From [email protected] Tue Feb 22 16:16:09 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Mark Elliott)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,sci.image.processing,,sci.physics,sci.research,comp.lang.idl-pvwave
Subject: RFD: sci.techniques.mag-resonance
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 21 Feb 1994 19:38:39 -0500
Lines: 57
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4655 news.groups:96161 sci.image.processing:6493 sci.physics:73797 sci.research:5497 comp.lang.idl-pvwave:1946

        Request For Discussion (RFD):   sci.techniques.mag-resonance

	This message seeks to initiate a discussion on the creation of a
new USENET newsgroup "sci.techniques.mag-resonance" as described below.
Discussion should take place in news.groups. Anyone interested in the topic
is encouraged to participate.

	This newsgroup would be for discussion in the field of magnetic
resonance imaging and spectroscopy. Possible topics include requests for
information, scientific observations, and commentary on all aspects of
magnetic resonance. The group would place equal emphasis on clinical studies,
new techniques, and basic research.

	Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy are rapidly growing in
the field of medical practice and research. There is currently an FTP site
( existing exclusively for the exchange of MR data
and software and an associated newsletter (WavePacket) with over 90 subscribers.
The present* newsgroups do not address medical imaging in general,
or MR in particular. The proposed newsgroup sci.techniques.mag-resonance would
allow for much needed informal exchange of information and opinions that the
slow pace of scientific literature cannot (and should not) support.

	sci.techniques.mag-resonance is an unmoderated newsgroup which will
serve as a forum for all topics related to magnetic resonance investigation.
Some of the topics to be discussed are:

 - Questions and answers on the use/performance of commercial MR spectrometers

 - Exchange of pulse sequence algorithms as well as actual implementations.

 - Discussion of recent journal articles.

 - Results of clinical studies.

 - Echo relevant postings found in other, possibly overlooked, newsgroups.

	This RFD is being cross-posted to the following groups. Please relay
this proposal to anyone you feel may be interested.

Mark Elliott                       |     
Dept of Radiology                  |     Voice: (215) 898-9357
University of Pennsylvania         |     FAX  : (215) 573-2113
Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA         |     Email: [email protected]

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Mon Apr 11 19:36:23 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,sci.techniques.spectroscopy,,,sci.image.processing,,sci.physics,sci.research,comp.lang.idl-pvwave
Subject: CFV: sci.techniques.mag-resonance
Followup-To: poster
Date: 8 Apr 1994 15:45:13 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 52
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 30 Apr 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4915 news.groups:100151 sci.chem:21382 sci.techniques.spectroscopy:202 sci.image.processing:7189 sci.physics:77468 sci.research:5775 comp.lang.idl-pvwave:2116

		     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
	    unmoderated group sci.techniques.mag-resonance

Newsgroups line:
sci.techniques.mag-resonance	Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 29 April 1994.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Mark Elliott .


	Sci.techniques.mag-resonance will exist for discussion in the field
of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. Possible topics include
requests for information, scientific observations, and commentary on all
aspects of magnetic resonance. The group would place equal emphasis on
clinical studies, new techniques, and basic research. It will be an
unmoderated newsgroup.

Some of the topics to be discussed are:

 - Questions and answers on the use/performance of commercial MR spectrometers

 - Exchange of pulse sequence algorithms as well as actual implementations.

 - Discussion of recent journal articles.

 - Results of clinical studies.

 - Echo relevant postings found in other, possibly overlooked, newsgroups.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on sci.techniques.mag-resonance
      I vote NO on sci.techniques.mag-resonance

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Tue Apr 19 17:49:31 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,sci.techniques.spectroscopy,,,sci.image.processing,,sci.physics,sci.research,comp.lang.idl-pvwave
Subject: 2nd CFV: sci.techniques.mag-resonance
Followup-To: poster
Date: 19 Apr 1994 13:26:46 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 65
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 30 Apr 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4978 news.groups:101197 sci.chem:21788 sci.techniques.spectroscopy:247 sci.image.processing:7342 sci.physics:78652 sci.research:5843 comp.lang.idl-pvwave:2154

                     LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
            unmoderated group sci.techniques.mag-resonance

Newsgroups line:
sci.techniques.mag-resonance    Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 29 April 1994.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Mark Elliott .


        Sci.techniques.mag-resonance will exist for discussion in the field
of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. Possible topics include
requests for information, scientific observations, and commentary on all
aspects of magnetic resonance. The group would place equal emphasis on
clinical studies, new techniques, and basic research. It will be an
unmoderated newsgroup.

