From [email protected] Thu Feb 18 23:10:34 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sulistio Muljadi)
Newsgroups: alt.culture.indonesia,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.filipino,soc.culture.china,news.announce.newgroups,soc.culture.japan,soc.culture.asian.american,soc.culture.europe,news.groups,
Subject: RFD: soc.culture.indonesia
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 15 Feb 1993 19:21:30 -0500
Organization: San Francisco State University
Lines: 80
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet alt.culture.indonesia:1241 soc.culture.asean:16767 soc.culture.filipino:8109 soc.culture.china:100286 news.announce.newgroups:3243 soc.culture.japan:26279 soc.culture.asian.american:19774 soc.culture.europe:16524 news.groups:66729

[Due to the amount of newsgroup crossposted, responses in English is greatly

This is an official Request For Discussion (RFD) for the formation of the
newsgroup, soc.culture.indonesia.

		Charter for soc.culture.indonesia

Name:		soc.culture.indonesia

Moderation:	unmoderated

Purpose:	The purpose of soc.culture.indonesia is to discuss issues 
		relating to Indonesia, such as:
			- arts & entertainment
			- travel / tourism
			- news
			- information
			- culture
			- business
			- education
			- development

Rationale:	With the creation of soc.culture.singapore, and the existence 
		of soc.culture.thai, and soc.culture.filipino, and Call For
		Votes of soc.culture.malaysia, Indonesia is one of the two 
		ASEAN countries that doesn't have it's own newsgroup 
		in the soc. hierarchies.  In addition, alt.culture.indonesia 
		was created few months ago, but it's not in the right 
		hierarchies.  Alt. hierarchies has a limited distribution,
		that doesn't allow many USENET sites to receive the articles, 
		therefore may cause a little traffic flow in the 
		alt.culture.indonesia.  With the creation of 
		soc.culture.indonesia, it will put Indonesia in the right
		hierarchies structure with other culture newsgroups.  We are
		also looking forward to have a larger audience in the soc.
		domain, therefore increases the amount of discussions.  
		Alt.culture.indonesia will cease to exist should 
		soc.culture.indonesia is passed and created.

Rules:		Because soc.culture.indonesia will be unmoderated format, anyone
		will be able to post to this newsgroup.  Please refrain from 
		"flames" or insults or unnecessary criticism of a person.  Any
		criticism should be constructive, and polite.  Please post your
		article in a mature and responsible way.

Language:	The official language of soc.culture.indonesia will be ENGLISH

discussion:	Any followup discussion will be carried out on news.groups.
		You may wish to crosspost to alt.culture.indonesia, but 
		discussions is preferably confined in news.groups.

Period:		Friday, February 15, 1993 - Saturday, March 15, 1993.
		Request For Discussion will last for 30 days, starting NOW, 
		If there is a desire to create soc.culture.indonesia
		after the discussion period, a Call For Votes will be issued.

You are encourage to participate in this discussions.  Please voice your
opinion!!  This article will be mailed to 2 other Indonesian's mailing lists:

		[email protected]
		[email protected]

This article will also be forwarded to :

		[email protected]
		[email protected]

If you know any other Indonesians mailing lists, please forward this e-mail,
e.g.: paroki net, islam, etc.

Thank you. 
Mul			    | Alt. address:  [email protected]
[email protected]	    | NeXTmail ->    [email protected] 
#include "std/disclaimer.h" |                [email protected]
>Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

From [email protected] Wed Mar 10 21:06:46 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sulistio Muljadi)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.culture.indonesia,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.filipino,soc.culture.thai,soc.culture.singapore,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.vietnamese,soc.culture.asian.american
Subject: 2nd RFD: soc.culture.indonesia
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 3 Mar 1993 23:47:57 -0500
Organization: San Francisco State University
Lines: 86
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3314 news.groups:67529 alt.culture.indonesia:1422 soc.culture.asean:17122 soc.culture.filipino:8530 soc.culture.thai:5785 soc.culture.singapore:1564 soc.culture.taiwan:36598 soc.culture.vietnamese:28218 soc.culture.asian.american:20424

[Due to the amount of newsgroup crossposted, responses in English is greatly

This is an official Request For Discussion (RFD) for the formation of the
newsgroup, soc.culture.indonesia.

		Charter for soc.culture.indonesia

Name:		soc.culture.indonesia

Moderation:	unmoderated

Purpose:	The purpose of soc.culture.indonesia is to discuss issues 
		relating to Indonesia, such as:
			- arts & entertainment
			- travel / tourism
			- news
			- information
			- culture
			- business
			- education
			- development / technology
			- politics

Rationale:	alt.culture.indonesia was created few months ago, but it's not 
		in the right hierarchies.  Alt. hierarchies has a limited 
		distribution, that doesn't allow many USENET sites to receive 
		the articles, therefore may cause a little traffic flow in the
                alt.culture.indonesia.  In addition, the creation of 
		soc.culture.malaysia, and soc.culture.singapore,  and the 
		existence of soc.culture.thai, and soc.culture.filipino, leaves
		Indonesia one of the two remaining countries in ASEAN that do
		not have their own newsgroup.  With the creation of 
		soc.culture.indonesia, it will put Indonesia in the right
		hierarchies structure with other culture newsgroups.  We are
		also looking forward to have a larger audience in the soc.
		domain, therefore increases the amount of discussions.  
		Alt.culture.indonesia will cease to exist should 
		soc.culture.indonesia is passed and created.

Rules:		Because soc.culture.indonesia will be unmoderated format, anyone
		will be able to post to this newsgroup.  Please refrain from 
		"FLAMES" or INSULTS or unnecessary criticism of a person.  Any
		criticism should be constructive, and polite.  Any insults, or
		flames should be carried personally by e-mail, instead of
		posting to the newsgroup.  Please post your article in a mature
		and responsible way.

Language:	The official language of soc.culture.indonesia will be ENGLISH

discussion:	Any followup discussion will be carried out on news.groups.
		You may wish to crosspost to alt.culture.indonesia, but 
		discussions is preferably confined in news.groups.

Period:		Friday, February 12, 1993 - Saturday, March 13, 1993.
		Request For Discussion will last for 30 days.
		This RFD will be posted again should there be any changes made.
		If there is a desire to create soc.culture.indonesia
		after the discussion period, a Call For Votes will be issued.
		You will be notified where to send your vote when the Call For
		Votes issued.

You are encourage to participate in this discussions.  Please voice your
opinion!!  This article will be mailed to 2 other Indonesian's mailing lists:

		[email protected]
		[email protected]

This article will also be forwarded to :

		[email protected]
		[email protected]

If you know any other Indonesians mailing lists, please forward this e-mail,
e.g.: paroki net, islam, etc.

