From [email protected] Fri Nov 13 07:57:30 1992
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.dsp,,comp.soft-sys.khoros,comp.os.os2.apps,comp.os.msdos.apps,,comp.sys.apollo,comp.sys.dec
Path: uunet!uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Michael Maurer)
Subject: RFD: comp.soft-sys.matlab
Followup-To: news.groups
Approved: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: STAR Lab, Stanford University, California USA
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1992 10:15:23 GMT
Lines: 86
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2940 news.groups:60350 comp.dsp:4758 comp.soft-sys.khoros:2906 comp.os.os2.apps:8830 comp.os.msdos.apps:8745 comp.sys.apollo:14971 comp.sys.dec:13064

This is a formal Request for Discussion on the creation of a new newsgroup
called "comp.soft-sys.matlab" (not moderated).

This announcement is cross-posted to newsgroups whose readers may have
interest in the discussion about the new group; follow-up discussion will
take place in "news.groups". Suggestions, comments or problems may also be
emailed to me at .


  comp.soft-sys.matlab (not moderated)

  The newsgroup 'comp.soft-sys.matlab' would be a forum for discussing 
  issues related to the use of Matlab, the scientific calculation and
  visualization package from Mathworks, Inc.

  Discussion of Matlab questions currently has no single home.
  Recent discussion has appeared in newsgroups with widely
  varying charters, such as

  A single group will centralize discussion and target the intended
  audience of such posts more accurately.
  A Matlab mailing list already exists and is moderated by Mathworks
  (email to [email protected]).  Because of the slow
  turnaround of this list (about 4 months), it is unable to address the
  daily issues that interest Matlab users.  This unmoderated group will
  fill that void.  The group will be independent of this mailing list
  and will have no association with Mathworks, Inc.

  Appropriate discussion in the group will include both general
  Matlab issues and platform-specific questions, and discussion
  comparing Matlab to other systems.  Some examples:

  General Matlab issues
	Answers to novices' questions
	Exchange of public-domain Matlab source code
	Use of commercial toolboxes (advice, bugs, etc.)
	Implementation of numerical algorithms

  Platform-specific issues
	Graphical output
	Interface to external programs

  Comparison to other systems
	Mathematica, AVS, Khoros, etc.

  comp.soft-sys.matlab seems to be most appropriate.

  Matlab is used on many different architectures and thus doesn't
  fit in any one comp.sys.* hierarchy.  It is more than a programming
  language, so comp.lang.* is out; similarly it encompasses more
  than scientific visualization or numerical analysis, eliminating
  sci.math.num-analysis.* or*.

  The other comp.soft-sys.* groups share this breadth.

  As the new group will be for informal discussion and the quick
  exchange of ideas, no moderator will be necessary.    

  The proposed discussion period will be from November 13, 1992
  to December 7, 1992.
  Please post all discussion in news.groups.

  If a consensus is reached by the end of the discussion period,
  a CFV (Call for Votes) will be posted at that time. The voting
  period will last for 21 days.
Michael Maurer          [email protected]        (415) 723-1024

From [email protected] Wed Dec  9 08:56:03 1992
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Michael Maurer 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.dsp,,sci.engr,sci.engr.control,sci.math.num-analysis,comp.soft-sys.khoros,comp.os.os2.apps,comp.os.msdos.apps
Subject: CFV: comp.soft-sys.matlab
Followup-To: poster
Date: 8 Dec 1992 17:59:24 -0500
Organization: STAR Lab, Stanford University, California USA
Lines: 117
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3038 news.groups:62667 comp.dsp:4956 sci.engr:4172 sci.engr.control:356 sci.math.num-analysis:6403 comp.soft-sys.khoros:3062 comp.os.os2.apps:9692 comp.os.msdos.apps:8997

This is a formal Call For Vote on the creation of a new newsgroup
called "comp.soft-sys.matlab" (not moderated).

  The RFD for this group was originated by Michael Maurer
   and was posted in news.announce.newgroups
  on 13 November 1992.  Discussion in news.groups and via private email
  has been very favorable to creation of a Matlab group of some kind.
  Two major issues were raised:
	  1) the appropriate name of the newsgroup
	  2) whether the groups should be limited to MathWorks Matlab

  1) Consensus has it that 'comp.soft-sys.matlab' is the most appropriate
  name for the new group, despite some misgivings.

  2) Participants were about equally split whether to expand the
  proposed charter to include software packages similar to MathWorks
  Matlab or derived from the original public domain Matlab.  As a
  result, the charter has been slightly modified to welcome a moderate
  amount of such discussion.

  Finally, the voting period will be extended from the proposed 21 days
  to 30 days.

                            CALL FOR VOTES


STATUS: Unmoderated

RATIONALE: (discussed in RFD: see )

  The newsgroup 'comp.soft-sys.matlab' is a forum for discussing issues
  related to the use of Matlab, the scientific calculation and
  visualization package from MathWorks Inc.  This includes discussion of
  similar software packages which are also derived from the original
  public domain Matlab, such as Xmath from Integrated Systems Inc.

  Appropriate discussion in the group will include both general
  Matlab issues and platform-specific questions, and discussion
  comparing Matlab to other systems.  Some examples:

  General Matlab issues
	Answers to novices' questions, with an evolving FAQ
	Exchange of public-domain Matlab source code
	Use of commercial toolboxes (advice, bugs, etc.)
	Implementation of numerical algorithms

  Platform-specific issues
	Graphical output
	Interface to external programs

  Comparison to other systems
	MATRIXx/Xmath, and to a lesser extent Mathematica, AVS, Khoros, etc.

   All votes should be sent to
          [email protected] []

   "Yes" votes (in support of the formation of comp.soft-sys-matlab as 
   described) should contain a line of the form
       "I vote YES for the creation of comp.soft-sys.matlab."

   "No" votes (in opposition of the formation of comp.soft-sys-matlab as 
   described) should contain a line of the form
       "I vote NO for the creation of comp.soft-sys.matlab."

  Variations in subject line format and message body will be accepted 
  as long as the intent is clearly expressed.

  Voting Rules:

    - One vote per person. If you vote more than once, only the *last* of 
	those votes will count.  Therefore if you change your mind about
	the vote, you can send a new vote, which invalidates the old vote,
	as long as it is within the voting period.

    - Ambiguous votes will be invalidated.
	Ambiguous votes contain neither YES nor NO, or contain both,
	or are conditional, such as "I vote ... if ..."

    - Votes posted to any newsgroup will NOT be counted.

    - According to the USENET rules, in order for the new group to be created,
	at least 2/3 of the votes must be "YES", and there must be at least 100
	more "YES" votes than "NO" votes.

    - For more details on the voting rules being followed, refer to article
	 in news.announce.newgroups.
  Votes will be collected for a period beginning when this CFV is
  approved for publication in news.announce.newgroups and ending on
  Thursday January 7, 1993, at 23:59 GMT.  (If that period is less than
  21 days or more than 31 days, the voting period will be extended to a
  full 21 days or reduced to 31 days, respectively.)  Votes received
  after the expiration of the voting period will be discarded.

