From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 03:09:57 1992
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1826 news.groups:39231 comp.sys.sgi:16835
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.sgi,
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: Gordon Cameron 
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1992 04:27:43 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 83

Request for Discussion (RFD)

This is an message to discuss the formation of an UNMODERATED group named :

What about the discussion ?
	This discussion will take place in the group :

If you're interested in taking part, this is the place to post to.
If you feel you have any comments, then please try and contribute.

Brief Description of Explorer
	IRIS Explorer is an application creation system developed by
SiliconGraphics that provides visualisation and analysis functionality for
computational scientists, engineers and other scientists. The Explorer
GUI allows users to build custom applications without having to write
any traditonal code.

IRIS Explorer is provided free of charge to new owners of SGI machines, and
it is hoped that the the execution and/or visualisation environment be
ported to several machines in the near future. 

What will the group discuss ? (i.e. proposed charter) 
	Part of the point of this posting is to try and talk over this very
question #:-}

	Hopefully the group should serve as a forum for discussion on
all matters Explorer-related. It would be also be good if the group
could help the users of Explorer by giving them the option to keep in touch
with both each other, and the developers of Explorer itself.

Some Issues
	It would be nice to get some discussion going - a few of the
possible issues include :
	(1) Is the name OK ?
		- should it maybe be comp.soft-sys.explorer or
		comp.sys.sgi.explorer ???
	(2) Is there sufficient interest ??
	(3) Is there sufficient interest from NON-SGI people ? (related to
		point 1)
	(4) Are SGI people interested in the formation of such a group ?
		- if so, are they interested in contributing, as they do
		admirably with comp.sys.sgi ?
	(5) Should the group be moderated ?

Other Options
	...include the formation of a mailing list as an interim measure. Is
there any comment/interest in this ?

...and finally
	I feel that Explorer constitutes an important tool for scientists
and engineers. The user-base has the potential to be vast, and indeed should
potentially include ALL SGI customers. 

With such a large potential user base, the scope for questions and
discussion is enormous, and a USENET group for this purpose I think would be
beneficial to users, module writers, and the Explorer developers. This
last group could benefit from immediate feedback from the users, and the
users in turn could feel that they have somewhere to ask questions, and
hopefully increase their productivity.

The mailing list
	If there is any interest in an alternative mailing list, could they
please mail the following address :
		[email protected]
i.e. NOT my personal mail address #:-}

Any comments would be useful - please not too many flames :)
e|p Gordon Cameron				Phone:+44 31 650 5024(Rm. 2259)
c|c Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre		Email: [email protected]

                   oOo The University of Edinburgh oOo

From [email protected] Fri Apr 24 13:56:38 1992
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.sgi,comp.unix.cray,,
From: Gordon Cameron 
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Organization: Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1992 14:39:55 GMT

       oOo Request For Discusion - oOo

This is an message to discuss the formation of an UNMODERATED group named :


This discussion is to take place in the group news.groups which is an
unmoderated discussion group. Please direct all comments, replies etc.
to this group (crossposted if particularly relevant elsewhere)....

                          oOo   oOo   oOo

What is Explorer ?
IRIS Explorer is an application creation system developed by Silicon
Graphics that provides visualisation and analysis functionality for
computational scientists, engineers and other scientists. The Explorer
GUI allows users to build custom applications without having to write
any, or a minimal amount of, traditonal code. Also, exisiting code
can be easily integrated into the Explorer environment.

IRIS Explorer is provided free of charge to new owners of SGI machines,
and it is hoped that the the execution and/or visualisation environment
be ported to several machines in the near future. Currently modules are
also availabe for Cray machines.

                          oOo   oOo   oOo

Why Form a Group ?
The last request for discussion (RFD) resulted in the formation of a
mailing list, which now has upwards of 300 subscribers. Many of these
people have expressed the opinion that attempting to form a group may
well be worthwile. In addition, many other non-subscribers may be also
interested in the formation of such a group.

(The mailing list may be contacted for further details/subscriptions
etc., at [email protected])

                          oOo   oOo   oOo

What will the group discuss ? (i.e. proposed charter) 
Hopefully the group should serve as a forum for discussion on all
matters Explorer-related. It would be also be good if the group could
help the users of Explorer by giving them the option to keep in touch
with both each other, and the developers of Explorer itself.

Perhaps something similar to, or 

                          oOo   oOo   oOo

Some Questions

It would be nice to get some discussion going - a few of the
possible issues include :

(1) Is the name OK ?
    - should it maybe be comp.soft-sys.explorer or comp.sys.sgi.explorer ?
(2) Is there sufficient interest ?
(3) Is there sufficient interest from NON-SGI people ? 
    (related to point 1)
(4) Are SGI people interested in the formation of such a group ?
    - if so, are they interested in contributing, as they do with 
      the mailing list at present?
(5) Should the group be moderated ?