Thank you. 
Mul			    | Alt. address:  [email protected]
[email protected]	    | NeXTmail ->    [email protected] 
#include "std/disclaimer.h" |                [email protected]
>Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

From [email protected] Mon Mar 29 20:42:57 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sulistio Muljadi)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.culture.indonesia,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.filipino,soc.culture.thai,soc.culture.singapore,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.vietnamese,soc.culture.asian.american
Subject: CFV: soc.culture.indonesia
Followup-To: poster
Date: 29 Mar 1993 19:33:10 -0500
Organization: San Francisco State University
Lines: 142
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3410 news.groups:68768 alt.culture.indonesia:1572 soc.culture.asean:17295 soc.culture.filipino:8996 soc.culture.thai:6211 soc.culture.singapore:2032 soc.culture.taiwan:38205 soc.culture.vietnamese:30264 soc.culture.asian.american:21724

This is an official Call For Votes (CFV) for the formation of the newsgroup, 
Please read the following information carefully, before sending your votes!  
The instruction on how to vote is located in the middle of this article!
Do not post your votes in the newsgroup!

		Charter for soc.culture.indonesia

Name:		soc.culture.indonesia

Moderation:	unmoderated

Purpose:	The purpose of soc.culture.indonesia is to discuss issues 
		relating to Indonesia, such as:
			- arts & entertainment
			- travel / tourism
			- news
			- information
			- culture
			- business
			- education
			- development / technology
			- politics
		soc.culture.indonesia will replace alt.culture.indonesia.

Rationale:	There are many supports that I received before and during the
		period of RFD (Request For Discussions).  This has prompted me
		to make a Call For Votes.  
		alt.culture.indonesia was created few months ago, but it's not 
		in the right hierarchies.  Alt. hierarchies have a limited 
		distribution, that doesn't allow many USENET sites to receive 
		the articles, therefore may cause a little traffic flow in the
                alt.culture.indonesia.  In addition, the creation of 
		soc.culture.malaysia, and soc.culture.singapore,  and the 
		existence of soc.culture.thai, and soc.culture.filipino, leaves
		Indonesia one of the two remaining countries in ASEAN that do
		not have their own newsgroup.  With the creation of 
		soc.culture.indonesia, it will put Indonesia in the right
		hierarchies structure with other culture newsgroups.  We are
		also looking forward to have a larger audience in the soc.
		domain, therefore increases the amount of discussions.  
		Alt.culture.indonesia will cease to exist should 
		soc.culture.indonesia is passed and created.

Rules:		Because soc.culture.indonesia will be unmoderated format, anyone
		will be able to post to this newsgroup.  Please refrain from 
		"FLAMES" or INSULTS or unnecessary criticism of a person.  Any
		criticism should be constructive, and polite.  Any insults, or
		flames should be carried personally by e-mail, instead of
		posting to the newsgroup.  Please post your article in a mature
		and responsible way.

Language:	The official languages of soc.culture.indonesia will be ENGLISH

discussion:	The period for discussion has ended.  You may wish to continue
		the discussions while the votes are being taken.  The 
		discussions will not have any effect on the proposal of
		Any followup discussion will be carried out on news.groups.
		You may wish to crosspost to alt.culture.indonesia, but 
		discussions is preferably confined in news.groups.

Period:		Started: Tuesday, March 30, 1993, 00:01 GMT
		Ended:	 Monday, April 26, 1993.  23:59 Pacific Standard Time
		Votes received after Thursday, April 22, 1993, 23:59 Pacific 
		Standard Time will not be counted.
		Call For Votes will last for 28 days.
		This Call For Votes will be posted twice in the next 28 days,
		with votes acknowledgement.

How to votes:
	Rules:	- Votes must be cast by e-mail only.  Votes that are posted
		  to the USENET will not be counted.
		- You can NOT vote by proxy.  Your friend can NOT vote for you.
		  You must have a valid e-mail address.  You can NOT send your
		  vote using anonymous service.  Only one votes per person,
		  per e-mail address.  The moderator of a mailing lists can
		  NOT collect votes for his/her members.  The members must
		  send his/her votes directly to me.
		- You may vote once.  The determination will be made based on
		  your unique e-mail address.  If there are multiple votes
		  from one address, only the votes with the latest legal
		  timestamp which falls in the time period will be counted.
		- You are voting for the charter.  Votes such as "I would vote
		  YES, if" will be disqualified.
		- Votes must be sent within the time period of voting.  Votes
		  received before or after the time period will not be counted.
		- Votes must be sent to : [email protected]
		  If you sent your votes to address other than the above
		  address, it will be disqualified.

	Sending your vote:

	Instruction for those who SUPPORT the formation of soc.culture.indonesia

	1.	Send your vote to:
			[email protected]
	2.	In the subject heading:
			Vote: soc.culture.indonesia: YES
	3.	In the body of the message:
			I vote FOR the creation of soc.culture.indonesia,
			as proposed.
				Last name, First name

	Instruction for those who OPPOSE the formation of soc.culture.indonesia

	1.	Send your vote to:
			[email protected]
	2.	In the subject heading:
			Vote: soc.culture.indonesia: NO
	3.	In the body of the message:
			I vote AGAINST the creation of soc.culture.indonesia,
			as proposed.
				Last name, First name

If you have incorrect format, I will send you a notification to re-send your
vote again.  Please send your vote as close to the format I describe above.
I will not accept any votes that doesn't follow the rules.

In the next 2 posting of Call For Votes, I will include votes acknowledgement.
If you did not see your name and e-mail address in the acknowledgement, please
resent your votes again.  The actual tally of who voted FOR and AGAINST the
newsgroup will be displayed at the end of the voting period.
Please do not send me any e-mail asking about the status of 
soc.culture.indonesia.   Any such e-mail will be discarded.  If you have any
questions, please send the questions to : [email protected]

Thanks to : Wira Putra, and Budi S. Raharjo for editing the original RFD.
	    Hansye S. Dulimarta, Williams Hendrawan and Oki Zakaria for
		offering their help on writing the program to count votes.
Mul			    | Alt. address:  [email protected]
[email protected]	    | NeXTmail ->    [email protected] 
#include "std/disclaimer.h" |                [email protected]
>Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

From [email protected] Thu Apr  8 12:39:23 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sulistio Muljadi)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.culture.indonesia,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.filipino,soc.culture.thai,soc.culture.singapore,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.vietnamese,soc.culture.asian.american
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: soc.culture.indonesia
Followup-To: poster
Date: 8 Apr 1993 12:29:18 -0400
Organization: San Francisco State University
Lines: 378
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3444 news.groups:69481 alt.culture.indonesia:1614 soc.culture.asean:17356 soc.culture.filipino:9089 soc.culture.thai:6408 soc.culture.singapore:2156 soc.culture.taiwan:38522 soc.culture.vietnamese:31034 soc.culture.asian.american:22300

This is an official 2nd Call For Votes (CFV) and votes acknowledgement
for the formation of the newsgroup, soc.culture.indonesia.  If you
have sent your votes, please check the list at the end of this posting
to see if your votes have been received and accepted.  If not, please
follow the guidelines and resend them to me.