  You may change your vote at any time before the expiry of the voting
  period by simply submitting a new vote.  The last vote to be cast by
  any given individual before the end of the voting period will be
  counted; earlier votes cast by that individual will be discarded.

  Votes will be periodically acknowledged in news.announce.newgroups,
  without revealing how each person voted.  At the end of the voting
  period, a final acknowledgement will be made showing how all people
  voted.  If the group passes the vote and no serious objections are
  raised during a 5 day waiting period, the group will be created.
Michael Maurer          [email protected]        (415) 723-1024

From [email protected] Sun Dec 20 09:59:38 1992
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Michael Maurer 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.dsp,,sci.engr,sci.engr.control,sci.math.num-analysis
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.soft-sys.matlab
Followup-To: poster
Date: 18 Dec 1992 20:59:03 -0500
Organization: STAR Lab, Stanford University, California USA
Lines: 390
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3073 news.groups:63537 comp.dsp:5018 sci.engr:4212 sci.engr.control:376 sci.math.num-analysis:6538

This is the second Call For Votes on the creation of a new newsgroup
called "comp.soft-sys.matlab" (not moderated).  At the end of the CFV
is a Vote Acknowledgement.  Voting began on 8 December 1992 and ends
23:59 GMT 7 January 1993.

			   2nd CALL FOR VOTES



  Discussed in RFD: see .

  The newsgroup 'comp.soft-sys.matlab' is a forum for discussing issues
  related to the use of Matlab, the scientific calculation and
  visualization package from MathWorks Inc.  This includes discussion of
  similar software packages which are also derived from the original
  public domain Matlab, such as Xmath from Integrated Systems Inc.

  Appropriate discussion in the group will include both general
  Matlab issues and platform-specific questions, and discussion
  comparing Matlab to other systems.  Some examples:

  General Matlab issues
	Answers to novices' questions, with an evolving FAQ
	Exchange of public-domain Matlab source code
	Use of commercial toolboxes (advice, bugs, etc.)
	Implementation of numerical algorithms

  Platform-specific issues
	Graphical output
	Interface to external programs

  Comparison to other systems
	MATRIXx/Xmath, and to a lesser extent Mathematica, AVS, Khoros, etc.

   All votes should be sent to
          [email protected] []

   "Yes" votes (in support of the formation of comp.soft-sys-matlab as 
   described) should contain a line of the form:
       I vote YES for the creation of comp.soft-sys.matlab.

   "No" votes (in opposition of the formation of comp.soft-sys-matlab as 
   described) should contain a line of the form:
       I vote NO for the creation of comp.soft-sys.matlab.

  Variations in subject line format and message body will be accepted 
  as long as the intent is clearly expressed.

  Voting Rules:

    - One vote per person. If you vote more than once, only the *last* of 
	those votes will count.  Therefore if you change your mind about
	the vote, you can send a new vote, which invalidates the old vote,
	as long as it is within the voting period.

    - Ambiguous votes will be invalidated.
	Ambiguous votes contain neither YES nor NO, or contain both,
	or are conditional, such as "I vote ... if ..."

    - Votes posted to any newsgroup will NOT be counted.

    - According to the USENET rules, in order for the new group to be created,
	at least 2/3 of the votes must be "YES", and there must be at least 100
	more "YES" votes than "NO" votes.

    - For more details on the voting rules being followed, refer to article
	 in news.announce.newgroups.
  Votes will be collected for a period beginning when this CFV is
  approved for publication in news.announce.newgroups and ending on
  Thursday January 7, 1993, at 23:59 GMT.  Votes received after the
  expiry of the voting period will be discarded.

  You may change your vote at any time before the expiry of the voting
  period by simply submitting a new vote.  The last vote to be cast by
  any given individual before the end of the voting period will be
  counted; earlier votes cast by that individual will be discarded.

  Votes will be periodically acknowledged in news.announce.newgroups,
  without revealing how each person voted.  At the end of the voting
  period, a final acknowledgement will be made showing how all people
  voted.  If the group passes the vote and no serious objections are
  raised during a 5 day waiting period, the group will be created.

  The following votes had been received as of 9:00AM PST 17 December.
  Note that there are several name formats, so be sure to search the
  entire list.  If you voted several days before 17 December and do not
  find yourself in the list, simply vote again from the same email
  address.  As described above, your most recent vote invalidates all
  previous votes.

