From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 02:27:24 1992
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.manga,rec.arts.anime,soc.culture.japan,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.thai,soc.culture.asean,fj.rec.comics
From: [email protected] (Patrick C Yip)
Subject: RFD:  rec.arts.manga
Followup-To: news.groups
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1992 15:55:43 GMT

This is a Request For Discussion on the creation of a new Usenet newsgroup.




        Discussion of Japanese comics (a.k.a. manga), and comics with
         strong manga influences.


	This newsgroup will provide a forum for fan discussions
related to Japanese comics (known as "Manga" in Japanese) as well as
any comics strongly influenced by Japanese comics (such as comics in
Hongkong and Taiwan).  
	The topics that are to appear in this newsgroup may include:
	 - exchange of information of how and where to get manga material
	 - review of manga
	 - discussion and comment on the art and story of manga
	 - fan translation of manga
	 - release of any news about manga.


	Comics has always had a huge market in Japan, and have
influenced comics in her neighboring countries, where there has also
been a comics boom.  Now more and more people in the Western world are
discovering the appeal of this art form because of its advanced and
distinct art styles and storytelling.  Readers also benefit from the
increasing popularity of Anime (Japanese Animation, which is
significantly related to manga) and its well-established fandom, and
more recently, the effort by some western comics publishers to publish
translated manga, which aims at introducing manga to Western readers.

	A newsgroup, alt.manga, has been running for a couple of
months now.  The group has been growing since its creation, and is now
receiving dozen of messages daily.  However, many people are annoyed
by its low propagation, and there is a strong desire to create a
formal USENET newgroup to replace it. Alt.manga is to become obsolete
after the creation of Rec.arts.manga.

	Comments are welcome and should be posted to News.Groups.
Patrick YIP

From [email protected] Fri May  1 17:34:08 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2285 news.groups:50172 alt.manga:1599 rec.arts.anime:31959 rec.arts.comics:73124 soc.culture.japan:14827 soc.culture.taiwan:24815 soc.culture.hongkong:21429 soc.culture.asean:10404 soc.culture.thai:1950 fj.rec.comics:4637
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.manga,rec.arts.anime,rec.arts.comics,soc.culture.japan,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.thai,fj.rec.comics
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Tsao)
Subject: CFV:  rec.arts.manga
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: Cornell
Date: Fri, 1 May 1992 19:53:01 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 101

This is a CALL FOR VOTES on the proposal to create
REC.ARTS.MANGA, a newsgroup for the discussion of manga, a term
used to denote the popular art and its artstyle that is derived
originally from Japanese graphic novels.

To cast a vote, either for the creation or against the creation,
send an e-mail to: [email protected]

The voting period begins immediately, and will end on May 23,
1992 at 23:59 Pacific Daylight Time.

Votes must be explicit; they should contain the lines :

      "YES to RAM" or "I vote for rec.arts.manga as proposed"

      "NO  to RAM" or "I vote against rec.arts.manga as proposed" 

in either the subject or the body of your e-mail.  You don't have
to use these exact words, but your statement must be UNAMBIGUOUS

There can be only one valid vote per person.  If anyone casts
more than one vote, only the most recent vote will be counted.

No votes should be posted to the NEWS.  Only votes sent to
[email protected] will be counted.  Only mass
acknowledgements will be posted to the net.

To pass, rec.arts.manga needs a 2/3 majority AND 100 more "yes"
votes than "no" votes.



        Discussion about manga, a term used to denote the popular
        art and its artstyle that is derived originally and
        primarily from Japanese graphic novels, and any comics or
        art (from any country) with strong manga influence.
        (most notably manga from Taiwan and Hongkong, which is
        known as ManHwa in Chinese,)

        This newsgroup will provide a forum for discussion
        related to manga, the Japanese storytelling art form,
        plus comics and other arts with strong manga influences.

        The topics that are to appear in this newsgroup may include:
         - information on how and where to get manga material
         - reviews of manga
         - discussion about the artstyle, stories, and history of
         - fan translation of manga stories
         - discussion of manga-related products
         - reporting and discussion of any news about manga.
         - discussion about how to do manga
         - social/philosophical implications and impact of manga
         - manga art in society : commercial packaging,
           advertisements, etc
         - the influence of manga to other art forms


        Manga have always had a huge influence in Japan. In fact,
one might say that manga has become an integral part of Japanese
life and Japanese culture. This artform has already, to a varying
extent, influenced manga related comics and popular art in
neighboring countries.  Increasing numbers of people in the
Western world are discovering the appeal of this artform because
of its advanced and distinctive art style, format and
presentation techniques.  Readers also benefit from the
increasing popularity of anime (Japanese animation, which is
significantly related to manga) and its well-established fandom,
and more recently, the effort by some Western comics publishers
to publish translated manga stories, which aims at introducing
manga to Western readers (although admittedly the quantity and
coverage is rather limited)

        This newsgroup intends to provide a forum for manga
enthusiasts to discuss manga, as well as to provide a medium to
introduce this influential artform which is still relatively new
to regions outside the Far East area.

        A newsgroup, alt.manga, has been running for a few months
now.  The group has been growing since its creation, and is now
receiving dozens of messages daily.  However, many people are
unsatisfied by its low propagation, and there is a strong desire
to create a formal Usenet newgroup to replace it.  Alt.manga will
be rmgrouped after the creation of rec.arts.manga.

        The "alt.manga" mailing list, which currently channels
alt.manga posts to non-USENET users, will be renamed "MANGA-L"
and shifted to rec.arts.manga after its creation.

  Tsao Sheng-Te  |  Cornell University  | "[email protected]"
 mailing address : Cornell University, Clark Hall 117, Ithaca NY 14853

From [email protected] Mon May 11 17:53:30 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2323 news.groups:50667 alt.manga:1718 rec.arts.anime:32518 rec.arts.comics:74215 soc.culture.japan:15050 soc.culture.taiwan:25190 soc.culture.hongkong:21883 soc.culture.asean:10578 soc.culture.thai:2043 fj.rec.comics:4697
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.manga,rec.arts.anime,rec.arts.comics,soc.culture.japan,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.thai,fj.rec.comics
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Tsao Sheng-Te)
Subject: 2nd CFV:  rec.arts.manga
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: UUNET Technologies, Inc
Date: Mon, 11 May 1992 16:51:02 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 103

This is a CALL FOR VOTES on the proposal to create
REC.ARTS.MANGA, a newsgroup for the discussion of manga, a term
used to denote the popular art and its artstyle that is derived
originally from Japanese graphic novels.

To cast a vote, either for the creation or against the creation,
send an e-mail to: [email protected]

The voting period begins immediately, and will end on May 23,
1992 at 23:59 Pacific Daylight Time.

Votes must be explicit; they should contain the lines :

      "YES to RAM" or "I vote for rec.arts.manga as proposed"

      "NO  to RAM" or "I vote against rec.arts.manga as proposed" 

in either the subject or the body of your e-mail.  You don't have
to use these exact words, but your statement must be UNAMBIGUOUS

There can be only one valid vote per person.  If anyone casts
more than one vote, only the most recent vote will be counted.

No votes should be posted to the NEWS.  Only votes sent to
[email protected] will be counted.  Only mass
acknowledgements will be posted to the net.

To pass, rec.arts.manga needs a 2/3 majority AND 100 more "yes"
votes than "no" votes.

FINAL NOTE : hereafter any discussion about the newsgroup
creation should be stopped as the voting has started



        Discussion about manga, a term used to denote the popular
        art and its artstyle that is derived originally and
        primarily from Japanese graphic novels, and any comics or
        art (from any country) with strong manga influence.
        (most notably manga from Taiwan and Hongkong, which is
        known as ManHwa in Chinese,)

        This newsgroup will provide a forum for discussion
        related to manga, the Japanese storytelling art form,
        plus comics and other arts with strong manga influences.

        The topics that are to appear in this newsgroup may include:
         - information on how and where to get manga material
         - reviews of manga
         - discussion about the artstyle, stories, and history of
         - fan translation of manga stories
         - discussion of manga-related products
         - reporting and discussion of any news about manga.
         - discussion about how to do manga
         - social/philosophical implications and impact of manga
         - manga art in society : commercial packaging,
           advertisements, etc
         - the influence of manga to other art forms


        Manga have always had a huge influence in Japan. In fact,
one might say that manga has become an integral part of Japanese
life and Japanese culture. This artform has already, to a varying
extent, influenced manga related comics and popular art in
neighboring countries.  Increasing numbers of people in the
Western world are discovering the appeal of this artform because
of its advanced and distinctive art style, format and
presentation techniques.  Readers also benefit from the
increasing popularity of anime (Japanese animation, which is
significantly related to manga) and its well-established fandom,
and more recently, the effort by some Western comics publishers
to publish translated manga stories, which aims at introducing
manga to Western readers (although admittedly the quantity and
coverage is rather limited)

        This newsgroup intends to provide a forum for manga
enthusiasts to discuss manga, as well as to provide a medium to
introduce this influential artform which is still relatively new
to regions outside the Far East area.

        A newsgroup, alt.manga, has been running for a few months
now.  The group has been growing since its creation, and is now
receiving dozens of messages daily.  However, many people are
unsatisfied by its low propagation, and there is a strong desire
to create a formal Usenet newgroup to replace it.  Alt.manga will
be rmgrouped after the creation of rec.arts.manga.

