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Creativity ( misc.creativity )
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From [email protected] Tue Apr 20 14:47:01 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Paul Rousseau) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.cognitive,sci.psychology,,,misc.writing,rec.arts.misc Subject: RFD: sci.creativity Followup-To: news.groups Date: 20 Apr 1993 10:27:01 -0400 Organization: University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada Lines: 101 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:3488 news.groups:70208 sci.cognitive:1379 sci.psychology:12205 misc.writing:7482 rec.arts.misc:1974  This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) to create a new USENET group:  GROUP NAME  sci.creativity  STATUS  Un-moderated.   CHARTER  sci.creativity (unmoderated) will be a newsgroup:  a) to discuss techniques and strategies useful in enhancing creativity  b) to permit world-wide electronic brainstorming.  (For example one might post a request for ideas on solving a design problem like: _In what ways might I make office equipment out of used tires_ and readers would then contribute ideas.  Ideas on distributing the royalties from patents  are welcomed  :))  c) to publish notions, hypotheses, theories and ideas on the nature of creative behavior  d) to promote creativity in the performing arts, music, visual arts and literature  e) to share personal and organizational experiences about creative acts  f) to announce conferences, seminars, new publications, programs and  courses that focus on creativity  g) to expand the discussion of creativity to a wide audience of both professionals and lay people  h) to encourage research in the creative process  i) to promote support new inventions , both social and material  j) to provide nourishment for "creative" individuals  who find themselves isolated and in un-supporting environments   RATIONALE  Creativity and creative problem solving is a focus of study at  many collegesand university throughout the world.   Thousands of books and articles have been written on  creativity and many workshops, seminars and conferences  have creativity as a major theme.  Business and industry  spend millions of dollars each year in an attempt to increase  the creative potential of their employees.  Most important,   given the pressing problems plaguing humanity, the time has come  to get serious about encouraging creativity behavior in all people.  I am aware of one discussion list,  CREA-CPS ([email protected]) that focuses  exclusively on creativity and creative problem solving.   This service has a limited audience.   Another group PSYCHE-D ([email protected])  was announced on April 17.   PSYCHE-D is a refereed electronic journal dedicated to  supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature  of consciousness and its relation  to the brain. PSYCHE  publishes material relevant to that exploration from  the perspectives afforded by the disciplines of  Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience,  Artificial Intelligence and Anthropology.  The focus of  PSYCHE-D supports the study of creativity.    While there may be other lists that discuss creativity and  its related topics, there does not appear to be enough to  provide adequate attention to this subjects. There is need  to expand the opportunity to discuss creativity on a  world-wide basis.  News groups like sci.psychology and  sci.cognitive are too broad to capture the special nature  of creative behavior.  News groups like rec.arts.(fine, dance,  disney and so on) narrowly focus on creative production  and not as much on the creative process.  In summary, a new news group called _sci.creativity_ is being  proposed.Its focus will be on the creative process,  creative problem solving, research in creativity, inventions,  innovations and electronic brainstorming..  In addition,  it will  support the creative efforts of both professionals  and lay persons by collaborating ideas, experiences, techniques,  strategies, and research.  Discussion to be held on "news.groups"  Paul Rousseau  [email protected] --  Paul Rousseau			INTERNET    [email protected] St. Clair Beach			 "It's too bad ignorance isn't    Ontario, Canada		                     painful." 							-anonymous  From [email protected] Tue Feb 15 18:35:55 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Rousseau Paul) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.cognitive,sci.psychology,,,misc.writing,rec.arts.animation,,rec.arts.fine,rec.arts.misc,rec.arts.poems Subject: RFD: misc.creativity Followup-To: news.groups Date: 15 Feb 1994 12:50:08 -0500 Organization: University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada Lines: 107 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4631 news.groups:95549 sci.cognitive:3065 sci.psychology:19878 misc.writing:14012 rec.arts.animation:18758 rec.arts.fine:4558 rec.arts.misc:2373 rec.arts.poems:50035  Request For Discussion (RFD) to create a newsgroup: misc.creativity  (Note:  This newsgroup was proposed about a year ago under the name "sci.creativity".  This is a reworked version of that proposal.)  This message initiates a 30-day discussion period to consider the  creation of a _misc.creativity_ newsgroup.  Discussion will take  place in news.groups, and _all_ follow-up posts should be posted to that group.  Anyone at all interested in this proposal is  encouraged to participate in the discussion.     GROUP NAME  misc.creativity  STATUS  not moderated.  CHARTER  The objectives of misc.creativity will be to:  a) discuss techniques and strategies useful in enhancing creativity  b) permit world-wide electronic brainstorming.    