 ""[email protected]""  
 "(Luc Thevenaz)"                        
 "Andrew A. Anda"                                
 "Bo Eriksson"                        
 "Dave Weber"                              
 "Donald M. Frederick"                          
 "Eric J. Olson"                          
 "Harold Wareham(Todd)"                    
 "Jack W. Sharer 814 863-4116"                 
 "James E. Ferguson CSC Sydney, Australia.  10-Dec-1992 1650"  
 "John D. McCalpin"             
 "John R. Gilbert"                        
 "John S. Novak III"                
 "Leif J. Harcke"                     
 "M. J-P Giacometti"     
 "Robert W. Spiker"              
 "Shang-Hong Lai"                      
 "Shawn P. Legrand"                             
 "Stan Kerr"                                   
 "V. Phaniraj"                         
 "Wendy Foslien"                      
 "William Y. Lai"                               
   ( Michael G. Stoecker )                  
 Alan Thew                             
 Anders Holtsberg                           
 Andy Lipscomb                    
 Are Magnus Bruaset                              
 B.J.  10-Dec-1992 1401             
 [email protected] (Luke Brennan)                        
 Brian Fitzgerald                      
 Bruce Orchard                     
 Bruce Tenison                      
 [email protected]                                     
 Chad Fogg                                    
 Chris Gatenby                        
 Chris Roberts                     
 Christopher Mullins              
 Cleve Moler                                 
 [email protected]                                         
 Daniel Mueller                              
 Dave Fifield                           
 David Cole                                    
 David E. Goggin                             
 David Kershaw                    
 David Reid                                    
 David Roy                                     
 David Wood                                   
 Don Taylor                             
 [email protected] (Ron Graham)                          
 [email protected] (Ylitalo Erkki Hiomo8/4 p.50603357) 
 Eric Sack                                
 Erik Boman                              
 [email protected]                                          
 Gatot Soemarwoto                         
 George J. Woyansky                
 George Miminis                          
 Glenn Brown                       
 Greg Burley                                  
 Greg Stuart                                   
 [email protected]                                          
 Halmar Halide                         
 [email protected] (Harald H. Simonsen)              
 Herwig Behrends                 
 [email protected]                                  
 [email protected]                                    
 James Fee                                     
 Jeff Tang                                  
 Jeremy Ginger                                
 [email protected]                                            
 Jesus Eugenio Sanchez Pena       
 John Haakon Husoy                                   
 Jonathon Ralston                           
 KASSARJIAN STEVEN J                  
 [email protected] (H. E. Kourous, Disciple of Rayleigh) 
 Kathy Samworth                           
 Kees van der Wal                  
 Ken Forward                          
 Ken Keating                                
 Kenneth Alvin                           
 Kristinn Kristinsson                        
 L L Campbell                             
 Lara Stables                           
 Lasse Hakkinen                            
 Laurent Lemaitre                  
 Lee Swindlehurst                     
 Luis Miguel Silveira                       
 Malcolm Slaney                                
 Marc Moorcroft                           
 Mark Readman                   
 [email protected]                              
 Mats Gustafsson                           
 Michael Quinn         
 Michael Qvortrup                           
 Michael Sawyer                    
 Mikael Forsman                                  
 Myounggy  Noh                      
 [email protected]                                        
 Neil Viljoen                           
 Niklas Engsner                           
 Ommund Oegaard                              
 Ove Ewerlid                                
 Paul Fardy                                 
 Paul Palmer                               
 Paul Woodford                      
 Per Hogstedt                                   
 Philbert Bangayan                        
 [email protected]                                           
 Pino Porciello                       
 Prateek Dwivedi                        
 RAI  Ranjan                              
 ROUSSELET Bernard                            
 Reiner Lenz                                   
 Richard W Brankin                           
 Robert S Bear                            
 Sam H. Davis                            
 Sandeep Ahuja                           
 Scott Dorsey                       
 Scott Morgan                                  
 [email protected] (Scott French)                        
 Seppo Rantala                                    
 Sheena MacKenzie            
 Sriram  Srinivasan                
 Steinar Hveberg                              
 [email protected]                                      
 Strini Padayachee                     
 Sunny Au                           
 Svein B|e                                      
 Thomas Ernst                                  
 Tod B Bussert                     
 Torgeir Rusten                               
 Ulrich Kabatek  
 [email protected]                                         
 [email protected] (WSKDPL)                                 
 William Sawyer                         
 Xu Kedai                         
 Yaroh  Rozenbaum                  
 [email protected] (Ari Hamalainen)                            
 [email protected] (Andre Lehovich)                        
 [email protected] (Andrew Finkenstadt)               
 [email protected] (David Boles)                     
 [email protected] (Khaled Assaleh)                        
 [email protected]                                         
 [email protected] (Fred R. Beck)                               
 [email protected]                          
 [email protected] (Bertil Walde'n)                               
 [email protected]                                 
 [email protected] (Bo G|ransson)                             
 [email protected] (Brian Borchers)                        
 [email protected] (Steven Jay Breiner)            
 [email protected]                                       
 [email protected] (Brian Burtt)                           
 [email protected] (Tristram Scott)                 
 [email protected] (D. L. Mosher)                       
 [email protected] (Rob Carlin)                     
 [email protected] (donald abercrombie)                     
 [email protected]                                               
 [email protected] (Dan Coyne)                               
 [email protected]                                          
 [email protected] (David Royster)                         
 [email protected]                                 
 [email protected]                                              
 [email protected] (Eero Pajarre)                               
 [email protected]                                              
 [email protected] (Elke Krausse)                       
 [email protected]                                         
 [email protected]                                           
 [email protected]                                 
 [email protected]                                              
 [email protected] (Richard A. Fowell)                            
 [email protected] (George Cunningham)                           
 [email protected] (bastin gary 60293)                 
 [email protected] (Georges-E. Desrochers)                     
 [email protected]                                  
 [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)                    
 [email protected] (Goran Svensson)                               
 haupt@bsun11 (Werner Hauptmann)                                  
 [email protected] (Hans Chr. Loenstad)                              
 [email protected] (Henry Bland)                              
 [email protected] (ART HERKERT X2026 P6603)                    
 [email protected]                                 
 [email protected] (Bob Hofkin)                                 
 [email protected]                                                  
 [email protected] (James Paul LeBlanc)                  
 [email protected]                                  
 [email protected] (Jinghong CHEN)                      
 [email protected] (Keith Jeffrey)                          
 [email protected]                                            
 [email protected] (Jossy Sayir)                           
 [email protected] (Joe Campbell)                        
 [email protected]                                  
 [email protected]                                          
 [email protected]                                    
 [email protected] (Michel Kern)                                
 [email protected] (kevin chin)                            
 [email protected] (Kenneth Jacker)                      
 [email protected] (Carlos Kirjner)                       
 [email protected]                                          
 [email protected] (J.W. Ko)                                             
 [email protected] (Mike Koopman)                             
 [email protected] (Ravi Krishnamurthy)                 
 [email protected] (Lars Elde'n)                                  
 [email protected]                                          
 [email protected]    (Leonard Bohmann)                            
 [email protected] (Long Nguyen-Duc 8109)                 
 [email protected]                                             
 [email protected] (Magnus Hammerin)                             
 [email protected]                                       
 [email protected]                                            
 [email protected] (Michael Maurer)                    
 [email protected]                                              
 [email protected] (Michael C. Grant)                  
 [email protected] (Mark Cook)                       
 [email protected] (Mark E. Kotanchek)                           
 [email protected] (Martin White)                         
 [email protected] (Michael Todd)                           
 [email protected] (Matti Taskinen)                           
 [email protected] (Mark Thomson)                             
 [email protected]                                          
 [email protected]                              
 [email protected] (Ray Muzic)                                
 [email protected] (Devang Naik)                         
 [email protected] (Joel C Belog)                                
 [email protected] (Nikos P. Pitsianis)                        
 [email protected] (Nick Pomponio)                             
 [email protected] (Stephen Oh)                            
 [email protected]                                                  
 [email protected]                                                
 [email protected]                                        
 [email protected] (Bill Owens)                  
 [email protected]                                            
 [email protected] (Petri Koistinen)                           
 [email protected]                                                
 [email protected] (Dr. Matt Perry)                          
 [email protected] (Rick Perry)                           
 [email protected] (Peter L Petersen)                             
 [email protected] (Per Printz Madsen)                           
 [email protected] (Prashanth)                                   
 [email protected] (Murray Nesbitt)                         
 [email protected] (Giray Pultar)                       
 r b antonov                      
 [email protected]                                          
 [email protected] (bob gibbons)                             
 [email protected] (Robert Chann)                      
 [email protected] (Richard Pawlowicz)                         
 [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)                 
 [email protected] (Edward L. Riegelsberger)          
 [email protected] (Rolf Mueller)                            
 [email protected] (Roger L Miller)                    
 [email protected] (Rob Carriere)                         
 [email protected]                                                 
 rohr%[email protected] (Wolfgang Rohrmoser) 
 [email protected]                                                   
 [email protected] (Karl Hedegaard)                          
 [email protected] (Stephan Schell)                        
 [email protected] (Sean MARRETT)                            
 [email protected] (Sverre Holm)                                      
 [email protected]                                         
 [email protected] (Simon Leinen)                              
 [email protected]                                                    
 [email protected] (Kay Stephen F2A x7325 )                 
 [email protected]                                              
 [email protected] (S.S. Chung )                           
 [email protected] (Matthew Stein)                         
 [email protected]                                            
 [email protected] (Johanes Suhardjo)                      
 [email protected]                                        
 [email protected] (Micle M. Sushchih)                       
 [email protected] (Bill Swier)                                    
 [email protected] (Paul Szabo)                              
 [email protected] (Tim Ramsey)                                    
 [email protected] (Keith Teague)                   
 [email protected] (Timo Jokitalo)                             
 [email protected] (Torben Knudsen)                               
 [email protected]                                
 [email protected] (Ted Shannon)                       
 [email protected]                                          
 [email protected] (Xuefeng Leng)                           
 [email protected] (Zdenek Sekera)                              
 [email protected] (zoran siveski fac ee)                      
Michael Maurer          [email protected]        (415) 723-1024