The votes listed below are received from the day the CFV started,
March 30, 1993, 00:01 GMT until Tuesday, April 6, 1993, 3:30pm Pacific
Standard Time.  Please read the following information carefully,
before sending your votes!  The instruction on how to vote is located
in the middle of this article!  Do not post your votes in the

		Charter for soc.culture.indonesia

Name:		soc.culture.indonesia

Moderation:	unmoderated

Purpose:	The purpose of soc.culture.indonesia is to discuss issues 
		relating to Indonesia, such as:
			- arts & entertainment
			- travel / tourism
			- news
			- information
			- culture
			- business
			- education
			- development / technology
			- politics
		soc.culture.indonesia will replace alt.culture.indonesia.

Rationale:	There are many supports that I received before and during the
		period of RFD (Request For Discussions).  This has prompted me
		to make a Call For Votes.  
		alt.culture.indonesia was created few months ago, but it's not 
		in the right hierarchies.  Alt. hierarchies have a limited 
		distribution, that doesn't allow many USENET sites to receive 
		the articles, therefore may cause a little traffic flow in the
                alt.culture.indonesia.  In addition, the creation of 
		soc.culture.malaysia, and soc.culture.singapore,  and the 
		existence of soc.culture.thai, and soc.culture.filipino, leaves
		Indonesia one of the two remaining countries in ASEAN that do
		not have their own newsgroup.  With the creation of 
		soc.culture.indonesia, it will put Indonesia in the right
		hierarchies structure with other culture newsgroups.  We are
		also looking forward to have a larger audience in the soc.
		domain, therefore increases the amount of discussions.  
		Alt.culture.indonesia will cease to exist should 
		soc.culture.indonesia is passed and created.

Rules:		Because soc.culture.indonesia will be unmoderated format, anyone
		will be able to post to this newsgroup.  Please refrain from 
		"FLAMES" or INSULTS or unnecessary criticism of a person.  Any
		criticism should be constructive, and polite.  Any insults, or
		flames should be carried personally by e-mail, instead of
		posting to the newsgroup.  Please post your article in a mature
		and responsible way.

Language:	The official languages of soc.culture.indonesia will be ENGLISH

discussion:	The period for discussion has ended.  You may wish to continue
		the discussions while the votes are being taken.  The 
		discussions will not have any effect on the proposal of
		Any followup discussion will be carried out on news.groups.
		You may wish to crosspost to alt.culture.indonesia, but 
		discussions is preferably confined in news.groups.

Period:		Started: Tuesday, March 30, 1993, 00:01 GMT
		Ended:	 Monday, April 26, 1993.  23:59 Pacific Standard Time
		Votes received after Monday, April 26, 1993, 23:59 Pacific 
		Standard Time will not be counted.
		Call For Votes will last for 28 days.
		This Call For Votes will be posted twice in the next 28 days,
		with votes acknowledgement.

How to votes:
	Rules:	- Votes must be cast by e-mail only.  Votes that are posted
		  to the USENET will not be counted.
		- You can NOT vote by proxy.  Your friend can NOT vote for you.
		  You must have a valid e-mail address.  You can NOT send your
		  vote using anonymous service.  Only one votes per person,
		  per e-mail address.  The moderator of a mailing lists can
		  NOT collect votes for his/her members.  The members must
		  send his/her votes directly to me.
		- You may vote once.  The determination will be made based on
		  your unique e-mail address.  If there are multiple votes
		  from one address, only the votes with the latest legal
		  timestamp which falls in the time period will be counted.
		- You are voting for the charter.  Votes such as "I would vote
		  YES, if" will be disqualified.
		- Votes must be sent within the time period of voting.  Votes
		  received before or after the time period will not be counted.
		- Votes must be sent to : [email protected]
		  If you sent your votes to address other than the above
		  address, it will be disqualified.

	Sending your vote:

	Instruction for those who SUPPORT the formation of soc.culture.indonesia

	1.	Send your vote to:
			[email protected]
	2.	In the subject heading:
			Vote: soc.culture.indonesia: YES
	3.	In the body of the message:
			I vote FOR the creation of soc.culture.indonesia,
			as proposed.
				Last name, First name

	Instruction for those who OPPOSE the formation of soc.culture.indonesia

	1.	Send your vote to:
			[email protected]
	2.	In the subject heading:
			Vote: soc.culture.indonesia: NO
	3.	In the body of the message:
			I vote AGAINST the creation of soc.culture.indonesia,
			as proposed.
				Last name, First name

If you have incorrect format, I will send you a notification to re-send your
vote again.  Please send your vote as close to the format I describe above.
I will not accept any votes that doesn't follow the rules.

In the next 2 posting of Call For Votes, I will include votes acknowledgement.
If you did not see your name and e-mail address in the acknowledgement, please
resent your votes again.  The actual tally of who voted FOR and AGAINST the
newsgroup will be displayed at the end of the voting period.
Please do not send me any e-mail asking about the status of 
soc.culture.indonesia.   Any such e-mail will be discarded.  If you have any
questions, please send the questions to : [email protected]

Thanks to : Wira Putra, and Budi S. Raharjo for editing the original RFD.
	    Hansye S. Dulimarta, Williams Hendrawan and Oki Zakaria for
		offering their help on writing the program to count votes.

Votes Acknowledgement
Listed alphabetically.
Accurate as of Tuesday, April 6, 1993, 4:30pm PST.