c) promote creativity in the performing arts, music, visual arts and literature  d)  share personal and organizational experiences about creative acts  e) announce conferences, seminars, new publications, programs and  courses that focus on creativity  f) expand the discussion of creativity to a wide audience of both professionals and lay people  g) promote and support new inventions..  h)  provide nourishment for "creative" individuals  who find themselves isolated and in un-supportive environments   RATIONALE  Creativity and creative problem solving is a focus of study at  many colleges and university throughout the world.   Thousands of books and articles have been written on  creativity and many workshops, seminars and conferences  have creativity as a major theme.  Business and industry  spend millions of dollars each year in an attempt to increase  the creative potential of their employees.  Most important,   given the pressing problems plaguing humanity, the time has come  to get serious about encouraging creativity behavior in all people.  1.  There is only one discussion list,  CREA-CPS  ([email protected] or  [email protected] )  that focuses exclusively on creativity and creative problem solving.  There are only a few hundred people on this list.  2. While there may be other lists that discuss creativity and  its related topics, creativity does not have a focus on usenet news.  News groups like sci.psychology and  sci.cognitive are too broad to capture the special nature  of creative behavior.  News groups like rec.arts.(fine, dance,  disney and so on) narrowly focus on creative production  and not as much on the creative process.  3. There are likely many people who might not want to join a list or creativity but would like to monitor the subject on usenet news.   4.  Overall, there is need  to expand the opportunity to discuss  creativity on a world-wide basis.    SUMMARY  In summary, a new news group called _misc.creativity_ is being  proposed. Its focus will be on the creative process,  creative problem solving, inventions,  innovations and electronic brainstorming..  In addition,  it will  support the creative  efforts of both professionals  and lay persons by collaborating  ideas, experiences, techniques, strategies, and research.     RFD Distribution  news.announce.newgroups,sci.cognitve,sci.psychology,, sci.psychology.digest,,misc.writing, rec.arts.animation,rec.arts.cinema,,rec.arts.disney, rec.arts.fine,rec.arts.misc,rec.arts.poems,   Lists: CREA-CPS  (creativity-creative problem solving), CREWRT-L (creative writing).  Discussion to be held on "news.groups"  Paul Rousseau  [email protected] --  Paul Rousseau University of Windsor			   "Violence is the last refuge Windsor, Ontario, Canada		    of the incompetent" [email protected]                            -Isaac Asimov  From [email protected] Wed Feb 23 15:06:58 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Rousseau Paul) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.cognitive,sci.psychology,,,misc.writing,rec.arts.animation,,rec.arts.fine,rec.arts.misc,rec.arts.poems Subject: 2nd RFD: misc.creativity Followup-To: news.groups Date: 22 Feb 1994 23:04:16 -0500 Organization: University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada Lines: 110 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4662 news.groups:96293 sci.cognitive:3105 sci.psychology:20188 misc.writing:14222 rec.arts.animation:18903 rec.arts.fine:4697 rec.arts.misc:2391 rec.arts.poems:50452  This is the 2nd RFD originally posted on February 15, 1994.  It  reflects some minor changes suggested in the discussion in news.groups. ************************************************************************ Request For Discussion (RFD) to create a newsgroup: misc.creativity  (Note:  This newsgroup was proposed about a year ago under the name "sci.creativity".  This is a reworked version of that proposal.   This message initiates a 30-day discussion period to consider the  creation of a _misc.creativity_ newsgroup.  Discussion will take  place in news.groups, and _all_ follow-up posts should be posted to that group.  Anyone at all interested in this proposal is  encouraged to participate in the discussion.     GROUP NAME  misc.creativity  STATUS  not moderated.  CHARTER  The objectives of misc.creativity will be to:  a) discuss techniques and strategies useful in enhancing creativity  b) permit world-wide electronic brainstorming.    c) promote creativity in all areas of human performance  d)  share personal and organizational experiences about creative acts  e) announce conferences, seminars, new publications, programs and  courses that focus on creativity  f) expand the opportunity to discuss creativity to a wider audience of people  g) promote and support new inventions..  h)  provide nourishment for "creative" individuals  who find themselves isolated and in un-supportive environments   RATIONALE  Creativity and creative problem solving is a focus of study at  many colleges and university throughout the world.   Thousands of books and articles have been written on  creativity and many workshops, seminars and conferences  have creativity as a major theme.  Business and industry  spend millions of dollars each year in an attempt to increase  the creative potential of their employees.  Most important,   given the pressing problems plaguing humanity, the time has come  to get serious about encouraging creativity behavior in all people.  1.  There is only one discussion list,  CREA-CPS  ([email protected] or  [email protected] )  that focuses exclusively on creativity and creative problem solving.  There are only a few hundred people on this list.  2. While there may be other lists that discuss creativity and  its related topics, creativity does not have a focus on usenet news.  News groups like sci.psychology and  sci.cognitive are too broad to capture the special nature  of creative behavior.  