                          oOo   oOo   oOo

Formation of Newsgroup

If response is favourable, then further details will be posted nearer
the time (to all relevant newsgroups) detailing how people can vote
either for or against the formation

Mailing List

The mailing list service will be retained regardless, offering a gateway
to those without USENET access, and as an alternative to using News.
Comments on this to [email protected]

                          oOo   oOo   oOo
e|p Gordon Cameron                      |     Phone:+44 31 650 5024(Rm. 2259)
c|c Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre |     Email: [email protected]
    oOo The University of Edinburgh oOo |    'So far so good, so now so what'

From [email protected] Thu May  7 07:26:29 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2306 news.groups:50442 comp.sys.sgi:20874 comp.unix.cray:730
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.sgi,,,comp.unix.cray
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Gordon Cameron 
Subject: CFV:
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
Date: Thu, 7 May 1992 06:15:54 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 103

       oOo Call For Votes (CFV) - oOo

This is an initial call for votes (CFV) for the formation of the group



  Discussing the Explorer Modular Visualisation Environment (MVE)
                 Vote Taker : Gordon Cameron
                   [email protected]
                   (see How to Vote below)

                        oOo   oOo   oOo
Group Charter
IRIS Explorer is an application creation system developed by Silicon
Graphics that provides visualisation and analysis functionality for
computational scientists, engineers and other scientists. The Explorer
GUI allows users to build custom applications without having to write
any, or a minimal amount of, traditonal code. Also, exisiting code can
be easily integrated into the Explorer environment. Explorer currently
is available on SGI and Cray machines, but will become available on
other platforms in time. 

Hopefully the group should serve as an open forum for discussion on all
matters Explorer-related, in much the same way as and
comp.soft-sys.khoros work for those products. It would be also be good
if the group could help the users of Explorer by giving them the option
to keep in touch with both each other, and the developers of Explorer
itself. Questions can be answered, and opinions heard by those working
on future versions of the software.

                        oOo   oOo   oOo
How To Vote
To Vote, please send a message to [email protected], with either
the word YES or the word NO in the Subject: of your message (the word
YES/NO must be in capitals). No body of text is required, and you need
not qualify your decision. Only one vote per person is allowed, and in
the case of multiple votes being received from the same individual,
only the last one will be registered.

Example of how to vote
	Subject : I vote YES to
or,	Subject : I vote NO to

Only unambiguous votes will be accepted, so things like `I would vote yes
if ....' will not count. Also, votes not received by direct email by
myself will not be registered (e.g. votes posted to the NET do not
The vote taking will last from 7th May 1992 through to midnight on
the 4th June 1992. Any votes received after this period will be ignored.

                        oOo   oOo   oOo

What Happens Next
At the completion of the voting period, I will post the vote tally and
the E-mail addresses and (if available) names of the votes received to
news.announce.newgroups and any other groups or mailing lists to which
the original call for votes was posted. The tally will include a
statement of which way each voter voted so that the results can be

After a 5-day waiting period, where the votes are posted and
propogated, and any conflicts resolved, and if there were no serious
objections that might invalidate the vote, and if 100 more valid
YES/create votes are received than NO/don't create AND at least 2/3 of
the total number of valid votes received are in favor of creation, a
newgroup control message may be sent out.  If the 100 vote margin or
2/3 percentage is not met, the group should not be created.

                          oOo   oOo   oOo
Mailing List
The Explorer mailing list service (which can be joined by mailing
[email protected]) is currently active and was formed
after initial interest in Explorer - it will be retained regardless,
offering a gateway to those without USENET access, and as an
alternative to using News.  Comments on this to the request address.
The FTP sites ( and will
remain active.

                          oOo   oOo   oOo
Why Form a Group ?
The last request for discussion (RFD) resulted in the formation of a
mailing list, which now has upwards of 300 subscribers. Many of these
people have expressed the opinion that attempting to form a group may
well be worthwile. In addition, many other non-subscribers may be also
interested in the formation of such a group.

                          oOo   oOo   oOo

Remember - I can't say how to vote, but please DO vote !!
e|p Gordon Cameron                      |     Phone:+44 31 650 5024(Rm. 2259)
c|c Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre |     Email: [email protected]
    oOo The University of Edinburgh oOo |    'So far so good, so now so what'

From [email protected] Mon May 18 14:52:19 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2357 news.groups:51172 comp.sys.sgi:21363
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,comp.sys.sgi
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Gordon Cameron 
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
Date: Mon, 18 May 1992 18:20:15 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 315

       oOo 2nd Call For Votes (CFV) - oOo
                    + Vote ACK - 16th May 1992

This is a 2nd call for votes (CFV) for the formation of the group



  Discussing the Explorer Modular Visualisation Environment (MVE)
                 Vote Taker : Gordon Cameron
                   [email protected]
                   (see How to Vote below)

A list of voters registered so far (16th May 1992) appears at the end
                        of this message

                        oOo   oOo   oOo
Group Charter
IRIS Explorer is an application creation system developed by Silicon
Graphics that provides visualisation and analysis functionality for
computational scientists, engineers and other scientists. The Explorer
GUI allows users to build custom applications without having to write
any, or a minimal amount of, traditonal code. Also, exisiting code can
be easily integrated into the Explorer environment. Explorer currently
is available on SGI and Cray machines, but will become available on
other platforms in time. 

