From [email protected] Thu May  2 22:36:49 1996
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,
Subject: RFD: unmoderate misc.handicap
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 3 May 1996 02:36:46 -0000
Organization: .
Lines: 126
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Archive-Name: misc.handicap
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8619 news.groups:205016

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
     unmoderated group misc.handicap (unmoderates existing group)

This a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) concerning the change of
moderation status for misc.handicap from moderated to unmoderated.
This is not a Call For Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time.
Procedural details are below.

Newsgroups line:
misc.handicap		Discussions of interest to persons with disabilities.

RATIONALE: misc.handicap

misc.handicap has a long history as a moderated newsgroup.  (The
creation of the group predates the archive on uunet.)  As moderator,
Bill McGarry built the newsgroup into a valuable resource for
dissemination of information on issues of interest to people with

Several months ago, entry of articles into the group became sporadic
and finally stopped completely.  Since it is a moderated group,
misc.handicap has had no activity for some time.  The purpose of this
RFD is to begin the process of changing the status of the group to
unmoderated so that it can return to service.

In late March, an article was posted in several Usenet groups asking
for responses concerning the need for misc.handicap.  Approximately
100 positive responses were received, indicating that a need exists
for the group.  Although there are a number of excellent mailing lists
covering various aspects of the subject area, there is no
general-purpose forum in Usenet.

The consensus of the feedback was that more than one group may be
needed in the future but that it is difficult to gauge what the
traffic load will be in an unmoderated misc.handicap.  Traffic in the
moderated group was in the 50-100 article per week range but may not
be a good predictor for an unmoderated group.  It is felt that
creating the unmoderated forum will both answer the question of
whether the traffic justifies multiple group and provide a place for
the discussion to take place on what those groups should be.  Thus, at
this time, only one group is being proposed.

Another issue is the name of the group.  The advantage of using the
old name is that distribution mechanisms which are currently in place
will improve the propagation of the new group.  For example, there are
a number of cases in which sites forward misc.handicap to additional
sites but do not forward the rest of the misc hierarchy.  Although
there was some objection to the now-outdated "handicap" term, the loss
of propagation from changing the name does not warrant the a name

A final issue is the desire of some individuals to continue to have a
moderated newsgroup.  At this point there is no qualified volunteer to
moderate the group.  An unmoderated group will provide an indication
as to whether a moderated group is needed and a resource from which to
draft a team of moderators.

CHARTER: misc.handicap

(Note:  No charter was available for the existing moderated group
since it  was created before charters were archived on uunet.
Feedback received  during the RFD period will be used to develop a
final charter for the CFV.)

This group provides a forum for exchange of disability-related

Participants include people with disabilities and other interested
parities including educators, families, and friends.

Possible topics include:

-- Announcements of information of general interest to persons with
   disabilities, including conventions, educational opportunities,
   special-interest groups, developments in adaptive equipment, etc.

-- Questions regarding adaptive equipment.  For example, "What is your
   experience using the Super-Talker synthesizer with the Wonder-Widget
   word processor?".

-- Exchange of medical options.  For example, "My doctor is
   recommending a  Doodleblah treatment; can anyone share their

 -- Specialty items for sale.

The following topics are discouraged:

-- Discussions which really have no relation to disability.  Examples
   include gun control and religion.

 -- Repeated commercial advertisements.  A brief announcement of new
    products is appropriate, but repeated ads are not appreciated.



This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes.  In this phase
of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroup
should be raised and resolved.  The discussion period will continue
for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this
proposal is posted to news.announce.newsgroups), after which a Call
For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the
discussion warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this

All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.

This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation
guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How
to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal".  Please refer to these
documents (available in news.announce.newsgroups) if you have any
questions about the process.


This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups:

  news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,,,,,,
Proponent: Steve Bonine 

From [email protected] Thu May 30 18:38:34 1996
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Jani Patokallio 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,
Subject: CFV: unmoderate misc.handicap
Followup-To: poster
Date: 30 May 1996 22:38:43 -0000
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 145
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 21 Jun 1996 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Archive-Name: misc.handicap
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8760 news.groups:208719

                     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
     unmoderated group misc.handicap (unmoderates existing group)

Newsgroups line:
misc.handicap		Discussions of interest to persons with disabilities.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 20 Jun 1996.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.

