From [email protected] Mon May 23 15:55:15 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Jon Shemitz 
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 20 May 1994 14:37:47 -0400
Organization: Midnight Beach
Lines: 92
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5111 news.groups:104409

1 - Proposed Charter:
A forum for the discussion of any and all aspects of home schooling:
>from completely unschooled and child-directed to rigidly 
curriculum-based and parent-led; from tips and experiences to 
meta-discussions of the nature of ideas and the structure of society.
The possible .christian group would be a forum specifically for those 
home schoolers who consider Christ the center of their life and the 
basis for all their decisions.  The creation of two groups would 
constitute a sort of fire wall that should help reduce tension between 
those who think that "secular humanism" is simply rationalism and those 
who think it is Satanism.
2 - Purpose:  Handle volume, manage diversity, increase accessibility.
2.1 - Volume: 
The number of home-schoolers seems to be growing every day.  Ditto the 
number of home-schoolers on the internet:  The home-ed mailing list has 
grown to the point where a few days of not reading your mail can mean 
you'll spend the better part of a day catching up.  People have started 
unsubscribing simply because they can't handle the volume, and messages 
sometimes bounce back to the list maintainer because some list members' 
mailboxes are full!
News readers, however, are better able to handle this sort of volume.  
One can read the threads that are personally interesting, and ignore the 
threads that are not, without having to scan the first page of each 
2.2 - Diversity:
A news group would seem better able to contain a high level of 
diversity, with less of the violent antipathies that a single mailing 
list seemed to entail or the balkanization of discussion that 
specialized lists entails.  Instead of telling people to take a given 
discussion "out of my mailbox", one can just stop reading the thread, or 
even put it in their kill file.  Similarly, the ability to totally 
ignore messages from the people you find the most objectionable would 
certainly help reduce friction in a group as polarized as home 
2.3 - Accessibility:
Further, a news group is a sort of central place that everyone can 
find.  I posted the prelimary RFD's to the four home schooling mailing 
lists that I know of, but the odds are good both that there are several 
home schooling mailing lists that I've never heard of and that there are 
many home schoolers who have never found any of the existing mailing 
3 - Dangling Issues:
3.1 - Need:
Do home schoolers (and potential home schoolers) want a newsgroup?  (I 
got about 50 replies from the mailing lists supporting a newsgroup; we 
need at least 100 yes votes AND a 2/3rds margin to create a group.) 
Certainly a "self advertising" newsgroup would get more trash than the 
mailing lists -- more bone-headed surveys, more MAKE.MONEY.FAST, and 
the like -- but I tend to think that this would be more than balanced by 
the greater range of discussion from people who never found the mailing 
3.2 - Name:
If a home school group should be created, what should it be called and 
where does the new group belong in the news group hierarchy?  I lean 
towards misc.home-school, but it's been pointed out that the Net Gods 
prefer to keep the number of groups directly under misc. to a minimum.  
While my personal preference (and seemingly that of at least a few 
others on the mailing list) is to put the group under as 
"education" has connotations of Professional Teachers and all the sort 
of dumbing down that many of us are trying to avoid, the moderator 
of news.announce.newgroups felt that this *is* an education group, not 
another Kids Say The Darndest Things group, and so belongs in  I guess this reduces the naming question to 
" or"
One good argument for the former is that it is shorter, which is a good 
idea since there will inevitably be fragmentation.  Which brings me to
3.3 - Fire-wall:                    
As per the Charter, the differences between Christian and non-Christian 
home schoolers seem to generate a lot of flames, but nothing much in the 
way of useful discussion.  Perhaps would be a good idea to create >two< 
groups: and (or
3.4 - Mail-link:
Some people can not read news groups.  Several of them said they would be 
for a news group if and only if it were set up so that all postings go 
to a mailing list, and all mail sent to the list gets posted.  I know 
this can be done, but don't know how to do it -- is anyone willing to 
step forward and volunteer to take care of this?

