From [email protected] Fri Jul  9 08:15:59 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Robert Cinq-Mars 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,sci.engr.chem,sci.chem,sci.environment,sci.physics
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 8 Jul 1993 20:00:12 -0400
Organization: University of Rhode Island / College of Engineering
Lines: 36
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3777 news.groups:75925 sci.engr.chem:1617 sci.chem:13893 sci.environment:4787+0 sci.physics:55811

                             REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION
                             FORMATION OF NEW GROUP

This request for discussion (RFD) will appear 3 times over a thirty day
period commencing July 8, 1993 and ending August 7, 1993.  The discussion
is to take place on  This is the first of three announcements.

A listserver list has been created at the University of Rhode Island
entitled: HYDROGEN on [email protected].  For the convenience of
USENET users and to make this conference available to as many users
as possible, we wish to create SCI.ENERGY.HYDROGEN.  A bi-directional
gateway will exchange information between the mail list and the newsgroup.

The purpose of this newgroup is to promote a better understanding of the
concepts, terminology, materials, processes and issues relating to 
hydrogen as an alternative fuel.  Users will be welcome from universities,
government and industry and are encouraged to post all pertinent news,
events, information, research, references, seminar and conference announce-
ments, product and service announcements, related procurements, and 
general discussion of hydrogen related topics.

All are welcome to join in the discussion concerning the formation of on  Your input will help define the
scope and charter for this conference. Following the month long discussion
a vote will be held as described in the guidelines for usenet group
creation.  During this time you are welcome to subscribe to the
hydrogen listserver list by sending the simple email message:
SUB HYDROGEN to [email protected].  You will asked to confirm your
subscription and need only reply, OK.

Thank you for your kind consideration of this RFD.
Robert S. Cinq-Mars
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Rhode Island 

From [email protected] Mon Aug  9 10:57:51 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Robert Cinq-Mars 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,sci.engr.chem,sci.chem,sci.environment,sci.physics
Subject: 2nd RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 8 Aug 1993 00:40:23 -0400
Organization: University of Rhode Island / College of Engineering
Lines: 37
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3921 news.groups:78266 sci.engr.chem:1716 sci.chem:14432 sci.environment:34567 sci.physics:57887

                        SECOND REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION


This request for discussion (RFD) began on July 8th, 1993 and will
continue through August 15, 1993.  The discussion is taking place 
on news.groups.

A listserver list has been created at the University of Rhode Island
entitled: HYDROGEN on [email protected].  For the convenience of
USENET users and to make this conference available to as many users
as possible, we wish to create SCI.ENERGY.HYDROGEN.  A bi-directional
gateway will exchange information between the mail list and the newsgroup.

The purpose of this newgroup is to promote a better understanding of the
concepts, terminology, materials, processes and issues relating to 
hydrogen as an alternative fuel.  Users will be welcome from universities,
government and industry and are encouraged to post all pertinent news,
events, information, research, references, seminar and conference announce-
ments, product and service announcements, related procurements, and 
general discussion of hydrogen related topics.

All are welcome to join in the discussion concerning the formation of on  Your input will help define the
scope and charter for this conference. Following the month long discussion
a vote will be held as described in the guidelines for usenet group
creation.  During this time you are welcome to subscribe to the
hydrogen listserver list by sending the message:
SUB HYDROGEN yourfirstname yourlastname, to: [email protected].

Thank you for your kind consideration of this RFD.
Robert S. Cinq-Mars  ([email protected])
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Rhode Island 

From [email protected] Wed Aug 18 19:08:15 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jan Isley - Votes R Us)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,,sci.engr.chem,sci.physics.research
Subject: CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 18 Aug 1993 18:48:36 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 88
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected], [email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected] (Jan Isley - Votes R Us)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3959 news.groups:79145 sci.chem:14619 sci.engr.chem:1755 sci.physics.research:523

***  CALL FOR VOTES (1st of 2) ***

Creation of the unmoderated group

Newsgroups line:		All about hydrogen as an alternative fuel

Votes must be received by 8 Sep 1993, 23:59:59 UTC.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For
voting questions only, contact Jan Isley at [email protected]