Hopefully the group should serve as an open forum for discussion on all
matters Explorer-related, in much the same way as and
comp.soft-sys.khoros work for those products. It would be also be good
if the group could help the users of Explorer by giving them the option
to keep in touch with both each other, and the developers of Explorer
itself. Questions can be answered, and opinions heard by those working
on future versions of the software.

                        oOo   oOo   oOo
How To Vote
To Vote, please send a message to [email protected], with either
the word YES or the word NO in the Subject: of your message (the word
YES/NO must be in capitals). No body of text is required, and you need
not qualify your decision. Only one vote per person is allowed, and in
the case of multiple votes being received from the same individual,
only the last one will be registered.

Example of how to vote

	To: [email protected]

	Subject : I vote YES to
or,	Subject : I vote NO to

Only unambiguous votes will be accepted, so things like `I would vote yes
if ....' will not count. Also, votes not received by direct email by
myself will not be registered (e.g. votes posted to the NET do not
The vote taking will last from 7th May 1992 through to midnight on
the 4th June 1992. Any votes received after this period will be ignored.

                        oOo   oOo   oOo

What Happens Next
At the completion of the voting period, I will post the vote tally and
the E-mail addresses and (if available) names of the votes received to
news.announce.newgroups and any other groups or mailing lists to which
the original call for votes was posted. The tally will include a
statement of which way each voter voted so that the results can be

After a 5-day waiting period, where the votes are posted and
propogated, and any conflicts resolved, and if there were no serious
objections that might invalidate the vote, and if 100 more valid
YES/create votes are received than NO/don't create AND at least 2/3 of
the total number of valid votes received are in favor of creation, a
newgroup control message may be sent out.  If the 100 vote margin or
2/3 percentage is not met, the group should not be created.

                          oOo   oOo   oOo
Mailing List
The Explorer mailing list service (which can be joined by mailing
[email protected]) is currently active and was formed
after initial interest in Explorer - it will be retained regardless,
offering a gateway to those without USENET access, and as an
alternative to using News.  Comments on this to the request address.
The FTP sites ( and will
remain active.

                          oOo   oOo   oOo
Why Form a Group ?
The last request for discussion (RFD) resulted in the formation of a
mailing list, which now has upwards of 300 subscribers. Many of these
people have expressed the opinion that attempting to form a group may
well be worthwile. In addition, many other non-subscribers may be also
interested in the formation of such a group.

