From [email protected] Fri Jun 19 13:19:57 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2420 news.groups:52900 alt.fractals:3056 comp.theory.dynamic-sys:903 comp.theory.self-org-sys:331 comp.theory.cell-automata:1117 alt.config:9709 comp.compression:3781
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.fractals,,comp.theory.dynamic-sys,comp.theory.self-org-sys,comp.theory.cell-automata,alt.config,comp.compression
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Rich Thomson 
Subject: RFD:
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Design Systems Division, Evans & Sutherland, SLC, UT
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1992 04:05:59 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 35

[Please note that followups are directed to news.groups]

There is a growing interest in fractals, mostly from inside the
computer graphics community.  The newsgroup alt.fractals has been
around for quite a while with moderate to heavy traffic at times.
Fractals have grown from mathematical curiosities towards real-world
applications (chemical dynamics on 'fractal' interfaces, fractal image
compression, diffusion limited aggregates, etc.) as well as increasing
use in computer graphics (particle systems, L-systems, solid textures,
volume rendering of quarternion julia sets, etc.).

This RFD proposes the elimination of alt.fractals (or aliased as the
case may be) and the creation of  Other
possibilities could be sci.fractals, or sci.math.fractals, but the
bulk of the traffic in the existing fractals newsgroup deals with the
computer graphical aspect of the topic, so I am proposing that it go
under the hierarchy.  By moving the group from the alt
hierarchy into the comp hierarchy, it is hoped that a wider audience
will be reached.

Proposed name:
Proposed status:	unmoderated

Commentary is directed to news.groups.

After the sufficient period of time, this RFD will be replaced with a
call for votes on the creation of the new group, provided no
significant objections are offered during the discussion period.

						-- Rich
	Repeal the personal income tax; vote Libertarian in 1992.
Disclaimer: I speak for myself, except as noted; Copyright 1992 Rich Thomson
UUCP: ...!uunet!!rthomson			Rich Thomson
Internet: [email protected]	IRC: _Rich_		PEXt Programmer

From [email protected] Tue Aug 11 19:51:56 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2618 news.groups:55348 alt.fractals:3248 comp.theory.dynamic-sys:974 comp.theory.self-org-sys:337 comp.theory.cell-automata:1202 alt.config:10477 comp.compression:4334 sci.math:30156
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.fractals,,comp.theory.dynamic-sys,comp.theory.self-org-sys,comp.theory.cell-automata,alt.config,comp.compression,sci.math
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Rich Thomson 
Subject: CFV: sci.fractals
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1992 23:31:13 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 44

Since the 30 day discussion period has expired, I am making the first
official call for votes for the following newsgroup:

    sci.fractals	Unmoderated

There is a growing interest in fractals, mostly from inside the
computer graphics community, but also from the mathematical and
scientific community.  The newsgroup alt.fractals has been
around for quite a while with moderate to heavy traffic at times.
Fractals have grown from mathematical curiosities towards real-world
applications (chemical dynamics on 'fractal' interfaces, fractal image
compression, diffusion limited aggregates, etc.) as well as increasing
use in computer graphics (particle systems, L-systems, solid textures,
volume rendering of quarternion julia sets, etc.).

This CFV proposes the elimination of alt.fractals (or aliased as the
case may be) and the creation of sci.fractals.  By moving the group from
the alt hierarchy into the comp hierarchy, it is hoped that a wider audience
will be reached.

The only objection to the original RFD was the name.  Of all the names
discussed, sci.fractals was considered to be the best one suggested.

The voting period will end in 30 days on September 11th.  To cast your
vote, send me electronic mail with one of the following as the subject
of the message:

    "sci.fractals: NO"			To cast a NO vote
    "sci.fractals: YES"			To cast a YES vote

>From within most news readers you should be able to simply reply to
the sender of this message ([email protected]) and change the subject
line appropriately.