For questions about the proposed group, contact Robert Cinq-Mars
at [email protected] or [email protected]

This CFV will be sent to the following mailing lists:

     [email protected]  (Hydrogen List)
     [email protected]        (Electric Vehicle List)


You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to

      [email protected]

(just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Your mail
message should contain ONE AND ONLY ONE of the following statements:

      I vote YES on
      I vote NO on

Please, do not include this entire post, just the one line vote.
You may add a comment, but anything other than a definite statement
involving the group name and "yes", "no", "for", or "against" on a
single line may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.
If you later change your mind you may also use send in an "abstain"
vote in the same manner, using "abstain" in place of "yes" or "no".
Votes will be acknowledged by mail.  Subsequent CFVs will have a list
of bounced acks only.  A mass ack will be posted after the vote ends.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person (not per
account).  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being
YES are the requirements for group creation.

    The purpose of is to promote a better
understanding of the concepts, terminology, materials, processes
and issues relating to the production, storage, transportation,
and use of hydrogen as an alternative fuel.
    The goal of this newsgroup is to stimulate growth and interest
in the use of hydrogen and to encourage the development of an
environmentally sound energy infrastructure.
    Subscribers are welcome from universities, government,
and industry and are encouraged to post all pertinent news,
information, research, references, product and service announce-
ments, conference and seminar notices, government procurements,
and the general discussion of topics.  It is of particular
importance to the group that a strong and serious effort be made
on the part of each subscriber to post all important, relevant,
public domain information, such as: Masters theses; Ph.D. dis-
ertations; press releases; government R&D announcements,
solicitations, procurements and awards; technical abstracts,
research reports and memoranda.
    A bi-directional gateway will be used to connect this
newsgroup with the Internet hydrogen listserver list.

------- is a forum for the exchange of information
and ideas pertaining to the production, storage, transportation,
and use of hydrogen as an alternative fuel.

There will be bi-directional gateway with [email protected]

This CFV will appear in two separate posts in the following groups:

news.announce.newgroups   news.groups
sci.chem             sci.engr.chem
sci.environment           sci.physics    sci.physics.fusion        
sci.physics.research      sci.research
  Jan Isley, the Knight who says ACK, can be reached at
  [email protected]  or!bagend!jan

From [email protected] Sat Aug 28 23:10:01 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jan Isley)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,,sci.engr.chem,sci.physics.research,sci.environment,sci.physics,sci.physics.fusion,sci.research,,,
Subject: 2nd CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 28 Aug 1993 18:52:44 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 92
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected], [email protected]
Summary: last call for votes on
Keywords: vote, energy, hydrogen
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3988 news.groups:80235 sci.chem:14755 sci.engr.chem:1798 sci.physics.research:547 sci.environment:35508 sci.physics:59388 sci.physics.fusion:8698 sci.research:4660

***  CALL FOR VOTES (2nd of 2) ***

Creation of the unmoderated group

Newsgroups line:	All about hydrogen as an alternative fuel.

Votes must be received by 8 Sep 1993, 23:59:59 UTC.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For
voting questions only, contact Jan Isley at [email protected]

For questions about the proposed group, contact Robert Cinq-Mars
at [email protected] or [email protected]

This CFV will be sent to the following mailing lists:

     [email protected]  (Hydrogen List)
     [email protected]        (Electric Vehicle List)


You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to

      [email protected]

(just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Your mail
message should contain ONE AND ONLY ONE of the following statements:

      I vote YES on
      I vote NO on

Please, do not include this entire post, just the one line vote.
You may add a comment, but anything other than a definite statement
involving the group name and "yes", "no", "for", or "against" on a
single line may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.
If you later change your mind you may also use send in an "abstain"
vote in the same manner, using "abstain" in place of "yes" or "no".
Votes will be acknowledged by mail.  Subsequent CFVs will have a list
of bounced acks only.  A mass ack will be posted after the vote ends.

Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person (not per
account).  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being
YES are the requirements for group creation.

    The purpose of is to promote a better
understanding of the concepts, terminology, materials, processes
and issues relating to the production, storage, transportation,
and use of hydrogen as an alternative fuel.
    The goal of this newsgroup is to stimulate growth and interest
in the use of hydrogen and to encourage the development of an
environmentally sound energy infrastructure.
    Subscribers are welcome from universities, government,
and industry and are encouraged to post all pertinent news,
information, research, references, product and service announce-
ments, conference and seminar notices, government procurements,
and the general discussion of topics.  It is of particular
importance to the group that a strong and serious effort be made
on the part of each subscriber to post all important, relevant,
public domain information, such as: Masters theses; Ph.D. dis-
ertations; press releases; government R&D announcements,
solicitations, procurements and awards; technical abstracts,
research reports and memoranda.
    A bi-directional gateway will be used to connect this
newsgroup with the Internet hydrogen listserver list.

------- is a forum for the exchange of information
and ideas pertaining to the production, storage, transportation,
and use of hydrogen as an alternative fuel.

There will be bi-directional gateway with [email protected]

This CFV will appears in the following groups:

news.announce.newgroups   news.groups
sci.chem             sci.engr.chem
sci.environment           sci.physics    sci.physics.fusion        
sci.physics.research      sci.research

An administrative detail prevented the 1st CFV from being posted
to sci.aeronautics.  An abbreviated 2nd CFV will be sent there.

All votes have been acknowledged by mail.

There are no unresolved bounced vote ACKS at this time.

From [email protected] Fri Sep 10 12:46:21 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jan Isley)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,,sci.engr.chem,sci.physics.research,sci.environment,sci.physics,sci.physics.fusion,sci.research,,,
Subject: RESULT: passes 184:30
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 9 Sep 1993 15:18:50 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 271
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4032 news.groups:81267 sci.chem:14977 sci.engr.chem:1820 sci.physics.research:574 sci.environment:35817 sci.physics:60113 sci.physics.fusion:8910 sci.research:4717 group vote results - 214 valid votes

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 184   30 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :

Newsgroups line:		All about hydrogen as an alternative fuel

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only, contact Jan Isley at [email protected]

For questions about the group, contact Robert Cinq-Mars at
[email protected] or [email protected]


    The purpose of is to promote a better
understanding of the concepts, terminology, materials, processes
and issues relating to the production, storage, transportation,
and use of hydrogen as an alternative fuel.

    The goal of this newsgroup is to stimulate growth and interest
in the use of hydrogen and to encourage the development of an
environmentally sound energy infrastructure.

    Subscribers are welcome from universities, government,
and industry and are encouraged to post all pertinent news,
information, research, references, product and service announce-
ments, conference and seminar notices, government procurements,
and the general discussion of topics.  It is of particular
importance to the group that a strong and serious effort be made
on the part of each subscriber to post all important, relevant,
public domain information, such as: Masters theses; Ph.D. dis-
ertations; press releases; government R&D announcements,
solicitations, procurements and awards; technical abstracts,
research reports and memoranda.

    A bi-directional gateway will be used to connect this
newsgroup with the Internet hydrogen listserver list. group vote Final Vote Ack
21 duplicate votes were deleted.  These duplicates were largely the
result of my requesting names from voters where their mail software
did not supply them.  All addresses are mapped to lower case.

