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From [email protected]om Wed Sep  8 19:40:58 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Bernie Cosell) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,comp.patents,,alt.privacy Subject: RFD: Followup-To: news.groups Date: 8 Sep 1993 16:25:33 -0400 Organization: Fantasy Farm Fibers Lines: 164 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4014 news.groups:81086 comp.patents:1250 alt.privacy:8562  Name:  Status:   Moderated. Larry Kolodney, aka [email protected], has           volunteered to serve as initial moderator.  Charter: is for the discussion of law and           legal theory.  It is recognized that these are           contested terms, and contested terrain, and that law's           domain varies from country to country.  The group is           intended to provide a home for well-tempered           discussions including, but not limited to:  1.   Current developments in the law including but not limited to      court decisions, legislative enactments, and executive      actions with legal implications.  2.   The content and effects of existing constitutions, laws, and      rules of court at all levels: international, multi-national      (e.g. EEC, EFTA NAFTA), national, state/provincial/      departmental, and local/communal.  3.   Proposals for changes to the above which have a 'legal'      content, e.g. technical proposals for changes designed to      achieve political ends (e.g. draft language for a statute or      constitutional amendment).  4.   Legal doctrine, legal theory (jurisprudence), and schools of      legal interpretation and thought.  5.   Legal history, legal sociology and other interdisciplinary      work of interest to lawyers, judges and/or legal scholars.  6.   Professional ethics and professional discipline of legal      professionals, both in public and private life, and of their      associates and matters relating to the role of law and      lawyers in society.  7.   Posts by practitioners concerning legal problems they have      encountered that may be of interest to the legal community.  8.   _First-person_ anecdotes and commentary by non-practitioners      concerning encounters they have had with lawyers, the      police, the courts or other entities which administer the      legal system.  9.   Legal education and the type, quantity, and terms of      employment for lawyers and other legal professionals.  10.  Posts (including those from non-lawyers) asking specific      factual questions as to the content of the law, and replies      to those posts, so long as the context of the exchange makes      it clear that **legal advice is not being provided**.  11.  Posts by persons seeking legal advice, or seeking to engage      a lawyer, which are to be replied to by private e-mail.      Such persons are reminded in advance that legal advice      obtained via email is inherently unreliable, and is almost      never a good substitute for direct consultation with an      attorney.  12.  Legal humor.  The ordering above is for convenience only and does not reflect a preference ordering among the various topics.   The role of the Moderator =========================  13.  Although no legal relationships are created by this      document, the moderator is expected to behave as if she or      he were in a fiduciary relationship with persons reading and      posting to the group.  14.  Posts by persons offering legal advice for remuneration will      not be permitted.  The moderator will enforce this rule.      This rule is not intended to prevent individuals from      publicizing the existence of non-profit advocacy      organizations which provide legal counseling and      representation.  15.  The moderator will use his or her discretion to decide when      discussions drift too far from 'legal' content, and will      close threads accordingly.  The moderator will notify the      group when taking such actions.  The moderator will request      voluntary compliance before taking such actions.  16.  The moderator will be encouraged to return posts to senders,      perhaps with a suggestion of a more appropriate newsgroup,      if the posts are those that he or she believes more properly      belong in another newsgroup.  It is intended that the      moderator will use this discretion more aggressively when      there exists another group in which the thread appears to      belong.  17.  Posts that deal with general questions of social policy are      disfavored unless they make specific reference to particular      laws, legal doctrines or jurisprudential theories implicated      by the topic.  Similarly, discussions of general political      issues are disfavored unless they are informed by reference      to specific legal aspects of such issues.  The moderator      will enforce this rule.  18.  The moderator will have discretion to reject posts      containing factual assertions about the current state of the      law (as opposed to why the law should be changed) which the      moderator believes are plainly inaccurate.  The failure of      the moderator to exercise this discretion does not signify      the moderator's agreement with or approval of the post, and      is in no way to be seen as the moderator's endorsement of      any legal conclusion or opinion expressed in that post.      This moderator is encouraged to use this discretion in a      manner that permits a wide range of colorable arguments to      be presented.  19.  The moderator will have discretion to reject posts which are      unduly repetitive and/or contain personal attacks on      previous writers.  The failure of the moderator to exercise      this discretion does not signify the moderator's agreement      with or approval of the post, and is in no way to be seen as      the moderator's endorsement of any legal conclusion or      opinion expressed in that post.  Moderator Selection and Replacement ===================================  20.  A moderator serves until she or he resigns.  A moderator may      resign at any time.  The moderator is requested to give the      group adequate notice in order to ensure an orderly      transition.  21.  The moderator may designate a substitute moderator to serve      for periods of not more than four consecutive weeks.  The      moderator will not designate substitutes for more than two      months per calendar year.  22.  A sole moderator may appoint a co-moderator.  Co-moderators      may appoint additional co-moderators, if all serving      moderators consent, so long as no more than five moderators      are active at any one time.  Moderators may share their      duties in any manner mutually acceptable.  Differences among      the moderators shall be settled by majority vote, or in      cases of tie, by lot, or by other means acceptable to all      the moderators.  In the event that the group has multiple      moderators, all references to a sole moderator in the above      paragraphs shall apply to all the moderators, collectively      if the context permits.  23.  A resigning moderator, whether or not she/he is a sole      moderator, selects his/her successor.  Moderators are      requested to consider the opinions of readers of the group      when choosing their successors. A resigning co-moderator      may, with the unanimous consent of the other moderators,      choose not to appoint a successor.   Amending This Charter =====================  24.  