Proponent: Steve Bonine 
Votetaker: Jani Patokallio 

RATIONALE: misc.handicap

misc.handicap has a long history as a moderated newsgroup.  (The
creation of the group predates the archive on uunet.)  As moderator,
Bill McGarry built the newsgroup into a valuable resource for
dissemination of information on issues of interest to people with

Several months ago, entry of articles into the group became sporadic
and finally stopped completely in early 1996.  Since it is a moderated
group, misc.handicap has had no activity for some time.  The purpose
of this vote is to change the status of the group to unmoderated so
that it can return to service.

In late March, an article was posted in several Usenet groups asking
for responses concerning the need for misc.handicap.  Approximately
100 positive responses were received, indicating that a need exists
for the group.  Although there are a number of excellent mailing lists
covering various aspects of the subject area, there is no
general-purpose forum in Usenet.

The consensus of the feedback was that more than one group may be
needed in the future but that it is difficult to gauge what the
traffic load will be in an unmoderated misc.handicap.  Traffic in the
moderated group was in the 50-100 article per week range but may not
be a good predictor for an unmoderated group. Creating the unmoderated
forum will both answer the question of whether the traffic justifies
multiple groups and provide a place for the discussion to take place
on what those groups should be.  Thus, at this time, only one group is
being proposed.

Another issue is the name of the group.  The advantage of using the
established name is that distribution mechanisms which are currently
in place will improve the propagation of the new group.  For example,
there are a number of cases in which sites forward misc.handicap to
additional sites but do not forward the rest of the misc hierarchy.
Although there was some objection to the now-outdated "handicap" term,
the loss of propagation from changing the name does not warrant the a
name change.

A final issue is the desire of some individuals to continue to have a
moderated newsgroup.  At this point there is no qualified volunteer to
moderate the group.  An unmoderated group will provide an indication
as to whether a moderated group is needed and a resource from which to
draft a team of moderators.

CHARTER: misc.handicap

This group provides a forum for exchange of disability-related

Participants include people with disabilities and other interested
parities including educators, families, and friends.

Possible topics include:

 -- Announcements of information of general interest to persons with
    disabilities, including conventions, educational opportunities,
    special-interest groups, developments in adaptive equipment, etc.

 -- Questions regarding adaptive equipment.  For example, "What is your
    experience using the Super-Talker synthesizer with the Wonder-Widget
    word processor?".

 -- Medical questions.  Note that there are several more-focused newsgroups
    which may be better candidates for a given subject; misc.handicap is a
    good general-purpose place to find out about these and other resources.

 -- Specialty items for sale.

The following topics are discouraged:

 -- Discussions which have no relation to disability.  Examples include
    gun control and religion.

 -- Repeated commercial advertisements.  A brief announcement of new
    products is appropriate, but repeated ads are not appreciated.



Follow these instructions *exactly*!  Votes are counted by computer.
You should send E-MAIL (posts to a newsgroup are invalid) to:

    [email protected]

Please do not assume that just replying to this message will work.
Check the address before you mail your vote.  Your mail message
should contain one and only one of the following vote statements:

    I vote YES on misc.handicap
    I vote NO on misc.handicap

    Voter name:

If your mail software does not indicate your real name (for example, AOL and
Delphi do not), include exactly the statement above on a separate line and
add your name after the colon.  Having your name in your signature line
is NOT enough!

You may also vote ABSTAIN (which does exactly that) or CANCEL (which
removes any earlier votes).  ABSTAIN does not affect the final vote count
in any way but is listed, whereas CANCEL is not.


Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes
must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous,
forwarded or proxy votes are not valid.  Votes mailed by WWW/HTML/CGI
forms are considered to be anonymous votes.

Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may
mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an
acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker
about the problem.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote
is registered correctly.  Duplicate votes are resolved in favor of
the most recent valid vote.  Addresses and votes of all voters will
be published in the final voting results post.

The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of
persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from
disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute
this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted
to news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked or otherwise
edited copies of this CFV is generally considered to be vote fraud.
When in doubt, ask the votetaker.