After two weeks, a mass vote acknowledgement and a second call for
votes will be issued.
						-- Rich
	Repeal the personal income tax; vote Libertarian in 1992.
Disclaimer: I speak for myself, except as noted; Copyright 1992 Rich Thomson
UUCP: ...!uunet!!rthomson			Rich Thomson
Internet: [email protected]	IRC: _Rich_		PEXt Programmer

From [email protected] Thu Aug 27 01:15:18 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2651 news.groups:55821 alt.fractals:3300 comp.theory.dynamic-sys:990 comp.theory.self-org-sys:341 comp.theory.cell-automata:1215 alt.config:10702 comp.compression:4455
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.fractals,,comp.theory.dynamic-sys,comp.theory.self-org-sys,comp.theory.cell-automata,alt.config,comp.compression
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Rich Thomson 
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: sci.fractals
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: UUNET Technologies, Inc
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1992 04:57:21 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 278

[Please note that followups are directed to news.groups]

This is the second official call for votes for the following newsgroup:

    sci.fractals	Unmoderated

There is a growing interest in fractals, mostly from inside the
computer graphics community, but also from the mathematical and
scientific community.  The newsgroup alt.fractals has been
around for quite a while with moderate to heavy traffic at times.
Fractals have grown from mathematical curiosities towards real-world
applications (chemical dynamics on 'fractal' interfaces, fractal image
compression, diffusion limited aggregates, etc.) as well as increasing
use in computer graphics (particle systems, L-systems, solid textures,
volume rendering of quarternion julia sets, etc.).

This CFV proposes the elimination of alt.fractals (or aliased as the
case may be) and the creation of sci.fractals.  By moving the group from
the alt hierarchy into the comp hierarchy, it is hoped that a wider audience
will be reached.

The only objection to the original RFD was the name.  Of all the names
discussed, sci.fractals was considered to be the best one suggested.

The voting period will end on September 11th.  To cast your vote, send
me electronic mail with one of the following as the subject of the message:

    "sci.fractals: NO"			To cast a NO vote
    "sci.fractals: YES"			To cast a YES vote

>From within most news readers you should be able to simply reply to
the sender of this message ([email protected]) and change the subject
line appropriately.


Votes have been received from the following people:

"Christopher J. Henrich" 
"Dave Schaumann" 
"Eric J. Olson" 
"Erich E. Brumbaugh" 
"Geoffrey D. Bennett" 
"Geoffrey H. Day" 
"Howard Wachtel (312) 975-7970" 
"Jason D. Kridner" 
"Luis G. Hernandez Ure\:a." 
"Michael L. Kaufman" 
"Robert D. Black" 
"[email protected]" 
"robert j hinde" 
[email protected] (John Beimler)
[email protected] (Andy Osbaldestin)
Adam Justin Thornton 
Andrew Bromage 
Andrew Stoker 
Andy Gallo 
Andy Harp <"">
Antti Karttunen 
B.J. 12-Aug-1992 1016 
[email protected]
Bob Knighten 
Boris Hemkemeier 
Brian B. Young 
Danielle Bercel 
David McKee 
David S. Blumenthal 
David Sanderman 
Doug Young 
[email protected] (Doug Crompton)
Dr. Mario Hilgemeier 
Erik Rauch 
Evert Wolsheimer 
[email protected]
Greg Lindahl 
Gregor Purdy 
Gregory Yovanof 
Hendrik Boom 
[email protected]
James T Graves 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jens Horstmann * 415-336-3537)
Jeyakesavan Veerasamy 
Karthik P Sheka 
Kees van der Wal +31 70 332 6295 
Keith A Gottlieb 
Keith Clayton 
Kent Murray 
Kevin Blaine Fluet 
Konrad Weigl 
Louis Keiner 
Martin Schoenhacker 
Meinolf Asshoff 
Michael Robb 
Mike Zanker 
[email protected]
Paul Palmer 
Peter Cahoon 
Peter Edwards 
Philip J. Nesser 
Ralf Stephan 
Randy J. Ray 
Richard Freytag 
Rick Speer 
Robert Roy Hentzel 
[email protected] (Bob Uomini)
Ronald Joe Record 
Ryan Bayne 
Sam Laur 
Steve Yaros 
Stig Hemmer 
Sven Heinicke 
Sven Wachter 
Taj Khattra 
Thomas Bogenschuetz 
Tom Crossland 
Tommy Vaske 
Udo Sprute 
Venkata Goli 
Warren Kafer 
[email protected] (Andrew Pochinsky)
[email protected] (Anders Emil Olsen)
[email protected] (William Zimmerman)
[email protected] (Kenichi Arakawa)
[email protected] (Andy Rao )
[email protected] (Andrew Steiner)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Beth Schwindt)
[email protected] (Bob Clystenmeier)
[email protected] (Don Brutzman)
[email protected] (Bryan Thompson)
[email protected] (Jeff Epler)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Adam Chalcraft)
[email protected] (Christopher Hardin)
[email protected] (Cheryl A. F. Stewart)
[email protected]
[email protected] (R. Cliff Young)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Peter Coveney)
[email protected] (Hans Crauel)
[email protected] (Great Rumpuscat)
[email protected] (Christopher M. Cohen)
[email protected] (Daniel Boulet)
[email protected] (Dan Jacobson)
[email protected] (Dave McAllister)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (David DeBry)
[email protected] (doug degroot)
[email protected] (Derek Wright)
[email protected] (Dave Joyce)
[email protected] (David Sirag)
[email protected] (John Sadowsky x6211)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dave Wiseman)
[email protected] (Earl F. Glynn)
[email protected] (Ellis Arrondo)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Edward Vielmetti)
[email protected] (Eric Meyer)
[email protected] (Erick Bryce Wong)
[email protected] (Eugene N. Miya)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steve Frampton)
[email protected]
[email protected] (bastin gary 60293)
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (William F. Hammond)
[email protected] ( David Harris)
[email protected] (Stephan Heilmayr)
[email protected] (Robert Hood)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Edward J. Huff) (temporary login)
j p openshaw 
[email protected] (Jeff A Breidenbach)
[email protected] (John C. Peterson)
[email protected] (Pletinckx Jurgen)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jim Insley)
[email protected] (Jon Kogut)
[email protected] (Dr. John S. Eickemeyer)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jim Atkinson)
[email protected] (James Durkin)
[email protected] (Keith Anthony)
[email protected] (Mehmet M. Kayaalp MD)
[email protected] (Kim DeVaughn)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kevin Allen)
[email protected] (A. Joseph Koshy)
[email protected] (Kim T Constantikes)
[email protected] (Kurt Cockrm 762-6417)
[email protected] (Patty LaBelle)
[email protected] (Lyle Lexier)
[email protected] (Philip Yzarn de Louraill
[email protected] (Magnus Starseth)
[email protected] (lloyd mitchell)
[email protected] (Michael A. Neuhauser)
[email protected]
[email protected] (martin fallon)
[email protected] (Matt Kennel)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Martin Czigler x3159)
[email protected] (Mark Foltz)
[email protected] (Mitch Silverman)
[email protected] (Tom Moser)
[email protected] (Mike Pheil)
[email protected] (Mikko Tsokkinen)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nick Ivanov)
[email protected]
[email protected] (L. A. Oldroyd)
[email protected] (Ossip Kaehr)
parksoft!dave (David Hendrix)
[email protected] (Phil Howard )
[email protected] (Peter Couvares)
[email protected] (Scott Perry)
[email protected] (Philippe Grant 514-341-7106)
[email protected] (Christopher Phillips)
[email protected] (Pete - Toonatic - Boulay)
[email protected] (Simon Plouffe)
[email protected]
[email protected] (David M. Read)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (ron nelson)
[email protected] (Romik Dan)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Richard Kulawiec)
[email protected] (Rui Soto Marta)
[email protected] (R.S. Srinivasan)
[email protected] (SAGA/SGBDR diversos )
[email protected] (Samuel Murphy)
[email protected] (Harald Schmidt)
[email protected] (Mark Seligman)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sjouke Burry)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Maurice Smith)
[email protected] (Jacques Soddell)
[email protected] (Jeff Sondeen)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sascha Wildner)
[email protected] (Jim Teresco)
[email protected] (Terry Dexter)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tom Yelton)
[email protected] (Tim Frost)
[email protected] (Tom Granvold)
[email protected] (Tom 'The Chum' Grydeland)
[email protected] (Thorn Roby)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Vin Sharma)
[email protected] (Wayne Tvedt)
[email protected] (Peter Webb)
[email protected] (William Gilbert)
[email protected] (Maynard Wilcox)
[email protected] (Sue J. Worden)
[email protected] (Jost Krieger)
	Repeal the personal income tax; vote Libertarian in 1992.
Disclaimer: I speak for myself, except as noted; Copyright 1992 Rich Thomson
UUCP: ...!uunet!!rthomson			Rich Thomson
Internet: [email protected]	IRC: _Rich_		PEXt Programmer