Some of the topics to be discussed are:

 - Questions and answers on the use/performance of commercial MR spectrometers

 - Exchange of pulse sequence algorithms as well as actual implementations.

 - Discussion of recent journal articles.

 - Results of clinical studies.

 - Echo relevant postings found in other, possibly overlooked, newsgroups.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on sci.techniques.mag-resonance
      I vote NO on sci.techniques.mag-resonance

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

sci.techniques.mag-resonance Bounce List - No need to revote
------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                   Andreas Eichhorn                                                                 
[email protected]                                       Finn Drablos
[email protected]                                         Grahame Harden
[email protected]                              Horst Stodal
[email protected]                                        Jouni Kahkonen
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                           Mike Noel

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Wed May  4 17:45:12 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.chem,sci.techniques.spectroscopy,,,sci.image.processing,,sci.physics,sci.research,comp.lang.idl-pvwave
Subject: RESULT: sci.techniques.mag-resonance passes 413:17
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 2 May 1994 15:39:52 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 495
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5030 news.groups:102611 sci.chem:22186 sci.techniques.spectroscopy:263 sci.image.processing:7562 sci.physics:79892 sci.research:5910 comp.lang.idl-pvwave:2194

     unmoderated group sci.techniques.mag-resonance passes 413:17

There were 413 YES votes and 17 NO votes, for a total of 430 valid votes. 
There was 1 abstain and 3 invalid ballots.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes. 

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no
serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of
news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.

Newsgroups line:
sci.techniques.mag-resonance    Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Mark Elliott .


        Sci.techniques.mag-resonance will exist for discussion in the field
of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. Possible topics include
requests for information, scientific observations, and commentary on all
aspects of magnetic resonance. The group would place equal emphasis on
clinical studies, new techniques, and basic research. It will be an
unmoderated newsgroup.

Some of the topics to be discussed are:

 - Questions and answers on the use/performance of commercial MR spectrometers

 - Exchange of pulse sequence algorithms as well as actual implementations.

 - Discussion of recent journal articles.

 - Results of clinical studies.

 - Echo relevant postings found in other, possibly overlooked, newsgroups.

