From [email protected] Sat Apr  4 03:21:51 1992
Xref: rpi news.announce.newgroups:1893 news.groups:40476
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,
Path: rpi!bounce-back
From: Dave Hayes 
Subject: RFD:
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1992 05:50:48 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 20


Status: unmoderated

Charter: The purpose of this group is to be a forum for
rational discussion on security issues as they apply to
computers and networks. 

As this is a wide subject area, at this point no attempt
will be made to categorize valid topics of discussion. 
What should NOT be acceptable are:


	-Personal attacks
	-Security by obscurity arguments
Dave Hayes - Network & Communications Engineering - JPL / NASA - Pasadena CA
[email protected]       [email protected]           ames!elroy!dxh

From [email protected] Sun Apr 19 21:57:42 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2210 news.groups:48778
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Dave Hayes)
Subject: CFV:
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1992 18:12:37 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 64

[*] Newsgroup


Status: unmoderated

Charter: The purpose of this group is to be a forum for
rational discussion on security issues as they apply to
computers and networks. This is a wide subject area and
as such no attempt will be made to specifically limit the
discussion topics as long as the general subject is computer

However, topics that are definately NOT acceptable are:

	-Personal attacks
	-Security by obscurity arguments

[*] Voting Procedure

You may use one of two methods:

1) Reply by MAIL to this message. In your reply, pick one of the lines 
below that best represents your voting intent, and delete the other one. 

        I vote YES on
        I vote NO on

2) Send a mail message to:

	[email protected]

with the desired vote and newsgroup in the same line...e.g. 
	yes on
	no on

In EITHER case you should get an acknowledgment back from the software
stating how you voted and acknowledging receipt of your vote. 

In NO case will posted votes be accepted. 

In ANY case unless a specific vote is found in the body of the message,
the message will be rejected and you will be told why.

[*] Voting period

This will be from 4/13/92 at 6:00 AM PDT to 5/13/92 at 6:00 PM PDT

[*] Adminstrivia

Update CFV's and mass acknowledgments of votes received to date
will be posted periodically. 

Questions, problems or comments with the voting software should be
addressed to me.
Dave Hayes - Network & Communications Engineering - JPL / NASA - Pasadena CA
[email protected]       [email protected]         ...usc!elroy!dxh

                If you want to get rid of somebody, 
            just tell them something for their own good.

From [email protected] Mon Apr 27 14:08:26 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2266 news.groups:49811
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: [email protected] (Dave Hayes)
Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK:
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1992 05:42:51 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 267

[*] Newsgroup


Status: unmoderated

Charter: The purpose of this group is to be a forum for
rational discussion on security issues as they apply to
computers and networks. This is a wide subject area and
as such no attempt will be made to specifically limit the
discussion topics as long as the general subject is computer

However, topics that are definately NOT acceptable are:

	-Personal attacks
	-Security by obscurity arguments

[*] Voting Procedure

You may use one of two methods:

1) Reply by MAIL to this message. In your reply, pick one of the lines 
below that best represents your voting intent, and delete the other one. 

        I vote YES on
        I vote NO on

2) Send a mail message to:

	[email protected]

with the desired vote and newsgroup in the same line...e.g. 
	yes on
	no on

In EITHER case you should get an acknowledgment back from the software
stating how you voted and acknowledging receipt of your vote. 

In NO case will posted votes be accepted. 

In ANY case unless a specific vote is found in the body of the message,
the message will be rejected and you will be told why.

[*] Voting period

will be from 4/13/92 at 6:00 AM PDT to 5/13/92 at 18:00 PM PDT.

[*] The following people have already voted...