From [email protected] Thu Sep 10 20:48:56 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2711 news.groups:56425 alt.fractals:3353 comp.theory.dynamic-sys:1000 comp.theory.self-org-sys:347 comp.theory.cell-automata:1246 alt.config:11036 comp.compression:4606
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.fractals,,comp.theory.dynamic-sys,comp.theory.self-org-sys,comp.theory.cell-automata,alt.config,comp.compression
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Rich Thomson 
Subject: RESULT: sci.fractals passes 295:20
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: UUNET Technologies, Inc
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1992 00:34:25 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 366

[Please note that followups are directed to news.groups]

The call for votes period has ended with a passing result for

	sci.fractals	Unmoderated

There were 295 yes votes and 20 no votes out of a total of 315 votes.
This meets the Usenet requirements of at least 100 more yes votes than
no votes with at least 2/3 of the total vote being yes votes.  Where
possible, I identified multiple votes from the same person to
eliminate duplicate votes.

Of the "NO" votes received, the commentary was that there wasn't
enough traffic to warrant moving the group to the sci hierarchy from
the alt hierarchy.  However, the move from alt to sci is intended to
increase traffic.

Proposed Charter:

    The new group will not be moderated.

    This newsgroup will be for discussion of fractals, which have been
    defined as "objects of non-integral dimension".  The concept ties
    in closely with chaos, and indeed some chaotic attractors exhibit
    a fractal structure.  It is expected that discussions will range
    over a wide variety of topics relating to fractals:

    o the mundane	Where can I find FRACTINT?
    o the mathematical	What is the true area of the Mandelbrot set?
    o the practical	What's all this about fractal compression?
    o the scientific	What's the "fractal dimension" of the Rockies?

    While fractals were initially popularized by their representations
    via computer graphics techniques, the interest in fractals beyond
    the computer graphics and mathematical communities is growing.
    Dana Scott, in his Elliot Organick Memorial Lecture at the University
    of Utah in 1992, reported that the number of publications in the
    past year alone with either the word "fractal" or "chaos" in the title
    was over 4,000.  This indicates a significant interest in these
    subjects in the academic world.

Since this new group is intended to replace alt.fractals, I will call
for the removal of alt.fractals (or its aliasing) in favor of
sci.fractals after a sufficient amount of time (30 days) has passed
for most sites to start carrying sci.fractals.