        The "alt.manga" mailing list, which currently channels
alt.manga posts to non-USENET users, will be renamed "MANGA-L"
and shifted to rec.arts.manga after its creation.
  Tsao Sheng-Te  |  Cornell University  | "[email protected]"
 mailing address : Cornell University, Clark Hall 117, Ithaca NY 14853

From [email protected] Thu May 14 12:37:43 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2345 news.groups:50922 alt.manga:1763 rec.arts.anime:32697 rec.arts.comics:74533 soc.culture.japan:15144 soc.culture.taiwan:25395 soc.culture.hongkong:22211 soc.culture.asean:10624 soc.culture.thai:2064 fj.rec.comics:4745 rec.arts.misc:1547
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.manga,rec.arts.anime,rec.arts.comics,soc.culture.japan,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.thai,fj.rec.comics,rec.arts.misc
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Tsao)
Subject: VOTE ACK:  rec.arts.manga
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Reply-To: [email protected], [email protected]
Organization: Cornell University, Ithaca NY
Date: Thu, 14 May 1992 16:18:31 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 667

Here is the list of people who voted so far, in the order the
mails came in.  

I have not checked for duplicates or invalid votes yet.  I'll do
that before posting the final results.

If you don't see your name here, then your mail got lost for some
reason.  I apologize for that, and please try again by sending
your vote to

[email protected]

and also send me a note to "[email protected]" so that
I can check to make sure your e-mail arrived and I'll acknowledge
your vote personally.  That way I can avoid being accused of
losing people's mails on purpose.

Thank you for participating in the vote.

  Tsao Sheng-Te  |  Cornell University  | "[email protected]"
 mailing address : Cornell University, Clark Hall 117, Ithaca NY 14853

