software does not.

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the
outcome.  Anything else may be rejected by the vote counting program.
The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal
acknowledgement by mail - if you do not receive one within several
days, try again.

It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

- posted votes do not count
- votes without the group name do not count
- votes with the group name misspelled do not count

Only one vote per person and per account will be counted.  Addresses
and votes of all voters will be published with the final voting results.
Jan Isley, [email protected] or!bagend!jan
votes to: [email protected]

From [email protected] Thu Feb 24 17:57:04 1994
Path: uunet!not-for-mail
From: [email protected] (Jan Isley)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.physics,sci.electronics,,sci.engr
Subject: RESULT: sci.physics.electromag passes 240:11
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 24 Feb 1994 16:12:28 -0500
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 309
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4691 news.groups:96514 sci.physics:74066 sci.electronics:79428 sci.engr:8275

RESULT: unmoderated group sci.physics.electromag passes 240:11

There were 240 YES votes and 11 NO votes, for a total of 251 valid
votes.  There was 1 abstain and 4 invalid ballots.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES
and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than
NO votes. 

There is a five day discussion period after these results are
posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are
raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the
group shortly thereafter.

Newsgroups line: 
sci.physics.electromag	Electromagnetic theory and applications.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact Jan Isley .  For questions
about the proposed group contact Todd Hubing .


Sci.physics.electromag will be dedicated to the discussion of topics
pertaining to electromagnetics.  These include, but are not limited to:

  electromagnetic wave theory           computational EM modeling
  microwave devices and circuits        antenna design
  electromagnetic interference          biological effects
  ELF and VLF fields                    EM measurements
  wave propagation                      shielding
  electrostatic discharge               new RF devices and technology

