From [email protected] Wed Feb 16 14:49:48 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Vic Legerton)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.misc
Subject: RFD: soc.service-clubs
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 16 Feb 1994 14:31:38 -0500
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA/Caltech
Lines: 71
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4636 news.groups:95678 soc.misc:4615

Request for Discussion (RFD) on soc.service-clubs

This message initiates a 30-day discussion period to consider the 
creation of a soc.service-clubs newsgroup.  Discussion will take 
place in news.groups, and all follow-up posts should be posted
to that group.  Anyone at all interested in this proposal is 
encouraged to participate in the discussion.  Initial suggestions
for the group name, status and charter are given below, though
subject to review and revision based on the discussion to follow.




not moderated.


   The proposed soc.service-clubs newsgroup will provide a forum for 
the discussion of all aspects of service clubs - objectives, 
membership, service projects, fund raisers, etc.


   There are more than 3 million members of the recognized service 
clubs throughout the world.  These are generally identified as, but 
not necessarily restricted to:  Altrusa, Apex, Civitan, Exchange, 
Kinsman, Kiwanis, Lions, Optimist, Pilot, Rotary, Soroptimist and 
Zonta, and the many associated youth clubs.  Most of these are
international organizations, with a combined total of more than 
80,000 local clubs in at least 167 countries.

   Many of the successful club projects and fundraisers could be 
a tremendous success if duplicated by clubs in other cities,
states and countries, if only the information were shared.
The proliferation of computers and increased access to internet 
provides an improved means of communication among the many clubs 
and members.

   There is no known newsgroup or mailing list for service clubs.


The proposed soc.service-clubs newsgroup will provide a forum for the
discussion of service clubs.  Discussion will include (but not be 
limited to) collaborating of information about service projects, social and
fellowship programs, fundraising, program speakers, membership
qualifications and/or procedures, locations of clubs, material for
club bulletins, etc.


In summary, a new news group called soc.service-clubs is being 
proposed. Its focus will be on discussion of all items relating
to service clubs.


Discussion regarding the creation of the newsgroup soc.service-clubs
should be posted to news.groups.
Victor Legerton, NASA/JPL/Caltech	    email: [email protected]

From [email protected] Wed Mar  9 23:32:33 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Vic Legerton)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.misc
Subject: 2nd RFD: soc.service-clubs
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 9 Mar 1994 17:58:51 -0500
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA/Caltech
Lines: 72
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4719 news.groups:97617 soc.misc:4649

Second Request for Discussion (RFD) on soc.service-clubs

This message announces the continuation of a 30-day discussion 
period (initiated 16 February 1994) during which to consider the 
creation of a soc.service-clubs newsgroup.  Discussion will take 
place in news.groups, and all follow-up posts should be posted
to that group.  Anyone at all interested in this proposal is 
encouraged to participate in the discussion.  Initial suggestions
for the group name, status and charter are given below, though
subject to review and revision based on the discussion to follow.




not moderated.


   The proposed soc.service-clubs newsgroup will provide a forum for 
the discussion of all aspects of service clubs - objectives, 
membership, service projects, fund raisers, etc.


   There are more than 3 million members of the recognized service 
clubs throughout the world.  These are generally identified as, but 
not necessarily restricted to:  Altrusa, Apex, Civitan, Exchange, 
Kinsman, Kiwanis, Lions, Optimist, Pilot, Rotary, Soroptimist and 
Zonta, and the many associated youth clubs.  Most of these are
international organizations, with a combined total of more than 
80,000 local clubs in at least 167 countries.

   Many of the successful club projects and fundraisers could be 
a tremendous success if duplicated by clubs in other cities,
states and countries, if only the information were shared.
The proliferation of computers and increased access to internet 
provides an improved means of communication among the many clubs 
and members.

   There is no known newsgroup or mailing list for service clubs.


The proposed soc.service-clubs newsgroup will provide a forum for the
discussion of service clubs.  Discussion will include (but not be 
limited to) collaborating of information about service projects, social and
fellowship programs, fundraising, program speakers, membership
qualifications and/or procedures, locations of clubs, material for
club bulletins, etc.


In summary, a new news group called soc.service-clubs is being 
proposed. Its focus will be on discussion of all items relating
to service clubs.


Discussion regarding the creation of the newsgroup soc.service-clubs
should be posted to news.groups.
Victor Legerton, NASA/JPL/Caltech	    email: [email protected]

From [email protected] Thu Apr 21 23:47:18 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Vic Legerton)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.scouting,,alt.missing-kids
Subject: 2nd RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 21 Apr 1994 21:39:36 -0400
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA/Caltech
Lines: 81
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:4992 news.groups:101540 rec.scouting:11903 alt.missing-kids:2452

Second Request for Discussion (RFD) on

This message announces a final discussion period (first RFD
was initiated 16 February 1994) during which to consider the 
creation of a newsgroup (change in the
proposed name).  Discussion will take place in news.groups, and 
all follow-up posts should be posted to that group.  Anyone at all 
interested in this proposal is encouraged to participate in the 
discussion.  Initial suggestions for the group name, status and 
charter are given below, though subject to review and revision 
based on the discussion to follow.



not moderated.


