From [email protected] Sun Nov 10 22:30:02 2002 Path:!bounce-back From: adam browerNewsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: RFD: moderated Followup-To: news.groups Message-ID: <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Archive-Name: Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 22:21:13 UTC Lines: 178 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:11834 news.groups:420645 REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) moderated group This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the world-wide moderated Usenet newsgroup This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time. Procedural details are below. Newsgroup line: Blocklist issues. (Moderated) RATIONALE: The increasing use and popularity of methods to propagate and query a list of data in an attempt to reduce network abuse has given rise to the need for a group specifically devoted to the discussion of their use and administration. These methods include dns-based blocklists (DNSBL), right-hand side blocklists (RHSBL,) among others. Historically, blocklists have long been used by local administrators to regularize the habits of not only their local users, but the outside world, at their local hosts and networks. Recently, the use of centrally controlled lists has gained a measure of acceptance, notably in their use to reduce unsolicited bulk email, commonly known as "spam." This practice of blocking traffic from insecure sites, sites believed to have bad policies in place, or sites hosting known abusers has grown in favor. This conclusion follows not only from the large number of distributed or queryable lists in use today, but from the ways in which they are used. Blocklists are no longer used only to prevent spam. Current forums in which discussions of these topics are held attract many contributors whose strong dislike of network abuse and its perpetrators results in the drowning out of more quietly-stated views with which they may be in disagreement. As a result, new readers of these groups are often faced with a bewildering cacophony of advice, ill-conceived technical information, and outright flames. Far from contributing to the reduction of abuse, this actually contribute to its perpetuation by driving away the very participants who have entered the group for assistance. In particular, has been overwhelmed by the volume of discussion of blocklist-related topics. It is hoped that the new group will serve as a more focussed forum for these discussions, thereby returning n.a.n-a.e to the purpose stated in its charter as "a forum for discussion of possible abuses of e-mail." will exist as an alternative forum where interested parties may exchange views and information in a civil manner. It is anticipated that not only adminstrators with comments, questions, and observations on the use of blocklists, but also those affected by their use (e.g., those whose addresses are listed in blocklists, and abuse personnel) will find such a forum useful, and that the discussions in the group will yield benefits not only to administrators, abuse personnel, and those who find their addresses listed, but to the internet community itself, by focussing attention solely on blocklist issues, promoting calm, rational, informed discussion of those issues, and in the end contributing to the reduction of network abuse. CHARTER: is a newsgroup devoted to discussion of subjects related to the use, administration, and effects of blocklists in ameliorating the problem of unsolocited bulk email and other unwanted or abusive network traffic. Any topic which is especially of interest to those maintaining, using, or affected by blocklists is welcome in this group. The nature of the topic is such that expressions of anger and frustration are expected, but vulgarity, ad hominem attacks, unwarranted generalisations and non-productive displays of pique (however elegantly worded,) will be rejected at the discretion of the moderators. Rejected articles will be returned to the author. Where practicable, the moderator may include advice on how to revise the article to better meet the criteria for acceptance. In general, the moderators will not reject articles based on content, but only on tone and language. However, some content may be deemed unsuitable. Examples of content-related criteria for rejection may include ad hominem attacks, repetitive expositions of largely identical arguments, and non- informative expressions of opinion on the viability of one or another list, method, provider, or listed entity. The focus will be on information. Although discussions in the group may focus on one or another listing in a specific blocklist, the advice and opinions expressed in the group should not be taken as authoritative for any listing or list. Maintainers of various lists use their own various criteria, and may or may not be influenced by postings in the group, however well-informed or accurate. All messages removed by unauthorized cancels will be automatically reposted by Dave the Resurrector or a similar program, or at the discretion of a group moderator. Spams, gateway spews, and other attacks on the system itself will be removed as appropriate, following standard Usenet guidelines. Binary files will not be approved for posting in, with the exception of PGP signatures. The following are sample topics which will be addressed in Blocklist creation and maintenence Nomination and delisting procedures Criteria used in listings Discussions of blocklist listings Effects of blocklist use on spam volume Other technologies for propagation and querying of a list New uses for blocklists Cross-posting articles to is not allowed. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderators: Moderator: Kelly Molloy Moderator: David Romerstein Moderator: Jim Seymour <[email protected]> Moderator: Matt Tway Moderator: Larry M. Smith Moderator: Scott Hazen Mueller Moderator: Dave Lugo Moderator: WD Baseley Additional moderators are still being sought. Moderation will be performed using the Secure Team-based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) or similar technology, which will be supplied by Scott Hazen Mueller. Where practicable, the following procedures will be followed by the moderation team: - The moderators will maintain the tone of discourse so as to minimize the heated discussions to which the subject often leads. - Although moderators themselves may have strong opinions on the efficacy, application, or side-effects of one or another blocklist or other method of reducing spam, they are expected to refrain from allowing such opinions to influence their approval or rejection of articles. - The moderators may use the tools provided (now or in the future) to aid in moderation of the group. These may include "white lists," "black lists," keywording of headers, and word-filtering. - Moderators will be added to or removed from the team by a 2/3 majority vote. In the case of a vote for removal, the moderator under review will not be permitted to vote. END MODERATOR INFO. PROCEDURE: This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroup should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens. All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process. DISTRIBUTION: This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups Proponent: adam brower Proponent: Jim Seymour From [email protected] Wed Nov 13 03:00:02 2002 Path:!bounce-back From: adam brower Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: 2nd RFD: moderated Followup-To: news.groups Message-ID: <[email protected]> Supersedes: <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Archive-Name: Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 02:45:26 UTC Lines: 194 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:11836 news.groups:421367 REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) moderated group [ Note: This RFD is posted to supersede <[email protected]> because yours truly can't count expiration dates properly, and therefore mistakenly submitted a brandnew RFD originally instead of a 2nd issue one. - piranha, n.a.n moderator ] This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the world-wide moderated Usenet newsgroup This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time. Procedural details are below. Newsgroup line: Blocklist issues. (Moderated) CHANGES from previous RFD: - Name changed from to - Exception to no binaries rule made for PGP signatures - Rationale expanded to include additional history - Charter expanded to clarify approval criteria - Moderator approval changed to 2/3 majority RATIONALE: The increasing use and popularity of methods to propagate and query a list of data in an attempt to reduce network abuse has given rise to the need for a group specifically devoted to the discussion of their use and administration. These methods include dns-based blocklists (DNSBL), right-hand side blocklists (RHSBL,) among others. Historically, blocklists have long been used by local administrators to regularize the habits of not only their local users, but the outside world, at their local hosts and networks. Recently, the use of centrally controlled lists has gained a measure of acceptance, notably in their use to reduce unsolicited bulk email, commonly known as "spam." This practice of blocking traffic from insecure sites, sites believed to have bad policies in place, or sites hosting known abusers has grown in favor. This conclusion follows not only from the large number of distributed or queryable lists in use today, but from the ways in which they are used. Blocklists are no longer used only to prevent spam. Current forums in which discussions of these topics are held attract many contributors whose strong dislike of network abuse and its perpetrators results in the drowning out of more quietly-stated views with which they may be in disagreement. As a result, new readers of these groups are often faced with a bewildering cacophony of advice, ill-conceived technical information, and outright flames. Far from contributing to the reduction of abuse, this actually contribute to its perpetuation by driving away the very participants who have entered the group for assistance. In particular, has been overwhelmed by the volume of discussion of blocklist-related topics. It is hoped that the new group will serve as a more focussed forum for these discussions, thereby returning n.a.n-a.e to the purpose stated in its charter as "a forum for discussion of possible abuses of e-mail." will exist as an alternative forum where interested parties may exchange views and information in a civil manner. It is anticipated that not only adminstrators with comments, questions, and observations on the use of blocklists, but also those affected by their use (e.g., those whose addresses are listed in blocklists, and abuse personnel) will find such a forum useful, and that the discussions in the group will yield benefits not only to administrators, abuse personnel, and those who find their addresses listed, but to the internet community itself, by focussing attention solely on blocklist issues, promoting calm, rational, informed discussion of those issues, and in the end contributing to the reduction of network abuse. CHARTER: is a newsgroup devoted to discussion of subjects related to the use, administration, and effects of blocklists in ameliorating the problem of unsolocited bulk email and other unwanted or abusive network traffic. Any topic which is especially of interest to those maintaining, using, or affected by blocklists is welcome in this group. The nature of the topic is such that expressions of anger and frustration are expected, but vulgarity, ad hominem attacks, unwarranted generalisations and non-productive displays of pique (however elegantly worded,) will be rejected at the discretion of the moderators. Rejected articles will be returned to the author. Where practicable, the moderator may include advice on how to revise the article to better meet the criteria for acceptance. In general, the moderators will not reject articles based on content, but only on tone and language. However, some content may be deemed unsuitable. Examples of content-related criteria for rejection may include ad hominem attacks, repetitive expositions of largely identical arguments, and non- informative expressions of opinion on the viability of one or another list, method, provider, or listed entity. The focus will be on information. Although discussions in the group may focus on one or another listing in a specific blocklist, the advice and opinions expressed in the group should not be taken as authoritative for any listing or list. Maintainers of various lists use their own various criteria, and may or may not be influenced by postings in the group, however well-informed or accurate. All messages removed by unauthorized cancels will be automatically reposted by Dave the Resurrector or a similar program, or at the discretion of a group moderator. Spams, gateway spews, and other attacks on the system itself will be removed as appropriate, following standard Usenet guidelines. Binary files will not be approved for posting in, with the exception of PGP signatures. The following are sample topics which will be addressed in Blocklist creation and maintenence Nomination and delisting procedures Criteria used in listings Discussions of blocklist listings Effects of blocklist use on spam volume Other technologies for propagation and querying of a list New uses for blocklists Cross-posting articles to is not allowed. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderators: Moderator: Kelly Molloy Moderator: David Romerstein Moderator: Jim Seymour <[email protected]> Moderator: Matt Tway Moderator: Larry M. Smith Moderator: Scott Hazen Mueller Moderator: Dave Lugo Moderator: WD Baseley Additional moderators are still being sought. Moderation will be performed using the Secure Team-based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) or similar technology, which will be supplied by Scott Hazen Mueller. Where practicable, the following procedures will be followed by the moderation team: - The moderators will maintain the tone of discourse so as to minimize the heated discussions to which the subject often leads. - Although moderators themselves may have strong opinions on the efficacy, application, or side-effects of one or another blocklist or other method of reducing spam, they are expected to refrain from allowing such opinions to influence their approval or rejection of articles. - The moderators may use the tools provided (now or in the future) to aid in moderation of the group. These may include "white lists," "black lists," keywording of headers, and word-filtering. - Moderators will be added to or removed from the team by a 2/3 majority vote. In the case of a vote for removal, the moderator under review will not be permitted to vote. END MODERATOR INFO. PROCEDURE: This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroup should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens. All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process. DISTRIBUTION: This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups Proponent: adam brower Proponent: Jim Seymour From [email protected] Thu Jan 23 22:30:23 2003 Path:!bounce-back From: adam brower Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: 3rd RFD: moderated Followup-To: news.groups Message-ID: <[email protected]> References: <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Archive-Name: Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 22:27:36 UTC Lines: 187 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:11872 news.groups:425474 REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) moderated group This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the world-wide moderated Usenet newsgroup This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time. Procedural details are below. Newsgroup line: Blocklist issues. (Moderated) CHANGES from previous RFD: - No binaries rule reinstated without exceptions - New moderator added - Sample topics added to demonstrate equanimity - Crossposting permitted at moderator discretion RATIONALE: The increasing use and popularity of methods to propagate and query a list of data in an attempt to reduce network abuse has given rise to the need for a group specifically devoted to the discussion of their use and administration. These methods include dns-based blocklists (DNSBL), right-hand side blocklists (RHSBL,) among others. Historically, blocklists have long been used by local administrators to regularize the habits of not only their local users, but the outside world, at their local hosts and networks. Recently, the use of centrally controlled lists has gained a measure of acceptance, notably in their use to reduce unsolicited bulk email, commonly known as "spam." This practice of blocking traffic from insecure sites, sites believed to have bad policies in place, or sites hosting known abusers has grown in favor. This conclusion follows not only from the large number of distributed or queryable lists in use today, but from the ways in which they are used. Blocklists are no longer used only to prevent spam. Current forums in which discussions of these topics are held attract many contributors whose strong dislike of network abuse and its perpetrators results in the drowning out of more quietly-stated views with which they may be in disagreement. As a result, new readers of these groups are often faced with a bewildering cacophony of advice, ill-conceived technical information, and outright flames. Far from contributing to the reduction of abuse, this actually contribute to its perpetuation by driving away the very participants who have entered the group for assistance. In particular, has been overwhelmed by the volume of discussion of blocklist-related topics. It is hoped that the new group will serve as a more focussed forum for these discussions, thereby returning n.a.n-a.e to the purpose stated in its charter as "a forum for discussion of possible abuses of e-mail." will exist as an alternative forum where interested parties may exchange views and information in a civil manner. It is anticipated that not only administrators with comments, questions, and observations on the use of blocklists, but also those affected by their use (e.g., those whose addresses are listed in blocklists, and abuse personnel) will find such a forum useful, and that the discussions in the group will yield benefits not only to administrators, abuse personnel, and those who find their addresses listed, but to the internet community itself, by focussing attention solely on blocklist issues, promoting calm, rational, informed discussion of those issues, and in the end contributing to the reduction of network abuse. CHARTER: is a newsgroup devoted to discussion of subjects related to the use, administration, and effects of blocklists in ameliorating the problem of unsolicited bulk email and other unwanted or abusive network traffic. Any topic which is especially of interest to those maintaining, using, or affected by blocklists is welcome in this group. The nature of the topic is such that expressions of anger and frustration are expected, but vulgarity, ad hominem attacks, unwarranted generalisations and non-productive displays of pique (however elegantly worded,) will be rejected at the discretion of the moderators. Rejected articles will be returned to the author. Where practicable, the moderator may include advice on how to revise the article to better meet the criteria for acceptance. In general, the moderators will not reject articles based on content, but only on tone and language. However, some content may be deemed unsuitable. Examples of content-related criteria for rejection may include ad hominem attacks, repetitive expositions of largely identical arguments, and non- informative expressions of opinion on the viability of one or another list, method, provider, or listed entity. The focus will be on information. Although discussions in the group may focus on one or another listing in a specific blocklist, the advice and opinions expressed in the group should not be taken as authoritative for any listing or list. Maintainers of various lists use their own various criteria, and may or may not be influenced by postings in the group, however well-informed or accurate. All messages removed by unauthorized cancels will be automatically reposted by Dave the Resurrector or a similar program, or at the discretion of a group moderator. Spams, gateway spews, and other attacks on the system itself will be removed as appropriate, following standard Usenet guidelines. Binary files will not be approved for posting in The following are sample topics which will be addressed in Blocklist creation and maintenance Nomination and delisting procedures Criteria used in listings Pros and cons of DNSBL usage Reduction of "false positives" Discussions of blocklist listings Effects of blocklist use on spam volume Other technologies for propagation and querying of a list New uses for blocklists Cross-posting articles to is not allowed; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the moderators, as for example in the case of FAQ's. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderators: Moderator: Kelly Molloy Moderator: David Romerstein Moderator: Jim Seymour <[email protected]> Moderator: Matt Tway Moderator: Larry M. Smith Moderator: Scott Hazen Mueller Moderator: Dave Lugo Moderator: WD Baseley Moderator: Gary Callison Moderation will be performed using the Secure Team-based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) or similar technology, which will be supplied by Scott Hazen Mueller. Where practicable, the following procedures will be followed by the moderation team: - The moderators will maintain the tone of discourse so as to minimize the heated discussions to which the subject often leads. - Although moderators themselves may have strong opinions on the efficacy, application, or side-effects of one or another blocklist or other method of reducing spam, they are expected to refrain from allowing such opinions to influence their approval or rejection of articles. - The moderators may use the tools provided (now or in the future) to aid in moderation of the group. These may include "white lists," "black lists," keywording of headers, and word-filtering. - Moderators will be added to or removed from the team by a 2/3 majority vote. In the case of a vote for removal, the moderator under review will not be permitted to vote. END MODERATOR INFO. PROCEDURE: This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroup should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens. All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process. DISTRIBUTION: This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups Proponent: adam brower Proponent: Jim Seymour From usenet Wed Jun 18 04:33:49 2003 Path:!!!bounce-back From: adam brower Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: 4th RFD: moderated Followup-To: news.groups Message-ID: <[email protected]> Approved: [email protected] Archive-Name: Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 16:29:59 +0000 Lines: 184 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:9317 news.groups:442100 REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) moderated group This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the world-wide moderated Usenet newsgroup This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time. Procedural details are below. Newsgroup line: Blocklist issues. (Moderated) CHANGES from previous RFD: - Refresher RFD RATIONALE: The increasing use and popularity of methods to propagate and query a list of data in an attempt to reduce network abuse has given rise to the need for a group specifically devoted to the discussion of their use and administration. These methods include dns-based blocklists (DNSBL), right-hand side blocklists (RHSBL,) among others. Historically, blocklists have long been used by local administrators to regularize the habits of not only their local users, but the outside world, at their local hosts and networks. Recently, the use of centrally controlled lists has gained a measure of acceptance, notably in their use to reduce unsolicited bulk email, commonly known as "spam." This practice of blocking traffic from insecure sites, sites believed to have bad policies in place, or sites hosting known abusers has grown in favor. This conclusion follows not only from the large number of distributed or queryable lists in use today, but from the ways in which they are used. Blocklists are no longer used only to prevent spam. Current forums in which discussions of these topics are held attract many contributors whose strong dislike of network abuse and its perpetrators results in the drowning out of more quietly-stated views with which they may be in disagreement. As a result, new readers of these groups are often faced with a bewildering cacophony of advice, ill-conceived technical information, and outright flames. Far from contributing to the reduction of abuse, this actually contribute to its perpetuation by driving away the very participants who have entered the group for assistance. In particular, has been overwhelmed by the volume of discussion of blocklist-related topics. It is hoped that the new group will serve as a more focussed forum for these discussions, thereby returning n.a.n-a.e to the purpose stated in its charter as "a forum for discussion of possible abuses of e-mail." will exist as an alternative forum where interested parties may exchange views and information in a civil manner. It is anticipated that not only administrators with comments, questions, and observations on the use of blocklists, but also those affected by their use (e.g., those whose addresses are listed in blocklists, and abuse personnel) will find such a forum useful, and that the discussions in the group will yield benefits not only to administrators, abuse personnel, and those who find their addresses listed, but to the internet community itself, by focussing attention solely on blocklist issues, promoting calm, rational, informed discussion of those issues, and in the end contributing to the reduction of network abuse. CHARTER: is a newsgroup devoted to discussion of subjects related to the use, administration, and effects of blocklists in ameliorating the problem of unsolicited bulk email and other unwanted or abusive network traffic. Any topic which is especially of interest to those maintaining, using, or affected by blocklists is welcome in this group. The nature of the topic is such that expressions of anger and frustration are expected, but vulgarity, ad hominem attacks, unwarranted generalisations and non-productive displays of pique (however elegantly worded,) will be rejected at the discretion of the moderators. Rejected articles will be returned to the author. Where practicable, the moderator may include advice on how to revise the article to better meet the criteria for acceptance. In general, the moderators will not reject articles based on content, but only on tone and language. However, some content may be deemed unsuitable. Examples of content-related criteria for rejection may include ad hominem attacks, repetitive expositions of largely identical arguments, and non- informative expressions of opinion on the viability of one or another list, method, provider, or listed entity. The focus will be on information. Although discussions in the group may focus on one or another listing in a specific blocklist, the advice and opinions expressed in the group should not be taken as authoritative for any listing or list. Maintainers of various lists use their own various criteria, and may or may not be influenced by postings in the group, however well-informed or accurate. All messages removed by unauthorized cancels will be automatically reposted by Dave the Resurrector or a similar program, or at the discretion of a group moderator. Spams, gateway spews, and other attacks on the system itself will be removed as appropriate, following standard Usenet guidelines. Binary files will not be approved for posting in The following are sample topics which will be addressed in Blocklist creation and maintenance Nomination and delisting procedures Criteria used in listings Pros and cons of DNSBL usage Reduction of "false positives" Discussions of blocklist listings Effects of blocklist use on spam volume Other technologies for propagation and querying of a list New uses for blocklists Cross-posting articles to is not allowed; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the moderators, as for example in the case of FAQ's. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderators: Moderator: Kelly Molloy Moderator: David Romerstein Moderator: Jim Seymour <[email protected]> Moderator: Matt Tway Moderator: Larry M. Smith Moderator: Scott Hazen Mueller Moderator: Dave Lugo Moderator: WD Baseley Moderator: Gary Callison Moderation will be performed using the Secure Team-based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) or similar technology, which will be supplied by Scott Hazen Mueller. Where practicable, the following procedures will be followed by the moderation team: - The moderators will maintain the tone of discourse so as to minimize the heated discussions to which the subject often leads. - Although moderators themselves may have strong opinions on the efficacy, application, or side-effects of one or another blocklist or other method of reducing spam, they are expected to refrain from allowing such opinions to influence their approval or rejection of articles. - The moderators may use the tools provided (now or in the future) to aid in moderation of the group. These may include "white lists," "black lists," keywording of headers, and word-filtering. - Moderators will be added to or removed from the team by a 2/3 majority vote. In the case of a vote for removal, the moderator under review will not be permitted to vote. END MODERATOR INFO. PROCEDURE: This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroup should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens. All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process. DISTRIBUTION: This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups Proponent: adam brower Proponent: Jim Seymour From usenet Wed Jun 18 04:33:49 2003 Path:!!!!!!!bounce-back From: David E. Smith Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: CFV: moderated Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 5 Jun 2003 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 03:24:39 +0000 Lines: 245 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:9325 news.groups:442520 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group Newsgroups line: Discussion of ip-based blocklisting. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 4 Jun 2003. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: adam brower Proponent: Jim Seymour Votetaker: David E. Smith RATIONALE: The increasing use and popularity of methods to propagate and query a list of data in an attempt to reduce network abuse has given rise to the need for a group specifically devoted to the discussion of their use and administration. These methods include dns-based blocklists (DNSBL), right-hand side blocklists (RHSBL,) among others. Historically, blocklists have long been used by local administrators to regularize the habits of not only their local users, but the outside world, at their local hosts and networks. Recently, the use of centrally controlled lists has gained a measure of acceptance, notably in their use to reduce unsolicited bulk email, commonly known as "spam." This practice of blocking traffic from insecure sites, sites believed to have bad policies in place, or sites hosting known abusers has grown in favor. This conclusion follows not only from the large number of distributed or queryable lists in use today, but from the ways in which they are used. Blocklists are no longer used only to prevent spam. Current forums in which discussions of these topics are held attract many contributors whose strong dislike of network abuse and its perpetrators results in the drowning out of more quietly-stated views with which they may be in disagreement. As a result, new readers of these groups are often faced with a bewildering cacophony of advice, ill-conceived technical information, and outright flames. Far from contributing to the reduction of abuse, this actually contribute to its perpetuation by driving away the very participants who have entered the group for assistance. In particular, has been overwhelmed by the volume of discussion of blocklist-related topics. It is hoped that the new group will serve as a more focussed forum for these discussions, thereby returning n.a.n-a.e to the purpose stated in its charter as "a forum for discussion of possible abuses of e-mail." will exist as an alternative forum where interested parties may exchange views and information in a civil manner. It is anticipated that not only administrators with comments, questions, and observations on the use of blocklists, but also those affected by their use (e.g., those whose addresses are listed in blocklists, and abuse personnel) will find such a forum useful, and that the discussions in the group will yield benefits not only to administrators, abuse personnel, and those who find their addresses listed, but to the internet community itself, by focussing attention solely on blocklist issues, promoting calm, rational, informed discussion of those issues, and in the end contributing to the reduction of network abuse. CHARTER: is a newsgroup devoted to discussion of subjects related to the use, administration, and effects of blocklists in ameliorating the problem of unsolicited bulk email and other unwanted or abusive network traffic. Any topic which is especially of interest to those maintaining, using, or affected by blocklists is welcome in this group. The nature of the topic is such that expressions of anger and frustration are expected, but vulgarity, ad hominem attacks, unwarranted generalisations and non-productive displays of pique (however elegantly worded,) will be rejected at the discretion of the moderators. Rejected articles will be returned to the author. Where practicable, the moderator may include advice on how to revise the article to better meet the criteria for acceptance. In general, the moderators will not reject articles based on content, but only on tone and language. However, some content may be deemed unsuitable. Examples of content-related criteria for rejection may include ad hominem attacks, repetitive expositions of largely identical arguments, and non- informative expressions of opinion on the viability of one or another list, method, provider, or listed entity. The focus will be on information. Although discussions in the group may focus on one or another listing in a specific blocklist, the advice and opinions expressed in the group should not be taken as authoritative for any listing or list. Maintainers of various lists use their own various criteria, and may or may not be influenced by postings in the group, however well-informed or accurate. All messages removed by unauthorized cancels will be automatically reposted by Dave the Resurrector or a similar program, or at the discretion of a group moderator. Spams, gateway spews, and other attacks on the system itself will be removed as appropriate, following standard Usenet guidelines. Binary files will not be approved for posting in The following are sample topics which will be addressed in Blocklist creation and maintenance Nomination and delisting procedures Criteria used in listings Pros and cons of DNSBL usage Reduction of "false positives" Discussions of blocklist listings Effects of blocklist use on spam volume Other technologies for propagation and querying of a list New uses for blocklists Cross-posting articles to is not allowed; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the moderators, as for example in the case of FAQ's. Moderation will be performed using the Secure Team-based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) or similar technology, which will be supplied by Scott Hazen Mueller. Where practicable, the following procedures will be followed by the moderation team: - The moderators will maintain the tone of discourse so as to minimize the heated discussions to which the subject often leads. - Although moderators themselves may have strong opinions on the efficacy, application, or side-effects of one or another blocklist or other method of reducing spam, they are expected to refrain from allowing such opinions to influence their approval or rejection of articles. - The moderators may use the tools provided (now or in the future) to aid in moderation of the group. These may include "white lists," "black lists," keywording of headers, and word-filtering. - Moderators will be added to or removed from the team by a 2/3 majority vote. In the case of a vote for removal, the moderator under review will not be permitted to vote. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Kelly Molloy Moderator: David Romerstein Moderator: Jim Seymour Moderator: Matt Tway Moderator: Larry M. Smith Moderator: Scott Hazen Mueller Moderator: Dave Lugo Moderator: WD Baseley Moderator: Gary Callison Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; instead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts or with munged, spam-blocked, or undeliverable addresses are invalid and will NOT be counted. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your real name (or established Usenet handle) and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the vote to Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. Votes mailed to any other email address, including that of the votetaker, will NOT be counted. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot [NANAB-42-1] (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Established | Usenet handles are also acceptable. Place ONLY your name (ie. do NOT | include your e-mail address or any other information; ONLY your name) | after the colon on the following line: Voter Name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== DISTRIBUTION: This CFV will be posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups From usenet Wed Jun 18 04:33:49 2003 Path:!!!bounce-back From: David E. Smith Reply-To: [email protected] Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: 2nd CFV: moderated Followup-To: poster Message-ID: <[email protected]> Supersedes: <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Expires: 5 Jun 2003 00:00:00 GMT Archive-Name: Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 15:58:30 +0000 Lines: 266 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:9327 news.groups:442838 LAST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) moderated group Newsgroups line: Discussion of ip-based blocklisting. (Moderated) Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 4 Jun 2003. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: adam brower Proponent: Jim Seymour Votetaker: David E. Smith RATIONALE: The increasing use and popularity of methods to propagate and query a list of data in an attempt to reduce network abuse has given rise to the need for a group specifically devoted to the discussion of their use and administration. These methods include dns-based blocklists (DNSBL), right-hand side blocklists (RHSBL,) among others. Historically, blocklists have long been used by local administrators to regularize the habits of not only their local users, but the outside world, at their local hosts and networks. Recently, the use of centrally controlled lists has gained a measure of acceptance, notably in their use to reduce unsolicited bulk email, commonly known as "spam." This practice of blocking traffic from insecure sites, sites believed to have bad policies in place, or sites hosting known abusers has grown in favor. This conclusion follows not only from the large number of distributed or queryable lists in use today, but from the ways in which they are used. Blocklists are no longer used only to prevent spam. Current forums in which discussions of these topics are held attract many contributors whose strong dislike of network abuse and its perpetrators results in the drowning out of more quietly-stated views with which they may be in disagreement. As a result, new readers of these groups are often faced with a bewildering cacophony of advice, ill-conceived technical information, and outright flames. Far from contributing to the reduction of abuse, this actually contribute to its perpetuation by driving away the very participants who have entered the group for assistance. In particular, has been overwhelmed by the volume of discussion of blocklist-related topics. It is hoped that the new group will serve as a more focussed forum for these discussions, thereby returning n.a.n-a.e to the purpose stated in its charter as "a forum for discussion of possible abuses of e-mail." will exist as an alternative forum where interested parties may exchange views and information in a civil manner. It is anticipated that not only administrators with comments, questions, and observations on the use of blocklists, but also those affected by their use (e.g., those whose addresses are listed in blocklists, and abuse personnel) will find such a forum useful, and that the discussions in the group will yield benefits not only to administrators, abuse personnel, and those who find their addresses listed, but to the internet community itself, by focussing attention solely on blocklist issues, promoting calm, rational, informed discussion of those issues, and in the end contributing to the reduction of network abuse. CHARTER: is a newsgroup devoted to discussion of subjects related to the use, administration, and effects of blocklists in ameliorating the problem of unsolicited bulk email and other unwanted or abusive network traffic. Any topic which is especially of interest to those maintaining, using, or affected by blocklists is welcome in this group. The nature of the topic is such that expressions of anger and frustration are expected, but vulgarity, ad hominem attacks, unwarranted generalisations and non-productive displays of pique (however elegantly worded,) will be rejected at the discretion of the moderators. Rejected articles will be returned to the author. Where practicable, the moderator may include advice on how to revise the article to better meet the criteria for acceptance. In general, the moderators will not reject articles based on content, but only on tone and language. However, some content may be deemed unsuitable. Examples of content-related criteria for rejection may include ad hominem attacks, repetitive expositions of largely identical arguments, and non- informative expressions of opinion on the viability of one or another list, method, provider, or listed entity. The focus will be on information. Although discussions in the group may focus on one or another listing in a specific blocklist, the advice and opinions expressed in the group should not be taken as authoritative for any listing or list. Maintainers of various lists use their own various criteria, and may or may not be influenced by postings in the group, however well-informed or accurate. All messages removed by unauthorized cancels will be automatically reposted by Dave the Resurrector or a similar program, or at the discretion of a group moderator. Spams, gateway spews, and other attacks on the system itself will be removed as appropriate, following standard Usenet guidelines. Binary files will not be approved for posting in The following are sample topics which will be addressed in Blocklist creation and maintenance Nomination and delisting procedures Criteria used in listings Pros and cons of DNSBL usage Reduction of "false positives" Discussions of blocklist listings Effects of blocklist use on spam volume Other technologies for propagation and querying of a list New uses for blocklists Cross-posting articles to is not allowed; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the moderators, as for example in the case of FAQ's. Moderation will be performed using the Secure Team-based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) or similar technology, which will be supplied by Scott Hazen Mueller. Where practicable, the following procedures will be followed by the moderation team: - The moderators will maintain the tone of discourse so as to minimize the heated discussions to which the subject often leads. - Although moderators themselves may have strong opinions on the efficacy, application, or side-effects of one or another blocklist or other method of reducing spam, they are expected to refrain from allowing such opinions to influence their approval or rejection of articles. - The moderators may use the tools provided (now or in the future) to aid in moderation of the group. These may include "white lists," "black lists," keywording of headers, and word-filtering. - Moderators will be added to or removed from the team by a 2/3 majority vote. In the case of a vote for removal, the moderator under review will not be permitted to vote. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Kelly Molloy Moderator: David Romerstein Moderator: Jim Seymour Moderator: Matt Tway Moderator: Larry M. Smith Moderator: Scott Hazen Mueller Moderator: Dave Lugo Moderator: WD Baseley Moderator: Gary Callison Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. IMPORTANT VOTING PROCEDURE NOTES: READ THIS BEFORE VOTING The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest in reading the proposed newsgroup, and soliciting votes from uninterested parties defeats this purpose. Do *not* distribute this CFV; instead, direct people to the official CFV as posted to news.announce.newgroups. Distributing specific voting instructions or pre-marked copies of this CFV is considered vote fraud. This is a public vote: All email addresses, names and votes will be listed in the final RESULT post. The name used may be either a real name or an established Usenet handle. At most one vote is allowed per person or per account. Duplicate votes will be resolved in favor of the most recent valid vote. Voters must mail their ballots directly to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded, or proxy votes are not valid, nor are votes mailed from WWW/HTML/CGI forms (which should not exist). Votes from nonexistent accounts or with munged, spam-blocked, or undeliverable addresses are invalid and will NOT be counted. Please direct any questions to the votetaker at HOW TO VOTE: Extract the ballot from the CFV by deleting everything before and after the "BEGINNING OF BALLOT" and "END OF BALLOT" lines. Don't worry about the spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. Please, DO NOT send the entire CFV back to me! Fill in the ballot as shown below. Please provide your real name (or established Usenet handle) and indicate your desired vote in the appropriate locations inside the ballot. Examples of how to properly indicate your vote: [ YES ] [ NO ] [ ABSTAIN ] example.abstention [ CANCEL ] example.cancellation DO NOT modify, alter or delete any information in this ballot! If you do, the voting software will probably reject your ballot. When finished, MAIL the vote to Just "replying" to this message should work, but check the "To:" line. Votes mailed to any other email address, including that of the votetaker, will NOT be counted. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. You are responsible for reading your ack and making sure your vote is registered correctly. If these instructions are unclear, please consult the Introduction to Usenet Voting or the Usenet Voting FAQ at ======== BEGINNING OF BALLOT: Delete everything before this line ======= .----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1ST CALL FOR VOTES: | Official Usenet Voting Ballot [NANAB-42-2] (Do not remove this line!) |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Please provide your real name, or your vote may be rejected. Established | Usenet handles are also acceptable. Place ONLY your name (ie. do NOT | include your e-mail address or any other information; ONLY your name) | after the colon on the following line: Voter Name: | Insert YES, NO, ABSTAIN, or CANCEL inside the brackets for each | newsgroup listed below (do not delete the newsgroup name): Your Vote Newsgroup --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ ] ======== END OF BALLOT: Delete everything after this line ============== DISTRIBUTION: This CFV will be posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups Votes in error -- these votes will NOT be counted. (Ironically, several of the bounced acks failed due to blocklisting. :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Derek Morton ! Ack bounced Adam Brower ! Ack bounced address~signature.blk Jay T. Blocksom ! Ack bounced JOE~OREGON.UOREGON.EDU Joe St Sauver ! Ack bounced Patricia A. Shaffer ! Ack bounced Werehatrack ! Ack bounced Richard Johnson ! Ack bounced Tirani ! Invalid address From usenet Wed Jun 18 04:33:49 2003 Path:!!!bounce-back From: David E. Smith Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups, Subject: RESULT: passes 200:14 Followup-To: news.groups Message-ID: <[email protected]> Supersedes: <[email protected]> Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers Approved: [email protected] Archive-Name: Date: Sat, 07 Jun 2003 10:58:25 -0700 Lines: 432 Xref: news.announce.newgroups:9338 news.groups:443259 RESULT moderated group passes 200:14 There were 200 YES votes and 14 NO votes, for a total of 214 valid votes. There were 3 abstains and 11 invalid ballots. For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes. There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes. There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted. If no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter. Newsgroups line: Discussion of ip-based blocklisting. (Moderated) Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 4 Jun 2003. This vote was conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: adam brower Proponent: Jim Seymour Votetaker: David E. Smith RATIONALE: The increasing use and popularity of methods to propagate and query a list of data in an attempt to reduce network abuse has given rise to the need for a group specifically devoted to the discussion of their use and administration. These methods include dns-based blocklists (DNSBL), right-hand side blocklists (RHSBL,) among others. Historically, blocklists have long been used by local administrators to regularize the habits of not only their local users, but the outside world, at their local hosts and networks. Recently, the use of centrally controlled lists has gained a measure of acceptance, notably in their use to reduce unsolicited bulk email, commonly known as "spam." This practice of blocking traffic from insecure sites, sites believed to have bad policies in place, or sites hosting known abusers has grown in favor. This conclusion follows not only from the large number of distributed or queryable lists in use today, but from the ways in which they are used. Blocklists are no longer used only to prevent spam. Current forums in which discussions of these topics are held attract many contributors whose strong dislike of network abuse and its perpetrators results in the drowning out of more quietly-stated views with which they may be in disagreement. As a result, new readers of these groups are often faced with a bewildering cacophony of advice, ill-conceived technical information, and outright flames. Far from contributing to the reduction of abuse, this actually contribute to its perpetuation by driving away the very participants who have entered the group for assistance. In particular, has been overwhelmed by the volume of discussion of blocklist-related topics. It is hoped that the new group will serve as a more focussed forum for these discussions, thereby returning n.a.n-a.e to the purpose stated in its charter as "a forum for discussion of possible abuses of e-mail." will exist as an alternative forum where interested parties may exchange views and information in a civil manner. It is anticipated that not only administrators with comments, questions, and observations on the use of blocklists, but also those affected by their use (e.g., those whose addresses are listed in blocklists, and abuse personnel) will find such a forum useful, and that the discussions in the group will yield benefits not only to administrators, abuse personnel, and those who find their addresses listed, but to the internet community itself, by focussing attention solely on blocklist issues, promoting calm, rational, informed discussion of those issues, and in the end contributing to the reduction of network abuse. CHARTER: is a newsgroup devoted to