From [email protected] Tue Mar  7 16:38:51 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Maarten van Helden)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,news.groups,sci.agriculture.beekeeping,,,,
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 7 Mar 1995 15:36:40 -0500
Lines: 138
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6350 news.groups:137990 sci.agriculture.beekeeping:1616

                        REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION

This is a formal request for discussion (RFD) for the creation of a
newsgroup on general entomology and related issues.  All discussion
of the proposed new group should take place in the news.groups Usenet
newsgroup.  Interested parties unable to read news.groups should
contact the principal proponent, Maarten van Helden.

Unmoderated group

Newsgroup line:		General entomology and related issues.

Proposer: Maarten van Helden 
	Yvan Rahbe 
	Lou Bjostad 
	Rod Crawford 
	Peter Rauch 
	Christopher Majka 
Mentor: Ed Bailey 

This RFD is being issued in concordance with the guidelines set in
the "How to create a new usenet newsgroup" FAQ regularly posted to
news.announce.newgroups. Please refer to this article if you have any
questions about newsgroup creation.

This is not a call for votes.  Please do not vote now.


Discussion, news, and queries concerning the study of insects and other
(non-marine) arthropods not covered in more specialised newsgroups.
The newsgroup is meant to cover a wide variety of entomological topics,
including postings about arachnology, myriapodology and other studies
with affinities to entomology. is *NOT* intended as a forum for the buying
and selling of insect specimens nor for the advertising of commercial
products and services. However, it is permissible to use the newsgroup
to post brief comments with pointers to addresses where readers can
obtain information about such products. All participants are expected
to respect the environment and the law. Efforts to encourage trespassing
or to subvert conservation laws are *NOT* welcome on this newsgroup.

Communication will be welcomed from all those interested in entomology,
including serious amateurs as well as professionals and students, since
these groups have much to contribute to one another and are in need of
better communication channels.  We hope that through interest and
involvement by participants, documents of Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) will in time be developed on many topics of interest to
participants and the general public.

Though intended mainly for communication among entomologists, some
queries from the general public are to be expected; those which can
be answered will be answered politely.


Entomology (the study of insects) is the focus of numerous organizations
and people, both professional and amateur, all over the world.
Entomology is a highly diversified field in which most workers, however
specialised their research, retain an interest in other entomological
topics.  It is also one of the few scientific fields in which amateurs
can still make important contributions.

The newsgroup is intended for all general
entomological postings.  There are also some specialised newsgroups
(e.g. and entomological listservers.
The charter of includes consideration that
existing or future non-newsgroups/lists dedicated to entomological
topics may be gated to/from a suitable subgroup.

Since passed its vote just a few months
ago, there is a pre-existing hierarchy.  "Big 7"
standards require that the general discussion groups for hierarchies
end with .misc, so is the recommended group
name.  The proponents sympathize with those who would prefer a shorter
name, e.g.

The newsgroup should be unmoderated, since the subject matter of
entomology is not highly contentious in any event, and the mandate
of the newsgroup as presented in the charter is sufficiently
encompassing that moderation was not deemed necessary. We would
like to encourage wide participation in the newsgroup. It is unlikely
that inappropriate postings will be a serious problem.

If sufficient interest and volume of traffic should develop on one
taxon (e.g. Coleoptera, bees, etc.) or subfield (e.g. economic
entomology), there is provision within the*
structure for further newsgroup creation to accommodate more
specialized interests.  Creation of such additional newsgroups would
not change the mandate of but would merely
allow the creation of additional forums for more detailed discussions
among students of certain insect taxa or subject areas.


Please post any responses to this message to news.groups.  If you
use the followup feature on your newsreader, this should happen
automatically but please double-check anyway.  All discussion about
the merits of this proposal should occur on news.groups.

Unless the discussion indicates a need to resubmit a new RFD, a call
for votes (CFV) will be posted approximately four weeks after the
posting of this RFD.  Please do not post any votes.  When the CFV is
posted, instructions will be given on how to mail your votes to the
independent vote counter.


This RFD will be posted to news.announce.newgroups and then
cross-posted to the following:

    news.groups, sci.agriculture.beekeeping,,,,

It is also being sent to these mailing lists:

    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

When Call For Votes (CFV) is issued, it will also be cross-posted in
these groups and mailing lists.