[email protected] (R. P. White)
[email protected]
"Norman St. John Polevaulter" 
[email protected] (Michael S Forbes)
"Todd E. Evert" 
Tim Dunn 
[email protected] (Ataru + Kyosuke = Rich 'The Rad Man' Anderson)
Jay Maynard 
[email protected] (Richard Pieri/Stainless Steel Rat)
[email protected] (Tsao)
[email protected] (Webb Roberts)
[email protected] (matthew high)
Marvin Nakajima 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jacob Lesgold)
[email protected] (S. Weber)
[email protected] (Chadwick Ngan)
[email protected] (shimkevi)
[email protected] (mark schlatter)
[email protected] (Robert Deloura)
[email protected] (Tze-yau Huang)
Dave Murphy 
Ken Small 
Lazlo Nibble 
[email protected] (Dave Flowers)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Glenn Lindamood)
Rob Caplan 
[email protected] (Boris)
Jason Tibbitts 
Joseph Malcolm 
[email protected] (Melvin Klassen)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Harold Melanson)
[email protected]
Chih-Ping Kuo 
[email protected] (Eamon  )
[email protected] (Pablo Ishmael)
[email protected] (Duane Day)
Raymond Suke Flournoy 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tonghyun Kim)
David Goldsmith 
[email protected] (Eric Dittman)
[email protected] (Ken Lin)
[email protected] (Pelvic Protrusion)
[email protected] (Kaikee Wong)
Mike Meckler 
[email protected]
Dsih-Chi Liu 
[email protected] (cheng-yang tan)
[email protected] (cheng-yang tan)
Kenneth A Graves 
[email protected]
J Eric Townsend 
Michael Cohen 
John Stanley 
Christopher Davis 
[email protected] (Noel Gamboa)
Michael K Leung 
Tze-Yau Huang 
[email protected] (Lenny Lim Kiong Peng)
[email protected] (Benjamin Wai)
[email protected] (Katie Fritz)
Stephen Lee 
[email protected] (James Cook)
[email protected] (Tom Haapanen)
James Chiu 
[email protected] (Yamashiki Tsuyoshi)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (The Technicolour Throw-up)
[email protected] (Stephen Chung)
[email protected] (Stephen Chung)
"Michael S. Schiffer" 
[email protected] (Andy Finkenstadt)
[email protected]"Jongwoo Park"
[email protected] (Alan Rollow - Alan's Home for Wayward Tumbleweeds.)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Stephanie da Silva)
"Paul A. Estin" 
[email protected]
[email protected] (B. Gabriel Helou)
"James J. Chen" 
[email protected] (david mou)
UEHARA Tetsu=TaLow 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Chip Rosenthal)
[email protected] (Pichette)
[email protected] (James 'Kibo' Parry)
[email protected] (D. Chris Miller)
[email protected] (Michael J. Winston)
Lawrence Mann 
Miles Bader 
Soshi Iba 
[email protected] (uchima shinji        )
Elisabeth Riba 
[email protected] (Gary L. Olhava)
[email protected] (me91m47)
[email protected] (Tzan Tzu: Master of the Origami Fighting Fish)
[email protected] (David Wald)
Jim Elliott 
[email protected] (Danielle M. Scott)
[email protected] (Hossam A. El-Saie)
Helge Hauglin 
Andrew David Weiland 
Jim Horne 
[email protected] (Peter da Silva)
[email protected] (Hades)
Alan P Barrett 
Judy Anderson 
[email protected] (Steve Simmons)
[email protected] (William C. Thompson)
K R Maxson 
Floyd McWilliams 
Adina Adler 
"Robert W. Spiker" 
[email protected] (Dominic Macika)
[email protected]
Michael Stoodt 
Scott Draves 
Ryo Shiroma 
Karthik P Sheka 
[email protected] (Tom Chen-Ming Lee)
Hannah Cox 
Heather L Paladine 
Charles Choi 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ryan P. Gavigan)
Helen Trillian Rose 
[email protected] (Irfan Tusneem)
[email protected] (Kevin Lucas Lord)
"James D. Zelenka" 
Dan Su 
John Stanley 
[email protected] (Marc San Soucie)
[email protected] (Susan Yang)
[email protected] (J'Dietz)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Subrata Sircar)
[email protected] (Michael Edwards)
William Taylor 
[email protected] (Edward Bertsch)
Greg Franklin 
[email protected] (Jin S. Choi)
[email protected] (The Moonlight Kn\lght)
John Charles Fiala 
[email protected] (Jim  Cowling)
[email protected] (JongWoo Park)
"Richard L. Butler" 
[email protected] (im)
[email protected] (im)
[email protected] (Thunderdrake)
[email protected] (John Plate)
Harald Nordgard-Hansen 
Kenichiro Tanaka 
Alan R Williams 
[email protected] (William W. Arnold)
[email protected] (David White)
Louis=P=Ries%DesSupEng%[email protected]
The Phantom of the Opera 
[email protected] (John Henders)
Matthew Clark 
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Geoff Bronner)
[email protected]
John Caruso 
[email protected] (Jan Isley)
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Goldfarb 
[email protected] (Ian Lance Taylor)
Patrick Jason Soo Hoo 
"Roy S. Rapoport" 
Solveig Throndardottir 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jason Gallagher)
Ken Olum 
[email protected] (Jeffrey C Spencer)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Albert Wong)
Steve Jacquot 
[email protected] (Mike Batchelor)
John Hwang 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bill Wheeler)
[email protected] (Heikki Rasim{ki)
[email protected] (Leo Breebaart)
Jay Laefer 
[email protected] (Pang Swee Chee Daneel)
[email protected] (Larry W. Virden, x2487)
Mark A Nicol 
[email protected] (R M Price)
[email protected] (Marvin Tay Eng Sin)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Brian Kenney)
[email protected] (Dave V. Schaller)
[email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.)
[email protected] (Mike Palmer)
[email protected] (Starbuck)
[email protected] (Malcolm Austin)
[email protected] (Brian TroxeLL)
[email protected] (Glenn Singgalang Tarigan)
michael%[email protected]
Hubert Bartels 
[email protected] (Michael D. Louie)
"Loren J. Miller" 
[email protected] (Cloyce.)
Larry Smith 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ho)
[email protected]
[email protected] ("Mr. Mike" Passaretti)
[email protected] (Jerome Euzenat)
[email protected] (Walter M. Amos)
"Frank C. Chen" 
Alex Matulich 
[email protected] (Erik Horstkotte)
[email protected] (Andrew "AJ" Foxx)
"B.J. 04-May-1992 1520" 
Kate Gregory 
News Administration/Rumor Bureau 
Jack Bryans 
[email protected] (Lewis)
[email protected] (Andre' Hut (Sch) UUCP Master)
[email protected] (Steinn Sigurdsson)
"Mitchell E. Gold" 
[email protected] (The Napoleon of Crime)
[email protected] (W. Paul Zola)
Christina Callihan 
[email protected] (Tom Jaskiewicz)
[email protected] (Mike Arms)
[email protected]
Student in Exile 
[email protected] (Paul Antoine)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kim DeVaughn)
Amy Chan 
[email protected] (Agnes Lee Shan Shan)
Tom Fitzgerald 
[email protected] (Arthur Ieumwananonthachai)
Elmo and Louise 
Hitoshi Doi 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Real life?  Ha!)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alex Howell)
Rob McMahon 
Maxime Taksar 
K Hindall 
[email protected] (Darren Stalder)
[email protected] (Jean-Philippe Guerard)
[email protected]
Stupendous Man 
[email protected]
[email protected] (David C Blume)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Michael Studte 
[email protected]
[email protected]
"Yew L. Kung" 
[email protected]
"Wayne B. Liu" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Herman Sims 
[email protected] (Zoran Slanic)
[email protected] (Gene Fornario)
The Pierrot 
A1 tak cheung ip  (cs)
[email protected] (Bruce M. Hahne)
[email protected] (Don Wakefield)
[email protected] (Paul Ortega)
[email protected] (Thien Dinh)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kevin C Coram)
Garland Operator 7-G 
[email protected] ( Mark Richard Dewis)
Ed Chiu  (E.C.)
[email protected] (William Huang)
Daniel AMP Carosone 
[email protected]
Chris Keane 
Albert Lam 
Christopher E Steele 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dean Dierschow)
[email protected] (Matt Kappel)
Tom Callaghan 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Man F. Hui)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Frank Kaefer)
[email protected] (Jim Huang)
[email protected] (Warren Frey)
[email protected] (Rick Fung)
Chris Hindall 
[email protected]
Alexander Than Soe 
Mark Crispin 
Howard Rim 
[email protected] (Gerard Pinzone)
Hans de Graaff 
Robert Thompson 
"Kao Fang Piau (02-09) - (65)772-2781" 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tan Jin Ho)
[email protected] (Michael Turyn)
[email protected] (Mark Linimon)
Antti Karttunen 
Marshall Wang 
John Dennis 
Anavel Gato 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bill Livingston 
Marijan Adam 
Benjamin Rudd Schoenberg 
[email protected]
[email protected] (A Chun Li Man )
Marijan Adam 
[email protected] (James L. Brookes)
[email protected] (Scott Horne)
George F DeLaMater 
[email protected] (In UNIX no one can hear you scream.)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ted Formeza)
Izar Tarandach 
[email protected] (Gary)
[email protected] (Sean Kelly)
[email protected] (Ed Ngai)
[email protected] (David Milner)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Curtis Yarvin)
[email protected] (Marijan Adam)
"Johnny T. K. Wong" 
[email protected] (A Wind Called Amnesia)
"Joseph G. Peng" 
Yuyo Chou 
Marshall Wang 
[email protected] (Tzu-Chiang Chung)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Barry Brown)
Dan Crevier 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jim Lick 
Ta-Wei Mou 
[email protected]
Eric the Fruit Bat 
[email protected] (Mats Hultqvist)
"Lynne M. Reder" 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Guy Perriere)
[email protected] (Stephen Spencer)
"Charles Purwin, Systems, [email protected]" 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Marco Pontil 259243)
[email protected] (justin sullivan)
Marijan Adam 
John Yung 
[email protected] (Randall J. King)
[email protected] (Michael Rawdon)
[email protected]
Dave Deitrich 
[email protected] (Darcy Brockbank)
[email protected] (Jon Hughes)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Suicidal Maniac 
Jeff Koganuts Koga 
[email protected]
[email protected] (John F. Bauer III)
[email protected] (Reginald Bradshaw)
[email protected] (Chieh Chou)
[email protected]
Gary Louie CIRT/CSOS 
"Patrick T. Syck - Tec" 
[email protected] (Benjamin Thomas Salzberg)
[email protected]
Ric Dube 
Howard Tom <[email protected]>
[email protected]
"Michael J. Hennebry" 
Peter Bruells 
[email protected]
Clay Dresser 
[email protected] (Dark Hacker)
"Dr. Samuel Conway" 
Peter Li 
[email protected]
The Lukester 
[email protected] (Earl A. Hubbell)
Dee-Ann Latona 867-8162 
[email protected] (Shawn Eric Sines)
andrew scott becker 
Matt Schmitt 
Cam Daly 
John Greenwald 
Arne Knudson 
"James E. Schaad" 
Alexander Weng Fong 
"Leo, Sugiarno" 
Michael Edward Treagy 
Matt Downer 
"Jon H. Leonard" 
Terry Yeung 
[email protected] (Ragnarok)
"Jon C. Slenk" 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jude George)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Richard Kao)
Ben Yoshino 
[email protected] (The Traveller in Black)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Erik N. Noble)
Let Stalk Strine 
"When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." 
[email protected]
Larry Hiller <[email protected]>
Robert Conticello 
Michael Keene 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Scott Henry)
Gordon Engel 
[email protected] (Anthony G. Francis)
Wai Chan 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jhemon Lee)
[email protected] (Captain Harlock)
[email protected] (Paul Ortega)
[email protected]
SUZUKI Daisuke 
[email protected]
Michael Duffy 
Daeshik Kim 
[email protected] (Eric Bresie)
A1 gerard pinzone  (ee)
[email protected] (Saotome Ranma  )
[email protected] (Masahiko Nishimura)
Steven Feldman 
[email protected] (John Fritz)
Otto Ilmari Kopra 
[email protected] (Mephron)
[email protected] (Jeff Jonas)
gray%[email protected] (Lyle Gray)
[email protected]
Peter Yamamoto 
[email protected] (Jeff Meyer)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mike 'HK 93 HK G3 M-10 Glock17' Newsome 
[email protected] (Khan)
Curtis Ling 
Michael Thompson 
Carl Juta 
Sami Koskinen 
[email protected] (Jeff "Ashton" Hexter)
[email protected]
Hank Harken 
[email protected] (James Cook)
Sean Or Dean 
Faisal Nameer Jawdat 
[email protected] (Robert Adams)
The Question 766-2815 
"Sam H. Vaughan" 
[email protected] (Tony Pordon)
[email protected]
Tom West 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Richard Paw 
[email protected] (Hiroki Kimata)
[email protected] (Maiko Covington)
Anthony Lau 
[email protected] (Benoy Koshy)
Luis Humberto Morin Vergara 
James Klingler 
[email protected] (Richard Pieri/Stainless Steel Rat)
Mike O'Connor 
[email protected] (Charles Gousha)
Not An Evil Tempter Being 
[email protected] (George Fergus)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Duane Day)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ron Dippold)
[email protected] (Cindy Ketterling)
Glenn Carnagey 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ted Koppel)
[email protected] (Edward William Martini)
[email protected]
John Grube 
[email protected] (Richard Kulawiec)
Arthur Green 
Ng Christopher 
[email protected] (Scott Gosik)
Stephen Potter 
[email protected] (Michael Minnotte)
[email protected]
Wayne Hudson 
Prince Nematocyst / Matt Davis 
James Scurry (CSC) 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Moose-kun)
[email protected] (Zeeshan Hasan)
[email protected] (Mike Kim--Palindrome)
Mike Threepoint 
[email protected] (Michael P. Kao)
[email protected]
"James D. Zelenka" 
[email protected] (John Stanley)
[email protected] (StarWatcher)
Major Matt Mason 
Andrew Gigerich 
[email protected] (Kenneth Jamieson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bill Brooks)
"Windsor A. Morgan" 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jun Kim)
[email protected] (MEGAZONE 23)
[email protected] (David Marshall - Paramax)
Michael Bryan 
Michael Bryan 
Kang Sun 
[email protected] (Andrew F. Hampe)
[email protected] (Francis A. Uy)
Hiroshi Haga 
[email protected] (T.C.Weaver)
Eric Anderson 
Robert Oyung 
[email protected] (Barry Lieberman)
[email protected] (Patrick Tantraphol)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Michael S. Johnson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Brian Kenney)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Elvis Presley)
[email protected] (John Henders)
[email protected]
Romeo Pulido Asuncion 
[email protected] (Hot Wire)
[email protected] (Don-on Daniel Mak)
[email protected] (Wayne H. Yin)
[email protected] (Wayne H.Yin)
[email protected] (Wayne H.Yin)
[email protected] (John McGortey)
[email protected]
TOny M 
Roland Kaltefleiter 
[email protected] ((Mike Packard, JHU/APL, 301-953-5000 x3516))
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dave V. Schaller)
[email protected] (Stephen Lee)
[email protected] (Christopher Ward)
[email protected] (Ataru + Kyosuke = Rich 'The Rad Man' Anderson)
[email protected] (sound formed in a vacuum)
John=Kennedy%Prj=Eng%[email protected]
Ridley McIntyre 
Tom Scott 
[email protected] (Ho)
[email protected] (Jueychong Ong)
[email protected] (Ruth White)
"Martyn J. Wheeler" 
[email protected] (Alex Matulich)
[email protected] (Winston L. Sorfleet)
[email protected]
Thomas Wang 
[email protected] (Lauren M. Schalders)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ethan G. Wilson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bach Frederic)
Stannon Yen 
cjudd%[email protected] (Craig Thomas Judd)
[email protected] (David Escamilla)
[email protected] (Danielle M. Scott)
[email protected] (NISHINO-Kazuyuki)
[email protected] (Ryan Mathews)
Carl Chun 
Pat Hirayama 
[email protected] (Chris Payne       393-xxxx G2542)
[email protected] (Mark Newton-John)
The Pierrot 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Yoneda Kiyoshi)
[email protected] (J. Wishbone)
[email protected] (Chris Troth)
[email protected] (Kristy Patterson)
[email protected] (Fred Hulsey)
[email protected] (John Klopf)
Aggelikh Karagounaki 403 
[email protected] (Chris Lasell)
[email protected] (NECI)
Maxime Taksar 
[email protected] (Crusher Joe)
John Charles Fiala 
[email protected]

From [email protected] Mon May 18 14:52:27 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2358 news.groups:51173 alt.manga:1814 rec.arts.anime:32887 rec.arts.comics:74840 soc.culture.japan:15203 soc.culture.taiwan:25585 soc.culture.hongkong:22412 soc.culture.asean:10696 soc.culture.thai:2140 fj.rec.comics:4778 rec.arts.misc:1549
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.manga,rec.arts.anime,rec.arts.comics,soc.culture.japan,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.thai,fj.rec.comics,rec.arts.misc
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sheng-Te Tsao)
Subject: 3rd CFV and VOTE ACK:  rec.arts.manga
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: Cornell University, Ithaca NY
Date: Mon, 18 May 1992 18:20:20 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 847

This is a CALL FOR VOTES on the proposal to create
REC.ARTS.MANGA, a newsgroup for the discussion of manga, a term
used to denote the popular art and its artstyle that is derived
originally from Japanese graphic novels.