"BAMBANG" <[email protected]>
"Carl A. Trocki" 
"Eric J. Olson" 
"F.X. Nursalim Hadi" 
"Henry H. Achmad" 
"John A. MacDougall" 
"Joyo Wijaya" 
"Manonton Butarbutar (Anton)" 
"Ngadi W. Hermawati" 
"Samil M. Hasan" 
"Wilson M. Manik"  
"rEnCaM ?" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andrew Papadimos)
Agus Suryawan 
Andrino Akman 
Anto Yauwanta 
Aswin Hadisumarto 
Atmonobudi Soebagio 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Brian Duke)
Beverly Seavey 
Bill Wohler 
[email protected]
Chien Kwok 
Danet Suryatama 
Djoko Wirosoetisno 
Edy Susilo 
Effendi Syahril 
Elias Moning 
Elisabeth Lazuardi 
Elizar Hasibuan 
[email protected] (Franklin Utama)
Ferry Sutanto 
GARBAR26%[email protected]
GINTING%[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hardcore Alaskan 
Herry Sutanto 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Irianto Sukaton 
Iskandar T Winata 
Ismed Hartanto 
[email protected]
Jason Christian 
Jimmy N Manan 
Jonas Skeppstedt 
Josef Widjaja 
Justy Siwabessy 
[email protected]
Kristianto Hartojo 
Kuo Chiang 
[email protected]
Manuel Eduardo Correia 
[email protected] (Martung)
Michael Malley 
Michael Quinn 
[email protected] (Michael van Langenberg)
Muhammad Reza L Hasni 
[email protected]
Nguyen Thanh Binh 
Nur Hakim 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rahmat Asep 
Rene' Witte 
Rhenee M Blanco 
Richard Susanto 
Rick Lambright 
Ron Bull 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Shane Hartman 
Steve Frampton 
[email protected]
Teddy Setya 
Thomas Fischer 
Togar Arifin Silaban 
[email protected]
Victor Menayang 
Willi Staudt AG-Linder 
William Galloway 
[email protected]
Yoyok Satiotomo <[email protected]>
Zainal Abibin 
[email protected] (Michael J. Wilson)
[email protected] (Jenli Djasli)
[email protected] (Daniel Agus)
[email protected] (adhiyanti kusumajaya)
[email protected] (Supriatno Agus)
[email protected] (Ahmady SATRIAWAN)
[email protected] (Jose Albert)
[email protected] 
[email protected] (Ari Widodo)
[email protected] (Aries Hackerman)
[email protected] (Arthur Soerjohadi)
[email protected] (Hery Atmadja)
[email protected] (CHRISTOPHER BARRERA)
[email protected] (Benyamin Hong)
[email protected] (Okky M. Hutapea)
[email protected] (Enrico Njo)
[email protected] (* Keep Passing The Open Windows ***)
[email protected] (Budiono)
[email protected] (David Zoss)
[email protected] (Constantin Papadimitriou)
[email protected] (Chatchai JANTARAPRIM)
[email protected] (Wira Putra)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andidevy I. Jakile)
[email protected] (Jimmy Jusuf)
[email protected] (Paulo da Costa 42147)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dharmawan Wanawijaya)
[email protected] (Kemal  Djakman)
[email protected] (Deddy T. Tikson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Erwin Brisbanuharto)
[email protected] (Petrus Hardianto xxxxx)
[email protected] (Dr Peter K. W. Tan)
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
[email protected] (Alo)
[email protected] (Jan Fandrianto)
[email protected] (Felicia Widyanti)
[email protected] (G.G. Weix)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Winnie-the-Pooh)
[email protected] (Will Halim)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Harry Harjono)
[email protected] (Lim Kong Thai)
[email protected] (B.J.)
[email protected] (GUNAWAN HERRI)
[email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
[email protected] (Susilowati Irawan)
[email protected] (Hindra Irawan)
[email protected] (Irwan K Djajadi)
[email protected] (James Roy)
[email protected] (Jason C Price)
[email protected] (Julianto Djajadi)
[email protected] (Bill Jerdee)
[email protected] (Jimmy Tirtawangsa)
[email protected] (Johan Margono AAS SSD 301-921-3041)
[email protected] (John Ho)
[email protected] (jovita)
[email protected]
kenneth steven simon 
[email protected] (Kirk Taylor)
[email protected] (Armein Langi)
[email protected] (laura d. eckerfield)
[email protected] (Liang Hwie Oei (I90))
liano%[email protected] (K. Liano)
[email protected] (Lih-Sin The)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andi I Mahyuddin)
[email protected] (Richard Malingkas)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (mo18g19)
[email protected] (Matthew Pham 3598)
[email protected] (Mio T. Tjioe)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nigel Allen)
[email protected] (Nick Fitzpatrick)
[email protected] (Srihanto A. Nugroho)
nyt%[email protected] (NY Transfer News)
[email protected] (Oki D Zakaria)
[email protected] (Benno Overeinder)
[email protected] (Steve Palar)
[email protected] (Pramono)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (no clue)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Rudy Soetowidjojo)
[email protected] (Richard Makalew)
[email protected] (Hadi WIDJAJA)
[email protected] (Fantom)
[email protected] (Yo Djo!)
[email protected] (Paulos SIAHU)
[email protected] (Fredy Sugihwo)
[email protected] (Ian Chai)
[email protected] (Pras)
sulianto (L. J. Sulianto)
[email protected] (Super Susu!!!)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sonya Dewi)
[email protected] (Trin Tantsetthi)
[email protected] (Verdi Yusuf)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Wiryanto Antono)
[email protected] (Widjaj Sulistio)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mul			    | Alt. address:  [email protected]
[email protected]	    | NeXTmail ->    [email protected] 
#include "std/disclaimer.h" |                [email protected]
>Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

From [email protected] Fri Apr 16 10:40:44 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sulistio Muljadi)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.culture.indonesia,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.filipino,soc.culture.thai,soc.culture.singapore,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.vietnamese,soc.culture.asian.american
Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK: soc.culture.indonesia
Followup-To: poster
Date: 15 Apr 1993 18:20:12 -0400
Organization: San Francisco State University
Lines: 523
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3474 news.groups:69909 alt.culture.indonesia:1650 soc.culture.asean:17373 soc.culture.filipino:9160 soc.culture.thai:6506 soc.culture.singapore:2265 soc.culture.taiwan:38726 soc.culture.vietnamese:31479 soc.culture.asian.american:22578

This is an official 3rd and Final Call For Votes (CFV) and Votes Acknowledgement
for the formation of the newsgroup, soc.culture.indonesia.  
This is the last CFV post for soc.cultuer.indonesia.  Soon after the CFV
period ended, I will post the result.

If you have sent your votes, please check the list at the end of this posting
to see if your votes have been received and accepted.  If not, please follow
the guidelines and resend them to me. 

The votes listed  below are received from the day the CFV started, 
March 30, 1993, 00:01 GMT until Wednesday, April 14, 1993, 8:35pm Pacific 
Standard Time.  CFV will be ended on Monday, April 26, 1993, 23:59pm PST.