                          oOo   oOo   oOo

Votes received so far - any queries to [email protected]
Aaron Schuman 
Al Globus 
alan dare 
Alan Knight 
Alan Peevers 
Alex Pang 
Alex S. Crain 
Andreas Wierse 
Andrew J Wilson 
Angelo Mangili 
Augustine Lo 
Bill E. Eickmeier 
Bill Owens 
Bill Southworth 
Blaise Frederick 
Bob Brown 
Bob Lewis 
Booker Bense 
Brian Kauffman 
Brian Kauffman 
Bryan Reutter 
Buck Buchanan 
C Thornborrow 
Cal Kirchhof 
Charles Boesel 
Charles Gaumond 
Charles Ledogar 
Chieh-Cheng J. Yen 
Chris Galas 
Chris Hebert 
Chris Lilley 
Chris Pennington 
Christopher Fouts 
[email protected]
Cocotte Minute 
Craig Steinberger 
Craig Upson 
[email protected]
Cynthia D. McLain 
Dan Waylonis 
Danny Thomas 
Dave Cahlander 
Dave Donegan 
Dave Englund 
Dave Foulser 
Dave Shreiner 
David A Shinberg 
David Haight 
David Holt 
David Ofelt 
David Reuteler 
David Stewart 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Demetri Terzopoulos 
Deyang Song 
Dick Jackson 
[email protected]
Dr Y.M. Engel - The Hebrew University 
Dr. John S. Eickemeyer 
Dr. Michael M. Cohen 
Drew R Whitehouse 
Frank Terhaar-Yonkers 
Gary Oberbrunner 
George Elkins 
George Vanecek Jr. 
Gianni Mariani 
Gitta Domik 
glenn p. forney 
Gordon Cameron 
Gordon Erlebacher 
[email protected]
Greg Fairbrother 
[email protected]
Gus Williams 
Hans feil 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Heiko Schlichting 
Helen Salter 
Henrik Klagges 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ingela Nordhage 
Ion Barosan 
[email protected]
Jacqueline Dousson 
James J. Mcleod 
James Peters 
Jay Long 
Jean M. Favre 
Jeff Allston 
Jeff Hanson 
Jeffrey A. Thingvold 
Jerry Swearingen 
Jim Chen 
Jim Johnson 
Jim Salem 
[email protected]
Joe Biegel 
Joe Brust 
Joel Neisen 
John D. McCalpin 
John Gregor 
John Hagedorn 
John Hwa 
John M. Troyer 
John Martin 
John R. Chawner 
John Rupley 
John Schmidt 
John Wilson 
Karl Geppert 
Karl Henrik Eggestad 
Karl Washburn 
Kathy Carusone  
[email protected]
Kerry C. Hilldrup 
Kevin Russo 
Kian-Tat Lim 
[email protected]
Larry Coffin 
Larry Schuette 
Lawrence Mark Lifshitz 
Lee Davis 
Len Zaifman 
Leo Blume 
[email protected] (Robert Lipman)
Loki Jorgenson 
Magnus Bergman 
Malcolm Davis 
Malcolm W. Ice 
Man Wei Tam 
Manuel Gamito 
Marc Andreessen 
Mark Bartelt 
Mark Solsman 
Martin Knoblauch 
Marty Marra 
Marvin Landis 
Matthew White 
[email protected]
Michael Bobak 
Naci Dai 
[email protected]
Nils Thune 
[email protected]
Olof Runborg 
Patrick J. Flynn 
[email protected]
Paul Jensen 
Paul Smith 
[email protected]
Pierre MARTEL 
Raul Essig 
Richard H. Miller 
Rick Speer 
Rob MacLeod 
Robert DeMillo  
Robert E. Minsk 
Robert Hallowell 
Robert Skinner 
Roger Crawfis 
Roland Schweitzer 
[email protected]
Ruth White 
Scott Bolte 
Scott Draves 
seppo < (Seppo_Jarimo)seppo%[email protected]>
[email protected]
[email protected]
Stefan Farestam 
Stephen Bohus 
Stephen Schraml (TBD|BDB) 
Steve Couturie 
Steve Larkin 
Steve Olson  
Steve Rogers 
Steve Rooke 
Steve Van Gorder 
Steven Anderson 
Steven H. Izen 
T. Todd Elvins 
Thomas C. Palmer 
Tim Monks 
[email protected]
U. Lang 
Vincent A. Frouhar 
Vivien Hannon, UCIS 
Wayne A. Vieira 
Wayne Podaima 
westenberg g. 
william e lorensen 
William J. Bouma 
Wizard of OZ 
[email protected]
e|p Gordon Cameron                      |     Phone:+44 31 650 5024(Rm. 2259)
c|c Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre |     Email: [email protected]
    oOo The University of Edinburgh oOo |    'So far so good, so now so what'

From [email protected] Wed Jun  3 09:54:10 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2396 news.groups:52038 comp.sys.sgi:22012
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,comp.sys.sgi,
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Gordon Cameron 
Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK:
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1992 19:33:02 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 402

       oOo 3rd Call For Votes (CFV) - oOo
                    + Vote ACK - 31st May 1992

This is the 3rd and final call for votes (CFV) for the formation of the group



  Discussing the Explorer Modular Visualisation Environment (MVE)
                 Vote Taker : Gordon Cameron
                   [email protected]
                   (see How to Vote below)

         Voting Period ENDS at midnight (GMT) on 4th June

A list of voters registered so far (31st May 1992) appears at the end
                        of this message

                        oOo   oOo   oOo
Group Charter
IRIS Explorer is an application creation system developed by Silicon
Graphics that provides visualisation and analysis functionality for
computational scientists, engineers and other scientists. The Explorer
GUI allows users to build custom applications without having to write
any, or a minimal amount of, traditonal code. Also, exisiting code can
be easily integrated into the Explorer environment. Explorer currently
is available on SGI and Cray machines, but will become available on
other platforms in time. 

Hopefully the group should serve as an open forum for discussion on all
matters Explorer-related, in much the same way as and
comp.soft-sys.khoros work for those products. It would be also be good
if the group could help the users of Explorer by giving them the option
to keep in touch with both each other, and the developers of Explorer
itself. Questions can be answered, and opinions heard by those working
on future versions of the software.

                        oOo   oOo   oOo
How To Vote
To Vote, please send a message to [email protected], with either
the word YES or the word NO in the Subject: of your message (the word
YES/NO must be in capitals). No body of text is required, and you need
not qualify your decision. Only one vote per person is allowed, and in
the case of multiple votes being received from the same individual,
only the last one will be registered.

Example of how to vote

	To: [email protected]

	Subject : I vote YES to
or,	Subject : I vote NO to

Only unambiguous votes will be accepted, so things like `I would vote yes
if ....' will not count. Also, votes not received by direct email by
myself will not be registered (e.g. votes posted to the NET do not
The vote taking will last from 7th May 1992 through to midnight on
the 4th June 1992. Any votes received after this period will be ignored.