To cast a vote, either for the creation or against the creation,
send an e-mail to: [email protected]

The voting period begins immediately, and will end on May 23,
1992 at 23:59 Pacific Daylight Time.

Votes must be explicit; they should contain the lines :

      "YES to RAM" or "I vote for rec.arts.manga as proposed"

      "NO  to RAM" or "I vote against rec.arts.manga as proposed" 

in either the subject or the body of your e-mail.  You don't have
to use these exact words, but your statement must be UNAMBIGUOUS

There can be only one valid vote per person.  If anyone casts
more than one vote, only the most recent vote will be counted.

No votes should be posted to the NEWS.  Only votes sent to
[email protected] will be counted.  Only mass
acknowledgements will be posted to the net.

To pass, rec.arts.manga needs a 2/3 majority AND 100 more "yes"
votes than "no" votes.

FINAL NOTE : hereafter any discussion about the newsgroup
creation should be stopped as the voting has started


        Discussion about manga, a term used to denote the popular
        art and its artstyle that is derived originally and
        primarily from Japanese graphic novels, and any comics or
        art (from any country) with strong manga influence.
        (most notably manga from Taiwan and Hongkong, which is
        known as ManHwa in Chinese,)

        This newsgroup will provide a forum for discussion
        related to manga, the Japanese storytelling art form,
        plus comics and other arts with strong manga influences.

        The topics that are to appear in this newsgroup may include:
         - information on how and where to get manga material
         - reviews of manga
         - discussion about the artstyle, stories, and history of
         - fan translation of manga stories
         - discussion of manga-related products
         - reporting and discussion of any news about manga.
         - discussion about how to do manga
         - social/philosophical implications and impact of manga
         - manga art in society : commercial packaging,
           advertisements, etc
         - the influence of manga to other art forms


        Manga have always had a huge influence in Japan. In fact,
one might say that manga has become an integral part of Japanese
life and Japanese culture. This artform has already, to a varying
extent, influenced manga related comics and popular art in
neighboring countries.  Increasing numbers of people in the
Western world are discovering the appeal of this artform because
of its advanced and distinctive art style, format and
presentation techniques.  Readers also benefit from the
increasing popularity of anime (Japanese animation, which is
significantly related to manga) and its well-established fandom,
and more recently, the effort by some Western comics publishers
to publish translated manga stories, which aims at introducing
manga to Western readers (although admittedly the quantity and
coverage is rather limited)

        This newsgroup intends to provide a forum for manga
enthusiasts to discuss manga, as well as to provide a medium to
introduce this influential artform which is still relatively new
to regions outside the Far East area.

        A newsgroup, alt.manga, has been running for a few months
now.  The group has been growing since its creation, and is now
receiving dozens of messages daily.  However, many people are
unsatisfied by its low propagation, and there is a strong desire
to create a formal Usenet newgroup to replace it.  Alt.manga will
be rmgrouped after the creation of rec.arts.manga.

        The "alt.manga" mailing list, which currently channels
alt.manga posts to non-USENET users, will be renamed "MANGA-L"
and shifted to rec.arts.manga after its creation.


Here is the latest mass acknowledgement for the rec.arts.manga
voting.  I tried to eliminate duplicate and invalid votes (most
of them are from people who were asking about the vote rather
than actually voting) this time.  If you spot other duplicates in
the list please let me know. (Thanks!)

The list of people whose invalid or duplicate votes haven been
eliminated appears after the main list (as long as your name
appears in the main list, then your latest vote had been counted)

If you voted but can't find your name in the list, please send me
an e-mail at "[email protected]" and vote again.  I
will personally acknowledge your vote this time.

Thank you for participating in the vote.