unmoderated group sci.physics.electromag Final Vote Ack

Voted Yes
[email protected]                                   Richard Adler
[email protected]                                 W. Ross Stone
[email protected]                                  David Young
[email protected]                SINCLAIR  BRIAN RAYMOND
[email protected]                      Anooshirvan Hossainzadeh
[email protected]                                     Ying Hum
[email protected]                                         James T. Aberle
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                     A. B. Gershman
[email protected]                                             Abdul Khanny
[email protected]                                      Adrian Godwin
[email protected]                                Amnon J. Meir
[email protected]              JESUS EUGENIO SANCHEZ PENA
[email protected]                                    Alan Mankofsky
[email protected]                                Alan Langman
[email protected]                                      Alfredo
[email protected]                               Brice Wightman
[email protected]                                          Angelo MANARA
[email protected]                                Andrew F Peterson
[email protected]                                          Harish A.R.
[email protected]                                            Jim Ault
[email protected]                                  Dionisius
[email protected]                                        J. L. Chen
[email protected]                                    Bardo Muller
[email protected]                                  Bart Cremers
[email protected]                                 Bruce d. Scott
[email protected]                              Jos R. Bergervoet
[email protected]                                          B.J. Herbison
[email protected]                                       Ben Avison
[email protected]                                   Arthur Blair
[email protected]                                    Bob Gibbons
[email protected]                                   Chris Boswell
[email protected]                                  David Botha
[email protected]                                               Paul Lin
[email protected]                                    Brian Gross
[email protected]                           Gary Brunner
[email protected]                               BILL SHILLUE
[email protected]                               Barry Newberger
[email protected]                                           Burt N Holzman
[email protected]                                       Belinda Ward
[email protected]                             Dale A. Force
[email protected]                                Carol Kory
[email protected]                     Andreas Cangellaris
[email protected]                           Sentiono Leowinata
[email protected]                                        Sam Spencer
[email protected]                                      Dan Censor
[email protected]                                            Jeff Cooper
[email protected]                                    JAMES CHILDERS
[email protected]                Alan Robert Clark
[email protected]                                       Carlos Antunes
[email protected]                        Christopher Reed
[email protected]                                Chris Payne
[email protected]                                David Davidson
[email protected]                               Steve Davies
[email protected]                               Trevor W. Dawson
[email protected]                                   David DeLaney
[email protected]                       micha
[email protected]                                         David Dibben
[email protected]                                 Norman Dionne
[email protected]                                       David Thorpe
[email protected]                                        David K. Abe
[email protected]                                    Deb Wilkes
[email protected]                                       Donald J. Miller
[email protected]                                     Pat Donohoe
[email protected]                                               Doug Swallow
[email protected]                               Maurice Draaijer
[email protected]                             Rebecca Drayer
[email protected]                                   David W. Rodgers
[email protected]                                        Dan Swanson
[email protected]                                Duncan C Baker
[email protected]                                                 Ed Casas
[email protected]                                      B.A. Austin
[email protected]                                        Jerry McCarthy
[email protected]                            Elliotte Rusty Harold
[email protected]                              Eric M. Sheikh
[email protected]                                  Enn Vinnal
[email protected]                                 Souheil EZZEDINE
[email protected]                              Ferdinand de Bouvere
[email protected]                                    Fred Friedlander
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                 Frank Krawczyk
[email protected]                                          Lee Roll
[email protected]                                             
[email protected]                                      Donald Frederick
[email protected]                          Sean P. Ryan
[email protected]               Dave Shariff Yadallee
[email protected]                             George Christianson
[email protected]                                   James Geary
[email protected]                                  Ofer Givati
[email protected]                                     John N. Gladin
[email protected]                            Louis H Iselin
[email protected]                                 Jay Mortensen
[email protected]                                 Gary L. Neely
[email protected]                            Marc E. Goldfarb
[email protected]                          Gordon R Strachan
[email protected]                                 Graham Kerslick
[email protected]                       DANIEL AARON LEATHERWOOD
[email protected]                                          Greg G. Wilson
[email protected]                                               H. Sari
[email protected]                                    Irving Haber
[email protected]                                 Christian Hafner
[email protected]                                 Bill Hale
[email protected]                                         Harold Sabbagh
[email protected]                             Michael T. Hendrick
[email protected]                                             H. Peter Anvin
[email protected]                                     Chris Husack
[email protected]                                 Faley
[email protected]                                            Jack Rowley
[email protected]                           Robert H. Jackson
[email protected]                   PROF DJ JANSE VAN RENSBURG
[email protected]                         Javier F. Aprea
[email protected]                            Jeff Okleberry
[email protected]                                John Francis Mansfield
[email protected]                                      Jip Mulder
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                         John Konotchick
[email protected]                                    Joe St Sauver
[email protected]                                 John Boyer
[email protected]                               John Verboncoeur
[email protected]                                           
[email protected]                                Randy J. Jost
[email protected]                            J. Keith Pillow
[email protected]                             Jeffrey Rufinus
[email protected]                                             ???
[email protected]                                       Juan Parra
[email protected]                       Jan Willem Schoolmeesters
[email protected]                                     Kris Caputa
[email protected]                               Kelly W. Stricklin
[email protected]                                   Ken Griffiths
[email protected]                                    Ken Freeman