From [email protected] Wed Jan 13 17:44:36 1993
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Michael Maurer 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.dsp,,sci.engr,sci.engr.control,sci.math.num-analysis
Subject: RESULT: comp.soft-sys.matlab passes 749:18
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 9 Jan 1993 13:29:16 -0500
Organization: STAR Lab, Stanford University, California USA
Lines: 789
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3104 news.groups:64123 comp.dsp:5142 sci.engr:4302 sci.engr.control:410 sci.math.num-analysis:6662

The voting period for comp.soft-sys.matlab ended at 1993 Jan 7 23:59
GMT, and 767 valid votes had been received by that time.

YES: 749
 NO:  18

The count passes both requirements for group creation:
1) at least twice as many YES as NO votes   749 > 2*18
2) at least 100 more YES than NO votes      749 > 100+18

The vote tally is below, NO votes first.  The list is sorted by mail
"From:" header, without regard to case.

NO Votes: 18
 NO    "Eric J. Olson"                          
 NO    "Robert W. Spiker"              
 NO    "Steven S Work"                      
 NO    [email protected] (Andre Lehovich)                        
 NO    Andy Lipscomb                    
 NO    [email protected] (David Boles)                     
 NO    Bernt Guldbrandtsen                   
 NO    [email protected] (D. L. Mosher)                       
 NO    Carl Orthlieb                          
 NO    [email protected]                                 
 NO    [email protected] (Bob Hofkin)                                 
 NO    Jesus Eugenio Sanchez Pena       
 NO    [email protected]    (Leonard Bohmann)                            
 NO    Marc Moorcroft                           
 NO    [email protected]                                               
 NO    [email protected] (Bill Owens)                  
 NO    [email protected] (Murray Nesbitt)                         
 NO    [email protected]                                      