discussion of subjects related to the use, administration, and effects of blocklists in ameliorating the problem of unsolicited bulk email and other unwanted or abusive network traffic. Any topic which is especially of interest to those maintaining, using, or affected by blocklists is welcome in this group. The nature of the topic is such that expressions of anger and frustration are expected, but vulgarity, ad hominem attacks, unwarranted generalisations and non-productive displays of pique (however elegantly worded,) will be rejected at the discretion of the moderators. Rejected articles will be returned to the author. Where practicable, the moderator may include advice on how to revise the article to better meet the criteria for acceptance. In general, the moderators will not reject articles based on content, but only on tone and language. However, some content may be deemed unsuitable. Examples of content-related criteria for rejection may include ad hominem attacks, repetitive expositions of largely identical arguments, and non- informative expressions of opinion on the viability of one or another list, method, provider, or listed entity. The focus will be on information. Although discussions in the group may focus on one or another listing in a specific blocklist, the advice and opinions expressed in the group should not be taken as authoritative for any listing or list. Maintainers of various lists use their own various criteria, and may or may not be influenced by postings in the group, however well-informed or accurate. All messages removed by unauthorized cancels will be automatically reposted by Dave the Resurrector or a similar program, or at the discretion of a group moderator. Spams, gateway spews, and other attacks on the system itself will be removed as appropriate, following standard Usenet guidelines. Binary files will not be approved for posting in The following are sample topics which will be addressed in Blocklist creation and maintenance Nomination and delisting procedures Criteria used in listings Pros and cons of DNSBL usage Reduction of "false positives" Discussions of blocklist listings Effects of blocklist use on spam volume Other technologies for propagation and querying of a list New uses for blocklists Cross-posting articles to is not allowed; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the moderators, as for example in the case of FAQ's. Moderation will be performed using the Secure Team-based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) or similar technology, which will be supplied by Scott Hazen Mueller. Where practicable, the following procedures will be followed by the moderation team: - The moderators will maintain the tone of discourse so as to minimize the heated discussions to which the subject often leads. - Although moderators themselves may have strong opinions on the efficacy, application, or side-effects of one or another blocklist or other method of reducing spam, they are expected to refrain from allowing such opinions to influence their approval or rejection of articles. - The moderators may use the tools provided (now or in the future) to aid in moderation of the group. These may include "white lists," "black lists," keywording of headers, and word-filtering. - Moderators will be added to or removed from the team by a 2/3 majority vote. In the case of a vote for removal, the moderator under review will not be permitted to vote. END CHARTER. MODERATOR INFO: Moderator: Kelly Molloy Moderator: David Romerstein Moderator: Jim Seymour Moderator: Matt Tway Moderator: Larry M. Smith Moderator: Scott Hazen Mueller Moderator: Dave Lugo Moderator: WD Baseley Moderator: Gary Callison Administrative contact address: [email protected] Article submission address: [email protected] END MODERATOR INFO. DISTRIBUTION: The CFV was posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups Final Vote Ack (To recreate the original email addresses, replace % with @) Voted Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32123 Bob Bailin Corey Seward Aardvark Zymurgy Abuse Admin Treehouse Alan Schwartz Andrew M. Inggs A. Murphy Andrew Rendle Andrew Barrett Anthony Edwards Barbara Anne Richards Barry Dorrans Ben Scott Bonnell Frost Bill Maloy Bill Cole Brian Lecorchick Bob O`Bob Robert H. Lyons, Jr. Niels Olof Bouvin Brian McNett (usenet handle "Caveman Og") Mark Garrett William Denton Bob Zinn Carel Cathy Sarisky Colin Faber Christopher Robin Zimmerman Christopher X. Candreva Robert Cikovic Clare Elliott Scott Delahunt Shelly Rayner Lucas Cliff Stancil Christopher Ish Dick Rinewalt Martin Roth David desJardins David Farrar David E. Bath David W. Crawford Devin L. Ganger Dermot Frost Onion Knight Dave Lugo Daniel E. Macks Denis McKeon Duncan Murdoch Don Aitken David Ritz Dan Riley Hawkeye-X David Ramalho edward bertsch Edward Reid Ekkehard Uthke Elias Alvord Eduardo Lucero Erik Warmelink Ermanno Iannacci Esa Peuha Espen Randen Adrian Edmonds Franck T. George Rickle Gregory Woodbury Brian T Glenn Niko Mikkanen David Grabiner Graham Drabble Greg R. Broderick Gregg Anderson Jesper Harder Heikki Kantola howard goldstein Hokan Gary S. "Huey" Callison Ronald D. Edge Herb Oxley James Riden J. B. Levin Joshua Colson John David Galt Jeff Wynn John F Hall Jim Howes Jimi Tubman Jim Jaworski James John Farmer Jon Lewis James Ley Jos=E9 Lamas R=EDos Jo Ann Malina Jay Maynard James Morris John M Price PhD Johan Haagsma Jacmo Fenanay John Wilcock John Day John R. Levine Jim Rusling Jim Seymour Jules Dubois Murray Watson Janet Walz Don Root Kathy Cole keith lim Kelly Molloy Ken Robinson Larry Kilgallen Karl A. Krueger Kathy Morgan Leo G. Simonetta Sebastian Brocks Matt B Matthew J. Evans md%Linux.IT Marco d'Itri Michael Haardt Michael Tokarev Michal Rosa Mongrel Mind Christian Weisgerber Dot Matrix Bruce Crawford Chris Suslowicz Michael Rathbun Ned Fleming Nick Tarleton Kevin Wayne Williams Andrew Tellez Claes Tullbrink Matt Carothers Patrick Texier David Pascoe Paul A. Franz, P.E. Peter Peters Pelerin Galimatias Phillip Brandon Holmes Peter Stephenson Jim La Vergne Russ Price Rick Blackthorn Jim Higgins Brian Reed Russ Ault, aka Werehatrack Richard Cox Richard H Miller Rick Mendenhall Richard C. Tietjens Richard Johnson Robert A. Allen David Romerstein Arthur L. Rubin Richard R Clark ru igarashi Sapient Fridge Stuart Faulds SEAN EMBRY Seth Breidbart Larry M. Smith Etaoin Shrdlu Simon Lyall sleeper Steven Lucas steve peake spammaster Rune Persson Chris N. Steven Marzuola George Crissman THOMAS BETZ Terry H. Gilsenan Thierry Thomas Thomas Lemoine Thor Kottelin Tim Boyer Ted Louis Glenn Karen Hoffmann Tim Skirvin Rex M F Smith Jay T. Blocksom Robert-Jan van Ette Adrian von Bidder Verbila Vincent Schonau Vic Dura Billy Arnold Winston Edmond Werner Wayne Sanders-Unrein Wim Morrison ( Gary Grossoehme Dick Wisan Wiz Woof Ridge Voted No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alan Brown Chuck Mize Ed Gaillard G.P. Ryan irenka gra Laurence F. Sheldon, Jr. Rob Maxwell Jason Harrison Michael Masters Pan Peter Smyth Roland Verlander Dwight Brown Tom Perrett Abstained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axlq Ernest Cline Joel Ehrlich Votes in error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Derek Morton ! Ack bounced Adam Brower ! Ack bounced address%signature.blk Jay T. Blocksom ! Ack bounced Andrea Rimicci ! Ack bounced JOE%OREGON.UOREGON.EDU Joe St Sauver ! Ack bounced Mike Andrews ! Ack bounced Patricia A. Shaffer ! Ack bounced Werehatrack ! Ack bounced Larry M. Smith ! No ballot Tero Paananen ! Ack bounced Tirani ! Invalid address