Jani Patokallio 
Voting address: 

From [email protected] Sat Jun  8 09:54:21 1996
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Jani Patokallio 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,
Subject: 2nd CFV: unmoderate misc.handicap
Supersedes: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Date: 8 Jun 1996 13:54:38 -0000
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 145
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 21 Jun 1996 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Archive-Name: misc.handicap
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8803 news.groups:210726

                      LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
     unmoderated group misc.handicap (unmoderates existing group)

Newsgroups line:
misc.handicap		Discussions of interest to persons with disabilities.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 20 Jun 1996.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.

Proponent: Steve Bonine 
Votetaker: Jani Patokallio 

RATIONALE: misc.handicap

misc.handicap has a long history as a moderated newsgroup.  (The
creation of the group predates the archive on uunet.)  As moderator,
Bill McGarry built the newsgroup into a valuable resource for
dissemination of information on issues of interest to people with

Several months ago, entry of articles into the group became sporadic
and finally stopped completely in early 1996.  Since it is a moderated
group, misc.handicap has had no activity for some time.  The purpose
of this vote is to change the status of the group to unmoderated so
that it can return to service.

In late March, an article was posted in several Usenet groups asking
for responses concerning the need for misc.handicap.  Approximately
100 positive responses were received, indicating that a need exists
for the group.  Although there are a number of excellent mailing lists
covering various aspects of the subject area, there is no
general-purpose forum in Usenet.

The consensus of the feedback was that more than one group may be
needed in the future but that it is difficult to gauge what the
traffic load will be in an unmoderated misc.handicap.  Traffic in the
moderated group was in the 50-100 article per week range but may not
be a good predictor for an unmoderated group. Creating the unmoderated
forum will both answer the question of whether the traffic justifies
multiple groups and provide a place for the discussion to take place
on what those groups should be.  Thus, at this time, only one group is
being proposed.

Another issue is the name of the group.  The advantage of using the
established name is that distribution mechanisms which are currently
in place will improve the propagation of the new group.  For example,
there are a number of cases in which sites forward misc.handicap to
additional sites but do not forward the rest of the misc hierarchy.
Although there was some objection to the now-outdated "handicap" term,
the loss of propagation from changing the name does not warrant the a
name change.

A final issue is the desire of some individuals to continue to have a
moderated newsgroup.  At this point there is no qualified volunteer to
moderate the group.  An unmoderated group will provide an indication
as to whether a moderated group is needed and a resource from which to
draft a team of moderators.

CHARTER: misc.handicap

This group provides a forum for exchange of disability-related

Participants include people with disabilities and other interested
parities including educators, families, and friends.

Possible topics include:

 -- Announcements of information of general interest to persons with
    disabilities, including conventions, educational opportunities,
    special-interest groups, developments in adaptive equipment, etc.

 -- Questions regarding adaptive equipment.  For example, "What is your
    experience using the Super-Talker synthesizer with the Wonder-Widget
    word processor?".

 -- Medical questions.  Note that there are several more-focused newsgroups
    which may be better candidates for a given subject; misc.handicap is a
    good general-purpose place to find out about these and other resources.

 -- Specialty items for sale.

The following topics are discouraged:

 -- Discussions which have no relation to disability.  Examples include
    gun control and religion.

 -- Repeated commercial advertisements.  A brief announcement of new
    products is appropriate, but repeated ads are not appreciated.



Follow these instructions *exactly*!  Votes are counted by computer.
You should send E-MAIL (posts to a newsgroup are invalid) to:

    [email protected]

Please do not assume that just replying to this message will work.
Check the address before you mail your vote.  Your mail message
should contain one and only one of the following vote statements:

    I vote YES on misc.handicap
    I vote NO on misc.handicap

    Voter name:

If your mail software does not indicate your real name (for example, AOL and
Delphi do not), include _exactly_ the statement above on a _separate_ line and
add your name after the colon.  Having your name in your signature line
is NOT enough!  Do NOT join the lines together!

You may also vote ABSTAIN (which does exactly that) or CANCEL (which
removes any earlier votes).  ABSTAIN does not affect the final vote count
in any way but is listed, whereas CANCEL is not.


Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes
must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous,
forwarded or proxy votes are not valid.  Votes mailed by WWW/HTML/CGI
forms are considered to be anonymous votes.

Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may
mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an
acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker
about the problem.  It's your responsibility to make sure your vote
is registered correctly.  Duplicate votes are resolved in favor of
the most recent valid vote.  Addresses and votes of all voters will
be published in the final voting results post.

The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of
persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from
disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute
this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted
to news.announce.newgroups.  Distributing pre-marked or otherwise
edited copies of this CFV is generally considered to be vote fraud.
When in doubt, ask the votetaker.

Jani Patokallio 
Voting address: 

From [email protected] Fri Jun 21 10:33:15 1996
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Jani Patokallio 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,,,misc.handicap
Subject: RESULT: unmoderate misc.handicap passes 274:14
Supersedes: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 21 Jun 1996 10:33:43 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 413
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Archive-Name: misc.handicap
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8878 news.groups:212991 misc.handicap:38320

unmoderated group misc.handicap (unmoderates existing group) passes 274:14

There were 274 YES votes and 14 NO votes, for a total of 288 valid votes.
There were 3 invalid ballots.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no
serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of
news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.

Newsgroups line:
misc.handicap		Discussions of interest to persons with disabilities.

The voting period closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 20 Jun 1996.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.

Proponent: Steve Bonine 
Votetaker: Jani Patokallio 

RATIONALE: misc.handicap

misc.handicap has a long history as a moderated newsgroup.  (The
creation of the group predates the archive on uunet.)  As moderator,
Bill McGarry built the newsgroup into a valuable resource for
dissemination of information on issues of interest to people with

Several months ago, entry of articles into the group became sporadic
and finally stopped completely in early 1996.  Since it is a moderated
group, misc.handicap has had no activity for some time.  The purpose
of this vote is to change the status of the group to unmoderated so
that it can return to service.

In late March, an article was posted in several Usenet groups asking
for responses concerning the need for misc.handicap.  Approximately
100 positive responses were received, indicating that a need exists
for the group.  Although there are a number of excellent mailing lists
covering various aspects of the subject area, there is no
general-purpose forum in Usenet.

The consensus of the feedback was that more than one group may be
needed in the future but that it is difficult to gauge what the
traffic load will be in an unmoderated misc.handicap.  Traffic in the
moderated group was in the 50-100 article per week range but may not
be a good predictor for an unmoderated group. Creating the unmoderated
forum will both answer the question of whether the traffic justifies
multiple groups and provide a place for the discussion to take place
on what those groups should be.  Thus, at this time, only one group is
being proposed.

Another issue is the name of the group.  The advantage of using the
established name is that distribution mechanisms which are currently
in place will improve the propagation of the new group.  For example,
there are a number of cases in which sites forward misc.handicap to
additional sites but do not forward the rest of the misc hierarchy.
Although there was some objection to the now-outdated "handicap" term,
the loss of propagation from changing the name does not warrant the a
name change.

A final issue is the desire of some individuals to continue to have a
moderated newsgroup.  At this point there is no qualified volunteer to
moderate the group.  An unmoderated group will provide an indication
as to whether a moderated group is needed and a resource from which to
draft a team of moderators.

CHARTER: misc.handicap

This group provides a forum for exchange of disability-related

Participants include people with disabilities and other interested
parities including educators, families, and friends.

Possible topics include:

 -- Announcements of information of general interest to persons with
    disabilities, including conventions, educational opportunities,
    special-interest groups, developments in adaptive equipment, etc.

 -- Questions regarding adaptive equipment.  For example, "What is your
    experience using the Super-Talker synthesizer with the Wonder-Widget
    word processor?".

 -- Medical questions.  Note that there are several more-focused newsgroups
    which may be better candidates for a given subject; misc.handicap is a
    good general-purpose place to find out about these and other resources.

 -- Specialty items for sale.

The following topics are discouraged:

 -- Discussions which have no relation to disability.  Examples include
    gun control and religion.