Yes Votes
[email protected]                                Tom Halvorson
[email protected]                                               Alan Kull
[email protected]                                  Robert E Ford Jr
[email protected]                                        Alan Marr
[email protected]                               Andrew Grell
[email protected]                           Arthur Chance
[email protected]!                              Baily
[email protected]                             Brad Armitage
[email protected]                                        Joseph R Bart
[email protected]                           Ahmed Refaat Bashandy
[email protected]                                  Ben Springs
[email protected]                                       J Bibb
[email protected]                                           B J Herbison
[email protected]                               Bob Luty
[email protected]                                   Robert K Kawaratani
[email protected]                                       Bob MacDowell
[email protected]                           Bob Rutkiewicz
[email protected]                                         Dieter Britz
[email protected]                              Joseph Brothers
[email protected]                                 Jamey Butteris
[email protected]                       Gary Thomas Grothman
[email protected]                        Christopher J Ambler
[email protected]                                        Robert Cerpa
[email protected]                                   Charles Ferguson
[email protected]                        Charles R Sullivan
[email protected]                                  Chris Harper
[email protected]                               Chlendi Mohamed
[email protected]                                  Christopher Jones
[email protected]                                          Charles Pooley
[email protected]                                 Michael K Clark
[email protected]                              Gary S Collins
[email protected]                             Craig Jolley
[email protected]                                     Jim Crowley
[email protected]!radian                         Dale Whiteaker-Lewis
[email protected]                             Daniel Mcqueen
[email protected]                                       Dave Caswell
[email protected]                                    Dave Wagner
[email protected]                                                David
[email protected]                                    Dave Trinkle
[email protected]                                   David Coster
[email protected]                                Daniel F Dickinson
[email protected]                                    David Harrington
[email protected]                                 Ed Dickhoff
[email protected]                                    Paul F Dietz
[email protected]                                   Doug Mcnaught
[email protected]                                          Rene' A Vega
dsg@impmh                                                  Dave Gordon
[email protected]                                   David T Southwell
[email protected]                                   Ed Mcguire
[email protected]                                  Derek England
[email protected]                                   Tony C Tweedale
[email protected]                                      Evan Crandall
[email protected]                                Gregory Falter
[email protected]                                J Scott Farrow
[email protected]                                      William Fawley
[email protected]                              Jacek Paczkowski
[email protected]                        Gregory C Franklin
[email protected]                               Sean Patrick Ryan
[email protected]                              Gadgil Prasad
[email protected]                                           Gail Lucas
[email protected]                                     Gene Berry
[email protected]                                       Rayhann Chee
[email protected]                                    Gert van Velzen
[email protected]                         Gregory J Mushial
[email protected]                                Dan E Goldstein
[email protected]                                        Kent Radek
[email protected]                                Gregory P Siemens
[email protected]                                   Gregory Spear
[email protected]                                         Geoffrey Spear
[email protected]                                   Guy Schiavone
[email protected]!satch                             Robert Hagglund
[email protected]                                  Timothy C Hagman
[email protected]                                       Harlan Harris
[email protected]                                  James Harvey
[email protected]                     Christopher Hassell
[email protected]                                  Harry Garner
[email protected]                               Roger Frederi Clark
[email protected]                                          Jim Hisle
[email protected]                             Hans Lohninger
[email protected]                             Justin Holland
[email protected]                                 Howard Smith
[email protected]                                                 
[email protected]                                 John Steel
[email protected]                                     Al Jagnow
[email protected]                                         Jon Browning
[email protected]                                    Wes Jester
[email protected]                           Randell Jesup
[email protected]                                              Joe Keane
[email protected]                                    John Jeppson
[email protected]                         John Christy
[email protected]                                   Johnie L Ingram
[email protected]                               J Karl Johnson
[email protected]                             Joseph Hall
[email protected]                            Julio Pacheco
[email protected]                                       John Wells
[email protected]                             Karel Hladky
[email protected]                            Mark Kenworthy
[email protected]                                 Kjeld H|yer Mortensen
[email protected]                              Sven Kiesow
[email protected]                                            Steve Hall
[email protected]                                 Costas Krallis
[email protected]                                              Kurt L Davis
[email protected]                                               Kevin Gross
[email protected]                            Kathleen Gallagher
[email protected]                                              L Gail Price
[email protected]                                Alan Gould
[email protected]                                  Larry Hudson
[email protected]                            Lee Spencer
[email protected]                             John Patrick Johnson
[email protected]                                           Jun Hong
[email protected]                                      Mark Duncan
[email protected]                                 Mark Kerbel
[email protected]                                    Mark Redmond
[email protected]                              Markus Buchhorn
[email protected]                                        Mark A Lilly
[email protected]                              Matthew Arnison
[email protected]                                     Chris Maxwell
[email protected]                           Thomas Blume
[email protected]                                Robert Mcarthur
[email protected]                          Patrick Mccabe
[email protected]                        Bill Meadowcroft
[email protected]                                          Peter Meincke
[email protected]                                   Markus Freericks
[email protected]                                      Mike Parsons
[email protected]                                       Mike Prine
[email protected]                              John Militzer
[email protected]                         Milton Scritsmier
[email protected]                                  Misty Campin
[email protected]                            Alexander Klyuch
[email protected]                          David Muir Sharnoff
[email protected]!se17                                Mike Johnson
[email protected]                                Matthew Xavier Mora
[email protected]                               Lee C Haslett
[email protected]                                      Norman F Jerome
[email protected]                      John Bongiovanni
[email protected]                          Martin Cebis
[email protected]                                         John Payson
[email protected]                                       Bob Peterson
[email protected]                                           Phil Marks
[email protected]                                     Paul E Hoffman
[email protected]                             Jacques G Amar
[email protected]                                          Steve Mello
[email protected]                                      Lutz Prechelt
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                            Michael J Quinn
[email protected]                               Robert Cinq-Mars
[email protected]                                 Richard Dabney
[email protected]                                  John Reed
[email protected]                              Sendhil Revuluri
[email protected]                                                Rick Ellis
[email protected]                              Kirsten Riechmann
[email protected]                     Roger Hollandsworth
[email protected]                                   Roman Symank
[email protected]                                Dmitry Samsonov
[email protected]                                 Jeffrey Rufinus
[email protected]                                   Robert Weeks
[email protected]                                       Ryan Bayne
[email protected]                               Mike
[email protected]                                     Scott Miller
[email protected]                                             
[email protected]                                   Stacy A Mogren
[email protected]                                              Shrisha Rao
[email protected]                                       David Reeve Sward
[email protected]                                Sascha Wildner
[email protected]                          The Doctor
[email protected]                      Thomas Fricke
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                           Tim Lacy
[email protected]                               Tom James
[email protected]                             Kito Tomoko
[email protected]                        Timothy Maurice watson
[email protected]                       Todd Kaufmann
[email protected]                                Martin Turner
[email protected]                               Christopher Yoder
[email protected]                              Peter Jacobs
[email protected]                                  Silver Omega
[email protected]                                       Gary Weimer
[email protected]                                 William Reiken
[email protected]                                        Eric Willis
[email protected]                               Jon Edelson
[email protected]                                  Dave Witter
[email protected]                              William J Rehm
[email protected]                        Christopher M Conway
[email protected]                                 Francois Yergeau