News groups like rec.arts.(fine, dance,  disney and so on) narrowly focus on creative production  and not as much on the creative process.  3. There are likely many people who might not want to join a list or creativity but would like to monitor the subject on usenet news.   4.  Overall, there is need  to expand the opportunity to discuss  creativity on a world-wide basis.    SUMMARY  In summary, a new news group called _misc.creativity_ is being  proposed. Its focus will be on the creative process,  creative problem solving, inventions,  innovations and electronic brainstorming..  In addition,  it will  support the creative  efforts of both professionals  and lay persons by collaborating  ideas, experiences, techniques, strategies, and research.     RFD Distribution  news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.cognitive,sci.psychology,,,misc.writing,rec.arts.animation,, rec.arts.fine,rec.arts.misc,rec.arts.poems  Lists: CREA-CPS  (creativity-creative problem solving)  Discussion to be held on "news.groups"  Paul Rousseau  [email protected] --  Paul Rousseau University of Windsor			   "Violence is the last refuge Windsor, Ontario, Canada		    of the incompetent" [email protected]                            -Isaac Asimov  From [email protected] Wed Mar  9 23:33:11 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Rousseau Paul) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.cognitive,sci.psychology,,,misc.writing,rec.arts.animation,,rec.arts.fine,rec.arts.misc,rec.arts.poems Subject: 3rd RFD: misc.creativity Followup-To: news.groups Date: 9 Mar 1994 18:00:19 -0500 Organization: University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada Lines: 110 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4721 news.groups:97621 sci.cognitive:3188 sci.psychology:20615 misc.writing:14589 rec.arts.animation:19303 rec.arts.fine:4877 rec.arts.misc:2424 rec.arts.poems:51551  This is the 3rd RFD originally posted on February 15, 1994.    ************************************************************************ Request For Discussion (RFD) to create a newsgroup: misc.creativity  (Note:  This newsgroup was proposed about a year ago under the name "sci.creativity".  This is a reworked version of that proposal.   This message initiates a 30-day discussion period to consider the  creation of a _misc.creativity_ newsgroup.  Discussion will take  place in news.groups, and _all_ follow-up posts should be posted to that group.  Anyone at all interested in this proposal is  encouraged to participate in the discussion.     GROUP NAME  misc.creativity  STATUS  not moderated.  CHARTER  The objectives of misc.creativity will be to:  a) discuss techniques and strategies useful in enhancing creativity  b) permit world-wide electronic brainstorming.    c) promote creativity in all areas of human performance  d)  share personal and organizational experiences about creative acts  e) announce conferences, seminars, new publications, programs and  courses that focus on creativity  f) expand the opportunity to discuss creativity to a wider audience of people  g) promote and support new inventions..  h)  provide nourishment for "creative" individuals  who find themselves isolated and in un-supportive environments   RATIONALE  Creativity and creative problem solving is a focus of study at  many colleges and university throughout the world.   Thousands of books and articles have been written on  creativity and many workshops, seminars and conferences  have creativity as a major theme.  Business and industry  spend millions of dollars each year in an attempt to increase  the creative potential of their employees.  Most important,   given the pressing problems plaguing humanity, the time has come  to get serious about encouraging creativity behavior in all people.  1.  There is only one discussion list,  CREA-CPS  ([email protected] or  [email protected] )  that focuses exclusively on creativity and creative problem solving.  There are only a few hundred people on this list.  2. While there may be other lists that discuss creativity and  its related topics, creativity does not have a focus on usenet news.  News groups like sci.psychology and  sci.cognitive are too broad to capture the special nature  of creative behavior.  News groups like rec.arts.(fine, dance,  disney and so on) narrowly focus on creative production  and not as much on the creative process.  3. There are likely many people who might not want to join a list or creativity but would like to monitor the subject on usenet news.   4.  Overall, there is need  to expand the opportunity to discuss  creativity on a world-wide basis.    SUMMARY  In summary, a new news group called _misc.creativity_ is being  proposed. Its focus will be on the creative process,  creative problem solving, inventions,  innovations and electronic brainstorming..  In addition,  it will  support the creative  efforts of both professionals  and lay persons by collaborating  ideas, experiences, techniques, strategies, and research.     RFD Distribution  news.announce.newgroups,sci.cognitve,sci.psychology,, sci.psychology.digest,,misc.writing, rec.arts.animation,rec.arts.cinema,,rec.arts.disney, rec.arts.fine,rec.arts.misc,rec.arts.poems   Lists: CREA-CPS  (creativity-creative problem solving)  Discussion to be held on "news.groups"  Paul Rousseau  [email protected] --  Paul Rousseau University of Windsor			   "Violence is the last refuge Windsor, Ontario, Canada		    of the incompetent" [email protected]                            -Isaac Asimov  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Tue Mar 22 20:15:06 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.cognitive,sci.psychology,,,misc.writing,rec.arts.animation,,rec.arts.fine,rec.arts.misc,rec.arts.poems,rec.arts.disney Subject: 2nd CFV: misc.creativity Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 22 Mar 1994 19:11:34 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 95 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 6 Apr 1994 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]><[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias) NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4809 news.groups:98759 sci.cognitive:3269 sci.psychology:21216 misc.writing:14886 rec.arts.animation:19626 rec.arts.fine:5054 rec.arts.misc:2437 rec.arts.poems:52556 rec.arts.disney:35117                            LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)                       unmoderated group misc.creativity  Newsgroups line: misc.creativity         Promoting the use of creativity in all human endeavors.  