						-- Rich

The following people voted "YES" for sci.fractals:
 "Andrew A. Chernov, Black Mage" 
 "Christopher J. Henrich" 
 "Dave Schaumann" 
 "Erich E. Brumbaugh" 
 "Geoffrey D. Bennett" 
 "Geoffrey H. Day" 
 "Gordon A. Sterling" 
 "Jason D. Kridner" 
 "John S. Novak III" 
 "Luis G. Hernandez Ure\:a." 
 "Michael L. Kaufman" 
 "Nick Kline" 
 "Robert D. Black" 
 "[email protected]" 
 "robert j hinde" 
 [email protected] (John Beimler)
 [email protected] (Andy Osbaldestin)
 Adam Justin Thornton 
 Adrian Howard 
 Andreas Genau 
 Andrew Bromage 
 Andrew Stoker 
 Andy Gallo 
 Andy Harp <"">
 Antti Karttunen 
 B.J. 12-Aug-1992 1016 
 [email protected]
 Brian B. Young 
 Chandan Halder 
 David McKee 
 David Nettleton 
 David S. Blumenthal 
 David Sanderman 
 [email protected] (Doug Crompton)
 Erik Rauch 
 Evert Wolsheimer 
 [email protected]
 Faster than a speeding bullet 
 [email protected] (G. SAUVEBOIS)
 Gregor Purdy 
 Gregory Yovanof 
 Hendrik Boom 
 Hi how are you 
 [email protected]
 J E H Shaw 
 James T Graves 
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Jens Horstmann * 415-336-3537)
 Jeyakesavan Veerasamy 
 Jim Kirkpatrick 
 Jocelyn Paine 
 John G Dobnick 
 Jyrki Kuoppala 
 Karthik P Sheka 
 Kees van der Wal +31 70 332 6295 
 Keith A Gottlieb 
 Keith Clayton 
 Kent Murray 
 Kevin Blaine Fluet 
 Konrad Weigl 
 [email protected]
 Laurence F Wood <[email protected]>
 Lee Silverman 
 Louis Keiner 
 Martin Schoenhacker 
 Meinolf Asshoff 
 Michael Robb 
 Michael Welser 
 Mike Zanker 
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 Paddy Johnson CIRT 
 Paul Guertin 
 Paul Palmer 
 Peter Cahoon 
 Peter Edwards 
 Philip J. Nesser 
 RAVEN%[email protected]
 Ralf Stephan 
 Randy J. Ray 
 Rekha Suryanarayana 
 Richard Freytag 
 Rick Speer 
 Rik Fleuren 
 Robert Reinstatler 
 Robert Roy Hentzel 
 [email protected] (Bob Uomini)
 Roger Phillips 
 Ronald Joe Record 
 Ryan Bayne 
 Sam Laur 
 Seth Leichter 
 Simona Rusnak 
 Steve Yaros 
 Stig Hemmer 
 Sven Wachter 
 Taj Khattra 
 Thomas Bogenschuetz 
 Thomas Gramstad 
 Tom Crossland 
 Tommy Vaske 
 Udo Sprute 
 Venkata Goli 
 Vlachopoulos Panagiotis 
 Warren Kafer 
 Yiannis Ventikos 
 [email protected] (Sunil Acharya)
 [email protected] (Alexander Horn)
 [email protected] (Aaron Malver)
 [email protected] (Andrew Pochinsky)
 [email protected] (Anders Emil Olsen)
 [email protected] (William Zimmerman)
 [email protected] (Kenichi Arakawa)
 [email protected] (Andy Rao )
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Andrew Steiner)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Beth Schwindt)
 [email protected] (Bob Clystenmeier)
 [email protected] (Bob Schaugaard)
 [email protected] (Don Brutzman)
 [email protected] (Bryan Thompson)
 [email protected] (Jeff Epler)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Adam Chalcraft)
 [email protected] (Christopher Hardin)
 [email protected] (Cheryl A. F. Stewart)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (R. Cliff Young)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Peter Coveney)
 [email protected] (Hans Crauel)
 [email protected] (Great Rumpuscat)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Christopher M. Cohen)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Daniel Boulet)
 [email protected] (Dan Jacobson)
 [email protected] (Dave McAllister)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (David DeBry)
 [email protected] (doug degroot)
 [email protected] (Derek Wright)
 [email protected] (Dave Joyce)
 [email protected] (John Sadowsky x6211)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Dave Wiseman)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Earl F. Glynn)
 [email protected] (Ellis Arrondo)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Edward Vielmetti)
 [email protected] (Eric Meyer)
 [email protected] (Erick Bryce Wong)
 [email protected] (Eugene N. Miya)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Steve Frampton)
 [email protected] (Frank Horowitz)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (bastin gary 60293)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (William F. Hammond)
 [email protected] ( David Harris)
 [email protected] (Stephan Heilmayr)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Robert Hood)
 [email protected] (Henry Greenside)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Greg Huber)