No Votes
[email protected]                                Sandy Nicholson
[email protected]                                      David O Hunt
[email protected]                               Bob Christ
[email protected]                               Bob Slawson
[email protected]                       J Cazander
[email protected]                                    Po Shan Cheah
[email protected]                                    Carl L Winstead
[email protected]                                Matthew Crosby
[email protected]                                             Charley Kline
[email protected]                                       Christopher Ward
[email protected]                                   David Bertrand
[email protected]                                           John de Armond
[email protected]                                 Johannes Ullrich
[email protected]                                  Julian Macassey
[email protected]                                   Kevin Mcelearney
[email protected]                                       Leonard Bohmann
[email protected]                        Victor E Aldridge III
[email protected]                                    Mike Jones
mjn@pseudo                                              Murray Nesbitt
[email protected]                                            Barry
[email protected]                                          Dr R K Owen
[email protected]                                     Mr Nice Guy
[email protected]                             Richard Jennings
[email protected]                          Richard H Miller
[email protected]                                 Ron Perry
[email protected]                                            Shane Hartman
[email protected]                                   Tom Jaskiewicz
[email protected]                                    Vartan Narinian
[email protected]                    Wayne David Volkmuth
[email protected]                                      David Wright
Jan Isley, the Knight who says ACK, can be reached at
[email protected]  or!bagend!jan

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