                        oOo   oOo   oOo

What Happens Next
At the completion of the voting period, I will post the vote tally and
the E-mail addresses and (if available) names of the votes received to
news.announce.newgroups and any other groups or mailing lists to which
the original call for votes was posted. The tally will include a
statement of which way each voter voted so that the results can be

After a 5-day waiting period, where the votes are posted and
propogated, and any conflicts resolved, and if there were no serious
objections that might invalidate the vote, and if 100 more valid
YES/create votes are received than NO/don't create AND at least 2/3 of
the total number of valid votes received are in favor of creation, a
newgroup control message may be sent out.  If the 100 vote margin or
2/3 percentage is not met, the group should not be created.

                          oOo   oOo   oOo
Mailing List
The Explorer mailing list service (which can be joined by mailing
[email protected]) is currently active and was formed
after initial interest in Explorer - it will be retained regardless,
offering a gateway to those without USENET access, and as an
alternative to using News.  Comments on this to the request address.
The FTP sites ( and will
remain active.

                          oOo   oOo   oOo
Why Form a Group ?
The last request for discussion (RFD) resulted in the formation of a
mailing list, which now has upwards of 300 subscribers. Many of these
people have expressed the opinion that attempting to form a group may
well be worthwile. In addition, many other non-subscribers may be also
interested in the formation of such a group.

                          oOo   oOo   oOo

Votes received so far - any queries to [email protected]
Aaron Schuman 
Al Globus 
Alain Massiot 
alan dare 
Alan Davis 
Alan Knight 
Alan Peevers 
Alex Butler (JRG ra) 
Alex Pang 
Alex S. Crain 
anand kolatkar 
Andras Salamon 
Andreas Wierse 
Andrew J Wilson 
Andrew Wyatt <[email protected]>
Angelo Mangili 
Augustine Lo 
Bill E. Eickmeier 
Bill Owens 
Bill Southworth 
Blaise Frederick 
Bob Brown 
Bob Lewis 
Bob Swaffar 
Booker Bense 
Bradley Moskowitz 
Brian Kauffman 
Brian Stone 
Bryan Reutter 
Buck Buchanan 
C Thornborrow 
Cal Kirchhof 
Charles Boesel 
Charles Gaumond 
Charles Ledogar 
Chieh-Cheng J. Yen 
Chris Cressy 
Chris Galas 
Chris Hebert 
Chris Lilley 
Chris Pennington 
Chris Rousculp 
Christian REBIFFE _ Pre Sales Manager 
Christopher Fouts 
[email protected]
Cocotte Minute 
Coral Bernier 
[email protected]
Craig Steinberger 
Craig Upson 
[email protected]
Cynthia D. McLain 
Dan Severance 
Dan Waylonis 
Daniel Hoffmann 
Danny Thomas 
Dave Cahlander 
Dave Ciemiewicz 
Dave Donegan 
Dave Englund 
Dave Foulser 
Dave Kerlick 
Dave Shreiner 
David A Shinberg 
David Haight 
David Holt 
David M. Senseman 
David Ofelt 
David Reuteler 
David Stewart 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Demetri Terzopoulos 
Deyang Song 
Dick Jackson 
Don Middleton 
[email protected]
Dr Y.M. Engel - The Hebrew University 
Dr. John S. Eickemeyer 
Dr. Michael M. Cohen 
Drew R Whitehouse 
Duane F Marble 
Emilia Hezari 
[email protected] (Erik Peterson)
Eric Salberta 
Frank C. Christofferson 
Frank Terhaar-Yonkers 
[email protected]
Fredo Sartori 
Gary Oberbrunner 
[email protected]
George Elkins 
George Vanecek Jr. 
Gianni Mariani 
Gitta Domik 
glenn p. forney 
Gordon Cameron 
Gordon Erlebacher 
[email protected]
Greg Chien 
Greg Couch 
Greg Fairbrother 
[email protected]
Gus Williams 
Hans feil 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Charles D. Hansen)
[email protected]
Heiko Schlichting 
[email protected] (Vera Heinau)
Helen Salter 
Henrik Klagges 
[email protected]
[email protected]
In-Kwon Lee 
Ingela Nordhage 
Ion Barosan 
[email protected]
J.-P. Malisse CAMME project 
Jacqueline Dousson 
James J. Mcleod 
James Peters 
Jay Long 
Jean M. Favre 
Jeff Allston 
Jeff Hanson 
Jeffrey A. Thingvold 
Jeffrey L. Jones 
Jerry Swearingen 
Jim Chen 
Jim Johnson 
Jim Salem 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Joe Biegel 
Joe Brust 
Joel Garrett 
Joel Neisen 
John D. McCalpin 
John E. Mendenhall 
John G Dobnick 
John Gregor 
John Hagedorn 
John Hwa 
John M. Troyer 
John Martin 
John R. Chawner 
John Rupley 
John Schmidt 
John Wilson 
Karl Geppert 
Karl Henrik Eggestad 
Karl Washburn 
Kathy Carusone  
[email protected]
Kerry C. Hilldrup 
Kevin Russo 
Kian-Tat Lim 
Killer Bob 
[email protected]
Lanny R. Udey 
Larry Coffin 
Larry Lidsky 
Larry Schuette 
Lawrence Mark Lifshitz 
Lee Davis 
Len Zaifman 
Leo Blume 
[email protected] (Robert Lipman)
Loki Jorgenson 
[email protected]
Magnus Bergman 
Malcolm Davis 
Malcolm W. Ice 
Man Wei Tam 
Manuel Gamito 
Manuel Urrutia 
Marc Andreessen 
Mark Bartelt 
Mark D. Freeman 
Mark Solsman 
Martin Knoblauch 
Marty Marra 
Marvin Landis 
Matthew White 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Michael Bobak 
Michael Fong 
Michael Lewis 
mike carson 
Naci Dai 
Nazneen Billawala 
[email protected]
Nils Thune 
Norm Nithman 
[email protected]
Olof Runborg 
Patrick J. Flynn 
[email protected]
Paul Jensen 
Paul Smith 
Paul Sorensen 
Pavel Mayer 
[email protected]
Penny Rheingans 
Peter S. Shenkin 
Philippe SUIGNARD  
Pierre MARTEL 
Po Sum Chung -- ACF 
Ralph Milliff 
Randall Gallimore 
Raul Essig 
Richard H. Miller 
Rick Speer 
Rob MacLeod 
Robert Allan Pette 
Robert DeMillo  
Robert E. Minsk 
Robert Hallowell 
Robert Riviere 
Robert Skinner 
Roger Crawfis 
Roland Gordon-Beresford 
Roland Schweitzer 
[email protected]
Ruth White 
Scott Bolte 
Scott Draves 
seppo < (Seppo_Jarimo)seppo%[email protected]>
Seth Troxel  
Shannon Maher 
[email protected]
[email protected]
smant g.a. 
Stan Jensen 
Stefan Farestam 
Stephen Bohus 
Stephen Schraml (TBD|BDB) 
Steve Couturie 
Steve Kim  
Steve Larkin 
Steve Olson  
Steve Rogers 
Steve Rooke 
Steve Van Gorder 
Steve Woodyatt 
Steven Anderson 
Steven H. Izen 
Steven Kubica 
T. Todd Elvins 
Tad Guy 
Thomas C. Palmer 
Thomas Richter 
Tim Buckner 
Tim Monks 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Todd Shutts 
Tom Albrecht 
Tom Limoncelli 
Tony Berke  
U. Lang 
Vincent A. Frouhar 
Vivien Hannon, UCIS 
Wayne A. Vieira 
Wayne Podaima 
westenberg g. 
william e lorensen 
William J. Bouma 
William Sherman -Visualization 
Wizard of OZ 
[email protected]
e|p Gordon Cameron                      |     Phone:+44 31 650 5024(Rm. 2259)
c|c Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre |     Email: [email protected]
    oOo The University of Edinburgh oOo |    'So far so good, so now so what'