   The proposed newsgroup will provide 
a forum for the discussion of all aspects of service clubs - 
objectives, membership, service projects, fund raisers, etc.


   There are more than 3 million members of the recognized service 
clubs throughout the world.  These are generally identified as, but 
not necessarily restricted to:  Alpha Phi Omega, Altrusa, Apex, 
Builders, Circle K, Civitan, Exchange, Key, Kinsman, Kiwanis, Lions, 
Optimist, Pilot, Rotaract, Rotary, Soroptimist and Zonta.  Most of
these are international organizations, with a combined total of more 
than 100,000 local clubs in at least 167 countries.

   Many of the successful club projects and fundraisers could be 
a tremendous success if duplicated by clubs in other cities,
states and countries, if only the information were shared.
The proliferation of computers and increased access to internet 
provides an improved means of communication among the many clubs 
and members.

   There is no known newsgroup or mailing list for service clubs.


   The newsgroup will provide a forum
for the discussion of all aspects of service clubs, including
but not restricted to:  Alpha Phi Omega, Altrusa, Apex, Builders,
Circle K, Civitan, Exchange, Key, Kinsman, Kiwanis, Lions,
Optimist, Pilot, Rotaract, Rotary, Soroptimist and Zonta.

   Discussion will include (but not be limited to) collaborating of ideas
and information about objectives, service projects, social and
fellowship programs, fundraising, program speakers, membership
qualifications and/or recruitment, locations of clubs, material
for club bulletins, etc.

   Constructive ideas should be discussed freely without debate about
specific organizations.  All customary netiquette should be observed.


In summary, a new news group called is being 
proposed. Its focus will be on discussion of all items relating
to service clubs.


Discussion regarding the creation of the newsgroup should be posted to news.groups.
Victor Legerton, NASA/JPL/Caltech	    email: [email protected]

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Wed May 11 14:58:04 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.scouting,,alt.missing-kids
Subject: CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 9 May 1994 19:10:48 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 59
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 31 May 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5044 news.groups:103112 rec.scouting:12580 alt.missing-kids:2511

		     FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
	     unmoderated group

Newsgroups line:	General info on all service topics.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 30 May 1994.

After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to
the mailing lists APO-L and SCOUTING-L.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Victor N. Legerton .


The newsgroup will provide a forum for the
discussion of all aspects of service clubs, including but not
restricted to:  Alpha Phi Omega, Altrusa, Apex, Builders, Circle K,
Civitan, Exchange, Key, Kinsman, Kiwanis, Lions, Optimist, Pilot, 
Rotaract, Rotary, Soroptimist and Zonta.

Discussion will include (but not be limited to) collaborating of ideas
and information about objectives, service projects, social and 
fellowship programs, fundraising, program speakers, membership 
qualifications and/or recruitment, locations of clubs, material 
for club bulletins, etc.

Constructive ideas should be discussed freely without debate about
specific organizations.  All customary netiquette should be observed.

There are more than 3 million members of the recognized service
clubs throughout the world, in more than 80,000 local clubs in at 
least 167 countries.  Many successful club projects and fundraisers 
can be duplicated by other clubs.  The increased access to internet
provides an improved means of communication among the many clubs
and members.  There is no known newsgroup or mailing list for 
service clubs.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on
      I vote NO on

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list.

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Mon May 16 22:57:52 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.scouting,,alt.missing-kids
Subject: 2nd CFV:
Followup-To: poster
Date: 16 May 1994 21:52:17 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 69
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Expires: 31 May 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected] (Ron Dippold Voting Alias)
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5107 news.groups:103919 rec.scouting:12876 alt.missing-kids:2521

                     LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2)
             unmoderated group

Newsgroups line:      General info on all service topics.

Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 30 May 1994.

After this CFV appears on news.announce.newgroups it will be sent to
the mailing lists APO-L and SCOUTING-L.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Victor N. Legerton .


The newsgroup will provide a forum for the
discussion of all aspects of service clubs, including but not
restricted to:  Alpha Phi Omega, Altrusa, Apex, Builders, Circle K,
Civitan, Exchange, Key, Kinsman, Kiwanis, Lions, Optimist, Pilot, 
Rotaract, Rotary, Soroptimist and Zonta.