sci.techniques.mag-resonance Final Vote Ack

Voted Yes
[email protected]                                    Fernando Commodari                                   Andreas Eichhorn
[email protected]                                              anthony apicella
[email protected]                           Anthony H Aletras
[email protected]                                              Armand Fasano
[email protected]                                   Andrew F. Mitchell
[email protected]                                              Allan L. Goodman
[email protected]                                          Albert Heller
[email protected]                                                Ahmed I Shihab
[email protected]                                                   A.J.W.Macnair
[email protected]                            ALFREDO SALAS BARRON
[email protected]                                            Ales Pecnik
[email protected]                                Alexander P. Zijdenbos
[email protected]                                                                
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                           Andrew Whittaker
[email protected]                                     Andrew Penn
[email protected]                                          Andy B. Dobrzeniecki
[email protected]                                     Anita A Rao
[email protected]                                     Armando Herbelin
[email protected]                                     Alan Stein
[email protected]               BOB ATCHER ([email protected])
[email protected]    IN LA:310-404-4506X599,714-760-2388,310-
[email protected]                                            Andre van der Pol
[email protected]                                          Leon Axel
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                        BENJAMIN STAPLEY
[email protected]                                     John Baker
[email protected]                                Craig Barnes FACULTY
[email protected]                                     Barry Schweitzer
[email protected]                                                Bart Schraa
[email protected]                                     John Bartmess
[email protected]                                         Bruce d. Scott
[email protected]                                        Ronald W. Behling
[email protected]                                             BF Goodrich Co.
[email protected]                              Stefan Berger
[email protected]                                     Phil Bergey
[email protected]                                                  Bert Zomer
[email protected]                                                    John Beyer
[email protected]                                         Bezabeh, Tedros
[email protected]                                                   Toni Ericsson
[email protected]                                       David MacManus
[email protected]                                        Bill Kennedy
[email protected]                                       Shag Aristotelis
[email protected]                                                  B.J. Herbison
[email protected]                                           arthur blair
[email protected]                                            Andrei Blasko
[email protected]                                         
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                            Brian Ross
[email protected]                                     Brisson, J.R.
[email protected]                                           Bruce Fulton
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                             Stefan Brueck
[email protected]                                               Brian Rutt
[email protected]                                    Brian SPENCER
[email protected]                            Andreas Buhl
[email protected]                                                       Enver Bulur
[email protected]                                                   Burt N Holzman
[email protected]                                            Mogens Kjaer
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                           Clemens Anklin
[email protected]                                       Chandrakumar
[email protected]                                           H S Chang
[email protected]                                               Qi Chao
[email protected]                                                  Greg Young
[email protected]                                       Steven Patterson
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                             Dr. C. Flesche
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                         Cindy Carr
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                             Christopher Smith
[email protected]                                        
[email protected]                            Charles McKenzie
[email protected]                           Dietmar Kaiser
[email protected]                                              Hari
[email protected]                                                Bernard Coombs
[email protected]                                                    Bill Coshow
[email protected]                                           Brett A Cowans
[email protected]                                             Craig Jones
[email protected]                                           David Croft
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                                charlie thibault
[email protected]                                    Kilburn James (215)359-2453
[email protected]                                     David Edward Bradshaw
[email protected]                                              Lorne A. Davis
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                              David Clunie
[email protected]                                       David M. Cohen
[email protected]                                      Dave Schweisguth
[email protected]                                                  Dean Edwards
[email protected]                                   Dee Dee Correia
[email protected]                                           Marco A.Demarmels
[email protected]                                                Des Watson
[email protected]                                                     Diac Fang Li
[email protected]                                               
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                          Doug Morris
[email protected]                                          Wojciech Domalewski
[email protected]                          Douglas J. Parsons
[email protected]                                       Finn Drablos
[email protected]                                David Redwine     517-636-4942
[email protected]                                  Matthias Drobnitzky
[email protected]                                          David S. Channin
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                            DOUGLAS ROSENZWEIG, PH.D.
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                           Elizabeth Berry
[email protected]                                     Dennis Edwards
[email protected]                                      Mr." "J.C.Cooke
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                           Jussi Eloranta
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                                            Erik J. Fernandez
[email protected]                                    Erlend Moldrheim
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                      Eugene Mah
[email protected]                             Eva Bergschneider
[email protected]                                              Dwight Evard
[email protected]                                     Mr. Faruq Al-Omari
[email protected]                                                 Farhad Farzaneh
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                           Wayne Fiori
[email protected]                           Holger Foersterling
[email protected]                              FORSTNER,MICHAEL
[email protected]                         Frank Reininghaus
[email protected]                                           Donald M. Frederick
[email protected]                     Dr. Takaharu Ishibashi
[email protected]                                         George D Sukenick
[email protected]                                                  Gerd Eckert
[email protected]                                       Gerry Aaronson
[email protected]                                charles michael gabrys
[email protected]                Gai Neville  student Gabor  09-06-91
[email protected]                                      Sheryl Gann
[email protected]                                     Kevin Gardner
[email protected]                                     Dr Gareth Barker
[email protected]                                      Leo Garrido
[email protected]                                                                 
[email protected]                                          Geoff Sobering
[email protected]                       George Cameron
[email protected]                                   Gerald Grosse
[email protected]                            Gerry NICCOLAI
[email protected]                                                      Greg Gibbs