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 5 April 1994.  After this vote appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to CREA-CPS <[email protected]> and CREWRT-L <[email protected]>.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Paul Rousseau <[email protected]>.   CHARTER  misc.creativity (unmoderated) is a newsgroup aimed at promoting creativity in all human endeavors.  Towards that end, participants will be encouraged to suggest and discuss techniques and strategies useful in enhancing creativity.  Worldwide electronic brainstorming will be encouraged as a means of assisting individuals generate new ideas and solutions to problems.  Information about resources (books, electronic lists, conferences, courses and seminars, audio-visual resources and software) will be distributed.  This newsgroup will provide an opportunity for "netizens" (Internet Users) to share creative experiences in their personal and professional lives. They will also have an opportunity to test new ideas, innovations, inventions with others as a way to further develop these thoughts.  Finally, this newsgroup will make available an additional source of emotional, intellectual and social support often lacking in the lives of creative people.  It will also enable creative individuals to connect with other creative people all over the world, generating a synergy that will generate innovative ideas urgently needed to solve the vast problems facing all of humanity.   RATIONALE  Creativity and creative problem solving is a focus of study at many colleges and university throughout the world.  Thousands of books and articles have been written on creativity and many workshops, seminars and conferences have creativity as a major theme.  Business and industry spend millions of dollars each year in an attempt to increase the creative potential of their employees.  Most important, given the pressing problems plaguing humanity, the time has come to get serious about encouraging creativity behavior in all people.  There is only one discussion list, CREA-CPS ([email protected] or [email protected] ) that focuses exclusively on creativity and creative problem solving. There are only a few hundred people on this list. While there may be other lists that discuss creativity and its related topics,creativity does not have a focus on usenet news. News groups like sci.psychology and sci.cognitive are too broad to capture the special nature of creative behavior.  News groups like rec.arts.(fine, dance, disney and so on) narrowly focus on creative production and not as much on the creative process.  Moreover, there are likely many people who might not want to join a list on creativity but would like to monitor the subject on usenet news.  SUMMARY  Overall, there is need to expand the opportunity to deliberate on creativity on a world-wide basis.  The newsgroup misc.creativity is a major opportunity to discuss and promote creativity on the Internet.   HOW TO VOTE  Send MAIL to:   [email protected] Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.  Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:       I vote YES on misc.creativity       I vote NO on misc.creativity  You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome. Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge- ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.  One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.    misc.creativity Bounce List - No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No bounced votes at this time  From [email protected] (RonDippold) Mon Apr 11 19:36:49 1994 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.cognitive,sci.psychology,,,misc.writing,rec.arts.animation,,rec.arts.fine,rec.arts.misc,rec.arts.poems,rec.arts.disney Subject: RESULT: misc.creativity 330:43 Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 8 Apr 1994 16:21:43 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 429 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4918 news.groups:100157 sci.cognitive:3402 sci.psychology:21836 misc.writing:15273 rec.arts.animation:19983 rec.arts.fine:5248 rec.arts.misc:2463 rec.arts.poems:53544 rec.arts.disney:36574                                      RESULT 	   unmoderated group misc.creativity passes 330:43  There were 330 YES votes and 43 NO votes, for a total of 373 valid votes.  There was 1 abstain.  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.   There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.  Newsgroups line: misc.creativity         Promoting the use of creativity in all human endeavors.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only contact [email protected]  For questions about the proposed group contact Paul Rousseau <[email protected]>.   CHARTER  misc.creativity (unmoderated) is a newsgroup aimed at promoting creativity in all human endeavors.  Towards that end, participants will be encouraged to suggest and discuss techniques and strategies useful in enhancing creativity.  