Please read the following information carefully, before sending your votes!  
Votes must be send to [email protected]
The instruction on how to vote is located in the middle of this article!
Do not post your votes in the newsgroup!

		Charter for soc.culture.indonesia

Name:		soc.culture.indonesia

Moderation:	unmoderated

Purpose:	The purpose of soc.culture.indonesia is to discuss issues 
		relating to Indonesia, such as:
			- arts & entertainment
			- travel / tourism
			- news
			- information
			- culture
			- business
			- education
			- development / technology
			- politics
		soc.culture.indonesia will replace alt.culture.indonesia.

Rationale:	There are many supports that I received before and during the
		period of RFD (Request For Discussions).  This has prompted me
		to make a Call For Votes.  
		alt.culture.indonesia was created few months ago, but it's not 
		in the right hierarchies.  Alt. hierarchies have a limited 
		distribution, that doesn't allow many USENET sites to receive 
		the articles, therefore may cause a little traffic flow in the
                alt.culture.indonesia.  In addition, the creation of 
		soc.culture.malaysia, and soc.culture.singapore,  and the 
		existence of soc.culture.thai, and soc.culture.filipino, leaves
		Indonesia one of the two remaining countries in ASEAN that do
		not have their own newsgroup.  With the creation of 
		soc.culture.indonesia, it will put Indonesia in the right
		hierarchies structure with other culture newsgroups.  We are
		also looking forward to have a larger audience in the soc.
		domain, therefore increases the amount of discussions.  
		Alt.culture.indonesia will cease to exist should 
		soc.culture.indonesia is passed and created.

Rules:		Because soc.culture.indonesia will be unmoderated format, anyone
		will be able to post to this newsgroup.  Please refrain from 
		"FLAMES" or INSULTS or unnecessary criticism of a person.  Any
		criticism should be constructive, and polite.  Any insults, or
		flames should be carried personally by e-mail, instead of
		posting to the newsgroup.  Please post your article in a mature
		and responsible way.

Language:	The official languages of soc.culture.indonesia will be ENGLISH

discussion:	The period for discussion has ended.  You may wish to continue
		the discussions while the votes are being taken.  The 
		discussions will not have any effect on the proposal of
		Any followup discussion will be carried out on news.groups.
		You may wish to crosspost to alt.culture.indonesia, but 
		discussions is preferably confined in news.groups.

Period:		Started: Tuesday, March 30, 1993, 00:01 GMT
		Ended:	 Monday, April 26, 1993.  23:59 Pacific Standard Time
		Votes received after Monday, April 26, 1993, 23:59 Pacific 
		Standard Time will not be counted.
		Call For Votes will last for 28 days.

How to votes:
	Rules:	- Votes must be cast by e-mail only.  Votes that are posted
		  to the USENET will not be counted.
		- You can NOT vote by proxy.  Your friend can NOT vote for you.
		  You must have a valid e-mail address.  You can NOT send your
		  vote using anonymous service.  Only one votes per person,
		  per e-mail address.  The moderator of a mailing lists can
		  NOT collect votes for his/her members.  The members must
		  send his/her votes directly to me.
		- You may vote once.  The determination will be made based on
		  your unique e-mail address.  If there are multiple votes
		  from one address, only the votes with the latest legal
		  timestamp which falls in the time period will be counted.
		- You are voting for the charter.  Votes such as "I would vote
		  YES, if" will be disqualified.
		- Votes must be sent within the time period of voting.  Votes
		  received before or after the time period will not be counted.
		- Votes must be sent to : [email protected]
		  If you sent your votes to address other than the above
		  address, it will be disqualified.

	Sending your vote:

	Instruction for those who SUPPORT the formation of soc.culture.indonesia

	1.	Send your vote to:
			[email protected]
	2.	In the subject heading:
			Vote: soc.culture.indonesia: YES
	3.	In the body of the message:
			I vote FOR the creation of soc.culture.indonesia,
			as proposed.
				Last name, First name

	Instruction for those who OPPOSE the formation of soc.culture.indonesia

	1.	Send your vote to:
			[email protected]
	2.	In the subject heading:
			Vote: soc.culture.indonesia: NO
	3.	In the body of the message:
			I vote AGAINST the creation of soc.culture.indonesia,
			as proposed.
				Last name, First name

If you have incorrect format, I will send you a notification to re-send your
vote again.  Please send your vote as close to the format I describe above.
I will not accept any votes that doesn't follow the rules.

In the next 2 posting of Call For Votes, I will include votes acknowledgement.
If you did not see your name and e-mail address in the acknowledgement, please
resent your votes again.  The actual tally of who voted FOR and AGAINST the
newsgroup will be displayed at the end of the voting period.
Please do not send me any e-mail asking about the status of 
soc.culture.indonesia.   Any such e-mail will be discarded.  If you have any
questions, please send the questions to : [email protected]

Thanks to : Wira Putra, and Budi S. Raharjo for editing the original RFD.
	    Hansye S. Dulimarta, Williams Hendrawan and Oki Zakaria for
		offering their help on writing the program to count votes.

Votes Acknowledgement
Listed alphabetically.
Votes below are received before or by April 14, 1993, 8:30pm PST.
Accurate as of Wednesday, April 14, 1993, 8:35pm PST.

"BAMBANG" <[email protected]>
"Carl A. Trocki" 
"Eric J. Olson" 
"F.X. Nursalim Hadi" 
"H. Lefferts" 
"Henry H. Achmad" 
"Hidayat N." 
"John A. MacDougall" 
"Joyo Wijaya" 
"Mail-drop D20, PH: 8*277-5770, FAX 8*277-5205" 
"Manonton Butarbutar (Anton)" 
"Ngadi W. Hermawati" 
"Roberta L. Mitchell" 
"Samil M. Hasan" 
"Silvana (S.M.) Wasitova" 
"Wilson M. Manik"  
"david l. finley" 
"rEnCaM ?" 
"zz Arief Kurnia" 
(Moko Darjatmoko) 

[email protected]
[email protected]