From [email protected] Thu Jun 11 14:30:40 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2415 news.groups:52348 comp.sys.sgi:22327 comp.unix.cray:789
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.sgi,,,comp.unix.cray
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Gordon Cameron 
Subject: RESULT: passes 322: 13
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1992 18:31:15 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 398

The vote on the proposal of the creation of the newsgroup :
closed at 12pm (GMT) on the 4th of June 1992.

oOo Result oOo

The result is as follows.

                Votes For     322
                Votes Against 13

Since there are greater than 100 more valid YES notes than NO votes, and
since the proportion of YES to NO votes is greater than 2/3, the
proposal passes the USENET guidelines for creation of a newsgroup.

The next 5 days gives the net a chance to correct any errors in the voter
list or voting procedure. If, after this period, there are no serious
objections, the group shall be created.

A full list of voters, indicating which way their votes were cast, is
listed at the foot of this message. Thanks to all those who participated
in the vote.

oOo The Mailing List oOo

The explorer mailing list will remain in place, (mainly for the benefit
of those without USENET access). Any mail posted to the mailing list
will AUTOMATICALLY be forwarded on to the newsgroup, but the reverse feed will not be performed

What this means is that people can still mail to [email protected],
and if they do so, their message will go directly to those still on
the mailing list, as well as to the newsgroup. However, messages
posted directly to the newsgroup WILL NOT be fed back to the mailing
list subscribers (so if you want a reply after posting to the mailing
list, be sure to mention that you would like it via e-mail).

(This also means that there is no great rush to unsubscribe from 
the list if this is what you wish to do....I won't be processing
such requests instantly anyway #:-)

FTP is available as usual from and

Please send any comments you may have to
[email protected] or [email protected]

	-Gordon Cameron.