[email protected]                                         Jyrki Kimmel
[email protected]                                   Takuji Kimura
[email protected]                                        JONG KIRK AARON
[email protected]                    Henning Klaskala
[email protected]                        Michael S. Kluskens
[email protected]                                Martin Schroeder
[email protected]                                       Baruch Levush
[email protected]                                 Sheng-Yuan Lin
[email protected]                                         Mike Linnig
[email protected]                                               
[email protected]                               Marcus Bonse
[email protected]                                            M. S. Beg
[email protected]                                     James Lin
[email protected]                                           Joseph Mack
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                                     Marc Boon
[email protected]                                   Martin S. Singleton
[email protected]                              Erik Max Francis
[email protected]                                       Malcolm Binns
[email protected]                                    Mark Defranza
[email protected]                                         Meier
[email protected]                                Matthias Georg Imhof
[email protected]                                Michal Okoniewski
[email protected]                                 Mike Purchine
[email protected]                                    Mike Wood
[email protected]                                   Garth W. Milne
[email protected]                                Micha/l Mrozowski
[email protected]                                         Meng-Kun Ke
[email protected]                                         Marcos Lam
[email protected]                   Melissa Rhoads Warden
[email protected]                                      M.A. Stuchly
[email protected]                                         Billy Cheng
[email protected]                           Harvey S. Newman
[email protected]                                   Derek Nitch
[email protected]                             Rick Nopper
[email protected]                                   Krzysztof Nyka
[email protected]                                  Barry L. Ornitz
[email protected]                                   Ray Perez
[email protected]                                             Per Nielsen
[email protected]                                        Frank Perugini
[email protected]                          Peter G. Petropoulos
[email protected]                              Peter Krylstedt
[email protected]                                  Allon W V Poole
[email protected]                                      Graham Poole
[email protected]                                          Phil Wilkinson
[email protected]                                   Piotr D/ebicki
[email protected]                                      Piotr Przybyszewski
[email protected]                                Nikolay V. Pichkurov
[email protected]                                   Steve Ponder
[email protected]                       Andy Cross
[email protected]                                Luc de Gijzel
[email protected]                                   P. S. Excell
[email protected]                              Michael Quinn
[email protected]                                             R. Naimi
[email protected]                                Sathish Chandran
[email protected]                                        R. S. Habib
[email protected]                                     Sadasiva M. Rao
[email protected]                                  Thomas L Bruner
[email protected]                                  Ray Anderson
[email protected]                                     R. Dean Adams
[email protected]                              Sendhil Revuluri
[email protected]                              Robert F. Heeter
[email protected]                           Richard Christensen
[email protected]                                Richter Kurt
[email protected]                                       Rob Mitchell
[email protected]                               Andrew Roberts
[email protected]                                  Tom Roberts
[email protected]                            Roger D. Pollard
[email protected]                                        Rhett T. George
[email protected]                    Rudolf Grobe
[email protected]                                     Raymond Rusk
[email protected]                                     Linda C. Russell
[email protected]                              Sum Chow
[email protected]                         Terrance L. Worchesky
[email protected]                              Scott Charles Walter
[email protected]                                    Sergio Marra
[email protected]                                       Eric Simmon
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                    Stuart J Porter
[email protected]                                              Sean Lally
[email protected]                                       Ronald Smernoff
[email protected]                                     Steven Miale
[email protected]                                   Sheldon North
[email protected]     Claus-Henning Solterbeck
[email protected]                                   ALBERTI Stefano
[email protected]                          Steve Kirchoefer
[email protected]                               Fred Tappert
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                         Todd Hubing
[email protected]                                          Timothy E. Nelson
[email protected]                                         Tim Aubrey
[email protected]                                 Tobie de Beer
[email protected]                                     Tom Graham
[email protected]                     Tom Rubinstein
[email protected]                                       Seth Trotz
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                                  Stephen Urquhart
[email protected]                                       Gustav Rossner
[email protected]                                 Vincent E. Vielhaber
[email protected]                            Michael Young Ko
[email protected]                                   Vitoria Pablo
[email protected]                                Ward F. Bush
[email protected]                                 Weston R Beal
[email protected]                                 Frank Whetten
[email protected]                                    Matt Whiting
[email protected]                               W/lodz. Zieniutycz
[email protected]                                             Tom Warren
[email protected]                                    Perry Wheless
[email protected]                                 Frangois Yergeau
[email protected]                                      Yngve Svendsen

Voted No
[email protected]                                Bertil Jonell
[email protected]                                     Robert Smits
[email protected]                                          Jeff Jensen
[email protected]                                        Joel Furr
[email protected]                        Victor E Aldridge III
[email protected]                                           Ren Tescher
[email protected]                                     Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                                      Neil W Rickert
[email protected]                                   Richard Karlquist
[email protected]                                   Bob Cadman
[email protected]                              Timothy E. Vaughan

[email protected]                                         Maxime Taksar

Votes in error
[email protected]                      Hans Adams
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                          Gordon Couger
   ! Vote statement, "What the hell is this doing in my mailbox"
[email protected]                               Girish Bhat
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                             Peter Gerba
   ! Conflicting votes
Jan Isley, [email protected] or!bagend!jan
votes to: [email protected]

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