 -- Repeated commercial advertisements.  A brief announcement of new
    products is appropriate, but repeated ads are not appreciated.


misc.handicap (unmoderates existing group) Final Vote Ack

Voted Yes
[email protected]                                       Suzette Lanyon
[email protected]                                      Paula A. Steib
[email protected]                                       Liz McCormick
[email protected]                                                           Aahz
[email protected]                                                      Alan Baron
[email protected]                                         Adrienne Barhydt
[email protected]                                            Thomas F. Egan
[email protected]                                           Jan Heynen
[email protected]                                                Andrew Fabbro
[email protected]                                       Alice Tidwell
[email protected]                Al Amaral - SunSoft PC Desktop Integration
[email protected]                                              Angela Mack
[email protected]                                   Joseph Amoroso
[email protected]                                           Andrew Phillips
[email protected]                                           Cesario Apolinario
[email protected]                                                   Vincent Archer
[email protected]                                           Allison R. Greene
[email protected]                                              Arturo Rivera
[email protected]                           At Home in the Community Ltd
[email protected]                                             Margaret Bailey
[email protected]                         Barbara Nelle Ewell
[email protected]                                         Barry Fowler
[email protected]                                           Cliff Baynon
[email protected]                                                  Beteille Guy
[email protected]                                     Richard J. Fleck
[email protected]                                          Bill Hester
[email protected]                                                         Bill H.
[email protected]                                                       john nagle
[email protected]                                                      Brad Jobel
[email protected]                                      Bliss Temple
[email protected]                                                       Bob Batson
[email protected]                                                  bob bolton
[email protected]                               Catherine Browman
[email protected]                                                  Bruce Baugh
[email protected]                                                  Bruce McLay
[email protected]                                             Charles Abernathy
[email protected]                                                Caryn Roberts
[email protected]                                           christopher j guokas
[email protected]                                               joshua koerner
[email protected]                                          Chris Salter
[email protected]                                   Christopher Lodge Stamper
[email protected]                                                    Craig L. Smith
[email protected]                         [email protected]
[email protected]                                              John Covici
[email protected]                                            C. Newport
[email protected]                                             Amanda Crossley
[email protected]                                                Don Croyle
[email protected]                                             Chris Scanlan
[email protected]                                       Robert B. Currie
[email protected]                                              Allison Martin
[email protected]                                            David Hersemann
[email protected]                                             Dan Comden
[email protected]                                                 Daniel Boggs
[email protected]                                            David Morrison
[email protected]    [email protected] (David B. Dol
[email protected]                                   David Markowitz
[email protected]                                                David Davis
[email protected]                                         Dave Basden
[email protected]                                                   Tom Dempsey
[email protected]                                           dennis goos
[email protected]                                               Stephen Bell
[email protected]                                                Cameron Dewe
[email protected]                                                   Dan Gove
[email protected]                                                 David Hansen
[email protected]                                           Daniel Scholten
[email protected]                                             Dr. Dimitri Vulis
[email protected]                                               David N. Brock
[email protected]                                                   Sue Miller
[email protected]                                                     Dan Rothschild
[email protected]                                                         Ryan
[email protected]                                              Donald Sluter
dstephen%[email protected]               Doug Stephens 
[email protected]                                                     Eric Eales
[email protected]                                           Edward Agro
[email protected]                                               Eric Bohlman
[email protected]                                               Ed Dougherty
[email protected]                                             Robert Edward
[email protected]                                                    Ele Yule
[email protected]                                          Elizabeth Peterson
[email protected]                                              Ernie Mathews
[email protected]                                          Emmett S. Land
[email protected]                         Esther Lumsdon - Consultant
[email protected]                                            Elizabeth Tepe
[email protected]                                            Edward Zollars
[email protected]                                       Daniel P Faigin
[email protected]                                    John Fisher
[email protected]                                          Frankie James
[email protected]                                  Frank Fiamingo
[email protected]                                         Fred Forrest
[email protected]                                     Frederick J. Barnett
[email protected]                                                   Sandra Good
[email protected]                                             Gary L. Dickson
[email protected]                                          George J. Leotti
[email protected]                                                 Julie Gatseos
[email protected]                                              Gino J. Piazza