A copy of this RFD can also be found via WWW at:

and on Gopher at Colorado State University (
under menus as follows:

On Campus> Academic> College of Agric. Sci.> Entomology> sbemrfd.txt

From [email protected] Thu Apr 20 21:59:14 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.agriculture.beekeeping,,,,
Subject: CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 19 Apr 1995 12:33:11 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 100
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 11 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6667 news.groups:145365 sci.agriculture.beekeeping:1817

                      FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
               unmoderated group

Newsgroups line:         General entomology and related issues.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 10 May 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Maarten van Helden .

        Yvan Rahbe 
        Lou Bjostad 
        Rod Crawford 
        Peter Rauch 
        Christopher Majka 
Mentor: Ed Bailey 

This CFV will be posted to the following mailing lists:
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]


Discussion, news, and queries concerning the study of insects and other
(non-marine) arthropods not covered in more specialised newsgroups.
The newsgroup is meant to cover a wide variety of entomological topics,
including postings about arachnology, myriapodology and other studies
with affinities to entomology. is *NOT* intended as a forum for the buying
and selling of insect specimens nor for the advertising of commercial
products and services. However, it is permissible to use the newsgroup
to post brief comments with pointers to addresses where readers can
obtain information about such products. All participants are expected
to respect the environment and the law. Efforts to encourage trespassing
or to subvert conservation laws are *NOT* welcome on this newsgroup.

Communication will be welcomed from all those interested in entomology,
including serious amateurs as well as professionals and students, since
these groups have much to contribute to one another and are in need of
better communication channels.  We hope that through interest and
involvement by participants, documents of Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) will in time be developed on many topics of interest to
participants and the general public.

Though intended mainly for communication among entomologists, some
queries from the general public are to be expected; those which can
be answered will be answered politely.


Entomology (the study of insects) is the focus of numerous organizations
and people, both professional and amateur, all over the world.
Entomology is a highly diversified field in which most workers, however
specialised their research, retain an interest in other entomological
topics.  It is also one of the few scientific fields in which amateurs
can still make important contributions.

The newsgroup is intended for all general
entomological postings.  There are also some specialised newsgroups
(e.g. and entomological listservers.
The charter of includes consideration that
existing or future non-newsgroups/lists dedicated to entomological
topics may be gated to/from a suitable subgroup.

Creation of additional, more specialised newsgroups would not change the
mandate of but would merely allow the creation of
additional forums for more detailed discussions among students of certain
insect taxa or subject areas.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

It would be apprciated by the votetaker if you did NOT forward the entire
CFV back; this mail is archived and I really don't need several hundred
copies of the CFV on my system.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on
      I vote NO on

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] Wed Apr 26 19:39:16 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.agriculture.beekeeping,,,,
Subject: 2nd CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 26 Apr 1995 15:23:13 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 101
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 11 May 1995 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6709 news.groups:146420 sci.agriculture.beekeeping:1858

                      LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
               unmoderated group

Newsgroups line:	General entomology and related issues.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 10 May 1995.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Maarten van Helden .

        Yvan Rahbe 
        Lou Bjostad 
        Rod Crawford 
        Peter Rauch 
        Christopher Majka 
Mentor: Ed Bailey 

This CFV will be posted to the following mailing lists:
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]


Discussion, news, and queries concerning the study of insects and other
(non-marine) arthropods not covered in more specialised newsgroups.
The newsgroup is meant to cover a wide variety of entomological topics,
including postings about arachnology, myriapodology and other studies
with affinities to entomology. is *NOT* intended as a forum for the buying
and selling of insect specimens nor for the advertising of commercial
products and services. However, it is permissible to use the newsgroup
to post brief comments with pointers to addresses where readers can
obtain information about such products. All participants are expected
to respect the environment and the law. Efforts to encourage trespassing
or to subvert conservation laws are *NOT* welcome on this newsgroup.

Communication will be welcomed from all those interested in entomology,
including serious amateurs as well as professionals and students, since
these groups have much to contribute to one another and are in need of
better communication channels.  We hope that through interest and
involvement by participants, documents of Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) will in time be developed on many topics of interest to
participants and the general public.

Though intended mainly for communication among entomologists, some
queries from the general public are to be expected; those which can
be answered will be answered politely.