This charter can be amended at any time, by following the      procedures then in effect for newsgroup creation. --  Bernie Cosell                               [email protected] Fantasy Farm Fibers, Pearisburg, VA         (703) 921-2358  From [email protected] Tue Oct 12 15:07:26 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ed Bailey) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,comp.patents,,alt.privacy Subject: CFV: moderated Followup-To: poster Date: 12 Oct 1993 14:25:51 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 216 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 3 Nov 1993 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4144 news.groups:84237 comp.patents:1284 alt.privacy:9066                  FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (1st of 2)  Moderated group	All aspects of law. (Moderated)  Larry Kolodney <[email protected]> has volunteered to serve as the inital moderator for  Votes must be recieved by 23:59 GMT, 2 Nov 1993.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Voting questions should be directed to Ed Bailey <[email protected]>.  For questions about the proposed group, contact Bernie Cosell <[email protected]>.  CHARTER and DISCUSSION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Name:  Status:   Moderated. Larry Kolodney, aka [email protected], has           volunteered to serve as initial moderator.  Charter: is for the discussion of law and           legal theory.  It is recognized that these are           contested terms, and contested terrain, and that law's           domain varies from country to country.  The group is           intended to provide a home for well-tempered           discussions including, but not limited to:  1.   Current developments in the law including but not limited to      court decisions, legislative enactments, and executive      actions with legal implications.  2.   The content and effects of existing constitutions, laws, and      rules of court at all levels: international, multi-national      (e.g. EEC, EFTA NAFTA), national, state/provincial/      departmental, and local/communal.  3.   Proposals for changes to the above which have a 'legal'      content, e.g. technical proposals for changes designed to      achieve political ends (e.g. draft language for a statute or      constitutional amendment).  4.   Legal doctrine, legal theory (jurisprudence), and schools of      legal interpretation and thought.  5.   Legal history, legal sociology and other interdisciplinary      work of interest to lawyers, judges and/or legal scholars.  6.   Professional ethics and professional discipline of legal      professionals, both in public and private life, and of their      associates and matters relating to the role of law and      lawyers in society.  7.   Posts by practitioners concerning legal problems they have      encountered that may be of interest to the legal community.  8.   _First-person_ anecdotes and commentary by non-practitioners      concerning encounters they have had with lawyers, the      police, the courts or other entities which administer the      legal system.  9.   Legal education and the type, quantity, and terms of      employment for lawyers and other legal professionals.  10.  Posts (including those from non-lawyers) asking specific      factual questions as to the content of the law, and replies      to those posts, so long as the context of the exchange makes      it clear that **legal advice is not being provided**.  11.  Posts by persons seeking legal advice, or seeking to engage      a lawyer, which are to be replied to by private e-mail.      Such persons are reminded in advance that legal advice      obtained via email is inherently unreliable, and is almost      never a good substitute for direct consultation with an      attorney.  12.  Legal humor.  The ordering above is for convenience only and does not reflect a preference ordering among the various topics.   The role of the Moderator =========================  13.  Although no legal relationships are created by this      document, the moderator is expected to behave as if she or      he were in a fiduciary relationship with persons reading and      posting to the group.  14.  Posts by persons offering legal advice for remuneration will      not be permitted.  The moderator will enforce this rule.      This rule is not intended to prevent individuals from      publicizing the existence of non-profit advocacy      organizations which provide legal counseling and      representation.  15.  The moderator will use his or her discretion to decide when      discussions drift too far from 'legal' content, and will      close threads accordingly.  The moderator will notify the      group when taking such actions.  The moderator will request      voluntary compliance before taking such actions.  16.  The moderator will be encouraged to return posts to senders,      perhaps with a suggestion of a more appropriate newsgroup,      if the posts are those that he or she believes more properly      belong in another newsgroup.  It is intended that the      moderator will use this discretion more aggressively when      there exists another group in which the thread appears to      belong.  17.  Posts that deal with general questions of social policy are      disfavored unless they make specific reference to particular      laws, legal doctrines or jurisprudential theories implicated      by the topic.  Similarly, discussions of general political      issues are disfavored unless they are informed by reference      to specific legal aspects of such issues.  The moderator      will enforce this rule.  18.  The moderator will have discretion to reject posts      containing factual assertions about the current state of the      law (as opposed to why the law should be changed) which the      moderator believes are plainly inaccurate.  The failure of      the moderator to exercise this discretion does not signify      the moderator's agreement with or approval of the post, and      is in no way to be seen as the moderator's endorsement of      any legal conclusion or opinion expressed in that post.      This moderator is encouraged to use this discretion in a      manner that permits a wide range of colorable arguments to      be presented.  19.  The moderator will have discretion to reject posts which are      unduly repetitive and/or contain personal attacks on      previous writers.  The failure of the moderator to exercise      this discretion does not signify the moderator's agreement      with or approval of the post, and is in no way to be seen as      the moderator's endorsement of any legal conclusion or      opinion expressed in that post.  Moderator Selection and Replacement ===================================  20.  A moderator serves until she or he resigns.  A moderator may      resign at any time.  The moderator is requested to give the      group adequate notice in order to ensure an orderly      transition.  21.  The moderator may designate a substitute moderator to serve      for periods of not more than four consecutive weeks.  The      moderator will not designate substitutes for more than two      months per calendar year.  22.  A sole moderator may appoint a co-moderator.  Co-moderators      may appoint additional co-moderators, if all serving      moderators consent, so long as no more than five moderators      are active at any one time.  Moderators may share their      duties in any manner mutually acceptable.  Differences among      the moderators shall be settled by majority vote, or in      cases of tie, by lot, or by other means acceptable to all      the moderators.  In the event that the group has multiple      moderators, all references to a sole moderator in the above      paragraphs shall apply to all the moderators, collectively      if the context permits.  23.  A resigning moderator, whether or not she/he is a sole      moderator, selects his/her successor.  Moderators are      requested to consider the opinions of readers of the group      when choosing their successors. A resigning co-moderator      may, with the unanimous consent of the other moderators,      choose not to appoint a successor.   Amending This Charter =====================  24.  This charter can be amended at any time, by following the      procedures then in effect for newsgroup creation.   STANDARD VOTING INFO  You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to       [email protected] (just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Your mail message should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on or       I vote NO on  You may add a comment, but anything other than a definite statement involving the group name and "yes", "no", "for", or "against" on a single line may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program. If you later change your mind you may also use send in an "abstain" vote in the same manner, using "abstain" in place of "yes" or "no".  You should receive an acknowledgement (via email) of your vote within one to three days.  Additional CFVs will NOT include mass ACKs, only ACKs for undeliverable mail.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person (not per account).  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.  This vote will be counted using Ron Dippold's UseVote software, version 2.*. This vote is conducted by a member of the Usenet Volunteer Voters.  Ed Bailey Member, Usenet Volunteer Votetakers --  Ed Bailey                | Voice: (512) 471-4198   Fax: (512) 471-6715 Inst. for Fusion Studies | Internet: [email protected]{hagar,zonker}, Univ. of Texas at Austin |   [email protected], or [email protected] Austin TX  78712         | "No pithy quotes.  Just email addresses."  From [email protected] Mon Oct 25 19:21:58 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ed Bailey) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,comp.patents,,alt.privacy Subject: 2nd CFV: moderated Followup-To: news.groups Date: 25 Oct 1993 19:01:21 -0400 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votertakers Lines: 243 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4196 news.groups:85750 comp.patents:1289 alt.privacy:9235                  SECOND AND FINAL CALL FOR VOTES (2nd of 2)  Moderated group	All aspects of law. (Moderated)  Larry Kolodney <[email protected]> has volunteered to serve as the inital moderator for  Votes must be recieved by 23:59 GMT, 2 Nov 1993.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Voting questions should be directed to Ed Bailey <[email protected]>.  For questions about the proposed group, contact Bernie Cosell <[email protected]>.  CHARTER and DISCUSSION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Name:  Status:   Moderated. Larry Kolodney, aka [email protected], has           volunteered to serve as initial moderator.  Charter: is for the discussion of law and           legal theory.  It is recognized that these are           contested terms, and contested terrain, and that law's           domain varies from country to country.  The group is           intended to provide a home for well-tempered           discussions including, but not limited to:  1.   Current developments in the law including but not limited to      court decisions, legislative enactments, and executive      actions with legal implications.  2.   The content and effects of existing constitutions, laws, and      rules of court at all levels: international, multi-national      (e.g. EEC, EFTA NAFTA), national, state/provincial/      departmental, and local/communal.  3.   Proposals for changes to the above which have a 'legal'      content, e.g. technical proposals for changes designed to      achieve political ends (e.g. draft language for a statute or      constitutional amendment).  4.   Legal doctrine, legal theory (jurisprudence), and schools of      legal interpretation and thought.  5.   Legal history, legal sociology and other interdisciplinary      work of interest to lawyers, judges and/or legal scholars.  6.   Professional ethics and professional discipline of legal      professionals, both in public and private life, and of their      associates and matters relating to the role of law and      lawyers in society.  7.   Posts by practitioners concerning legal problems they have      encountered that may be of interest to the legal community.  8.   _First-person_ anecdotes and commentary by non-practitioners      concerning encounters they have had with lawyers, the      police, the courts or other entities which administer the      legal system.  9.   Legal education and the type, quantity, and terms of      employment for lawyers and other legal professionals.  10.  Posts (including those from non-lawyers) asking specific      factual questions as to the content of the law, and replies      to those posts, so long as the context of the exchange makes      it clear that **legal advice is not being provided**.  11.  Posts by persons seeking legal advice, or seeking to engage      a lawyer, which are to be replied to by private e-mail.      Such persons are reminded in advance that legal advice      obtained via email is inherently unreliable, and is almost      never a good substitute for direct consultation with an      attorney.  12.  Legal humor.  The ordering above is for convenience only and does not reflect a preference ordering among the various topics.   The role of the Moderator =========================  13.  Although no legal relationships are created by this      document, the moderator is expected to behave as if she or      he were in a fiduciary relationship with persons reading and      posting to the group.  14.  Posts by persons offering legal advice for remuneration will      not be permitted.  The moderator will enforce this rule.      This rule is not intended to prevent individuals from      publicizing the existence of non-profit advocacy      organizations which provide legal counseling and      representation.  15.  The moderator will use his or her discretion to decide when      discussions drift too far from 'legal' content, and will      close threads accordingly.  The moderator will notify the      group when taking such actions.  The moderator will request      voluntary compliance before taking such actions.  16.  The moderator will be encouraged to return posts to senders,      perhaps with a suggestion of a more appropriate newsgroup,      if the posts are those that he or she believes more properly      belong in another newsgroup.  It is intended that the      moderator will use this discretion more aggressively when      there exists another group in which the thread appears to      belong.  17.  Posts that deal with general questions of social policy are      disfavored unless they make specific reference to particular      laws, legal doctrines or jurisprudential theories implicated      by the topic.  Similarly, discussions of general political      issues are disfavored unless they are informed by reference      to specific legal aspects of such issues.  The moderator      will enforce this rule.  18.  The moderator will have discretion to reject posts      containing factual assertions about the current state of the      law (as opposed to why the law should be changed) which the      moderator believes are plainly inaccurate.  The failure of      the moderator to exercise this discretion does not signify      the moderator's agreement with or approval of the post, and      is in no way to be seen as the moderator's endorsement of      any legal conclusion or opinion expressed in that post.      This moderator is encouraged to use this discretion in a      manner that permits a wide range of colorable arguments to      be presented.  19.  The moderator will have discretion to reject posts which are      unduly repetitive and/or contain personal attacks on      previous writers.  The failure of the moderator to exercise      this discretion does not signify the moderator's agreement      with or approval of the post, and is in no way to be seen as      the moderator's endorsement of any legal conclusion or      opinion expressed in that post.  Moderator Selection and Replacement ===================================  20.  A moderator serves until she or he resigns.  A moderator may      resign at any time.  The moderator is requested to give the      group adequate notice in order to ensure an orderly      transition.  21.  The moderator may designate a substitute moderator to serve      for periods of not more than four consecutive weeks.  The      moderator will not designate substitutes for more than two      months per calendar year.  22.  A sole moderator may appoint a co-moderator.  Co-moderators      may appoint additional co-moderators, if all serving      moderators consent, so long as no more than five moderators      are active at any one time.  Moderators may share their      duties in any manner mutually acceptable.  Differences among      the moderators shall be settled by majority vote, or in      cases of tie, by lot, or by other means acceptable to all      the moderators.  In the event that the group has multiple      moderators, all references to a sole moderator in the above      paragraphs shall apply to all the moderators, collectively      if the context permits.  23.  A resigning moderator, whether or not she/he is a sole      moderator, selects his/her successor.  Moderators are      requested to consider the opinions of readers of the group      when choosing their successors. A resigning co-moderator      may, with the unanimous consent of the other moderators,      choose not to appoint a successor.   Amending This Charter =====================  24.  This charter can be amended at any time, by following the      procedures then in effect for newsgroup creation.   STANDARD VOTING INFO  You should send MAIL (posts to a group are invalid) to       [email protected] (just replying by MAIL to this message should work).  Your mail message should contain one and only one of the following statements:        I vote YES on or       I vote NO on  You may add a comment, but anything other than a definite statement involving the group name and "yes", "no", "for", or "against" on a single line may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program. If you later change your mind you may also use send in an "abstain" vote in the same manner, using "abstain" in place of "yes" or "no".  You should receive an acknowledgement (via email) of your vote within one to three days.  Additional CFVs will NOT include mass ACKs, only ACKs for undeliverable mail.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply - one vote per person (not per account).  100 more YES votes than NO votes and 2/3 of all votes being YES are the requirements for group creation.  This vote will be counted using Ron Dippold's UseVote software, version 2.*. This vote is conducted by a member of the Usenet Volunteer Voters.  BOUNCED VOTE ACKS  Vote acknowledgements sent to the following addresses have bounced.  These votes *have* been counted, but I have been unable to reply to their mail. If you voted, but you have NOT received an ACK *and* your name is NOT listed below, then your vote was probably lost somewhere in the ether.  Please send another vote to [email protected]  Voter: [email protected] Voter: [email protected] Voter: [email protected] Voter: [email protected] Voter: [email protected] Voter: [email protected] Voter: [email protected]  The following people have sent malformed ballots which have not been superceded by a Yes, No, or Abstain vote.  These people should revote.  A: [email protected] A: [email protected] A: [email protected] A: [email protected] A: [email protected] A: [email protected] A: [email protected]  Ed Bailey Member, Usenet Volunteer Votetakers --  Ed Bailey                | Voice: (512) 471-4198   Fax: (512) 471-6715 Inst. for Fusion Studies | Internet: [email protected]{hagar,ziggy}, Univ. of Texas at Austin |   [email protected], or [email protected] Austin TX  78712         | "No pithy quotes.  Just email addresses."  From [email protected] Thu Nov 11 10:23:00 1993 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Ed Bailey) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,,,comp.patents,,alt.privacy Subject: RESULT: moderated passes 305:20 Followup-To: news.groups Date: 10 Nov 1993 15:26:55 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 549 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4256 news.groups:87286 comp.patents:1301 alt.privacy:9494  				RESULT  Moderated group  Newsgroups line:    All aspects of law. (Moderated)  UseVote 2.0a Vote Count - (c) 1993 Ron Dippold group vote results - 325 valid votes   Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  305   20 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :  Voting on closed on November 2nd, 23:59 GMT. 348 total votes were received.  17 votes were discarded as duplicates. 6 invalid votes were not superceded.  Barring any serious irregularities in the voting process, the vote should be newgrouped after five days.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions only, contact Ed Bailey <[email protected]>.  For questions about the proposed group, contact Bernie Cosell <[email protected]>.  Larry Kolodney <[email protected]> has volunteered to serve as the inital moderator for  CHARTER and DISCUSSION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Name:  Status:   Moderated. Larry Kolodney, aka [email protected], has           volunteered to serve as initial moderator.  Charter: is for the discussion of law and           legal theory.  It is recognized that these are           contested terms, and contested terrain, and that law's           domain varies from country to country.  The group is           intended to provide a home for well-tempered           discussions including, but not limited to:  1.   Current developments in the law including but not limited to      court decisions, legislative enactments, and executive      actions with legal implications.  2.   The content and effects of existing constitutions, laws, and      rules of court at all levels: international, multi-national      (e.g. EEC, EFTA NAFTA), national, state/provincial/      departmental, and local/communal.  3.   Proposals for changes to the above which have a 'legal'      content, e.g. technical proposals for changes designed to      achieve political ends (e.g. draft language for a statute or      constitutional amendment).  4.   Legal doctrine, legal theory (jurisprudence), and schools of      legal interpretation and thought.  5.   Legal history, legal sociology and other interdisciplinary      work of interest to lawyers, judges and/or legal scholars.  6.   Professional ethics and professional discipline of legal      professionals, both in public and private life, and of their      associates and matters relating to the role of law and      lawyers in society.  7.   Posts by practitioners concerning legal problems they have      encountered that may be of interest to the legal community.  8.   _First-person_ anecdotes and commentary by non-practitioners      concerning encounters they have had with lawyers, the      police, the courts or other entities which administer the      legal system.  9.   Legal education and the type, quantity, and terms of      employment for lawyers and other legal professionals.  10.  Posts (including those from non-lawyers) asking specific      factual questions as to the content of the law, and replies      to those posts, so long as the context of the exchange makes      it clear that **legal advice is not being provided**.  11.  Posts by persons seeking legal advice, or seeking to engage      a lawyer, which are to be replied to by private e-mail.      Such persons are reminded in advance that legal advice      obtained via email is inherently unreliable, and is almost      never a good substitute for direct consultation with an      attorney.  12.  Legal humor.  The ordering above is for convenience only and does not reflect a preference ordering among the various topics.   The role of the Moderator =========================  13.  Although no legal relationships are created by this      document, the moderator is expected to behave as if she or      he were in a fiduciary relationship with persons reading and      posting to the group.  14.  Posts by persons offering legal advice for remuneration will      not be permitted.  The moderator will enforce this rule.      This rule is not intended to prevent individuals from      publicizing the existence of non-profit advocacy      organizations which provide legal counseling and      representation.  15.  The moderator will use his or her discretion to decide when      discussions drift too far from 'legal' content, and will      close threads accordingly.  The moderator will notify the      group when taking such actions.  The moderator will request      voluntary compliance before taking such actions.  16.  The moderator will be encouraged to return posts to senders,      perhaps with a suggestion of a more appropriate newsgroup,      if the posts are those that he or she believes more properly      belong in another newsgroup.  It is intended that the      moderator will use this discretion more aggressively when      there exists another group in which the thread appears to      belong.  17.  Posts that deal with general questions of social policy are      disfavored unless they make specific reference to particular      laws, legal doctrines or jurisprudential theories implicated      by the topic.  Similarly, discussions of general political      issues are disfavored unless they are informed by reference      to specific legal aspects of such issues.  The moderator      will enforce this rule.  18.  The moderator will have discretion to reject posts      containing factual assertions about the current state of the      law (as opposed to why the law should be changed) which the      moderator believes are plainly inaccurate.  The failure of      the moderator to exercise this discretion does not signify      the moderator's agreement with or approval of the post, and      is in no way to be seen as the moderator's endorsement of      any legal conclusion or opinion expressed in that post.      This moderator is encouraged to use this discretion in a      manner that permits a wide range of colorable arguments to      be presented.  19.  The moderator will have discretion to reject posts which are      unduly repetitive and/or contain personal attacks on      previous writers.  The failure of the moderator to exercise      this discretion does not signify the moderator's agreement      with or approval of the post, and is in no way to be seen as      the moderator's endorsement of any legal conclusion or      opinion expressed in that post.  Moderator Selection and Replacement ===================================  20.  A moderator serves until she or he resigns.  A moderator may      resign at any time.  The moderator is requested to give the      group adequate notice in order to ensure an orderly      transition.  21.  The moderator may designate a substitute moderator to serve      for periods of not more than four consecutive weeks.  The      moderator will not designate substitutes for more than two      months per calendar year.  22.  A sole moderator may appoint a co-moderator.  Co-moderators      may appoint additional co-moderators, if all serving      moderators consent, so long as no more than five moderators      are active at any one time.  Moderators may share their      duties in any manner mutually acceptable.  Differences among      the moderators shall be settled by majority vote, or in      cases of tie, by lot, or by other means acceptable to all      the moderators.  In the event that the group has multiple      moderators, all references to a sole moderator in the above      paragraphs shall apply to all the moderators, collectively      if the context permits.  23.  A resigning moderator, whether or not she/he is a sole      moderator, selects his/her successor.  Moderators are      requested to consider the opinions of readers of the group      when choosing their successors. A resigning co-moderator      may, with the unanimous consent of the other moderators,      choose not to appoint a successor.   Amending This Charter =====================  24.  This charter can be amended at any time, by following the      procedures then in effect for newsgroup creation. group vote Final Vote Ack   Yes Votes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                                    [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                                                [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                              David E. Sorkin [email protected]                                                              [email protected]                                  Abdul Paliwala [email protected]                                            Adam Bonin [email protected]                                          Nigel Allen [email protected]                                          Adam H. Broome [email protected]                                                     Alan Stokes [email protected]                                                Alan L. Cassel [email protected]                                           andrew m. boardman [email protected]                                        Andrew Finkenstadt [email protected]                                             Brennan T. Price [email protected]                                             alan pfeffer [email protected]                                        Andrew Stone [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                      Arthur Rubin [email protected]                                          Becky Jones [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                          Bob Allen [email protected]                                                   Bruce Toor [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                           Bruce Bertram [email protected]                                      Bill McFarlane [email protected]                                                   Bill [email protected]                                                  B.J. Herbison [email protected]                                          Blair Kauffman [email protected]                                         Brian Mcdaniel [email protected]                                                Boyd Nation [email protected]                                        steve bradford [email protected]                           Brendan P. McCullagh [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                              BT Group Legal Services [email protected]                                       Laura Burchard [email protected]                              Barry W. Chapin x2809 [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                                 [email protected]                                         Charles Bouldin [email protected]                                  Caroline Bradley [email protected]                              Craig William BURLEY [email protected]                                           C. E. Petit [email protected]                                      Wickham Cameron G [email protected]                                   Frederick Charette [email protected]                                      Charles R. Emmons [email protected]                                        Richard D Chatham [email protected]                                            JAMES CHILDERS [email protected]                                        Chip Rosenthal [email protected]                                    Chua Hak Lien [email protected]                                         Charles Cilek [email protected]                                    Adam Gilinsky [email protected]                                    Christopher K. Koenigsberg [email protected]                                 Chris Siebenmann [email protected]                                             Mike Coleman [email protected]                                             Bernie Cosell [email protected]                                       Caroline Regan [email protected]                                       Chris Simoni [email protected]           Barry Currier, U. Florida College of Law [email protected]                                                 [email protected]                                                DEAN LINK [email protected]                                        David Swarbrick [email protected]                                              Buckaroo [email protected]                                           Toon de Laaf DBI [email protected]                                          Daniel Brown [MSAI] [email protected]                                             Dave Brown [email protected]                                               DAN L. BURK [email protected]                                       David Dyer-Bennet [email protected]                                                David Friedman [email protected]                                               Robert Destro [email protected]                                                   Danny O'Bedlam [email protected]                                                   Rahul Dhesi [email protected]                           David Neal Miller [email protected]                                             Don Phillips [email protected]                                             decisionquest inc [email protected]                                                   Thomas Dyhr [email protected]                                             DAVID RAACK [email protected]                                           Dennis G. Rears [email protected]                  Daniel R. Reitman, Attorney to Be [email protected]                                             Robert Dunne [email protected]                                           David Warner [email protected]                                                        [email protected]                                           Eberhard E.H. Weber [email protected]                                                  Mark Eckenwiler [email protected]                                          Mark Epperson [email protected]                 David A. Epstein (914-784-5031 T/L 863) [email protected]                                     Edward P. Richards [email protected]                                                   Erik R|s{g [email protected]                                       Faruq abd ul-Rafi [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                        FRANCIS BUCKLEY [email protected]                                            Nick Finke [email protected]                                              Francis Davey [email protected]                           Francine Alfandary [email protected]                                Gregory C Franklin [email protected]                                    Fred Berg [email protected]                                                      Snoop [email protected]                                                Steve [email protected]                                        Fred Zimmerman [email protected]                                  SERENDIPITOUS [email protected]                                              Vic Garces [email protected]                                     Gary Gott [email protected]                                        Grace Mills [email protected]                                             Mark Goldberg [email protected]                                  Steve Graham [email protected]                                        Greg Broiles [email protected]                                                 Geoffrey Spear [email protected]                                            Henk Ritsema [email protected]                                          James Harvey [email protected]                               Robert A. Hayden [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                      Hugh Malcolm [email protected]                                         Lee Hollaar [email protected]                                               H. Peter Anvin N9ITP [email protected]                                           Ilana Stern [email protected]                                  Brendan Quinn [email protected]                                                 Jan Isley [email protected]                                         John Bonine [email protected]                             James Alexander Chokey [email protected]                                      Jonathan C Patrick [email protected]                                         Jeremy M. Wertheimer [email protected]                                                          John Carr [email protected]                                                       John Gray [email protected]                                               John Hughes [email protected]                                  John A. Humbach [email