"(Magnus Kempe)" 
"Cliff Hathaway" 
"Dave White" 
"David A. Wagner" 
"Eric A. Anderson" 
"Gregory R. Weiss" 
"James R. Macak" 
"Paul M. Mickel" 
"Stephen Potter" 
"Wilhelm Buehler" 
[email protected]
Alan Coopersmith 
Andreas Israel 
Andy Malis 
B.J.  15-Apr-1992 0941 
Barry Margolin 
Benjamin Fan 
Bill Lipa 
Boris Hemkemeier 
Brian Fitzgerald 
Christopher Davis 
[email protected]
Dan Boehlke 
Darren Bock 
Dave Goldberg 
Dave Hayes 
Dave Sill 
David Fetrow 
David Newton 
Doug Siebert 
Erik Johansen 
[email protected] ([email protected])
Helen Trillian Rose 
Ian Holland <[email protected]>
James Harvey 
Jamie Gritton 
Jeff Makey 
Jerry Whelan 
Jim Duncan 
Joel B Levin 
John G Dobnick 
Jon Iles 
Jyrki Kuoppala 
Karl Kleine 
Kian-Tat Lim 
[email protected] (Martien Kuunders)
[email protected] (Mail Delivery Subsystem)
Marc Moorcroft 
Mark J. Steiglitz 
[email protected]
Matthew Farwell 
Matthew Lyle 
Michael Gehrke 
News Administrator 
Olin Sibert 
Paul Leyland 
Pekka Pessi 
Per Abrahamsen 
Phill Everson 
Phill Everson 
Po Shan Cheah 
[email protected] (Ari Rabinowitz, WorkStations x6518)
Rafi Sadowsky 
[email protected] (Randy Gregor)
Reino de Boer 
Rickard Schoultz  
Robert J Carter 
Roger Hale 
Scott Northrop 
Serge Volkoff 
[email protected] (StarWatcher)
Steve Baur 
Steve Rumsby 
Steve Simmons 
Steve Watt -- KD6GGD 
Tony Wilson 
Tybalt the Paste Man 
Vern Cole -- Systems Manager 
Werner Uhrig 
[email protected] (Arthur Rubin)
[email protected] (Al Clark)
[email protected] (Adam Shostack)
[email protected] (Adam Fox)
[email protected] (Andreas Siegert)
[email protected] (Anne Louise Gockel)
[email protected] (Joe Keane)
[email protected] (pc)
[email protected] (Paul Buder)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Stephanie da Silva)
[email protected] (Randall Atkinson)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Barrey Jewall)
[email protected] (Bas de Bakker)
[email protected] (Bas de Bakker)
[email protected] (Vesselin Bontchev)
[email protected] (John Boone)
[email protected] (Jesse Buckley)
[email protected] (Bryan Buus)
[email protected] (Casper H.S. Dik)
[email protected] (Charles Howes)
[email protected] (Chris Johnson)
[email protected] (Christopher L. Davis)
[email protected] (David Clunie)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Cristy)
[email protected] (Joel C. Justen)
[email protected] (Cristiano Verondini)
[email protected] (Darren Williams)
[email protected] (Gregory W. Edwards)
[email protected] (Gregory W. Edwards)
elisabeth mead karl 
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Frank Kaefer)
[email protected] (Fred Whiteside)
[email protected] (Fred Whiteside)
[email protected] (G. Roderick Singleton)
[email protected] (Greg Brail)
[email protected] (GUNTHER WALTHER)
[email protected] (Hugo Andrade Cartaxeiro)
[email protected] (Hans Huebner)
[email protected] (Harold van Aalderen)
[email protected] (Edward J. Huff)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andreas Javernik)
[email protected] (Joe Buck)
[email protected] (Jon Cargille)
[email protected] (Dave Bunte)
[email protected] (Jeff Beadles)
[email protected] (Jerry M. Carlin)
[email protected] (Joe Smith)
[email protected] (Steve Johnson)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Vincent V. Juodvalkis)
[email protected] (Joseph R. Justice)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Lewis)
[email protected] (Maria Dolores Recio)
[email protected] ("H. Morrow Long")
[email protected] (Frank Martin)
[email protected]
[email protected]
matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood)
matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood)
[email protected] (Michael C. Berch)
[email protected] (Alan M. McKenney)
[email protected] (Martin Emmerich)
[email protected] (Mike Sherwood)
[email protected] (Mike Jones)
[email protected] (Matthew Dustin Morgan)
[email protected] (Michael Peppler)
[email protected] (Michael Peppler)
[email protected] (David Muir Sharnoff)
[email protected] (Frank Nusselder)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nelson Minar)
[email protected] (Juergen Nickelsen)
[email protected] (Bill Nickless)
[email protected] (David Norton)
[email protected] (Oliver Giessler)
[email protected] (Pat Wilson)
[email protected] (Per Hedeland)
[email protected] (Charles Pfleeger)
[email protected] (William LeFebvre)
[email protected] (P.J. Boulay )
[email protected] (John Plate)
[email protected] (Joel Plutchak)
[email protected] (Roger B. Dubbs III)
[email protected] (Richard D. Piasecki)
[email protected] (Richard Commander)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (System Administrator)
[email protected] (Operator)
[email protected] (Richard Kulawiec)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tig Stone)
[email protected] (Sanjay Deo)
[email protected] (Seth Breidbart)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steve Gough)
[email protected] (Steve Rogers)
[email protected] (Richard Mahn)
[email protected] (Steve Kohlenberger)
[email protected] (Steven Leikeim)
[email protected] (Steven Leikeim)
[email protected] (Robert K. Stodola)
[email protected] (Terry Suitor)
[email protected] (Theron Tock)
[email protected] (Katy Thornton `92)
[email protected] (Tim Frost)
[email protected] (Tom Albrecht)
[email protected] (Bob Snyder)
[email protected] (Roger L. Long)
[email protected] (Brian Weis)
[email protected] (Peter Van Epp)
[email protected] (Vasco Pedro)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Wietse Venema)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Warren R Carithers)
Dave Hayes - Network & Communications Engineering - JPL / NASA - Pasadena CA
[email protected]       [email protected]         ...usc!elroy!dxh
A great deal of thought is only a substitute for the thoughts which the 
individual would really find useful at the time.

From [email protected] Fri May 15 18:00:26 1992
Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2352 news.groups:51022
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,
Path: uunet!bounce-back
From: Dave Hayes 
Subject: RESULT: passes 276: 23
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Followup-To: news.groups
Sender: [email protected] (David C Lawrence)
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory / NASA
Date: Fri, 15 May 1992 16:14:02 GMT
Approved: [email protected]
Lines: 320

Here are the final results for 


Total  Votes: 299	
Yes    Votes: 276	(92.31%)
No     Votes: 23	(7.69%)
Yes-No Votes: 253

Duplicates:   7 
Duplicate Resolution: Last vote taken as valid

"(Magnus Kempe)" 
"Charles Geyer" 
"Cliff Hathaway" 
"Dave White" 
"David A. Wagner" 
"Eric A. Anderson" 
"Gregory R. Weiss" 
"Paul M. Mickel" 
"Stephen Potter" 
"Wilhelm Buehler" 
[email protected]
[email protected]
Adrian Bullock 
Alan Coopersmith 
Alan Thew 
Andreas Israel 
Andy Malis 
B.J.  15-Apr-1992 0941 
Barry Margolin 
Boris Hemkemeier 
Brian Fitzgerald 
[email protected]
Christopher Davis 
Claus Assmann 
Cliff Stoll 
[email protected]
Dan Boehlke 
Danny Padwa 
Darren Bock 
Dave Goldberg 
Dave Sill 
David Fetrow 
David Stahl 
Doug Siebert 
Edson Smith 
[email protected] ([email protected])
Helen Trillian Rose 
[email protected] (Herve Schauer)
Ian Holland <[email protected]>
James Harvey 
Jamie Gritton 
Jan Mattsson  
Jeff Makey 
Jerry Whelan 
Jim Duncan 
John G Dobnick 
Jon Haugsand 
Jon Iles 
Jyrki Kuoppala 
Karl Kleine 
Kian-Tat Lim 
Lars-Gunnar Olsson 
[email protected] (Martien Kuunders)
[email protected]
Marc Verbruggen x9419 
Mark J. Steiglitz 
[email protected]
Matthew Farwell 
Matthew Lyle 
Michael Gehrke 
Mirko Dziadzka @ Humboldt-University Berlin 
News Administrator 
Olin Sibert 
Oliver Schoett 
PTed Garvin 
Patricia O Tuama 
Paul Leyland 
Paul Quare 
Pekka Pessi 
Per Abrahamsen 
Per Ekman  
[email protected]
Phill Everson 
Po Shan Cheah 
[email protected] (Ari Rabinowitz, WorkStations x6518)
Rafi Sadowsky 
[email protected] (Randy Gregor)
Reino de Boer 
Rick Kuhn 
Rickard Schoultz  
Robert J Carter 
Rodney Shojinaga 
Roger Hale 
Scott Northrop 
Serge Volkoff 
Steve Baur 
Steve Rumsby 
Steve Simmons 
Steve Watt -- KD6GGD 
[email protected]
Tony Wilson 
Vern Cole -- Systems Manager 
Walt (W.R.) Sullivan 
Willi Burmeister 
[email protected] (Arthur Rubin)
[email protected] (Al Clark)
[email protected] (Adam Shostack)
[email protected] (Adam Fox)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andreas Siegert)
[email protected] (Anne Louise Gockel)
[email protected] (Joe Keane)
[email protected] (pc)
[email protected] (Paul Buder)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andrew Schmid)
[email protected] (Stephanie da Silva)
[email protected] (Randall Atkinson)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Jan Isley)
[email protected] (Barrey Jewall)
[email protected] (Bas de Bakker)
[email protected] (Chandra Shekara Bharathi)
[email protected] (Hari Seldon)
[email protected] (Bert Medley)
[email protected] (Ruth White)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Vesselin Bontchev)
[email protected] (John Boone)
[email protected] (James M. Stephens)
[email protected] (Jesse Buckley)
[email protected] (Bryan Buus)
[email protected] (Casper H.S. Dik)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Charles Howes)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Christopher L. Davis)
[email protected] (David Clunie)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Cristy)
[email protected] (Joel C. Justen)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Cristiano Verondini)
dave (Dave Hayes)
[email protected] (David Law)
[email protected] (Darren Williams)
[email protected] (Bob Heddles)
[email protected] (Edward Bertsch)
[email protected] (Robert I. Eachus)
[email protected] (Bruce Ediger)
[email protected] (Gregory W. Edwards)
[email protected] (Edward Feustel)
elisabeth mead karl 
[email protected] (Ed McGuire)
[email protected] (Jeremy Epstein)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Frank Kaefer)
[email protected] (Fred Whiteside)
[email protected] (Gary Heston)
[email protected] (Geoff Allen)
[email protected] (G. Roderick Singleton)
[email protected] (Greg Brail)
[email protected] (GUNTHER WALTHER)
[email protected] (Hugo Andrade Cartaxeiro)
[email protected] (Hans Huebner)
[email protected] (Harold van Aalderen)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Edward J. Huff)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Andreas Javernik)
[email protected] (Joe Buck)
[email protected] (Jon Cargille)
[email protected] (Dave Bunte)
[email protected] (Jeff Beadles)
[email protected] (Jacob Gore)
[email protected] (Jim Richardson)
[email protected] (Jerry M. Carlin)
[email protected] (Joe Smith)
[email protected] (Steve Johnson)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Vincent V. Juodvalkis)
[email protected] (Joseph R. Justice)
[email protected] (James Wallace Watson)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Kjell Hogstrom)
koral%[email protected] (Ilgun)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Lewis)
[email protected] (Maria Dolores Recio)
[email protected] ("H. Morrow Long")
[email protected] (Frank Martin)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Mark Anacker)
[email protected] (Mark Baranowski)
matwood%[email protected] (Mark Atwood)
[email protected] (Michael C. Berch)
[email protected] (Alan M. McKenney)
[email protected] (Martin Emmerich)
[email protected] (Michael of Nebadon)
[email protected] (Mike Sherwood)
[email protected] (Matthew Dustin Morgan)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Michael Peppler)
[email protected] (David Muir Sharnoff)
[email protected] (Frank Nusselder)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Nelson Minar)
[email protected] (Juergen Nickelsen)
[email protected] (Bill Nickless)
[email protected] (David Norton)
[email protected] (Paul Ortega)
[email protected] (Oliver Giessler)
[email protected] (Pat Wilson)
[email protected] (Per Hedeland)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (David Peterson)
[email protected] (Charles Pfleeger)
[email protected] (William LeFebvre)
[email protected] (Pierre Uszynski)
[email protected] (P.J. Boulay )
[email protected] (John Plate)
[email protected] (GLen Pringle)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Gene Rackow)
[email protected] (Roger B. Dubbs III)
[email protected] (Richard D. Piasecki)
[email protected] (Richard Commander)
[email protected] (Richard H. Miller)
[email protected] (Prentiss Riddle)
[email protected] (Ross Leask)
[email protected] (Daniel S. Riley)
[email protected] (Rob J. Nauta)
[email protected] (System Administrator)
[email protected] (Operator)
[email protected] (R. P. White)
[email protected] (Richard Kulawiec)
rslau%[email protected] (Robert Lau)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Tig Stone)
[email protected] (Sam Sangster)
[email protected] (Sanjay Deo)
[email protected] (Seth Breidbart)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Steve Gough)
[email protected] (Phil Smith)
[email protected] (Rick Smith)
[email protected] (Steve Rogers)
[email protected] (Staffan Persson)
[email protected] (Richard Mahn)
[email protected] (Steve Kohlenberger)
[email protected] (Steven Leikeim)
[email protected] (Terry Suitor)
[email protected] (Theron Tock)
[email protected] (Katy Thornton `92)
[email protected] (Tim Frost)
[email protected] (Tom Albrecht)
[email protected] (Tony Movshon)
[email protected] (Bob Snyder)
[email protected] (Tuy bernard)
[email protected] (Tim MacKenzie)
[email protected] (Brian Weis)
[email protected] (John G. Thompson)
[email protected] (Robert E. Van Cleef)
[email protected] (Peter Van Epp)
[email protected] (Martial Van Neste)
[email protected] (Vasco Pedro)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Sean Gallaty)
[email protected]
[email protected] (Wietse Venema)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Woife Bachhuber - Sun Germany IR
Security + SysAdm - Munich)
[email protected] (Warren R Carithers)

"James R. Macak" 
Benjamin Fan 
Bill Lipa 
Clint Ruoho 
David Newton 
Erik Johansen 
Joel B Levin 
Marc Moorcroft 
[email protected]
Roy S. Rapoport 
[email protected] (StarWatcher)
Steffen Reithermann 
Tall Cool One 
Tybalt the Paste Man 
Werner Uhrig 
[email protected]
[email protected] (Chris Johnson)
[email protected] (Oliver Fink)
[email protected] (mehta)
[email protected] (Mike Jones)
[email protected] (Joel Plutchak)
[email protected] (Robert K. Stodola)
[email protected] (Roger L. Long)
Dave Hayes - Network & Communications Engineering - JPL / NASA - Pasadena CA
[email protected]       [email protected]         ...usc!elroy!dxh
                If you want to get rid of somebody, 
            just tell them something for their own good.

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