Entomology (the study of insects) is the focus of numerous organizations
and people, both professional and amateur, all over the world.
Entomology is a highly diversified field in which most workers, however
specialised their research, retain an interest in other entomological
topics.  It is also one of the few scientific fields in which amateurs
can still make important contributions.

The newsgroup is intended for all general
entomological postings.  There are also some specialised newsgroups
(e.g. and entomological listservers.
The charter of includes consideration that
existing or future non-newsgroups/lists dedicated to entomological
topics may be gated to/from a suitable subgroup.

Creation of additional, more specialised newsgroups would not change the
mandate of but would merely allow the creation of
additional forums for more detailed discussions among students of certain
insect taxa or subject areas.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

It would be apprciated by the votetaker if you did NOT forward the entire
CFV back; this mail is archived and I really don't need several hundred
copies of the CFV on my system.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on
      I vote NO on

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

Only one vote per person, no more than one vote per account.  Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

Bounce ack:  No acknowledgements have bounced as of April 24.

From [email protected] Sat May 13 00:09:29 1995
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Steve Bonine)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.agriculture.beekeeping,,,,
Subject: RESULT: passes 342:14
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 12 May 1995 16:35:36 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 447
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: gs2.UU.NET news.announce.newgroups:6828 news.groups:149107 sci.agriculture.beekeeping:1950

           unmoderated group passes 342:14

There were 342 YES votes and 14 NO votes, for a total of 356 valid votes.
There were 5 abstains and 7 invalid ballots.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no
serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of
news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.

Newsgroups line: General entomology and related issues.

Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 10 May 1995.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting questions
only contact Steve Bonine .  For questions about the proposed
group contact Maarten van Helden .

        Yvan Rahbe 
        Lou Bjostad 
        Rod Crawford 
        Peter Rauch 
        Christopher Majka 
Mentor: Ed Bailey 


Discussion, news, and queries concerning the study of insects and other
(non-marine) arthropods not covered in more specialised newsgroups.
The newsgroup is meant to cover a wide variety of entomological topics,
including postings about arachnology, myriapodology and other studies
with affinities to entomology. is *NOT* intended as a forum for the buying
and selling of insect specimens nor for the advertising of commercial
products and services. However, it is permissible to use the newsgroup
to post brief comments with pointers to addresses where readers can
obtain information about such products. All participants are expected
to respect the environment and the law. Efforts to encourage trespassing
or to subvert conservation laws are *NOT* welcome on this newsgroup.

Communication will be welcomed from all those interested in entomology,
including serious amateurs as well as professionals and students, since
these groups have much to contribute to one another and are in need of
better communication channels.  We hope that through interest and
involvement by participants, documents of Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) will in time be developed on many topics of interest to
participants and the general public.

Though intended mainly for communication among entomologists, some
queries from the general public are to be expected; those which can
be answered will be answered politely. Final Vote Ack