Worldwide electronic brainstorming will be encouraged as a means of assisting individuals generate new ideas and solutions to problems.  Information about resources (books, electronic lists, conferences, courses and seminars, audio-visual resources and software) will be distributed.  This newsgroup will provide an opportunity for "netizens" (Internet Users) to share creative experiences in their personal and professional lives. They will also have an opportunity to test new ideas, innovations, inventions with others as a way to further develop these thoughts.  Finally, this newsgroup will make available an additional source of emotional, intellectual and social support often lacking in the lives of creative people.  It will also enable creative individuals to connect with other creative people all over the world, generating a synergy that will generate innovative ideas urgently needed to solve the vast problems facing all of humanity.  misc.creativity Final Vote Ack  Voted Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                        Eugene V. Martin [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                          Ken Coleman [email protected]                                       Michael W Munn [email protected]                    Margie Smith Whiteleather [email protected]                                         Colin Morton [email protected]                                                  ~ [email protected]                                      Christian Sauve [email protected]                                Suzanne Toomey Spinks [email protected]                                        Mark Jacyszyn [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                      JESUS EUGENIO SANCHEZ PENA [email protected]                                              Allan Laporte [email protected]                                     Alden S Klovdahl [email protected]                                          Anne Louise Gockel [email protected]                                       Barb Anderson [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                                   Anne Glenn [email protected]                                         Allen Petlock [email protected]                                                   Rhonda Arcana [email protected]                                            Rhyno Art [email protected]                                     Erik Asphaug x2773 [email protected]                                    Augustyn  Robert [email protected]                                   Ole Robert Hestvik [email protected]                                      Alan Wier [email protected]                                          Kelly McHale [email protected]                          Barry Prescott [email protected]                                              Shawn Bayern [email protected]                                           Robert A.Buckley [email protected]                                   Bruno Deschenes [email protected]                                             Jon W. Beard [email protected]                                      Bernard.Stern [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                   David O. Blanchard [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                 Douglas P. Shannon [email protected]                                        Bocska  Steve [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                            David Brunell BS6263%[email protected]                           Brent Stuver [email protected]                                       Brian K. Smith [email protected]                                                     Gervase Bushe [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                                        Eric Crump [email protected]                                              Chris Gaca [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                        Dennis Carmody [email protected]                                           CASEY WILSON [email protected]                                    Mark Kupferman [email protected]                                          Carolyn L Burke [email protected]                                        Christopher Edwards [email protected]                                              Cathy Fabiszak [email protected]                                         Bernard DEBREIL [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                          charlie fingerhut [email protected]                                         Sidney "Chef" Smith [email protected]                                         Cindy Ferguson chopra%[email protected]    Bimal,Schlumberger Dowell(918)-25 [email protected]                                        marc talenton [email protected]                                 Clenio Figueiredo Salviano [email protected]                                     Diane Barlow Close [email protected]                                                     K.H.Mckay [email protected]                                                      esme [email protected]                              Jordan Ayan - Create-It! Inc. [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                   BOB CAVE, ORIENTATION [email protected]                                        Bertil Jonell [email protected]                             Muzzy Norman E [email protected]                                        David Devereux [email protected]                                          Chris.Campbell [email protected]                                                Tad Davis [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                                                 [email protected]                                        david brinkman [email protected]                                            [email