YES votes for
Aaron Schuman 
Al Globus 
Alain Massiot 
alan dare 
Alan Davis 
Alan Knight 
Alan Peevers 
Alex Butler (JRG ra) 
Alex Pang 
Alex S. Crain 
Allan Schaffer 
Allen McPherson 
anand kolatkar 
Andras Salamon 
Andreas Wierse 
Andrew J Wilson 
Andrew Wyatt <[email protected]>
Angelo Mangili 
Augustine Lo 
Bill E. Eickmeier 
Bill Southworth 
[email protected]
Blaise Frederick 
Bob Brown 
Bob Lewis 
Bob Swaffar 
Booker Bense 
Bradley Moskowitz 
Brian Calvert 
Brian Kauffman 
Brian Stone 
Bruce Dupee NCS Site Manager 
Bryan Reutter 
Buck Buchanan 
C Thornborrow 
Charles Boesel 
Charles Gaumond 
Charles Ledogar 
Chieh-Cheng J. Yen 
Chris Cressy 
Chris Galas 
Chris Hebert 
Chris Lilley 
Chris Pennington 
Chris Rousculp 
Christian REBIFFE _ Pre Sales Manager 
Christopher Fouts 
[email protected]
Cocotte Minute 
Coral Bernier 
[email protected]
Craig Steinberger 
Craig Upson 
Cynthia D. McLain 
Dan Miley 
Dan Severance 
Dan Waylonis 
Daniel Hoffmann 
Daniel Morrison 
Danny Thomas 
Dave Cahlander 
Dave Ciemiewicz 
Dave Donegan 
Dave Englund 
Dave Foulser 
Dave Kerlick 
Dave Shreiner 
David A Shinberg 
David Boles 
David Haight 
David Holt 
David M. Senseman 
David Ofelt 
David Reuteler 
David Stewart 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Demetri Terzopoulos 
Deyang Song 
Dick Jackson 
Dirk Luesebrink 
Don Middleton 
Dr Y.M. Engel - The Hebrew University 
Dr. John S. Eickemeyer 
Dr. Michael M. Cohen 
Drew R Whitehouse 
Duane F Marble 
E. Kirby  5-3524 
Emilia Hezari 
[email protected] (Erik Peterson)
Eric Salberta 
Frank C. Christofferson 
Frank Taylor 4278 
Frank Terhaar-Yonkers 
[email protected]
Fredo Sartori 
Gary Oberbrunner 
[email protected]
George Elkins 
George Scott 
George Vanecek Jr. 
Gianni Mariani 
Gitta Domik 
Glen Niebur 
Glenn Deardorff -- GDP 
glenn p. forney 
Gordon Cameron 
Gordon Erlebacher 
[email protected]
Greg Chien 
Greg Couch 
Greg Fairbrother 
Gus Williams 
Hannu Napari 
Hans feil 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Charles D. Hansen)
[email protected]
Heiko Schlichting 
[email protected] (Vera Heinau)
Helen Salter 
Henrik Klagges 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ian Clements 
[email protected]
In-Kwon Lee 
Ingela Nordhage 
Ion Barosan 
[email protected]
J.-P. Malisse CAMME project 
Jack Rogers 
Jacqueline Dousson 
James J. Mcleod 
James Peters 
Jay Long 
Jean M. Favre 
Jeff Allston 
Jeff Hanson 
Jeffrey A. Thingvold 
Jeffrey L. Jones 
Jerry Swearingen 
Jim Chen 
Jim Johnson 
Jim Salem 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Joe Biegel 
Joe Brust 
Joel Garrett 
Joel Neisen 
John D. McCalpin 
John E. Mendenhall 
John G Dobnick 
John Gregor 
John Hagedorn 
John Hwa 
John J. Helly 
John M. Troyer 
John Martin 
John R. Chawner 
John Rupley 
John Schmidt 
John Wilson 
Juan Meza 
K. R. Subramanian 
Karl Geppert 
Karl Henrik Eggestad 
Karl Washburn 
Kathy Carusone  
[email protected]
Kerry C. Hilldrup 
Kevin Russo 
Kian-Tat Lim 
Killer Bob 
[email protected]
Lanny R. Udey 
Larry Coffin 
Larry Lidsky 
Larry Schuette 
Lawrence Mark Lifshitz 
Lee Davis 
Len Zaifman 
Leo Blume 
[email protected] (Robert Lipman)
Loki Jorgenson 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Magnus Bergman 
Malcolm Davis 
Malcolm W. Ice 
Man Wei Tam 
Manuel Gamito 
Manuel Urrutia 
Marc Andreessen 
Marek Behr 
Mark Bartelt 
Mark D. Freeman 
Mark Solsman 
Martin Knoblauch 
Martin S. Weinhous Ph.D. 
Marty Marra 
Marvin Landis 
Masayuki Matsumoto 
Matthew White 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Michael Bobak 
Michael Fong 
Michael Lewis 
mike carson 
Mike Weisenborn 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Naci Dai 
Nazneen Billawala 
Nils Thune 
Norm Nithman 
[email protected]
Olof Runborg 
Patrick J. Flynn 
[email protected]
Paul Jensen 
Paul Smith 
Paul Sorensen 
Pavel Mayer 
[email protected]
Penny Rheingans 
[email protected]
Peter S. Shenkin 
Phil Jeffrey 
Philip Machanick 
Philippe SUIGNARD  
Phillip C. Chen 
Pierre MARTEL 
Po Sum Chung -- ACF 
Ralph Milliff 
Randall Gallimore 
Raul Essig 
Richard Avila 
Richard Ottolini 
Rick Speer 
Rob MacLeod 
Robert Allan Pette 
Robert DeMillo  
Robert E. Minsk 
Robert Hallowell 
Robert Keller 
Robert Riviere 
Robert Skinner 
Roger Crawfis 
Roland Gordon-Beresford 
Roland Schweitzer 
Ronald Jacoby 
[email protected]
Ruth White 
Scott Bolte 
Scott Draves 
seppo < (Seppo_Jarimo)seppo%[email protected]>
Seth Troxel  
Shannon Maher 
[email protected]
smant g.a. 
Sridhar Venkataraman 
Stan Jensen 
Stefan Farestam 
Stephen Schraml (TBD|BDB) 
Steve Couturie 
Steve Kim  
Steve Larkin 
Steve Olson  
Steve Rooke 
Steve Rooke 
Steve Van Gorder 
Steve Woodyatt 
Steven Anderson 
Steven H. Izen 
Steven Kubica 
Tad Guy 
Thomas C. Palmer 
Thomas Richter 
Tim Buckner 
Tim Monks 
[email protected]
Todd Shutts 
Tom Albrecht 
Tom Barton 
Tom Limoncelli 
Tom Reed 
[email protected]
Tony Berke  
U. Lang 
Vincent A. Frouhar 
Vivien Hannon, UCIS 
[email protected]
Wayne A. Vieira 
Wayne Podaima 
westenberg g. 
william e lorensen 
William J. Bouma 
William Sherman -Visualization 
Wizard of OZ 
[email protected]