Voted Yes
[email protected]                                D. Buckle or S. North
@Vines2.WAU.NL:Marieta=Braks%[email protected]                      marieta braks
[email protected]                                        Richard  Hansen
[email protected]                                              Sheilagh Hunt
[email protected]                                          ALBERTO BROCE
[email protected]                                         Adam Finkelstein
[email protected]                              adriaan vermunt
[email protected]                                              Pierre A Plauzoles
[email protected]                                          William D. Sumlin
[email protected]                                         G. B. Edwards
[email protected]                                  Bruce E. Hibbard
[email protected]                                          Adele Hensley
[email protected]                                                    Alex Kagdis
[email protected]                                           Barlow, Allen
[email protected]                                       Karl Altenburg
[email protected]                             Alessandra Muccinelli
[email protected]
[email protected]                         Szito, Andras (Entomology)
[email protected]                                      Andrew Norton
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]                                       Alyce Spires
[email protected]                                   ## Marie-Anne Auger ##
[email protected]                                       Sylvie Augustin
[email protected]                                          Berhan Ahmed
[email protected]                                     Nancy Baumeister
[email protected]                                              Adalbert Goertz
[email protected]                                          Edward Beary
[email protected]                                           madeleine beekman
[email protected]                                              BELA NAGY
[email protected]                                        Bodo Hasso Dietz
[email protected]                                          Bryan Bishop
[email protected]                                                 B.J. Herbison
[email protected]                             Gregory Michael Blake
[email protected]                                          Brian Korbelik
[email protected]                              Benjamin Martin Waggoner
[email protected]                                           Chris Boake
[email protected]                                                    Brad Hubley
[email protected]                                     Denis Brothers
[email protected]                                             Barbara A Sumlin
[email protected]                                               Bart Vanholder
[email protected]                                     Catherine R. Allen
[email protected]                                                  Guffey Cary A
[email protected]                                             Cheryl Ann Heinz
[email protected]
[email protected]                                              Mike Caprio
[email protected]                                                Gary Noonan
[email protected]                                  Everett D. Cashatt
[email protected]                                    caralisa breidenbaugh
[email protected]                                        F. Jacot Guillarmod
[email protected]                                                        CesarAP
[email protected]                            Chuck Fox (777-8241)
[email protected]                                               John Clayton
[email protected]                                     Colin Cracknell
[email protected]                                Sharon J. Collman
[email protected]                              connie doodeman
[email protected]                                      D. Casey Sclar
[email protected]                                     Carol Witham
[email protected]                                          Michael Soderlund
[email protected]                                             Don Ewart
[email protected]                                               Daniel Heald
[email protected]                                                Dave Alexander
[email protected]                                             Dan Rothschild
[email protected]                                              David Holdom
[email protected]                                         Miguel Angel Miranda
[email protected]                                          Don Barry
[email protected]                                               David Taylor
[email protected]                                                 Diogo Figueiredo
[email protected]                                           Bernard Delobel
[email protected]                   =?iso-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= Delplanque
[email protected]
[email protected]                                       Dennis Frey
[email protected]
[email protected]                                  dick diederik
[email protected]                                             David W Inglis
[email protected]                                                     David Kohls
[email protected]                                             Glenn McLeod
[email protected]                                          Doug Scofield
[email protected]                                Daniel Oppenheimer
[email protected]                                                      Sean Doyle
[email protected]                                   Peter D Norquist
[email protected]                                                 Dusan Rysula
[email protected]                                   DONALD A. SNITGEN
[email protected]                                            Zenat Vakili
[email protected]
[email protected]                                               David Voegtlin
[email protected]                                        Doug Yanega
[email protected]                               CAMPBELL ROBERT
[email protected]                                                Jane Eason
[email protected]                                   EN-CHANG YANG
[email protected]                                  eddy dijkstra
[email protected]                                                 Lynnette
[email protected]                                            Erica Fleishman
[email protected]                                            Rudi Eggers
[email protected]                                             Edward G. Riley
[email protected]                                                  Earl
[email protected]                       IST. ENTOMOLOGIA AGRARIA UNIV. BARI
[email protected]
[email protected]                                       Eric Engelhard
[email protected]
[email protected]                               DR ANDY EVANS, SAC EDINBURGH
[email protected]                                         Flor Ceballo
[email protected]                                              Gerard Febvay
[email protected]                                      Fermin Martin Piera
[email protected]                           Fernando Dos Santos
[email protected]                                       Murray Fletcher
[email protected]                                        Vincent FOURCASSIE
[email protected]                                                   Urs Fraenzel
[email protected]                           frans van alebeek
[email protected]                                       Frans Janssens
[email protected]                                                    Fred Heath
[email protected]                                            Fred Stephen
[email protected]                                         MR ROBERT C HEINEY
[email protected]                                Andy McClelland
[email protected]                                         Greville H. Bowles
[email protected]                                       Peter Gillespie
[email protected]
[email protected]                                        Eugene Powell