Discussion will include (but not be limited to) collaborating of ideas
and information about objectives, service projects, social and 
fellowship programs, fundraising, program speakers, membership 
qualifications and/or recruitment, locations of clubs, material 
for club bulletins, etc.

Constructive ideas should be discussed freely without debate about
specific organizations.  All customary netiquette should be observed.

There are more than 3 million members of the recognized service
clubs throughout the world, in more than 80,000 local clubs in at 
least 167 countries.  Many successful club projects and fundraisers 
can be duplicated by other clubs.  The increased access to internet
provides an improved means of communication among the many clubs
and members.  There is no known newsgroup or mailing list for 
service clubs.


Send MAIL to:   [email protected]
Just Replying should work if you are not reading this on a mailing list.

Your mail message should contain one of the following statements:
      I vote YES on
      I vote NO on

You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.

One vote counted per person, no more than one per account. Addresses and
votes of all voters will be published in the final voting results list. Bounce List - No need to revote
[email protected]                                Michele Altenburger
[email protected]                                      Jonathan T. Alloy
[email protected]                                          Joseph Fortt
[email protected]                                         Dale Newfield
[email protected]                                                        

From [email protected] (RonDippold) Tue May 31 20:53:36 1994
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.scouting,,alt.missing-kids
Subject: RESULT: passes 160:23
Followup-To: news.groups
Date: 31 May 1994 20:51:30 -0400
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Lines: 241
Sender: [email protected]
Approved: [email protected]
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:5168 news.groups:105348 rec.scouting:13264 alt.missing-kids:2582

      unmoderated group passes 160:23

There were 160 YES votes and 23 NO votes, for a total of 183 valid votes.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes.   There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes. 

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.  If no
serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of
news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.

Newsgroups line:	General info on all service topics.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  For voting
questions only contact [email protected].  For questions about the
proposed group contact Victor N. Legerton .


The newsgroup will provide a forum for the
discussion of all aspects of service clubs, including but not
restricted to:  Alpha Phi Omega, Altrusa, Apex, Builders, Circle K,
Civitan, Exchange, Key, Kinsman, Kiwanis, Lions, Optimist, Pilot, 
Rotaract, Rotary, Soroptimist and Zonta.

Discussion will include (but not be limited to) collaborating of ideas
and information about objectives, service projects, social and 
fellowship programs, fundraising, program speakers, membership 
qualifications and/or recruitment, locations of clubs, material 
for club bulletins, etc.

Constructive ideas should be discussed freely without debate about
specific organizations.  All customary netiquette should be observed.

There are more than 3 million members of the recognized service
clubs throughout the world, in more than 80,000 local clubs in at 
least 167 countries.  Many successful club projects and fundraisers 
can be duplicated by other clubs.  The increased access to internet
provides an improved means of communication among the many clubs
and members.  There is no known newsgroup or mailing list for 
service clubs. Final Vote Ack

Do NOT use this as a mailing list.  Voters are not necessarily
interested in receiving email about the subject of the vote, and some
may react rather violently and try to get your account pulled.