From [email protected] Tue Jun 14 14:44:24 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Jon Shemitz)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: 2nd RFD:{misc,christian}
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 14 Jun 1994 11:52:22 -0400
Organization: Midnight Beach
Lines: 127
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5203 news.groups:106246

Since this is a follow-up to my 5-20-94 proposal to create and, I'm going to omit 
all of the rationale for newsgroup creation that appeared in the 1st 
RFD.  (I'll be glad to mail a copy of the 1st RFD to anyone who can't 
find an archived copy.)  My intent in this 2nd RFD is to briefly 
summarize the discussion to date and the few resulting changes in my 
Since a number of the people who have responded to the 1st RFD seem to 
know as little about newsgroup creation as I did a couple of months ago, 
I think I should mention that YOU CANNOT YET VOTE FOR THE NEW GROUP(S)! 
The newsgroup creation process has a number of rules which are intended 
to reduce the possibility of acrimony over creation (or non-creation) 
and they must be followed or the group will not be created.  One 
important one is that the actual voting period must be preceded by ca 30 
days of open discussion.  Another is that all votes must be sent to a 
neutral volunteer during the publicly announced voting period:  I cannot 
say "Oh, 25 people voted yes during the discussion period", even if some 
of those 25 do so publicly.  I will arrange for the formal vote on or 
around June 20th.
1 - Proposed Charter(s): is a forum for the discussion of any and all 
aspects of home-schooling: from completely unschooled and child-directed 
to rigidly curriculum-based and parent-led; from tips and experiences to 
meta-discussions of the nature of ideas and the structure of society. is a forum specifically for those 
home-schoolers who consider Christ the center of their life and the 
basis for all their decisions.  Keeping all such religious references 
and justifications in the .christian group constitutes a vital fire wall 
that helps reduce tension between those who think that "secular 
humanism" is simply rationalism and those who think it is Satanism.
2 - Issues:
2.1 - Need: 
The number of people who want at least the general newsgroup seems to be 
more than enough to create one.  Similarly, the people who oppose 
newsgroup creation (primarily because they feel it will degrade the 
discussions) can so far be counted on one hand -- much, much less than 
one in three!
2.2 - Name: 
In the 1st RFD, I proposed that we call the new group 
Several people pointed out that this also includes things like the sort 
of Famous Writers' schools that advertise on match books or even 
home-owners' education, and thus that the more specific name was better.  This seems like a good point to 
me, so this 2nd RFD bears the longer name, as will the CFV (barring some 
mass uprising to the contrary).
Also, the Net God in charge of newsgroup creation feels that it's best 
not to create a group and subgroup simultaneously:  it's better to 
create two sibling groups.  That is, rather than and, we 
should create and  The reasoning is that this makes 
it easier for sysadmins to take only the general group; helps cuts down 
on cross-posting; and prevents any feeling that Christians are being 
stigmatized by being banished to a subgroup.  Personally, I think that a 
31 character group name is sort of long and unwieldy, but since few 
people type in a newsgroup name each time they want to read it, I 
suppose this really isn't an issue.
2.3 - Fire-wall: 
The proposal to create two groups has been the most controversial part 
of the RFD.  However, since there seems to be four or five supporters 
for every one opponent, it looks like we will be creating two groups. 
Further, since most of the opposition seemed to be from fundamentalist 
Christians who object to being stigmatized by being relegated to a 
subgroup, creating two fourth level groups may erase much of that 
The remaining opposition was of the form "Why assume there will be 
trouble?  Why not create one group and split it if it proves 
necessary?", which seems to fly against the experience of the home-ed 
mailing list:  Before there was an explicitly Christian mailing list, 
there *were* a lot of flame wars.  Since then, there have been fewer 
flame wars, and they have been much milder.  
The broad (or secular) home-ed mailing list sees perhaps ten or fifteen 
times as many messages per day as the explicitly Christian list.  Many 
people participate in both lists, generally displaying very accurate 
judgment as to what would offend those people on the main list who don't 
share their (particular variety of) fundamentalist beliefs.
Finally, if we wait for trouble, we're facing over two months of totally 
avoidable flames as we circulate a RFD to split the group then wait 
through a CFV.  This brings me to:
3.4 - Moderation:
Several people posted messages saying, in effect, "If home-schoolers are 
so polarized, maybe the group(s) should be moderated."  I don't have a 
feel for the balance of opinion here, but I think the group(s) should be 
unmoderated for three basic reasons:  1) Perhaps most importantly, the 
mailing list fire wall basically does work.  Given that moderation, 
however benign, will slow and restrict discussion, I think that we 
should avoid it unless and/or until it seems absolutely necessary.  2) 
The home-ed list can sometimes see a hundred messages a day, and the
newsgroup will generate even higher volume.  Where will we find someone 
(with good connectivity) who's willing to read each and every one of 
those messages?  3) It's not enough to find someone on a good site who's 
willing to wade through a slush pile:  They must also be someone that 
people know, and trust to not reject messages simply because they 
disagree with them.
I suspect that moderation is the biggest remaining issue that we must 
resolve before we can issue a Call For Votes.  Please send your opinions 
to me via email, and I'll save them in a ftp-able file at in the directory /pub/user/jon.
3.5 - Mail-link: 
We still have a problem here.  Some people can not read news groups. 
Several of them said they would be for a news group if and only if it 
were set up so that all postings go to a mailing list, and all mail sent 
to the list gets posted.  I know this can be done, but don't know how to 
do it -- so far, no one has been willing to step forward and volunteer 
to take care of this.  (Even if I did know how, news service to can be erratic.) I don't know if the absence of a gateway 
would generate enough NO votes to prevent the group(s) being created, 
but I'd really rather not find out!
Please, I know that maintaining a mailing list is a thankless job, but 
really, isn't there anyone out there who feels it's about time to give 
something back to Usenet?

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Wed Jun 29 16:04:12 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: CFV:{misc,christian}
Followup-To: poster
Date: 29 Jun 1994 13:28:53 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 91
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 21 Jul 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5302 news.groups:107450

		     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
	  unmoderated group
	unmoderated group

Newsgroups line:		Almost anything about home-schooling.	Christian home-schooling.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 20 July 1994.

After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to
the mailing lists:
  home-ed                         [email protected]
  home-ed-politics                [email protected]
  homeschool_train_up_a_child     [email protected]
  The Learning List               [email protected]

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Jon Shemitz .

CHARTER is a forum for the discussion of any and 
all aspects of home-schooling: from completely unschooled and 
child-directed to rigidly curriculum-based and parent-led; from tips and 
experiences to meta-discussions of the nature of ideas and the structure 
of society. is a forum specifically for those 
home-schoolers who consider Christ the center of their life and the 
basis for all their decisions.  Keeping all such religious references 
and justifications in the .christian group constitutes a vital fire wall 
that helps reduce tension between those who think that "secular 
humanism" is simply rationalism and those who think it is Satanism.
Neither group yet has a mailing list for a news<->mail gateway.  
Hopefully, this WILL happen before the end of the voting period.  In 
either case, a 2nd CFV will be posted, which will make it clear whether 
or not the gateways will be created.  Anyone who would vote AGAINST 
ungated newsgroups is cordially requested to wait until this 2nd CFV, to 
give us every possible chance to establish the gateways.
The volume on the home-ed mailing list has grown to be totally 
unmanageable, filling mailboxes and creating pleas to abort threads that 
get `too tangential'.  Newsreaders are better able to handle this 
volume, as one can simply ignore threads that are not interesting to 
you.  Newsgroups are also better able to handle diversity, as one can 
always add the most personally objectionable individuals to your kill 
file.  Finally, the discussion process for the creation of these 
newsgroups has made it amply clear that there are many home-schoolers 
who read news but who have never found the mailing lists.


Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group names.

Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or
NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want
to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry
about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply

Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Check the 'To:' address before you send it off!

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- vote Ballot   (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]
[         ]
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Tue Jul 12 15:10:54 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: 2nd CFV:{misc,christian}
Followup-To: poster
Date: 11 Jul 1994 23:45:46 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 102
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 21 Jul 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5321 news.groups:108157

                     LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
          unmoderated group
        unmoderated group

Newsgroups line:         Almost anything about home-schooling.    Christian home-schooling.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 20 July 1994.

After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to
the mailing lists:
  home-ed                         [email protected]
  home-ed-politics                [email protected]
  homeschool_train_up_a_child     [email protected]
  The Learning List               [email protected]

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Jon Shemitz .

CHARTER is a forum for the discussion of any and 
all aspects of home-schooling: from completely unschooled and 
child-directed to rigidly curriculum-based and parent-led; from tips and 
experiences to meta-discussions of the nature of ideas and the structure 
of society. is a forum specifically for those 
home-schoolers who consider Christ the center of their life and the 
basis for all their decisions.  Keeping all such religious references 
and justifications in the .christian group constitutes a vital fire wall 
that helps reduce tension between those who think that "secular 
humanism" is simply rationalism and those who think it is Satanism.
Neither group yet has a mailing list for a news<->mail gateway.  
Hopefully, this WILL happen before the end of the voting period.  In 
either case, a 2nd CFV will be posted, which will make it clear whether 
or not the gateways will be created.  Anyone who would vote AGAINST 
ungated newsgroups is cordially requested to wait until this 2nd CFV, to 
give us every possible chance to establish the gateways.
The volume on the home-ed mailing list has grown to be totally 
unmanageable, filling mailboxes and creating pleas to abort threads that 
get `too tangential'.  Newsreaders are better able to handle this 
volume, as one can simply ignore threads that are not interesting to 
you.  Newsgroups are also better able to handle diversity, as one can 
always add the most personally objectionable individuals to your kill 
file.  Finally, the discussion process for the creation of these 
newsgroups has made it amply clear that there are many home-schoolers 
who read news but who have never found the mailing lists.


Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line.  Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group names.

Give your name on the line that asks for it. For each group, place a YES or
NO in the brackets next to it to vote for or against it.  If you don't want
to vote on a particular group, just leave the space blank.  Don't worry
about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply

Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Check the 'To:' address before you send it off!

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- vote Ballot   (Don't remove this marker)

Give your real name here:

[Your Vote]  Group
[         ]
[         ]
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list. vote Bounce List - No need to revote
[email protected]                                                       Chris Eich
[email protected]                                          Paulo da Costa
[email protected]                                     Harry Rockefeller
[email protected]                                         James Neufeld
[email protected]          MR BRADLEY PETTIJOHN
[email protected]                         Thomas D. Johnston, MD

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Thu Jul 21 18:26:40 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,,
Subject: RESULT:{misc,christian} pass 235:28, 206:53
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 21 Jul 1994 17:31:46 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 330
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5379 news.groups:109055

                               RESULT vote results - 280 valid votes

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 235   28 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :
 206   53 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes :

Newsgroups line:         Almost anything about home-schooling.    Christian home-schooling.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Jon Shemitz .

CHARTER is a forum for the discussion of any and 
all aspects of home-schooling: from completely unschooled and 
child-directed to rigidly curriculum-based and parent-led; from tips and 
experiences to meta-discussions of the nature of ideas and the structure 
of society. is a forum specifically for those 
home-schoolers who consider Christ the center of their life and the 
basis for all their decisions.  Keeping all such religious references 
and justifications in the .christian group constitutes a vital fire wall 
that helps reduce tension between those who think that "secular 
humanism" is simply rationalism and those who think it is Satanism.
The volume on the home-ed mailing list has grown to be totally 
unmanageable, filling mailboxes and creating pleas to abort threads that 
get `too tangential'.  Newsreaders are better able to handle this 
volume, as one can simply ignore threads that are not interesting to 
you.  Newsgroups are also better able to handle diversity, as one can 
always add the most personally objectionable individuals to your kill 
file.  Finally, the discussion process for the creation of these 
newsgroups has made it amply clear that there are many home-schoolers 
who read news but who have never found the mailing lists. vote Final Vote Ack

[email protected]                                   Abhay A. Ghaisas YN
[email protected]                                                 Atle Bjanes YY
[email protected]                                    F. P. Adams, Jr. YY
[email protected]                                                  Steve Adams YY
[email protected]                                                 Edith Weil YN
[email protected]                                       Andrew Mossberg Y-
[email protected]                                       Anita Kilgour -N
[email protected]                                         Alan Moses YY
[email protected]                                      Alan Marston Y-
[email protected]                               Alastair Dickson Y-
[email protected]                                        Anne Bennett Y-
[email protected]                                      Donna Horne Y-
[email protected]                    Sterfan Antersrberger NN
[email protected]                                                Alan S. Koch YY
[email protected]                                                 Jim Ault YY
[email protected]                   AXTCC - Midnight 786-4646/786-1889 YY
[email protected]                                        Ed Bailey NN
[email protected]                                               Rita Baker YY
[email protected]                                     Ben Armstrong YY
[email protected]                                           Beth Crespo YY
[email protected]                                  Rebecca Smith YY
[email protected]                                                          YY
[email protected]                                         Alice Bertelson YY
[email protected]                                            Blair Gallant YY
[email protected]                                  Brad W. Johnson NY
[email protected]                                          Johan Blixt -N
[email protected]                                           Brad Andrews YY
[email protected]                                            Paul Brand YY
[email protected]                          Candace Leatherman YY
[email protected]                                Carol Thomas YY
[email protected]                                         Carol Deboo Pitkin Y-
[email protected]                                         Christopher Burian YY
[email protected]                                          Chuck Cilek YY
[email protected]                                            Frank Graubart NN
[email protected]                                            Chris Cardiff YY
[email protected]                                                    Chris Eich YY
[email protected]                      Christopher K. Koenigsberg YN
[email protected]                                  Cheryl Boyd YY
[email protected]                                               Mike Wilson YY
[email protected]                                            Paul Ferroni YY
[email protected]                          Charles Proctor sr. YY
[email protected]                                       Crislip, J. L. YY
[email protected]                                Matthew Crosby NN
[email protected]                     Kenneth P. Crouch, Jr. YY
[email protected]                                               Mark Curley YY
[email protected]                                            Christopher Ward YY
[email protected]                                       Paulo da Costa NN
[email protected]                                            Darien Gardner YY
[email protected]                                           Dave O'Shea YY
[email protected]                                      Jack Riggen Y-
[email protected]                                          Donnie Curtis Y-
[email protected]                                                          Y-
[email protected]                                     M. Decerbo YY
[email protected]                                         Michael M. Dedek YY
[email protected]                                  Harry Rockefeller YY
[email protected]                                       Michael Bates YY
[email protected]                                         David L. Hanson  YY
[email protected]                                                     dave mankins YY
[email protected]                                     Doug Milford YN
[email protected]                                            Laura Dolson YY
[email protected]                                    Darrin M. Doud YY
[email protected]                                   Douglas A. Myhre YY
[email protected]                                       Douglas Wade YY
[email protected]                             D. Douglas Valkenaar YY
[email protected]                                                   Donald Pirl NY
[email protected]                                         David R. Ross YY
[email protected]                                                  David Torrey YY
[email protected]                                                  Edward Bertsch YY
[email protected]                                        Ed Moore YY
egbert%[email protected]                                   Egbert Hinzen NN
[email protected]                                                   Ed Taychert YY
[email protected]                                                    YY
[email protected]                                           Eric W. Anderson YY
[email protected]                                              Mark Ferguson YY
[email protected]                               Sean P. Ryan NN
[email protected]                                             Mark Gahler YY
[email protected]                       Matthew E. Galster YY
[email protected]                                MaryBeth Garrigan Y-
[email protected]                                 Gary Paulson YY
[email protected]                                 Gerry Collins YY
[email protected]                                               Gary E. Bloom YY
[email protected]                          Gregory G. Gaertner YY
[email protected]                                  Gregory G Woodbury YN
[email protected]                                                Gil Neiger YN
[email protected]                                                 Graham Ashby YY
[email protected]                                       Karen Guthrie YY
[email protected]                                           Griff Wigley Y-
[email protected]                                                 Abram Hanna -Y
[email protected]                                         Dayna Haugh -Y
[email protected]                                          Henry Heerschap YY
[email protected]                                                     Hal German Y-
[email protected]                               Kenneth P. Hinson YY
[email protected]                                               Lonnie Houck YY
[email protected]                                         Herman Rubin YN
[email protected]                                         Hugh Secker-Walker YY
[email protected]                                      Guerney D. H. Hunt YY
[email protected]           Sarah Fletcher (using a friend's account) YY
[email protected]                                                J. H. Apgar YY
[email protected]                                    David Jacobson YY
[email protected]                                Janice E. Gee -Y
[email protected]                                     Jason Hollister YY
[email protected]                                     Jayne Kulikauskas YY
[email protected]                                                Joe James YY
[email protected]                                           Joshua Dunfield YY
[email protected]                          James Alexander Chokey YY
[email protected]                                              J.D. Falk YN
[email protected]                                       Joseph Fortt YN
[email protected]                                      Monument NN
[email protected]                                              John Powers YY
[email protected]                                        John L. Steeves YY
[email protected]                                                 J. Manley YY
[email protected]                                            Jose M. daLuz YN
[email protected]                                 Gregory Scott Tschida YY
[email protected]                                               John Hascall NN
[email protected]                                              Lora Dalton YY
[email protected]                                                  Jon Shemitz YY
[email protected]                                      James Petroski YY
[email protected]                                             Jim Thomas  YY
[email protected]                                              Jodi Reed Y-
[email protected]                                  John R. MacWilliamson NN
[email protected]                              Joe Scharfenberger YY
[email protected]                                     John Aldrighette -Y
[email protected]                                          Julianne Weight Y-
[email protected]                                           Kari E. Hurtta NN
[email protected]                                           Kathy Ault YY
[email protected]                                 Karen Edgar Y-
[email protected]                                            Ken Rose NN
[email protected]                                     Kath Geoffrion YY
[email protected]                                             Kevin Hyde YY
[email protected]                                               Kirk Lipscomb YY
[email protected]                                               Kenneth J. Gartner YY
[email protected]                      Kirke Johnson YY
[email protected]                                     Julie Kucera YY
[email protected]                                     Martin Schroeder YY
[email protected]                                           Lynne Chantler YY
[email protected]                                            Lari Howard YY
[email protected]                                      Laura Gillespie YY
[email protected]                                    Dustin Laurence YY
[email protected]                                   Leanne Archer NN
[email protected]                                       Leopold E. James YY
[email protected]                                    Leonard E. Toohey YY
[email protected]                                       Robine Jane Lewis YY
[email protected]                         Lisa Huffman-Cyliax YY
[email protected]                                         R. Michael Litchfield NN
[email protected]                                                    Liz Copeland YY
[email protected]                                      Liz Allen YY
[email protected]                                       Laurie Martin YY
[email protected]                                     Lynn Diana Gazis-Sax YY
[email protected]                                           Lynn Robinson YY
[email protected]                                 Michael DeLong YY
[email protected]                                        Kevin N. Magee YY
[email protected]                              Mark Garrigan Y-
[email protected]                                  Mark Batchelder YY
[email protected]                                         Mark A. Schwenk YY
[email protected]                                    Steven M. Matz YY
[email protected]                                           Dawn Burgess YY
[email protected]                                               Mark B. Watson YY
[email protected]                                               Michael Tan YY
[email protected]                                      Melanie J. Magruder YY
[email protected]                                            Michele Evard YY
[email protected]                                              Micki Hills YY
[email protected]                                        Mike Fieschko YY
[email protected]                                       Michael Trachtman YN
[email protected]               [email protected] Y-
[email protected]                                                Karl G. Mitze NN
mkm%[email protected]                               Mike K. McNair YY
[email protected]                                           Melinda Meahan YY
[email protected]                                              Maxime Taksar -N
[email protected]                                           Mario Obejas YY
[email protected]                                                           YY
[email protected]                                Jim Muncy YY
[email protected]                                             Bill Muskett YY
[email protected]                                          Ronald Georgia -Y
[email protected]                                   Nancy Friedland YY
[email protected]                               James Neufeld YY
[email protected]                                     Norman Birkett -Y
[email protected]                                      Carolyn Olive YY
[email protected]                                Leendert van Oostrum YY
[email protected]                                          Bill Owens YN
[email protected]                                            Rose C. White YY
[email protected]                                 Kenneth S. Palmer YY
[email protected]                                             Scott Parker YY
[email protected]                                    Patrick Henderson YY
[email protected]                                           Paul Brakke Y-
[email protected]                                         Bill Dixon YY
[email protected]                                        Peg Basler YY
[email protected]                                          Penny Eads Y-
[email protected]                             Presilo A. Galliguez YY
[email protected]                                 Paul A. Ericksen YY
[email protected]                                    Vivian Pershing YN
[email protected]                                        Peter Westlake YY
[email protected]                                         Peter Berger NN
[email protected]                                     Tom Petrella Y-
[email protected]       MR BRADLEY PETTIJOHN YY
[email protected]                                     Philip Gregory Wolff YY
[email protected]                                        Gene Kleppinger YY
[email protected]                                  Chris Phillips YY
[email protected]                                                   Will Pierce NN
[email protected]                                     Pierre Uszynski YY
[email protected]                                                          YY
[email protected]                                 Michelle Mader YY
[email protected]                                    Paul S. R. Chisholm YY
[email protected]                                   Michael Quinn YY
[email protected]                                                  Bob Rankin YY
[email protected]                                       Ruthann Biel YY
[email protected]                                                   Mike Hale -Y
[email protected]                                              Reuben Rubio -Y
[email protected]                                               Rich Hoffarth YY
[email protected]                                        Ryan Waldron YY
[email protected]                                              Rick Barber NN
[email protected]                                       Richard Ralston YY
[email protected]                                             Richard Miller NN
[email protected]                                      Roberta L. Taylor YY
[email protected]                                                  Ruth Sylte YY
[email protected]                                            Ron Newman YN
[email protected]                                                     Clyde Roby YY
[email protected]                                             Robyn Kozierok YY
[email protected]                                         W. David Rohwer YN
[email protected]                                                 Ronnie Kon YN
[email protected]                             Ron Smith, M.D. -Y
[email protected]                                        Rick Smith -Y
[email protected]                                   Robert Turner YY
[email protected]                                            Rumpel Stilchen -Y
[email protected]                                   Russell Burns YY
[email protected]                                           Ryan Keil YY
[email protected]                      Thomas D. Johnston, MD YN
[email protected]                                             Scott A. Markel YY
[email protected]                                   Wayne Sanders-Unrein -N
[email protected]                               Sarah Lawrence YY
[email protected]                                         Frank H. Wallace YN
SCOTT+aMEMBER%[email protected]                         Scott W. Somerville YY
[email protected]                                             maggie douglass YY
[email protected]                                       Scott S. Bertilson YY
[email protected]                        Stephen F. Matheson YN
[email protected]                           Stephen M. Shearer YY
[email protected]                                             Siamak Ansari NN
[email protected]                                              S Irvine NN
[email protected]                                           Sterling Ledet YY
[email protected]                                Steven R. Klepzig YY
[email protected]                                      Smarasderagd NN
[email protected]                                        Stephen McGrogan YY
[email protected]                                        Scott M. Ward YY
[email protected]                           Jeffrey D. Spitler YY
[email protected]                                                            YY
[email protected]                                               Dwight Brown NN
[email protected]                                                    STella YY
[email protected]                                       Sven Heinicke NN
[email protected]                                     Sascha Wildner YN
[email protected]                                           Hubert Burger Y-
[email protected]                                        Tane' Tachyon YY
[email protected]                                   Tarquin Thomas YY
[email protected]                         Bruce R. & Ginger L. Beasley YY
[email protected]                                Theresa M. Marion YY
[email protected]                           Timothy H. Hinds YY
[email protected]                                                Paul Nanson YY
[email protected]                                Coty Pinckney YY
[email protected]                                        Grace Sylvan YY
[email protected]                                              R. Lindsay Todd YY
[email protected]                                              Bret Jolly YY
[email protected]                             YY
[email protected]                                  Ted \"Theodore\" W. Leung YY
[email protected]                                        Tim Pierce NN
[email protected]                                              Terry W Smith YY
[email protected]                                     Dana Uehling YY
[email protected]                                      Ida Abelson YY
[email protected]                                     Matthias Urlichs YN
[email protected]                                          David Zatz YN
[email protected]                                        Paul M. Verhagen -Y
[email protected]                            JOHN R. LEWIS, PH.D. YY
[email protected]                                           Victoria Neff YY
[email protected]                                      Ward F. Bush NN
[email protected]                                           Warren Lavallee YY
[email protected]                                      William R. Carroll YY
[email protected]                                         Willard C. Smith YY
[email protected]                                                W. D. Clark -Y
[email protected]                                William P. Glocker YY
[email protected]                                                     Windsor YY
[email protected]                                   Patricia Rose Wrean YY
[email protected]                                           Byron Frank YY
[email protected]                                            Ed Symanzik YN