A1 gerard pinzone  (ee)
A1 tak cheung ip  (cs)
[email protected]
Adina Adler 
Aggelikh Karagounaki 403 
Alan P Barrett 
Alan R Williams 
Albert Lam 
Alex Matulich 
Alexander Than Soe 
Alexander Weng Fong 
Amy Chan 
Anavel Gato 
Andrew David Weiland 
Andrew Gigerich 
Anthony Lau 
Antti Karttunen 
Arne Knudson 
Arthur Green 
B.J. 04-May-1992 1520" 
[email protected]
Ben Yoshino 
Benjamin Daniel Taylor 
Benjamin Rudd Schoenberg 
Bill Livingston 
Brian K. Y. Wong" 
Brian Vickers 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Cam Daly 
Carl Chun 
Carl Juta 
Chankyu Lee 
Chao Yueh Tien 
Charles Choi 
Charles Purwin, Systems, [email protected]" 
Chih-Ping Kuo 
Chris Hindall 
Chris Keane 
Christina Callihan 
Christopher Davis 
Christopher E Steele 
Clay Dresser 
Curtis Ling 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Eric Dittman)
Daeshik Kim 
Dan Crevier 
Dan Su 
[email protected]
Daniel AMP Carosone 
Dave Deitrich 
Dave Murphy 
David Bradley 
David Goldfarb 
David Goldsmith 
Dee-Ann Latona 867-8162 
Dr. Samuel Conway" 
Dsih-Chi Liu 
[email protected] (Duane Day)
[email protected] (Eric Bresie)
Ed Chiu  (E.C.)
[email protected] (Edward William Martini)
Elden Sheng Liu 
Elisabeth Riba 
Elmo and Louise 
Eric Anderson 
Eric the Fruit Bat 
Erik Lindsley 
[email protected]
Faisal Nameer Jawdat 
Floyd McWilliams 
Frank C. Chen" 
[email protected]
Garland Operator 7-G 
Gary Louie CIRT/CSOS 
[email protected]
George F DeLaMater 
Glenn Carnagey 
Gordon Engel 
Greg Franklin 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hank Harken 
Hannah Cox 
Hans de Graaff 
Harald Nordgard-Hansen 
Heather L Paladine 
Helen Trillian Rose 
Helge Hauglin 
Herman Sims 
Hiroshi Haga 
Hitoshi Doi 
Howard Rim 
Howard Tom <[email protected]>
Hua Zhong 
Hubert Bartels 
Ingo Wilken 
Izar Tarandach 
J Eric Townsend 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jack Bryans 
James Chiu 
James D. Zelenka" 
James E. Schaad" 
James J. Chen" 
James Klingler 
James Scurry (CSC) 
Jamie chi-yang Su 
Jason Tibbitts 
Jay Laefer 
Jay Maynard 
[email protected] (Jean-Philippe Guerard)
Jeff Koganuts Koga 
Jim Elliott 
Jim Horne 
Jim Lick 
John Caruso 
John Charles Fiala 
John Dennis 
John Greenwald 
John Grube 
John Hwang 
John Stanley 
John Yung 
John=Kennedy%Prj=Eng%[email protected]
Johnny T. K. Wong" 
Jon C. Slenk" 
Jon H. Leonard" 
[email protected]
Joseph G. Peng" 
Joseph Malcolm 
Judy Anderson 
[email protected] (Jun Kim)
K Hindall 
K R Maxson 
[email protected]
Kang Sun 
Kao Fang Piau (02-09) - (65)772-2781" 
Karthik P Sheka 
Kate Gregory 
Ken Olum 
Ken Small 
Kenichiro Tanaka 
Kenneth A Graves 
Kentaro Watanabe 
Larry Hiller <[email protected]>
Larry Smith 
Lawrence Mann 
Lazlo Nibble 
Leo, Sugiarno" 
Let Stalk Strine 
Loren J. Miller" 
Louis=P=Ries%DesSupEng%[email protected]
Luis Humberto Morin Vergara 
Lynne M. Reder" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Major Matt Mason 
Marijan Adam 
Mark A Nicol 
Mark Crispin 
Mark McConnell  (MacBear)
Marshall Wang 
Martyn J. Wheeler" 
Marvin Nakajima 
[email protected] (Masahiko Nishimura)
Matt Downer 
Matt Schmitt 
Matthew Clark 
Maxime Taksar 
Michael Bryan 
Michael Cohen 
Michael Duffy 
Michael Edward Treagy 
Michael K Leung 
Michael Keene 
Michael S. Schiffer" 
Michael Stoodt 
Michael Studte 
Michael Thompson 
Mike 'HK 93 HK G3 M-10 Glock17' Newsome 
Mike Meckler 
Mike O'Connor 
Mike Threepoint 
[email protected]
Mikko Lahti 
Miles Bader 
Mitchell E. Gold" 
Neil Asato 
News Administration/Rumor Bureau 
Ng Christopher 
Norman St. John Polevaulter" 
Not An Evil Tempter Being 
Otto Ilmari Kopra 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Pagniello Domenic 
Pat Hirayama 
Patrick Jason Soo Hoo 
Patrick T. Syck - Tec" 
Paul A. Estin" 
Peter Bruells 
Peter Li 
Peter Yamamoto 
Prince Nematocyst / Matt Davis 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (A Wind Called Amnesia)
Raymond Suke Flournoy 
Ric Dube 
Richard K. Suzuki" 
Richard L. Butler" 
Richard Paw 
Ridley McIntyre 
Rob Caplan 
Rob McMahon 
Robert Conticello 
Robert Oyung 
Robert Thompson 
Robert W. Spiker" 
Roland Kaltefleiter 
Romeo Pulido Asuncion 
Roy S. Rapoport" 
Ryo Shiroma 
[email protected]
SUZUKI Daisuke 
Sam H. Vaughan" 
Sami Koskinen 
Scott Draves 
Sean Or Dean 
Seow-Hiong Goh 
Sherman Chan 
Solveig Throndardottir 
Soshi Iba 
Stannon Yen 
[email protected] (StarWatcher)
Stephen Lee 
Stephen Potter 
Steve Jacquot 
Steven Feldman 
Student in Exile 
Stupendous Man 
Suicidal Maniac 
TOny M 
Ta-Wei Mou 
Terry Yeung 
The Lukester 
The Phantom of the Opera 
The Pierrot 
The Pierrot 
The Question 766-2815 
Thomas Wang 
Tim Dunn 
Tim Hagman  (lbs)
Tim Hagman  (lbs)
Todd E. Evert" 
Tom Callaghan 
Tom Fitzgerald 
Tom Limoncelli 
Tom West 
Tze-Yau Huang 
UEHARA Tetsu=TaLow 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Wai Chan 
Wayne B. Liu" 
Wayne Hudson 
When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." 
William Taylor 
Windsor A. Morgan" 
[email protected]
[email protected] (The Moonlight Kn\lght)
Yew L. Kung" 
Yuyo Chou 
[email protected] (Crusher Joe)
[email protected] (AKANE TENDOU)
[email protected] (Gary L. Olhava)
[email protected] (Peter Wong)
[email protected] (Agnes Lee Shan Shan)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alan Rollow - Alan's Home for Wayward Tumbleweeds.)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Albert Wong)
[email protected] (Glenn Lindamood)
[email protected] (Joe Keane)
[email protected] (Walter M. Amos)
[email protected] (David C. Tuttle)
[email protected] (Andre' Hut (Sch) UUCP Master)
andrew scott becker 
[email protected] (Andy Finkenstadt)
[email protected] (Ethan G. Wilson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Stephanie da Silva)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Arthur Ieumwananonthachai)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jan Isley)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Barry Brown)
[email protected] (James L. Brookes)
[email protected] (Jim Huang)
[email protected] (Chieh Chou)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alex Matulich)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dark Hacker)
[email protected] (Dominic Macika)
[email protected] (Ruth White)
[email protected] (Ryan Mathews)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Man F. Hui)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Brian TroxeLL)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bruce M. Hahne)
[email protected] (Benjamin Thomas Salzberg)
[email protected] (Jia Hu)
[email protected] (William Huang)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Cam Cavers)
[email protected] (Craig D. Rice)
[email protected] (Anthony G. Francis)
[email protected] (Steerpike)
[email protected] (Curtis Yarvin)
[email protected] (Chadwick Ngan)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Chip Rosenthal)
[email protected] (The Technicolour Throw-up)
[email protected] (Chris Troth)
[email protected] (Stephen Chung)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Carey Johnson)
cjudd%[email protected] (Craig Thomas Judd)
[email protected] (William Huang)
[email protected] (Gene Fornario)
[email protected] (Chris Lasell)
[email protected] (Cloyce.)
[email protected] (Tom Chen-Ming Lee)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kevin C Coram)
[email protected] (Wayne H.Yin)
[email protected] (Chris Payne       393-xxxx G2542)
[email protected] (Michael S. Johnson)
[email protected] (James Cook)
[email protected] (Heikki Rasim{ki)
[email protected] (sound formed in a vacuum)
[email protected] (Christopher Ward)
[email protected] (cheng-yang tan)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Don-on Daniel Mak)
[email protected] (David Milner)
[email protected] (David White)
[email protected]
[email protected] (David C Blume)
[email protected] (D. Chris Miller)
[email protected] (Dean Dierschow)
[email protected] (Robert Deloura)
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Marshall - Paramax)
[email protected] (Don Wakefield)
[email protected] (Danielle M. Scott)
[email protected] (Darren Stalder)
[email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.)
[email protected] (Edward Bertsch)
[email protected] (Earl A. Hubbell)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Maiko Covington)
[email protected] (Ed Ngai)
[email protected] (Eamon  )
[email protected] (Carlo Sgro)
[email protected] (Elvis Presley)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Erik N. Noble)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Moose-kun)
[email protected] (David Escamilla)
[email protected] (Jerome Euzenat)
[email protected] (Francis A. Uy)
[email protected] (George Fergus)
[email protected] (Fred Hulsey)
[email protected] (Frank Kaefer)
[email protected] (Dave Flowers)
[email protected] (Michael S Forbes)
[email protected] (Ted Formeza)
[email protected] (Andrew "AJ" Foxx)
[email protected] (Katie Fritz)
[email protected] (A Chun Li Man )
[email protected] (B. Gabriel Helou)
[email protected] (Ryan P. Gavigan)
[email protected] (Geoff Bronner)
[email protected] (Gary)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Scott Gosik)
[email protected] (Charles Gousha)
[email protected] (Gerard Pinzone)
gray%[email protected] (Lyle Gray)
[email protected] (Stephen Spencer)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Webb Roberts)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Hades)
[email protected] (Hossam A. El-Saie)
[email protected] (Andrew F. Hampe)
[email protected] (Noel Gamboa)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Harold Melanson)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Scott Horne)
[email protected] (Hot Wire)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ian Lance Taylor)
[email protected] (Captain Harlock)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jennifer A. Gagnon)
[email protected] (Jason Gallagher)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jim  Cowling)
[email protected] (J'Dietz)
[email protected] (Jeff Jonas)
[email protected]
[email protected] (John F. Bauer III)
[email protected] (John Fritz)
[email protected] (John Henders)
[email protected] (Jeff "Ashton" Hexter)
[email protected] (Tan Jin Ho)
[email protected] (John Klopf)
[email protected] (Jhemon Lee)
[email protected] (Jacob Lesgold)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Joseph Prisco (The Pope))
[email protected] (James Drew)
[email protected] (Jason R. Godlaski)
[email protected] (Saotome Ranma  )
[email protected] (Jin S. Choi)
[email protected] (Jeffrey C Spencer)
[email protected] (Jude George)
[email protected] (justin sullivan)
[email protected] (J. Wishbone)
[email protected] (JongWoo Park)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kaikee Wong)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kim DeVaughn)
[email protected] (Sean Kelly)
[email protected] (Brian Kenney)
[email protected] (James 'Kibo' Parry)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Hiroki Kimata)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Melvin Klassen)
[email protected] (Ken Lin)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tzan Tzu: Master of the Origami Fighting Fish)
[email protected] (Kristy Patterson)
[email protected] (The Traveller in Black)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Thomas VanNess Leavitt)
[email protected] (Lenny Lim Kiong Peng)
[email protected] (Leo Breebaart)
[email protected] (Lesfeena Lee)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark Linimon)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Lewis)
[email protected] (Lauren M. Schalders)
[email protected] (Benoy Koshy)
[email protected] (Kevin Lucas Lord)
[email protected] (Larry W. Virden, x2487)
[email protected] (Boris)
[email protected] (Marco Pontil 259243)
[email protected] (Marc San Soucie)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Marvin Tay Eng Sin)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mats Hultqvist)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Malcolm Austin)
[email protected] (Malcolm Mladenovic)
[email protected] (John McGortey)
[email protected]
[email protected] ( Mark Richard Dewis)
[email protected] (Michael D. Louie)
[email protected] (me91m47)
[email protected] (MEGAZONE 23)
[email protected] (Mephron)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark Newton-John)
[email protected] (matthew high)
michael%[email protected]
[email protected] (Michael Edwards)
[email protected] (Mike Batchelor)
[email protected] (Michael Minnotte)
[email protected] (Matt Kappel)
[email protected] (Michael P. Kao)
[email protected] (Mike Kim--Palindrome)
[email protected] (Pelvic Protrusion)
[email protected] (The Napoleon of Crime)
[email protected] ("Mr. Mike" Passaretti)
[email protected] (Little May)
[email protected] (Michael Turyn)
[email protected] (Michael J. Winston)
[email protected]
[email protected] (NECI)
[email protected]
[email protected] (NISHINO-Kazuyuki)
[email protected] (-s88397722-e.louie-ele-60-)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jueychong Ong)
[email protected] (Paul Ortega)
[email protected] ((Mike Packard, JHU/APL, 301-953-5000 x3516))
[email protected] (Mike Palmer)
[email protected] (Pang Swee Chee Daneel)
[email protected] (Paul Antoine)
[email protected] (Pablo Ishmael)
[email protected] (W. Paul Zola)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Starbuck)
[email protected] (Guy Perriere)
[email protected] (Peter da Silva)
[email protected] (david mou)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Pichette)
[email protected] (John Plate)
[email protected] (Thunderdrake)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Patrick Tantraphol)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ataru + Kyosuke = Rich 'The Rad Man' Anderson)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Richard Pieri/Stainless Steel Rat)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Michael Rawdon)
[email protected] (Ron Dippold)
[email protected] (Reginald Bradshaw)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Rick Fung)
[email protected] (Randall J. King)
[email protected] (Hal Robb)
[email protected] (Robert Adams)
[email protected]
[email protected] (R M Price)
[email protected] (r goldsmith)
[email protected] (R. P. White)
[email protected] (Richard Kulawiec)
[email protected] (Richard Kao)
[email protected] (S. Weber)
[email protected] (Darcy Brockbank)
[email protected] (C. David Remlars)
[email protected] (Kevin Lang)
[email protected] (Mike Arms)
[email protected] (Suncheol Gweon)
[email protected] (Dave V. Schaller)
[email protected] (mark schlatter)
[email protected] (Scott Huddleston)
[email protected] (Scott Henry)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steve Simmons)
[email protected] (Stephen Lee)
[email protected]"Jongwoo Park"
[email protected]
[email protected] (shimkevi)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Subrata Sircar)
[email protected] (Shawn Eric Sines)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steinn Sigurdsson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tsao)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Stan Friesen)
[email protected] (Yamashiki Tsuyoshi)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Glenn Singgalang Tarigan)
[email protected] (Tzu-Chiang Chung)
[email protected] (Thien Dinh)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tze-yau Huang)
[email protected] (Erik Horstkotte)
[email protected] (Tom Jaskiewicz)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tonghyun Kim)
[email protected] (Ted Koppel)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Khan)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bach Frederic)
[email protected] (Todd P. Whitesel)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tom Haapanen)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alex Howell)
[email protected] (Ragnarok)
[email protected] (Tony Pordon)
[email protected] (Scott Trent)
[email protected] (Kenneth Jamieson)
[email protected] (Real life?  Ha!)
[email protected] (Irfan Tusneem)
[email protected] (T.C.Weaver)
[email protected]
[email protected] (im)
[email protected] (uchima shinji        )
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jon Hughes)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Victor Chan)
[email protected] (Benjamin Wai)
[email protected] (David Wald)
[email protected]
[email protected] (William W. Arnold)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bill Brooks)
[email protected] (William C. Thompson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Warren Frey)
[email protected] (Bill Wheeler)
[email protected] (Wayne H. Yin)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Winston L. Sorfleet)
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
[email protected] (Christopher M. Conway)
[email protected] (Jason F Harvey )
[email protected] (Susan Yang)
[email protected] (Yoneda Kiyoshi)
[email protected] (Zeeshan Hasan)
[email protected] (Zoran Slanic)