[email protected]                                         Grahame Harden
[email protected]                                         Gil Gonzalez
[email protected]                                  M. Lane Gilchrist
[email protected]                        Dr. Gisbert Grosse
[email protected]                                    Geoffrey John Stockham
[email protected]                                            Graham Barlow
[email protected]                                    Glenn Walter
[email protected]                                Bernd Godry
[email protected]                                      Timothy Gotsick
[email protected]                                         David Iain Greig
[email protected]                                     David Grindrod
[email protected]                                Brennan Tennesen Price
[email protected]                                          
[email protected]                                                David Gurr
[email protected]                            Hans-Ullrich SIEHL
[email protected]                                       Hakon Gudbjartsson
[email protected]                                    David L. Harris
[email protected]                                             Ian D Hartley
[email protected]                                                Allan Heff
[email protected]                                              Klaus Heimannsfeld
[email protected]                                     HELENA PAVLIKOVA
[email protected]                                             Hong Guo
[email protected]                                     Heikki O. Hassila
hollis_f%[email protected]                                 Triple Quadrophenic
[email protected]                              Horst Stodal
[email protected]    Alex Mitchell Medical Physicist CCH tel no 64 4 385 584
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                       Yasser Ibrahim
[email protected]                                        Dr. Ian Brereton
[email protected]                                       Irene Tracey
[email protected]                                              Ivan D. Reid
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                               jack lancaster
[email protected]                                           Alain Jacques
[email protected]                                          Dr. James W. Hugg
[email protected]          Peter Jarman Electronics Tech Waikato University
[email protected]                                          Bill Jarrett
[email protected]                                                 James Baker
[email protected]                                      James W. Brown
[email protected]                                     Jerry Ackerman
[email protected]                                              Jerry Allison
[email protected]                                          John Mansfield
[email protected]                                          Joseph Fortt
[email protected]                                     Jim Christensen
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                               James J. Pekar
[email protected]                                                    John K. Chin
[email protected]                                     Jerry Boxerman
[email protected]                                                      Jerry Lutz
[email protected]                               Mcgowan Joseph III
[email protected]                           Jack Martin Miller
[email protected]                               James W Monroe
[email protected]                                       James Morris
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                         Dr John Thorpe
[email protected]                                     John Cort
[email protected]                                         john roby
[email protected]                                           John G. Olyarchuk
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                        Judith Nickels
[email protected]                                Jutta Syha
[email protected]                                        Jouni Kahkonen
[email protected]                                      Angeline Kantola
[email protected]                                 Mathias Karus
[email protected]                                            Karen Ann Smith
[email protected]                                    Dr Keith Howells
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                             Markus von Kienlin
[email protected]                                                   Dick King
[email protected]                                           Keating
[email protected]                                              Harvey D. Klevit
[email protected]                                       David Knapp
[email protected]                                    Jan Henk Koegler
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                          Ari Koskinen
[email protected]                                               
[email protected]                                Juergen Kuersch
[email protected]                          Kathleen Gallagher, 862-3597
[email protected]                                        Martin Schroeder
[email protected]                                         Lachlan Cranswick
[email protected]                                              Ladebeck
[email protected]                                      Miguel Landrove (UCV)
[email protected]                                     Lazaros Kakalis
[email protected]                                         Lawrence Byrnes
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                          Florence Lebreton
[email protected]                                           Bas Leeflang
[email protected]                                                LeeR
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                                                        Weite Lin
[email protected]                                        Lisa Damico
[email protected]                                Lizann Bolinger
[email protected]                                           Louis Lauzon
loeffler%[email protected]                                    RALF LOEFFLER
[email protected]                                        Gary Lorigan
[email protected]                                        L. Sullivan
[email protected]                                   Lorne Taylor
[email protected]                                                Dr. Martin Goez
[email protected]                                             Mike Higgott
[email protected]                                     Mark Elliott
[email protected]                          Markus Neumann
[email protected]                               Mark A. Wilson-Thomas
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                              Matthew Belmonte
[email protected]                                                Mark Cohen
[email protected]                           Martin Meininger
[email protected]                                 Mark A. Meister
[email protected]                                  Larry Merwin
[email protected]                                           Matti Haveri
[email protected]                                        Mike Bernstein
[email protected]                                            Michael Steinmayer
[email protected]                                                  Manish Butte
[email protected]                                          Michael C. Steckner
[email protected]                                                      Marc Laukien
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                    MATTHEW MITCHELL
[email protected]                           g.d.waiter
[email protected]                                      Mathew Revington
[email protected]                                         mark reynolds
[email protected]                           Melissa Rhoads Warden
[email protected]                                             Mark S George
[email protected]                            Matthew T. Adams
[email protected]                               Dr. Gerald Mulligan
[email protected]                                       Michael Vannier
[email protected]                                     Mike Worden
[email protected]                               markus yap djaputra
[email protected]                                      Napapon Sailasuta
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                           Mike Noel
[email protected]           Norbert Zimmermann
[email protected]                                                  Orlean Cole
[email protected]                               Florian Odoj
[email protected]                                          Keith Burton
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                   Paul Majors
[email protected]                                     Pawel Skudlarski
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                                 Peter Webb
[email protected]                                    Peter H. Kruiskamp
[email protected]                        Peter Lundberg Fysikalisk Kemi
[email protected]                                   Primoz Peterlin
[email protected]                                               
[email protected]                                         Steve Philson
[email protected]                                         Dr S J Kitchin