protected]                                        Dean Dierschow x6528 [email protected]                                                  Dean Edwards [email protected]                                          Doonald Evans [email protected]                                        David Watson [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                           MCCALL D. TODD [email protected]                                         David Major [email protected]                                                    David McCusker [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                             Don Gordon [email protected]                                             [email protected]                                 Daniel G. Pouzzner [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                     Rebecca Drayer [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                             Fools and their butter! [email protected]                                       Darvell D. Hunt [email protected]                               Dawn Elizabeth Suchy [email protected]                                                   Dwyn Auterson [email protected]                                        KEVIN EBER [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                         Ron Graham [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                                 Len Edgerly [email protected]                                   Ellen Greenberg [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                          Elizabeth J. Poole [email protected]                                          James Poulakos [email protected]                                                      [email protected]                                          Robin A. Kemp [email protected]                                         Erik Ramberg [email protected]                                             Eugene N. Miya [email protected]                                           Dave Breeding [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                       Frank Chambers [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                               Francisco Ortega M. (UNELLEZ) [email protected]                                                 Steve Foster [email protected]                          DR. JOHN S. FREDERICK [email protected]                                          Frank White [email protected]                                        Gard Abrahamsen [email protected]                                     Lucier E. Gareth [email protected]                                           garth kidd [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                                 Geoff Allen [email protected]                                         G. "Wolfe" Woodbury [email protected]                                    Lisa Kulisek [email protected]                                               Gerry Scott-Moore [email protected]                                             Nihat Tsolak [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                             Michael Hauben [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                         Heikki Korpinen [email protected]                                                    Peter Helfer [email protected]                                                Rob Pepperell [email protected]                                      Heikki J Korpinen [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                               John L. Guy [email protected]                                     ian c. cochrane [email protected]                                             Ireneu Dias [email protected]                                        Irving_Wolfe [email protected]                                       T Irina Seppanen [email protected]                                             Maurizio MORABITO [email protected]                                             Julie Alger [email protected]                                      James Langdell [email protected]                                     John Anderson [email protected]                              Janet Allen 512-356-3958 [email protected]                                             James Banas [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                        Jon E Browning [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                        Jeff Wutzke [email protected]                                                 Joel Furr [email protected]                                                  JOHN [email protected]                                    Jim Mcnelly [email protected]                                                    John Ahlstrom [email protected]                                       Jaye Lapachet [email protected]                                    jason Lindsey [email protected]                                                     Jim Neale [email protected]                                        Jason Noble [email protected]                                             Joe Novosad [email protected]                                                 [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                               John F. C. Ripley [email protected]                                       Jimmie Rodgers [email protected]                                           Jan Ruusuvuori [email protected]                                                 Joe Saso [email protected]                                                    John Saylor [email protected]                                             Jeffry Scott [email protected]                                                 John R. 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