[email protected]                                                  Dick Grady
[email protected]                                          Scott D Graham
[email protected]                                               David Townsend
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                   StrongFlex
[email protected]                                    Gerald Schmidt
[email protected]                                     John H. Stockslager
[email protected]                                            Glynn Greenwood
[email protected]                          Laura L. Hartman
[email protected]                                       Justin Monastesse
[email protected]                                                            HJ
[email protected]                                               Mimi Hiller
[email protected]                                         Hans-Henrik T. Ohlsen
[email protected]                                         Hugo Nelson
[email protected]                                            Fahed H. Bakri
[email protected]                                              Irina Rempt
[email protected]                                           alex khalil
[email protected]                                          John Luke Mills
[email protected]                                          James W. West
[email protected]                                                  Jeff E. Janes
[email protected]                                           Jennifer Malstrom
[email protected]                                                 Jesse Kaysen
[email protected]                                              Jeffrey Harris
[email protected]                                                       Dan Hupf
[email protected]                                                   John Husvar
[email protected]                            Irene & James & Bob Scott
[email protected]                                              jill@3rdplanet
[email protected]                                                  James Lubin
[email protected]                                          John M Price, PhD
[email protected]                                    Joseph Gutstein
[email protected]                                                  John Hunt
[email protected]                                                John Leslie
[email protected]                                              Mark E. Johnson
[email protected]                                        John Song
[email protected]                                               Jeff Freeman
[email protected]                                             John Knight
[email protected]                                             James A Roush
[email protected]                                           James Sullivan
[email protected]                                                  Janetta Tradup
[email protected]                                               Karen Juhasz
[email protected]                                                 Kristen Alaimo
[email protected]                                                Kane W. Basie
[email protected]                                                 Kate Gregory
[email protected]                                         Kate Wrightson
[email protected]                                                       K. Hawk
[email protected]                                      Kathleen L. Meischke
[email protected]                                            Thomas David Kehoe
[email protected]
[email protected]                                            Kenneth L Haynes
[email protected]                                       Kenyon F. Karl
[email protected]                                              Kim DeVaughn
[email protected]                                Evan Kirshenbaum
[email protected]                                                       Kay Klier
[email protected]                                             Kate Murphy
[email protected]                                                Jarrett Knyal
[email protected]                                                Kathy Rankin
[email protected]                                                   Kevin W. Reed
[email protected]                                                 Scott Wheat
[email protected]                                        Joyce Nieuwesteeg
[email protected]                                          Kay Biefer
[email protected]                                           Douglas Lathrop
[email protected]                                          M. Lavondes
[email protected]                                                  Bernard Tiffany
[email protected]                                                    Larry Smith
[email protected]                                            Russell Lear
[email protected]                                                    Bill Leibe
[email protected]                                               Larry Enders
[email protected]                                              Luc Goffinet
[email protected]                                                 Lisa Holm
[email protected]                                           Leah J. Boyle
[email protected]                          Richard Charles Graves
[email protected]                                                      lmdavis
[email protected]
[email protected]                                          Richard Long
[email protected]                                          LeRay Stone
[email protected]                                                 Eron Main
[email protected]                                            Bruce McArdle
[email protected]                                     Darin McGrew
[email protected]                                           Melissa York
[email protected]                                           Michael Gillman
[email protected]                                             Michael Cunningham
[email protected]                                             Mike Thomas
[email protected]                                            Matthew Mintier
[email protected]                                            Michael Loomis
[email protected]                             James A Gonsalves & Mary Fowler
[email protected]                                                         Mark Brader
[email protected]                                 Mustafa Soysal MS57
[email protected]                                  Steven D. Marquardt
[email protected]                                     Matthew T. Kinney
[email protected]                                                 Mike West
[email protected]                                         Jack Nelson
[email protected]                                    Nicolas.GRANER
[email protected]                     Nanci Lederman or [email protected]
[email protected]                                             Nancy McGreen
[email protected]                                       Nobuya Higashiyama
[email protected]                                                      Dr. Duke
[email protected]                                     Nancy Rudins
[email protected]                                      Daniel Bell
[email protected]                                            Nadine Parish