[email protected] (Andrew Papadimos)
[email protected]
Adi P Soejoenoes 
Agus Suryawan 
Andrew Yu <[email protected]>
Andrino Akman 
Anto Prijosoesilo 
Anto Yauwanta 
Aswin Hadisumarto 
Atmonobudi Soebagio 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Brian Duke)
Bakhtiar Muin 
Beverly Seavey 
Bill Wohler 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Carlos Bispo 
Chien Kwok 
D Ludi 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Danet Suryatama 
Djoko Wirosoetisno 
Edy Susilo 
Effendi Syahril 
Elias Moning 
Elisabeth Lazuardi 
Elizar Hasibuan 
[email protected] (Franklin Utama)
Ferry Sutanto 
GARBAR26%[email protected]
GINTING%[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
HARDYDO%[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hammam R Yusuf 
Hardcore Alaskan 
Hendrawan Soeleman 
Herry Sutanto 
Hokkie Pranjoto 
Horyanto Sjary 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ignatius Setiadi 
Irianto Sukaton 
[email protected] (Irwan Sie)
Iskandar T Winata 
Ismed Hartanto 
[email protected] (Hans van Dam)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jan Sunjaya 
Jason Christian 
Jimmy N Manan 
Jonas Skeppstedt 
Josef Widjaja 
Justy Siwabessy 
KANTABU_%[email protected]
[email protected]
Kristianto Hartojo 
Kuo Chiang 
Lan Hiang Char 
Leonardus Yuwono <[email protected]>
Liza A Tedjasukmana 
[email protected]
Manuel Eduardo Correia 
Martinus Pandutama 
[email protected] (Martung)
Mawardi Hasan 
Michael Malley 
Michael Quinn 
[email protected] (Michael van Langenberg)
Muhammad Reza L Hasni 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Nabeel Ahmad Rana 
Nadeem Malik 
Nguyen Thanh Binh 
Niny Khor 
Nur Hakim 
[email protected] (PETER  UTAMA)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rahmat Asep 
Rene' Witte 
Rhenee M Blanco 
Richard Susanto 
[email protected] (Richard Thio [CONTRACTOR])
Rick Lambright 
Roderich Kluemke 
Ron Bull 
Rustam Kocher 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Shane Hartman 
Steve Frampton 
[email protected] (Steven Lucky)
Sukamto Javaladi  
Suryadi Tjandrasa 
[email protected]
Teddy Setya 
Thomas Fischer 
[email protected] (Thomas E Taylor)
Togar Arifin Silaban 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bambang Oeripto)
Victor Menayang 
Wahyo Sindhu 
Widhyawan Prawiraatmadjs 
Willi Staudt AG-Linder 
William Galloway 
Wiriadi B. Ata 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Yoyok Satiotomo <[email protected]>
Zainal Abibin 
[email protected] (Michael J. Wilson)
[email protected] (Francoys Crepeau)
[email protected] (Jenli Djasli)
[email protected] (Daniel Agus)
[email protected] (adhiyanti kusumajaya)
[email protected] (Supriatno Agus)
[email protected] (Ahmady SATRIAWAN)
[email protected] (Jose Albert)
[email protected] (Albertus Tunggorono)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andre A. Nurwono)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ari Widodo)
[email protected] (Aries Hackerman)
[email protected] (Arthur Soerjohadi)
[email protected] (Hery Atmadja)
[email protected] (CHRISTOPHER BARRERA)
[email protected] (Benyamin Hong)
[email protected] (Bob Knight)
[email protected] (Bambang Parmanto)
[email protected] (Okky M. Hutapea)
[email protected] (Eddy Sumardy)
[email protected] (Enrico Njo)
[email protected] (* Keep Passing The Open Windows ***)
[email protected] (Budiono)
[email protected] (David Zoss)
[email protected] (Constantin Papadimitriou)
[email protected] (Chatchai JANTARAPRIM)
[email protected] (Christopher R. Parry)
[email protected] (Wira Putra)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andidevy I. Jakile)
[email protected] (Lee Chee Siong)
[email protected] (Jimmy Jusuf)
[email protected] (Paulo da Costa 42147)
[email protected] (dadi setiadi)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dharmawan Wanawijaya)
[email protected] (Kemal  Djakman)
[email protected] (Deddy T. Tikson)
[email protected] (Hendi Riyanto)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Erwin Brisbanuharto)
[email protected] (Petrus Hardianto xxxxx)
[email protected] (Dr Peter K. W. Tan)
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
[email protected] (Alo)
[email protected] (Peter Monet)
[email protected] (Jan Fandrianto)
[email protected] (Felicia Widyanti)
[email protected] (G.G. Weix)
[email protected] (Brian Gix)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Otto Gozali)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Winnie-the-Pooh)
[email protected] (Will Halim)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Harry Harjono)
[email protected] (Mawardi Hasan)
[email protected] (Lim Kong Thai)
[email protected] (B.J.)
[email protected] (GUNAWAN HERRI)
[email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
[email protected] ()
[email protected]
[email protected] (Idris M. Kamil)
[email protected] (Susilowati Irawan)
[email protected] (Hindra Irawan)
[email protected] (Irwan K Djajadi)
[email protected] (Irwan Nusantara)
[email protected] (James Roy)
[email protected] (Jan Isley)
[email protected] (Jason C Price)
[email protected] (Julianto Djajadi)
[email protected] (Bill Jerdee)
[email protected] (Jimmy Tirtawangsa)
[email protected] (Johan Margono AAS SSD 301-921-3041)
[email protected] (John Ho)
[email protected] (jovita)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Janto Widono Wongso)
[email protected] (John Y. Arrasjid O32-2118 x68180)
[email protected] (Daniel Arif)
kenneth steven simon 
[email protected] (Umar Khan)
[email protected] (Tom Kong)
[email protected] (Kirk Taylor)
[email protected] (Armein Langi)
[email protected] (Laura D Eckerfield)
[email protected] (laura d. eckerfield)
[email protected] (Leny Rimba)
[email protected] (Liang Hwie Oei (I90))
liano%[email protected] (K. Liano)
[email protected] (Lih-Sin The)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andi I Mahyuddin)
[email protected] (Richard Malingkas)
[email protected] (KH Maman)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Malcolm Austin)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Rick Morneau)
[email protected] (mo18g19)
[email protected] (Matthew Pham 3598)
[email protected] (Mio T. Tjioe)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nfn Nazamuddin)
[email protected] (Nigel Allen)
[email protected] (Nick Fitzpatrick)
[email protected] (Srihanto A. Nugroho)
nyt%[email protected] (NY Transfer News)
[email protected] (Oki D Zakaria)
[email protected] (Benno Overeinder)
[email protected] (Steve Palar)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ronny Pallar)
[email protected] (Peter Bonney)
[email protected] (Pierre Van der Eng)
[email protected] (Christie Kenneth Thomas (Dr))
[email protected] (Tom Slone [510-486-5954)
[email protected] (Pramono)
[email protected] (Bal Prasad)
[email protected] (Bambang Nurcahyo Prastowo)
[email protected] (Rafat M Sadiq)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Robert Brewer)
[email protected] (no clue)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Richard Thomas)
[email protected] (Rieko Nakamura)
[email protected] (RUDY PRANATIA)
[email protected] (Rudy Soetowidjojo)
[email protected] (Richard Makalew)
[email protected] (Husein Sukendro)
[email protected] (Edwin Mardani)
[email protected] (Hadi WIDJAJA)
[email protected] (Fantom)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Rajasekhar)
[email protected] (Yo Djo!)
[email protected] (Paulos SIAHU)
[email protected] (Harsono Simka)
[email protected] (Fredy Sugihwo)
[email protected] (sofjan halim)
[email protected] (Ian Chai)
[email protected] (Pras)
sudarisman heru 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sandy Sukarto)
[email protected] (Dani Suleman)
sulianto (L. J. Sulianto)
[email protected] (Super Susu!!!)
[email protected] (Marto Suwoto (x15142))
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sonya Dewi)
[email protected] (Tino_Ardhyanto)
[email protected] (Suhartono Soeparw)
[email protected] (Amir Torpedo)
[email protected] (Pow-Hwee Tan)
[email protected] (Trin Tantsetthi)
[email protected] (Tim Sia)
[email protected] (Trio Santoso)
[email protected] (Srinivasan Raman T)
[email protected] (Verdi Yusuf)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Wiryanto Antono)
[email protected] (Peter Webb)
[email protected] (Widjaj Sulistio)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Windy Gambetta)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jacob Foxworth)
woodowl!datasurf (Gabe Jones)
[email protected]
yohannes%[email protected]
[email protected]
yosep budiarjo thie 
[email protected] (Irwandi Yusuf)
[email protected] (You)
[email protected]
Mul			    | Alt. address:  [email protected]
[email protected]	    | NeXTmail ->    [email protected] 
#include "std/disclaimer.h" |                [email protected]
>Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

From [email protected] Wed Apr 28 18:55:53 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sulistio Muljadi)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.culture.indonesia,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.filipino,soc.culture.thai,soc.culture.singapore,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.vietnamese,soc.culture.asian.american
Subject: RESULT: soc.culture.indonesia passes 427:23
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 27 Apr 1993 16:46:23 -0400
Organization: San Francisco State University
Lines: 565
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3522 news.groups:70959 alt.culture.indonesia:1827 soc.culture.asean:17395 soc.culture.filipino:9254 soc.culture.thai:6735 soc.culture.singapore:2404 soc.culture.taiwan:39187 soc.culture.vietnamese:32408 soc.culture.asian.american:23027

		Result of CFV soc.culture.indonesia

The Call For Votes for soc.culture.indonesia has ended on Monday, April 26, '93
at 23:59pm Pacific Daylight Saving Time or Tuesday, April 27, 06:59 GMT.

There are 450 votes received during the CFV soc.culture.indonesia.
There are 427 votes FOR     soc.culture.indonesia
There are  23 votes AGAINST soc.culture.indonesia

Following the USENET guide in creating a newsgroup:
1. There is at least 100 more valid YES/create votes are received than NO/don't
2. At least 2/3 of the total number of valid votes received are in favor
   of creation.

I received 404 more YES/create votes than NO/don't create votes.  The
first rule is met.  The YES/create votes is 94.88 % of the total
votes, which is more than the 2/3 (66.66%) of the minimal requirement.
The second rule is met.

Therefore, soc.culture.indonesia has PASSED, and will be created soon after the
5 days waiting period from the date this RESULT posted on 
news.announce.newgroups.  During that 5 days waiting period, the net has any 
rights to correct any errors in the voter list or the voting procedure.  Should
there be no serious objections that might invalidate the votes, 
soc.culture.indonesia will be created.  A newgroup control message will be 
issued to create soc.culture.indonesia, and a remove group control message will
be issued to remove alt.culture.indonesia.  Alt.culture.indonesia will cease to
exist soon after soc.culture.indonesia has been created.

Below is the list of the votes that are received during the CFV period,
March 30, 1993 00:01 GMT until April 26, 1993 23:59PM Pacific Standard Time.
Included in this posting, the soc.culture.indonesia charter, which we are all
agree on.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in the process soc.culture.indonesia.  
Hope this newsgroup will benefits everyone.  And please don't make it as a flame
war media.

During the RFD and CFV, I tried to remain neutral, without doing any campaigned
to ask for YES or NO votes.  I did not give my vote for the creation of
soc.culture.indonesia, for fairness to others whom for or against it.

I received several personal e-mails regarding accessing soc.culture group.
I am sorry that I did not respond to your request.  I have setup the e-mail
address: [email protected] to automagically respond to your request.
To request:
	1.  Regarding USENET, and how to read news:
		send e-mail to:
			[email protected]
		put subject:
			Subject: USENET
		put nothing in the body of the message.

	    You should receive a reply within minutes.  There will be
	    3 e-mails that you are going to receive.

	2.  Soc.culture.indonesia's charter:
		send e-mail to:
			[email protected]
		put subject:
			Subject: charter
		put nothing in the body of the message.

	    You should receive a reply within minutes.  There will be
	    1 e-mail that you are going to receive.

Below is the list of the people whose votes are received during the CFV period.
Please check this list carefully and report any errors to me.  Thank you.
Sorted alphabetically according to UNIX 'sort'

"Eric J. Olson" 
Alipio Mario Jorge 
Jesus Eugenio S nchez Pe~a 
Joao Gama 
Manuel Eduardo Correia 
Shane Hartman 
Victor Manuel Felix 
[email protected] (Luis Miguel Sequeira)
[email protected] (Paulo da Costa 42147)
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Herbert M Petro)
[email protected] (Ian Jackson)
[email protected] (Joao Miguel Leitao)
[email protected] (Joao Neves)
[email protected] (Joao Pedro Martins)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Malcolm Austin)
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"Henry H. Achmad" 
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"Roberta L. Mitchell" 
"Samil M. Hasan" 
"Silvana (S.M.) Wasitova" 
"Wilson M. Manik"  
"Yugiswara  Salmun" 
"david l. finley" 
"rEnCaM ?" 
"zz Arief Kurnia" 
(Moko Darjatmoko) 