YES Votes: 749
YES    ""[email protected]""  
YES    "(Jean-Marc Moret)"                         
YES    "(Jonathan CASTRO)"                       
YES    "(Luc Thevenaz)"                        
YES    "(Philippe Marmillod EPFL - CRPP ,1015 Lausanne CH)"  
YES    "(Richard Pitts EPFL CRPP 1015 Lausanne)"   
YES    "(Xavier Llobet)"                          
YES    "Andreas Oeggerli"                         
YES    "Andrew A. Anda"                                
YES    "Andy Y.A. Kuo"                           
YES    "Arthur Jutan"                        
YES    "Bo Eriksson"                        
YES    "Brian Rutt"                              
YES    "Carr SM (Steve) - Systems Design"  
YES    "croteau"                    
YES    "D.F.Griffiths"                            
YES    "Dave Weber"                              
YES    "Donald M. Frederick"                          
YES    "Donald W. Cooley"                             
YES    "Dr. Charles Rogers"                     
YES    "Dr. Grantham K.H. Pang"               
YES    "Erik G Strom"                           
YES    "Eugene Morelli"  
YES    "GINBOX::"Doug_Wilson-2141_EMail"" <"Doug_Wilson-2141_EMail"%[email protected]> 
YES    "Harold Wareham(Todd)"                    
YES    "Henry Wolkowicz"                   
YES    "I.   KHEIRALLAH"                        
YES    "J. DE FRUTOS"                                
YES    "J.C.T. Pool"                         
YES    "Jack Hunt"                             
YES    "Jack W. Sharer 814 863-4116"                 
YES    "James E. Ferguson CSC Sydney, Australia.  10-Dec-1992 1650"  
YES    "Jim Sebek: Injector: 451-C: X3164"  
YES    "John D. McCalpin"             
YES    "John Orcutt"                       
YES    "John R. Gilbert"                        
YES    "John S. Novak III"                
YES    "Leif J. Harcke"                     
YES    "M. J-P Giacometti"     
YES    "Neil Cunliffe"  
YES    "P. Mortensen OPS"                  
YES    "PATRICK KREJCIK"                               
YES    "Peter Alfeld"                             
YES    "Philip L. Smith"                           
YES    "Pierluigi Silvestrin (ESTEC/OPS)"  
YES    "Rex Shee"                                   
YES    "Schmidt Frank [elektrotechnik]"        
YES    "Shang-Hong Lai"                      
YES    "Shawn P. Legrand"                             
YES    "Stan Kerr"                                   
YES    "T.R.Hopkins"                                     
YES    "TEAS::ASNER"                    
YES    "V. Phaniraj"                         
YES    "Wendy Foslien"                      
YES    "William Y. Lai"                               
YES    (Kevin Goheen)                          
YES    (Paul Lant)                               
YES      ( Michael G. Stoecker )                  
YES    [email protected] (Abi Akanbi)                              
YES    [email protected] (Andrew Paice)                          
YES    afshari%[email protected]                            
YES    [email protected] (Ari Hamalainen)                            
YES    [email protected]                                         
YES    [email protected] (Ashok Krishnamurthy)                  
YES    Alan Richardson                         
YES    alan snchumitzky                             
YES    Alan Thew                             
YES    Alexandra Schmidt                       
YES    Alexandros Eleftheriadis                 
YES    Alexis Lau                             
YES    [email protected] (Alex Sauleung Lee)                        
YES    [email protected] (Michael Altarriba)                    
YES    [email protected] (Al Gottlieb)                         
YES    [email protected] (Andrew Tynan)                               
YES    [email protected] (Anatoli Iouditski)                   
YES    Anders Holtsberg                           
YES    Andrew Telford   (BHP Research Melbourne Laboratories)  
YES    [email protected] (Andrew Finkenstadt)               
YES    [email protected]                                     
YES    Anne-Marie Cnops                          
YES    Are Magnus Bruaset                              
YES    Arthur Sedgwick                              
YES    Arun Kashyap (IE)                    
YES    Asif Mohammed                                
YES    [email protected] (Khaled Assaleh)                        
YES    AVD Boogaart                            
YES    Avner Kaidar                               
YES    Axel Ruhe                                   
YES    [email protected] (Sevig Ayter)                                   
YES    [email protected]                                  
YES    B.J.  10-Dec-1992 1401             
YES    [email protected] (Mike Banach)                                    
YES    Baruch Pekelman                          
YES    [email protected]                                       
YES    [email protected] (Bryan Bullard)                         
YES    [email protected] (Brian Butler)                              
YES    [email protected]                                         
YES    [email protected] (Fred R. Beck)                               
YES    [email protected] (Bengt Hallinger)                              
YES    [email protected] (Richard Behrens)                             
YES    Benedikt Rosenau                    
YES    Bernard Imbert                          
YES    [email protected]                          
YES    [email protected] (Bertil Walde'n)                               
YES    [email protected] (Bruce E. Wilson, ECCR-PA, B95-A, X8886 ([email protected])) 
YES    Bill Thompson <[email protected]>                        
YES    [email protected] (Nathaniel Lee Bindoff)           
YES    [email protected]                                 
YES    Biswa Ranjan Patnaik                  
YES    Blair Zajac                        
YES    [email protected] (Bogdan Kosanovic)                      
YES    [email protected] (Bo G|ransson)                             
YES    [email protected] (Brian Borchers)                        
YES    [email protected] (Steven Jay Breiner)            
YES    [email protected] (Luke Brennan)                        
YES    [email protected] (Brett Murphy)                         
YES    Brian Fitzgerald                      
YES    Brian Marshall Sadler               
YES    [email protected] (Brian Wandell)                         
YES    [email protected] (Clark Briggs)                        
YES    Bruce Jackson                           
YES    Bruce Orchard                     
YES    Bruce Tenison                      
YES    [email protected] (Bruce Lowekamp)                         
YES    [email protected] (Bruce Hegge)                          
YES    [email protected]                                       
YES    [email protected] (Brian Burtt)                           
YES    [email protected] (Tristram Scott)                 
YES    [email protected] (Bill Busch)                               
YES    [email protected]                                     
YES    [email protected] (Rob Carlin)                     
YES    [email protected] (Dave  Caughey)                           
YES    Chad Fogg                                    
YES    Charles Collins              
YES    [email protected] (Stefano CHIAVERINI)               
YES    Chiu Feng Lin                               
YES    [email protected] (S. I. Chou)                                 
YES    Chris Gatenby                        
YES    Chris Jobling                     
YES    Chris Roberts                     
YES    Christopher Mullins              
YES    Chujen Lin                                  
YES    Cleve Moler                                 
YES    Cong Shiguo                          
YES    [email protected] (John Conroy)                        
YES    [email protected]                                       
YES    [email protected] (John A. Cristion)                   
YES    [email protected]                                            
YES    [email protected]                                                 
YES    [email protected]                                         
YES    D.S.C. Yap                                   
YES    [email protected]                                  
YES    [email protected] (donald abercrombie)                     
YES    [email protected] (Dr. Dale H. Mugler)               
YES    [email protected] (Dana Massie)                                       
YES    [email protected] (Dan Burnside)                         
YES    Daniel Drucker                        
YES    Daniel Mueller                              
YES    Daniel P. Giesy                       
YES    danton%[email protected] (Danton)                
YES    Dave Balkwill                               
YES    Dave Fifield                           
YES    [email protected]                                               
YES    David Cole                                    
YES    David E. Goggin                             
YES    David Kershaw                    
YES    David Reid                                    
YES    David Roy                                     
YES    David Wilson                      
YES    David Wood                                   
YES    [email protected] (Davin Yap)                           
YES    [email protected] (Ralph Deal)                                
YES    [email protected]                                               
YES    [email protected]                                   
YES    [email protected] (Ray Dees)                              
YES    Denis Matignon                          
YES    Dennis Akos                          
YES    [email protected] (juan e depena)                           
YES    [email protected] (Luiz A. De Rose)                           
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    [email protected] (Dan Coyne)                               
YES    Don Taylor                             
YES    Dr Peter Lee                                
YES    Dr W Tych                       
YES    Dr. J. A. Llewellyn (EC)                 
YES    [email protected]                                       
YES    [email protected] (Donald R. Fredkin)                          
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    [email protected] (David Royster)                         
YES    [email protected] (DEXIU SHI)                                   
YES    [email protected] (Daniel Sodickson)                       
YES    [email protected]                                 
YES    [email protected]                                              
YES    [email protected] (Edward Bertsch)                                     
YES    [email protected]                                
YES    [email protected] (Ron Graham)                          