[email protected]                                            Patt Bromberger
[email protected]                                             Paul B. Schou
[email protected]                                                     Peter Verhoeven
[email protected]                                              Trevor Tymchuk
[email protected]                                             Wanda Petersen
[email protected]                                          PETER MCCOLE
[email protected]                                              Ron Peugh
[email protected]                                     Philip Stehno
[email protected]                                           Philip Kirschner
[email protected]                                        Pierre Uszynski
[email protected]                                               Pete Humble
[email protected]                                                   Paul Prouten
[email protected]                                               Patricia Shanahan
[email protected]                                            Ralf W. Stephan
[email protected]                                              Randy  Bernard
[email protected]                                                    Roy Degler
[email protected]                                              Roland E. Lipovits
[email protected]                                            R. Glenn Moscoso
[email protected]                                           Warren Marts
[email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                                       Frank Ridkosil
[email protected]                                       Margie Peters
[email protected]                                         Rick Kidder
[email protected]                                             Ron Martell
[email protected]                                      Ronald M. Karrels
[email protected]                                           Robert Murkot
[email protected]                                            Robert Rolf
[email protected]                                       Robert Jaquiss
[email protected]                                                 Ron Amundson
[email protected]                                             Robert Berkheiser
[email protected]                                           Rich Simpson
[email protected]                                        Roland W. Sykes
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                 Sheryl Andre
[email protected]                                               Sarah Gentry
[email protected]                                              David McFarling
[email protected]                                        Stephen Evans
[email protected]                                                    Jim Shaffer
[email protected]                    [email protected] (Sandra Hall)
[email protected]                                               Barbara Fellowes
[email protected]                                        Robert Somerville
[email protected]                                                Steve Bonine
[email protected]                                              Dennis Berg
[email protected]                                            Joe Chamberlain
[email protected]                                            Sharyl Teeters
[email protected]                                               Steve Hubbell
[email protected]                                                Steve Lancaster
[email protected]                                            Sudish Joseph
[email protected]                                                   Sue Wilcox
[email protected]                                                      Susan Kirt
[email protected]                                       s_guziejka
[email protected]                                                   Tony Basoglu
[email protected]                                        Thomas Berndsen
[email protected]                                                     Terry Cline
[email protected]                                   Teresa Carroll
[email protected]                                                   Karin Strickland
[email protected]                                               Tom Griffin
[email protected]                                                 Ravan Asteris
[email protected]                                           Timothy Alan Hobbs
[email protected]                                              Tom Hogarth
[email protected]                                      Timo M Hamalainen
[email protected]                                                Todd C. Lawson
[email protected]                                               Tracy L. Carter
[email protected]                                                 Tod Roberts
[email protected]                                  Troy Shahoumian
[email protected]                                          Todd S. Engel
[email protected]                                              Todd Smith
[email protected]                                              Richard W. Uhrich
[email protected]                                     frank wilkinson
[email protected]                                          Richard VandeVelde
[email protected]                                Joost van Lawick van Pabst
[email protected]                                           Virginia T. Bemis
[email protected]                                         Vikki Stefans
[email protected]                                                   Bill Memberg
[email protected]                                            Bill Dorsey
[email protected]                                                    Cathy Eades
[email protected]                                              william kiker
[email protected]                                         Risto Widenius
[email protected]                                   Richard B. Womer
[email protected]                                             William T. Yates

Voted No
[email protected]                                             Martin H. Booda
[email protected]                             Christopher B. Stone
[email protected]                                   Craig Burley
[email protected]                                                  George Baltz
[email protected]                                                 John Koval
[email protected]                                        Lucien Van Elsen
[email protected]                                       Christian Weisgerber
[email protected]                                             Olav Nieuwejaar
[email protected]                                         Ollivier Robert
[email protected]                                  David Moore
[email protected]                                                   Stan Koper
[email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown
[email protected]                                                 Shane Castle
[email protected]                                                        Tony Storz

Votes in error
[email protected]
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]                                  Anthony Hodgetts 242-9775
   ! Conflicting votes
[email protected]                                          Michael Nicolai
   ! No vote statement in message

Jani Patokallio 
Voting address: