From [email protected] Wed May 31 20:45:25 2000
From: [email protected] (Chirantan Basu)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.invest.misc
Subject: RFD: misc.invest.long-term moderated
Followup-To: news.groups
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Approved: [email protected]
Archive-Name: misc.invest.long-term
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 03:38:39 GMT
Lines: 70
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:11491 news.groups:355203 misc.invest.misc:23127

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
                moderated group misc.invest.long-term

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of a
world-wide moderated Usenet newsgroup misc.invest.long-term.
This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time.
Procedural details are below.

Newsgroup lines:
misc.invest.long-term	A moderated newsgroup for long-term investors. (Moderated)

RATIONALE: misc.invest.long-term

The need for a moderated newsgroup on investments is an acute one. The
existing Usenet newsgroups, particularly misc.invest.stocks and
misc.invest.canada, appear to have been taken over by day traders, stock
promoters, and short term speculators.

For long-term investors, a serious discussion on the strengths and
weaknesses of individual securities or portfolio selections is becoming
more difficult.

CHARTER: misc.invest.long-term

To promote a serious exchange of information and ideas on securities
listed on major exchanges worldwide, and on general investment topics.

Moderation Policies:

1. The moderator will attempt to facilitate an open and vigrous exchange
of ideas and information on various securities of interest to investors.

2. Posts from code names would be discouraged.

3. Posts perceived to be veiled "stock promotion (or demotion)" exercises
will be rejected.

4. Contributors will be encouraged to clearly indicate their association
(e.g. long, short) with the security in question.


MODERATOR INFO: misc.invest.long-term

Moderator:  C. Basu 



This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes.  In this phase
of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups
should be raised and resolved.  The discussion period will continue
for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this
proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For
Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion
warrants it.  Please do not attempt to vote until this happens.

All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.

This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation
guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How
to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal".  Please refer to these
documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any
questions about the process.

  news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, misc.invest.misc

Proponent: Chirantan Basu 

From [email protected] Fri Jul  7 01:15:06 2000
From: [email protected] (Chirantan Basu)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.invest.misc
Subject: 2nd RFD: misc.invest.long-term moderated
Followup-To: news.groups
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Approved: [email protected]
Archive-Name: misc.invest.long-term
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 08:14:42 GMT
Lines: 142
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:11527 news.groups:357835 misc.invest.misc:23571

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
                moderated group misc.invest.long-term

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of a
world-wide moderated Usenet newsgroup misc.invest.long-term.

This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time. All
discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. Procedural
details are below.

CHANGES from previous RFD:

1. The rationale and charter sections have been clarified.
2. A second moderator has been added.
3. The distribution list has been expanded.

Newsgroup lines:
misc.invest.long-term	A moderated newsgroup for long-term investors. (Moderated)

RATIONALE: misc.invest.long-term

We currently have several newsgroups in the misc.invest hierarchy for
different aspects of  investing. The most popular of them appears to be
misc.invest.stocks, where short-term (and long-term) investors can chat
about various publicly traded stocks. Derivatives can be discussed in
misc.invest.options and misc.invest.futures, mutual funds in, real estate in misc.invest.real-estate, and
momentum investing in misc.invest.technical. Investors looking for
guidance on tax and estate planning can visit
We even have at least two geographically focused newsgroups -
misc.invest.canada and aus.invest.

There is a need for one newsgroup where individuals with a long-term (3
years +) investment horizon can come together and thoughtfully discuss the
intricacies of different securities and  strategies in a moderated
environment designed to encourage like minded investors from all over the
world. The proposed moderated newsgroup, misc.invest.long-term, can fulfil
that need.

CHARTER: misc.invest.long-term

To promote a serious exchange of information and ideas on specific
securities and investment strategies. The term "securities" refers to
publicly traded financial products such as stocks, bonds, money market
instruments, mutual funds, and derivatives. The term "strategies" refers
to ways investors can incorporate an appropriate mix of securities in
their portfolio in order to enhance long-term capital appreciation and/or
income according to their financial needs.

Topics could  include:

        - buy/sell/hold recommendations with concise justifications;
        - portfolio design including the use of derivatives;
        - technical analysis versus fundamental analysis in stockpicking;
        - discussion of impending or announced IPOs; and
        - balanced evaluations of management performance in
          enhancing shareholder value.

Moderation Policies:

1. Contributions perceived to be stock promotion or demotion attempts will
be rejected. This policy would not preclude, however, a balanced
discussion of the pros and cons of buying, holding or selling publicly
traded securities.

2. Contributions perceived to be personal attacks of any kind, including
those on fellow contributors, will be rejected.

3. Commercials from individuals or organizations will be rejected.

4. Contributions that are deemed to be better suited to one of the more
specialized newsgroups in the misc.invest hierarchy may also be rejected.
For example, general discussion of a particular option strategy would be
better suited to misc.invest.options; however, the same discussion within
the context of security or portfolio hedging would be appropriate for

5. Where the subject of a contribution is a publicly traded security or
impending IPO, the author will be required to clearly indicate his (or
her) recent or current association, if any, with the security and/or the
company in question. Association would include disclosure of long or short
positions of the security in the contributor's portfolio, and/or
employment with either the company behind the security or the
underwriter/dealer of the security.


MODERATOR INFO: misc.invest.long-term

Moderator:  [email protected] (Chirantan Basu)

Chirantan is a licensed stockbroker in Canada (registered with the Ontario
Securities Commission), and a partner in a federally incorporated business
management consulting group. He is also a six year member of the National
Capital Freenet (, one of the largest member supported Freenets
in the world.

Moderator:  [email protected] (Brian Edmonds)

Brian has been on Usenet for ten years, a moderator for the last five. He
is the moderation coordinator for rec.arts.anime.creative, and sole
moderator for:
     - comp.doc.techreports, and
     - rec.drugs.announce.
Brian runs the moderation software for all five newsgroups.



This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes.  In this phase of
the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups should be
raised and resolved.  The discussion period will continue for a minimum of
21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this proposal is posted to
news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted
by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it.  Please do not
attempt to vote until this happens.

This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation
guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to
Format and Submit a New Group Proposal".  Please refer to these documents
(available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the


  news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, misc.invest.misc

and pointers to

  misc.invest.futures, misc.invest.marketplace,,
  misc.invest.options, misc.invest.real-estate,
  misc.invest.stocks, misc.invest.technical,

Proponent: Chirantan Basu 

From [email protected].[reposted.because.of.HipClone.cancel] Fri Jul  7 18:11:10 2000
From: [email protected] (Chirantan Basu) [reposted because of HipClone cancel]
Subject: REPOST: 2nd RFD: misc.invest.long-term moderated
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.invest.misc
X-Repost-Date: 7 Jul 2000 21:45:41 GMT
Message-ID: <9$-_%%_%_%$--%_%[email protected]>
X-Original-Path: ...!!!bounce-back
X-Original-Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Approved: [email protected]
Archive-Name: misc.invest.long-term
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 08:14:42 GMT
Sender: [email protected] (Howard Knight)
X-Reposted-By: [email protected] (Howard Knight)
X-Comments: GtR Repost: The following Usenet article was cancelled, more
X-Comments: than likely by someone other than the original poster.  Please
X-Comments: see the end of this posting for a copy of the cancel.
X-Comments: Guido the Resurrector can be contacted at [email protected].
Lines: 158
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:11533 news.groups:357893 misc.invest.misc:23590

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
                moderated group misc.invest.long-term

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of a
world-wide moderated Usenet newsgroup misc.invest.long-term.

This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time. All
discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. Procedural
details are below.

CHANGES from previous RFD:

1. The rationale and charter sections have been clarified.
2. A second moderator has been added.
3. The distribution list has been expanded.

Newsgroup lines:
misc.invest.long-term	A moderated newsgroup for long-term investors. (Moderated)

RATIONALE: misc.invest.long-term

We currently have several newsgroups in the misc.invest hierarchy for
different aspects of  investing. The most popular of them appears to be
misc.invest.stocks, where short-term (and long-term) investors can chat
about various publicly traded stocks. Derivatives can be discussed in
misc.invest.options and misc.invest.futures, mutual funds in, real estate in misc.invest.real-estate, and
momentum investing in misc.invest.technical. Investors looking for
guidance on tax and estate planning can visit
We even have at least two geographically focused newsgroups -
misc.invest.canada and aus.invest.

There is a need for one newsgroup where individuals with a long-term (3
years +) investment horizon can come together and thoughtfully discuss the
intricacies of different securities and  strategies in a moderated
environment designed to encourage like minded investors from all over the
world. The proposed moderated newsgroup, misc.invest.long-term, can fulfil
that need.

CHARTER: misc.invest.long-term

To promote a serious exchange of information and ideas on specific
securities and investment strategies. The term "securities" refers to
publicly traded financial products such as stocks, bonds, money market
instruments, mutual funds, and derivatives. The term "strategies" refers
to ways investors can incorporate an appropriate mix of securities in
their portfolio in order to enhance long-term capital appreciation and/or
income according to their financial needs.

Topics could  include:

        - buy/sell/hold recommendations with concise justifications;
        - portfolio design including the use of derivatives;
        - technical analysis versus fundamental analysis in stockpicking;
        - discussion of impending or announced IPOs; and
        - balanced evaluations of management performance in
          enhancing shareholder value.

Moderation Policies:

1. Contributions perceived to be stock promotion or demotion attempts will
be rejected. This policy would not preclude, however, a balanced
discussion of the pros and cons of buying, holding or selling publicly
traded securities.

2. Contributions perceived to be personal attacks of any kind, including
those on fellow contributors, will be rejected.

3. Commercials from individuals or organizations will be rejected.

4. Contributions that are deemed to be better suited to one of the more
specialized newsgroups in the misc.invest hierarchy may also be rejected.
For example, general discussion of a particular option strategy would be
better suited to misc.invest.options; however, the same discussion within
the context of security or portfolio hedging would be appropriate for

5. Where the subject of a contribution is a publicly traded security or
impending IPO, the author will be required to clearly indicate his (or
her) recent or current association, if any, with the security and/or the
company in question. Association would include disclosure of long or short
positions of the security in the contributor's portfolio, and/or
employment with either the company behind the security or the
underwriter/dealer of the security.


MODERATOR INFO: misc.invest.long-term

Moderator:  [email protected] (Chirantan Basu)

Chirantan is a licensed stockbroker in Canada (registered with the Ontario
Securities Commission), and a partner in a federally incorporated business
management consulting group. He is also a six year member of the National
Capital Freenet (, one of the largest member supported Freenets
in the world.

Moderator:  [email protected] (Brian Edmonds)

Brian has been on Usenet for ten years, a moderator for the last five. He
is the moderation coordinator for rec.arts.anime.creative, and sole
moderator for:
     - comp.doc.techreports, and
     - rec.drugs.announce.
Brian runs the moderation software for all five newsgroups.



This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes.  In this phase of
the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups should be
raised and resolved.  The discussion period will continue for a minimum of
21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this proposal is posted to
news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted
by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it.  Please do not
attempt to vote until this happens.

This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation
guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to
Format and Submit a New Group Proposal".  Please refer to these documents
(available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the


  news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, misc.invest.misc

and pointers to

  misc.invest.futures, misc.invest.marketplace,,
  misc.invest.options, misc.invest.real-estate,
  misc.invest.stocks, misc.invest.technical,

Proponent: Chirantan Basu 

========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======:
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Control: cancel <[email protected]>
Subject: cmsg cancel <[email protected]>
From: [email protected] (Chirantan Basu)
Newsgroups: news.groups
Lines: 1
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 15:30:05 GMT
X-Trace: news02 962983805 (Fri, 07 Jul 2000 11:30:05 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 11:30:05 EDT
Organization: Optimum Online


From [email protected].[reposted.because.of.HipClone.cancel] Fri Jul  7 18:11:11 2000
Control: cancel <9$-_%%_%_%$--%_%[email protected]>
From: [email protected] (Chirantan Basu) [reposted because of HipClone cancel]
Subject: cmsg cancel <9$-_%%_%_%$--%_%[email protected]>
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.invest.misc
Followup-To: news.groups
Approved: [email protected]
Archive-Name: misc.invest.long-term
Date: 08 Jul 00 01:11:10 GMT
Sender: [email protected] (Howard Knight)
Lines: 2
Xref: control.cancel:8181509

Unapproved article for news.announce.newgroups auto-cancelled
by daemon on behalf of moderator.

From [email protected] Wed Jul 19 12:59:37 2000
From: Neil Crellin 
Reply-To: [email protected]
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.invest.misc
Subject: CFV: misc.invest.long-term moderated
Followup-To: poster
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 10 Aug 2000 00:00:00 GMT
Archive-Name: misc.invest.long-term
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 19:55:00 GMT
Lines: 197
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:11547 news.groups:360219 misc.invest.misc:23766

                     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                moderated group misc.invest.long-term

This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker.  It is not to be
posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by
the votetaker.  Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid.

Newsgroups line:
misc.invest.long-term	Moderated newsgroup for long-term investors. (Moderated)

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 9 Aug 2000.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.

Proponent: Chirantan Basu 
Votetaker: Neil Crellin 

RATIONALE: misc.invest.long-term

We currently have several newsgroups in the misc.invest hierarchy
for different aspects of investing. The most popular of them
appears to be misc.invest.stocks, where short-term (and
long-term) investors can chat about various publicly traded
stocks. Derivatives can be discussed in misc.invest.options and
misc.invest.futures, mutual funds in, real
estate in misc.invest.real-estate, and momentum investing in
misc.invest.technical. Investors looking for guidance on tax and
estate planning can visit We even have
at least two geographically focused newsgroups - misc.invest.canada
and aus.invest.

There is now a need for one newsgroup where individuals with a
long-term (3 years +) investment horizon can come together and
thoughtfully discuss the intricacies of different securities and
strategies in a moderated environment designed to encourage like
minded investors from all over the world. The proposed moderated
newsgroup, misc.invest.long-term, can fulfil that need.

CHARTER: misc.invest.long-term

To promote a serious exchange of information and ideas on
specific securities and investment strategies. The term
"securities" refers to publicly traded financial products such as
stocks, bonds, money market instruments, mutual funds, and

The term "strategies" refers to ways investors can incorporate an
appropriate mix of securities in their portfolio in order to
enhance long-term capital appreciation and/or income according to
their financial needs.

Topics could include:

- buy/sell/hold recommendations with concise justifications;
- portfolio design including the use of derivatives;
- technical analysis versus fundamental analysis in stockpicking;
- discussion of impending or announced IPOs; and
- balanced evaluations of management performance in
  enhancing shareholder value.

Moderation Policies:

1. Contributions perceived to be stock promotion or demotion
attempts will be rejected. This policy would not preclude,
however, a balanced discussion of the pros and cons of buying,
holding or selling publicly traded securities.

2. Contributions perceived to be personal attacks of any kind,
including those on fellow contributors, will be rejected.

3. Commercials from individuals or organizations will be rejected.

4. Contributions that are deemed to be better suited to one of
the more specialized newsgroups in the misc.invest hierarchy may
also be rejected.

   For example, general discussion of a particular option strategy
   would be better suited to misc.invest.options; however, the
   same discussion within the context of security or portfolio
   hedging would be appropriate for misc.invest.long-term.

5. Where the subject of a contribution is a publicly traded
security or impending IPO, the author will be required to
clearly indicate his (or her) recent or current association,
if any, with the security and/or the company in question.
Association would include disclosure of long or short
positions of the security in the contributor's portfolio,
and/or employment with either the company behind the security
or the underwriter/dealer of the security.


MODERATOR INFO: misc.invest.long-term

Moderator: [email protected] (Chirantan Basu)
Moderator: [email protected] (Brian Edmonds)
Administrative contact address: [email protected]
Article submission address: [email protected]



The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in
reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested
parties defeats this purpose.  Do *not* distribute this CFV;  instead,
direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups.
Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of
this CFV is considered vote fraud.

This is a public vote:  All email addresses, names and votes will be
listed in the final RESULT post.  The name used may be either a real
name or an established Usenet handle.

At most one vote is allowed per person or per account.  Duplicate
votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote.

Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker.  Anonymous,
forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from
WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist).  Votes from nonexistent
accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged"
address he cannot decipher immediately.

Please direct any questions to the votetaker at 


Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after
the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines.  Don't worry about
the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your
reply inserts.  Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me!

Fill in the ballot as shown below.  Please provide your REAL NAME and
indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot.

Examples of how to properly indicate your vote:

  [ YES     ]
  [ NO      ]
  [ ABSTAIN ]  example.abstention
  [ CANCEL  ]  example.cancellation

DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot!
If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot.

When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] >
Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line.

If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three
days contact the votetaker about the problem.  You are responsible
for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly.

If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to
Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at

======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line =======
| 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: misc.invest.long-term
| Official Usenet Voting Ballot  (Do not remove this line!)
| Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected.  Place
| ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other
| information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line:

Voter name:

| Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each
| newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name):

 Your Vote   Newsgroup
 ---------   -----------------------------------------------------------
[         ]  misc.invest.long-term (moderated)

======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ==============


Pointers directing readers to this CFV will be posted in these groups:


This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Feb  6 1999).
PQ datestamp: 980322

Voting address: [email protected]

From [email protected] Thu Aug  3 14:14:28 2000
From: Neil Crellin 
Reply-To: [email protected]
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.invest.misc
Subject: 2nd CFV: misc.invest.long-term moderated
Followup-To: poster
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Supersedes: <[email protected]>
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 10 Aug 2000 00:00:00 GMT
Archive-Name: misc.invest.long-term
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 21:02:18 GMT
Lines: 201
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:11558 news.groups:362104 misc.invest.misc:24023

                      LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
                moderated group misc.invest.long-term

This CFV is to be distributed only by the votetaker.  It is not to be
posted to newsgroups, or mailed to mailing lists or individuals, except by
the votetaker.  Ballots or CFVs provided by anyone else will be invalid.

Newsgroups line:
misc.invest.long-term	Moderated newsgroup for long-term investors. (Moderated)

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 9 Aug 2000.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.

Proponent: Chirantan Basu 
Votetaker: Neil Crellin 

RATIONALE: misc.invest.long-term

We currently have several newsgroups in the misc.invest hierarchy
for different aspects of investing. The most popular of them
appears to be misc.invest.stocks, where short-term (and
long-term) investors can chat about various publicly traded
stocks. Derivatives can be discussed in misc.invest.options and
misc.invest.futures, mutual funds in, real
estate in misc.invest.real-estate, and momentum investing in
misc.invest.technical. Investors looking for guidance on tax and
estate planning can visit We even have
at least two geographically focused newsgroups - misc.invest.canada
and aus.invest.

There is now a need for one newsgroup where individuals with a
long-term (3 years +) investment horizon can come together and
thoughtfully discuss the intricacies of different securities and
strategies in a moderated environment designed to encourage like
minded investors from all over the world. The proposed moderated
newsgroup, misc.invest.long-term, can fulfil that need.

CHARTER: misc.invest.long-term

To promote a serious exchange of information and ideas on
specific securities and investment strategies. The term
"securities" refers to publicly traded financial products such as
stocks, bonds, money market instruments, mutual funds, and

The term "strategies" refers to ways investors can incorporate an
appropriate mix of securities in their portfolio in order to
enhance long-term capital appreciation and/or income according to
their financial needs.

Topics could include:

- buy/sell/hold recommendations with concise justifications;
- portfolio design including the use of derivatives;
- technical analysis versus fundamental analysis in stockpicking;
- discussion of impending or announced IPOs; and
- balanced evaluations of management performance in
  enhancing shareholder value.

Moderation Policies:

1. Contributions perceived to be stock promotion or demotion
attempts will be rejected. This policy would not preclude,
however, a balanced discussion of the pros and cons of buying,
holding or selling publicly traded securities.

2. Contributions perceived to be personal attacks of any kind,
including those on fellow contributors, will be rejected.

3. Commercials from individuals or organizations will be rejected.

4. Contributions that are deemed to be better suited to one of
the more specialized newsgroups in the misc.invest hierarchy may
also be rejected.

   For example, general discussion of a particular option strategy
   would be better suited to misc.invest.options; however, the
   same discussion within the context of security or portfolio
   hedging would be appropriate for misc.invest.long-term.

5. Where the subject of a contribution is a publicly traded
security or impending IPO, the author will be required to
clearly indicate his (or her) recent or current association,
if any, with the security and/or the company in question.
Association would include disclosure of long or short
positions of the security in the contributor's portfolio,
and/or employment with either the company behind the security
or the underwriter/dealer of the security.


MODERATOR INFO: misc.invest.long-term

Moderator: [email protected] (Chirantan Basu)
Moderator: [email protected] (Brian Edmonds)
Administrative contact address: [email protected]
Article submission address: [email protected]



The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in
reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested
parties defeats this purpose.  Do *not* distribute this CFV;  instead,
direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups.
Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of
this CFV is considered vote fraud.

This is a public vote:  All email addresses, names and votes will be
listed in the final RESULT post.  The name used may be either a real
name or an established Usenet handle.

At most one vote is allowed per person or per account.  Duplicate
votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote.

Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker.  Anonymous,
forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from
WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist).  Votes from nonexistent
accounts are also invalid, and the votetaker will reject any "munged"
address he cannot decipher immediately.

Please direct any questions to the votetaker at 


Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after
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Examples of how to properly indicate your vote:

  [ YES     ]
  [ NO      ]
  [ ABSTAIN ]  example.abstention
  [ CANCEL  ]  example.cancellation

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If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot.

When finished, MAIL the ballot to: < [email protected] >
Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line.

If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three
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If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to
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======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line =======
| 2ND CALL FOR VOTES: misc.invest.long-term
| Official Usenet Voting Ballot  (Do not remove this line!)
| Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected.  Place
| ONLY your name (ie. do NOT include your e-mail address or any other
| information; ONLY your name) after the colon on the following line:

Voter name:

| Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each
| newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name):

 Your Vote   Newsgroup
 ---------   -----------------------------------------------------------
[         ]  misc.invest.long-term (moderated)

======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ==============


Pointers directing readers to this CFV will be posted in these groups:


misc.invest.long-term Bounce List - Please contact me about your vote
No bounced acknowledgments at this time

This CFV was created with uvpq 1.0 (Feb  6 1999).
PQ datestamp: 980322

Voting address: [email protected]

From [email protected] Wed Aug  9 17:29:27 2000
From: Neil Crellin 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.invest.misc
Subject: RESULT: misc.invest.long-term moderated fails 49:22
Followup-To: news.groups
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Supersedes: <[email protected]>
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Approved: [email protected]
Archive-Name: misc.invest.long-term
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 00:22:27 GMT
Lines: 208
Xref: news.announce.newgroups:11560 news.groups:362419 misc.invest.misc:24108

          moderated group misc.invest.long-term fails 49:22

There were 49 YES votes and 22 NO votes, for a total of 71 valid
votes.  There were 2 abstentions and 2 invalid ballots.

For a group to pass, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid
(YES and NO) votes.  There must also be at least 100 more YES votes
than NO votes.

A five day discussion period follows this announcement.  Unless
serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the group
may not be voted on again for six months.

Newsgroups line:
misc.invest.long-term	Moderated newsgroup for long-term investors. (Moderated)

The voting period closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 9 Aug 2000.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.

Proponent: Chirantan Basu 
Votetaker: Neil Crellin 

RATIONALE: misc.invest.long-term

We currently have several newsgroups in the misc.invest hierarchy
for different aspects of investing. The most popular of them
appears to be misc.invest.stocks, where short-term (and
long-term) investors can chat about various publicly traded
stocks. Derivatives can be discussed in misc.invest.options and
misc.invest.futures, mutual funds in, real
estate in misc.invest.real-estate, and momentum investing in
misc.invest.technical. Investors looking for guidance on tax and
estate planning can visit We even have
at least two geographically focused newsgroups - misc.invest.canada
and aus.invest.

There is now a need for one newsgroup where individuals with a
long-term (3 years +) investment horizon can come together and
thoughtfully discuss the intricacies of different securities and
strategies in a moderated environment designed to encourage like
minded investors from all over the world. The proposed moderated
newsgroup, misc.invest.long-term, can fulfil that need.

CHARTER: misc.invest.long-term

To promote a serious exchange of information and ideas on
specific securities and investment strategies. The term
"securities" refers to publicly traded financial products such as
stocks, bonds, money market instruments, mutual funds, and

The term "strategies" refers to ways investors can incorporate an
appropriate mix of securities in their portfolio in order to
enhance long-term capital appreciation and/or income according to
their financial needs.

Topics could include:

- buy/sell/hold recommendations with concise justifications;
- portfolio design including the use of derivatives;
- technical analysis versus fundamental analysis in stockpicking;
- discussion of impending or announced IPOs; and
- balanced evaluations of management performance in
  enhancing shareholder value.

Moderation Policies:

1. Contributions perceived to be stock promotion or demotion
attempts will be rejected. This policy would not preclude,
however, a balanced discussion of the pros and cons of buying,
holding or selling publicly traded securities.

2. Contributions perceived to be personal attacks of any kind,
including those on fellow contributors, will be rejected.

3. Commercials from individuals or organizations will be rejected.

4. Contributions that are deemed to be better suited to one of
the more specialized newsgroups in the misc.invest hierarchy may
also be rejected.

   For example, general discussion of a particular option strategy
   would be better suited to misc.invest.options; however, the
   same discussion within the context of security or portfolio
   hedging would be appropriate for misc.invest.long-term.

5. Where the subject of a contribution is a publicly traded
security or impending IPO, the author will be required to
clearly indicate his (or her) recent or current association,
if any, with the security and/or the company in question.
Association would include disclosure of long or short
positions of the security in the contributor's portfolio,
and/or employment with either the company behind the security
or the underwriter/dealer of the security.


MODERATOR INFO: misc.invest.long-term

Moderator: [email protected] (Chirantan Basu)
Moderator: [email protected] (Brian Edmonds)
Administrative contact address: [email protected]
Article submission address: [email protected]


misc.invest.long-term Final Voter list

NOTE:  This is not [to be used as] a mailing list.  The email addresses
are posted only to help verify the interest poll.  Thank you.

Voted YES
basu [at]                                   Chirantan Basu
cx172 [at]                                     Elat Lerner
wspeirs [at]                                   Walter G. Speirs
trevort [at]                                       Trevor Tymchuk
speirs [at]                                       Robert J.N. Speirs
morme [at]                                              Matthew Orme
kimdv [at]                                               Kim DeVaughn
carol [at]                                              Carol Flynt
cafzali [at]                                            Cyrus Afzali
mort-angel [at]                                          Mort Angel
ron_p [at]                                             Ron Peterson
jeremy [at]                                           Jeremy Nixon
biow [at]                                          Christopher Biow
skumar3 [at]                                           Shailesh Kumar
prs [at]                                              Peter Stephenson
earthscibbs [at]                                        David Ramalho
holly-ordway [at]                                     Holly E. Ordway
pete-forte [at]                                           Peter Forte
kowallek [at]                                            D. Kowallek
chris [at]                                Christopher Robin Zimmerman
edenbrook [at]                                            Ray Pastore
mark [at]                                                 Mark Mathu
brahms [at]                                          Stan Brown
dc [at]                                            David W. Crawford
phil [at]                                             Phil Gustafson
mra [at]                                                 Mark Atwood
kenrbnsn [at]                                           Ken Robinson
edwardp [at]                                         Edward P. Dittmer
stamper [at]                                         Chris Stamper
dwolff [at]                                          David Wolff
pan [at]                                                          Pan
dougob [at]                                           Doug O'brien
eidolon [at]                                         Neill Massello
naddy [at]                                   Christian Weisgerber
hsauer [at]                                      Henning Sauer
fungus [at] OCF.Berkeley.EDU                                         Hank Fung
rufinus [at]                                        J Rufinus
paulswm [at]                                    Paul S.W. Morgan
geletka [at]
grobe [at]                                           Jonathan Grobe
kneecap [at]                                            Neal Cappel
bfrost [at]                                              Bonnell Frost
cybercpa [at]                                      Susan Wasserman
fogazzid [at]                                     Daniele Fogazzi
kb5cng [at]                                            R.L. Thompson
edward [at]                                              Edward Reid
jon [at]                               Jon Thomson
chriseb [at]                                     Chris Ebenezer
rlcarr [at]                              Rich Carriero

Voted NO
yan [at]                                            Yves Bellefeuille
Namara [at]                                                     Namara
stainles [at]                                             Dwight Brown
tjmc [at]                                                    tjmc
joneshenr [at]                                         Henry Jones
wiz [at]                                                          Wiz
coli [at]                                          Erin Johnson
gprrspw [at]                                          G.P. Ryan
rainfield [at]                                      Andy Elfway
olav [at]                                        Olav Nieuwejaar
aahz [at]                                                      Aahz
tgm [at]                                       Thomas G. McWilliams
dmescher [at]                                 David Mescher
littletoad [at]                                        little toad
bmailman [at]                                            Brian Mailman
meg [at] Steam.Stanford.EDU                                         meg worley
rick [at]                                           Richard Miller
doc [at]                                                 Rob Wynne
ruthien [at]                                    Moshe Siechmach
mmontcha [at]                                 Matthew Montchalin
billo [at] Radix.Net                                         William R. Oliver
denebeim [at]                                        Jay Denebeim

graham.drabble [at]                                 Graham Drabble
r.vanette [at]                                     Robert-Jan van Ette

Invalid votes
alex [at]                                           A. Matulich
    ! Invalid address - rahul blocking votetaker
tennyson [at]                         Snoopy Tennyson
    ! Invalid address - Host not found

Neil Crellin, UVV 
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