protected]                                        John Jacobs [email protected]                                                     J. J. Larrea [email protected]                                                       Joe King [email protected]                                         JAMES LEONARD [email protected]                                           Craig Becker [email protected]                                            Joe St Sauver [email protected]                                                 Julie Wise [email protected]                                    Peter D. Junger [email protected]                                                    Carl M. Kadie [email protected]                                               Keith Aoki [email protected]                                  Joseph H. Orth a.k.a. [email protected]                                        Karen D. Frazer [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                                   Kevin McCarty [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                       Kenneth Mortensen [email protected]                                          Rob Knauerhase [email protected]                                                Kristina Ramos [email protected]                                        Martin Schr"oder [email protected]                                              LEE [email protected]                                    Charles Lane [email protected]                                Laszlo Schuster [email protected]                                        Laura K Koepnick [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                Legal Recourse[tm], Palo Alto, [email protected]                                  Lynn Barkley Burnett [email protected]                                             Larry Coit - EPRI [email protected]                                                         Lori Fox [email protected]                                                     Joel B Levin [email protected]                                                Colin Jensen [email protected]                                                   Larry Kolodney [email protected]                                   Larry J Lennhoff [email protected]                                   LOUIS LOBENHOFER [email protected]                                Lyonette Louis-Jacques [email protected]                                                Linda M. Kreitz [email protected]                                              Jack C. LOCKHART [email protected]                                 Lonadar the Wanderer [email protected]                                          Lee Rudolph LUNDL%[email protected]                                                 [email protected]                                            Lea Vaughn [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                                 eetgerin [email protected]                                        Ejan Mackaay [email protected]                                             Chaim Manaster [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                            Mark Gould [email protected]                                               Mark Carter [email protected]                                                MARKET LOGIN [email protected]                                           Mark Gonzales [email protected]                                 Michael MASINTER [email protected]                                      Maurine Neiberg [email protected]                                                     Ron Mayer [email protected]                                             Sonja McDaniels [email protected]                                   Alan M. McKenney [email protected]                               Roland F. McKenney [email protected]                             Michael T Cronin [email protected]                            Chris "Systems Stud" Pikus [email protected]                                                     Mayer Freed [email protected]                                  Michael Froomkin [email protected]                                      Mark Giangrande [email protected]                                           Mike Fessler [email protected]                                             Ken Mintz [email protected]                                               Paul Mitchell [email protected]                                      Mark-Jason Dominus [email protected]                                              MPJensen [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                          Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS [email protected]                                                        Mike Nash [email protected]                                                   Mike Godwin [email protected]                                                   Morris Bisted [email protected]                                    Moira Russell [email protected]                                                                     [email protected]                                              Mark S Halperin [email protected]                                     A. M. Mughal [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                    "Niels M. Sampath [email protected]                                              Christopher J. Noe [email protected]                                    No parking EXCEPT FOR BOB [email protected]                                                Sandy Ogilvy [email protected]                                          Roger Park [email protected]                                       Dickinson School of Law [email protected]                                             Stephen M. Patton [email protected]                                        Paul Robichaux [email protected]                                      John Pearson [email protected]                                        john perkins [email protected]                                            Paul E. Hoffman [email protected]                                                 Peik J Stromsholm [email protected]                                           Steven C. Perkins [email protected]                                                 [email protected]                                                    [email protected]                                       Daniel Poulin [email protected]                                              Bill Watts [email protected]                                                      Cal [email protected]                                                      Gibson [email protected]                                   Michael J. Quinn [email protected]                                                   Eugen Raicu [email protected]                                          Richard A. Anderson [email protected]                                              Robert Cooperman [email protected]                                            Mr. Nice Guy [email protected]                                                     Robin Dumas [email protected]                                   BRIDGET REISCHER [email protected]                                         Lou Renevitz [email protected]                        Sendhil "Mr. Bubbles" Revuluri [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                                            [email protected]                                                       [email protected]                                               Mark Richmond [email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller [email protected]                                         Robert J. Keller [email protected]                                     Rich Carreiro [email protected]                                                    [email protected]                                       Richard Pritz [email protected]                                                  RRB [email protected]                                                   [email protected]                                                       . [email protected]                                  Rayman L. Solomon [email protected]                     JEFFREY RUFINUS, U.WISCONSIN - CERN [email protected]                                             Lee Ryan [email protected]                                       Shabbir J. Safdar [email protected]                                            Sarah W Salter [email protected]                                               Bruce Tindall [email protected]                                                 Steve Barber [email protected]                                               S.C. Evans [email protected]                                         Bob Scheid [email protected]                                        Bart Schorsch [email protected]                                 Stuart P. Derby [email protected]                                                             [email protected]                                                 Seth Breidbart [email protected]                                           Seth Gordon [email protected]                                        Suzanna Sherry [email protected]                                   Marian Shostrom [email protected]                                            Simon Klassen [email protected]                                                   Simona Nass [email protected]                                      SHARON KELLER [email protected]                                           Sandra Klein [email protected]                                              Stephen Law SM0864%[email protected]                             John Woods [email protected]                                          Sarah A McCabe [email protected]                                 clyde spillenger [email protected]                                             Bill Stackhouse [email protected]                                                    steven cherry [email protected]                                     Stephen L Nicoud [email protected]                                            Steve Dever [email protected]                                 Steven Guralnick [email protected]                                        Thomas Stylianos [email protected]                         S.W. Hedley [email protected]                                      The RushClone [email protected]                                          Steve Zorn [email protected]                                                    tammy taylor [email protected]                                                               [email protected]                                              Terry D Condren [email protected]                                                   Tatiana Falk [email protected]                                             Ted Frank [email protected]                                      Thomas D.Gasser [email protected]                                        Neil R. Ormos [email protected]                                        Terry Carroll [email protected]                                       Thomas J. Corsalini [email protected]                                        Tom Barringer [email protected]                                                          [email protected]                                        Thompkins W White U15289%[email protected]                                          Mitch Pravatiner [email protected]                                                  [email protected]                                                    [email protected]                                         Bill Schwesig [email protected]                                        Michael Wasserman [email protected]                                     David Lesher [email protected]                                      William J. Bridge [email protected]                                                           [email protected]                                               Larry Weeks [email protected]                                          Frederick Wheeler [email protected]                                           ron wright [email protected]                     Dave Shariff Yadallee [email protected]                                                Ben Yalow [email protected]                                                     [email protected]                                           Dick Danner [email protected]                                       Candace Zierdt  No Votes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                               Robert E. Brown [email protected]                                            Po Shan Cheah [email protected]                                      Colin Shaw [email protected]                                          David Cameron [email protected]                                        Dean Dierschow x6528 [email protected]                                                         [email protected]                                          Don Roberts [email protected]                                                     Edward Bertsch [email protected]                                                  John Rager [email protected]                                          Michael Lodman johnl%[email protected]                                  John Lebert [email protected]                                          Julian Macassey [email protected]                                               Leroy [email protected]                                      Alan L. Nelson [email protected]                                     Nick Fitzpatrick [email protected]                                          Scott Kempf [email protected]                                               Smarasderagd Draco [email protected]                                                   Timo Rinne [email protected]                               The Great and Powerful [email protected]                                                 Woody Muller   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                           Scott Mauvais    ! No votes [email protected]                                             Malcolm Austin    ! No votes [email protected]                          Sheldon W. Halpern    ! No votes [email protected]                                           stephen monsour    ! No votes [email protected]                                             BARBARA TEARLE    ! No votes [email protected]                                                                 ! No votes --  Ed Bailey                | Voice: (512) 471-4198   Fax: (512) 471-6715 Inst. for Fusion Studies | Internet: [email protected]{hagar,ziggy}, Univ. of Texas at Austin |   [email protected], or [email protected] Austin TX  78712         | "No pithy quotes.  Just email addresses."  
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