The following is a list of people whose votes have been
eliminated (It could be a duplicate, in which case check to make
sure your name appears in the main list above) If you think that
your vote should not be deleted, please send me an e-mail at
"[email protected]" (I can check your old mail, but
it's probably easier to just vote again.)  I will personally
acknowledge your valid vote this time.

Michael J. Hennebry" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Duane Day)
Helen Trillian Rose 
[email protected]
James D. Zelenka" 
John Charles Fiala 
John Stanley 
Joseph Malcolm 
Marijan Adam 
Marshall Wang 
Maxime Taksar 
Michael Bryan 
Raymond Suke Flournoy 
Tom Scott 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Marijan Adam)
[email protected] (Barry Lieberman)
[email protected] (Stephen Chung)
[email protected] (Wayne H.Yin)
[email protected] (James Cook)
[email protected] (cheng-yang tan)
[email protected] (Danielle M. Scott)
[email protected] (Darren Stalder)
[email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.)
[email protected]
[email protected] (In UNIX no one can hear you scream.)
[email protected] (John Henders)
[email protected] (Brian Kenney)
[email protected] (Cindy Ketterling)
[email protected] (Melvin Klassen)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jeff Meyer)
[email protected] (Paul Ortega)
[email protected] (Ho)
[email protected] (Ataru + Kyosuke = Rich 'The Rad Man' Anderson)
[email protected] (Richard Pieri/Stainless Steel Rat)
[email protected] (John Stanley)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Yamashiki Tsuyoshi)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Glenn Singgalang Tarigan)
[email protected] (Tze-yau Huang)
[email protected] (im)
[email protected]
  Tsao Sheng-Te  |  Cornell University  | "[email protected]"
 mailing address : Cornell University, Clark Hall 117, Ithaca NY 14853

From [email protected] Thu May 28 16:49:22 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2387 news.groups:51829 alt.manga:1884 rec.arts.anime:33433 rec.arts.comics:75415 soc.culture.japan:15380 soc.culture.taiwan:26156 soc.culture.hongkong:22728 soc.culture.asean:10802 soc.culture.thai:2425 fj.rec.comics:4857
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,alt.manga,rec.arts.anime,rec.arts.comics,soc.culture.japan,soc.culture.taiwan,soc.culture.hongkong,soc.culture.asean,soc.culture.thai,fj.rec.comics
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Sheng-Te Tsao)
Subject: RESULT:  rec.arts.manga passed 513: 226
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Cornell University, Ithaca NY
Date: Thu, 28 May 1992 14:23:13 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 889

Here is the final result of the vote:

Number of YES votes : 513
Number of NO  votes : 226

Here are the votes :

YES VOTES (513 votes)