YES    [email protected]                                        
YES    Eduard PPA Derks                              
YES    [email protected] (DR. OSCAR AU)                                
YES    [email protected] (Eero Pajarre)                               
YES    eghanem                              
YES    [email protected]                                              
YES    [email protected]                                        
YES    [email protected] (Elke Krausse)                       
YES    [email protected] (Eric LEWIN - IPGP Geochimie)                  
YES    [email protected]                                         
YES    [email protected]                                           
YES    EMMA%[email protected]                         
YES    [email protected] (Edmond Nadler)                           
YES    Eric Firing                            
YES    Eric Le Saux                           
YES    Eric Sack                                
YES    [email protected] (Eric Schwartz)                               
YES    Erik Boman                              
YES    Erik Wolff . Kjemiteknikk                   
YES    [email protected]                                              
YES    [email protected]                                            
YES    [email protected] (Ylitalo Erkki Hiomo8/4 p.50603357) 
YES    F Cho-yiu CHIK                          
YES    F.F. Yap                                      
YES    [email protected] (Hans Olsson)                                   
YES    [email protected] (Fang Zhong)                                   
YES    Farhad Saeidi                                  
YES    Farida Cheriet                         
YES    Fernando Alvarado                
YES    [email protected] (jeff fessler)                 
YES    [email protected] (Richard A. Fowell)                            
YES    fperi                                
YES    Francois Dufour                            
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    Freek Beekman                                   
YES    [email protected] (George Cunningham)                           
YES    [email protected] (Terrance J. Gaetz)                     
YES    [email protected] (Glenn Macala)                           
YES    Gareth Bray                            
YES    Gary E Lovstuen 486-6458         
YES    [email protected] (Gary P. Schneider, University of San Diego) 
YES    Gatot Soemarwoto                         
YES    [email protected] (bastin gary 60293)                 
YES    [email protected]                                                
YES    [email protected] (Georges-E. Desrochers)                     
YES    George J. Woyansky                
YES    George Miminis                          
YES    [email protected]                                  
YES    [email protected] (Neil Getz)                           
YES    [email protected] (Gregory G. Woodbury)                    
YES    [email protected]                                 
YES    Glenn Brown                       
YES    [email protected] (Wojciech Golik)                             
YES    [email protected] (Goran Svensson)                               
YES    [email protected] (Zbig Grabowski)                          
YES    Graeme Chandler                              
YES    [email protected] (Douglas Gray Stephens)                         
YES    Greg Burley                                  
YES    Greg Stuart                                   
YES    [email protected] (greg pettitt)                           
YES    [email protected]                                         
YES    [email protected] (Gunnar I. Baldvinsson)                         
YES    [email protected]                            
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    H.Hondorp                             
YES    Hai-Qing Lin                      
YES    [email protected]                                      
YES    Halmar Halide                         
YES    Han Cho                                
YES    [email protected] (Hans Graber)                         
YES    [email protected] (hansen fred r)                      
YES    [email protected] (Hanumant Singh)                            
YES    [email protected] (Harald H. Simonsen)              
YES    [email protected] (Wes Hardaker)                         
YES    haupt@bsun11 (Werner Hauptmann)                                  
YES    HCE41%[email protected]    
YES    [email protected] (Hans Chr. Loenstad)                              
YES    [email protected] (Brad  Hedstrom)                         
YES    [email protected] (Henry Bland)                              
YES    [email protected] (Bill Hensley)                             
YES    [email protected] (ART HERKERT X2026 P6603)                    
YES    Herwig Behrends                 
YES    [email protected] (Hans Hoelzer)                           
YES    [email protected]                                 
YES    [email protected] (Allen D. Hillery)                             
YES    [email protected] (Todd Holland)                         
YES    [email protected] (H.V. Sorensen)                          
YES    [email protected]                                  
YES    Ian Goh                               
YES    Ian MacPhedran                     
YES    In-Jerng Choe                    
YES    [email protected] (Inge S|derqvist)                      
YES    [email protected] (Ian Richard Petersen x8209)             
YES    [email protected] (Dr.Ian Young)                           
YES    [email protected]                                                  
YES    [email protected] (Leland Jackson)                             
YES    [email protected] (Jack Little)                          
YES    James Fee                                     
YES    James K. Bence                             
YES    James Whidborne             
YES    [email protected] (James Paul LeBlanc)                  
YES    [email protected]                                  
YES    [email protected] (JARI LINDHOLM)                
YES    [email protected] (Jerry Smith)                                   
YES    [email protected] (Jayanth N. Anantharaman)          
YES    [email protected]                                                
YES    [email protected] (Jon Howland)                                
YES    [email protected] (Jinghong CHEN)                      
YES    [email protected] (James C. Luby)                    
YES    [email protected] (J. David Brown)                       
YES    Jeff Tang                                  
YES    Jeff Wilkinson                
YES    [email protected] (Keith Jeffrey)                          
YES    [email protected]                                            
YES    Jeremy Ginger                                
YES    [email protected]                                            
YES    [email protected] (Joseph Hogan)                           
YES    Jim Weaver             
YES    [email protected]                                                  
YES    [email protected]                                               
YES    [email protected] (Jim Tung)                                
YES    Jingsong Li                                
YES    [email protected]                                            
YES    [email protected] (Jan Maciejowski)                              
YES    [email protected] (Joe Pahle)                              
YES    Johan Nilsson                              
YES    [email protected]                                    
YES    [email protected]                                         
YES    John DiMarco                                
YES    John Haakon Husoy                                   
YES    John Wilkin                             
YES    [email protected]                                        
YES    Jonathan Arazy    
YES    Jonathon Ralston                           
YES    Joseph Young                             
YES    [email protected] (Jossy Sayir)                           
YES    [email protected] (Joe Campbell)                        
YES    [email protected]                                  
YES    [email protected]                                                
YES    [email protected] (Jonathan T. Foote)                           
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    Julien Nicolas                          
YES    [email protected]                                    
YES    Julius Smith                              
YES    Jussi Rahola                                
YES    [email protected] (Joan Xie)                                   
YES    [email protected] (Kem Ahlers)                               
YES    [email protected] (Jari Kaipio)                                
YES    Kaj Wiik                                       
YES    Karl Henrik Johansson                      
YES    Karl Rudnick                             
YES    KASSARJIAN STEVEN J                  
YES    Kathy Samworth                           
YES    [email protected] (Kyung-Bai Lee)                      
YES    Kees van der Wal                  
YES    keith raterink 283-4133          
YES    Ken Forward                          
YES    Ken Jackson                                  
YES    Ken Keating                                
YES    Kenneth Alvin                           
YES    Kenneth E. Cooke                        
YES    Kenneth Holmstr|m                      
YES    Kent Doane 283-4151                 
YES    [email protected] (Michel Kern)                                
YES    Kerstin Gunnelin                      
YES    [email protected] (kevin chin)                            
YES    [email protected] (Kenneth Jacker)                      
YES    [email protected] (D. Kiefer)                            
YES    [email protected] (Carlos Kirjner)                       
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    [email protected]                                            
YES    [email protected] (Kim Law)                            
YES    [email protected] (J.W. Ko)                                             
YES    [email protected] (Mike Koopman)                             
YES    [email protected] (H. E. Kourous, Disciple of Rayleigh) 
YES    [email protected]                            
YES    Kris Stewart                            
YES    [email protected] (Ravi Krishnamurthy)                 
YES    Krishnan P Viswanath                       
YES    [email protected] (Krishnan P Viswanath)              
YES    Kristian=Helland%SYSTEM%[email protected]               
YES    Kristinn Kristinsson                        
YES    kurt klingbeil                             
YES    [email protected] (Kenneth W. Koput)               
YES    L L Campbell                             