NO votes for
"Richard H. Miller" 
Bill Owens 
Cal Kirchhof 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Nicholas Wilt 
[email protected]
Stephen Bohus 
Steve Rogers 
T. Todd Elvins 
[email protected]
e|p Gordon Cameron                      |     Phone:+44 31 650 5024(Rm. 2259)
c|c Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre |     Email: [email protected]
    oOo The University of Edinburgh oOo |    'So far so good, so now so what'

From [email protected] Tue Sep 12 10:44:54 1995
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1826 news.groups:39231 comp.sys.sgi:16835
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.sgi,
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: Gordon Cameron 
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Organization: Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1992 04:27:43 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 83
Status: RO

Request for Discussion (RFD)

This is an message to discuss the formation of an UNMODERATED group named :

What about the discussion ?
	This discussion will take place in the group :

If you're interested in taking part, this is the place to post to.
If you feel you have any comments, then please try and contribute.

Brief Description of Explorer
	IRIS Explorer is an application creation system developed by
SiliconGraphics that provides visualisation and analysis functionality for
computational scientists, engineers and other scientists. The Explorer
GUI allows users to build custom applications without having to write
any traditonal code.

IRIS Explorer is provided free of charge to new owners of SGI machines, and
it is hoped that the the execution and/or visualisation environment be
ported to several machines in the near future. 

What will the group discuss ? (i.e. proposed charter) 
	Part of the point of this posting is to try and talk over this very
question #:-}

	Hopefully the group should serve as a forum for discussion on
all matters Explorer-related. It would be also be good if the group
could help the users of Explorer by giving them the option to keep in touch
with both each other, and the developers of Explorer itself.

Some Issues
	It would be nice to get some discussion going - a few of the
possible issues include :
	(1) Is the name OK ?
		- should it maybe be comp.soft-sys.explorer or
		comp.sys.sgi.explorer ???
	(2) Is there sufficient interest ??
	(3) Is there sufficient interest from NON-SGI people ? (related to
		point 1)
	(4) Are SGI people interested in the formation of such a group ?
		- if so, are they interested in contributing, as they do
		admirably with comp.sys.sgi ?
	(5) Should the group be moderated ?

Other Options
	...include the formation of a mailing list as an interim measure. Is
there any comment/interest in this ?

...and finally
	I feel that Explorer constitutes an important tool for scientists
and engineers. The user-base has the potential to be vast, and indeed should
potentially include ALL SGI customers. 

With such a large potential user base, the scope for questions and
discussion is enormous, and a USENET group for this purpose I think would be
beneficial to users, module writers, and the Explorer developers. This
last group could benefit from immediate feedback from the users, and the
users in turn could feel that they have somewhere to ask questions, and
hopefully increase their productivity.

The mailing list
	If there is any interest in an alternative mailing list, could they
please mail the following address :
		[email protected]
i.e. NOT my personal mail address #:-}

Any comments would be useful - please not too many flames :)
e|p Gordon Cameron				Phone:+44 31 650 5024(Rm. 2259)
c|c Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre		Email: [email protected]

                   oOo The University of Edinburgh oOo

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