A1 gerard pinzone  (ee)
A1 tak cheung ip  (cs)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Acolyte of the CENSORED Ways 
Aggelikh Karagounaki 403 
Albert Lam 
Alex Matulich 
Alexander Than Soe 
Alexander Weng Fong 
Amy Chan 
Anavel Gato 
Andrew Gigerich 
Anthony Lau 
Antti Karttunen 
Arthur Green 
B.J. 04-May-1992 1520" 
Ben Yoshino 
Benjamin Daniel Taylor 
Benjamin Rudd Schoenberg 
Bill Livingston 
Brian Vickers 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Cam Daly 
Carl Chun 
Carl Juta 
Chankyu Lee 
Chao Yueh Tien 
Charles Choi 
Chian Chan 
Chih-Ping Kuo 
Chris Hindall 
Chris Keane 
Chris Siebenmann 
Christina Callihan 
Christopher E Steele 
Curtis Ling 
[email protected]
Daeshik Kim 
Dan Crevier 
Dan Su 
[email protected]
Daniel AMP Carosone 
Dave Deitrich 
David Goldsmith 
Debra Dunson 
Dee-Ann Latona 867-8162 
Dr. Samuel Conway" 
Dsih-Chi Liu 
[email protected] (Eric Bresie)
Ed Chiu  (E.C.)
[email protected] (Edward William Martini)
Elden Sheng Liu 
Eric Anderson 
Eric the Fruit Bat 
Erik Lindsley 
[email protected]
Faisal Nameer Jawdat 
Frank C. Chen" 
[email protected]
Garland Operator 7-G 
Gary Louie CIRT/CSOS 
[email protected]
George F DeLaMater 
Gerard Deckert 
Glenn Garber 
Gordon Engel 
Greg Franklin 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hank Harken 
Herman Sims 
Hiroko Mitsuhashi 
Hiroshi Haga 
Hitoshi Doi 
Howard Rim 
Howard Tom <[email protected]>
Hua Zhong 
Hubert Bartels 
Ingo Wilken 
Irina I Stojanovic 
Izar Tarandach 
[email protected]
[email protected]
James Chiu 
James Davis Nicoll 
James E. Schaad" 
James J. Chen" 
James Klingler 
James Scurry (CSC) 
Jamie chi-yang Su 
Jason Tibbitts 
[email protected] (Jean-Philippe Guerard)
Jeff Koganuts Koga 
Jeff Siegel <[email protected]>
Jim Elliott 
Jim Lick 
John Charles Fiala 
John Dennis 
John Greenwald 
John Grube 
John Hwang 
John Tze-Chang Wu 
John Yung 
John=Kennedy%Prj=Eng%[email protected]
Johnny T. K. Wong" 
Jon C. Slenk" 
Jon H. Leonard" 
Joseph G. Peng" 
Joseph Malcolm 
[email protected] (Jun Kim)
K Hindall 
K R Maxson 
[email protected]
Kang Sun 
Kao Fang Piau (02-09) - (65)772-2781" 
Ken Small 
Kenichiro Tanaka 
Kentaro Watanabe 
Kwan Alan Shiu Ho 
Larry Hiller <[email protected]>
Larry Mann 
Lawrence Mann 
Leo, Sugiarno" 
Let Stalk Strine 
Life is just a candle, and the dream must give it flame." 
Louis=P=Ries%DesSupEng%[email protected]
Luis Humberto Morin Vergara 
Lynne M. Reder" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Major Matt Mason 
Mark Crispin 
Mark McConnell  (MacBear)
Marshall Wang 
Martyn J. Wheeler" 
Marvin Nakajima 
[email protected] (Masahiko Nishimura)
Matt Downer 
Matt Schmitt 
Matthew Clark 
Michael Duffy 
Michael Edward Treagy 
Michael J. Hennebry" 
Michael K Leung 
Michael Keene 
Michael Stoodt 
Michael Studte 
Michael Thompson 
Mike 'HK 93 HK G3 M-10 Glock17' Newsome 
Mike O'Connor 
Mike Threepoint 
[email protected]
Mikko Lahti 
Miles Bader 
Miloje Makivic 
Neil Asato 
Ng Christopher 
Norman St. John Polevaulter" 
Not An Evil Tempter Being 
Otto Ilmari Kopra 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Pagniello Domenic 
Pat Hirayama 
Patrick Jason Soo Hoo 
Peter Bruells 
Peter Li 
Peter Yamamoto 
Prince Nematocyst / Matt Davis 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (A Wind Called Amnesia)
Raymond Tang 
Ric Dube 
Richard K. Suzuki" 
Richard Paw 
Robert Conticello 
Robert Oyung 
Robert Thompson 
Romeo Pulido Asuncion 
Ryo Shiroma 
[email protected]
SUZUKI Daisuke 
Sam H. Vaughan" 
Scott Draves 
Sean Or Dean 
Seow-Hiong Goh 
Sherman Chan 
Solveig Throndardottir 
Soshi Iba 
Stannon Yen 
Steven Feldman 
Suicidal Maniac 
T.Yamaki/OSEC/EIC/DS " 
TAP%[email protected]
TOny M 
Ta-Wei Mou 
Terry Yeung 
The Lukester 
The Phantom of the Opera 
The Question 766-2815 
Theodore Leonard Tsai 
Thomas Wang 
Tim Dunn 
Tim Hagman  (lbs)
Todd E. Evert" 
Tom Callaghan 
Tom Limoncelli 
Tom Scott 
UEHARA Tetsu=TaLow 
UEL002R1A%[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Wai Chan 
Wayne B. Liu" 
Wayne Hudson 
When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." 
William Cheng Ouyang 
[email protected]
[email protected] (The Moonlight Kn\lght)
Yuyo Chou 
[email protected] (Crusher Joe)
[email protected] (AKANE TENDOU)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Gary L. Olhava)
[email protected] (Peter Wong)
[email protected] (Agnes Lee Shan Shan)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Albert Wong)
[email protected] (Glenn Lindamood)
[email protected] (Walter M. Amos)
andrew scott becker 
[email protected] (Ethan G. Wilson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Eric William Paslick)
[email protected] (Mr A. Staude)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Barry Lieberman)
[email protected] (James L. Brookes)
[email protected] (Jim Huang)
[email protected] (Larry Greenfield)
[email protected] (Chieh Chou)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alex Matulich)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dark Hacker)
[email protected] (Ruth White)
[email protected] (Ryan Mathews)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Man F. Hui)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bruce M. Hahne)
[email protected] (Benjamin Thomas Salzberg)
[email protected] (Jia Hu)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Cam Cavers)
[email protected] (Craig D. Rice)
[email protected] (Anthony G. Francis)
[email protected] (Steerpike)
[email protected] (Chadwick Ngan)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Warren Chuen-Hing Cheung)
[email protected] (Cho Hui)
christopher williams 
[email protected] (Stephen Chung)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Carey Johnson)
cjudd%[email protected] (Craig Thomas Judd)
[email protected] (Christopher Lambert - MME)
[email protected] (William Huang)
[email protected] (Gene Fornario)
[email protected] (Cloyce.)
[email protected] (Tom Chen-Ming Lee)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kevin C Coram)
[email protected] (Travis Prebble)
[email protected] (Michael S. Johnson)
[email protected] (James Cook)
[email protected] (Heikki Rasim{ki)
[email protected] (sound formed in a vacuum)
[email protected] (cheng-yang tan)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Don-on Daniel Mak)
[email protected] (David Milner)
[email protected] (David C Blume)
[email protected] (D. Chris Miller)
[email protected] (Robert Deloura)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Don Wakefield)
[email protected] (Danielle M. Scott)
[email protected] (Darren Stalder)
[email protected] (Earl A. Hubbell)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Maiko Covington)
[email protected] (Ed Ngai)
[email protected] (Eamon  )
[email protected] (Elvis Presley)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Erik N. Noble)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Eric Tang)
[email protected] (Moose-kun)
[email protected] (David Escamilla)
[email protected] (Jerome Euzenat)
[email protected] (Francis H Chin)
[email protected] (George Fergus)
[email protected] (Frank Kaefer)
[email protected] (Dave Flowers)
[email protected] (Ted Formeza)
[email protected] (A Chun Li Man )
[email protected] (Ryan P. Gavigan)
[email protected] (Gary)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Charles Gousha)
[email protected] (Gerard Pinzone)
gray%[email protected] (Lyle Gray)
[email protected] (Stephen Spencer)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Christoffer Mikael Trossen)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andrew F. Hampe)
[email protected] (Noel Gamboa)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Harold Melanson)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Hot Wire)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Captain Harlock)
[email protected] (Ilya Farber)
[email protected] (Jason Gallagher)
[email protected]
[email protected] (J'Dietz)
[email protected] (Jeff Jonas)
[email protected] (John F. Bauer III)
[email protected] (John Fritz)
[email protected] (Jeff "Ashton" Hexter)
[email protected] (Tan Jin Ho)
[email protected] (Jhemon Lee)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Joseph Prisco (The Pope))
[email protected] (Saotome Ranma  )
[email protected] (Jin S. Choi)
[email protected] (Jude George)
[email protected] (justin sullivan)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kaikee Wong)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sean Kelly)
[email protected] (Cindy Ketterling)
[email protected] (James 'Kibo' Parry)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Hiroki Kimata)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ken Lin)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (The Traveller in Black)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Thomas VanNess Leavitt)
[email protected] (Lenny Lim Kiong Peng)
[email protected] (Lesfeena Lee)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Benoy Koshy)
[email protected] (Marco Pontil 259243)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Marvin Tay Eng Sin)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mats Hultqvist)
[email protected]
[email protected] (John McGortey)
[email protected]
[email protected] ( Mark Richard Dewis)
[email protected] (Michael D. Louie)
[email protected] (me91m47)
[email protected] (MEGAZONE 23)
[email protected] (Mephron)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark Newton-John)
[email protected] (Michael Edwards)
[email protected] (Michael P. Kao)
[email protected] (Mike Kim--Palindrome)
[email protected] (Pelvic Protrusion)
[email protected] (Little May)
[email protected] (Michael Turyn)
[email protected] (Michael J. Winston)
[email protected]
[email protected] (NISHINO-Kazuyuki)
[email protected] (-s88397722-e.louie-ele-60-)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jueychong Ong)
[email protected] (Paul Ortega)
[email protected] ((Mike Packard, JHU/APL, 301-953-5000 x3516))
[email protected] (Pang Swee Chee Daneel)
[email protected] (Paul Antoine)
[email protected] (Pablo Ishmael)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Starbuck)
[email protected] (Guy Perriere)
[email protected] (david mou)
[email protected] (Pichette)
[email protected] (Thunderdrake)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Patrick Tantraphol)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ataru + Kyosuke = Rich 'The Rad Man' Anderson)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Richard Pieri/Stainless Steel Rat)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ron Carter)
[email protected] (Fahey group)
[email protected]
[email protected]
rich%[email protected] (Richard Hempsey)
[email protected] (Rick Fung)
[email protected] (Randall J. King)
[email protected] (Hal Robb)
[email protected] (Robert Adams)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Richard Kao)
[email protected] (Gian_Uberto Lauri 228495)
[email protected] (Darcy Brockbank)
[email protected] (Scott Henry)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Stephen Lee)
[email protected]"Jongwoo Park"
[email protected]
[email protected] (shimkevi)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steve Mah)
[email protected] (Shawn Eric Sines)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tsao)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Iczer1/Madoka       )
[email protected] (Yamashiki Tsuyoshi)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Glenn Singgalang Tarigan)
[email protected] (Tzu-Chiang Chung)
[email protected] (Thien Dinh)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tze-yau Huang)
[email protected] (Tonghyun Kim)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Todd P. Whitesel)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Alex Howell)
[email protected] (Tony Pordon)
[email protected] (Scott Trent)
[email protected] (Real life?  Ha!)
[email protected] (Irfan Tusneem)
[email protected] (Cynthia Ma)
[email protected] (im)
[email protected] (Ying-jie Chen)
[email protected] (uchima shinji        )
[email protected] (Jon Hughes)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Victor Chan)
[email protected] (Benjamin Wai)
[email protected]
[email protected] (William W. Arnold)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bill Brooks)
[email protected] (Warren Frey)
[email protected] (Wayne H. Yin)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jason F Harvey )
[email protected] (Susan Yang)
[email protected] (Yoneda Kiyoshi)
[email protected] (Zeeshan Hasan)
[email protected] (Zoran Slanic)


NO VOTES  (226 votes)