YES    [email protected] (Lars Elde'n)                                  
YES    [email protected]                                                  
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    Lara Stables                           
YES    [email protected] (Larkin, Eric)                   
YES    Larry M. Turner                    
YES    Larry Weissman 5-2011          
YES    Lars Rundqwist                             
YES    [email protected] (Ty A. Lasky)                             
YES    Lasse Hakkinen                            
YES    [email protected] (Alan J. Laub)                         
YES    Laurent Lemaitre                  
YES    [email protected]                                
YES    Laxmi Prasad Musunur                         
YES    [email protected] (Jeffrey Layton)                          
YES    Lee Swindlehurst                     
YES    lei ming                                    
YES    Leslie Rosenfeld 408-647-3752                    
YES    Levent Guvenc                 
YES    [email protected]                                  
YES    [email protected]                         
YES    [email protected] (Richard M. Stanley) 
YES    [email protected] (lien)                             
YES    [email protected] (Long Nguyen-Duc 8109)                 
YES    [email protected] (Loren Shure)                          
YES    [email protected] (Ahmad Lotfia)                              
YES    [email protected] (Daniel_Lozier_x2706)                        
YES    [email protected] (Bradley Lucier)                          
YES    Luis Miguel Silveira                       
YES    M. A. Cutchins                             
YES    [email protected]                                                 
YES    [email protected]                                    
YES    [email protected]                                             
YES    [email protected] (Ashok R. Machcha)                         
YES    [email protected] (Matthias Ernst)                            
YES    [email protected] (Magnus Hammerin)                             
YES    Mahesan Niranjan                         
YES    [email protected] ()              
YES    Malcolm Slaney                                
YES    [email protected] (jim maneval)                        
YES    Marc Verreault                            
YES    [email protected] (Marc Ullman)                       
YES    [email protected] (marcus matthes)       
YES    Mark Hadfield                         
YES    Mark Readman                   
YES    Mark Strickland                      
YES    [email protected]                                       
YES    [email protected]                              
YES    Martin Beaudoin                 
YES    Massimo Sangalli                 
YES    [email protected]                                       
YES    Mats Frendahl                                
YES    Mats Gustafsson                           
YES    Mats Molander                           
YES    [email protected]                                            
YES    [email protected] (Michael Maurer)                    
YES    [email protected]                                              
YES    [email protected] (Malcolm Good)                         
YES    [email protected] (Michael C. Grant)                  
YES    [email protected] (Motion Control Lab)                            
YES    [email protected] (Mark Cook)                       
YES    [email protected] (Enrique A. Medina)                 
YES    [email protected] (Mark E. Kotanchek)                           
YES    [email protected]                                           
YES    [email protected] (Jean Meunier)                          
YES    [email protected] (Martin White)                         
YES    [email protected] (michael_hecht)                                      
YES    Michael C Comerford          
YES    Michael Craymer                          
YES    Michael Davidson                            
YES    Michael Gray                                  
YES    Michael Quinn         
YES    Michael Qvortrup                           
YES    Michael Sawyer                    
YES    Michael!               
YES    [email protected]                                             
YES    Miguel Oyarzun                                 
YES    Miguel Velez-Reyes                               
YES    Mikael Forsman                                  
YES    Mike Bacigalupi                             
YES    Mike Luntz                         
YES    [email protected] (Michael Kramer)                        
YES    [email protected] (Michael Todd)                           
YES    [email protected] (Davin Milun)                               
YES    Miroslaw Swiercz                           
YES    Mitch Tseng                                  
YES    [email protected]                                                   
YES    [email protected] (Matti Taskinen)                           
YES    [email protected] (Marinna Martini)                    
YES    [email protected] (Mark Thomson)                             
YES    [email protected]                                               
YES    MPEANGH%[email protected]                       
YES    Mr T Crummey (DIJ)                        
YES    [email protected]                                            
YES    [email protected] (Maciej Szymkat)                         
YES    [email protected]                               
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    Munho                               
YES    [email protected]                              
YES    [email protected] (Ray Muzic)                                
YES    [email protected] (Matt Wette)                             
YES    [email protected]                                             
YES    Myounggy  Noh                      
YES    [email protected] (Mehmet Zeytinoglu)                        
YES    [email protected]                                                 
YES    Nadarajah Sivaneswaran                 
YES    [email protected] (Devang Naik)                         
YES    Naren Kulkarni                              
YES    Neil Viljoen                           
YES    [email protected] (Joel C Belog)                                
YES    [email protected]                                        
YES    Nick Watkins                         
YES    [email protected] (Nihal I. Wijeyesekera  [email protected] ) 
YES    Niklas Engsner                           
YES    [email protected] (Nikos P. Pitsianis)                        
YES    [email protected] (Bob Walton)                                    
YES    [email protected] (Norm Lehtomaki)                                    
YES    [email protected] (Nick Pomponio)                             
YES    [email protected] (Nur Serinken)                              
YES    [email protected] (Stephen Oh)                            
YES    [email protected]                                                  
YES    Oliver Ernst                            
YES    omer yildiz                                
YES    Ommund Oegaard                              
YES    [email protected]                                           
YES    [email protected]                                             
YES    [email protected]                                                
YES    [email protected]                                        
YES    Ove Ewerlid                                
YES    [email protected]                                         
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    [email protected] ((Mike Packard, JHU/APL, 301-953-5000 x3516)) 
YES    [email protected] (Ravikanth Pappu)                      
YES    [email protected] (Dave Pascoe)                       
YES    [email protected] (W. Pasterkamp 5292)                    
YES    Patrick Daloze                          
YES    Patrick Gosling                              
YES    Paul Calamai                         
YES    Paul D Smith                           
YES    Paul Detmer                            
YES    Paul Fardy                                 
YES    Paul Fortier                              
YES    Paul Palmer                               
YES    Paul Woodford                      
YES    [email protected]                                            
YES    Pedro Lima                                     
YES    [email protected] (Petri Koistinen)                           
YES    Per Erik Mode'n                        
YES    Per Hogstedt                                   
YES    [email protected]                                       
YES    [email protected]                                                
YES    Perrin S Meyer                      
YES    [email protected] (Dr. Matt Perry)                          
YES    [email protected] (Rick Perry)                           
YES    Pete Klammer CU-Denver 303/233-9485  
YES    PETER TERWIESCH                
YES    [email protected]                                       
YES    Phil Morgan                             
YES    Philbert Bangayan                        
YES    [email protected]                                           
YES    [email protected] (Pablo A. Iglesias)                          
YES    Pickaxe                               
YES    [email protected] (Edward 512/331-3254 [email protected]) 
YES    Pino Porciello                       
YES    [email protected]                                    
YES    [email protected] (Pasi Karjalainen)                         
YES    [email protected]                                           
YES    [email protected] (Peter L Petersen)                             
YES    [email protected] (Paivio Pollari)                               
YES    [email protected] (Patrick Pinkowski)                 
YES    [email protected] (Per Printz Madsen)                           
YES    [email protected] (Prashanth)                                   
YES    Prateek Dwivedi                        
YES    [email protected] (Joseph Provine)                        
YES    [email protected] (Peter R. Shaw)                                
YES    [email protected] (Panagiotis Vlachopoulos)                
YES    [email protected] (Giray Pultar)                       
YES    r b antonov                      
YES    R.AGUIAR                                           
YES    [email protected]                                              
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    RAI  Ranjan                              
YES    Rajagopal Narayanan                    
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    Ramin Samadani                          
YES    [email protected] (Randy Moses)                        
YES    [email protected] (RANGA MALLUBHATLA)                          
