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Taxes ( misc.taxes )
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From [email protected] Fri Oct 27 00:43:32 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.taxes Subject: RFD: misc.taxes moderation and talk.political.taxes Followup-To: news.groups Date: 27 Oct 1995 04:42:42 -0000 Organization: . Lines: 219 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: misc.taxes Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7765 news.groups:171562 misc.taxes:37301                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)         moderated group misc.taxes (moderates existing group)                 unmoderated group talk.political.taxes  RATIONALE: all groups  The existing Usenet newsgroup for discussions on taxes, misc.taxes, has become loaded with too many articles that are of a political or tax protestor nature. This noise has restricted the ability of users to carry on a rational discussion of tax laws as they exist, and discouraged posting by serious tax professionals. Therefore we feel a strong need for moderation of this group. Freed from the noise, this group will also be able to answer, authoritatively and quickly, the large volume of tax queries from members of the Usenet expected during the upcoming tax filing season.  There is also a need for a newsgroup for the discussion of the political and moral aspects of taxation, so we propose the establishment of a new newsgroup, to be called talk.political.taxes This newsgroup would be unmoderated and open to tax protestors and others to discuss whatever they wish about taxes.  CHARTER: misc.taxes  misc.taxes.moderated is for the discussion of taxes, including, but not limited to, proposed and existing tax laws, regulations and procedures, among professional tax practitioners and other interested persons, and for answering queries concerning taxes.  This moderated newsgroup is intended to provide a home for well-tempered discussions, including, but not limited to, the following subjects:   1.   Current developments in tax law including but not limited       to,court decisions, legislative enactments, and executive       actions with tax implications, and proposed laws and actions.   2.   The content and effects of existing tax laws, and rulings of       courts at all levels.   3.   Professional ethics and professional discipline of tax       professionals.   4.   Problems encountered by tax practitioners that may be of       interest to the tax community.   5.   First-person anecdotes and commentary by non-practitioners       concerning  encounters they have had with tax practitioners,       the IRS, the courts  or other entities which administer       taxes.   6.   Queries (including those from non-practitioners) concerning       the content of the tax law, and replies to those posts, so       long as the context of the exchange makes it clear that       **specific legal tax advice is not being provided**.       Responses will be posted in the newsgroup and not sent by       E-mail, so that the response can benefit from peer review       by others in the group.   7.   Tax humor (There is such a thing).  The ordering above is for convenience only and does not reflect a preference ordering among the various topics.  The role of the Moderator =========================   8.    Although no legal relationships are created by this document,        the moderator is expected to act as if she or he were in a        fiduciary relationship with persons reading and posting.   9.    The moderator will not permit posts offering tax advice for        remuneration. This rule is not intended to prevent individuals        from publicizing the existence of non-profit organizations        which provide tax counseling and representation.  10.    The moderator will use his or her discretion to decide when        discussions drift too far from 'tax' content, and will close        threads accordingly. The moderator will request voluntary        compliance before taking such actions and will post a notice        notifying the group of any such actions  11.    The moderator is encouraged to return posts to senders,        perhaps with a suggestion of a more appropriate newsgroup,        if the posts are those that he or she believes more properly        belong in another newsgroup.  12.    The moderator will not allow posts that deal with general        questions of social policy, unless they make specific reference        political issues will not be allowed unless they refer to        specific tax aspects of such issues.  13.    The moderator will have discretion to reject posts containing        assertions about the current state of tax law which he or she        believes are plainly inaccurate. Any failure of the moderator        to exercise this discretion does not signify the moderator's        agreement with or approval of the post.  14.    The moderator will have discretion to reject posts which are        unduly repetitive and/or contain personal attacks on previous        postors. Any failure of the moderator to exercise this        discretion does not signify the moderator's agreement with        or approval of the post.  15 .   A committee of tax professionals will be established by the        moderator to act as an appeal comittee to consider any appeals        to the moderator's rulings. Appeals should be directed to the        moderator who will pass them on to the reviewing committee.  Moderator Selection and Replacement ===================================  16.    A moderator serves until she or he resigns.  A moderator may        resign at any time.  The moderator is requested to give the        group adequate notice in order to ensure an orderly transition.  17.    The moderator may designate a substitute moderator to serve        for periods of not more than four consecutive weeks or more        than two months per calendar year.  18.    A sole moderator may appoint one or more co-moderators.        Moderators may share their duties in any manner mutually        acceptable. In the event that the group has multiple        moderators, all references to a sole moderator in the above        paragraph shall apply to all of the the moderators, collectively,        if the context permits.  19.    A resigning moderator, whether or not she/he is a sole        moderator, selects his/her successor.  Moderators are        requested to consider the opinions of readers of the group        when choosing their successors. A resigning co-moderator        may, with the unanimous consent of the other moderators,        choose not to appoint a successor.  Frequently asked questions (FAQ) =================================  20.   The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) presently used by       the newsgroup misc.taxes will be used by the moderated       newsgroup to avoid duplication of effort. Posters are       encouraged to submit additional FAQs to the moderator.  Amending This Charter =====================  21.   This charter can be amended at any time by following the       procedures then in effect for newsgroup creation.  Posting Instructions:  1.    Posting should be done in the ordinary manner by using news       software.  DO NOT MAIL POSTINGS TO THE MODERATOR.  2.    All submissions will either be approved by the moderator, or       rejected and returned to the sender.  If you post a message and it       isn't rejected and doesn't appear on misc.taxes.moderated, your news       software is probably broken or misconfigured.  3.    The moderator will evaluate each message based on the criteria       listed in the misc.taxes.moderated Charter  The following factors       will be considered by the moderator:            a. The percentage of the message devoted primarily to issues              of taxes (as described in the Charter).            b. The amount of quoted material in the message, relative to              the amount of original material added by the poster. Quoted              blocks longer than 22 lines are too long.            c. The degree to which the message is repetitive of prior              messages, including multiple posts of the same article in              different newsgroups.            d. Commercial solicitation (absolutely prohibited).            e. The civility of the message and its *ad hominem* nature.            f.  The degree to which the message contains blatantly false               assertions of tax law.            g. The degree to which the message contains assertions              which, while not obviously false, are completely              unsubstantiated.            h. The "value added" by the message to the thread.  4.     Generally speaking, the moderator will post a warning message when        a thread is veering away from appropriate subject matter, but the        moderator reserves the right to reject posts without prior warning if        they are blatantly inappropriate.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO: misc.taxes  Moderator: Dick Adams <[email protected]>  Dick Adams, a faculty member at the University of Baltimore, has volunteered to serve as initial moderator. Additional co-moderators may be appointed by him after the group is operational.  END MODERATOR INFO.  CHARTER: talk.political.taxes  This newsgroup is created for the use of those presently using misc.taxes, who do not wish to restrict discussuion to existing and proposed tax laws under the rules set up for misc.taxes. moderated. Possible subjects for discussion are the legality of, the need for doing away with or replacing the IRS, status of sovereign citizens, etc. The group is ummoderated, so all articles are posted, but posters are asked to refrain from name-calling and the use of vulgar or obscene language.  Specific questions on tax laws, regulations or procedures are not appropriate for this newsgroup. They shoud be posted to misc.taxes.moderated.  END CHARTER.  Submitted by: Henry E Sievers, proponent.  From [email protected] Mon Nov 13 15:02:40 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: [email protected] (Hank Sievers) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.taxes Subject: 2nd RFD: misc.taxes reorganization Followup-To: news.groups Date: 13 Nov 1995 20:02:37 -0000 Organization: . Lines: 227 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: misc.taxes.moderated Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7858 news.groups:173808 misc.taxes:38730                       REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)                  moderated group misc.taxes.moderated         unmoderated group misc.taxes.misc (renames misc.taxes)  This is a formal request for discussion regarding the reorganization of the misc.taxes group into two groups, one moderated and one unmoderated, to discuss tax issues.  RATIONALE: all groups  The existing Usenet newsgroup for discussions on taxes, misc.taxes, has become loaded with too many articles that are of a political or tax protestor nature. this restricts the ability of users to carry on a rational discussion of tax laws as they exist, and discourages posting by serious tax professionals. Therefore we feel a strong need for a moderated tax newsgroup. This new group will also be able to answer, authoritatively and quickly, the large volume of tax queries from members of the Usenet expected during the upcoming tax filing season.  There is also a need for a newsgroup for the discussion of the political and moral aspects of taxation, so we propose that the old newsgroup misc.taxes be renamed and established as misc.taxes.misc. This newsgroup would be unmoderated and open to discussion of all aspects of taxation, including, but not restricted to, those that are permitted by the misc.taxes.moderated newsgroup.  instead of this division, we condidered, but rejected, the use of a moderator for the existing group, because we do not wish to impose restrictions on those now using the newsgroup for other purposes..  CHARTER: misc.taxes.moderated  misc.taxes.moderated is for the discussion of taxes, including, but not limited to, proposed and existing tax laws, regulations and procedures, among professional tax practitioners and other interested persons, and for answering queries concerning taxes.  This moderated newsgroup is intended to provide a home for well-tempered discussions, including, but not limited to, the following subjects:   1.   Current developments in tax law including but not limited       to, court decisions, legislative enactments, and executive       actions with tax implications, and proposed laws and actions.   2.   The content and effects of existing tax laws, and rulings of       courts at all levels.   3.   Professional ethics and professional discipline of tax       professionals.   4.   Problems encountered by tax practitioners that may be of       interest to the tax community.   5.   First-person anecdotes and commentary by non-practitioners       concerning  encounters they have had with tax practitioners,       the IRS, the courts, or other entities which administer       taxes.   6.   Queries (including those from non-practitioners) concerning       the content of the tax law, and replies to those posts, so       long as the context of the exchange makes it clear that       **specific legal tax advice is not being provided**.       Responses will be posted in the newsgroup and not sent by       E-mail, so that the response can benefit from peer review       by others in the group and so that other members of the       group can benefit from the response..   7.   Tax humor (There is such a thing).  The ordering above is for convenience only and does not reflect a preference ordering among the various topics.  The role of the Moderator =========================   8.    Although no legal relationships are created by this document,        the moderator is expected to act as if she or he were in a        fiduciary relationship with persons reading and posting.   9.    The moderator will not permit posts offering tax advice for        remuneration. This rule is not intended to prevent individuals        from publicizing the existence of non-profit organizations        which provide tax counseling and representation.  10.    The moderator will use his or her discretion to decide when        discussions drift too far from 'tax' content, and will close        threads accordingly. The moderator will request voluntary        compliance before taking such actions and will post a notice        notifying the group of any such actions  11.    The moderator is encouraged to return posts to senders,        perhaps with a suggestion of a more appropriate newsgroup,        if the posts are those that he or she believes more properly        belong in another newsgroup.  12.    The moderator will not allow posts that deal with general        questions of social policy, unless they make specific reference        to existing or proposed tax laws. Political issues will not be        allowed unless they refer to specific tax aspects of such issues.  13.    The moderator will have discretion to reject posts containing        assertions about the current state of tax law which he or she        believes are plainly inaccurate. Any failure of the moderator        to exercise this discretion does not signify the moderator's       agreement with or approval of the post.  14.    The moderator will have discretion to reject posts which are        unduly repetitive and/or contain personal attacks on previous        postors. Any failure of the moderator to exercise this        discretion does not signify the moderator's agreement with        or approval of the post.  15 .   A committee of tax professionals will be established by the        moderator to act as an appeal comittee to consider any appeals        to the moderator's rulings. Appeals should be directed to the        moderator who will pass them on to the reviewing committee.  Moderator Selection and Replacement ===================================  16.    A moderator serves until she or he resigns.  A moderator may        resign at any time.  The moderator is requested to give the        group adequate notice in order to ensure an orderly transition.  17.    The moderator may designate a substitute moderator to serve        for periods of not more than four consecutive weeks or more        than two months per calendar year.  18.    A sole moderator may appoint one or more co-moderators.        Moderators may share their duties in any manner mutually        acceptable. In the event that the group has multiple        moderators, all references to a sole moderator in the above        paragraph shall apply to all of the the moderators, collectively,        if the context permits.  19.    A resigning moderator, whether or not she/he is a sole        moderator, selects his/her successor.  Moderators are        requested to consider the opinions of readers of the group        when choosing their successors. A resigning co-moderator        may, with the unanimous consent of the other moderators,        choose not to appoint a successor.  Frequently asked questions (FAQ) =================================  20.   The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) presently used by       the newsgroup misc.taxes will be used by the moderated       newsgroup to avoid duplication of effort. Posters are       encouraged to submit additional FAQs to the moderator.  Amending This Charter =====================  21.   This charter can be amended at any time by following the       procedures then in effect for newsgroup creation.  Posting Instructions:  1.    Posting should be done in the ordinary manner by using news       software.  DO NOT MAIL POSTINGS TO THE MODERATOR.  2.    All submissions will either be approved by the moderator, or       rejected and returned to the sender.  If you post a message and it       isn't rejected and doesn't appear on misc.taxes.moderated, your news       software is probably broken or misconfigured.  3.    The moderator will evaluate each message based on the criteria       listed in the misc.taxes.moderated Charter  The following factors       will be considered by the moderator:            a. The percentage of the message devoted primarily to issues              of taxes (as described in the Charter).            b. The amount of quoted material in the message, relative to              the amount of original material added by the poster. Quoted              blocks longer than 22 lines are too long.            c. The degree to which the message is repetitive of prior              messages, including multiple posts of the same article in              different newsgroups.            d. Commercial solicitation (absolutely prohibited).            e. The civility of the message and its *ad hominem* nature.            f.  The degree to which the message contains blatantly false               assertions of tax law.            g. The degree to which the message contains assertions              which, while not obviously false, are completely              unsubstantiated.            h. The "value added" by the message to the thread.  4.     Generally speaking, the moderator will post a warning message when        a thread is veering away from appropriate subject matter, but the        moderator reserves the right to reject posts without prior warning if        they are blatantly inappropriate.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO: misc.taxes.moderated  Moderator: Dick Adams <[email protected]>  Dick Adams, a faculty member at the University of Baltimore, has volunteered to serve as initial moderator. Additional co-moderators may be appointed by him after the group is operational.  END MODERATOR INFO.  CHARTER: misc.taxes.misc  This newsgroup is created for the use of those presently using misc.taxes, who do not wish to restrict discussuion to existing and proposed tax laws under the rules for misc.taxes.moderated.  Possible subjects for discussion are the legality of the IRS and/or taxes, the need for doing away with or replacing the IRS, status of *sovereign* citizens, etc. The group is ummoderated, so all articles are posted, but posters are asked to refrain from name-calling and the use of vulgar or obscene language.  END CHARTER.  Proponent: [email protected] (Henry E Sievers)  From [email protected] Mon Nov 20 20:07:52 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Steve Bonine <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.taxes Subject: CFV: misc.taxes.{misc,moderated} Followup-To: poster Date: 21 Nov 1995 01:07:44 -0000 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 219 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Dec 1995 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: Steve Bonine <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: misc.taxes.moderated Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7905 news.groups:175122 misc.taxes:39244                       FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)         unmoderated group misc.taxes.misc (renames misc.taxes)                  moderated group misc.taxes.moderated  Newsgroups lines: misc.taxes.misc		Comments and queries about all aspects of taxation. misc.taxes.moderated	Tax professionals meeting place and answers to queries. (Moderated)  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 Dec 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: Henry Sievers <[email protected]> Votetaker: Steve Bonine <[email protected]>  RATIONALE: all groups  The existing Usenet newsgroup for discussions on taxes, misc.taxes, has become loaded with too many articles that are of a political or tax protestor nature. This restricts the ability of users to carry on rational discussions of tax laws as they exist, and discourages posting by serious tax professionals. Therefore we feel a strong need for a moderated tax newsgroup. This new group will also be able to answer, authoritatively and quickly, the large volume of tax queries from members of the Usenet expected during the upcoming tax filing season.  The existing misc.taxes newsgroup will remain unmoderated.  and open to tax protestors and others to discuss whatever aspects of taxes that they wish to. To distinguish this group from the new moderated group, the name will be changed from misc.taxes to misc.taxes.misc.  Instead of this division, we condidered, but rejected, the use of a moderator for the existing group, because we do not wish to impose restrictions on those now using the newsgroup for other purposes.  CHARTER: misc.taxes.moderated   Misc.taxes.moderated is for the discussion of  taxes, including,  but not limited to, proposed and existing tax laws, regulations  and procedures, among professional tax practitioners and other  interested persons, and for answering queries concerning taxes.   This newsgroup is intended to provide a home for well-tempered  discussions, including, but not limited to, the following  subjects:    1.   Current developments in tax law including but not limited        to, court decisions, legislative enactments, and executive        actions with tax implications, and proposed laws and actions.    2.   The content and effects of existing tax laws, and rulings of        courts at all levels.    3.   Professional ethics and professional discipline of tax        professionals.    4.   Problems encountered by tax practitioners that may be of        interest to the tax community.    5.   First-person anecdotes and commentary by non-practitioners        concerning  encounters they have had with tax practitioners,        the IRS, the courts  or other entities which administer        taxes.    6.   Queries (including those from non-practitioners) concerning        the content of the tax law, and replies to those posts, so        long as the context of the exchange makes it clear that        **specific legal tax advice is not being provided**.        Responses will be posted in the newsgroup and not sent by        E-mail, so that the response can benefit from peer review        by others in the group.    7.   Tax humor (There is such a thing).  The ordering above is for convenience only and does not reflect a preference ordering among the various topics.   The role of the Moderator =========================    8.    Although no legal relationships are created by this document,         the moderator is expected to act as if she or he were in a         fiduciary relationship with persons reading and posting.    9.    The moderator will not permit posts offering tax advice for         remuneration. This rule is not intended to prevent individuals         from publicizing the existence of non-profit organizations         which provide tax counseling and representation.   10.    The moderator will use his or her discretion to decide when         discussions drift too far from 'tax' content, and will close         threads accordingly. The moderator will request voluntary         compliance before taking such actions and will post a notice         notifying the group of any such actions   11.    The moderator is encouraged to return posts to senders,         perhaps with a suggestion of a more appropriate newsgroup,         if the posts are those that he or she believes more properly         belong in another newsgroup.   12.    The moderator will not allow posts that deal with general         questions of social policy, unless they make specific reference         political issues will not be allowed unless they refer to         specific tax aspects of such issues.   13.    The moderator will have discretion to reject posts containing         assertions about the current state of tax law which he or she         believes are plainly inaccurate. Any failure of the moderator         to exercise this discretion does not signify the moderator's         agreement with or approval of the post.   14.    The moderator will have discretion to reject posts which are         unduly repetitive and/or contain personal attacks on previous         postors. Any failure of the moderator to exercise this         discretion does not signify the moderator's agreement with         or approval of the post.   15 .   A committee of tax professionals will be established by the         moderator to act as an appeal comittee to consider any appeals         to the moderator's rulings. Appeals should be directed to the         moderator who will pass them on to the reviewing committee.  Moderator Selection and Replacement ===================================   16.    A moderator serves until she or he resigns.  A moderator may         resign at any time.  The moderator is requested to give the         group adequate notice in order to ensure an orderly transition.   17.    The moderator may designate a substitute moderator to serve         for periods of not more than four consecutive weeks or more         than two months per calendar year.   18.    A sole moderator may appoint one or more co-moderators.         Moderators may share their duties in any manner mutually         acceptable. In the event that the group has multiple         moderators, all references to a sole moderator in the above         paragraphs shall apply to all of the the moderators,         collectively, if the context permits.   19.    A resigning moderator, whether or not she/he is a sole         moderator, selects his/her successor.  Moderators are         requested to consider the opinions of readers of the group         when choosing their successors. A resigning co-moderator         may, with the unanimous consent of the other moderators,         choose not to appoint a successor.  END CHARTER.  CHARTER: misc.taxes.misc            This newsgroup is created for the use of those presently using           misc.taxes, who do not wish to restrict discussuion as proposed           under the rules set up for misc.taxes.moderated. Possible subjects           for discussion are the legality of, the need for doing away with or           replacing the IRS, status of sovereign citizens, etc. The group is           ummoderated, so all posts concerning taxes are welcome, but           posters are asked to refrain from name-calling and the use of           vulgar or obscene language.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO: misc.taxes.moderated  Moderator: Dick Adams <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected]  END MODERATOR INFO.  HOW TO VOTE:  You should send E-MAIL (posts to a newsgroup are invalid) to:        [email protected]  Check the address before you mail your vote.  Your mail message must contain one and only one of the following vote statements for each group:        I vote YES on misc.taxes.misc       I vote NO on misc.taxes.misc       I vote YES on misc.taxes.moderated       I vote NO on misc.taxes.moderated  You can also vote ABSTAIN or CANCEL.  These votes are not counted in the results, and CANCEL removes your name from the vote listing in the result.  Names are required for this vote.  The counting software will extract your name from the mail message if your mailer is properly configured; if your mail software does not indicate your real name, you must include the following statement and add your name (on the same line).       Voter name:  Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem.  IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE YOUR VOTE IS REGISTERED CORRECTLY.  If you wish to change your vote, simply vote again from the same account; duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the most recent vote.  THIS IS NOT A SECRET VOTE.  Names, addresses, and votes will be published in a RESULTS article in the same newsgroups in which this CFV appears.  The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing pre-marked or edited copies of this CFV is vote fraud. When in doubt, ask the votetaker.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous, forwarded or proxy votes are not valid.  Votes mailed by WWW servers are considered to be anonymous votes.  From [email protected] Mon Nov 27 12:09:32 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Steve Bonine <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.taxes Subject: 2nd CFV: misc.taxes.{misc,moderated} Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: poster Date: 27 Nov 1995 17:09:27 -0000 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 227 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Expires: 13 Dec 1995 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Reply-To: Steve Bonine <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: misc.taxes.moderated Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7942 news.groups:176309 misc.taxes:39698                        LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)         unmoderated group misc.taxes.misc (renames misc.taxes)                  moderated group misc.taxes.moderated  Newsgroups lines: misc.taxes.misc		Comments and queries about all aspects of taxation. misc.taxes.moderated	Tax professionals meeting place and answers to queries. (Moderated)  Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 Dec 1995.  This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: Henry Sievers <[email protected]> Votetaker: Steve Bonine <[email protected]>  Note from votetaker:  The first CFV contained a typo in the email address for the moderator.  The address in this CFV, [email protected], is the correct address.  RATIONALE: all groups  The existing Usenet newsgroup for discussions on taxes, misc.taxes, has become loaded with too many articles that are of a political or tax protestor nature. This restricts the ability of users to carry on rational discussions of tax laws as they exist, and discourages posting by serious tax professionals. Therefore we feel a strong need for a moderated tax newsgroup. This new group will also be able to answer, authoritatively and quickly, the large volume of tax queries from members of the Usenet expected during the upcoming tax filing season.  The existing misc.taxes newsgroup will remain unmoderated.  and open to tax protestors and others to discuss whatever aspects of taxes that they wish to. To distinguish this group from the new moderated group, the name will be changed from misc.taxes to misc.taxes.misc.  Instead of this division, we condidered, but rejected, the use of a moderator for the existing group, because we do not wish to impose restrictions on those now using the newsgroup for other purposes.  CHARTER: misc.taxes.moderated   Misc.taxes.moderated is for the discussion of  taxes, including,  but not limited to, proposed and existing tax laws, regulations  and procedures, among professional tax practitioners and other  interested persons, and for answering queries concerning taxes.   This newsgroup is intended to provide a home for well-tempered  discussions, including, but not limited to, the following  subjects:    1.   Current developments in tax law including but not limited        to, court decisions, legislative enactments, and executive        actions with tax implications, and proposed laws and actions.    2.   The content and effects of existing tax laws, and rulings of        courts at all levels.    3.   Professional ethics and professional discipline of tax        professionals.    4.   Problems encountered by tax practitioners that may be of        interest to the tax community.    5.   First-person anecdotes and commentary by non-practitioners        concerning  encounters they have had with tax practitioners,        the IRS, the courts  or other entities which administer        taxes.    6.   Queries (including those from non-practitioners) concerning        the content of the tax law, and replies to those posts, so        long as the context of the exchange makes it clear that        **specific legal tax advice is not being provided**.        Responses will be posted in the newsgroup and not sent by        E-mail, so that the response can benefit from peer review        by others in the group.    7.   Tax humor (There is such a thing).  The ordering above is for convenience only and does not reflect a preference ordering among the various topics.   The role of the Moderator =========================    8.    Although no legal relationships are created by this document,         the moderator is expected to act as if she or he were in a         fiduciary relationship with persons reading and posting.    9.    The moderator will not permit posts offering tax advice for         remuneration. This rule is not intended to prevent individuals         from publicizing the existence of non-profit organizations         which provide tax counseling and representation.   10.    The moderator will use his or her discretion to decide when         discussions drift too far from 'tax' content, and will close         threads accordingly. The moderator will request voluntary         compliance before taking such actions and will post a notice         notifying the group of any such actions   11.    The moderator is encouraged to return posts to senders,         perhaps with a suggestion of a more appropriate newsgroup,         if the posts are those that he or she believes more properly         belong in another newsgroup.   12.    The moderator will not allow posts that deal with general         questions of social policy, unless they make specific reference         political issues will not be allowed unless they refer to         specific tax aspects of such issues.   13.    The moderator will have discretion to reject posts containing         assertions about the current state of tax law which he or she         believes are plainly inaccurate. Any failure of the moderator         to exercise this discretion does not signify the moderator's         agreement with or approval of the post.   14.    The moderator will have discretion to reject posts which are         unduly repetitive and/or contain personal attacks on previous         postors. Any failure of the moderator to exercise this         discretion does not signify the moderator's agreement with         or approval of the post.   15 .   A committee of tax professionals will be established by the         moderator to act as an appeal comittee to consider any appeals         to the moderator's rulings. Appeals should be directed to the         moderator who will pass them on to the reviewing committee.  Moderator Selection and Replacement ===================================   16.    A moderator serves until she or he resigns.  A moderator may         resign at any time.  The moderator is requested to give the         group adequate notice in order to ensure an orderly transition.   17.    The moderator may designate a substitute moderator to serve         for periods of not more than four consecutive weeks or more         than two months per calendar year.   18.    A sole moderator may appoint one or more co-moderators.         Moderators may share their duties in any manner mutually         acceptable. In the event that the group has multiple         moderators, all references to a sole moderator in the above         paragraphs shall apply to all of the the moderators,         collectively, if the context permits.   19.    A resigning moderator, whether or not she/he is a sole         moderator, selects his/her successor.  Moderators are         requested to consider the opinions of readers of the group         when choosing their successors. A resigning co-moderator         may, with the unanimous consent of the other moderators,         choose not to appoint a successor.  END CHARTER.  CHARTER: misc.taxes.misc            This newsgroup is created for the use of those presently using           misc.taxes, who do not wish to restrict discussuion as proposed           under the rules set up for misc.taxes.moderated. Possible subjects           for discussion are the legality of, the need for doing away with or           replacing the IRS, status of sovereign citizens, etc. The group is           ummoderated, so all posts concerning taxes are welcome, but           posters are asked to refrain from name-calling and the use of           vulgar or obscene language.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO: misc.taxes.moderated  Moderator: Dick Adams <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected]  END MODERATOR INFO.  HOW TO VOTE:  You should send E-MAIL (posts to a newsgroup are invalid) to:        [email protected]  Check the address before you mail your vote.  Your mail message must contain one and only one of the following vote statements for each group:        I vote YES on misc.taxes.misc       I vote NO on misc.taxes.misc       I vote YES on misc.taxes.moderated       I vote NO on misc.taxes.moderated  You can also vote ABSTAIN or CANCEL.  These votes are not counted in the results, and CANCEL removes your name from the vote listing in the result.  Names are required for this vote.  The counting software will extract your name from the mail message if your mailer is properly configured; if your mail software does not indicate your real name, you must include the following statement and add your name (on the same line).       Voter name:  Vote counting is automated.  Failure to follow these directions may mean that your vote does not get counted.  If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem.  IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE YOUR VOTE IS REGISTERED CORRECTLY.  If you wish to change your vote, simply vote again from the same account; duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the most recent vote.  THIS IS NOT A SECRET VOTE.  Names, addresses, and votes will be published in a RESULTS article in the same newsgroups in which this CFV appears.  The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of persons who would read a proposed newsgroup.  Soliciting votes from disinterested parties defeats this purpose.  Please do not distribute this CFV.  If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing pre-marked or edited copies of this CFV is vote fraud. When in doubt, ask the votetaker.  Standard Guidelines for voting apply.  One person, one vote.  Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker.  Anonymous, forwarded or proxy votes are not valid.  Votes mailed by WWW servers are considered to be anonymous votes.  misc.taxes reorg Bounce List - No need to revote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]                                               Ed Kolar  From [email protected] Tue Dec 12 22:32:10 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Steve Bonine <[email protected]> Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,misc.taxes Subject: RESULT: misc.taxes.{misc,moderated} Supersedes: <[email protected]> Followup-To: news.groups Date: 12 Dec 1995 22:32:02 -0500 Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Lines: 425 Sender: [email protected] Approved: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: misc.taxes.moderated Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7999 news.groups:178744 misc.taxes:40712                                  RESULT  unmoderated group misc.taxes.misc (renames misc.taxes) fails 125:40           moderated group misc.taxes.moderated passes 174:25  For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.  There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create misc.taxes.moderated shortly thereafter.  misc.taxes reorg results - 219 valid votes   Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group ---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------  125   40 :  Yes    No :    No : misc.taxes.misc (replaces misc.taxes)  174   25 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : misc.taxes.moderated    4 invalid votes  Newsgroups lines: misc.taxes.misc		Comments and queries about all aspects of taxation. misc.taxes.moderated	Tax professionals meeting place and answers to queries. (Moderated)  Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 12 Dec 1995.  This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.  Proponent: Henry Sievers <[email protected]> Votetaker: Steve Bonine <[email protected]>  RATIONALE: all groups  The existing Usenet newsgroup for discussions on taxes, misc.taxes, has become loaded with too many articles that are of a political or tax protestor nature. This restricts the ability of users to carry on rational discussions of tax laws as they exist, and discourages posting by serious tax professionals. Therefore we feel a strong need for a moderated tax newsgroup. This new group will also be able to answer, authoritatively and quickly, the large volume of tax queries from members of the Usenet expected during the upcoming tax filing season.  The existing misc.taxes newsgroup will remain unmoderated.  and open to tax protestors and others to discuss whatever aspects of taxes that they wish to. To distinguish this group from the new moderated group, the name will be changed from misc.taxes to misc.taxes.misc.  Instead of this division, we condidered, but rejected, the use of a moderator for the existing group, because we do not wish to impose restrictions on those now using the newsgroup for other purposes.  CHARTER: misc.taxes.moderated   Misc.taxes.moderated is for the discussion of  taxes, including,  but not limited to, proposed and existing tax laws, regulations  and procedures, among professional tax practitioners and other  interested persons, and for answering queries concerning taxes.   This newsgroup is intended to provide a home for well-tempered  discussions, including, but not limited to, the following  subjects:    1.   Current developments in tax law including but not limited        to, court decisions, legislative enactments, and executive        actions with tax implications, and proposed laws and actions.    2.   The content and effects of existing tax laws, and rulings of        courts at all levels.    3.   Professional ethics and professional discipline of tax        professionals.    4.   Problems encountered by tax practitioners that may be of        interest to the tax community.    5.   First-person anecdotes and commentary by non-practitioners        concerning  encounters they have had with tax practitioners,        the IRS, the courts  or other entities which administer        taxes.    6.   Queries (including those from non-practitioners) concerning        the content of the tax law, and replies to those posts, so        long as the context of the exchange makes it clear that        **specific legal tax advice is not being provided**.        Responses will be posted in the newsgroup and not sent by        E-mail, so that the response can benefit from peer review        by others in the group.    7.   Tax humor (There is such a thing).  The ordering above is for convenience only and does not reflect a preference ordering among the various topics.   The role of the Moderator =========================    8.    Although no legal relationships are created by this document,         the moderator is expected to act as if she or he were in a         fiduciary relationship with persons reading and posting.    9.    The moderator will not permit posts offering tax advice for         remuneration. This rule is not intended to prevent individuals         from publicizing the existence of non-profit organizations         which provide tax counseling and representation.   10.    The moderator will use his or her discretion to decide when         discussions drift too far from 'tax' content, and will close         threads accordingly. The moderator will request voluntary         compliance before taking such actions and will post a notice         notifying the group of any such actions   11.    The moderator is encouraged to return posts to senders,         perhaps with a suggestion of a more appropriate newsgroup,         if the posts are those that he or she believes more properly         belong in another newsgroup.   12.    The moderator will not allow posts that deal with general         questions of social policy, unless they make specific reference         political issues will not be allowed unless they refer to         specific tax aspects of such issues.   13.    The moderator will have discretion to reject posts containing         assertions about the current state of tax law which he or she         believes are plainly inaccurate. Any failure of the moderator         to exercise this discretion does not signify the moderator's         agreement with or approval of the post.   14.    The moderator will have discretion to reject posts which are         unduly repetitive and/or contain personal attacks on previous         postors. Any failure of the moderator to exercise this         discretion does not signify the moderator's agreement with         or approval of the post.   15 .   A committee of tax professionals will be established by the         moderator to act as an appeal comittee to consider any appeals         to the moderator's rulings. Appeals should be directed to the         moderator who will pass them on to the reviewing committee.  Moderator Selection and Replacement ===================================   16.    A moderator serves until she or he resigns.  A moderator may         resign at any time.  The moderator is requested to give the         group adequate notice in order to ensure an orderly transition.   17.    The moderator may designate a substitute moderator to serve         for periods of not more than four consecutive weeks or more         than two months per calendar year.   18.    A sole moderator may appoint one or more co-moderators.         Moderators may share their duties in any manner mutually         acceptable. In the event that the group has multiple         moderators, all references to a sole moderator in the above         paragraphs shall apply to all of the the moderators,         collectively, if the context permits.   19.    A resigning moderator, whether or not she/he is a sole         moderator, selects his/her successor.  Moderators are         requested to consider the opinions of readers of the group         when choosing their successors. A resigning co-moderator         may, with the unanimous consent of the other moderators,         choose not to appoint a successor.  END CHARTER.  CHARTER: misc.taxes.misc            This newsgroup is created for the use of those presently using           misc.taxes, who do not wish to restrict discussuion as proposed           under the rules set up for misc.taxes.moderated. Possible subjects           for discussion are the legality of, the need for doing away with or           replacing the IRS, status of sovereign citizens, etc. The group is           ummoderated, so all posts concerning taxes are welcome, but           posters are asked to refrain from name-calling and the use of           vulgar or obscene language.  END CHARTER.  MODERATOR INFO: misc.taxes.moderated  Moderator: Dick Adams <[email protected]> Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected]  END MODERATOR INFO.  misc.taxes reorg Final Vote Ack                                                       misc.taxes.moderated ----+                                    misc.taxes.misc (replaces misc.taxes) ---+|                                                                             || [email protected]                                Mark Rigotti, CPA NY [email protected]                                   Mark Miskiewicz -Y [email protected]                                           Albert Cheng NN [email protected]                                           Ambrose Li -Y [email protected]                                   Jim Seidenschmidt YY [email protected]                                      Andrew Fabbro NN [email protected]                                        Andrew Farrell N- [email protected]                                           Alice Harman YY alan[email protected]                                           Alan Dixler Y- [email protected]                                       Henry J. Alme NY [email protected]                               Antonia Louloudes YY [email protected]                                          ANNETTE LYNCH YY [email protected]                                  Dennis Anderson -Y [email protected]                                          Andrew J. DeMaio YY [email protected]                                              Andy Latto NY [email protected]                                      Stephanie da Silva YY [email protected]                                                 Alan Nelson YY [email protected]                                      Ken Arromdee N- [email protected]                                          Richard D. Birns -Y [email protected]                                        Tony Stamer YY [email protected]                                   George Ting [email protected] YY [email protected]                                       John Monroe YY [email protected]                                            Bruce E. Cobern YY [email protected]                                           Brian Jongekryg YY [email protected]                        David J.& Judith D. Bennett YY [email protected]                                                 Brian Bivona YY [email protected]                                         Bill Johnson YY [email protected]                                              B.J. Herbison Y- [email protected]                                          Robert S. Minton Y- [email protected]                                    Susan Borkowski -Y [email protected]                                                 Barry Rubin YY [email protected]                                          Brian O'Laughlin YY [email protected]                                               B. Preston Rich -Y [email protected]                                         Brian D Sammon -Y [email protected]                                                      LBL Y- [email protected]                                    Aliza R. Panitz YN [email protected]                                            Michael Burgess YY [email protected]                                                          bwp -Y [email protected]                                     Charles A. Lowenhaupt -Y [email protected]                                              Joel W Tscherne YY [email protected]                                    victoria castello -Y [email protected]                                        Charles Clark -Y [email protected]                                            Ed Kolar -Y [email protected]                                        Charles A. Goldman -Y [email protected]                      Carroll A Lassettre YY [email protected]                                Christopher Lodge Stamper NN [email protected]                                                Christina Gigante YY [email protected]                          carol miskiewicz N- [email protected]                                   Catherine Murphy -Y [email protected]                                        Connie Lee -Y [email protected]                                       Colin L. Whipple -Y [email protected]                           Kenneth P Crouch -- [email protected]                                            Michiel Wijers NN [email protected]                                          Carl Helton YY [email protected]                                              Charlie Way YY [email protected]                                  Dan Aksel 76115 N- [email protected]                                     David Cay Johnston YY [email protected]                                           Daniel Brown -Y [email protected]                                          Don Ballard YY [email protected]                                              David W. Crawford YY [email protected]                     debbie galeazzi -Y [email protected]                                    DENNIS R. SCHMIDT YY [email protected]                                               Diane J. Krumm -Y [email protected]                                    Demetrius J. Karos  -Y [email protected]                                                      dkdlaw -Y [email protected]                                         Dennis M. Maurer NN [email protected]                                       MR ROGER A TORRES -Y [email protected]                                   Donald A. Smith YY [email protected]                                          Don Kiely NN [email protected]                                    Douglas Lundell YY [email protected]                                                 Doug Hall YY [email protected]                                              David Patnoe -Y [email protected]                                             Fred Chen YY [email protected]                               Daniel R. Reitman YY [email protected]                             Darlene Richardson YY [email protected]                                         Dale C. Vaughn -Y [email protected]                                                 Earl Hall YY [email protected]                                             Brian Edmonds Y- [email protected]                                     Edward A.R. Lane YY [email protected]                                        Eric Scharff NN [email protected]                                          Daniel B. Evans YY [email protected]                                              Ed Zollars YY [email protected]                                     [email protected] NN [email protected]                                              Frank McNeil -Y [email protected]                                                    Gary Feldman YY [email protected]                                              Ed Gaillard N- [email protected]                                        Gary A. Zwick YY [email protected]                                   [email protected] (Thomas Conley) YY [email protected]                                            Gabor Dobay YY [email protected]                                          Sergio Gelato YY [email protected]                                           George Anthony -Y [email protected]                                         Georgene Harkness YY [email protected]                                      George Stevenson YY [email protected]                                        Gordon M. Charrick YY [email protected]                     Gvran Thyni <[email protected]> NN [email protected]                               Henry Brabham, Jr.  -Y [email protected]                                   Helen P. O'Planick, EA  -Y [email protected]                                         William R Ward NY [email protected]                                James Baranovich N- [email protected]                                                   Harold Clark NY [email protected]                                   Ian Jackson YY [email protected]                                        Ilana Stern -Y [email protected]                                       john a. hartog -Y [email protected]                                              Mark James YY [email protected]                                 James Richardson YY [email protected]                                   Jan Coekelberghs NN [email protected]                                            Javier Henderson YY [email protected]                                      MR MICHAEL PUCILLO -Y [email protected]                                        Jon S. Davis YY [email protected]                                           Jason Watts YY [email protected]                                       James M. Tooman YY [email protected]                                          James Kaplan -Y [email protected]                                              Jonathan Gauntt YN [email protected]                                         Joyce Molen YY [email protected]                                          John F. Noble -Y [email protected]                                                 Joe Kristan YY [email protected]                                             John Sigler YY [email protected]                                            Jonathan Edwards -Y [email protected]                                     Sudish Joseph YY [email protected]                                          Joshua D. Adams -Y [email protected]                                    J. Porter Clark YY [email protected]                                  John R. MacWilliamson NN [email protected]                                    Joshua Kreitzer NY [email protected]                                            Karl Tombre NN [email protected]                                       [email protected] -Y [email protected]                                           Kim DeVaughn YY [email protected]                                           Kevin Mitchell NN [email protected]                                Mohsen A. Zohir YY [email protected]                                         Karen Nunez YY [email protected]                         king paul charlie Y- [email protected]                                        Kimberly Ward YY [email protected]                                          Lee Newberg NN [email protected]                                          Lance K. Chun YY [email protected]                                        Mark Lavender YY [email protected]                                          Leonard E. Schwer YY [email protected]                     Mark R. Lezotte <[email protected]> NY [email protected]                                          Linda S. Bleil, EA -Y [email protected]                               Martin Schr"oder YY [email protected]                                               Lois J. Webb YY [email protected]                                             leonard mednick -Y [email protected]                                                  Pete Lurie YY [email protected]                                                Mark Milem -- [email protected]                                    Michael R. Brice YY [email protected]                                           Michael Brown N- [email protected]                               Mark P. Groves, JD, CPA -Y [email protected]                                                     Ted Frank YY [email protected]                                       Alanna Mozel YY [email protected]                                            Matthew Schnall -Y [email protected]                                            Ken Nelson YY [email protected]                                              Nancy P. Milligan YY [email protected]                                           Nona Poyer YY [email protected]                                                  david parsons NY [email protected]                                                  H. Padden YY [email protected]                                        Patrick J. LoPresti NN [email protected]                                              Paul Maffia YY [email protected]                                           Trevor Tymchuk YY [email protected]                                          Mark Phaedrus YY [email protected]                                   John Pimentel YY [email protected]                                         Linda M. Judge YY [email protected]                                                  Ping Huang YY [email protected]                                           Philip Small  Y- [email protected]                                             Pete Bastien -N [email protected]                               Bill Smith -Y [email protected]                                        Ronald Dionne Y- [email protected]                                               Steven Rosen -Y [email protected]                              Richard D. Adams, CPA YY [email protected]                                          Richard Perry YY [email protected]                                               Rich Wales YY [email protected]                                          Richard H. Miller YY [email protected]                                    Rebecca L. Jones YY [email protected]                                         Rich Carreiro YY [email protected]                                  Rajesh Shingavi -Y [email protected]                                         J. Rufinus YY [email protected]                                    Ronald Wingerd YY [email protected]                                             Rob Wright YY [email protected]                                  Glen Patrick Ryan NN [email protected]                                  Richard Sansing -Y [email protected]                                            Bruce Tindall -Y [email protected]                                 Scott Brynen NN [email protected]                                                 Steve Summit N- [email protected]                                          Bart Sears YY [email protected]                                         Susan Geier YY [email protected]                                         Dan "Shag" Birchall YY [email protected]                                              Roger Simons YY [email protected]                                      Smarasderagd NN [email protected]                                               Dwight Brown NN [email protected]                                                 Stan Brown NY [email protected]                                            Steven Bookman -Y [email protected]                                        J. Stick YY [email protected]                                       Stu Labovitz NN [email protected]                                    Susan J. Kupper, Ph.D. YY [email protected]                                                        Tom Russ YY [email protected]                                      Rudolph J. Tatay YY [email protected]                                           John H. Fisher -Y [email protected]                                 Mary Ann Chaffin, EA -Y [email protected]                                              Henry E Sievers YY [email protected]                                                    Thom Byxbe YY [email protected]                                  Thomas D. Gasser YY [email protected]                               TJASKIEW.US.ORACLE.COM Y- [email protected]                          Todd C. Lawson YY [email protected]                                            Thomas W. Bassett YY [email protected]                                                 Tom Horn -Y [email protected]                                            David Sievers -Y [email protected]                                       Thomas R. Riffle, CPA YY [email protected]                                    tawni collins YY [email protected]                                                GP Tomaschke Y- [email protected]                                            Shannon Smith NY [email protected]                                             Rodrigo Vanegas YY [email protected]                                               J Cooper -Y [email protected]         WAYNE WELTY <[email protected]> YY [email protected]                                              Wayne Ross YY [email protected]                                      Risto Widenius NN [email protected]                                       Michael A. Murray >> YY [email protected]    William J. Mackey ([email protected] YY [email protected]                                    Wendy Marsden YY [email protected]                                     Arthur Wouk YY [email protected]                                          Chris Wysocki YY [email protected]                                       Kent Paul Dolan YY [email protected]                                                 Rich Crosby NN   Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected]    ! No name given [email protected]    ! No name given [email protected]                                                    Jim Miner    ! Conflicting votes [email protected]                                                   Fred Barbee    ! No vote statement in message 
Flaming is the hostile interaction between multiple Usenet users.