Adina Adler 
Alan P Barrett 
Alan R Williams 
Andrew David Weiland 
Arne Knudson 
[email protected]
Brian K. Y. Wong" 
[email protected] (Catherine Day)
Charles Purwin, Systems, [email protected]" 
Christopher Davis 
Clay Dresser 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Eric Dittman)
Dave Murphy 
David Bradley 
David Goldfarb 
[email protected] (Duane Day)
Elisabeth Riba 
Elmo and Louise 
Floyd McWilliams 
Glenn Carnagey 
Hannah Cox 
Hans de Graaff 
Harald Nordgard-Hansen 
Heather L Paladine 
Helen Trillian Rose 
Helge Hauglin 
Ian Crorie 
J Eric Townsend 
[email protected]
Jack Bryans 
James D. Zelenka" 
Jay Laefer 
Jay Maynard 
Jim Horne 
John Caruso 
John Stanley 
[email protected]
Judy Anderson 
Karthik P Sheka 
Kate Gregory 
Kelly Derek Deyoe 
Ken Olum 
Kenneth A Graves 
Kenneth Herron 
Larry Smith 
Lazlo Nibble 
Leonard N. Zubkoff" 
Lord Yak Da Hairy 
Loren J. Miller" 
Marijan Adam 
Mario Rodriguez F." 
Mark A Nicol 
Maxime Taksar 
Michael Bryan 
Michael Cohen 
Michael S. Schiffer" 
Mike Meckler 
Mitchell E. Gold" 
News Administration/Rumor Bureau 
Patrick T. Syck - Tec" 
Paul A. Estin" 
Raymond Suke Flournoy 
Richard L. Butler" 
Ridley McIntyre 
Rob Caplan 
Rob McMahon 
Robert W. Spiker" 
Roland Kaltefleiter 
Roy S. Rapoport" 
Sameer Ladera 
Sami Koskinen 
Scott Goehring 
[email protected] (StarWatcher)
Stephen Potter 
Steve Jacquot 
Stu Labovitz 
Student in Exile 
Stupendous Man 
Sue Bartel 
Sven Heinicke 
The Pierrot 
Tom Fitzgerald 
Tom Peterson 
Tom West 
William Taylor 
Windsor A. Morgan" 
Yew L. Kung" 
[email protected] (Alan Rollow - Alan's Home for Wayward Tumbleweeds.)
[email protected] (Joe Keane)
[email protected] (David C. Tuttle)
[email protected] (Andre' Hut (Sch) UUCP Master)
[email protected] (Andy Finkenstadt)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Stephanie da Silva)
[email protected] (Arthur Ieumwananonthachai)
[email protected] (Jan Isley)
[email protected] (Ed Bailey)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Barry Brown)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bill McCormick)
[email protected] (Dominic Macika)
[email protected] (Brian TroxeLL)
[email protected] (Cerebus the Aardvark)
[email protected] (Craig Garnett)
[email protected] (Curtis Yarvin)
[email protected] (Chip Rosenthal)
[email protected] (The Technicolour Throw-up)
[email protected] (Chris Troth)
[email protected] (Chris Lasell)
[email protected] (Chris Payne       393-xxxx G2542)
[email protected] (Christopher Ward)
[email protected] (David White)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Dean Dierschow)
[email protected] (David Marshall - Paramax)
[email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.)
[email protected] (Edward Bertsch)
eeabeit@sandia (Edward E. Abeita)
[email protected] (Carlo Sgro)
[email protected] (Francis A. Uy)
[email protected] (Fred Hulsey)
[email protected] (Michael S Forbes)
[email protected] (Andrew "AJ" Foxx)
[email protected] (Katie Fritz)
[email protected] (B. Gabriel Helou)
[email protected] (Geoff Bronner)
[email protected] (Scott Gosik)
[email protected] (Webb Roberts)
[email protected] (Hades)
[email protected] (Hossam A. El-Saie)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Scott Horne)
[email protected] (Ian Lance Taylor)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jennifer A. Gagnon)
[email protected] (Jim  Cowling)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (John Henders)
[email protected] (John Klopf)
[email protected] (Jacob Lesgold)
[email protected] (James Drew)
[email protected] (Jason R. Godlaski)
[email protected] (Jeffrey C Spencer)
[email protected] (J. Wishbone)
[email protected] (Kim DeVaughn)
[email protected] (Brian Kenney)
[email protected] (Melvin Klassen)
[email protected] (Tzan Tzu: Master of the Origami Fighting Fish)
[email protected] (Kristy Patterson)
[email protected] (Leo Breebaart)
[email protected] (Mark Linimon)
[email protected] (Lewis)
[email protected] (Lauren M. Schalders)
[email protected] (Kevin Lucas Lord)
[email protected] (Larry W. Virden, x2487)
[email protected] (Boris)
[email protected] (Marc San Soucie)
[email protected] (Mark Sicignano)
[email protected] (Malcolm Austin)
[email protected] (Malcolm Mladenovic)
[email protected] (matthew high)
michael%[email protected]
[email protected] (Mike Batchelor)
[email protected] (Michael Minnotte)
[email protected] (Matt Kappel)
[email protected] (Jeff Meyer)
[email protected] ("Mr. Mike" Passaretti)
[email protected]
[email protected] (NECI)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mike Palmer)
[email protected] (W. Paul Zola)
[email protected] (Peter da Silva)
[email protected] (Patricia Evans)
[email protected]
[email protected] (John Plate)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Michael Rawdon)
[email protected] (Ron Dippold)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected]
[email protected] (R M Price)
[email protected] (r goldsmith)
[email protected] (R. P. White)
[email protected] (Richard Kulawiec)
[email protected] (Peter Braunius)
[email protected] (S. Weber)
[email protected] (C. David Remlars)
[email protected] (Kevin Lang)
[email protected] (Mike Arms)
[email protected] (Suncheol Gweon)
[email protected] (Dave V. Schaller)
[email protected] (mark schlatter)
[email protected] (Scott Huddleston)
[email protected] (Steve Simmons)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Subrata Sircar)
[email protected] (Steinn Sigurdsson)
[email protected] (Stan Friesen)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Erik Horstkotte)
[email protected] (Tom Jaskiewicz)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ted Koppel)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Khan)
[email protected] (Bach Frederic)
[email protected] (Tom Haapanen)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Ragnarok)
[email protected] (Kenneth Jamieson)
[email protected] (T.C.Weaver)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Wald)
[email protected] (William C. Thompson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Bill Wheeler)
[email protected] (Winston L. Sorfleet)
[email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
[email protected] (Christopher M. Conway)



(Mots of the invalid votes are from people who had question about
the vote, and most of the repeat votes are from people who voted
again due to the lateness of the first VOTE ACK)

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Duane Day)
Helen Trillian Rose 
[email protected]
James D. Zelenka" 
John Charles Fiala 
John Stanley 
Joseph Malcolm 
Marijan Adam 
Marijan Adam 
Marshall Wang 
Maxime Taksar 
Michael Bryan 
Michael Duffy 
[email protected]
Raymond Suke Flournoy 
Stephen Lee 
The Pierrot 
Tim Hagman  (lbs)
[email protected] (Marijan Adam)
[email protected] (Barry Lieberman)
[email protected] (Stephen Chung)
[email protected] (Gene Fornario)
[email protected] (Craig Garnett)
[email protected] (Wayne H.Yin)
[email protected] (James Cook)
[email protected] (cheng-yang tan)
[email protected] (Danielle M. Scott)
[email protected] (Darren Stalder)
[email protected] (Darren Stalder)
[email protected] (Ronald V. Dziuk Jr.)
[email protected]
[email protected] (In UNIX no one can hear you scream.)
[email protected] (John Henders)
[email protected] (James Drew)
[email protected] (Brian Kenney)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Melvin Klassen)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark Newton-John)
[email protected] (The Napoleon of Crime)
[email protected] (Paul Ortega)
[email protected] (Ho)
[email protected] (Ho)
[email protected] (Ataru + Kyosuke = Rich 'The Rad Man' Anderson)
[email protected] (Richard Pieri/Stainless Steel Rat)
[email protected] (Reginald Bradshaw)
[email protected] (Mike Arms)
[email protected] (Dave V. Schaller)
[email protected] (John Stanley)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Yamashiki Tsuyoshi)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Glenn Singgalang Tarigan)
[email protected] (Tze-yau Huang)
[email protected] (im)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tze-yau Huang)


There are also some cases in which the name of the voters are the
same but the address are different.  I've already sent out
e-mails to these people to verify whether they are the same
person or not.  Since I know people are anxious to know the
result, I didn't wait for their reply.  All these votes are
counted only once.

Wayne H. Yin   
Wayne H.Yin    
William Huang  
William Huang  
JongWoo Park   
JongWoo Park   


Finally, there is a large number of YES votes that came in the
last 2 days of the vote.  I've discarded these vote because:

1. Many of them contains the same subject and/or body such as

       Subject: One more YES vote to rec.arts.manga

       I vote YES to RAM.
       And death to Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx!
                     ^ somebody whose name is witheld.


       Subject: One more YES vote to rec.arts.manga

       One more YES vote to rec.arts.manga

2. All of them are short BITNET addresses.  For example:

      [email protected]
      [email protected]
      [email protected] ( Peter Pak )
      [email protected]
      [email protected]
      [email protected]
      [email protected] ( Luis Xavier Sagaon Cordoba )
      [email protected]
3. They all came at very close intervals. For example:

      21 May 1992  10:11 CST
      21 May 1992  10:13 CST
      21 May 1992  10:13 EDT
      21 May 1992  10:15 EST
      21 May 1992  10:18 GMT
      21 May 1992  10:19 GMT
      21 May 1992  10:19 GMT
  Tsao Sheng-Te  |  Cornell University  | "[email protected]"
 mailing address : Cornell University, Clark Hall 117, Ithaca NY 14853

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