 [email protected] (Edward J. Huff)
 [email protected] (Jeff Harrington) (temporary login)
 j p openshaw 
 [email protected] (Jeff A Breidenbach)
 [email protected] (John C. Peterson)
 [email protected] (Pletinckx Jurgen)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Jim Insley)
 [email protected] (Jon Kogut)
 [email protected] (Dr. John S. Eickemeyer)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Jim Atkinson)
 [email protected] (James Durkin)
 [email protected] (John Locke)
 [email protected] (Keith Anthony)
 [email protected] (Katharina Baumann)
 [email protected] (Mehmet M. Kayaalp MD)
 [email protected] (Kim DeVaughn)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Kevin Allen)
 [email protected] (Krishna Garimella ~)
 [email protected] (A. Joseph Koshy)
 [email protected] (Kim T Constantikes)
 [email protected] (Kurt Cockrm 762-6417)
 [email protected] (Patty LaBelle)
 [email protected] (Lyle Lexier)
 [email protected] (Philip Yzarn de Louraill
 [email protected] (Magnus Starseth)
 [email protected] (lloyd mitchell)
 [email protected] (Michael A. Neuhauser)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (martin fallon)
 [email protected] (Jan-Oliver Neumann)
 [email protected] (Michael Baker)
 [email protected] (Matt Kennel)
 [email protected] (Mark Burton)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Martin Czigler x3159)
 [email protected] (Mark Foltz)
 [email protected] (Michael I Angerman)
 [email protected] (Mitch Silverman)
 [email protected] (Tom Moser)
 [email protected] (Mike Pheil)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Mikko Tsokkinen)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Nick Ivanov)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (L. A. Oldroyd)
 [email protected] (OS-9 User Group)
 [email protected] (Ossip Kaehr)
 [email protected] (Carlo Misiak)
 parksoft!dave (David Hendrix)
 [email protected] (pc)
 [email protected] (Phil Howard )
 [email protected] (Peter Couvares)
 [email protected] (Scott Perry)
 [email protected] (Philippe Grant 514-341-7106)
 [email protected] (Christopher Phillips)
 [email protected] (Simon Plouffe)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (ron nelson)
 [email protected] (ROBERT LAUMEYER)
 [email protected] (Nate Rockwell)
 [email protected] (Romik Dan)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Rui Soto Marta)
 [email protected] (R.S. Srinivasan)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (g v ruman)
 [email protected] (SAGA/SGBDR diversos )
 [email protected] (Samuel Murphy)
 [email protected] (Steven C. Dollins)
 [email protected] (Harald Schmidt)
 [email protected] (Scott Huddleston)
 [email protected] (Mark Seligman)
 [email protected] (Attacking Deep Structure)
 [email protected] (Bill Shirley [CSC])
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Sjouke Burry)
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Maurice Smith)
 [email protected] (Jacques Soddell)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Jeff Sondeen)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Sascha Wildner)
 [email protected] (Jim Teresco)
 [email protected] (Terry Dexter)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Tom Yelton)
 [email protected] (Tim Frost)
 [email protected] (Tom 'The Chum' Grydeland)
 [email protected] (Thorn Roby)
 [email protected] (Steve Snyder)
 [email protected]
 [email protected] (Vin Sharma)
 [email protected] (Wayne Tvedt)
 [email protected] (Peter Webb)
 [email protected] (William Gilbert)
 [email protected] (Maynard Wilcox)
 [email protected] (Warren Jennings)
 [email protected] (Sue J. Worden)
 [email protected] (Jost Krieger)

The following people voted "NO" for sci.fractals:
 "Eric J. Olson" 
 "Howard Wachtel (312) 975-7970" 
 "S. Wukovitz" 
 Bob Knighten 
 Boris Hemkemeier 
 Danielle Bercel 
 Doug Young 
 Dr. Mario Hilgemeier 
 Greg Lindahl 
 Sven Heinicke 
 [email protected] (Claude Huss)
 [email protected] (David Sirag)
 [email protected] (Eric Majani)
 [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
 matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood)
 [email protected] (Pete - Toonatic - Boulay)
 [email protected] (David M. Read)
 [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
 [email protected] (Richard Kulawiec)
 [email protected] (Tom Granvold)

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