[email protected]
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[email protected] (Andrew Papadimos)
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Agus Suryawan 
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Andrino Akman 
Anto Prijosoesilo 
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Aswin Hadisumarto 
Atmonobudi Soebagio 
[email protected]
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[email protected] (Brian Duke)
Bakhtiar Muin 
Beverly Seavey 
Bill Wohler 
Bret Jolly 
Bruce Tindall 
Bumianto Polina 
[email protected]
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Carlos Bispo 
Chan Fook Weng 
Chan, Fook Weng
Chandra Tan 
Chien Kwok 
D Ludi 
[email protected]
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Danet Suryatama 
Djoko Wirosoetisno 
Edy Susilo 
Effendi Syahril 
Elias Moning 
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Elizar Hasibuan 
[email protected] (Franklin Utama)
Fahmi Juber 
Ferry Sutanto 
GARBAR26%[email protected]
GINTING%[email protected]
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HARDYDO%[email protected]
[email protected] (Hendrix Hartana)
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Hammam R Yusuf 
Hardcore Alaskan 
Hendrawan Soeleman 
[email protected]
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Horyanto Sjary 
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Irianto Sukaton 
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Jason Christian 
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John Sims 
Jonas Skeppstedt 
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KANTABU_%[email protected]
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Kuo Chiang 
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Michael Malley 
Michael Quinn 
[email protected] (Michael van Langenberg)
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Rahmat Asep 
Randy Finder 
Rene' Witte 
Rhenee M Blanco 
Richard Susanto 
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Rick Lambright 
Robert Gould 
Roderich Kluemke 
Ron Bull 
Rustam Kocher 
[email protected]
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[email protected] (Ken Sinclair)
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
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Steve Frampton 
[email protected] (Steven Lucky)
Sukamto Javaladi  
Sulistio Muljadi 
Suryadi Tjandrasa 
[email protected]
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Teti Argo 
Thomas Fischer 
[email protected] (Thomas E Taylor)
Togar Arifin Silaban 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bambang Oeripto)
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Victor Menayang 
Wahyo Sindhu 
Widhyawan Prawiraatmadjs 
Willi Staudt AG-Linder 
William Galloway 
Wiriadi B. Ata 
[email protected]
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Yos Adiguna Ginting 
Yoyok Satiotomo <[email protected]>
Zainal Abibin 
[email protected] (Michael J. Wilson)
[email protected] (Francoys Crepeau)
[email protected] (Jenli Djasli)
[email protected] (Daniel Agus)
[email protected] (adhiyanti kusumajaya)
[email protected] (Supriatno Agus)
[email protected] (Ahmady SATRIAWAN)
[email protected] (Don Burden)
[email protected] (Jose Albert)
[email protected] (Albertus Tunggorono)
[email protected]
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[email protected] (Andre A. Nurwono)
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[email protected] (Ari Widodo)
[email protected] (Adolf Richard)
[email protected] (Aries Hackerman)
[email protected] (arifin  budihardjo)
[email protected] (Arthur Soerjohadi)
[email protected] (Arlianti Sulaiman)
[email protected] (Hery Atmadja)
[email protected] (
[email protected] (Irwan K Djajadi)
[email protected] (Irwan Nusantara)
[email protected] (James Roy)
[email protected] (Jan Isley)
[email protected] (Jason C Price)
[email protected] (Julianto Djajadi)
[email protected] (Bill Jerdee)
[email protected] (Jimmy Tirtawangsa)
[email protected] (Johan Margono AAS SSD 301-921-3041)
[email protected] (Joedi Sundjaja)
[email protected] (John Ho)
[email protected] (jovita)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jungjung Tjiptodjaja)
[email protected] (Janto Widono Wongso)
[email protected] (John Y. Arrasjid O32-2118 x68180)
[email protected] (Kai Altenfelder)
[email protected] (Daniel Arif)
kenneth steven simon 
[email protected] (Umar Khan)
[email protected] (Tom Kong)
[email protected] (Kirk Taylor)
[email protected] (Nono Kusuma)
[email protected] (Armein Langi)
[email protected] (Laura D Eckerfield)
[email protected] (laura d. eckerfield)
[email protected] (Leny Rimba)
[email protected] (Liang Hwie Oei (I90))
liano%[email protected] (K. Liano)
[email protected] (Lih-Sin The)
[email protected] (Linda Darmosuwito)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andi I Mahyuddin)
[email protected] (Richard Malingkas)
[email protected] (KH Maman)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Rick Morneau)
[email protected] (mo18g19)
[email protected] (Matthew Pham 3598)
[email protected] (Mohd S. Tahir)
[email protected] (Mio T. Tjioe)
[email protected] (Nathan Myers)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Naren Bala)
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[email protected] (Nigel Allen)
[email protected] (Hadrijanto Satyanegara)
[email protected] (Nick Fitzpatrick)
[email protected] (Srihanto A. Nugroho)
nyt%[email protected] (NY Transfer News)
[email protected] (Oki D Zakaria)
[email protected] (Benno Overeinder)
[email protected] (Steve Palar)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ronny Pallar)
[email protected] (Peter Bonney)
[email protected] (Pierre Van der Eng)
[email protected] (Christie Kenneth Thomas (Dr))
[email protected] (Tom Slone [510-486-5954)
[email protected] (Pramono)
[email protected] (Bal Prasad)
[email protected] (Bambang Nurcahyo Prastowo)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Rafat M Sadiq)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ravi Nigudkar)
[email protected] (Robert Brewer)
[email protected] (A.B. Wuysang)
[email protected] (Refyul Fatri)
[email protected] (no clue)
[email protected] (Richard Thomas)
[email protected] (Rieko Nakamura)
[email protected] (RUDY PRANATIA)
[email protected] (Rudy Soetowidjojo)
[email protected] (Richard Makalew)
[email protected] (Husein Sukendro)
[email protected] (Edwin Mardani)
[email protected] (Hadi WIDJAJA)
[email protected] (Fantom)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Rajasekhar)
[email protected] (Semuel Pangerapan)
[email protected] (Yo Djo!)
[email protected] (Paulos SIAHU)
[email protected] (Harsono Simka)
[email protected] (Fredy Sugihwo)
[email protected] (sofjan halim)
[email protected] (Ian Chai)
[email protected] (Pras)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Subur Djingga)
sudarisman heru 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sandy Sukarto)
[email protected] (Dani Suleman)
sulianto (L. J. Sulianto)
[email protected] (Sulistio Muljadi)
[email protected] (Super Susu!!!)
[email protected] (Marto Suwoto (x15142))
[email protected] (Sonya Dewi)
[email protected] (Tanya Pallar)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tino_Ardhyanto)
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[email protected] (Pow-Hwee Tan)
[email protected] (Trin Tantsetthi)
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[email protected] (Trio Santoso)
[email protected] (Srinivasan Raman T)
[email protected] (Verdi Yusuf)
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[email protected] (Widjaj Sulistio)
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[email protected] (Windy Gambetta)
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[email protected] (Jacob Foxworth)
woodowl!datasurf (Gabe Jones)
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