YES    Raoul Herzog                                  
YES    [email protected] (bob gibbons)                             
YES    [email protected] (Robert Chann)                      
YES    [email protected] (Rui-Tao Dong ~{6-HpLN~})             
YES    Reimundo Deveza                          
YES    Reiner Lenz                                   
YES    RG CAMERON                                 
YES    [email protected] (Ronald C. Henry)                         
YES    [email protected] (Richard Pawlowicz)                         
YES    Richard Fanta                           
YES    Richard Roy                                  
YES    Richard W Brankin                           
YES    [email protected] (Richard H. Miller)                 
YES    [email protected] (Larry Riddle)                           
YES    [email protected] (Edward L. Riegelsberger)          
YES    [email protected] (Rolf Mueller)                            
YES    [email protected] (Roger Lilly)                           
YES    [email protected] (Roger L Miller)                    
YES    [email protected] (Richard Everson )                             
YES    Rob Corless                              
YES    [email protected] (Rob Carriere)                         
YES    [email protected] (Paul Robbins)                           
YES    Robert S Bear                            
YES    [email protected] (Randy Roberts)                  
YES    Robin Morris                                  
YES    [email protected] (Rocky Geyer)                               
YES    [email protected]                                                 
YES    rohr%[email protected] (Wolfgang Rohrmoser) 
YES    [email protected]                                     
YES    [email protected] (Operator)                            
YES    Ross Blauwkamp                             
YES    [email protected]                               
YES    [email protected] (Bret Rothenberg)                      
YES    ROUSSELET Bernard                            
YES    [email protected] (Roy Smith)                                     
YES    [email protected] (Richard P. Signell)                 
YES    Rudnei Dias da Cunha                              
YES    [email protected] (Sanjay Rungta)                            
YES    Russ McDuff                 
YES    [email protected] (Kevin Russo)                         
YES    [email protected]                                                   
YES    RWJ                                       
YES    [email protected]  (Ray Zimmerman) (Ray Zimmerman)                
YES    s.fararooy%[email protected]                        
YES    S.L.D. Ng                                    
YES    [email protected] (Anssi Saari)                                  
YES    [email protected] (Karl Hedegaard)                          
YES    [email protected] (Klaus H. Sorensen)                       
YES    [email protected] (Morten Lynge)                            
YES    Sam H. Davis                            
YES    Sandeep Ahuja                           
YES    Sangjoon Kim                     
YES    [email protected] (Stephan Schell)                        
YES    [email protected]                                  
YES    [email protected] (David John Schneider)                
YES    Scott Dorsey                       
YES    Scott Morgan                                  
YES    [email protected] (Scott French)                        
YES    [email protected] (susannah d. foltz)                    
YES    [email protected] (Steven D. Ims)                      
YES    [email protected] (Sean MARRETT)                            
YES    Seppo Rantala                                    
YES    [email protected]                                             
YES    [email protected] (Sverre Holm)                                      
YES    shay                                    
YES    Sheena MacKenzie            
YES    [email protected]                                      
YES    Sherm Riemenschneider             
YES    [email protected]                                         
YES    [email protected] (Simon Leinen)                              
YES    Siva Misra                         
YES    [email protected]                                                    
YES    [email protected] (Kay Stephen F2A x7325 )                 
YES    [email protected] (Joe SLater)                              
YES    [email protected]                                       
YES    [email protected]  (Sandeep Dalal)                         
YES    [email protected]                                              
YES    [email protected] (Srinivasan K.)                       
YES    [email protected] (Srinivas Palavajjhala)                   
YES    Sriram  Srinivasan                
YES    Sriraman Dakshinamurthy           
YES    Srivatsan                             
YES    [email protected] (S.S. Chung )                           
YES    Stan Bischof                            
YES    [email protected] (Matthew Stein)                         
YES    Steinar Hveberg                              
YES    [email protected] (Stergios)                            
YES    Steve Smith                         
YES    [email protected]                                           
YES    Steven Matheson                            
YES    [email protected] (G. W. Stewart)                               
YES    [email protected]                                        
YES    Strini Padayachee                     
YES    [email protected] (christopher strong)                   
YES    [email protected] (L. Larrabee Strow)                         
YES    Stuart Robertson  
YES    [email protected] (Tony Sturges)                       
YES    [email protected]                                            
YES    [email protected] (Johanes Suhardjo)                      
YES    [email protected]                                        
YES    [email protected]                                        
YES    Sunny Au                           
YES    [email protected] (Micle M. Sushchih)                       
YES    Svante Littmarck                               
YES    Svein B|e                                      
YES    Sven Spanne                                   
YES    swami%[email protected] (Ananthram Swami)                     
YES    [email protected] (Bill Swier)                                    
YES    [email protected] (Shiyi Chen)                                    
YES    [email protected] (Paul Szabo)                              
YES    T Cox                            
YES    [email protected] (Shan`Wei'Zhang)                      
YES    [email protected] (Tony Knight)                                         
YES    [email protected] (Tim Ramsey)                                    
YES    [email protected] (Tobin C. Anthony)                    
YES    [email protected] (Keith Teague)                   
YES    [email protected] (Ted Catchpole)                            
YES    [email protected] (Thanachart Numnonda)                   
YES    [email protected] (Theodore Dean)                             
YES    Thomas Ernst                                  
YES    [email protected]                                     
YES    [email protected] (Timo Jokitalo)                             
YES    [email protected] (Torben Knudsen)                               
YES    [email protected] (Terry Gordon)                               
YES    Tod B Bussert                     
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YES    Torgeir Rusten                               
YES    [email protected] (Leonard J. Trejo)                          
YES    [email protected] (Tom R Lucas)                            
YES    [email protected] (Ted Shannon)                       
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    [email protected] (Jo Uhde-Lacovara)                       
YES    [email protected]                                                
YES    Ulrich Kabatek  
YES    [email protected] (Cem Unsal)                                     
YES    [email protected]                                              
YES    [email protected]                                             
YES    [email protected] (Stephen Vavasis)                         
YES    Victor Alchanatis               
YES    [email protected] (David R. Vinson)                        
YES    Vision Vision                           
YES    [email protected] (Louis Verhagen)                         
YES    Volker Kunert                    
YES    [email protected]                                             
YES    [email protected] (Tianlin Wang)                             
YES    Wayne Fiori                            
YES    Wayne Wickelgren               
YES    [email protected] (Daniel Weidman)                           
YES    [email protected] (Weixiu  Du)                               
YES    [email protected]                                             
YES    [email protected] (William Hsu)                        
YES    [email protected]                                                  
YES    [email protected] (Susan Wijffels)                        
YES    Willem de Koning                     
YES    William Sawyer                         
YES    [email protected] (Julie Ann Williams)                     
YES    [email protected]                                         
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    [email protected]                                      
YES    [email protected] (Andy Wolfsberg)                        
YES    [email protected] (WSKDPL)                                 
YES    [email protected] (Warren S. Ross)                            
YES    [email protected] (Xuefeng Leng)                           
YES    [email protected] (Xiaojun He)                                            
YES    [email protected] (richard g. adair)                           
YES    [email protected] (Richard X. Tang)                           
YES    Xu Kedai                         
YES    Yaroh  Rozenbaum                  
YES    [email protected] (Yemc David F1C x3382 )                  
YES    [email protected]                                                
YES    Yugender Chikkula                       
YES    [email protected] (S.K Yung)                                      
YES    [email protected] (Zdenek Sekera)                              
YES    [email protected] (Len Zedel)                        
YES    [email protected] (Qinghua Zhang)                                 
YES    [email protected]                                          
YES    [email protected] (zoran siveski fac ee)                      
Michael Maurer          [email protected]        (415) 723-1024

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