[email protected]                           Greg Pommen
[email protected]                                             jean gruneberg
[email protected]                                              Lepi maniac
[email protected]                                                 Stephen Halford
[email protected]
[email protected]                                          James Harvey
[email protected]                                             Ian Harvey
[email protected]                                           Kim Hastings
[email protected]                                      Hassan Alayedh
[email protected]                                               mark metz
[email protected]                                      Hubert Charles
[email protected]                                         Heinrich Arn
[email protected]                               Herb Eichenseer
[email protected]                                                Etienne
[email protected]                                    Herve JACTEL
[email protected]                                           Raymond L Hix
[email protected]                                      Hans Loechelt
[email protected]                              Hidetaka Mizohata 96
[email protected]                                                  HENRIQUE
[email protected]                                                   Harold Slater
[email protected]                                  Hans-Ulrich THOMAS
[email protected]                               martin j coghlan iii
[email protected]                                      Gerry Rising
[email protected]                                       Irene Shonle
[email protected]                                             Mark Isaak
[email protected]                                                       R.M.K.
[email protected]                                          John French
[email protected]                    jacqueline geervliet
[email protected]                                                      James Lynn
[email protected]                                          Jonathan Rees
[email protected]                                             J. Austin
[email protected]                             Johannes W. Busch
[email protected]                                              Joseph Cooper
[email protected]                                       J. Chris Pires
[email protected]
[email protected]                                     J.D. Almand
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                    J.D.Weintraub
[email protected]                               jean-yves rasplus
[email protected]                                                Jeff Millstein
[email protected]                                           js314
[email protected]                                                       Jens Weibull
[email protected]                                                Janice Fallin
[email protected]                                            John Ford
[email protected]                                   Jim Graham
[email protected]                                            John Keltner
[email protected]                                           Joella Killian
[email protected]                        jocelijn meijerink
[email protected]                                      johan calis
[email protected]                                       John Epler
[email protected]
[email protected]                         Van Schagen, John ext. 3759
[email protected]                                                           Jonboy
[email protected]                           joop van lenteren
[email protected]                                   joop van loon
[email protected]                                        Sudish Joseph
[email protected]                                                 John Raymond
[email protected]                                                joan spielholz
[email protected]
[email protected]                                               Laure Kaiser
[email protected]                                          Karl H. Thunes
[email protected]                            kees groenendijk
[email protected]                                      Keiichi Nagata
[email protected]                                        Kenneth M. Fry
[email protected]                                              Mike Killoran
[email protected]
[email protected]                                     Anne Kruppa (GLY)
[email protected]                                           James Kruse
[email protected]                                         Lachlan Cranswick
[email protected]                                        LISA LAMBERT
[email protected]                                        Laurent Lapchin
[email protected]                             Lawrence Kirkendall
[email protected]                                       Lou Bjostad
[email protected]                                             Dangsheng Liang
[email protected]                                            lei hong
[email protected]
[email protected]                                       Edward A. Lisowski
[email protected]                                  Martin Schroeder
[email protected]                                       Larry of the Flies
[email protected]                                             Luis A. Rodriguez
[email protected]                                      Luciano Mannucci
[email protected]                                               Louis Pribyl
[email protected]                         maarten van helden
[email protected]                                    Ian MacRae
[email protected]
[email protected]                                              Serge.Mallet
[email protected]                                  M.C. Andrade
[email protected]                                    marcel dicke
[email protected]
[email protected]                               marnix van meer
[email protected]
[email protected]                                     Mary Lee Ward
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]                                         Emanuele MAZZONI
[email protected]                                   Matthew Carroll
[email protected]                                  MC GLYNN  TERRENCE PETER
[email protected]                                       Brian McLain
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                   Hokh'Ton
[email protected]                                      Mark DuBois
[email protected]                        menno schilthuizen
[email protected]
[email protected]                                  Ralph Michels
[email protected]                                          Ray Miller
[email protected]                                        Matt Yoder
[email protected]                                       Malcolm Keeping
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]                                   Ahmad B Mohammad
[email protected]                                                   Keith Moore
[email protected]                                             Terry Morse
[email protected]                  =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Morten_St=E6rkeby?=
[email protected]                                 David Maurice
[email protected]
[email protected]                                        Miriam Richards
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                     Nigel Allen
[email protected]                                     Dawn Nelson
[email protected]
[email protected]                          Norman F. Johnson
[email protected]                                   NGUYEN PHUC  BAO TAN
[email protected]                               Nicole Sabah Kissinger
[email protected]                                         David Richman
[email protected]                                             Jaren Horsley
[email protected]                                                Owen Lewis
[email protected]
[email protected]                                        olga krips
[email protected]                                          Orville G. Marti