Voted Yes
[email protected]                                                    
[email protected]                                       Jeffrey M. Wolff
[email protected]                                           Steve Souza
[email protected]             Steve Kuehn, WSU Circle K Service Club
[email protected]                                      Amy E. Brennan
[email protected]                                      Susan of W.A.M.S.
ADMSTUDY%[email protected]                  Admissions Grad Asst
[email protected]                                                          Ann Yen
[email protected]                      JESUS EUGENIO SANCHEZ PENA
[email protected]                                Michele Altenburger
[email protected]                                   Andrew Dean Stennett
[email protected]                         Stefan Antersberger
[email protected]                                                                  
[email protected]                                                      Abhay Saxena
[email protected]                                                    Jim Ault
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                                             Brent Black
[email protected]                           David Liston Bias (407) 273-3516
[email protected]                                The Mauve Power Ranger
[email protected]                                                 B.J. Herbison
[email protected]                                         Bevan N. Das
[email protected]                                                      Byron Hynes
BR1678%[email protected]    All my life is a Circle from sunri
[email protected]                                     Franklin Brodsky
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                      Jonathan T. Alloy
[email protected]                                           Amie Cacioppo
[email protected]                                               
[email protected]                                         
[email protected]                                                                
[email protected]                                                 Welch
[email protected]                Mike Charton, Parsippany Public Library
[email protected]                                         Chris Stamper
[email protected]                                                                
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                    Beyer Michael (215)359-2096
[email protected]                                       Deborah Nina Cherry
[email protected]                                               Darrick Hartman
[email protected]                                       David Jason Hunt
[email protected]                                   Dona Kondrath
[email protected]                                           David F Lurie
[email protected]                                     Rebecca Drayer
[email protected]                                             Fuzzball
[email protected]                                   Eric Dandurand
[email protected]                                                          
[email protected]                                                       Rick Nyman
[email protected]                                       Charlie Zimmerman
[email protected]                                    Esther Jeong Yu
[email protected]                                             James Falvo
[email protected]                                   JONATHAN FARNSWORTH
[email protected]                                                                  
[email protected]                                                                
[email protected]                                        Michelle Frye
[email protected]                                              Kristin Gault
[email protected]                                         Michael A Clark
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                                     Keith Higa
[email protected]                                       Nicole N. Horner
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                             James Chingwei Li
[email protected]                                           John Bemis
[email protected]                                       Justin C Dawson
[email protected]                                          Joseph Fortt
[email protected]                                        Lisianthus
[email protected]                                               Jeff Lowder
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                       Julie Driscoll
[email protected]                                  Jo Ann Malina
[email protected]                                        john shakula
[email protected]                                                             
[email protected]                                         Jeffrey S. Davidson
[email protected]                                                    Jigs
[email protected]                                  Clinton Bodine
[email protected]                                      Eve Cowart
[email protected]                                           Jeffrey Wolff
[email protected]    Must be a king. Why do you say that? 'Asn't got Ducks
[email protected]                                       Kha Manh Tran
[email protected]                                      Kent Holaday
[email protected]                                                 Ken Robinson
[email protected]                                                   
[email protected]                                          Kirk J. Yenerall
[email protected]                                        Martin Schroeder
[email protected]                                                                
[email protected]                                             JOEL LANOVAZ
LBOOS%[email protected]                                  Laurie Boos
[email protected]                                                  Douglas Coffman
[email protected]                                              Loren Finkelstein
[email protected]                                         Carrie Smith
[email protected]                                               I think so I am
[email protected]                                          Ryan Manderfeld
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                          Josh
[email protected]                                                                 
[email protected]                                            Alayne McGregor
[email protected]                                                         
[email protected]                                          Richard Meeks
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                    Michelle Melendez
[email protected]                                                   Michael Grubb
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                                                
[email protected]                                             Matthew McDermott
[email protected]                                                            
[email protected]                                           Michael Rosen
[email protected]                                MEGHAN T. RUTHERFORD
[email protected]                                          JODIE HALL
[email protected]                                     Randy Finder
[email protected]                                            NICOLE DIEP
[email protected]                                         Dale Newfield
[email protected]                                                                   
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                 Peter Michael Dolf
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                                     
[email protected]                                                           
[email protected]                                               ORION!
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                                Aphrodite
[email protected]                                   Michael J. Quinn
[email protected]                                                 Mike Curran
[email protected]                                                   RAY DYKE
[email protected]                                        Robert Craig
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                      Anne Riddick
[email protected]                                          Thomas H. Rowley
[email protected]                                                       
[email protected]                                  Renee B. Rittner
[email protected]                                             THE PRINCE
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                 Sarah M Castle
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                    Shannon Silverman
[email protected]                                                               
[email protected]                                           NatureBoy
[email protected]                                               SUSIE Q
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                       SARA C. NICKEL
[email protected]                                 Scott 'The Weasel' Russell
[email protected]                                                S. L. Smith
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                                        
[email protected]                                                  Scott Hamilton
[email protected]                                         Stuart Hayes
[email protected]                                                                 
[email protected]                                                  Ken Tanner
[email protected]                                                                
[email protected]                                                              
[email protected]                                           Richard Edward Vehlow
[email protected]                                            Jason Verch
[email protected]                                        Andrew Viertel
[email protected]                                           Big Cheese
[email protected]                                             Vic Legerton
[email protected]                                  Jeff Waddell
[email protected]                            Settummanque, the blackeagle
[email protected]                                             Kate Gregory
[email protected]                                Princess Jasmin
[email protected]                                           Yuan Li

Voted No
[email protected]                                       F. P. Adams, Jr.
[email protected]                                                      
[email protected]                                Anders M Jorgensen
[email protected]                                              
[email protected]                                                      Ed Taychert
[email protected]                                      Harris Boldt Edelman
HD0022%[email protected]                           Chip Dunham
[email protected]                                              Roger H}kansson
[email protected]                                   mary-frances  jagod
[email protected]                                     John R. MacWilliamson
[email protected]                                              Kari E. Hurtta
[email protected]                                                 Kregg Brooks
[email protected]                                                  
[email protected]                                          Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS
[email protected]                                         A. M. Mughal
[email protected]                                     Nils Nieuwejaar
[email protected]                                             Richard H. Miller
[email protected]                                                Siamak Ansari
[email protected]                                        IRA SMAILER
[email protected]                                         Smarasderagd
[email protected]                                                  Dwight Brown
[email protected]                                           Tim Pierce
[email protected]                                        Ward F. Bush

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