[email protected]                                                             
[email protected]                                        Prasanna Mishra
[email protected]                                             Paul Shipley
[email protected]                         Mr Quentin C. Field-Boden
[email protected]                                   Michael J. Quinn
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                        Raja Muthupillai
[email protected]                                         Ramesh Bhagwandien
[email protected]                                           Ramakota Reddy
[email protected]                                       David Randall
[email protected]                                    Randall Bentson
[email protected]                                                    Randolph Pax
[email protected]                                   Richard Charles Dunn
[email protected]                                        David A Redman
[email protected]                                          Tim Reese
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                       richard
[email protected]                                               Rick Ellis
[email protected]                                                 Jon Riek
[email protected]                                                Syed Rizvi
[email protected]                                                Ross Mair
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                                        Rose Marie Holt
[email protected]                            Dr. Peru
[email protected]                                         Roddy McColl
[email protected]                                       Roger Rowe
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                               Rao Gullapalli
[email protected]                                              Rene THOUVENOT
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                           Robert W. Cox
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                             THE PRINCE
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                                
[email protected]                                           Steve Suddarth
[email protected]                          Director SAMRI Center
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                Wayne Paul SCHULLER
[email protected]                               Christina Schulman
[email protected]                                       Sebastian, Rudy
[email protected]                                                                
[email protected]                                          Roberto Seydoux
[email protected]                                       Linda Wolf
[email protected]                                               AVD Boogaart
[email protected]                                            dy
[email protected]                                           Jonathan Sharp
[email protected]                                                   Hoen-oh Shin
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                           Steve Karlik
[email protected]                               Saban Kurucay
[email protected]                                               Sol Stokar
[email protected]                                                 Jean Souviron
[email protected]                                            Stefan Posse
[email protected]                                           Mark Spanoghe
[email protected]                                       Steve Banerian
[email protected]                                      Steven K. Pollack
[email protected]                                  Steve J. Quest
[email protected]                               Sridar Narayanan
[email protected]                                       SRIRAMA SWAMINATHAN
[email protected]                                          Starcuk, Zenon
[email protected]                                      Christoph Steinbeck
[email protected]                                        Stephanie Webb
[email protected]                                          Stephan Maier
[email protected]                                           Yuri A. Strelenko
[email protected]                                                 
[email protected]                                Susan Colleluori
susanyf%[email protected]                                               
[email protected]                                        Sascha Wildner
[email protected]                                                     Stephen Kwan
[email protected]                    PETER STILBS, [email protected]
[email protected]                                          Marc Takeno
[email protected]                                                      Jim Talley
[email protected]                                           Qing Tan
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                Dr. Thomas Mareci
[email protected]                                 Thomas Wilkinson
[email protected]                                            JOANNE TINDALL
[email protected]                                          Tinka Spronk
[email protected]                                     Tim Allison
[email protected]                             Timothy L. Davis
[email protected]                                        Bart van Tongeren
[email protected]                                                 Dale Treleaven
[email protected]                                     Ted West 814-231-8222
[email protected]                                            Tony Payne
U09281%[email protected]                              U bent op de verkeerde weg  
U09572%[email protected]                                                          
U51862%[email protected]                                                          
U59395%[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                                      ucca61b
[email protected]                                                      uccaaea
[email protected]                                T.N.Mitchell
[email protected]                                                      Udo Guenther
[email protected]                                          Ulrich Kliegis
[email protected]                         Dr. Ulrich Decking
[email protected]                            Thomas Ulrich
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                               Unger, Phil
[email protected]                                                Dr. Frithjof Kruggel
[email protected]                                          REINHARD URHAHN
[email protected]                                            Vinay M. Pai
[email protected]                                     Ernst "U." Wallenborn
[email protected]                                                    Thomas Weimar
[email protected]                                            Chuck Weiss
[email protected]                                       Ian Willing
[email protected]                                                             
[email protected]                                          Wolfgang Sachs
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                         Mark E. Anderson
[email protected]                                         William Sydney Price
[email protected]                                                    Dee Wu
[email protected]                                    Warren S. Warren
[email protected]                                            
[email protected]                                            MING XIE
[email protected]                                               Xin Yu
[email protected]                     Dave Shariff Yadallee
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                                                       Yan Zhu
[email protected]                                              Zhu, Jian-Ming
[email protected]                                            Zigmunds Vainers
[email protected]                                         Polunski Zvi

Voted No
[email protected]                      JESUS EUGENIO SANCHEZ PENA
[email protected]                                              Bernard S Black
[email protected]                                      Jaap Shane
[email protected]                        Christian Longshore Claiborn
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                                               Christopher Ward
[email protected]                                  Sean P. Ryan
[email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson
[email protected]                                                   Axl
[email protected]                                              Kari E. Hurtta
[email protected]                              Hugh LaMaster -- RCS
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                             Patrick Alan Limbach
[email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown
[email protected]                                      Timothy E. Vaughan

[email protected]                                          Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS

Votes in error
[email protected]                                           Marcelino Bernardo
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                           Dennis P. Pfeifer
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                    Rouzavin Igor German
   ! Invalid address

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