[email protected]                                           Mr P A Cook
[email protected]                                      Prempeh.Fiscian
[email protected]                             Andrew J. Davis
[email protected]                                  Richard Packauskas
[email protected]                                             P.G.Davis
[email protected]                                  Paul Watson
[email protected]
[email protected]                                      Dave Pehling
[email protected]                                                  NAME
[email protected]                                         Peter Rauch
[email protected]                                              Peter Fraissinet
[email protected]                                              Phillip Schappert
[email protected]                                           Sylvain Piry
[email protected]                                       Patt Kasa
[email protected]                                                          INIA
[email protected]                                Cheryl Podemski
[email protected]                                                Pete Bastien
[email protected]                                'Burke Zool.' C. Wood
[email protected]                                              Rebecca Drayer
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                  Yvan Rahbe
[email protected]                                           Ray Pupedis
[email protected]                                      Roger Barton
[email protected]                                              Richard Hill
[email protected]                                                Todd Reichardt
[email protected]                                            Roy Ellis
[email protected]                                     Roger Lewis Gage
[email protected]                                  Inhale Vehicular Rot
[email protected]                                           RICK.FAGLEY
[email protected]                                        Rosalind James
[email protected]                                                      Rob King
[email protected]                               Emery, Rob (Entomology)
[email protected]                                           Tel 2430
[email protected]                                        Robin Crewe
[email protected]                                    roel potting
[email protected]                                                  Roy Neeve
[email protected]                                                  Ray Sanders
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                         mark
[email protected]                                                        S.Bianco
[email protected]                                                  Samuel Sun
[email protected]                  Marie =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E9l=E8ne?= Sauge
[email protected]                                                 Saul Frommer
[email protected]                                 Michelle Schwengel
[email protected]                                           Scott, Eric
[email protected]
[email protected]                                      Christine Silvy
[email protected]                                              Fraser R. Sime
[email protected]                                            steve taylor
[email protected]                         Ronald J. Skleney 312.444.5515
[email protected]                                              Scott Line
Snyder_John/[email protected]
[email protected]                                                  Soren Nylin
[email protected]                                sophien kamoun
[email protected]                                                02V40CHQ
[email protected]                                Dr. Stefan Schulz
[email protected]                             Stephen Gaimari
[email protected]                                                   Steve Schutz
[email protected]                                         Dr. James E. Sublette
[email protected]                                      Susan P Whitney
[email protected]                                    Sabina Swift
[email protected]                                        Stuart Wilson
[email protected]                                  S. William Schulz
[email protected]                         telnet accountschristina craft
[email protected]                                     Thomas W. Culliney
[email protected]                                        Ting H. Hsiao
[email protected]                                   Terri S Matthews
[email protected]                                             Tony Clarke
[email protected]                                      Meindert de Jong [^_^]
[email protected]                                                Terry Trier
[email protected]                              Thomas Schreiter
[email protected]                                            MR JASON A SHAW
[email protected]                                              Roland Strube
[email protected]                                               Tim P. Yoho
[email protected]                                  Conrad A. Berube
[email protected]
[email protected]                                                   Una Smith
[email protected]                                              David Powell
[email protected]                                          KIRK VISSCHER
[email protected]
[email protected]                                             William Wagner
[email protected]                                         Eric Wajnberg
[email protected]                                              Greg Walker
[email protected]                               willem jan boot
[email protected]
[email protected]                                             Gerard Worrell
[email protected]                                      Theresa Wossler
[email protected]                                           Bill Bardon
[email protected]                                                    Wendy Brown
[email protected]                                    yvonne drost
[email protected]                                      Pierre Zagatti
[email protected]
[email protected]

Voted No
[email protected]                                             Vincent Archer
[email protected]                                                 Chris Darling
[email protected]                                           David Mosher
[email protected]                                     Jeffrey David Cohen
[email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson
[email protected]                                           Zeke M. Towson
[email protected]                                          M Mike Taksar KC6ZPS
[email protected]                                                    Ryan Waldron
[email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                                      Robert P. Smith
[email protected]                                         Smarasderagd
[email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown
[email protected]                                         Risto Widenius
[email protected]                                         Willem N. Ellis

[email protected]                                           Ed Bailey
[email protected]                              Kenneth P Crouch
[email protected]                                M. 'icky icky bugs!' Otto
[email protected]                                   Marcelo Teixeira Tavares
[email protected]                                        Stephen Joseph Smith

Votes in error
[email protected]                                                   Balaji
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                              Elaine Roberts
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                           M. B. Wagner 237-6119
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                     Timo Taghizadeh
   ! No vote statement in message
[email protected]                                     Steve Goldstein
   ! No vote statement in message

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